Title: Louise Jevne
Dates: 1957-1980
Collection Number: 10644
Quantity: 13 feet
Abstract: Letters, diaries, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, genealogical reference material, and biographies of pioneers who lived within the Mouse River Loop to the Canadian border.
Provenance: Louise Jevne and her daughter Val Holmgren donated this collection to the State Historical Society of North Dakota in December 2003.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related Collections:
MSS 10157 ND Oral History Collection. Interview with Louis and Harry Jevne 0792A & B
Box 1:
Aarhus, Lars
Aaker, Dr. A.O.
Aalund, Samuel and Esther families
Aasen, Tom and Family
Abernathy, Donald & Mildred
Abernathy, Charley & Cora
Abrahamson, Edwin
Adams, Charles & Ethel family
Adams, Henry & Lydia (Brandt) families
Aga, John P. & Peter
Ahman, Clara (Zettiner)
Aitken, Albert
Aiken, George & Leona (Schoenberg)
Aiken Jerome Wilber and wife Amelia (Minnie) Heiser
Albers, Lewis families
Albright, Steve son of Richard
Alderin, Andrew
Alderman, Freeman & family
Alef, Tony and family
Alexander, Robert
Alkenbrack, Halla (Culber) (Mrs. John)
Allen, George & Elizabeth (Harkness)
Allen, Floyd and Gertrude (Burke) families
Allen, Ezra & Lydia (Meyers) family
Allison, Allen & Bessie (Kaylor) family
Allen, Warren G. & Marjorie (Thorpe)
Allen, Frances (Mrs. Jesse Bonners)
Almy, Fred & Chet families
Amble, Arthur & Iva (Barker)
Amrein, Chet & Kathryn (Wilson)
Anderson, Robert & Betty Lou (Sims)
Anderson, Charlie & Hozel (Williams)
Anderson, Goldie (Mrs. Wesley Josewski)
Anderson, Lester & Willard families
Anderson, Emil & Susan (Bryans)
Anderson, Mathea (Mrs. Martin Renden)
Anderson, Alice
Ankerberg, Mel & Jenny family, Esther & Duane
Annis, Mrs. Minnie
Armstrong, Richard & Vivian (Movius)
Armstrong, Beacher, Ernest, Milton, Inez, Cora families
Armstrong, Win. T.
Armstrong, Dave
Armstrong, W.A. family & daughter Margaret (M.F. Hubbard)
Armstrong, Aden LaFayette
Armstrong, Floyd, Mrs. Nellie, Seward.
Armstrong, John Porter, Leolie and sons, Bob & Harry
Arthur, Mrs. H.S.
Arneson, Andrew families
Asheim, John and Serena (Dokken) families
Atkins, Ralph M. and son Larry, daughter Cheryl
Askdal, Ellen
Atwood, Lela and father Ray
Aune, Marius & son Melvin
Aurland, Carl & Josie (Voight)
Aus, Martin and family
Auth, Marjorie (Mrs. Henry Moore)
Avery, Yvonne, Mabel & Mrs. Don Ward
Axness, Carl & Ted
Axtell, Richard and family
Babcock, Benjamin
Backes, John & Gertrude (Willenbring) families
Bagenstoos, Elaine
Bahi, Lulu (Kohrman)
Bailey, John T.
Bailey, Kenneth & wife Magalyn (Hunter)
Bailey, Forrest & wife Julia (Fenton)
Bailey, Valentine son Frank & Wife Betty Slenes
Bailey, J.F. son Howard
Bailey, F. Thomas
Baker, Joy and Neil Strecker
Baklenko, Lois
Ballman, Everette & wife Lois (Callahan)
Bakken, Rev. E. M.
Balding, Michael & Eileen
Ballentine, Nellie daughter Ethel
Banker, John Mrs.
Barenthsen, Fred & Carle
Barcus, Geo. & Nora (Courtney) families
Bartholomew, Win. & wife Inez Schulz & family
Barrett, Frank & Emma (Fulsom) and Blom families
Barrett, Susie (married Holoway)
Baska, Frank and Alice (West)
Bauer, Albert & Esther (Edinger)
Baumgartner, Mrs. Elinor
Baumgartner, Alfred, Steve
Bean, John M. and Mary (F. Shook) families
Beckendahl, families
Becker, Albert and Clara (Luick)
Becktold, Ted & Lydia (Wallace)
Beebe, George families
Behan, Dwight
Behm, Neiman & Dorothy
Belisle, Ralph and family
Belly, Clyde H.
Bellman, Charles & Jean (Ball)
Beizer, Arthur & Narjie (R. Seeley)
Bengston, Dennis, Andrew & Harold
Bennett, Theodore and family
Benson, Judge Asmunden S.
Benson, Edward (Reardon)
Benson, Douglas & Phyllis
Benton, William & Mabel families
Berg, Alfred & Esther (Zimmer)
Bergerson, Thomas & Mathilda (Mattern)
Berglof, George and ... (Lakefield) son Larry & families
Bergstrom, Stan, Sarg, Corvin
Bergrun, Paul & Darlene
Bertelson, Morten K. and Mary (Bigelow)
Bethke, Aaron & Thea (Jorgenson)
Berwick, Leonard & Lorraine (Malschenbacher)
Bierbaum, Edward B. (Ernest Albers farm)
Bierman, Walter F. and Marlys (Link)
Bergstrozer, Rev. John & ...
Billey, George & Violet (Nehrenberg) Casselman
Birnel, Malcolm S. and Alice (Clark)
Birnel, Jorner & Agnes (Koskins)
Bispring, Fred J. & Dorothea
Bjelland, Tom and Caroline (Foss) and family
Bjerkan, Ingvald & son Arthur & Bertha (Runnig)
Bjorke, Peter son of Andrew
Blakely, Lois
Bliss, Colonel Paul
Block, George C. and Alton
Blocker, George family
Blore, Edith C.
Bodine, Francis & Elizabeth (Grossman)
Bollinger, Harold
Bloms, Martin and families
Blowers, Robert and sons George, Tom, Avery, Emery
Boardman, Rev. Dwaine Harold and Edna Mae (Berg)
Bluel, Henry C. and Isabella (Schiffman)
Blame, Walter R. and Hulda (Lehman)
Callahan family
Cameron, Victor & Edith (Porter)
Cannon, Rev. R.W.
Cantlon, Cleo (Loveland)
Carbert, Charles family
Carlson, Carl & Mae (Anderson)
Carlson, Ernest & Alma (Herr)
Carlson, Jacob and ...Bryans family
Carlson, Edwin & Iva (Wood) family
Carlson, John & ...(Melvin) family
Carlson, Peter & family
Carlson, Vernon & Doris family
Carlson, Edward
Carlson, Oscar & Mabel (Nelson)
Carlson, Elmer & Alma (Anderson)
Carr, Elmer & Mary Ellen
Cart, Fred family
Carter, John & Nora (Tomlinson) & son Wm & Etta
Cascaden, Art & Susan (Sharp)
Cassady, Claude & Blanche (Haseltine)
Castelman, C.O. and Lola (Thompson) family
Cavanaugh, L.B. family
Chamberlain, Horace
Chambers, Archies. . . .and Medler families
Chandler, Andrew Jackson
Chantland, Robert & Gloria (Cosgrove) family
Chapdelaine family
Charlebois, J.H. and Millie (Levire)
Check, Lt. Fred & Cindy
Choiniere, Paul and Bertha (Wald)
Christensen, Linda
Christensen, Martin & Christine
Christianson, Carl and Augusta
Christianson, Christian and Helga
Christianson, Runa & husband David
Christenson families of area east of Glenburn, ND
Christopher, George and Rose (Mitchell)
Christopherson, Henry
Clapper, Cecil
Clark, Robert Jr. and Maude I. (Stevens)
Clementich, Jake and Mary (Paulius)
Cleven, Olaf and
Cleven, David and Anna (O’Connor)
Clouse, John
Clum, Elgia, and Ruth
Cockrun, Andrew & Myron families
Colcord, Clayton & Louise (Locchel)
Colcord Genealogy Descendants of Edward Colcord of NH 1630-1908
Colcord, Berta & Husband Bert Baker and family
Cole, Pat and Cindy (West)
Cole, Theresa Jenkins
Cole, Percy & Jennie&
Coleman, Louis & Susie (Parker)
Collins, Charles & Enola
Colley, Jerome
Colton Store Ledger, Burlington, ND
Conaway, Vernon & Eloise (Matthews)
Combs, Dr.
Conrad, Kent and Pam (Schafer)
Conkey, Lelah
Connole, Jean
Connors, Ruth and husband Bob
Convie, Lester
Cook, Elsie
Copeland, James & Maude (Armstrong) families
Cork, Norman & Lucille (Ober)
Corey, Robert
Cree, Earl & Kay
Crooks, Art and Bernella
Crosby, Lanny
Culbertson, W.A.
Cummings, Emma (Spooner)
Cybulko, Florence, Mrs. Bill Dunn
Wm M. Christen
Tom Christen
Kathleen Christen
Mary Christen
Sue Callies
Ellen Crawdord, 1967
Dahl, Bennie & Blanche
Dahle, George and wife Anna
Dailey, Bill and Elaine
Dahlseng, Clifford and June
Davey, W.W.
Davick, Wade and Dorene
Davis, Floyd and Opal (Cobb)
Davis Half Way House and stage coach on Canadia Trail
Davis, James P. & Rachael (Russell)
Davis, Larry and Sharon
Day, Sherman and Priscilla (Wilson)
Dayton, Archie C. and Teckla (Carlson)
Dayton, Glen and Carmen
Degree, LeRoy
Delahunty, James
Marquis, De Mores and wife Medora
De Silva, Mrs. E.A.
Des Lauriers, Ida (Littlejohn)
Detlaff, Arnold Jr. and wife Mary
Dewine, Dr. J.P.
Dickinson, I.H. and Bertha (Wilson)
Dierdorff, Ray and Nellie Hazel (Frank)
Dietz, Walter family
Dillon, Harry and family & Nellie
Dionne, Peter & Delia (Jastro) family
Dittmer, Rev. Mike and Lynne
Dix, Frederick and Caroline (Bernhardt)
Dodson, Rev. Wilbur and family
Dompier, Frederich and Patience L. Lattin
Donavan, J.A.
