Title: Leo and Louise Benz Family
Dates: 1930-1986
Collection Number: MSS 11194
Quantity: .25 foot
Abstract: Consists of correspondence, marriage, confirmation and baptism records, commencement programs, printed materials and certificates and diplomas earned by family members.
Provenance: The provenance of this collection is unknown.
Property rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to the collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Bismarck Tribune, January 30, 2001
Leo Clarence Benz was born January 5, 1923, in Killdeer (ND) to Frank and Barbara Benz. He grew up on the family farm north of Dunn Center, and attended Connally School District No. 2 and graduated from Dunn Center High School in 1941. He enlisted in the V-5 program in 1941 and was called in 1943 to the U.S. Navy. He was discharged April 6, 1946, having served in the Pacific Theater.
Leo completed two terms at the Dickinson State Teacher’s College. He transferred to NDSU and graduated in 1952 with a degree in agricultural engineering. After three years in the BIA, he returned to NDSU where he graduated with a M.S. in agricultural engineering. He worked on his Ph.D. at Utah State University. His life was dedicated to working on problems of soil salinity, drainage and irrigation, with the Northern Great Plains Research Center. He was on the professional staff from 1957 until his retirement in 1986.
In 1951, Leo married his college sweetheart, Louise Kyllo. Together they raised four children: one girl and three boys. Family was very important to him. He loved watching them grow and develop. His love of the great outdoors was expressed through camping, hunting, fishing and photograph, and he taught his children to love the same.
Leo was an avid outdoorsman, who especially enjoyed the autumn when he harvested his garden and taught his children and grandchildren to enjoy North Dakota’s natural resources. He was devoted to his family. He is fondly remembered for overcoming adversity, his family leadership, and teaching his family how to live life to the fullest.
Leo was an active member in Trinity Lutheran Church, Professional Engineers, ASAE, Soil Conservation Society of America, VFW, Elks, American Geophysical Society, and the Wednesday Morning Breakfast club. He was also on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center. Leo Benz passed away January 29, 2001.
Box 1:
1 Certificates and diplomas:
- Leo Benz, Bachelor of Science Degree Diploma, Agricultural Engineering, North Dakota Agricultural College (Fargo, ND), 1951
- Louise Benz, Bachelor of Science Degree Diploma, Home Economics, North Dakota Agricultural College (Fargo, ND), 1952
- Leo Benz, Master of Science Degree Diploma, Agricultural Engineering, North Dakota Agricultural College (Fargo, ND), 1957
- Louise Benz, Certificate to teach adult Bible Studies, the Adult Christian Education Foundation (Madison, WI), 1963
- Linda Benz, Diploma, Grand Forks High School, June 5, 1970
2 Marriage, baptism, confirmation materials:
- Confirmation booklet, Leo Clarence Benz, July 18, 1937
- Leo and Louise (Kyllo) Benz marriage booklet, August 19, 1951
- Baptism book, Bruce Franklin Benz, Bismarck (ND), July 25, 1955
- Baptism book, Leo Jon Benz, May 5, 1957
- Confirmation Certificate, Bruce Franklin Benz, May 17, 1970
3 Correspondence, printed materials and miscellaneous
- University of North Dakota Commencement booklet, 1930
- Linda Benz school health examination record, July 4, 1952
- North Dakota Agricultural College commencement booklets, 1952 and 1957
- Kindergarten Certificate, Linda Benz, May 2, 1958
- Letter of appointment to the position of Adjunct Professor of Agricultural Engineering at NDSU, March 17, 1983
- North Dakota Farmers Union Convention Program in recognition of Stanley M. Moore, December 5, 1986
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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