Title: North Dakota Public Employees Association
Dates: 1965-1978
Collection Number: 10278
Quantity: 9 feet
Abstract: Consists of Minutes, subject files, correspondence, budgets, memoranda, reports, financial statements, notes, photographs, constitution, programs, publications, and records of a health maintenance organization study.
Provenance: The State Historical Society of North Dakota acquired the North Dakota Public Employees Association Records as a gift from the Association on July 27, 1982. This collection was processed and the inventory prepared by Karen Mund, Grace Wattaja, and Kari Rombs Kohlhoff in November 1988.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Transfer: One foot of newsletters, reports, magazines, newspapers, bulletins, and published state and federal documents was transferred to the library collection.
The North Dakota Public Employees Association (NDPEA) traces its beginnings to an organizational meeting in January 1963. A group of representatives from 18 state agencies and boards, concerned with state employee practices, met to discuss what they considered to be inadequate employee benefits, salary levels, and job security. From this meeting a legislative committee was formed to review legislation regarding employee health insurance and retirement plans as proposed by the North Dakota State Highway Employees Association. A legislative advisory committee was also appointed to give assistance and guidance during the coming legislative session.
Encouraged by their success in the legislative sessions, the legislative advisory committee sought out other employees interested in forming an organization to promote employee rights. As a result the North Dakota State Employees Association was established in May 1964. The purpose of the Association, according to the Articles of Incorporation, was (in part) to promote and establish: a merit system for all state employees, a retirement or pension plan for all state employees, the general economic welfare of employees, mutual understanding and good will among employees, and a newsletter for the purpose of providing communication among employees.
Membership in the organization was initially restricted to state employees but this was extended to include all employees and retired employees of the state, counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions. By the end of the first year the Association had increased to 1610 members organized into seven chapters (as well as the Highway Employees Association) in the Bismarck area. Chapters, the basic membership groups made up of 20 or more members, organized throughout the state. Each member was assigned to a chapter of his or her own choice. Chapters are currently grouped into five regions in the state and are responsible for electing a director from their region, as well as a director-at-large to serve on the NDPEA board of directors. In addition to the directors, the board of directors also includes the executive committee, composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president. The president serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee chairperson of each committee. NDPEA committees are appointed to work with special projects (such as the legislative and membership recruitment programs); to pursue business matters (such as the constitution and bylaws, finance, and auditing committees); and to plan and make arrangements for the delegate assembly, such as the convention committee and its counterparts.
Members targeted passage of an employee retirement plan as the primary goal during the 1965 Legislative Session. Their intensive work and study were rewarded when a State Employee Retirement Plan was passed by the Senate in March of that year. Over the next decade the membership and strength of the Association grew steadily. Due in part to lobbying by the Association, members employed at the state colleges received increased benefits, the Governor’s Standard Personnel Policy was drafted, minimum wages were increased, and many other benefits were secured for state employees. In 1975 the State Personnel Board was formed to review the classification and merit systems, personnel policies, and other employee programs with the intention of establishing a unified system for all state employees. In 1980 the title of the organization was changed to North Dakota Public Employees Association in order to reflect the importance of achieving improved benefits for state, County, and city employees.
NDPEA has contributed to the adoption of policies which are essential addition s to the establishment of a comprehensive employee benefit package, as well as personnel policy changes dealing with topics from compensatory time to work experience credits. The Association works to accomplish goals that public employees feel are significant and provides the support and strong representation that public employees require.
Source: North Dakota Public Employees Association Records.
The North Dakota Employees Association Records, 1963-1981, document the organization and growth of the largest nonprofit nonpartisan group of public employees in North Dakota which works to provide greater benefit and privileges to its membership. The records contain minutes, 1963-1977, administrative files, 1965-1981, and financial records, 1972-1979.
Included are the minutes of the NDPEA board of directors, executive committee, regular association meetings, and annual meetings. State Personnel Board and Assembly of Governmental Employees general assembly and board of directors meetings are also included. In addition the minutes may contain reports, programs, pamphlets, clippings, ballots, legislative bills, memos, agendas, resolutions, and articles and certificates of incorporation.
