Title: American Legion Auxiliary, Lloyd Spetz Unit No. 1 Records
Dates: 1919-2012
Collection Number: MSS 10041
Quantity: 8.25 feet
Abstract: Records consist of histories of the Auxiliary (1919-2012) and cradle roll cards with information about children of veterans that were created and maintained by the Auxiliary to facilitate charity work for veterans and their families. The cards are available in a spreadsheet. The American Legion Auxiliary Cradle Roll is a record of children born to military men and women of World War I that lived in North Dakota. It contains (if known) the child’s complete name, date of birth, father and mothers names, the city they lived in, the enlisted or inducted date in the military, branch of service, Company and Division last served in, date released from the service, American Legion that they were a member of and the fathers date of death. There are also 75 names that belonged to an American Legion in Westby, Montana. North Dakota became the foster department of the Westby Legion post for 19 years (1923-1942). In 1942 the post asked permission to transfer back to Montana.
Provenance: The records were deposited with the State Historical Society of North Dakota in various increments by Auxiliary members and historians. Some of the cradle roll cards were donated by Mrs. S. Boise on April 25, 1942. Some unit histories were donated on June 7, 1974 by Mrs. Edward L. Lee. Additional unit histories were donated in December 1982. This inventory was prepared by Emily Schultz in January 2013. Cradle roll cards were entered into a spreadsheet by Pam Schonert in 2013-2014. Additional unit histories were donated by Pauline Smith in November 2014.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related Collections:
10339 American Legion Auxiliary. Department of North Dakota Records, 1934-1935
Biographical sketches and photographs of North Dakota women who served as nurses in WWI. (.5ft/1r/#16079)
10408 American Legion Department of North Dakota Records, 1944-1984
Convention programs. (.25 ft.)
Collection note: Each unit history contains information about the Auxiliary’s activities and elected officers, and most contain photographs. The photographs in the histories have been numbered and described in this document. The histories are housed in chronological order, and an attempt was made to number the photographs in the same manner. Several of the unit histories were originally mislabeled and as a result, the photograph numbers are not exactly in order.
The cradle roll information was created and maintained by the Auxiliary to facilitate charity work for veterans and their families. Each card was typed into the spreadsheet below, and the original cards are housed with the collection. “Child Welfare and Cradle Roll: A committee of three forms the child welfare committee. This committee has made a survey of the community to locate the orphans of the disabled veterans. They are very accurate in securing names of all eligible members to the cradle roll and have a card index file system of the entire cradle roll.” (1919-1930 Unit History Book)
“World War Background to American Legion Auxiliary Unit attached to Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1” by Christina Scott-Haibeck, Secretary (1929-1930) in the 1919-1930 unit history book
“The American Legion Auxiliary Unit attached to Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1 had the roots of its organization back in the Ladies’ Auxiliary to Company ‘A’ which was formed April 6, 1917 when eighteen ladies met at the Commercial Club Hall and heard Capt. A. B. Welch talk on ‘The life and needs of a soldier while in service.’
The purpose of the meeting was to form a permanent organization to aid the members of Company ‘A’ during the war with Germany. Mrs. Peter Reid was elected President, Mrs. Donald McPhee Vice President, Mrs. C. O. Ulness Secretary and Miss Leila Diesem Treasurer. The membership fee was one dollar and the following women joined at this meeting: Mrs. Peter Reid, Mrs. George Ward, Mrs. Hugo Mella, Mrs. Cora Dickerson, Mrs. McPhee, Mrs. J. P. Dunn, Mrs. C. E. Vaughn, Mrs. C. O. Ulness, Miss Leila Diesem, Mrs. Flow, Mrs. O. Hjelsand and Mrs. Robert Orr. At the next meeting the following joined: Mrs. E. P. Quain, Mrs. John I. Willson, Mrs. Myra Nelson, Mrs. C. H. Olson, Mrs. E. E. Youmans, Mrs. E. L. Bannon, Mrs. J. D. McKechnie, Mrs. Chas. Nejedly, and Mrs. S. E. Dugan… Other members the first year were Agnes McLean, Mrs. Scharnowski, Mrs. Talcott, Mrs. Mary McLean, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. J. W. Murphy and Mrs. E. S. Miller.
From May 26th Mrs. J. I. Willson acted as Secretary. At a meeting August 29, 1917, Mrs. McPhee’s resignation as Vice President was accepted and Mrs. E. P. Quain was elected to take her place. At the September 29, 1917 meeting it was decided to change the name from ‘Auxiliary to Company A’ to ‘Auxiliary to Companies A and I and Headquarters Company…’ In November the members decided to meet with the Red Cross to sew every Wednesday afternoon.
In March 1918 it was reported that the Civic League would like to unite with the Auxiliary. After due consideration it was decided to invite them to join as individuals. At the annual meeting May 11th, 1918 all the officers were re-elected by unanimous vote. The activities of the year are best summarized in the Secretary’s report as follows:
‘The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Co’s A and I at its first annual meeting reviewed a year of profitable enterprises and gratifying accomplishment. Organized in April, 1917, with twelve charter members, the membership during the year has increased to 28, and the first twelve months come to an end with every evidence of enhanced interest and growing activity and service.
The auxiliary’s first work was the manufacture of 25 Scotch Glengarry caps which were sold at $1.00 each to Scotchmen who wore them in the Lexington Day Parade, April 19. During the year 28 regular and seven special meetings were held. While members of Co. A were stationed at Camp Frazier they were furnished with writing materials, soap, thread, shears, bath towels, pins and dish towels, and on May 17, 1917 a dinner was served to 125 soldiers at Camp Frazier.
July 4, the auxiliary served a dinner at the Masonic temple to Co. A and the Dickinson and Mandan companies, stationed at For Lincoln, while dinners were sent to 12 soldiers on duty at Camp Frazier and to fifty guardsmen who were not able to attend the banquet at the temple. The auxiliary was assisted by the Dickinson and Mandan ladies.
M. J. O’Connor tendered the auxiliary two well-attended dances for the benefit of Co. A boys. While the soldiers were stationed at Fort Lincoln, 165 comfort kits were made for members of Co. A. On September 2, Co. A was given a corn feed, and on September 21 a farewell reception was given to Companies A and I at the Masonic temple.
October 2 the form of organization was changed to the present title – Ladies Auxiliary to Co’s A and I. In response to a request from Mrs. Frank White at New York, for bed sox, seventy pairs were sent to be divided between Companies A and I. Tobacco was sent to our boys while stationed at Camp Mills as well as dish towels and kitchen aprons. In February tobacco was forwarded the two Bismarck companies in France, and at Christmas time 25 Christmas boxes were given by the auxiliary to the Red Cross.
February 6, the auxiliary gave a Scotch entertainment at the Auditorium for the soldiers’ benefit. The auxiliary has made 48 comfort kits for the Red Cross, and through April and May, 15 comfort kits were made and donated to the Red Cross. At the annual meeting on May 11, the treasurer reported receipts of $782.95; expenditures, $667.73, and a balance of $115.22.
Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Peter Reid; Vice President, Mrs. Fanny Dunn Quain; Secretary, Mrs. J. Willson; Treasurer, Miss Lelia Diesem.
The secretary in her annual report placed special emphasis on the generous co-operation which the auxiliary has received in all its work from the ladies and merchants of Bismarck.’
In June of 1918 the auxiliary bought $50.00 Liberty Bonds and 3 War Savings Stamps. They gave $25.00 to the Red Cross. The dreadful flu epidemic of 1918 made it necessary to omit the October, November and January meetings. A war orphan was adopted. The last meeting of the organization was held April 2, 1919 and yearly reports were read and approved. The last half of the dues for support of the war orphan were paid and $15.00 was paid to the War Mothers for a flag fund to be used as a memorial to the returned soldiers. All money left in the treasury was put in a savings account to be sent to the war orphan at Christmas time.
It was ‘moved, seconded, and carried that as now the boys are about all home from war and as the War Mothers of the nation were organizing to take up the work of looking after the boys that we disband.’
So we find many of these women who had worked for the boys during the war organizing and uniting with the Fort Lincoln Chapter of the War Mothers of America. This Chapter was organized April 12, 1919 with thirty charter members and the following officers: President-Mrs. J. W. Burch, Vice President-Mrs. Robert Boyd, Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. W. C. Cashman, Recording Secretary-Mrs. P. H. Thordahl, Treasurer-Mrs. Mary McGarvey, Historian-Mrs. Henrietta Reid, and Parliamentarian-Mrs. Frank Paris.