Dowing, Marie and husband Harry Williams
Dtlleberg, Stanley and Sue (Benz)-Mohall, ND
Duchsherer, Eugene L. and Mary Kay Helbling
Duerre, Sonja daughter of Dan and Judith
Dutner, John and 2nd wife Irene (Nett)
Duffler, Melvin & families
Dufner, Hubert & Esther (Henson)
Dunn, Fred B. and Bertha Chapin
DuVall, Richard (1905)
Daley, Jane
Devore, Debra
Dieinmer, Dale
Dodson, Opal
Earsley, Melvin & Hazel
Eastward, John
Eckert, George and Catherine (McCrary)
Eckert, Donovan and Gaila (Williams)
Edinger, Eldren and Ruth (Hanson)
Effertz, Hannah (Butt) and families
Ehr, Peter and John Ehr families
Ehr, George and Della Grevel families
Eide, John and Norma (Williams) families
Eidem, Ingeborg (Mrs. Oscar A. Olson)
Eielson, Col. Car. Ben
Einess, Bertha, Mrs. Floyd Mallet
Eldred, John
Ellingson, Gilbert and Marie Thompson families
Elliot, Agness
Ellis, Martha
Elton, Dr. T.J.
Emans, Ralph & Bessie (Johnson) Asp
Engebretson, Albert
Engel, Ervin
Engeihard, Gene & Lena
Engh, Mable daughter of Matt and Augusta
Engstrom, Vernie & Lena (Ledoux)
Espeseth, Laurence & Ida (Tossett)
Eniers, Rev. Duane & Helen (Stenberg)
Erber, Henry and Gladys (Loveland)
Erdmann, Fred and Zenora (Benton)
Erickson, Boyd & Kae (Castleman)
Erickson, Laura & sister Hazel
Erickson, Lawrence & Nellie
Etter, Isabel
Evanger, Alvin & Minnie (Nelson)
Evans, A.J.
Erving, Bob and wife Catherine
Ewen, Leila
Erickson, Floyd
Elsberry, Lloyd son of John, had son Richard
Emerson, Russel Pupils:
Faul, Lawrence and Betty family Pupils:
Fanchald, Julius and Inga N. Nerseth
Ferch, Dentist Lyle E.
Ferguson, Kathryn & Margaret
Fisher, Inez
Fitch, Winnif red
Fitchner, Loretta
Fitzgerald, Morris & Leah (Milkey)
Fitzmaurice, Dr. Edward & Alice (Bryant)
Fjeldahl, Martha (Mrs. Ruben Gravseth)
Fladseth, Grace
Flem, K.R. & Hilma J. Wilson
Flory, Orville family
Fluhrer, Donald
Foat, Garald & Rebecca (Hagar)
Foley, James W.
Foltyn, Tony & Elaine (Mattern)
Forland, Lars & Edna
Forschen, Roger & Helen (Liversay)
Fortune, Oliver family- daughter Irene
Foss, A.E. & Peter (Oss)
Foss, Roy and Dagney (Evanger)
Foster, Charles & Sarah (Beard)
Foster, Dr. A.R.
Forthun, Vernon & Laura (Steffan) family
Fox, Michael
Fowler, David & Ruth (Striker)
Francis, Elmer
Fredrickson, Rev. Chester S. and Frances (Drake)
French, Rial & Ella (Blessing) Lillie Grace
Froelich, Warren J. and Joyce Ann (Buchmeier)
Fruh, A.M. and Mable (Lindbloom)
Fry, Andrew and family
Frye, Gotlieb and Rosie (Adams)
Frye, Freddie and Regina (Frey) families
Freberg, Reb. Mervin & Linda (Dillsbaugh)
Fuchs, Frank & Minnie (Musch)
Fugelson, Peter and Sigrid (Larsen)
Fuller, Emilie
Fost, Benjamin
Foster, Barbara daughter of Charles Foster
Fougner, Cyd. daughter of Robert and Cook in our Custer play
Galvin, Francis
Gallagher, Mary and John families
Gamble, Wm and Tibatha (Brockelbank) families
Gamblin, Rev. Lee family
Gasman, Henry & Minnie (Thygeson)
Gates, Mike and Van Ray
Gay, Otie
Gebbardt, Marvin
Gelking, Victor and Alice
George, John and Wally
German, Clarence families
Gibbens, Charley family
Gilbert, Edna
Gilbertson, Ola and Christie
Gilbertson, Reinhart & Mathilda
Gilbertson, Marcus and Helga (Helseth)
Gillespie, Don
Gilseth, Floyd and Edna (Kelly)
Gilson, Opal (Mrs. Wally Preskey)
Gjermundson, Carol (Vaagen)
Glenn, Rev. Ray and Joan (Werley?)
Glick, John
Gobernatz, Chris family
Goetz, Leo and Mary Battchuck
Goldade, Peter and Magdalena (Lesmeister)
Good, Jesse and Johanna (Larsen)
Goode, Joseph
Gorman, Bernard and Goldie (Benton)
Gowan, Bob and Betty
Gowin, Harold and Ruby (Locke) family
Grace, Dr. Cyril W.
Graham, Billy and family
Graham, William and families, Margie, etc
Grainger, Norman and A. Pauline (Therol)
Grandbois, Gene
Grant, A.M. and Charley
Graves, Chester & Evelyn (Sommerness)
Gray, Rev. Joseph
Gray, Herbert & Robert & C.A.
Greek, Edward & Amelia (Tanberg) family
Grilley, Geo. and Lester families
Grinnell, Dr. E.L.
Gribble, Thomas & Mary (Leamer)
Gregg, Mae
Griggs, Helena
Grinnell, Wm and Emily (Nastor)
Grissom, Eliwood and Mary (Brunson)
Graver, Harold C.
Gruhike, Hilda (Mrs. Frank Popech)
Gunderson, Ida (Mrs. Albert Vihan)
Gunning, Art and Anna
Gunning, Harold and Gladys (Carlson)
Gunning, Leslie and Norim (Tosset)
Gunter, Rev. Win. and daughter Naomi (Mrs. Henry Morten)
Guvakosky, Evangeline (Schoenberg)
Gassner, John Pupil:
Haakenson, Mary Pupil:
Haga, Art Pupil:
Ham, Frank and Clara (Budha) family
Haldi, Ann
Hall, John (Thoreson from Norway) families
Halvorson, Phillip and Alice (Siebert)
Hamerly, Theodore and Alice (Bischer) Axness
Hamerly, Noval son of Al
Hamilton, Richard and Penelope (Wester) and family
Haner, Oscar and Eva
Hanna, Louis B. and Lottie (Thatcher)
Hanson, Bruver
Hanson, Alma (Mrs. Donald Olson)
Hansen, Julius and Mattie (Nelson)
Hanson, Ole
Hanson, Glenna
Hanson, George and Julia (Halvorson)
Hanson, Henry and Nellie (Dunn)
Harkness, James and Jane (Finley)
Harmon, Ulyssus
Harper, Stella
Harshman, Arthur
Hartman, Bertrand
Haskin, Walter and Hazel (Smith) families
Harrington, Marvin and Eva
Hatchard, Etta
Hathaway Sisters: Avis, Beatrice, Margurita, Stella
Hatlestad, Elmo
Hangen, Louis and Olina (Rothe) etc. Henry, Bennie, Magnhild,
Haugen, Chlarence and Marvel (Larson), Collette and Terry
Hayford, Edwin and Ragna (Bakken)
Haugland, Brynhild
Hauser, Dominick Ch. Anna and Theresa
Haven, Albert
Hawn, Solomon and Ida and family
Hay, Alex, Albert, George, and Jessica
Hazelton, James and Bessie
Healy, Edward and Effie (Cornell)
Heath, Bob and Lois (Richardson)
Hedger, Rueben, wife, Sanford, Gertrud, Shirley, Don,
Hefter, Frank and family
Heincker, Rev. Dan and Karen (Wailce)
Heinge, W. wife and ch. Oswald, Oscar, Agnes
Heinze, Alfred W. and Johanna (Petschke) and family
Hellibust, Louise and Anna (Drivdahl)
Halliwell, Robert and Olga (Aim) and family
Helmers, Harry and Grace (Folker)
Helsning, Theodore and Helen (Handeland) and family
Helseth, Fremont Sr. and family
Hembree, Robert and Eunice (Hansen)
Hempel, J.W. and Ruth (Gardner)
Handerson, Bert and Della (Simons)
Handerson, Ray and Winnifred (Fitch) family
Hensen, Mathias and Mary (Weidert) and family
Hensen, Win and Katherine (Netl) and family
Herbransen, Eleanor
Herrick, Clinton and ALice (Johnson)
Heupel, Emmanuel J. and Dianne (Specht)
Hill, Charley and Katherine (Adams) and family
Hill, Oliver and Fidelis (?)
Hinkle, Steven and (?) (McBeth)
Hinshaw, Virgil cousin of Cypert Young
Hippe, Martin
Moar, Helen
Hobbs, Neal Son of Thomas and Helen
Hoverg, Martin and Laura (Olson)
Hochspring, Esther dau. of Wm and Bertha
Hochstetle, Carl and Evelyn (Yoder)
Hodgins, Joseph and Olive G.
Hoffine, Lyla
Hoffman, Jacob and (?) (Grant)
Hoffman, Charley "White Hawk" and wife Carolette (Smith)
Hoke, Dr. Roy and Hertha (Guenther) son of Charles and Dora(Landen)
Holbach, John and Margaret
Holbin, Will E. and (7) (Hubbart) [editor of Lansford Leader]
Holbrook, W. J. and Mattie (Randolph)
Holconib, Henry and Sarah (Hoffman)
Hollinger, John family
Hollinger, John and Rose family
Holmes, Dr. Frank L. and wife Lucile
Holmes, Ole and Anna (Nienaber) families
Holter, Arthuer and Celine (St. Croix)
Hooke, John and Gretha (Peterson)
Homer, Lloyd and Ella (Jacobson) Parents: Pat and Anna (Sullivan)
Hoskins, Bertha (Charter) cousin of Nova Preskey
House, Stella (Holcomb)
Howell, C.S.