The administrative files include clippings, reports, surveys, budgets, pamphlets, agendas, and correspondence. Also included are HMO grants, payrolls for colleges, initiated measures, Merit System legislative bills, resumes of field representatives, membership awards, and salary reports. Oversized items consisting of “Attitude and Opinion Survey” visual aid, state government organizational chart 1970, and several daily reference calendar sheets 1976-1977 are housed separately.
Financial records consist of audits, budgets, and financial statements.
Box 1:
1 Minutes 1963-1970
2 Minutes 1963-1970
3 Minutes 1966-1970
4 Minutes 1966-1970
5 Minutes 1970-1971
6 Minutes 1970-1972
7 Minutes 1970-1972
8 Minutes 1970-1972
9 Minutes 1973-1975
10 Minutes 1975-1977
11 Minutes 1976-1977
12 Minutes 1976-1977
13 Minutes, State Personnel Board 1972-1976
14 Minutes, State Personnel Board 1972-1976
15 Minutes, AGE Assembly and Directors 1970-1976
16 Ad Hoc Committee – Constitution & Bylaws 1976
17 Administration 1970-1972
18 Administration 1970-1972
19 Administration 1971-1973
20 Administration 1971-1973
Box 2:
1 Aetna Life and Casualty 1974
2 AGE Constitution and Bylaws 1973-1975
3AGE Convention 1976
4 AGE Correspondence 1969-1971
5 AGE Correspondence 1972
6 AGE Correspondence 1972
7 AGE Correspondence 1972
8 AGE Correspondence 1973
9 AGE Correspondence 1974
10 AGE Correspondence 1975
11 AGE Correspondence 1976
12 AGE Correspondence 1976
13 AGE Correspondence 1976-1977
14 AGE President Robert Carlson 1973
15 Appointments and Replies Committee 1976
16 Association, Changing Picture 1969-1970
17 Attitude and Opinion Survey 1976
18 Attorney General Opinion 1973
19 Auditing Committee 1976
20 Bank Balance Sheets 1973-1974
21 Benefits, Grand Forks and Bismarck 1973
22 Bills Paid 1965
23 Bills Paid 1965
24 Bills Paid 1965
25 Blair, Richard W. – President 1976-1977
26 Bottineau Junior College Div. Payroll 1976-1977
27 Budget and Finance Committee 1976
28 Budget A Committee 1975-1976
29 Budget A Committee 1975-1976
Box 3:
1 Budget B Committee 1975-1976
2 Budget C Committee 1975-1976
3 Budget Section Committee 1975-1976
4 Business and Industrial Park Development 1973
5 Bylaws Revise and Amend Committee 1974
6 Cancer Insurance 1971
7 Central Data Processing 1972-1976
8 Chamber of Commerce, North Dakota 1973
9 Chapter Alignment Committee 1973-1976
10 Chapter Meetings on State Time 1973
11 Check Requests 1979
12 Classification Study 1971-1972
13 Clifford, Thomas 1973
14 Collective Bargaining 1975
15 Committee Guidelines
16 Committees 1973-1976
17 Constitution NDSEA 1976
18 Constitutional Measure #3 Resolution 1976
19 Constitutional Revision Committee 1976
20 Convention Committees Reports 1977
21Convention Programs 1977-1981
22 Correspondence 1976-1977
23 Correspondence, Congressmen 1971-1976
24 Correspondence, Legislative Session 1975
25 Correspondence, Miscellaneous 1975
26 Correspondence, Miscellaneous 1971-1976
27 Correspondence, Miscellaneous 1975-1976
28 Correspondence, Old Chapter 1976-1977
29 Correspondence to Chapter 1973-1977
30 Correspondence to Chapter 1973-1977
31 Correspondence to Chapter 1973-1977
Box 4:
1 Criminal Justice Commission 1974
2 Deferred Compensation 1973-1976
3 Deferred Compensation 1973-1976
4 Democratic-NPL Election Positions 1976
5 Democratic-NPL Primary Ballot 1972
6 Dickinson Employees Organization Meeting 1976
7 Dickinson State College Payroll 1976-1977
8 Directors, Board of – Annual Meeting 1972
9 Directors, Board of – Roster 1976