On Tuesday, May 20, 1919 at 7:03 P. M. a meeting called by R. H. Tracey, Jr., was held at the old Armory Building to organize the local Legion Post. At this meeting A. A. Jones was elected the first Post Commander.
On December 18, 1919, the War Mothers called a meeting of wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters of the Legion members to organize an Auxiliary to the Legion. Twenty-six women responded to this call and from this time on the succession of presidents will unfold the pages of history.”
“Biography and Service Record of Lloyd W. Spetz”
From the 1919-1930 unit history book
(This brief outline prepared by Christina S. Haibeck, Secretary American Legion Auxiliary Unit, attached to Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1, The American Legion Department of North Dakota, for the year 1929-1930, from brief remarks submitted by the mother of Lloyd Spetz, Mrs. Anna Gradin, Minneapolis)
(The first Burleigh County boy to give his life in the Great World War.)
“Lloyd William Spetz, in whose memory Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1 located at Bismarck, N. Dak was named, was born April 18, 1894 on a farm eighteen miles south of Washburn, N. Dak. His parents were John Spetz and Anna Gradin Spetz. His schoolings were started in the rural school near his early home and continued in the Underwood Consolidated School. After completing the eighth grade he began high school but did not complete the four year course. After leaving school he worked in drug stores and later in a wholesale grocery. He was always interested in out of door sports, especially hunting and baseball. He played on the Underwood Baseball team.
In May 1917 he enlisted in the service of his country which was engaged in war with Germany. At this time he was an attractive young man 5ft. 7½ inches in height, with brown hair and eyes, weighing about 140 lbs. After enlisting in the army he was immediately sent to camp and was in France by November of that year. His last letter home stated that he was in the trenches and had been over the top twice. On March 1st, 1918 he was killed in action, the telegram telling of his death reaching his mother on March 5th.
A large portrait of Lloyd Spetz was given by his mother to the Lloyd Spetz Post of the American Legion Department of North Dakota, when they organized and decided to name the post in his honor.
Box 1:
1 Unit History (draft): 12/18/1919-7/1/1930
2 Unit History (final): 12/18/1919-7/1/1930
10041-01 Mrs. W. A. Falconer portrait, President, 1921
10041-02 Marshall Foch portrait, souvenir of visit to Bismarck
10041-03 Billy Corwin portrait, selected by Lloyd Spetz Unit No. 1 to present chrysanthemums to Marshall Foche
10041-04 Ruth Wynkoop, canteen girl, 1921 welfare worker
10041-05 Helen Falconer, canteen girl, 1921 welfare worker
10041-06 Dorothy Schnecker, canteen girl, 1921 welfare worker
10041-07 Margaret Wynkoop, canteen girl, 1921 welfare worker
10041-08 Beatrice McQuillan, Katherine McGarvey, Emma McGarvey, canteen girls, 1921 welfare workers
10041-09 Mrs. Ferris Cordner (taken in 1929)
10041-10 Mrs. Minnie L. Shuman, President, 1927-1928
10041-11 Mrs. B. E. Hitchcock, President, 1928-1929
10041-12 Mrs. G. Olgierson, Vice President, 1928-1929
10041-13 Mrs. Gerald Richholt, Treasurer, 1928-1929
10041-14 Mrs. F. Skinner, Chaplain, 1928-1929
10041-15 Miss Leila Deisem, Historian, 1928-1929
10041-16 Mrs. Ray Burman, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1928-1929
10041-17 Governor George F. Shafer buying the first poppy from Mrs. Henry Hanson May 25, 1929
10041-18 Mrs. George Janda, Vice President, 1929-1930
10041-19 Mrs. A. Haibeck, Secretary, 1929-1930
10041-20 Mrs. J. A. Kitchen, Historian, 1929-1930
10041-21 Quartette: Madge Runey, Mrs. C. Gunness (pianist), Mrs. Ray Stair, Mrs. A. D. McKinnon (music chairman), Mrs. G. Dahlen, and Mrs. Iver Acker
10041-22 Members of Double Quartette: Miss Madge Runey, Mrs. C. Gunness (pianist), Mrs. Ray Stair, Mrs. A. D. McKinnon (music chairman), Mrs. G. Dahlen, Mrs. G. J. Worner, and Mrs. Iver Acker
10041-23 Portrait of Quartette members: Madge Runey, Mrs. C. Gunness (pianist), Mrs. Ray Stair, Mrs. A. D. McKinnon (music chairman), Mrs. G. Dahlen, and Mrs. Iver Acker
10041-24 Mrs. James Morris, Department President, selling the first poppy on Poppy Day to Mr. Morris, May 24, 1930
10041-25 Jennie Constance Hagen portrait, ca. 1930
3 Unit History: 1930-1931
10041-26 Miss Mary E. Houser, President, 1930-1931
10041-27 Mrs. Ray V. Stair, Vice President, 1930-1931
10041-28 Miss Ruth Wynkoop, Secretary, 1930-1931
10041-29 R. J. Kamplin, Department Commander of the American legion, purchases the first poppy from Jeanette Fay Morris, youngest member of the Bismarck unit, 1931
10041-30 Laying of the cornerstone of the World War Memorial Building, Bismarck, July 29, 1930
10041-31 World War Memorial building, Bismarck, dedicated January 9, 1931
4 Unit History: 1931-1932
10041-32 Mrs. H. W. (Bess) Rosenthal, President, 1931-1932
10041-33 Mrs. G. J. Worner, Vice President, 1931-1932
10041-34 Mrs. C. E. Knudtson, Treasurer, 1931-1932
10041-35 “Greek Flag” presentation ceremony, fall 1931 (Greek flag presented to Governor Shafer by a group of Greek Legionnaires representing the Greek Republic)
5 Unit History: 1932-1933
10041-36 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, Junior Auxiliary sponsor (and 1932-1933 president)
10041-37 Junior American Legion Auxiliary in Memorial Day parade, May 30, 1932
10041-38 Mrs. Frayne Baker, 1932-1933 vice president
10041-39 Miss Hazel Paris, Secretary, 1932-1933
10041-40 Colonial Silver Tea, October 21, 1932
10041-41-42 Auxiliary chorus, 1932-1933
10041-43-44 Auxiliary chorus in mammy costumes, 1932-1933
10041-45 Junior American Legion Auxiliary in Memorial Day parade, probably May 30, 1933
10041-46-51 Life at Camp Grassick, summer 1933
“This year Child Welfare was our most important committee, and Mrs. George Shunk gave many hours to the carrying out of our policy of helping the families of any veteran. Often times a kind word, a little sympathy will lift a discouraged woman up into the sunlight and help her to enjoy a little of life’s blessings. Many cases were investigated and aid given whenever possible…
We contributed seventy dollars to Camp Grassick again this year. We feel that supervised play and fresh air are real assets for children who are under nourished and never get the proper food or sleep. The child welfare chairman is privileged to help choose the children from Bismarck and this year two children of ex-service men will enjoy six weeks of clean wholesome food and glorious sunshine at Lake Isabel. Last year the little boy we sent was the star pupil, he qualified in all the regulations, and obeyed all the rules…” (1932-1933 unit history)
6 Unit History: 1933-1934
10041-52 North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (Risem Photograph), ca. 1933-1934
10041-53 Mrs. H. P. Ide portrait, National Committeewoman, 1933-1934
10041-54 Mrs. F. J. Fredrickson portrait, District Committeewoman, 1933-1934
10041-55 Mrs. M. H. Lynch portrait, Department President, 1933-1934
10041-56 Mrs. R. M. DePuy, Department Secretary, 1933-1934
10041-57 Mrs. A. M. brown, Department Treasurer, 1933-1934
10041-58 Mrs. Frayne Baker, President, 1933-1934
10041-59 Miss Hazel Paris, Secretary, 1933-1934