Hubbard, Edward and Juanda (Gibbaney)
Hubbard, Elmer L. and Vivian (Dwyer) family
Hubbard, Ralph son of Elbert and Bertha
Hoffman,George and Ella (Wallen)
Hoffman, Jacob dau. Mildred
Holzenga, Art and Sarah families
Humphrey, J.H.
Hunt, Myron and Helen
Hunt, Andy and Wilda (Bradley)
Hunt, Claude (son of Joseph) and Lena (Adams)
Hustad, Erick and Gunhild, (Romnis) family
Hawe, Richard and Takela (Schnieder)
Innis, Ben and Jane (Miller)
Inwood, Ella
Irgens, Fred
Irons, -- and Ellen
Irwin, Sam and Jane (Curtis)
Irwin, Neal and Lillie (Walker)
Irwin, Rev. Win. and Alice (Williams)
Isachson, Jill
Ilverson, Irvey and Ruth (Milkey)
Box 2:
Jabs Paul and Frieda (Marshall)-Oberon and Tolley, ND
Jazwiak, Jacob and Jonanna- Tolley, ND, Trenton, MT, Carrington, ND
Jacobsen, Carl T and eight sons-Minot, ND
Jacobson, Elven and Tessie (Groves)-Carpio, ND, Spokane, WA
Jacobson, Heliner and Marie (Bly)-Mohall, ND
Jandl, Steven and Barbara (Krueger) family-Sawyer, ND
Jelleberg, Anna and Husband Alfred Gray family-Bottineau, ND
Jelleberg, Hilina and Husband George Graff-Bottineau, ND, Duluth, MN
Jenkins, Geo. and Emmeline (Howe) family-Glenburn, ND
Jennejohn, Charles and Mamie Family-rural Glenburn, ND
Jensen, Ernest and Rohdine (Nelsen) family-Kenmare, ND
Jensen, Myrtle and husband Donald Foster-Mohall, ND
Jensen, Theo family-Kenmare, ND
Jensan, Wilbur and Bervella Lafferty fainilies-Mohall, ND
Jesson, Hazel and husband Kenneth Erickson family-Velva, Carpio, ND
Jevnager, Anton (?) Ador A. family-Villard, Towner, ND
Jevne, Peter and wife Brith (Lunke) family-Newberg, Russell, ND
Johansen, Laurits and wife Laura (Kelner) family-rural Mohall, ND
Johnson, Alfred and wife Nora Maude (Perkins) family-Glenburn, ND
Johnson, Alice and husband R.L.Simon-Sherwood, ND
Johnson, Art and Gladys-Minot, ND
Johnson, Axel and wife Clara Johnson-Minot and Pleasant, ND
Johnson, Axel and wife Mathilda (Anderson)-Tolley, Minot, ND
Johnson, Einar fainily-Mohall, ND and Ferndale, WA
Johnson, Emery F. son of John Johnson-Lansford, ND, Cutbank, MT
Johnson, Emily "Emmeline", Hannah, Hilda, Ida-teachers in Lansford
Johnson, Florence (Nodar) husband Peary Johnson-Maxbass, ND
Johnson, Gust and wife Borgerson family-Mohall and Minot, ND
Johnson, Oscar and wife Jeanette (Ritters)-Tolley, Lansford, ND
Johnson, James and wife Ida (Colton)-Burlington, ND
Johnson, Jerrold and Breinnie (Skoczylas)-Norma and Kenmare, ND
Johnson, Johan and Minnie (Schroeder)-Mohall and Minot, ND
Johnson, John C., "bachelor"-Van Buren Twp., Glenburn, ND
Johnson, John M. and wife Anna (Bang)-Lansford, Glenburn, ND
Johnson, John and wife Ida (Johnson)-Hamlet Twp., Mohall, ND
Johnson, Melvin and Ruth (Shaver)-Norma and Sherwood, ND
Johnson, Myron, dau. May it Vansickle, see Johnson--Donnybrook, ND
Johnson, Oscar and Jeanette (Ritter)-area of Mohall and Lansford
Johnson, Paul and Marilyn "Gay" (Johnson)-Sherwood, ND, AK, and HI
Johnson, Rolland and Neltah (Copeland)-Glenburn,ND, Bloomington, MI
Johnson, Victor-Grano, ND
Johnston, Andy and Alice (Cooper)-Glenburn, ND
Johnston, Berl-Lansford, ND
Jones, Harold and Sylvia (Sears)-Mohall, ND ~rural area
Jones, Lavonna & husband Duane Kartl-Watford City, Minot, Williston
Jones, Paul and Collette (Haugen)-Minot, ND
Jones, Paul and Goldie (Martin)-Sherwood, ND
Jones, Ronald and Letha (Price)-Minot AFB, ND, Aurora, CO
Jordet, Anton and Gunder-Mohall, ND
Jorgensen, Viktor and Bessie (Reed)-Denmark, Lorraine, Antler, Westhope, ND
Joslyn, Clyde and dau Margaret-McKinney and Minot, ND
Kallia, John Jr.-Minot, ND
Kalvoda, Brenda-Mandan, ND
Kappadahl, Albert and Alliene (Tovey)-Lorraine & Mohall, ND
Kauffman, Rev. Floyd and Ida (Troyer)-Surrey, ND
Kauffman, Harold Yoder-Surrey, ND
Kauffman, W.T. and Elma (Harris)-Kenmare and Minot, ND
Kaylor, Bessie and husband Allen Allison-Mohall, ND, Duane, CA~ twin brother Allen Allison
Keck, Jay and Nellie (Ray)-Sherwood, ND, Sioux City, IA, Independence, MO
Keith, Oran and Audrey (Anderson)-Sherwood, ND
Keller, John and Margaret (Sauer)-Foxholm, ND
Keller, Wilson and Emma (Jenkins)-Glenburn, ND
Kellogg, Mark-news reporter-Bismarck, ND
Kelly, Georgia and husband James P. Flynn-Westhope, ND
Kelly, Clark and Caroline (Nixon) family-Mohall, ND
Kelly, Stanley and Minnie (Mclntyre)-Westhope, ND
Kennedy, Rev. Dan and Carolyn-Minot, ND & Blackwell, OK
Keogh-Brooks Ranch-McKenzie Co., ND. Brooks and Betty Coune, Williston, ND
Ketham, Giles and Neva (Vance)-Lorraine, ND
Keup, William and Margaret (Moser)-Mohall, ND
Keysor, Ronald and Marla (Hellman)-Minot and Mandan, ND
Kidder, Worden and Barbara (Kauffman)-Minot, ND, Sun City, AZ
Kiedrowsky, Albert and Anna (Hefter)-Sherwood & Devils Lake, ND
Kilber, Martin and Amalia (Lauf)-Hazen, ND
Kiliper, Bob-Antler, ND and Hadlyme, CN
Kimball, Donald and Jennie (Coulthart)-Minot, ND
Kinyon, Wade-Minot, ND
Kingsley, Richard and Coleen (Wade)-Mohall, ND
Kirkelie, Sidney and Clara (Sanden)-Donnybrook, ND
Kirkelie family-Burlington, ND
Kittelson, Dr. John-Wisconsin, Tolley, ND, Yankton, SD
Kjelstrom, Carl-Poet-Rugby, ND
Kjonas, Bernice and husband Douglas Ellingson-Mohall, ND
Kjonas, Halvor and Ole-Mohall and Glenburn, ND
Kjos, Martin and Dorothy (Hoefer)-Sherwood, ND
Kline, Wallace and dau.Susan Domitrovich-Minot, ND
Klinner, Carl and Clara (Becktold)-Minot, ND
Klosterman families-area of Glenburn and Minot, ND
Knapstad, Andrew and Hazel (Johnson)-area of Minot, ND
Knight, James and Hilda (Johnson)-Lansford, ND
Knight, John "Al" and Iva (Limke)-Lansford and Minot, ND
Knight, Willis and family-Lansford, ND
Knopfler, August and Esther (Mickelberry) Wunder-Mohall, Lansford,ND, Kalispell, MT
Knowlton, Lem and Doris (Manner)-Sherwood, ND
Knox, Orris and Elna (Knutson)-Sherwood, ND
Knox, Herman and Elesha (Hollingsworth)-Minot, ND
Knudson, Knud and Annie-Sherwood, ND
Knudson, Joe and Ingeborg (Vasenden)-Tolley, ND
Knudson, Dr. Knute and Marie (Asplund)-Glenburn, ND
Koetter, John Herman and THeresa (Klosterinan)-Glenburn, ND
Kolbo, Kevin fainily-Mohall, ND
Kouba, Rusty-Minot, ND
Kranelka, Ellis and Eliza (Souther)-wildrose and Kenmare, ND
Krause, George and Julia (Newbauer)-Sherwood, ND
Kreae, Walter and Leah CGoebel)-Minot, ND rural Sherwood
Kristvick, Hans family & dau Eva-Minot, ND area
Kruckenberg, Fred and Katherine (Harning)-Krem and Stanton, ND
Krueger, Helen and Melvin Beckdahl-Sherwood, ND
Krzebetkowski, Julius and Ava (Soldatke)-Sherwood, ND
Kuhl, Adolph and Mae (Fulton)-Mohall, ND, Seattle, WA
Kunkel families in Minot, Surrey, Norwich areas.
Kvamen, Sondres story of Montivedeo, MN to Minot, ND area
LaBar, David and Jolene (Bell)-Birchwood, WI, Sidney, MT, Minot, ND
Lacey, Will and Minnie-Edina, MN and Minot, ND
La Crosse, David and Mary (Carpentier)-Loraine, ND
Lade, Frand and 7-Waterford Twp., Ward Co., Ruthville, ND
Lagorin, Frank and Agnes (Ekstroin)-Kenmare, ND
Lain, Howard and Beryl (Beebee) Rutherford-Minot, ND
Lakefield, George and Cora (Armstrong)-Sherwood, ND
Lambert, Frank and Marguerite-Foxholm, ND
Lamoureaux, Joe and Celina (Cadieux)-Quebec, Canada, Minot, ND
Lamphere, J.P. and Gertrude (Huff, Kopp?)-Glenburn/Lansford, ND
Land, Nels and Gesine (Holland), Gus & Selma-Horace, Mohall, ND
Lane, Thomas family-Solin,IN, Salem, IN, Lansford, ND
Langer, William and Lydia-Casselton, ND
Larkin, Oyd and Byrdie (Mockler)-Minot, ND
Larkin, Michael and Ruby (Jevne) and son Larry-Lansford, ND
Larsen, J.J. family-Benedict, ND, Bourbaunois, IL
Larsen, John and Loraine family-rural Mohall, ND
Larson, Arnold and Christine (Strand) family-rural Sherwood, ND
Larson, Beverly (Arneson)-Antler and Sherwood, ND
Larson, Carl and Caroline (Anderson)-Grassland Twp., Renville Co.
