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Chronicling America

Local Government Records - Dickey County. Superintendent of Schools- #41835

Title: Dickey County. Superintendent of Schools, Reorganization Records

Dates: 1921-1989

Record Series: 41835

Quantity: 2 feet

Abstract: Consists of annexations, dissolutions, and reorganizations of school districts. May include minutes, correspondence, petitions, school district maps, and poll & tally lists.

Copyright: Public records are not subject to copyright restrictions, although record series may contain copyrighted material.  Consideration of such copyrights is the responsibility of the author and publisher.

Access: These records are available for public inspection under provision of the North Dakota Century Code, 55-02.1-08.

Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the record group, series name and number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.

BOX / FOLDER INVENTORY                                                                    

Box 1:
1 Antelope SD #27 Reorganization 1962     
2 Ashley Annexation of Albrights Valley SD #11 1965     
3 Ashley Annexation of Hillsdale SD #19 1963     
4 Edgeley PSD #3 Annexation of Dickey PSD #2 1970     
5 Ellendale Special SD #40 Annexation of Ada SD #12 1958     
6 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Albion SD #17 1958     
7 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Dickey SD #16 1957-1958
8 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Elm SD #18 1958     
9 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Farming Valley SD #14 1958     
10 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Kent SD #20 1958     
11 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of a portion of Spring Valley SD #25 1959     
12 Ellendale SD #40 Annexation of Whitestone SD #6 1972     
13 Forbes SD #42 Annexation of part of Ellendale SD #40 1959     
14 Forbes PSD #42 Dissolution 1989     
15 Fullerton Annexation of Kent SD #20 1958     
16 Fullerton SD Annexation of Yorktown SD 1959     
17 Fullerton-Monango Plan for Reorganization 1969, 1991
18 Guelph SD Annexation of Eaton SD #11 1967-1968
19 Hudson-Port Emma Consolidation 1954     
20 Hudson-Port Emma SD #39 Annexation of Ada SD #12 and Kent SD #20 1955-1958
21 LaMoure SD #8 Annexation of Dickey SD #2 1970     
22 LaMoure SD #8 Annexation of Part of Oakes SD #41 1970-1971
23 LaMoure SD #8-Marion SD #9 Exchange 1966     
24 LaMoure SD #8-Oakes SD #41 Property Exchange 1977     
25 McIntosh County Annexations 1962-1963
26 Monango-Forbes Reorganization 1989-1993
27 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Divide SD #32 1958     
28 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Eaton SD #11 1971     
29 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Guelph SD #39 1970     
30 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of James River Valley SD #1 1970-1972
31 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of LaMoure SD #8 1972-1973
32 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Riverdale SD #24 1972-1973
33 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Riverdale SD #24 1972-1973
34 Oakes SD #41 Annexation of Yorktown SD 1959
35 Oakes SD #41-LaMoure SD #8 Exchange 1977
36 Potsdam SD Organization out of Merricourt SD #4 1921
37 Riverdale SD #24 Dissolution 1973
38 Bobbe v Forbes Public School Board 1981
39 Election Notices 1958     
40 Establishment of Kulm SD #7  1959     
41 Petition for Establishing a County Public Library 1957-1960
42 Petition to Annex a portion of Ellendale SD #40 to Oakes SD #41 1977     
43 Petition to Annex a portion of Jud SD to Kulm SD #7 1964     
44 Petition to Attach a Portion of Divide SD #32 to Oakes SD #41 1959     
45 Petition to Attach Nordby PSD #12, Logan County to Kulm SD #7 1966     
46 Petition to Annex portions of LaMoure SD #8 to Oakes SD #41 1971-1973
47 Petition to Annex portions of Oakes SD #41 to LaMoure SD #8 1971     
48 Petition to Annex portions of Verona SD #11 to Oakes SD #41 1974-1975
Box 2:
1 Reorganization Plan for Ellendale SD #35 1954     
2 Reorganization and Annexation Minutes 1947-1989
3 Reorganization Correspondence 1947-1950
4 Reorganization Correspondence 1951-1958
5 Reorganization Plan for Oakes SD #36 1957-1972
6 Reorganization - Various 1950-1977
7 School Redistricting Poll Books 6/1953  
8 School District Map n.d.

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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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