10041-60 Mrs. John Spare, Treasurer, 1933-1934
10041-61 Mrs. James Morris, National Poppy Chairman, 1933-1934
10041-62 Mrs. G. Olgeirson, Chairman of Department Finance Committee, 1933-1934
10041-63 Mrs. H. W. (Bess) Rosenthal, Department Radio Chairman, 1933-1934
10041-64 Auxiliary chorus, 1933-1934
10041-65 Junior Auxiliary sponsors Mrs. H. A. Pike, Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, and Mrs. Frayne Baker, 1933-1934
10041-66 Junior Auxiliary officers, 1933-1934
10041-67 Junior Auxiliary officers, 1934-1935
7 Unit History: 1934-1935
10041-68 North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (Finney Photograph), ca. 1934
10041-69 Mrs. M. H. Lynch, National Committeewoman, 1934-1935
10041-70 Mrs. C. L. Robertson, District Committeewoman, 1934-1935
10041-71 Mrs. F. D. Register, President, 1934-1935
10041-72 Mrs. Spencer S. (Lillian) Boise, Vice President, 1934-1935
10041-73 Mrs. Earle C. Peck, Treasurer, 1934-1935
10041-74 Auxiliary chorus, 1934-1935
10041-75 Gretel, Hansel and the Ogress, hand-made puppets by Junior Auxiliary for performance of Hansel and Gretel, probably in Jamestown, May 6, 1935
10041-76 Junior Auxiliary members with hand-made puppets for Hansel and Gretel performance at 3rd district convention, Jamestown, May 6, 1935
10041-77 Junior Auxiliary members at Memorial Day parade, May 30, 1935
10041-78 Junior Auxiliary members (names of officers in unit history), 1934 or 1935
10041-79 Junior Auxiliary sponsors: Mrs. H A Pike, Miss Esther Maxwell and Mrs. Malvin Olson, 1934 or 1935
8 Unit History: 1935-1936
10041-80 Mrs. J. A. Hofto portrait, National Committeewoman, 1935-1936
10041-81 Mrs. H. W. (Bess) Rosenthal, District Committeewoman, 1935-1936
10041-82 Mrs. E. C. Geelan portrait, Department President, 1935-1936
10041-83 Mrs. G. R. Schwandt portrait, Department Secretary, 1935-1936
10041-84 Miss Mary Houser, Department Treasurer, 1935-1936
10041-85 Mrs. A. M. Brown, Department Treasurer (Resigned), 1935-1936
10041-86 Mrs. Henry Hanson portrait, Vice President, 1935-1936
10041-87 Mrs. Ray Robinson portrait, Secretary, 1935-1936
10041-88 Mrs. E. C. Peck portrait, Treasurer, 1935-1936
10041-89 Open Your Heart Campaign, 1935 (foreground, left to right: Adj. H. Smith, W. J. Brophy, Milton Rue, Mrs. E. F. [Vera B.] Trepp) (Risem Studio, Bismarck)
10041-90 Gold Star Mothers, 1935 (unidentified but list of members is in unit history)
10041-91 Open your Heart Campaign, 1935 (foreground: left to right, Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, S. S. Boise, W. J. Brophy, Milton Rue, Adj. H. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Spare)
10041-92 Bismarck Auxiliary Chorus, 1935
10041-93 Valentine tea, February 14, 1936 (the photo of the Junior-aides, Junior-ettes and Sponsors was used for the cover of the April 1936 Message)
10041-94 Marionette Characters from Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella, ca. August 28, 1935
10041-95 Mrs. R. D. Kennelly, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. J. Arthur Solien, Mrs. H. A. Pike, Mrs. L. B. Brauer, and Mrs. M. O. Olson, 1935 or 1936
10041-96 American Legion Auxiliary Junior-Aides, 1935-1936
10041-97 Auxiliary Juniorette Officers, 1935-1936
10041-98 Juniorettes and their fist puppets, 1935-1936
10041-99 Past President’s parley (names in unit history), 1935-1936
10041-100 McCabe Methodist Episcopal Church, where the Fifth District meeting was held, Bismarck, ca 1935-1936
9 Unit History: 1936-1937
10041-101 Mrs. J. D. Stenson, Department President, 1936-1937
10041-102 Mrs. E. W. Phillips, Department Poppy Chairman, 1936-1937
10041-103 Mrs. H. W. (Bess) Rosenthal, District Committeewoman, 1936-1937
10041-104 Mrs. E. J. Heising, Treasurer, 1936-1937
10041-105 Chorus, 1936-1937
10041-106 Junior Auxiliary, 1936-1937
10041-107 Juniorettes, 1936-1937
10041-108 Sponsors, 1936-1937
10 Unit History: 1937-1938
10041-109 Miss Mary Houser, Department Treasurer, 1937-1938
10041-110 Mrs. J. C. Spare portrait, President, 1937-1938
10041-111 Mrs. E. J. Heising portrait, Treasurer, 1937-1938
10041-112-115 Auxiliary chorus, 1937-1938
10041-116 Auxiliary Juniorettes, 1937-1938 (Hilary Smith, Carolyn Dahlen, Jean Leonhard, Joanne Simons, Beverly Jean Worner, Delores Vendsel and Frances Nelson)
10041-117 Ruth Register, President of Auxiliary Juniorettes, 1937-1938
10041-118 Jeanette Morris, Secretary of Auxiliary Juniorettes, 1937-1938
11 Unit History: 1938-1939
10041-119 Mrs. L. W. Berkholtz, District Committeewoman, 1938-1939
10041-120 Mrs. E. J. Heising portrait, President, 1938-1939
10041-121 Mrs. George Smith portrait, Secretary, 1938-1939
10041-122 Mrs. C. W. Leifur portrait, Vice President, 1938-1939
10041-123 Mrs. G. L. Personius, Treasurer, 1938-1939
10041-124 Mrs. George Schunk, Historian, 1938-1939
10041-125 Mrs. F. D. Register portrait, Chairman of Finance Department, 1938-1939
10041-126 Mrs. A. H. Irvine portrait, Chairman of Child Welfare Department, 1938-1939
10041-127 Mrs. R. R. Nelson portrait, Chairman of Publicity Division, 1938-1939
10041-128 Auxiliary Junior-ettes, 1938-1939
10041-129 Mrs. F. F. Skinner, Chairman of Picnic Division, 1938-1939
12 Unit History: 1939-1940 (note: the photograph numbers in this folder are slightly out of order because the history pages were out of order)
10041-130 Miss Esther Maxwell, Unit Vice President, 1939-1940
10041-131 Mrs. W. G. Worner, Unit Treasurer, 1939-1940
10041-132 Mrs. G. L. Personius portrait, Unit Secretary, 1939-1940
10041-133 Mrs. E. J. Heising portrait, Member of Executive Committee, 1939-1940
10041-134 Mrs. C. W. Leifur portrait, Member of Executive Committee, 1939-1940
10041-135 Mrs. John Degg portrait, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1939-1940
10041-136 Mrs. Peter Reid, Unit Chaplain, 1939-1940
10041-137 William Yegen portrait, Commander of Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1, 1939-1940
10041-138 Mrs. L. R. Jones, Chairman of Americanism Department, 1939-1940
10041-139 Unit members representing the 48 states in the Golden Jubilee Pageant held on the Capitol grounds, August 21-25, 1939
10041-140 Mrs. A. H. Irvine portrait, Chairman of Child Welfare Department, 1939-1940
10041-141 Mrs. C. B. Nupen portrait, Chairman of Community Service Department, 1939-1940
10041-142 Mrs. R. R. Nelson, Chairman of Rehabilitation Department, 1939-1940
10041-143 Mrs. G. J. Worner portrait, Chairman of National Defense Department, 1939-1940
10041-144 National Defense Window, A. W. Lucas Company, Bismarck, March 19-25, 1940
10041-145 Mrs. F. D. Register portrait, Chairman of Membership Department, 1939-1940
10041-146 Mrs. Ray Stair portrait, Chairman of Music Department, 1939-1940
10041-147 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, Chairman of Publicity Department, 1939-1940
10041-148 Mrs. G. A. Dahlen, Chairman of Armistice Day Department, 1939-1940
10041-149 Mrs. C. W. Peterson, Chairman of Picnic Department, 1939-1940
10041-150 Mrs. H. M. Leonhard, Junior-Ette Sponsor, 1939-1940
10041-151 Auxiliary Junior-Aides and Junior-Ettes, 1939-1940
10041-152 Mrs. A. E. Thompson, President of Past Presidents’ Parley, 1939-1940
10041-153 McCabe Methodist Church where the joint Fifth and Seventh District Convention was held on April 15, 1940
10041-154 Mrs. Ray Robinson, General Chairman Joint Fifth and Seventh District Convention, April 15, 1940