Larson, Carl and Oluf-St. Carl (SE of Minot near Logan)
Larson, Chris and Julia-Minot, ND. Christine and Carrie Kopp)
Larson, Clayton and Edythe (McLain)-Mohall and Minot, ND
Larson, Elwin and Agnes Smetana-Lansford and Minot, ND
Larson, Gilbert and Edna (Mattern)-Loraine and Mohall, ND
Larson, Joseph and Cora (Jordre)-Glenburn, ND
Larson, Sam and Ella-rural Sherwood, ND
Larson, Lars and Kjerston families: Adrian, Hans, Hemming, Lars,Martin, Peter-Bottineau area, Minot, ND
Larson, LaVern and Madeline, dau. Lynae-Foxholm, ND
Larson, LeRoy and Helma (Olson)-Bottineau, ND and Everette, WA
Larson, Melvin and Margaret (Lafferty) -Albert Lee, MN, Sherwood, ND
Larson, Oluf and O.J.--Washburn and Villard, ND
Larson, Owen--Minot, ND
Larson, Ted and Ada (Otto)-Mohall and Lansford, ND
Laskowski, Joe and dau. Carrie-Ruthville, ND
Lathrope, Lon-Danville, IA
Latimer, Lowell and Ann-Minot, ND
Lauf, Robert and Lela (Sailp) family-Krem and Hazen, ND
Laumeyer, Louis and (Short)--Mohall, ND
Laux-Bacchard, Lynds
La Ville, LeRoy and Shirley (Frazer) family-Port Orchard, WA,Minot, ND
Lee, Belina and husband Albin Broden--Carpic, Opping, Williston, ND
Lee, Ted and Alma (Olson) family-Minot, ND
Lehman, Paul-Glenburn, ND
Leikvold, Peter and family-Oicorah, IA, Lansford, ND
Leitzke, Alvin and Anna (Smetana)-Lansford and Minot, ND
Lemere, Floyd and Mary-Minot, ND
Lewis, Wesley and Ann (Rose)-Mohall, ND and Eugene, OR
Lielke, Walter and Mary Lou (Holines)-Lansford, ND, McAllister, MT
Lillenos, Haldor and 1st wife Bertha (Wilson)-Carpio, ND, Kansas City, KS
Limke, John and Mary (Nazuor) family-Lansford, ND
Lindlauf, Nils (dau. TilDe-Mrs. A.R. Foster)-McKinney, Lansford,ND
Lindsay, Alexander and William M.-Glenburn and Cando, ND
Lindsay, Michael and Judy (Jacobs)-Peoria, IL and Minot, ND
Littler, Francis-Glenburn, ND, Assinabora, Sask. Canada
Livingston, Edwin and Freda (Nelson) family-rural Minot, ND
Livingston, Gunder and Nellie (Hathaway) families-Minot, ND
Lizotte, Stephen and Adel, dau.m. A. M. Dionne-Belcourt, Mohall, ND
Lock, Ben and Sarah (Street) family-Packwood, IA and Loraine, ND
Loeffelbein, Linda (in. Pat Lynch)-Minot, ND
Loerch, Henry and Mary-Lansford, ND
Loftesnes, Arnold and Anna (Salvey)-Velva, Kenmare, Mohall, ND
Lohse, Gust and Emelia (Aiken)-Mohall, ND
Loken, Jerome and Emelia (Siemens) family-Dysart, IA, Mohall, ND
Loomis, Everett and family (Seger) family-Sherwood, Mohall, ND, Vancouver, WA
Lord, Dr. B.-Glenburn, ND
Lorenzen, James and Margaret (McCrory) family-Mohall, ND
Loughead, Ernest and Ruth (Combs) family-Mohall, ND
Loughead, Harry and Edna (Gustafson)-ortonville, MN, Minot, ND
Loveland, James and Etta (Ruch) families-Minot and Glenburn, ND
Lowe, James and Clarie (Mattson)-Minot, ND
Lowman, Dennis and Denise (Dahl)-Bismark, Minot, ND
Lowry, Thomas and Ethel tamily-Bismarck, ND
Lubenow, Wayne and Rosie family-Fargo, ND
Lucksinger, Jacob and Dorothea (Christian) families-Humbolt, IA, Surrey, ND
Luck, Ben family-Minot, ND
Luddington, Ellen and husband Edmund Hamel-Maxbass, Mohall, ND
Ludke, August-Muskego Twp., Foxholm, ND
Lueke, Richard and Thelma-Minot, ND
Lund, Androes and Maren (Westerguaard)-Denmarck and Mohall, ND
Lund, Gilbert and Nettie (Selberg) family-Granville, Minot, ND
Lundby, ALbert and Amelia-Sherwood, ND and Billings, MT
Lundeen, Andrew and Marie I. (Stromstad)-Sherwood, ND
Lynch, John and Mary (Maloney)-Willmar, MN and Minot, ND
Lynnes, John and Ingeborg (Bratterud)-Rollette and Minot, ND
Lytle, Glen and Jennie (Davis)-Broken Bow, NE
McAllister, Bradley and Ella (Hay) (see Knight)-Lansford, ND
McCain, Henry-Mohall, ND
McCarson, Hans-Lansford, ND
McCauley, Elizabeth (Mrs. Geo. Westra)-St. Cloud, MN, Lansford, ND
McCauley, Jane (Mrs. Gus Johnson)-Lansford, ND
McClung, W.L. and Pearl (Peterson)-Mohall, Kenmare, ND & Laguna Hills
McConnell, J. Ed and Ruth-Minot, ND Enumclau, WA
McCormick, Leslie and Luina M. (Overung)-Mohal, ND Palm Springs, CA
McCormick, Francis and Agnes (Blesner)-Minot, ND and around the world
McCormick, Nannie (See Sharp, Mrs. John)-Glenburn, ND
McCrory, James and Francis (Krzebethowski)-Sherwood, ND
McCutcheon, Chester and Amanda (Hellebust)-Tolley, ND
McDaniel, Garry and Kathy (Berg)-Minot, ND
McDonald, Yvonne-Jamestown, ND
McElvain, Marvin and Viola (Engel)-Denhoff, Minot, ND Phoenix, AZ
McElvain, John and Mary-Lansford, ND
McGinley, John and Ella-Cumberland, WI, Minot and Stanley, ND
Mcllroy, Edwin U.S. and Ida A. (Cooley)-Prescott, WI, Glenburn, ND
McKay, Samuel and Edith-Minot, ND Fergus Falls, MN
McKone, Mary E.-Churchs Ferry & Minot, ND
McLain, John and Leona CSchroeder)-Mohall and Minot, ND
McLaughlin, Donald and Eleanor-superior, WI, Minot, ND
McLean, LeRoy and Thelma (Wiliainson)-Lansford, ND
McLeod, "Sandy" Alexander and Margaret "Maqgie"-Lansford, ND
McLeod, "Jack" "Little Mac"-Minot, Stanley, Flasher, ND
McNabb, Sylvester and Esther (Brodersaa)-Glenburn, ND
McIntyre, Jay and Carol (Iverson)-Mohall, ND Grand Island, NE
Mahle, Gory and Carrie-Bergen Norway, Glenburn, ND
Mahnke, Robert and Jessie (Gallagher)-Edsen, Kenmare, Mohall, ND
Malm, Reed and Marianne (Connor)-Minot, ND
Mallory, Amelia, David, James-Glenburn, ND
Mansfield, Will-Jamestown and Minot, ND
Mar, Michelle and husband Steven J. Goeche-Minot, ND
Maragos, George and Constance-Greece, Minnesota, Minot, ND
Marjoribanks, Coutts and sister Ishbel and brother Archie-England, Towner, ND
Markel, Gottlieb and Susie (Adams)-Glenburn and Minot, ND
Markeley, W.B. and Harmon, Forrest, J.W. Viola (Harmos, Hanks) Granville, ND
Markillie, William and Bertha (Dayton)-Pow Pow, MI Glenburn, ND
Markuson, Jens and Pauline (Kearness)-Grano, ND
Marten, Earl and Sylvia (Yoder)-Surrey and rural Minot, ND
Martin, Henry and Naomi (Gunter)-Mohall and Des Lacs, ND
Martinson, Sam and Carrie-Minot, ND
Massath, Frank P. and Bertha (Edward)-Lancaster, Cass and Fillmore town sites
Matson, Lawrence and Mabel (Sharp)-rural Glenburn, ND
Mattern, "Mathern". Wilhelm and Kari Olson-Bryant, SD Renville County, ND
Mattern, Dean-Renville Co., Bottineau Co., ND
Mattson, Steven-Minot, ND
Maxinillian, Prince A.P.-Germany, St. Louis, MO Fort Clark, ND
May, Ruben and Viola (Kuth)-rural Mohall, ND
May, Flavius-Minot, ND
Maupin, Jewis and Maude (Moore)-Browlngton, MO, Minot, ND
May, Samuel and Emma (McIler)-rural Lansford, ND
Mayer, Fred and Myrna (Gowin)-rural Glenburn, ND
Mayer, Ora and husband Leonard Fisher-Mohall, ND
Mayfield, James and Lori (Ely)-Biloxi, MI, Minot, ND
Mead, Eugene-Lockwood twp., Renville Co., ND
Mehl, Heliner-Kief and Minot, ND
Mehta, Sudesh (Sharma)-India, Minot, ND
Melby, Nils (Olson) wife Hildis (Swenson), Benson, G.-MN and Minot
Melby, Ruth and husband Carl H. Hovery-Minot and Fargo, ND
Melin, Ole and Johanna (Lindquist)-Litchfield, MN Norma, ND
Melin, Amos and Ada (Anderson)-Meiker Co., MN Norma, ND
Menard, Old "Montreal Peddler", 1776 Mouse River Loop, Canada and USA
Meredith, Vernon and Ardith-O.K. Minot AFE, ND
Metz, Ronald-Ft. Meyer FL, Minot AFE, ND
Meyers, Henry, Fred, Win., James-Glenburn and Buford, ND, TX
Michelson, Don and Darlene (Zimbelman)-Minot, ND, Eugene, OR
Mickleberry, Frank and Alice (Burke)-Blairtown, MO Mohall, ND
Mickelson, Martin and Pam (Torgerson)-Glenburn and Minot, ND
Middendorf, Urban and Genevieve (Linnertz)-rural Lansford, ND