10 Domek, Fay – Appeal 1975-1976
11 Dues and Refunds 1971-1973
12 Election Day Opinion 1973
13 Election, Special – Candidates for 1973
14 Emergency Employment Act 1971
15 Employee of the Year Award – Chapter 1973
16 Employees Associations, Other States 1976
17 Employer-Employee Relations 1970
18 Employment Applications 1973
19 Employment Policy, Director of Institutions
20 Employment Security Bureau 1973-1974
21 Ernst & Ernst Pay Classification Plan 1973
22 Executive Committee Minutes 1972-1973
23 Executive Director Applications, HMO 1978
24 Expense Account Bill 1975
25 Expense Accounts 1973
26 Faculty Salary Committee 1976
27 Fair Labor Appeals Committee 1976
28 Forest Service Payroll 1976-1977
29 Grafton State School 1974
30 Grand Forks Convention Handbook
31 Handbook 1968-1972
32 Handbook 1971-1973
33 Handbook 1974-1974
34 Handbook 1974-1975
35 Handbook 1974-1977
36 Handbook 1974-1977
37Health, Education & Welfare 1973
38 Health Insurance 1970-1972
Box 5:
1 Higher Education, Board of 1969-1973
2 Higher Education, Board of 1969-1974
3 Higher Education, Board of 1969-1974
4 Higher Education, Board of 1971-1976
5 Higher Education, Board of – Pay Schedule 1974-1976
6 Higher Education, Board of – Personnel 1975
7 Higher Education Committee 1975-1976
8 Higher Education Staff Policy 1974
9 Highway Employees Association 1972-1973
10 HMO Grant 1977-1978
11 HNO Grant 1977-1978
12 HMO Grant Application 1977
13 Honorary Membership
14 Hotline 1975-1976
15 House Bill 1120 1975
16 Industrial School, Mandan 1972-1973
17 Industry and Business A Committee 1973-1974
18 Industry and Business B Committee 1973-1974
19 Industry and Business C Committee 1975-1976
20 Industry and Business C Committee 1975-1976
21 Industry and Business C Committee 1975-1976
22 Initiated Measures 1977-1979
23 Institutional Organization Committee 1974-1976
24 Insurance Companies 1974
25 Insurance Proposals 1969-1976
Box 6:
1 Intergovernmental Personnel Act 1969-1972
2 Job Classification and Code Numbers
3 Job Descriptions 1970
4 Judiciary A Committee 1975-1976
5 Judiciary B Committee 1974
6 Labor Statistics, Bureau of 1972-1974
7 Leadership Development Committee 1976
8 Legislation 1972-1973
9 Legislation, Miscellaneous 1976-1977
10 Legislative Bills 1975
11 Legislative Committee, NDSEA 1974
12 Legislative Committee, NDSEA 1974
13 Legislative Committee, NDSEA 1974-1976
14 Legislative Council 1971-1976
15 Legislative Council Committee Minutes 1977-1979
16 Legislative Session 1975-1977
17 Legislators Voting Record 1974
18 Life and Disability, Miscellaneous Plans
19 Lobbyist Expenditure, Report Guidelines
20 Marshall, Jim 1973-1974
21 Mayville State College Payroll 1976-1977
22 McCarney, Robert – lawsuit 1976
23 McCarthy, Rhoda – Appeal 1975-1976
24 McCarthy, Rhoda – Appeal 1975-1976
25 Meiers, Dave 1977-1978
26 Membership Awards 1970-1973
27 Membership Committee 1976
28 Membership Count 1976
29 Membership Count 1977
30 Membership Count 1977
31 Membership Count 1978
32 Membership Count 1978
33 Membership Potential 1972
Box 7:
1 Merit System 1970-1972
2 Merit System 1971-1972
3 Merit System 1971-1972
4 Merit System Bill 1973
5 Merit System Civil Service 1970
6 Minimum Wage, Attorney General’s Opinion 1976
7 Minot State College Payroll 1974-1977
8 Miscellaneous 1973-1977
9 Morris Associates, Inc. 1973-1974
10 Munroe, O. W. 1966
11 National Liberty Corporation News 1973
12 National Life Insurance Company 1970
13 Nationwide Insurance Company 1968-1972