10041-155 Mrs. W. E. Hoope, Director of the “Easter Parade,” 1939-1940
10041-156 Department Commander and Mrs. A. D. McKinnon, Bismarck, 1939-1940
10041-157 Mrs. T. H. Ferber portrait, Department President, 1939-1940
10041-158 Mrs. G. R. Schwandt, Department Secretary, 1939-1940
10041-159 Miss Mary Houser portrait, Department Treasurer, 1939-1940
10041-160 Mrs. S. S. Boise portrait, Fifth District Committeewoman, 1939-1940
13 Unit History: 1940-1941
10041-161 Mrs. Ray Stair, 1940-1941
10041-162 Mrs. G. L. Personius, 1940-1941
10041-163 Mrs. Peter Reid, 1940-1941
10041-164 Mrs. J. R. Musolf and Miss Ruth Cordner, 1940-1941
10041-165 Mr. Steve Arman, Commander Lloyd Spetz Post No. 1, 1940-1941
10041-166 Mrs. R. Robinson, Chairman of the Americanism Department, 1940-1941
10041-167 Mrs. W. E. Hoopes, Chairman of the Community Service Department, 1940-1941
10041-168 Auxiliary Junior-ettes, 1940-1941
14 Unit History: 1941-1942
10041-169 Mrs. J. W. Payne portrait, National Committeewoman, 1941-1942
10041-170 Mrs. C. L. Robertson portrait, Department President, 1941-1942
10041-171 Mrs. G. L. Personius, President, 1941-1942
10041-172 Mrs. W. E. Hoopes, Vice President, 1941-1942
10041-173 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, Chairman of American Department, 1941-1942
10041-174 Mrs. W. G. Worner, Chaplain, 1941-1942
10041-175 Mrs. L. V. Spohn, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1941-1942
10041-176 Miss Esther Maxwell, Historian, 1941-1942
10041-177 Mrs. Ferris Cordner, Chairman of Child Welfare Department,
10041-178 Mrs. Clarence Gunness, Department Sub Radio Chairman, 1941-1942
10041-179 Mrs. R. R. Nelson, Chairman of Publicity Department, 1941-1942
10041-180 Mrs. F. D. Register, Chairman of Finance Committee, 1941-1942
10041-181 Mrs. H. A. Pike, President of Past Presidents’ Parley, 1941-1942
10041-182 Negative: unidentified woman in military nurses uniform, ca. 1942
15 Unit History: 1942-1943
10041-183 Miss Mary Houser, Treasurer, 1942-1943
10041-184 Mrs. H. W. Rosenthal, Secretary-Treasurer, Past Presidents’ Parley, 1942-1943
10041-185 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp portrait, Unit member on State Defense Council, State Executive Board member, 1942-1943
10041-186 Mrs. Charles Gray, Unit member on State Defense Council, State Executive Board member, 1942-1943
10041-187 View of North Dakota Capitol, ca. 1942-1943
10041-188 Mrs. O. T. Forde portrait, President, 1942-1943
10041-189 Mrs. G. J. Worner, Vice President, 1942-1943
10041-190 Mrs. R. G. Abelein, Secretary, 1942-1943
10041-191 Mrs. J. C. Spare, Treasurer, 1942-1943
10041-192 Mrs. W. E. Hoopes, Chaplain, 1942-1943
10041-193 Mrs. Owen T. Owen, Historian, 1942-1943
10041-194 Mrs. Emil O. Rusert, Color Bearer, 1942-1943
10041-195 Mrs. Clarence Gunness, Pianist, 1942-1943
10041-196 R. R. Nelson portrait, District Deputy Commander, 1942-1943
10041-197 Mrs. I. A. Acker, President of Past Presidents’ Parley, 1942-1943
16 Unit History: 1943-1944
10041-198 Mrs. Spencer Boise portrait, Vice President and Membership Chairman, 1943-1944
10041-199 Mrs. H. M. Leonhard, Sub-Chairman KFYR, 1943-1944
10041-200 Mrs. G. J. Worner portrait, President, 1943-1944
10041-201 Mrs. Steve Arman portrait, Vice President, 1943-1944
10041-202 Mrs. J. I. Arman portrait, Historian, 1943-1944
17 Unit History: 1944-1945
18 Unit History: 1945-1946
10041-203 Mrs. Spencer Boise portrait, National Executive Committeewoman, 1945-1946
10041-204 Mrs. G. J. Worner portrait, Member Constitution and By-Laws Committee, 1945-1946
10041-205 Mrs. F. D. Register portrait, State Convention Chairman, 1945-1946
10041-206 Mrs. Leslie R. Jones portrait, President, 1945-1946
10041-207 Mrs. J. M. Harty, Vice President, 1945-1946
10041-208 Mrs. Dallas Henke, Treasurer, 1945-1946
10041-209 Mrs. Frank L. Whitcomb, Chaplain, 1945-1946
10041-210 Mrs. Vernon Cooper, Historian, 1945-1946
10041-211 Mrs. R. M. Ludeman, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1945-1946
10041-212 Mrs. Anton Knoll, Color Bearer, 1945-1946
10041-213 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, President of Past Presidents’ Parley,
10041-214 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, Fifth District President (print is in 1948-1949 unit history)
19 Unit History: 1946-1947
10041-215 Mrs. Reed with granddaughter Mary, 1946-1947
10041-216 Mrs. Munson, 1946-1947
10041-217 Mrs. Ludemann, Chairman of Membership, 1946-1947
10041-218 Mrs. Frost portrait, 1946-1947
10041-219 Mrs. Frank Whitcomb, Chaplain, 1946-1947
10041-220 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, Chairman of Volunteer Special Services, 1946-1947
20 Unit History: 1947-1948
10041-241 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp portrait, Fifth District President, 1947-1948
10041-242 Mrs. Dan Hall portrait, President, 1947-1948
10041-243 The Flickertail
10041-244 Mrs. N. F. Frost, Chairman of the “Open Your Heart” Committee, 1947-1948
10041-245 Prairie Rose, hand colored photograph by Russell Reid
10041-246 Mrs. John Musolf, Chairman of the National Defense Committee, 1947-1948
10041-247 Cemetery in Iwo Jima, ca. 1948
10041-248 Mr. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp and Janice Carol Anderson with poppies, 1947-1948
21 Unit History: 1948-1949
10041-221 Mrs. Hubert A. Goode portrait, National President, 1948-1949
10041-222 Mrs. F. E. Ackermann portrait, Department President, 1948-1949
10041-223 Mrs. James (Amelia) Morris portrait, Past National President, 1948-1949
10041-224 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, Sub-Chairman Radio KFYR, 1948-1949
10041-225 Mrs. J. R. Musolf, President, 1948-1949
10041-226 Incoming Sec., Mrs. J. R. Musolf (outgoing President), and incoming president, 1948-1949
10041-227 H. D. Dunahay portrait, Commander of American Legion Post, 1948
10041-228 Mrs. H. D. Dunahay portrait, Program Chairman of the American Legion Auxiliary, 1948-1949
10041-229 Mrs. James Morris, Past National President, shown addressing the National Convention at Miami, Florida
10041-230 Mrs. John Engeaathis, Director-Chairman of Girls’ State
10041-231 Mrs. Walter Beck, Chairman of the Child Welfare Committee, 1948-1949
10041-232 Mrs. O. S. Hjelle, Music Chairman, 1948-1949
10041-233 Mrs. I. A. Acker, Member Music Committee, 1948-1949
10041-234 Mrs. Peter Reid, Chairman of the Flower Committee, 1948-1949
10041-235 Mrs. H. T. Wadeson, Chairman of Cradle Roll Committee, 1948-1949
10041-236 Mrs. Kathryn Ward, Treasurer, 1948-1949
10041-237 Mrs. B. B. Bergstrom, Chairman of the Membership Committee, 1948-1949
10041-238 Mr. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp and Janice Carol Anderson in front of poppy window display, May 1949
10041-239 Mrs. R. M. Ludemann, Chairman of the Rehabilitation Committee, 1948-1949
10041-240 Mrs. P. O. Sathre, Chairman of the Visiting Committee, 1948-1949
22 Unit History: 1949-1950
10041-249 Mrs. O. S. Hjelle, President, 1949-1950
10041-250 Mrs. George Aide, Secretary, 1949-1950
10041-251 Mrs. T. S. Kopseng, Treasurer, 1949-1950
10041-252 Mrs. Dean Hagen, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1949-1950
10041-253 Mrs. A. W. Paulson, Color Bearer replacing Mrs. G. L. Hamilton, 1949-1950
10041-254 Mrs. Clarence N. Fie, Historian, 1949-1950
10041-255 Mrs. B. B. Bergstrom, Chaplain, 1949-1950
10041-256 Mrs. G. J. Worner, Pianist, 1949-1950