Milkey, Carl and Augusta (Smith)-warsaw and Minot, ND
Miller, Allie and Sophia (Emerson)-Grano, ND
Miller, Dwight and Lyda (Busta)-Pennsylvania and Minot, ND
Miller, Luella (husband Walter Hurlbert)-Eckman, ND Kelliker, MN
Miller, Gordon "Tom" and Darlene (Burns)-Minot, ND
Mills, Walter and Cecelia (Murrey)-Sioux City, IA Minot, ND
Mills, Ella and family-Velva and Minot, ND
Miner, Hazel-Oliver County ND
Minot, Henry son of Wm and Katherine (Sidgwich)-Roxbury, MA
Moberg, John and Minnie (Johnson)-Farwell, MN, Mohall, ND
Moen, Elmer and Ingeborg-Velva, ND
Moldenhauer, Clyde and Carol-Minot, ND
Moler, Clayton, Fred and T.C.-Lansford, ND
Momdrak, Vilhelm and Odelia (Dahl)-Park River and Minot, ND
Montgomery, Harold and wife Esther-Ortonville, MN and Minot, ND
Moody, Dwight L.-Northfield, Boston, MA, Chicago, IL
Moon, Hazel (Mrs. H.E. Byorum)-Ortonville, MN, Minot, ND
Morin, Amelia-Belcourt, ND
Morris, John and Hattie (Wichman)-Tolley, ND
Morris, Walter F. families-Blame Twp., Lansford, ND
Morrison, A. B. and Celia Conboy-rural Sherwood, ND
Mortenson, Gunner and Tillie (Reiiner)-Arnegard, ND
Mortensen, Ole and Christina (Rehm) families-Mohall, ND
Mostad, Thorwald and Gunhild (Mostad)-Sacred Heart, MN and Minot
Mowry, George and Grace (Nelson)-Mohall, ND and North Platte, NE
Mueller, Lawrence and Helen (Anne)--Mohall, ND, Blackduck, MN
Muir, Michael and Alice (Leonard)-Melrose, MN and Minot, ND;
Mull, W.C. and wife-Glenburn, ND
Mullin, Patrick and Elzabeth (Krzebethowskm)-rural Sherwood, ND
Mulvaney, James and Elizabeth-Park Falls, MN, Lansford, ND
Mutch, James and Catherine (Fisher)-Mansing, MI and Sherwood, ND
Muttoren, John and family-Minot, ND
Myers, Charlie and May (Dillie)-PN, Ontario, Mahnomen, MN
Myers, Josiah and Lydia (Mudge)-Holland, Canada, NY, MI, Glenburn
Nedrud, A.C. and Petra (Listerud)-Tolin, Norway; Sacred Heart, MN and Minot, ND
Nelson, Axel W.s dau. Sister Vera-rural Mohall, Haas cemetery
Nelson, Elmer and Dorothy (Bearman)-Velva, Minot, ND and South American countries
Nelson, Fred W. families-Kenmare, ND area
Nelson, Rev. Lars and Julia-Canby, MN, rural Lansford, ND
Nelson, Nels M. and Severine (Stone)-Chikio, MN and rural Minot
Nelson, Nels P. and Ingeborg (Elven)-Mohall, ND
Nelson, Oscar and Selma (Nelson)-rural Minot son & dau of Edward Nelson
Nelson, Pete and Ella (Bonderson)-Anoka, MN, rural Mohall, ND
Nelson, Roland and Clara (Berg)-sec.36 rural Mohall (Son of Edward and Mary)
Nelson, Thor and Cecelia-of Eds Mary (Besta and Tom and Inga Hanson)
Nelson, Victoria (Anderson) Mrs. Ernest, Dunn and Mercer Counties and Minot, ND
Nelson, Walter and Florence (Magnusson)-Wheaton Twp., Norma, ND
Ness, Karen and husband Charley Schwan-Minot, ND
Ness, Olaf and Mary (Wert)-Zumbrola, MN Stafford Twp., Norma, ND
Ness, Olav O.-Ensign Twp. rural Glenburn, ND
Neubauer, Alma (Eckhardt)-rural Sherwood, ND
Neukum, Henry John-rural Glenburn, ND
Neville, Jack and Ethel-6 miles s. of Antler, ND
Newgard, Tom and Patricia (Burchardt)-Moorhead, MN
Newhall, Mary (Mrs. Rev. Franklin Shaw)-Knox, ND, Iowa, Glendale,CA
Newhouse, Garrett and Ethel (McFarlane)-rural Sherwood, ND
Newton, Vernon and Annette (LaVille)-Springfield, OH and Minot
Nice, Karen (Mrs. Michael Wolf)-Minot, ND
Nickleson, Nickolaus and Josephine (Thompson)-Bottineau and Minot
Niewenhouse, Lyle and Carol (Runholdt)-Garrison, ND
Nissen, William and son Rev. Elwyn-Van Hook, Sherwood and Mohall
Noltimier, John W.-Glenburn, ND and Excelsior, MN
Nordin, Milton and Hildur-Minot, ND Longview, WA
Norcihil, Einar and Helen Langbell (widow)-Mohall and Minot
Norris, Chaucy and Elise (Dutton)-Hastings, NE and Minot, ND
Norsby, Frances and Alice-Deering and Minot, ND, Palo Alto, CA
Nutter, Myrtle-Glenburn, ND and St. Francis, MN
Oberg, Andrew and Marie (Engebretson)-Sweden, Ryder, ND
Oberholtzer, Lloyd and Nellie (Kay)-Peoria, IL and Mohall, ND
OBrien, Julia and husband Clem Bradley-Glenburn, ND
O'Cain, Elwood and Ada (Loftiss)-White Earth, ND
O'Connell, Joyce and husband Gerald Seykora-Devils Lake, Glenburn
Odell, Benajher and Archie families-Markill and Glenburn, ND
OKeeffe, John-Lansford, ND
OLeary, Joseph and Marie (Gruenberg)-Edgefield, SC and Glenburn
Oler, Maurice and Luella (Seibel)-Alden, IA, Minot, ND
Olson, Albert and Mina (Knutson)-Mohall, ND
Olson, Clarence and Irene (Huftman)-Mohall, ND
Olson, Clifford and Olive (Bjelland)-Carpio and Glenburn, ND
Olson, Elma (Thorson)-Moorhead, MN
Olson, Esther and husband Samuel Aalund-Mohall, ND
Olson, Fred-Muskego Twp, ND
Olson, Jens and Lena (Bredvik)-Norway, rural north Minot, ND
Olson, John
Paff, W. J. and Laura-Billings, MT McKinney, ND
Page, Vera (Nimmons)-Granville and Minot, ND
Palmer, Bertha family history-Devils Lake and Bismarck, ND
Palmer, Herbert "Gene" families-Iowa, Glenburn, ND
Pancerzemski, Bruno C. families-Waseca, MN White Earth, Minot
Paris, Ed and Ida (Fredrickson)-Mohall, ND
Parke, Theodore P.-Canton, SD Minot, ND
Parker, Clarence and Lottie-Lansford, ND
Parker, E. E. (violinist)-Lansford, ND
Parris, Warren and Irene (Hoffman)-Grano and Minot, ND
Peglow, Herman and Alta (Pettibone)-Renwick, IA Glenburn, ND
Pepke, Emil J. and Carolyn (Budke)-Wausau, WI Minot, ND
Perkins, Clifton and Betty family-Mayville and Fargo, ND
Perkins, J. 0.-Devils Lake, ND
Perry, Dr. David, Judge-Fargo, ND
Person, Ole and Anna (Christenson Nelson) families-Greene and Tolley, ND
Petermann, Fred and Anna (Mau)-Kenmare, ND
Peters, Irvin and Mary (Bugard)-Harvey, Glenburn, ND
Peters, Frederick and Fannie (Pendroy)-Towner, ND
Peterson, Hans "Pete" and Mary (Jorgensen)-Denmark and Lansford
Peteron, Lee-Minot, ND
Pettys, Frank and wife-Reynolds, Minot, ND
Phillips, George and sons Earl and Gary-rural Lansford, ND
Phillips, Howard and Ruth (Hawkins)-Mohall, ND Goshen, IN
Phillips, John and Emma (Clappen) families-Mo and rural Glenburn
Phillips, Lois Hudson author of ND novel and stories. "11 of WA", Fargo, Washburn
Phillips, Olivia and husband Andrew Korg-rural Glenburn, Bisbee
Picard, Joseph and Elsie-Bottineau and Lansford, ND
Pierson, Ernest and Florence (Siljenberg)-Makoti and Minot, ND
Pike, Devila and Hattie-Minot, ND and Canada
Piper, John and Beatrice (Robold)-Lansford, ND
Plank, D. C. and Minnie--Minot, ND
Plecker, Edward and Mary (Shorter)-Maxbass, ND
Plummer, Beulah-Minot, ND
Podruchny, Emil and Lillian (Wetmur)-Minot, ND
Poland, Wilson 5.-Callahen twp. Renville County
Potts, Richard and Charleen (Milton)-Springfield, MO New Town, ND
Pounds, Earl-Minot area and Gooding, ID
Powell, John and Jane and descendants, England
Powers, Walter and Earl-Lockwood twp. rural Lansford, ND
Presler, Henry and Emma (Sayler)--Java, SD Garrison, ND
Purcell, Families of Mary Ann and husband Richard Anderson Larimore, ND
Pursell, Sam and John families-rural Lansford, ND
Putney, Corliss (Berg)-Minot, ND
Prange, Bertha wife of Louis Herzberg-Ivanhoe Twp, rural Carpio, ND
Prohl, Minnie-clenburn, ND
Peterson, Ole and Annie (Peterson) changed to Blackstead
Pfundheller, Henry and wife (Metzges)--Burlington, Van Hook, Parshall
Quam, Sever and Alice (Lucksinger)-Luvern, IA, Minot, ND
Questad, Lawrence, Jacob and Ingvolg-Muskego Twp. Tolley, ND
Racine, Gene and Mary (Miller)-Maxbass and Minot, ND
Ramey, Debra (Mrs. Mark Johnson)-Minot, ND
