Title: Arntz Family
Dates: ca. 1900-2011
Collection Number: MSS 11107
Quantity: 1.5 feet
Abstract: Papers consist of a hard copy of "A Chronological History of the Familie Arntz," "Burnstad Comet Notes" - a publication of notes taken from the 'personals' columns of the 1910- 1919 issues of the Comet newspaper published weekly ion Burnstad, ND, land records,
genealogical records of the Arntz and Leege families, photographs and negatives.
Provenance: The collection was donated by Ruth McDonald Litke on December 13, 2011. This inventory was created by Emily E. Schultz in December 2011.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Transfer: One patch was offered to the Museums Division in December 2011. See case file for more information.
Collection notes: Please note that many of the photographs are copies, which means that they are for reference use only.
Box 1:
(loose) Note to researchers from Ruth McDonald Litke
1 Hard copy of “A Chronological History of the Familie Arntz,” published in 1989
2 Arntz family – social security cards (Ethel Murray Arntz and Edward Warner Arntz), pedigree charts, family group sheets, photograph of Fred and Ethel Arntz [image number 11107-88], news clippings, reminiscences, maps, memorial (funeral) records, 1932-2011
3 Arntz Family – homestead certificate (copy), legal documents, reminiscences,
correspondence, marriage records, maps, microfilmed records, “Memories of the West: Stories and Poems” by Antonia K. Bares, ca 1911-1991
4 Arntz microfilm records, compiled in the 1980s
5 Leege family – photographs (image numbers 11107-89 – 11107-98), genealogical records, 1925-1987
6 Burnstad township – highlights from newspaper that were not included in the “Burnstad Comet Notes,” legal records, township records, correspondence, clippings, 1916-1986
7 “Burnstad Comet Notes” master copy – publication of notes taken from the “Personals” columns of the 1910-1919 issues of the Comet newspaper, published by Susan McDonald Burke, summer 1989
Box 2:
Photographs 11107-01 and 11107-02
Negatives 11107-43, 11107-62 and 11107-99
Box 3:
Photographs 11107-03 – 11107-35
Box 4:
Photographs 11107-36 – 11107-87
Photograph descriptions
11107-01 Edward Werner and Ethel Helen (Murray) Arntz portrait
11107-02 Anna Leege Arntz, Eva, Mary, Alida, Lucy, Frances and Hilda
11107-03 Burnstad, ND 4th-6th grades portrait, 1927: Top Row: teacher Jessie Dayton, Virgil
Walker, Curtis Kirch, Freddie Hardy, Don Arntz, Charlie Braufman, Clare Hoberg, Herschel Walker, Claton Kirsch, unidentified. Bottom row: Helen Burnstad, Clara Lubbers, Doris Smith, Irene Bjugstad, Elsie Flemmer (?), LaVern Gau, Margaret Arntz, Irene Arntz, Leota Gau, Eleanor Arntz, Mildred Helemuth, Harriet Hoberg, Ester Lubbers, and Wilma Wacker
11107-04 Theo and Anna Arntz, about 1940
11107-05 Don and Margaret Arntz (McDonald)’s confirmation
11107-06 Ed Arntz with Myrt and Min, ca 1920
11107-07 Don Arntz with badger
11107-08 Mildred Mulligan, Dorothy Mulligan, Margaret Arntz, Ruth Mulligan, Donald Arntz
11107-09 Margaret and Hilda Arntz
11107-10 Bob Arntz with Myrt and Min, ca 1920
11107-11 Edward Arntz, ca 1920
11107-12 Top row: Wm (?) Arntz, 2nd row: Lucy Hauh, Arthur Arntz, 3rd row: Alida Day, Hilda Bohlin, Walter Arntz, bottom row: Edward Arntz, Eva Smith, Mary Held, Leo Arntz and Frances Blount
11107-13 Threshing machine, Burnstad, ND, ca 1910
11107-14 Ed and Ethel Arntz
11107-15 Ethel Arntz, August 1948
11107-16 Ethel Arntz at house in Fargo, ND, ca 1960
11107-17 Ethel Arntz at 1333 10th Avenue Fargo, ND
11107-18- 20 Ed Arntz with big fish, trailer camp, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 1945
11107-21 Lucille, Ruth and Janet
11107-22-23 Bob and Frances Arntz
11107-25 Back: Eva, Lucy, Walter, Hilda, Walter Bohlin; front: Rudolph, Mary, Jessie, Myrtle
11107-26 Maurice (Sonny), Dilbert, Dilos, Arthur (Bud), Donald, Leonard; Melvin, Ramona, Delores, Loretta, Edna, Gertrude, Bob; “Don said this photo was taken at Delores’ home – maybe at Grandma Arntz funeral”
11107-27 Arntz sisters Frances, Eva, Hilda, Lucy, Mary at family reunion at Harth’s cabin, 1953
11107-28 Arntz brothers Bill, Rudy, Paul, Theo, Walter and Arthur at family reunion at Harth’s cabin, 1953
11107-29 Residence of W. Arntz, 13 miles northwest of Tyndall SD, B. W. Burnett, photographer: the four little boys are Oscar, Willie, Louie and Theodore, the adults are probably William H. and Eva, parents, Mary and Antonia, men on horseback are unknown (from Jim Arntz file) (copy)
11107-30 Arthur Arntz family (Arthur, Burnett, Arla, Aldo and Verla) (copy)
11107-31 Uncle Napoleon and Father (William H?) Arntz (copy)
11107-32 Lucy Arntz portrait (copy)
11107-33 Edward, Rudy, Paul, T.J., Arthur, Walter, Bill and Theo, ca. 1918 (copy)
11107-34 Werner Napoleon Alexander Arntz and grandson Edward Werner Arntz (copy)