10041-257 World War Memorial Building, Bismarck
10041-258 Executive Committee members: Mrs. Herman Brocopp, Mrs. Cleon Mourer, Mrs. T. S. Kopseng, Mrs. O. S. Hjelle, Mrs. George Aide. Other members of this committee are: Mrs. John Musolf and Mrs. Walter Buck, 1949-1950
10041-259 Mrs. S. S. Boise, 1949-1950
10041-260 Mrs. V. A. Watson, Chairman of “Open Your Heart” Committee, 1949-1950
10041-261 Merry Loring, Chairman of Publicity Committee, 1949-1950
10041-262 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, 1949-1950
10041-263 Mrs. Vernon Cooper, 1949-1950
10041-264 Mrs. E. E. Bope, Chairman of Community Council, 1949-1950
10041-265 Mrs. John Grover, Chairman of Cradle Roll Committee, 1949-1950
10041-266 Mrs. H. M. Leonhard, Chairman of Flowers Committee, 1949-1950
10041-267 Mrs. Cleon Mourer, Chairman of Membership Committee, 1949-1950
10041-268 Mrs. W. A. Hart, Sr., Chairman of Memorial Committee, 1949-1950
10041-269 Mrs. J. A. Donahue, 1949-1950
10041-270 Mrs. John Dustin, 1949-1950
10041-271 Mrs. Roy Mills, 1949-1950
10041-272 Mrs. O. J. Nygaard, Chairman of Girls’ State, 1949-1950
10041-273 Cancer drive: Mrs. Marie Neal, Mrs. Fred Swenson, Mrs. O. S. Hjelle, 1949-1950
10041-274 Cancer drive: Mrs. O. S. Hjelle, Mrs. P. Reid, Mrs. Anna Merchant, 1949-1950
10041-275 Our pot luck dinner, 1949-1950
10041-276 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, past District President, 1949-1950
10041-277 Mrs. L. R. Jones and Mrs. Vernon Cooper, members of the Child Welfare Committee, 1949-1950
10041-278 Mrs. E. E. Bope and Mrs. C. B. Nupen, 1949-1950
10041-279 Vanity Fair household digest that was sold as a fund raiser, 1949-1950
10041-280 Members of the Finance Committee: Mrs. H. D. Dunahay, Mrs. Geo. Dolph and Mrs. U. J. Dillavou (other members of this committee are: Mrs. James Barth, Mrs. M. I. Forkner, Mrs. J. E. Davis and Mrs. P. J. Schmitz)
10041-281 Mrs. William Yegen and Mrs. W. A. Hart, member and Chairman of the Memorial Committee, 1949-1950
10041-282 Music committee members: Mrs. J. A. Donahue and Mrs. J. A. Larson (other members of the Music Committee are: Mrs. F. L. Whitcomb, Mrs. Ray Robinson, Mrs. F. M. Davis)
10041-283 Mrs. V. A. Watson, Chairman, Mrs. Mary Buscher, and Mrs. S. S. Boise, of the Past Presidents’ Parley Committee, 1949-1950
10041-284 Mrs. O. H. Hjelle, President, 1949-1950
10041-285 Mother’s Day party for the War Mothers, April 27, 1949: Mrs. E. W. Watkins, Mrs. E. L. Martinson, Mrs. F. D. Register, Mrs. N. O. Jones and Mrs. O. J. Nygaard in costume for skit (also Mrs. C. W. Leifur [not included in picture])
10041-286 Mother’s Day party for the War Mothers, April 27, 1949. The tea table: Mrs. Herman Brocopp and Mrs. J. M. Harty
10041-287-291 Photographs taken during American Legion Auxiliary Convention, June 19-21, 1949
23 Unit History: 1950-1951
10041-292 Mrs. H. D. Dunahay portrait, President, 1950-1951
10041-293 Mrs. C. E. Mourer portrait, Vice President, 1950-1951
10041-294 Mrs. George (Doris) Aide, Secretary, 1950-1951 (photo probably taken in her office in the Liberty Memorial building, February 1949)
10041-295 Mrs. Dean Hagen, Treasurer, 1950-1951
10041-296 Mrs. C. B. Nupen, Chaplain, 1950-1951
10041-297 Mrs. Clarence Fie, Historian, 1950-1951
10041-298 Mrs. W. A. Paulson, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1950-1951
10041-299 Miss Gaynelle Olin, Color Bearer, 1950-1951
10041-300 Mrs. Herman Brocopp, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1950-1951
10041-301 Miss Ruth Cordner, Chairman, Education of Orphans of Veterans, 1950-1951
10041-302 Miss Mary Houser, Chairman, Constitution and By-Laws, 1950-1951
10041-303 Mrs. U. V. Dillavou, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1950-1951
10041-304 Mrs. Paul Henry, Chairman, Flower Committee, 1950-1951
10041-305 Mrs. Henry Elker, Chairman, Membership Committee, 1950-1951
10041-306 Mrs. C .W. Leifur, Chairman, Memorial Committee, Chairman, State Legion Convention, 1950-1951
10041-307 Mrs. V. E. Fenelon, Chairman, National Security and Legislation, 1950-1951
10041-308 Mrs. Kathryn Ward, Chairman, Poppy Poster Committee, 1950-1951
10041-309 Mrs. Gordon Finke, Chairman, Rehabilitation & Employment, 1950-1951
10041-310 Mrs. Earl Scharnowske, Chairman, Telephone Committee, 1950-1951
10041-311 Might be groundbreaking for American Legion building, ca. 1950-1951
24 Unit History: 1951-1952
10041-312 Mrs. Dean Hagen, President, 1951-1952
10041-313 Mrs. T. S. Kopseng, Vice President, 1951-1952
10041-314 Mrs. Emerson Pie, Secretary, 1951-1952
10041-315 Mrs. U. J. Dillavou, Treasurer, 1951-1952
10041-316 Mrs. Peter Reid, Chaplain, 1951-1952
10041-317 Mrs. John Grover, Color Bearer, and Mrs. W. W. Tracy, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1951-1952
10041-318 Mrs. Dallas Henke, Pianist, 1951-1952
10041-319 Mary Houser, Chairman, Constitution and By-Laws, 1951-1952
10041-320 Ruth Cordner, Chairman, Education of Orphans of Veterans, 1951-1952
10041-321 Past Presidents’ Parley, 1951-1952
10041-322 Oldest War Mothers at War Mothers Party: left to right, front row, Mrs. D. H. Houser, Mrs. Annie Flow, and Mrs. John Dawson. Back row, Mrs. Nell Hazard, Mrs. Frank Paris, Mrs. J. J. Rue and Mrs. Peter Reid, 1951-1952
10041-323 Mrs. Dean Hagen Pours at War Mothers Party, 1951-1952
10041-324 Mrs. Earl Boyd, Chairman, Poppy Committee, 1951-1952
10041-325 Probably Mrs. Henry Danrot, Chairman of Poppy Poster Committee, 1951-1952
10041-326 Mrs. Wayne Clarke, Chairman of Telephone Committee, 1951-1952
25 Unit History: 1952-1953
10041-327 Mrs. Vernon Cooper, President, 1952-1953
10041-328 Mrs. W. W. Tracy, Vice President, 1952-1953
10041-329 Mrs. Earl Boyd, Secretary, 1952-1953
10041-330 Mrs. Harvey Larson, Treasurer, 1952-1953
10041-331 Mrs. George Aide, Chaplain, 1952-1953
10041-332 Mrs. R. M. Ludemann, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1952-1953
10041-333 Mrs. Anton Knoll, Colorbearer, 1952-1953
10041-334 Mrs. H. D. Dunahay, Chairman, American and Pan-Americanism Committee, 1952-1953
10041-335 Mrs. Anthony Walter, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1952-1953
10041-336 Mrs. O. J. Nygaard, Chairman, Girl’s State Committee, 1952-1953
10041-337 Mrs. W. A. Hart, Chairman, Memorial Committee, 1952-1953
10041-338 Mrs. Leonard Moravitz, Chairman, Poppy Committee, 1952-1953
10041-339 Mrs. John Gover, Chairman, Poppy Poster Committee, 1952-1953
10041-340 Mrs. P. O. Sathre, Chairman, Visiting Committee, 1952-1953
26 Unit History: 1953-1954
10041-341 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, Fifth District President, 1953-1954
10041-342 Mrs. Wilbur Tracy, President, 1953-1954
10041-343 Mrs. Robert Hart, Vice President, 1953-1954
10041-344 Mrs. Earl Scharnowske, Secretary, 1953-1954
10041-345 Mrs. Harvey Larson, Treasurer, 1953-1954
10041-346 Mrs. Dale Glover, Chaplain, 1953-1954
10041-347 Miss Audrey Cave, Historian, 1953-1954
10041-348 Mrs. Richard Iverson, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1953-1954
10041-349 Mrs. Roland Fuller, Color bearer, 1953-1954
10041-350 Mrs. Vernon Cooper, Chairman, Americanism and Pan-Americanism, 1953-1954
10041-351 Hazel Lee, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1953-1954
10041-352 Mrs. O. J. Nygaard, Chairman, Girls’ State, 1953-1954
10041-353 Mrs. V. E. Fenelon presenting check to American Legion members