14 Nationwide Insurance Company 1973-1977
15 Nationwide Insurance Company Life Plan 1970-1971
16 NDSU 1972-1974
17 NDSU Custodial Grievance 1974
18 NDSU Proposed Payroll 1976-1977
19 News Releases 1976
20 Newsletters, Newspaper Rates & Proposals 1973
21 Northwest Leasing Corporation 1973
22 Open House 1976
23 Oppegard, Howard 1973
24 Organizations Employees Association 1974-1976
25 Payroll Compensation Reports 1972-1973
26 Personnel Evaluation Forms 1975
27 Personnel Policies, Comparison Study 1966-1975
28 Personnel Recommended Changes
29 Petitions – SB 2068 Retirement Bill 1977
30 Policy Statement, Emergency Commission 1974
31 Political Questionnaire 1970
32 Political Subdivision Committee 1975-1976
33Posting Codes 1973
34 President’s Correspondence – Schroeder, C. 1972-1973
35 Promotion Material 1972-1973
36 Public Employee Association, Riverside
37 Public Employee Information 1973
38 Public Employee Retirement System 1976-1977
39 Psychiatric Technician Correspondence 1974-1976
40 Questionnaire, Holiday and Membership 1972
41 Raschke, Kenneth 1973
42 Receipts 1965
Box 8:
1 Receipts 1965
2 Receipts 1966
3 Resolutions 1972
4 Resumes 1972-1973
5 Resumes, Field Representative 1974
6 Retirement Subcommittee 1974
7 Revenue Sharing
8 Right to Work, National 1972-1974
9 Rules and Regulations 1977
10 Salaries, Higher Education 1971-1972
11 Salary Committee Report 1974
12 Salary Legislative Subcommittee 1976-1979
13 Salary Levels Advisory Committee 1972
14 Salary Schedule 1977-1978
15 Salary Survey 1977
16 Sanstead, Wayne 1973
17 Schanse, Douglas 1976-1977
18 School for the Deaf 1972
19 School of Science
20 Schulz, Jim 1974-1976
21 Secretarial Interviews, HMO 1978
22 Social Security, Denver Conference 1976
23 Social Security, Denver Conference 1976
24 Social Service Board 1972
25 Social Services, Dept. of 1972
26 State And Federal Committee 1975-1976
27 State And Federal Committee 1975-1976
28 State And Federal Committee 1975-1976
29 Students Association 1974
30 Surveys 1971-1972
31 Teachers Fund Retirement, North Dakota 1975-1976
32 Testimonies 1975
33 Thompson, Al 1973
34 Travel Policies 1977
35 UND 1973-1974
36 UND Proposed Payroll 1976-1977
37 Unemployment Compensation 1971-1972
38 Union Activity 1973-1974
39 Utah Constitution and Bylaws 1975
40 Valley City College Proposed Payroll 1974-1977
41 Valley City College Wage Dispute 1973
42 Vasiljevic, Slavko Chapter #42 1974
43 Veterans Coordinating Council 1974
Box 9:
1 WAGE Annual Meeting 1973
2 WAGE Annual Meeting 1974
3 WAGE Annual Meeting 1975-1977
4 WAGE Correspondence 1969-1972
5 WAGE Correspondence 1973
6 WAGE Correspondence 1974-1975
7 WAGE Correspondence 1976-1977
8 WAGE Board of Directors Minutes 1973-1976
9 WAGE Executive Directors Meeting 1976
10 WAGE Meetings 1971-1972
11 WAGE Meetings 1972
12 WAGE Workshops 1976
13 Wahpeton Payroll 1976-1977
14 Western Group Agencies, Inc. 1972-1973
15 Williamson, Bill – Vet Coordinating
16 Work Guidelines 1970
17 Workman’s Compensation 1969-1973
18 Audit Reports 1972-1973
19 Audit Report 1974
20 Audit Report 1976
21 Budgets, Amended 1974
22 Budgets, Proposed 1974
23 Budget, Final Draft 1976
24 Budget, Preliminary Proposed 1976-1977
25 Budget 1977
26 Financial Statements 1971-1973
27 Financial Statements 1974
28 Financial Statements 1975
29 Financial Statements 1976
30 Financial Statements 1977
31 Financial Statements 1978
32 Financial Statements 1979
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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