Records identified as having historical value by the State Archivist, mandated under NDCC 55-02.1, must be transferred to the State Archives once the retention period has been met.
Please complete the State Archives Government Records Transfer form if you have records to transfer to the State Archives as governed by a retention schedule. A representative from the State Archives will contact you shortly after receiving of the form.
In most cases, State Archives staff will pick up records and transfer them to the State Archives at the North Dakota Heritage Center.
Confidential records will remain on confidential status when transferred to the State Archives. These records will not be open for public inspection.
The State Archivist will send acknowledgement and receipt to certify the records were transfered. This receipt will be available for the State Archivist, agency, and the State Records Administrator in NDIT's Records Management System (RMS).
Email with any questions.
Agencies must use sturdy, uniform-size records boxes, such as banker's boxes, to transfer physical records.
Keep records in file folders and maintain existing arrangement. Each record series should be separate.
Label all boxes with record series title, record control number (from the records retention schedule), and date range.
Send any indexes or inventories with the records or to the State Archives.
Keep records in file folders and maintain existing arrangement. Each record series should be separate.
Send any indexes or inventories with the records or to the State Archives.
Here are a few helpful tips regarding file naming:
Digital File Structure Example:
Governor’s Office 2020 Transfer
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Email the State Archives Reference Team at to access transferred records.
If the records are electronic records, contact the Reference Team for access.
State Archives Digital Preservation Policy Framework
This document was created to formalize the North Dakota State Archives’ commitment to ensuring long term viability of electronic records created by state and local government entities of North Dakota.
State Archives Digitization/Scanning Standard
This standard provides information about the digitization of historical state and local government records with a permanent retention.
Council of State Archivists File Format Guidelines
The North Dakota State Archives aligns with the Council of State Archivists’s guidance for preservation file formats found in this document.
North Dakota Information Technology – Records Management
The Records Management Program of North Dakota is responsible for the supervision and administration of state records.
North Dakota Information Technology – Electronic Records Management Guidelines
This publication provides guidance on effective management of electronic records to North Dakota state and local government agencies.
Secure File Transfer System Tutorial
This tutorial provides an overview of zipping files and sending via the Secure File Transfer System.
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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State Museum and Store: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F; Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are closed New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. We are closed at noon Christmas Eve if it falls on Mon.-Thurs. and are closed all day if it falls on Fri.-Sun.
State Archives: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F, except state holidays; 2nd Sat. of each month, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Appointments are recommended. To schedule an appointment, please contact us at 701.328.2091 or
State Historical Society offices: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F, except state holidays.
Contact Us:
phone: 701.328.2666
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