for the purchase of an air conditioner in the American Legion club, 1953-1954
10041-354 Mrs. Delmar Martinucci, Chairman, Poppy Poster Committee, 1953-1954
27 Unit History: 1955-1956
10041-355 Installation of officers: left to right, Mrs. Homer Boss, Mrs. Ruth Thornton, Mrs. Delmar Martinucci, Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Mrs. Earl Boyd, installing officer Mrs. O. L. Hagen, 1955
10041-356 Instillation of officers: left to right, Mrs. Edwin Ochsner, Mrs. Homer Boss, Mrs. Ruth Thornton, Mrs. Delmar Martinucci, Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Mrs. Earl Boyd, installing officer Mrs. O. L. Hagen, 1955
10041-357 Mrs. Earl Boyd, President, 1955-1956
10041-358 Mrs. Earl Boyd, President; Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Secretary, presiding at first meeting, 1955-1956
10041-359 Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Vice President, 1955-1956
10041-360 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Secretary, 1955-1956
10041-361 Mrs. Delmar Martinucci, Treasurer, 1955-1956
10041-362 Mrs. Lloyd Shepherd, Chaplain, 1955-1956
10041-363 Mrs. Homer Boss, Historian, 1955-1956
10041-364 Mrs. Ruth Thornton, Color Bearer, 1955-1956
10041-365 Mrs. R. M. Ludemann, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1955-1956
10041-366 Mrs. H. D. Dunahay, Chairman, Civil Defense Committee, 1955-1956
10041-367 Mrs. Erling Henrikson, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1955-1956
10041-368 Mrs. Gordon Kern, Chairman, Community Service Committee, 1955-1956
10041-369 Mrs. H. W. Wilson, Chairman, Education & Scholarships, 1955-1956
10041-370 Mrs. Allan Paulson, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1955-1956
10041-371 Mrs. O. J. Nygaard, Chairman, Girls’ State, 1955-1956
10041-372 Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Chairman, Membership Committee, 1955-1956
10041-373 Mrs. S. S. Boise, Chairman, National Security and Legislation, 1955-1956
10041-374 Mrs. Harry Coddington, Co-Chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1955-1956
10041-375 Mrs. Viola DeForest, Co-Chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1955-1956
10041-376 Mrs. L. R. Jones, Chairman, Past President’s Parley, 1955-1956
10041-377 Miss Lucille Duffy, Chairman, Pan American Study, 1955-1956
10041-378 Mrs. G. L. Dalsted, Chairman, Telephone Committee, 1955-1956
10041-379 Mrs. P. O. Sathre, Chairman, Visiting and Cards Committee, 1955-1956
Box 2:
1 Unit History: 1956-1957
10041-380 Mrs. John W. Stannard portrait, Williston, Department President, 1956-1957
10041-381 Mrs. M. B. Fallgatter president, Fifth District President, 1956-1957
10041-382 Installation of 1956-1957 officers: left to right, Mrs. Norman Little, Miss Lucille Duffy, Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Mrs. Earl Scharnowski, installing officer Mrs. Vernon Cooper
10041-383 Mrs. Earl Scharnowski, President, 1956-1957
10041-384 Mrs. Earl Scharnowski, President; Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Secretary, presiding at first meeting, 1956
10041-385 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Secretary, 1956-1957
10041-386 Miss Lucille Duffy, Treasurer, 1956-1957
10041-387 Mrs. Alan Paulson, Historian, 1956-1957
10041-388 Mrs. Norman Little, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1956-1957
10041-389 Mrs. Robert Fowler, Color Bearer, 1956-1957
10041-390 Mrs. Bernadine Boss, Chaplain, 1956-1957
10041-391 Mrs. Richard Iverson, Vice President, 1956-1957
10041-392 Mrs. H. D. Dunahay, Chairman, Civil Defense Committee, 1956-1957
10041-393 Mrs. E. Henrikson, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1956-1957
10041-394 Mrs. T. S. Kopseng, Chairman, Community Service Committee, 1956-1957
10041-395 Mrs. Bonnie Wilson, Chairman, Education & Scholarship Committee, 1956-1957
10041-396 Mrs. Beatrice Nygaard, Chairman, Girls’ State, 1956-1957
10041-397 Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Chairman, Membership Committee, 1956-1957
10041-398 Mrs. H. Coddington, Chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1956-1957
10041-399 Mrs. V. DeForest, Co-chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1956-1957
10041-400 Mrs. Edna E. Dahlen, President, Past President’s Parley, 1956-1957
10041-401 Mrs. Joseph Donahue, Chairman, Pan-American Study, 1956-1957
10041-402 Mrs. D. Martinucci, Chairman, Poppy Committee, 1956-1957
10041-403 Mrs. W. W. Tracy, Chairman, Poppy-Posters Committee, 1956-1957
10041-404 Mrs. Earl Boyd, Chairman, Program Committee, 1956-1957
2 Unit History: 1957-1958
10041-405 Mrs. M. B. Fallgatter, Fifth District President, 1957-1958
10041-406 Installation of 1957-1958 officers: left to right – Mrs. Robert Fowler, Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Mrs. M. C. Emerson, Mrs. Alan Paulson, Mrs. Pius Moser, Miss Clara Feist, and Mrs. R. W. Henderson, 1957
10041-407 Installation of 1957-1958 officers: left to right – Mrs. J. F. Barnes, President; Mrs. Earle Scharnowske, Past President; and Mrs. Early Boyd, Installing Officer, 1957
10041-408 Installation of 1957-1958 officers: left to right – Mrs. J. F. Barnes, President; Mrs. Earle Scharnowske, Past President; presenting gavel to Mrs. Barnes, 1957
10041-409 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, President, 1957-1958
10041-410 Mrs. Alan Paulson, Treasurer, 1957-1958
10041-411 Miss Clara Feist, Chaplain, 1957-1958
10041-412 Mrs. Pius Moser, Historian, 1957-1958
10041-413 Mrs. James Scharnowske, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1957-1958
10041-414 Jo Ann Prouty, Bismarck High School, delegate to the 12th Annual Flickertail Girls State, June 1958
10041-415 Jerry Ann Davis Bismarck High School, delegate to the 12th Annual Flickertail Girls State, June 1958
10041-416 Joanne Bee Schafer Bismarck High School, delegate to the 12th Annual Flickertail Girls State, June 1958
10041-417 Betty Jane Dressler, St. Mary’s Central High School, delegate to the 12th Annual Flickertail Girls State, June 1958
10041-418 Mary Kay Gallagher, St. Mary’s Central High School, delegate to the 12th Annual Flickertail Girls State, June 1958
10041-419 Fifth District President, Alice Fallgetter received a pretty “star” bowl for having a quota District. All 20 units in the 5th District reached quota, 1957-1958
10041-420 Poppy Poster Window with entries from school children in Bismarck, displayed in 1958
10041-421 Mrs. Vera Berge, Chairman, Rehabilitation Committee, 1957-1958
10041-422 Table set for Christmas event, probably held by the Rehabilitation Committee, 1957-1958
10041-423 Poppy Poster Window with entries from school children in Bismarck, displayed in 1958
3 Unit History: 1958-1959
10041-424 Mrs. Dean Stetson, Historian, 1958-1959
10041-425 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, delegate to Community Council, 1958-1959
10041-426 Mrs. Grace Raisler, Chairman, Education & Scholarships, 1958-1959
10041-427 Hand-made memorial wreath placed in cemetery in memory of Veterans, 1958-1959
10041-428 Hand-made memorial wreath placed in cemetery in memory of Veterans, 1958-1959
10041-429 Mary Houser, Chairman, Constitution & By-Laws Committee, 1958-1959
10041-430 Mrs. E. Scharnowske, Chairman, Rehabilitation Committee, 1958-1959
4 Unit History: 1959-1960
10041-431 Mrs. Peter J. Wentz, Fifth District President, 1959-1960