11107-35 Lena Leege Nicklas and Hugo Nicklas portrait (copy)
11107-36 Left to right: teacher (Campbell?), Mary, Eva, Lucy, Frances, in front of Depot Soo Line shipping crate (copy)
11107-37 Theo Arntz and Anna Leege Arntz, ca 1950s (copy)
11107-38 Ed Arntz, Burnstad, ND, ca 1920 (copy)
11107-39 Theo Arntz and Lanna Leege Arntz (copy)
11107-40 Ed Arntz and Brownie (copy)
11107-41 Margaret Arntz with Rover (copy)
11107-42 Bob Arntz on right (copy)
11107-43 Motor home built by Ed Arntz, Marian Shepard, Cliff Arntz, Cecil Shepard, Margaret Arntz, Lyle Shepard, Ronan, MT, ca 1928 (Ted M. Shepard photo) (copy)
11107-44 Bob Arntz, Don Arntz, Marie (?) Beret (?) about 1917 (copy)
11107-45 Donald Arntz (copy)
11107-46 Margaret Arntz McDonald, 1918 (copy)
11107-47 Clifford Arntz (copy)
11107-48 Might be Marion Mulligan and daughter Mildred at farm north of Burnstad near Ed Arntz homestead (copy)
11107-49 Might be Marion Mulligan and daughter Mildred at farm north of Burnstad near Ed Arntz homestead, the man looks like Ed Arntz but could be Tom Mulligan (copy)
11107-50 Ethel Helen Murray portrait, “Blatzkley studios,” Kilbourn, WI (copy)
11107-51 Ethel Murray Arntz, Shanley Apartment, Fargo, ND, 1953
11107-52 Maxine Arntz, Margaret and Frankie McDonald (babies), Ruth McDonald, Lucille Arntz, Janet McDonald (copy)
11107-53 Bob, Lucille, and Maxine Arntz portrait (copy)
11107-54 Robert Arntz, Margaret (Arntz) McDonald, Dan Arntz, Clifford Arntz, Little Floyd Lake, Detroit Lakes, MN, 1961 (copy)
11107-55 Eleanor and Clifford Arntz
11107-56 Back: Bob Spittler, John, Jim, David, John Fettig; Front: Molley Spittler, James O., Doris, Mimi Fettig, children on laps: Heather Spittler and David Fettig
11107-57-58 Alois Werner Arntz and Anna Setzer Arntz
11107-59 All 14 grandchildren and “us” June 19,1 992 (identification on back)
11107-60 Ethel H. Arntz grave
11107-61 Edward W. Arntz grave
11107-62-65 Werner Arntz grave, Calvary Cemetery, Wisconsin Dells, WI
11107-66 Peter Arntz plot, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-67 Johanna Arntz grave, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-68 Peter Arntz monument, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-69 Henry Arntz plot, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-70 Monument, Charles Jerome Arntz, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-71 Charles J. Arntz grave marker, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-72 B. H. Arntz grave marker, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-73 Peter Arntz grave, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-74 Bertha A. Rafferty grave marker, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-75 Henry J. P. Arntz grave marker, St. Mary’s cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI (more information on back of photograph)
11107-76 Theodore Arntz farm, Section 20, Red Lake Township, Logan County, ND, August 1986
11107-77 The only store in Burnstad, ND, formerly Post Office, August 1986
11107-78 Burnstad, ND August 1986
11107-79 Burnstad, ND, August 1986
11107-80 Looking west down Section line, section 18, Red Lake Township, Logan county, ND. This was the section line road past the buildings Edward Arntz homesteaded, now just a farm trail, August 1986
11107-81 Section 18, Red Lake Township, Logan County, ND formerly Ed Arntz homestead on Section line near building site looking south toward Sect. 19, August 1986
11107-82 Near Burnstad, ND, August 1986
11107-83 Near Burnstad, ND, August 1986
11107-84 Inscription on monument
11107-85 Left to right: Verla, Marjory, Patty, Delores, Ala, (back) Beulah Rathe, Carmen ?, Romona Helda, Johce Engen, Jane Helinski
11107-86 Left to right: Lucille Shea and Marjory Eslinger
11107-87 Back, left to right: Bill Eslinger, Bob Stark, Lucas Held, Tom Smith, Norman Arntz, Melvin Arntz, Dick Smith; Bottom, left to right: ?, Al Arntz, Cliff Arntz, Jim Arntz
11107-88 Ed and Ethel Arntz (print) – Box 1, folder 2
11107-89 At Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-90 Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-91 Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-92 Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-93 Christian Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-94 At Leege grave – Box 1, folder 5
11107-95 Meno and Fred Leege portrait (print) – Box 1, folder 5
11107-96 John Leege portrait (print) – Box 1, folder 5
11107-97 John and Hannah Leege portrait (print) – Box 1, folder 5
11107-98 Mrs. Eggen, Mrs. Nicklas, Kate Harth, Emil Harth, Mr. Nicklas, Mr. Eggan, “old timers,” Burnstad, ND, 1925 (print of photograph from George Harth) – Box 1, folder 5
11107-99 Calvary Cemetery, Wisconsin Dells, WI
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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