Title: Arnold O. Goplen Papers
Date: 1930-1940
Collection Number: 10037
Quantity: 2.75 cubic feet
Abstract: Papers consist of photographs and bibliographies and notes on cards compiled for use in preparing reports for the WPA on Fort Abraham Lincoln, Marquis de Mores, and the Chateau at Medora, together with correspondence on the de Mores coat-of arms, miscellaneous notes, and pictures of the Chateau and typical ranch buildings in South Roosevelt Park.
Provenance: unknown
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Arnold O. Goplen was born July 15, 1907 in Binford North Dakota to D. A. and Marie (Follingstad) Goplen who were pioneers arriving in Griggs County in 1902. Arnold Goplen earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of North Dakota in 1929 and his Masters Degree in 1935. He taught and was a high school coach in Northwood and Jamestown, ND and in Crookston, Minnesota. He was a senior historian for the National Park Service and researched the historic sites of Fort Abraham Lincoln and the Chateau de Mores. This collection contains notes from his research on those sites. He published articles and books relating to Fort Abraham Lincoln, the Badlands and the Marquis de Mores. Arnold Goplen married Beatrice H. E. Bean of Kensett, Iowa August 14, 1933. He died in Santa Fe, New Mexico in March 1979.
Who's Who for North Dakota, 1958
Bismarck Tribune, March 9, 1979
Box 1:
De Mores historic site bibliography - file (note) cards, A-Z and miscellaneous
Box 2:
Fort Abraham Lincoln bibliography - file (note) cards, along the following categories:
1 Monographs
2 Biography
3 Newspapers
4 Collections Historical Society
5 Miscellaneous
6 General histories
7 Manuscripts
8 Newspapers
9 Periodicals
10 Miscellaneous
11 Biography
12 Mandans
13 Publications
14 Monograph
15 Manuscripts
16 Fort Union
Box 3:
De Mores notes - file (note) cards, along the following categories:
1 de Mores
2 Meat packing and slaughtering
3 Brick making
4 Town of Medora and Billings County
5 Northern Pacific Refrigerator Car Company
6 Stage lines
7 von Hoffmans
8 Madame de Mores
9 Church and school
10 Miscellaneous
11 the Marquis’ trial
12 Teddy Roosevelt
13 de Mores land holdings
14 personal interviews
15 Financial losses
16 Marquis’ miscellaneous enterprises
17 Hunting
18 Van Driesche
19 de Mores’ meat distribution system
20 Stock feeding plan
21 Chateau de Mores
22 Snapshots
23 Marquis de Mores
24 Goodall
25 Photographs
26 de Mores after leaving the United States
Box :4
Fort Lincoln Museum card index for references used by Goplen for preparing Fort Lincoln Museum report - file (note) cards, filed along the following categories:
1 Information for Models or Painting
2 Scouts
3 Black Hills Expedition
4 Camp Greene and Hancock
5 Indian policy
6 Custer
7 7th Cavalry
8 Indian Chiefs
9 City of Bismarck
10 Campaign of 1876
11 Fort Abraham Lincoln
12 Establishment of Fort Abraham Lincoln
13 Officers
14 Social life
15 Troops at, transfers of
16 Soldiering at Fort Lincoln after 1876
17 Personal interviews
18 Abandonment
19 Destruction and depredations
20 Cemetery
21 Indian hostilities near Fort Lincoln
22 Indian hostilities and Army
23 Forts in Department of Dakota
24 Missouri River trade
25 Northern Pacific Railroad
26 Attitude of Indians toward railroad
27 Survey expeditions
28 Maps
29 The Gattling gun
30 References
31 Fort Lincoln State Park
32 Mandan Indians
33 Origin of Mandans
34 Migrations and history
35 Lodges construction
36 Interior arrangement
37 Villages
38 Religion
39 Dress
40 Social customs
41 Foods
42 Physical traits
43 Relations with whites and other tribes
44 Artifacts
45 Industries
46 Mandan chiefs
47 Indians of North Dakota
48 Mandan diseases
49 Pictures, maps and references
50 Biographies of white visitors
51 Mandan horsemanship
Box :5
-Photographs and negatives removed from Box 3 (De Mores notes)
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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