10041-432 Mrs. Pius Moser, President, 1959-1960
10041-433 Mrs. Matt Emerson, Vice President, 1959-1960
10041-434 Mrs. Lawrence Peterson, Treasurer, 1959-1960
10041-435 Miss Clara Feist, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1959-1960
10041-436 Mrs. Mae Siems, Color Bearer, 1959-1960
10041-437 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1959-1960
10041-438 Mrs. R. W. Henderson, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1959-1960
10041-439 Mrs. Grace Raisler, Chairman, Department Legislative, Constitution and By-Laws Committee, 1959-1960
10041-440 Miss Clara Feist, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1959-1960
10041-441 Mrs. Grace M. Raisler, Chairman, Poppy Committee, 1959-1960
10041-442 Mrs. Earl Scharnowske, Chairman, Rehabilitation Committee, 1959-1960
5 Unit History: 1960-1961
10041-443 Mrs. Peter J. Wentz, Fifth District President, 1960-1961
10041-444 Table set for Fifth District annual fall meeting, September 29, 1960
10041-445 Table set for Fifth District annual spring meeting, April 7, 1961
10041-446 Mrs. Richard Iverson, President, 1960-1961
10041-447 Mrs. Dean Stetson, Vice President, 1960-1961
10041-448 Mrs. Lawrence Peterson, Secretary, 1960-1961
10041-449 Miss Clara Feist, Treasurer, 1960-1961
10041-450 Mrs. Mae A. Siems, Historian, 1960-1961
10041-451 Mrs. Ervin Moszer, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1960-1961
10041-452 Mrs. Aaron Dalke, Color Bearer, and Mrs. Ervin Moszer, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1960-1961
10041-453 Mrs. Aaron Dalke, Color Bearer, 1960-1961
10041-454 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1960-1961
10041-455 Mrs. Norman Little, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1960-1961
10041-456 Mrs. R. W. Henderson, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1960-1961
10041-457 Three Auxiliary members at an event, 1960-1961
10041-458 Past Presidents’ Parley, 1960-1961
10041-459 Past Presidents’ Parley, 1960-1961
10041-460 Mrs. James Morris, Lifetime Member, 1960-1961
10041-461 Mrs. Grace M. Raisler, Chairman, Poppy Committee, 1960-1961
10041-462 Mrs. Wilbur Tracy, Chairman, Poppy Posters Committee, 1960-1961
10041-463 Winners in the American Legion Auxiliary’s annual poppy poster
contest, which commemorates Memorial Day and the Legion poppy day, display their winning entries. Pictured, left to right: Ruth Sloven, Sandra White, Don Jose, Cheryl Cordes, Angeline Berger and Bonnie Geiermann. Winners not pictured are Judi Colman, Jennifer Martel and Charles Voight.
10041-464 Poppy posters in window display
6 Unit History: 1961-1962
10041-465 Mrs. Arthur Kenly, Valley City, Department President, 1961-1962
10041-466 Mrs. Arthur Kenly, Sweeney, Dougherty, Morris, unidentified, unidentified
10041-467 Unidentified
10041-468 Mrs. Dean Stetson, President, 1961-1962
10041-469 Mrs. Lawrence Peterson, Vice President, 1961-1962
10041-470 Mrs. John L. Wagner, Secretary, 1961-1962
10041-471 Mrs. Ervin Moszer, Treasurer, 1961-1962
10041-472 Mrs. Norman C. Little, Historian, 1961-1962
10041-473 Mrs. Beeman Dockery, Chaplain, 1961-1962
10041-474 Mrs. Mae A. Siems, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1961-1962
10041-475 Mrs. Edward Sackman, Color Bearer, 1961-1962
10041-476 American Flag donated by American Legion Auxiliary, 1961-1962
10041-477 American Flag donated by American Legion Auxiliary, 1961-1962
10041-478 Mrs. Pius Moser, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1961-1962
10041-479 Mrs. Alan Paulson, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1961-1962
10041-480 Joint meeting of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, March 22, 1962
10041-481-486 Joint meeting of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, March 22, 1962
10041-487 Poppies window display, 1961-1962
Box 3:
1 Unit History: 1962-1963
10041-488 Mrs. Morris at the Convention Parade in Minot, June 1962
10041-489 Mrs. James E. (Grace) McGuigan, Fifth District President, 1962-1963
10041-490 Mrs. Lawrence Peters, President, 1962-1963
10041-491 Mrs. John L. Wagner, Vice President, 1962-1963
10041-492 Mrs. Norman Little, Secretary, 1962-1963
10041-493 Mrs. Richard M. Schell, Treasurer, 1962-1963
10041-494 Mrs. Edward L. Lee, Historian, 1962-1963
10041-495 Mrs. Earl Fairchild, Chaplain, 1962-1963
10041-496 Mrs. Aaron Dalke, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Mrs. Theodore Schlaht, Color Bearer, 1962-1963
10041-497 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1962-1963
10041-498 Mrs. Charles Schroeder, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1962-1963
10041-499 Mrs. Pius Moser, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1962-1963
10041-500 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, Community Council, 1962-1963
10041-501 Mrs. Dean Stetson, Chairman, Girls’ State, 1962-1963
10041-502 Mrs. Ervin Moser, Chairman, Music Committee, 1962-1963
10041-503 Mrs. T. C. Salveson, Chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1962-1963
10041-504-505 Poppy Posters, 1962-1963
10041-506 Mrs. Earle Scharnowske, Chairman, Rehabilitation Committee, 1962-1963
10041-507 Delegates to the State Convention held at Minot, June 17-19, 1962
10041-508-509 Installation of new members, 1962
10041-510 Mr. Edward Drashil and Mrs. Lawrence Peterson at the Registration Table, Homecoming Party, 1962-1963
2 Unit History: 1963-1964
10041-511 Mrs. John Wagner, left, president, presented a lectern in behalf of the organization to the new Veterans memorial Library, Bismarck, accepting for the library board is Mrs. Herb Officer, right, while Mrs. Maggy Vennie, Auxiliary committee chairman, and Mrs. Mary Glaser, acting library administrator, look on, 1963-1964
10041-512 Mrs. John Wagner, President, 1963-1964
10041-512a Installation of officers, 1963-1964
10041-513 Mrs. Richard Schell, Vice President, 1963-1964
10041-514 Mrs. Edward Sackman, Secretary, 1963-1964
10041-515 Mrs. Ray Shoff, Treasurer, 1963-1964
10041-516 Mrs. Maggie Vennie, historian, 1963-1964
10041-517 Mrs. M. P. Lutness, Chaplain, 1963-1964
10041-518 Miss Caroline Kruger, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1963-1964
10041-519 Miss Bertha Wanner, Color Bearer, 1963-1964
10041-520 Mrs. Jack F. Barnes, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1963-1964
10041-521-524 Victory Day parade, 1963-1964
10041-525 Mrs. Theodore Schlaht, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1963-1964
10041-526 Mrs. Pius Moser, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1963-1964
10041-527 Mrs. C. W. Leifur, Chairman, Community Council, 1963-1964
10041-528 Mrs. Charles Schroeder, Chairman, Community Service Committee, 1963-1964
10041-529 Mrs. E. F. (Vera B.) Trepp, Chairman, Constitution & By-Laws Committee, 1963-1964
10041-530 Mrs. Alan Paulson and Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Co-Chairmen, Finance Committee, 1963-1964
10041-531 Drawing for Afghan, Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Mrs. John L. Wagner and Mrs. Alan Paulson, 1963-1964
10041-532 Mrs. Edward lee, Chairman, Girls’ State Committee, 1963-1964
10041-533 Mrs. James (Grace) McGuigan, Chairman, Legislation Committee, 1963-1964
10041-534 Mrs. Matt Emerson, Pan-American Study Committee, 1963-1964
10041-535 Mrs. Earl Scharnowske, Chairman, Past Presidents’ Parley, 1963-1964