Ramsdell, Gerald and Carol (Taylor)-York and Surrey, ND
Ramstad, Erik and wife-Norway, Albert Lea, MN Minot, ND
Ramstad, Peder and Marie (Legvold)-Ryder and Minot, ND
Randall, Joseph Claude and Hattie (Winter)-Bancroft, IA and Glenburn, ND
Randash, Joetta Kay and Robert Williams-Mohall, ND
Rasmuson, Duane and Dorothy (Lucksinger)-Surrey, ND
Redding, Rueben and Hattie (Mills)-Sawyer and Minot, ND
Redmond, Lee and Betty (Niclai)-Devils Lake and Mohall, ND
Reed, Jay E. and Leta (Feldt)-Peoria, IL and Mohall, ND
Reed, Lenore (Morrow)-Glenburn, ND
Reed, Thomas and Orvilla-Lansford, ND
Reighart, William Henry-Lansford, ND Los Angeles, CA
Reinholdt, Rasinus Peter and Martin families-Velva, Sawyer, ND
Relnholdt, Donald and Alice (Foss)-Sawyer and Ray, ND
Reiquam, Sherman and Irene (Rikala)-Hibbing, MN and Glenburn, ND
Reishus, Rev. Torgus and Ellen (Brun)-Yellow Medicine Co. MN, Minot
Renz, Ernest-Lansford, ND
Resjkjalin, E. H.--Iceland, Sherwood, ND
Rhoads, Emory and Mary Frances (Phillips)-Glenburn, ND
Richardson, Charles and Clara (Black)-Ada Rapids, IA Lansford, ND
Richle, Ferdinand and John
Reibe, Johna and Esther (Robinson) dau Pam-Minot, ND
Riede, Carlos and Rosangela (Hoff) family-Brazil, Provo, UT, Fargo,
Rikansrud, Lawrence and Leola (Blowers)-Lansford, ND
Rickansrud, Sam family-Lansford, ND
Riley, James W. and Mary-Lansford, ND
Ritchey, Arthur and Ann (Lock)-PA, IA Sherwood, ND
Ritchie, John A.--rural Lansford, ND
Roberts, David and Beatrice (Soper)-Minot and Dickinson, ND
Roberts, Harry-Amidon, ND
Robinson, Greg-Minot, ND
Robinson, Pearl Olive-Lorraine, ND
Robinson, William and Anna (Bale) family-St. Louis, MO and Garrison
Roble, Inga Marie and Everette (Denprey)-Sherwood, Bottineau, ND
Long Beach, CA
Rockman, Myra-Donnybrook and Minot, ND
Rodsater, Norma-Mohall, ND Watertown, MA
Rodriguez, George and Betty (Rachley)-TX and Minot, ND
Roen, Anne and Sarah-Lansford, ND
Rogers, Edythe and husband Martin Rectoris-Minot, ND Concord, CA
Rohrer, Lawrence and Doris (Bauer)-Grano and Minot, ND
Rohrer, Rowland and Mable (Strandberg)-Grano and Minot, ND
Roise, David and Karen (Gowan)-Berthold and Minot, ND
Roisum, Albert and Anna (Bakke)-sherwoocl and Grand Forks, ND
Roles, Henry and Ann (Pritschet)-Glenburn and Minot, ND
Rolle, Janel-Minot, ND
Ronna, C.O. and Julia (Thompson)-Norway, Starbuck, MN Minot, ND
Ronning, Olaf and wife-Mohall, ND
Roosevelt, Teddy-New York, Medora, ND
Rossow, Frank and Elizabeth (Rodehuhr)-rural Sherwood, Norman, ND
Roth, Christian-Norway, Glenwood, MN Bottineau, ND
Rothgarn, Gus and Tillie (Erdman)-Germany, Rochester, MN Glenburn,
Rouse, William H. and Charlotte-Jackson Co. MN Glenburn, ND
Roswick, Henry and dau.s Mary Jo and Karen-Minot, ND
Routledge, George and Myrtle (Townsend) families-Seaforth, Ontario and Lansford, ND
Routledge, Roy-Lansford, ND
Rowan, Robert-Roosevelt Park area of Minot, ND
Rowe, Dr.s Arthur and Paul and Joe Kiffer-Minot, ND Baltimore, MD,California
Ruman, Floyd and Minnie (Russell)-Velva and Minot, ND
Running, J.A. and wife-Lansford, ND
Ruth, Victor, Thomas, Herbert and W.A.-Velva and Bowbells, ND
Rutherford, Will and Jean (Rutherford) Martin-Minot, ND and Seattle, WA
Ryan, PErcy and Fern (Nelson)-Mohall, Kenmare and Minot, ND
Ryggs, J. Marie-Bemidji, MN and Long Beach, CA
Sagsveen, Murray-Lansford, ND
Sakakawea-Mandan Village, ND
Samuelson House-Minot, ND
Sanders, John and Elizabeth (Peterson) families-Waterford Twp.,Ward Co., ND
Sanders, Rachel W. (wife of Frank or Forrest L.)-Minot, ND
Sanderson, Charles and Sophie (Rude)-rural Sherwood, ND
Sanstead, Wayne-Minot, ND
Sanstrom, Alfred-Glenburn, ND
Sauer, Harold and Marilyn (Leitzke)-Lansford and Glenburn, ND
Sauer, Joseph P. and Mary E. (Chapdelaine)-Mushego Twp. Glenburn
Saugstead, Stanley-rural Minot, ND
Sausker, Sophus and Dora (Jorgenson) and sons Henry and Walter Maxbass, ND
Savelkoul, Henry and Mary (Davis) families-Lansford, ND
Sawyer, Willis-Lansford, ND
Scofield, Arthur family-Minot, ND
Scott, James W.-Van Buren twp. and Lansford, ND
Scripture, Frank R.-Glenburn, ND
Schaeffer, Marcellus and Lois (Hedberg)-Goebles, MI Glenburn, ND
Scharfe, Charles and Susie (Quast)-Glenburn, ND
Schelling, Frank and Edward families-rural Mohall, ND
Schell, Melvin and Evelyn (Sampson)--Antler, ND Minot, ND
Schimmelpfennig, Herman and Lydia (Sade)-Waterford Twp. rural Minot
Schmidt, Edwin-rural Sherwood, ND;
Schmidt, Fred son of John Schmidt and Franciska (Allen)-Minot, ND
Schmidt, Herbert and Irene (Kenz)-Bottineau and Minot, ND
Schneider, Ralph and Ann (Jennings)-Minot, ND and Harlem, MT
Schneiderman, Herman and Dora-Tolley and Kenmare, ND
Schoenwald, Larry-Minot, ND
Schomber, Logan and Mary-Burlington, ND
Schroeder, Julius and Lena (Sommers)-MN and Mohall, ND
Schrupp, John and Bertha (Brockey)-rural Glenburn, ND Granite Falls, MN
Schumacker, Stanley family-Ottowa, Ontario Renville and McHenry Counties, ND
Seaton, Frank-Macon, Saskatchewan, Glenburn, ND
Seeman-Ainsel, Steven and Janice Seeman-Ainsel, Minot, ND Calgary Alberta
Seger, Charles and Mary (Dunsworth) families-IL, MO and rural Sherwood, ND
Seibel, Henry and Rose (Heft)-Russia, McClusky, ND Minot, ND
Seiffert, Clement and Jane (Campbell)-Antler, ND
Selk, Walter and Gladys (Bradley) family-Lansford and Minot, ND
Serdahl, Alfred and Ruth (Swenson)-Minot, ND
Serr, Michael and mary (Cline)-Minot, ND
Serwold, Marie-rural Tolley, ND
Seter, Carl and Mina families-Bottineau, ND
Sevareid, Eric-Velva, ND Alexandria, VA
Sevig, Arthur and dau. Carol-Minot, ND
Shabel, Catherine-Luxemberg, MN Mohall, ND
Shambach, Gordon and Lila (Usher) family-Minot, ND
Sharp, John and Nannie (McCorinick)-Glenburn, ND
Shaw, Rev. E. S.-July 27, 1911 Gospel Tent-Renville Co.
Shearer, Earl and Ruth (Pounds) family-Minot and Oakes, ND
Sheppard, Harry and Ruth (Buland)-oakes and Fullerton, ND
Sheridan, Alfred and Bertha (Shook)-Glenburn, ND
Shields, John and Elizabeth-ontario, Canada Minot, ND
Shigley, Dr. Ralph-Kenmare and Minot, ND
Shirley, Alfred and Marie (Anderson)-Northfield, MN Minot, ND
Shook, William and Catherine (Clarkson)-van Buren twp. Glenburn, ND
Shores, Alex-Lakota, ND
Shupe, L.E.-Mohall, ND
Shurr, J.B. family-north of Glenburn, ND;
Sigderstad, Daniel and Freda CWestley)-Bristol, SD Moorhead, MN
Sigman, Kabe and Mary (Seger)-Greenfield, IA and Sherwood, ND
Simmons, E.L.-Glenburn and New England, ND
Simmons, Shirley (Frazier) family-Fargo, ND
Siinpkins, Mark and Mary (Noble)-Chatfield Twp. Glenburn, ND
Simpson, Steve, Peter, and Bertha-Mohall, ND
Sinclair, James and Monica (Kalla)-Albany, MN Lansford, ND
Skagen, Elber and Elizabeth (Doman)-Lansford, ND
Skara, Irvin and Ellen (Bielland) family-Mohall, ND
Skiem, Mary Ann and other motorcycle fans-Minot, ND
Sleeper, A.L. and Arbington (Shattuck)-Mohall, ND
Sleeter, Carrie (Mrs. Spencer Gocke)-Fairchild, WI Orlando, FL
Sletting, Alvin and Mabel (Qualey) Van Campen-Minot, ND
Smetana, Albert and Anna (Novy) family-Lansford and Minot, ND
Smith, Frank and Alice (Fitzgerald)-Mohall, ND
Smith, Rebecca (Struthers)-Joclyn and Greene, ND
Smiths Grove and Christs Grove
Smith, Robert and Mathilda-Mohall, ND
Snee, Winnifred-Hastings, MN
Snyder, Alva and Bessie-Van Buren twp. rural Lansford, ND
Somers, James J.-Willow Grove Farm Renville Twp. Bottineau Co.