10041-536 Mrs. Norman Little, Chairman Poppy Committee, 1963-1964
10041-537 Poppy sale headquarters, 1963-1964
10041-538 Mrs. Thomas F. Orchard, Chairman, Poppy Posters Committee, 1963-1964
10041-539 First prize winners in poster contest: Don Keller, Michaela Mahady, Jeanette Kolberg, 1963-1964
10041-540 Second prize winners in poster contest: Jon Martinson, Sharon Johner, and Neil Fischer, 1963-1964
10041-541 Third prize winners in poster contest: Duane Mathis, Nancy Kucera, and Betty Jane Sautner, 1963-1964
10041-542 Honorable mention in poster contest, Thomas McKinzie, Diane Senzek, Patricia Riha, Mary Ann Singer and Annette Schneider, 1963-1964
10041-543 Mrs. Ned Kindsvogel, Chairman, Poppy Poster Committee, and window display, 1963-1964
10041-544 Poppy Poster Committee window display, 1963-1964
3 Unit History: 1964-1965
10041-579 Mrs. James (Grace) McGuigan, Department Vice President, 1964-1965
10041-580 Mrs. Edward Sackman, Vice President, 1964-1965
10041-581 Miss Julia Feist, Treasurer, 1964-1965
10041-582 Mrs. Charles Schroeder, Historian, 1964-1965
10041-583 Mrs. Norman C. Little, Chaplain, 1964-1965
10041-584 Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Bertha Wanner and Color Bearer Miss Anne Senger, 1964-1965
10041-585 Mrs. Otmar Olson, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1964-1965
10041-586 Mrs. Lawrence Peterson, Chairman, Community Service Committee, 1964-1965
10041-587-591 American Legion Birthday Party, March 1965
10041-592 Mrs. R. E. Iverson, Chairman, Finance Committee, 1964-1965
10041-593-595 Initiation of New members, ca. January 1965
10041-596 Mrs. M. P. Lutness, Chairman, Music Committee, 1964-1965
10041-597 Mrs. T. C. Salvesen, Chairman, Open Your Heart Committee, 1964-1965
10041-598 Mrs. Marilyn Weist, Chairman, Poppy Posters Committee, 1964-1965
10041-599 Poppy Poster winners, 1964-1965
10041-600-602 Fifth District meeting, April 23, 1965
10041-603 Mrs. Vera Trepp, Installing Officer, May 1965
10041-604 New officers elected May 1965: Mrs. Edward Sackman, President; Mrs. Norman Little, Vice President; Mrs. Ray Shoff, Secretary; Mrs. Marcella Barnes, Treasurer; Miss Bertha Wanner, Chaplain; Mrs. Joe Thomas, Historian; and Miss Ann Senger, Sargeant-at-Arms
10041-605 Mrs. John Wanger pins the Past President’s pin on Mrs. R. M. Schell, May 1965
10041-606 Mrs. Edward Sackman, New Unit President, May 1965
4 Unit History: 1965-1966
10041-545 Mrs. J. E. (Grace) McGuigan, Department President, 1965-1966
10041-546 Department Convention: Mrs. John Stannard, Mrs. J. E. (Grace)
McGuigan, Agnes Hansen, Vi Moltzen, Mrs. Henry Bowen, Mrs. G.R. Scwandt, Miss Julia Brekke, Williston, 1964-1965
10041-547-556 American Legion Auxiliary District meeting, Bismarck, October 1, 1965
10041-557 Mrs. J. E. (Grace) McGuigan portrait, Department President, 1965-1966
10041-558 Mrs. Ernest Hansen, Department Vice President, 1965-1966
10041-559 Mrs. Edward Sackman, President, 1965-1966
10041-560 Mrs. Norman Little, Vice President, 1965-1966
10041-561 Mrs. Raymond Shoff, Secretary, 1965-1966
10041-562 Color Bearer Mrs. Charles Schroeder and Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Ann Senger, 1965-1966
10041-563 Mrs. Marcella Barnes, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1965-1966
10041-564 Mrs. Pius Moser, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1965-1966
10041-565 Mrs. D. J. Wentz, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1965-1966
10041-566 Mrs. R. M. Schell, Chairman, Junior Activities Committee, 1965-1966
10041-567-569 Spring style show at annual banquet, March 1966
10041-570 Mrs. Earle Scharnowski, Chairman, Legislation Committee, 1965-1966
10041-571-574 Initiation of new members, 1/11/1966
10041-575-577 District meeting, April 12, 1966
10041-578-580 Installation of new officers, 1966-1967
5 Unit History: 1966-1967
10041-607 Mrs. Norman Little (Betty Jo), President, 1966-1967
10041-608 48th American Legion Birthday Party cake, March 15, 1967
10041-609-619 48th American Legion Birthday Party, March 15, 1967
10041-620-623 Initiation of new members, ca. May 1967
10041-624 Mrs. Maggie Vennie, Chairman, Memorial Committee, 1966-1967
10041-625-627 Poster winners, 1966-1967
10041-628 Poppy window display, Mrs. Ned Kindsvogel, Chairman, 1966-1967
10041-629 Mrs. James E. (Grace) McGuigan, National Executive Committeewoman, Leonard, ND
10041-630-637 Homecoming day parade, Bismarck, October 7-8, 1966
10041-638-642 Fifth district spring meeting, 1967
Box 4:
1 Unit History: 1967-1968
10041-643 Mrs. Dean (Theola) Stetson, President, 1967-1968
10041-644 Mrs. Marcella Ebel, Chairman, Americanism Committee, 1967-1968
10041-645 Mrs. Gordon Senzek, Chaplain, 1967-1968
10041-646 Mrs. Pius Moser, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee, 1967-1968
10041-647 Mrs. Betty Jo Little, Chairman, Civil Defense & National Security Committee, 1967-1968
10041-648 Mrs. R. W. Henderson, Chairman, Education and Scholarship Committee, 1967-1968
10041-649 American Legion birthday dinner, March 19, 1968
10041-650 Honoring past commanders and presidents: Mrs. Clemens, Ernie Schmitt, Mrs. Ray Shoff, Boyd Clemens, Mrs. Schmitt, 1968
10041-651-652 American Legion birthday dinner, March 19, 1968
10041-654 Moon Kline receiving membership in Auxiliary, flag, flowers, etc. the day she became a citizen, 1967-1968
10041-655 American Legion birthday dinner, March 19, 1968
10041-656-657 Girls’ Staters boarding the bus, 1967
10041-658-659 Welcoming home Mary Jane Gwyther, Governor of Girls’ State, 1967
10041-660 Mrs. Earl (Selma) Boyd, Chairman, Legislative Committee, 1967-1968
10041-661 Mrs. Charles Schroeder, Chairman, Membership Committee, 1967-1968
10041-662-665 Initiation of new members, 1967 or 1968
10041-666 Mrs. Beverly N. Reile, Chairman, Music Committee, 1967-1968
10041-667 Mrs. Grant E. Nelson, Chairman, Pan-American Study Committee, 1967-1968
10041-668 Mrs. Phyllis Kindsvogel, Chairman, Poppy Poster Window Committee, 1967-1968
10041-669 Mrs. Edward Lee, Chairman, Publicity Committee, 1967-1968
10041-670 Mrs. Lloyd Gribble, Chairman, Visiting and Cards Committee, 1967-1968
10041-671-674 Annual convention, Minot, 1967
10041-675 Mrs. Ernst Pohlig, First Vice President, 1967-1968
10041-676 Mrs. Douglas Wentz, Color Bearer, 1967-1968
2 Unit History: 1968-1969
3 Unit History: 1969-1970
4 Loose photos
10041-677-678 Handicap fair, 1954-1955
10041-679 Poppy Day, n.d.
Box 5:
1 Unit History and 1919 minutes: 1919-1957
2 Unit History: 1988-1994
10041-680 Betsy Gipson, President, 1989-1990
10041-681 Muriel Seidel, President, 1990-1991 and 1999-2002
3 Unit History: 1995-1997
10041-682 Carol Roaldson, President, 1995-1999
4 Unit History: 1998-2001
10041-683 Muriel Seidel, President, 2002-2008
5 Unit History: 2002-2004
6 Unit History: 2005-2007
7 Unit History: 2008-2012
10041-684 Jane Noehre, President, 2008-2012
Drawer 1:
Drawer 2:
Churchs Ferry
Devils Lake
Dunn Center
Drawer 3:
Drawer 4:
Forest River
Glen Ullin
Grand Forks
Grassy Butte
Drawer 5:
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New Rockford
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Drawer 10:
St. John
St. Thomas
Tower City
Drawer 11:
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Drawer 12:
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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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