Sorenson, August-Sherwood, Minot, ND
Sorenson, James and Mathilda (Goedecke)--Minot, ND
Southam, George and Estille (Lebold)-Mohall and Antler, ND;
Sparling, Rev. William and Emma-Sherwood, ND
Spaulding, John and Louise (Sherritt)-Blake, Ontario, Sherwood
Spelhaug, Raymond and Luella (Anderson)-Lansford, ND
Spencer, Donald and Dorothy (Gardner)-Roseburg, MI Minot, ND
Spoklie, Ole family-Minot, ND
Spooner, Eugene and Olive (Hizer)-Stanley, ND
Smeby, Norton and Alice (Jacobson)-Mohall, ND Ancortes, WA
Smetana, Albert and Anna (Novy) families-Lansford, Minot, ND
Smette, Ingel O. family-Minot, ND
Smith, Arthur and Carrie (Mitchell)-rural Sherwood, ND
Smith, Frank and Alice-Mohall, ND
Smith, Jerome and Annabel (Arneson)-Mohall, Sherwood, ND
Smith, J. Louise-Minot, ND
Smith, Rebecca Jane (Struthers) and brother Rev. J.C.-Joslyn and Green, ND
Smith, Robert B.-Minot, ND
Smith, Robert C. and Mathilda (Stanel)-Tolley, ND
Smith, Silas Edward-rural Sherwood, ND
Snee, Winnifred-Hastings, MN Glenburn, ND;
Snyder, Alva and Bessie-Van Buren Twp. Lansford, ND
Solheim, Ted and Grace (Stromstad)-rural Sherwood, ND
Somers, James J.-Renville Twp. rural Mohall, ND
Sorenson, August (Ward Co. Sheriff)-Sherwood and Minot, ND
Sorenson, James and Mathilda (Goedecke)-Minot, ND
Southam, George and Estelle (Lebold)-Mohall and Antler, ND
Sparling, Rev. William and Emma families-Sherwood, ND
Spaulding, John and Louise (Sherritt)-Blake, Ontario and Sherwood
Speihaug, Raymond and Luella (Anderson)-rural Lansford, ND
Spencer, Donald and Dorothy (Gardner)-Roseburg, MI Minot, ND
Spoklie, Ole and (2) families-Minot, ND;
Spooner, Eugene W. and Olive (Hizer)-Stanley, ND
Stafford, Obidiah family-rural Norma, New Port, ND Pie Pot, Sask.
Staflin, Daniel and Ellen (Johnson)-Lake City, MN Port Wing, WI, rural Minot, ND
Stai, Raymond and Agnes (Musland) family-Minot, ND
Stalinger, Fred and Ermal (Kroll) family-Fessenden and Minot, ND
Stammen, Henry and Mary (Clementich)-rural Foxholm, ND
Stearnes, Neal and Ruby Norris-Velva and Minot, ND
Steeves, Lee and Violet (Halvorson)-Mohall, ND
Steffan, Jake-Minot, ND
Steffan, Laura and husband Vernon Forthun-rural Sawyer and Minot
Steffen, Julius, Frank and Claus-Carpio and Bowbells, ND
Steffes, Thomas and George-rural Mohall and Dickinson, ND
Stegi, --Glenburn, ND
Steinberger, John and Mary (Keplar) families-Donnybrook, ND
Stevens, Fred (stone house)-Kreisel-rural Lansford, ND
Stevens, March and Nellie (Jenkins) fanhilies-Glenburn, ND
Stewart, James and (7)-Mohall, ND
Stolt, August and Mathilda (Budke)-rural Sherwood, ND
Storhaug, Cheryl and husband Ron Grondahl--Minot, ND
Storing, Charles E. and Mary C. (Kelleri-rural Sherwood, ND
Stoughton, John E.-rural Glenburn, Markillie, ND
Stowe, Bernind, Mrs. Robert Barnett-AlaSka, Glenburn, ND
Strand, Martin and Christine (Orvidahl)-rural Sherwood, ND
Strandberg, George and Gertrud (Larson)-rural Mohall, ND
Streitz, Herbert and Rose (Riehle)-Muskego twp., rural Lansford
Stromstad, Wilhelm and Inga (Stromstad)-rural Sherwood, ND
Strube, Donald and Sylvetta (Quamn)-Minot, ND
Suelzle, Dane and Debbie-Minot, ND
Summers, J. J.-Renville, east of Mohall, ND
Swanson, Marion and (7)-rural Minot, ND
Swartout, William and Lottie (Allen)-Glenburn, ND
Sweney, Florence-Minot, ND
Swenson, C. A. Rueben and Gwen-Minot, ND
Swenson, Nils P. and family-Tolley, ND
Swiggen, "Cap" and Alice (7), "Cis Hadley"-Berthold and Minot, ND
Box 3:
Talley , Joshua and Lettie (Shook) families-IA and Glenburn, ND
Taplin, Harry and Viva (?)-Bismarck, Jamestown, ND Mitchell,SD
Tasker, Benjamin and James-village of Tasker near Burlington, ND
Tarvestad, Vernon and Rogna (Tossett)-Mdbel, MN Lansford, ND
Taul, Wylie and Mary (7)-Lansford, ND
Templeman, Harry and Geneva (Russell) Anderson families-Minot, ND
Thayer, J.E. families-Glenburn, ND Minot, ND
Thomas, Clarence and Harriet (Fairbanks)-IA Mohall, ND
Thompson, Duncan and Edith (McGuire)-Carpio, ND
Thompson, Phillips and Joyce (Adams)-Lansford and Minot, ND
Thompson, Shirley-rural Minot, ND
Thon, Sylvia and husband Lee Brochelsberg-Mohall, ND
Thorton, Frank and sister Rachel-Lorraine, Sherwood, ND
Thursby, Edwin H.-Towner, ND
Tillema, Linda and husband Roger Hartsoch-Minot, ND
Timms, Ben and Idamae (May) family-rural Lansford, ND
Tipke, John and Paulina (Neubauer)-rural Sherwood, ND
Tompkins, Ernest Minot-Minot, ND Columbia, MT
Tonneson, Oscar and Zena (7)-Denbigh, ND
Torkelson, Torkel and (2) (Nelson)-Wisconsin Glenburn, ND
Tossett, Andrew and Rose (Brown)-Lansford, ND
Tossett, Otis and Ellen (Tyler)-Lansford, ND
Tovey, Leslie and Bertha family-Mohall, ND
Trout, Walter and Clara (Rishling)-Sherwood, ND
Truax, Charles and Mattie (Gibb)-Minot, ND
Trutna, A. H. and (Jerebek)-Mohall, ND Hutchinson, MN
Triplett, Gerald Groenwold and wife Connie (Triplett)-Tolley, Bismarck, ND
Tufveson, Nels and Chritiana (Olson)-Sweden, rural Tolley, ND
Tuor, Charles and (Hocksprung)-Mohall, ND
Tuor, Catherine and Francis (Tuor) Price-Mohall, ND
Tyler, Frank and Amelia-Lansford, ND
Talley, Chester and DLela (Watson)-Teras; Logan, ND
Travis, Hattie (Mrs. Nels Armstrong)-Glenburn, ND
Wagner, Flora (Frost)-Jackson Co. MN and Ward Co. Wayne P.O.
Wakelam, John H. and family-Stafford twp. Renville Co. ND (Norma)
Waldron, Cal ND poet and attorney-Minot, ND
Walker, Ben-Lansford, ND
Walker, David and Hazel (Baker)-Sherwood and Newtown, ND
Walker, Edgar and Jennie (Rud) families-Minot, Newtown, ND
Walker, O.K. and Mary-Cresco, IA rural Sherwood, ND
Walker, Capt. Ronald and Donna (White)-Columbus, IN Minot, ND
Wall, Henry and Hellen (Lahse)-Mohall and Williston, ND
Wallin, John and Christian (Anderson), Augusta Anderson-Minot, ND
Walstead, J.G. and Mark-Minot, ND
Walter, George Walters son Lloyd-Glenburn, ND
Walton, Anthony and Elizabeth (Hall)-Forest City, IA Glenburn, ND
Wangler, Theresa-Balta, ND
Wapshott, Henry family-Waterford twp. Ward Co. ND
Walton, Alice and Ann fainilies-Glenburn, ND
Ward, Chet and Edna Ward, Frederick and Ginger families
Ward, Paula-Minot, ND
Wardlow, Oscar and Georgina (McGrady)-White Earth, ND
Warn, Nathan and Augusta (Smith) Milkey-Muskego Twp. and Minot
Warnke, Julius and Florence (Kelliwall)-Wood Lake, MN Minot, ND
Watland, Harry and Ruth (Bakken)-Antler, Sawyer, ND
Watne, Iver and Ludwig-Bergen, Norway Burlington and Minot, ND
Watts, C. Ellen-Nompa, ID
Weber, Charles and Myrtle (Borman)-Tolley and Carpio
Weise, Robert and Mary F. (Gingerich)-rural Lansford, Glenburn, ND
Weise, Theodore and Mathilda CEckhart)-Sherwood, ND Seattle, WA
Welsh, Fred and Hazel (Meyers)-Goebels, MI Glenburn, ND
Welsh, Thomas and Eleanor (fl-Goebels, MI Glenburn, ND
West, Glen-Glenburn, ND Bow Island, Alberta, Canada
West, Torrie and husband Brian Sturm-Minot, ND
Westereng, Clarence and Irene (Stromstad) family-Carpio and Minot
Whaley, David and (7)-Minot, ND
Whirley, Wherley, Vincent and Annie (Baker)-Watford City, ND
Whiskers, Marvin and Diane-Minot, ND
White, Willis- Sec. 9, Van Buren twp., rural Glenburn, ND
White, Vernon and Maren (Rearick)-Minot, ND
White, William and Caroline-Minot, ND Hopewell, VA
Whiting descendants of Caleb and Louise (Amer) Whiting-Callahan Twp. Glendale, CA
Wicheal (Wolf), Marvin and Constance (Neustel) (Wicheal)-Bismarck
Wilcox, Silas and Edia (Brooke)-Leeburg, VA rural Mohall, ND
Wilkes, Marcus and Marie (Budke)-MN, IL, CA
Willand, Andrew-Glenburn, ND
Willenbring, Henry C.-Foxholm, ND
Willert, Henry F. and Ethel (Goodall)-Lansford, Glenburn, Surrey,
Willey, Thomas and John and Inez (Odland) families-rural Mohall
Williams, Willie and Lesta Brackelsberg and sister Mildred-Mohall
Wilson, Alonzo son of Ethel-Minot, ND Hawaii
Wilson, Floyd and Jean (Rearick)-Mlnot, ND
Wilson, Dr. Herbert and Lillian-Boston, MA Newtown, ND
Wilson, James and Mary (Orr) farnilies-Weterford twp. Ward Co.Glenburn, ND
Wiltse, Mary-Surrey, ND Salt Lake City, UT
Wink, Tern and husband Denny Griffith-Norma, ND Madison, WI
Wittliff, David and Sandra (Giese)-Minot, ND
Witteman families-area of Mohall, ND
Wirtz, John E. ch. Maude and Guy-rural Glenburn, ND
Wolf, Ben also see Wicheal
Wolf, Jerome and daughters Susan and Bonnie-Minot and Mapleton, ND
Wolf, Rev. Dancel 1914-Minot, ND
Wolhowe, Frederick-Bergen, ND
Wolk, Otto and Helen (Lawler)-Lorraine, ND
Wood, Larry and Georgia (Mott)-Sherwood and Minot, ND
Wood, Tom, Marjorie, Iva, etc.-Minot Sand and Gravel-Minot, ND
Workman, Arthur and Olga (Knudtson)-Donnybrook, Minot, ND
Wright, Ben and Emphemia (Crouston)-Westhope, ND
Wright, Henry and Alice (Stevens)-Glenburn, ND
Wright, Ronald and Josephine (Book)-Mohall, Grano, ND
Wulfsburg, Rudolph and Grace-Dunn County, ND Minot, ND
Wynn, Colonel Robert C. and Emma (Mitchell)-Hamilton, OH Sherwood,
Yaegar, Louise A.-Van Buren twp., Glenburn, ND
Yarborough, Thomas and Mary Ann-Winneboro, S.C. Minot AFB
Yeomens, Minnie (Larson)-Ripon, WI Antler and Lansford, ND
Yesenko, Martha-Minot, ND
Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Pete and 12 children-Surrey, ND Twin Lakes, IA
Young, C. L.-Devils Lake, Lansford, Bismarck, ND
Young, Paul W. and Sarah Ann (Talley) families-Springdale, AR, Glenburn, ND
Yuly, Joseph and Elisa-MN and Minot, ND
Zablotny, Harold and Edith-Bismarck and Minot, ND
Zadaraka, Eugene L. and Margaret (Guszler)-Max and Minot, ND
Zahn, Larry and Cherri (Tennyson)-Westhope, ND
Zietz, Michael and Anstina (Rodin) families-Ortonville, MN, Casselton, ND
Zimbelman, Emil and Ruth (Steffen) families-Sawyer, Minot, ND
Zimmerman, Henry and Bertha (Becker) families-Mohall, ND
Zimny, Isadore and Jean (OKeefe)-Lansford, ND
Zoller, Chnis-Lanstord, ND
Zook, Lester-Minot and Surrey, ND
Zook, Tom and Ellen (Benell)-Minot and Surrey, ND
Zurburg, Fred and Annie (Budke)-Topeka, IL Mohall and Sherwood, ND
Zwinger, Duane and Mary (O’Connell)-Glenburn and Sykeston, ND
Genealogical material (Minot, ND)
DAR Minutes, Programs, Reports 1967-1974
DAR Minutes, Programs, Reports 1975-1979
DAR Minutes, Programs, Reports 1981-1985
DAR Magazine articles (selected) 1969-1974
DAR Magazine articles (selected) 1974-1977
Box 4:
1 DAR Magazine, (selected) 1979-1980
2 DAR Magazine (selected) 1981-1985
3 DAR Magazine (A-H) 1969-1985
4 DAR Magazine (I-N) 1969-1985
5 DAR Magazine (O-Z) 1969-1985
6 DAR Magazine Arkansas-New Mexico
7 DAR Magazine New York-Washington DC
8 DAR people and places
9 DAR programs
10 DAR programs
11 DAR Pierre Verendrye chapter by-laws
12 Bismarck (ND) Convention and Visitors Bureau Information
13 Miscellaneous historical and genealogical material
14 Periodicals
15 Interpretational reading
16 Church of the Nazarene, Minot (ND) Pastors and history
17 Church of the Nazarene, Minot (ND) Pastors and history
18 Van Buren School, Teachers and pupils
19 Minot Public Library, Library clippings
20 Mouse River Loop Genealogical Society
Box 5:
1 Lansford notes
2 Townships: schools, news items
3 Glenburn
4 Church records
5 Church records
6 North Dakota subjects
7 North Dakota subjects
8 North Dakota subjects
9 Water
10 Publications (REC, Water, Minerals)
11 Trails & Smoke Signals 1967-1971
12 Trails & Smoke Signals 1971-1982, 1984-1985
Box 6:
1 Genealogical information and correspondence
2 Genealogical information and correspondence
3 Genealogy
4 Van Buren, genealogical and historical
5 Van Buren, genealogical and historical
6 Politics
7 Politics
8 Politics
9 Politics-Mark Andrews
10 History: ethnic groups
11 Periodicals, misc.
12 Political brochures/publications (Conservative)
13 North Dakota
14 North Dakota
15 North Dakota
16 North Dakota
17 North Dakota
Box 7:
1 Post Cards
2 North Dakota
3 Tumbling Around the Prairies scrapbook
4 Miscellaneous
5 Educational
6 McClusky School Newspaper 1962-1963
7 Model High School (Minot ND) Newspaper 1961-1962
8 Salary Squabbles - no strike
9 State Exam for teachers and pupils 1936-1956
Box 8:
1 Educational materials
2 ND Unit at McKinley School
3 Student Teacher
4 Van Buren School # 3 1949-1950
5 Van Buren School # 3 1950-1951
6 Van Buren School # 3 1952-1953
7 Van Buren School # 3 1953-1954
8 Student Teacher 1954
9 Nedros #2 1954-1955
10 Minot Public School, McKinley 1958-
11 Educational material country school
12 Nedros # 2 1955-1956
13 Nedros # 2 1956-1957
14 Nedros # 2 1957-1958
15 Educational Materials
Box 9:
Educational Materials
Poetry collection from publications (11 folders)
Box 10:
1 Poetry miscellaneous
2 Farm Standard plumbing
3 Homemaking
4 Vallic butterfield (items)
5 Newsclippings
6 Greeter (Minot October issue) 1985
Box 11:
Material for the blind
Box 12:
1 Organizations, Louise Jevne
2 Organizations, Louise Jevne
3 Armstrong, Ben, Will, Florence, Henry
4 Jevne, Terry & Joan
5 Genealogical Information, Misc.
6 Genealogical Information, Misc.
7 Genealogical Information, Misc.
8 Church Education History Organizations
9 Church Education History Organizations
10 Church Education History Organizations
11 Armstrong, Joseph & Vallie (Butterfield)
12 Armstrong, Joseph & Vallie (Butterfield)
13 Armstrong, Joseph & Vallie (Butterfield)
Box 13:
1 Armstrong from Ireland, Joseph & Mary
2 Armstrong , Joseph & Mary from Ireland
3 Mitchell & Mace Families
4 Mitchell & Mace Families
5 Genealogical Information, Misc.
6 Genealogical Information, Misc.
7 Research, Misc.
8 Preston Butterfield & Nancy Gardner Barber etc.
9 Preston Butterfield & Nancy Gardner Barber etc.
10 Dunn & Butterfield
11 Dunn & Butterfield
12 Dunn & Butterfield
13 Jevne, Henry & Anna
14 Jevne, Henry & Anna
15 Jevne, Henry & Anna
16 Jevne, Alvin & Patricia Wolfer
17 Reporting and Editing MSC Muriel Turner Instructor 1963-1964
Box 14:
1 Jevne, Ole Olesen from Valdres Norway to WI, ND, MN
2 Jevne, Ole Olesen from Valdres Norway to WI, ND, MN
3 Drane Families of Maryland and Index
4 School Census, Renville Co. 1910, Index
5 Sherwood, History of 1904-1979
6 Glenburn Senior Class 1989
7 Index For Teachers And Pupils Of Van Buren Township, Renville Co.
8 Glenburn Alumni 1922-1989
9 Dunn, Barber, Butterfield, Gardner, Research by States
10 Butterfield
11 Misc. Research
12 Dunn Families, Hugh & Elizabeth (Drake)
Box 15:
1 Dunn
2 Methodist Church Records, Renville Co.
3 Jevne, Harry Cards Hospital 1981
4 Cemetery Records Of Renville Co. By Virginia & Edward Bryans
5 Cemeteries Of Renville Co. ND Plus Lansford and Mohall, ND
6 Velva Community 1908-1919 Vital Statistics
7 Cemetery Records of Bottineau Co.,
8 Butterfield, Maury, Hawley, Richardson
9 Poems and Prose by Louise Jevne
10 Poems and Prose by Louise Jevne
11 Louise Jevne 1219 7th Ave. NE Minot, ND
12 No Identification
13 Brochures
Box 16:
1 REC and other articles on North Dakota
2 News articles: Topical, floods, striking teachers
3 People of North Dakota
4 Genealogy, DAR, family information
5 Religion and other causes
6 Political, North Dakota
7 Educational Materials
Box 17:
Publications (bibliography on separate inventory)
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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