Title: North Dakota Library Association Records
Dates: 1905-2017
Collection Number: 10018
Quantity: 13.5 feet and 139 digital files (0.08 GB)
Abstract: The records document the history of the North Dakota Library Association from its founding to the present, and include minutes and agenda, membership records, correspondence, reports, constitution and by-laws, handbooks, manuals, procedural documents, records from annual conventions/conferences, activities, programs, partnerships, awards, grants, speeches, publications, printed material, a scrapbook, digital resources, audio and video recordings, and photographs.
Provenance: The State Historical Society of North Dakota acquired the North Dakota Library Association Records from the Association in various lots, 1983-1986. Photograph Collection 00793 was added to the collection in June 2018. In December 2018, the first digital records were added to the collection.
Property rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: The North Dakota Library Association has dedicated such copyrights as they possess in this collection to the public. Consideration of all other copyrights is the responsibility of the author and publisher.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related material:
31064 State Library Commission, 1936-1965, 7ft. Correspondence, reports, printed materials, bibliographies, and notes relating to circulation of library materials, bookmobiles, and the North Dakota Library Association.
Transfer: Publications such as Good Stuff, Flickertail, North Dakota Public Library Standards, Guidelines for North Dakota School Library Media Centers, and Job Descriptions for Librarians and one microfiche of the North Dakota Public Library Trustee Manual were separated from the collection and cataloged.
A call was issued on December 19, 1905 to "all librarians, and others interested in library work in North Dakota to meet at the Fargo Public Library, Thursday afternoon, January 18, 1906, for the purpose of considering the advisability of organizing a State Library Association". The meeting was organized by the Library Association of Fargo and Moorhead.
There were 22 people present at the first gathering. The first officers were: Frank Thompson, president; Alice J. MacDonald, vice-president; and Elizabeth Abbott, secretary-treasurer.
Annual meetings were held until 1917. In 1917 the meeting was scheduled to be held in Valley City, but was cancelled because of World War I. The 1918 meeting, again scheduled for Valley City, was cancelled because of an outbreak of Spanish influenza. Annual meetings have been held from 1919 on.
Over the years the NDLA grew and developed special committees to deal with the issues at hand. In 1987 the NDLA had approximately 450 members.
Sources: Minutes of the First Meeting, January 18, 1906. NDLA Membership Directory, 1987.
Box 1: Minutes and Agenda
1 Annual meeting minutes and agenda, 1906-1925
2 Annual meeting minutes and agenda, 1926-1968
3 Annual meeting minutes and agenda, 1974-2012
4 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 1945-1975
5 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 1976-1982
6 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 1983-1989
7 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 1990-1994
8 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 1995-2000
9 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 2001-2004
10 Executive Board meeting minutes and agenda, 2005-2016
11 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section minutes and agenda, 1965-1981
12 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section minutes and agenda, 1982-2008
13 Blue Book Task Force minutes and agenda, 1987-1993
14 Constitution, Bylaws and Policies Committee minutes and agenda, 1996-2000
15 Continuing Education Review Board minutes and agenda, 1981
16 Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) minutes and agenda, 1982-1986
17 Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) minutes and agenda, 1987-2014
18 Government Documents Roundtable Access Committee minutes and agenda, 1984
19 Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services (Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries) minutes and agenda, 1978-1990
20 Health Science Information Section (HSIS) minutes and agenda, 1986-2008
21 IT Roundtable minutes and agenda, 2001
22 Legislative Committee minutes and agenda, 1964-1980
23 Library Education Task Force minutes and agenda, 1991
24 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) minutes and agenda, 1987-1996
25 New Directions (Future Directions) Task Force minutes and agenda, 1989-1990
Box 2:
1 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable minutes and agenda, 1982-2002
2 Periodicals Indexing Committee minutes and agenda, 1986-1994
3 ODIN Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Users Group minutes and agenda, 1998
4 ND Public Library Directors minutes and agenda, 2006
5 Public Library Planning Committee minutes and agenda, 1980-1999
6 Public Library Section minutes and agenda, 1976-2009
7 Right to Read Committee minutes and agenda, 1973
8 Small Libraries Roundtable minutes and agenda, 1992-2002
9 Technical Services Roundtable minutes and agenda, 1990-2014
10 Trustee Section minutes and agenda, 1971-1989
Membership Records
11 Elections and elected officers, 1974-2002
12 Elections and elected officers, 2003-2010
13 Executive Board members lists, 1906-2006
14 Past Presidents list, 1906-1958
15 Petitions to establish roundtables, ca. 1989-2010
16 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section membership, 1968-1993
17 Associate membership, n.d.
18 Children's Roundtable membership, 1985
19 Exhibitions Committee membership, 1985
20 Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) membership, 1984-1987
21 Health Science Information Section (HSIS) membership, 1983-1985
22 Institutional membership, 1982-2000
23 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) membership, 1987-1990
24 New Directions (Future Directions) Task Force membership, ca. 1990
25 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable membership, 1985-2004
26 Newspaper Indexing Committee membership, ca. 1990
27 Periodicals Indexing Committee membership, ca. 1990
28 Public Library membership, ca. 1985
29 School Library membership, ca. 1985
30Trustee Section membership, ca. 1985
31 Life memberships, n.d.
32 Membership directory, ca. 1923
33 Membership cards, 1969
34 Membership lists, 1983-1987
35 Membership lists, 1988-1991
36 Membership lists, 1992-1993
37 Membership lists, 1995-1996
38 Dropped members, ca. 1910-1950
39 Correspondence, 1920s
40 Correspondence, 1930s
41 Correspondence, 1940s
42 Correspondence, 1950s
43 Correspondence, 1960s
44 Correspondence, 1970s
45 Correspondence, 1980s
46 Correspondence, 1990s
47 Correspondence, 2000s
48 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section correspondence, 1968-1984
Box 3:
1 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section correspondence, 1985-2007
2 Administrative/Organization Review Ad Hoc Committee correspondence, 1997-1998
3 American Library Association (ALA) correspondence, 1938-1996
4 Awards correspondence, 1988-2008
5 Blue Book correspondence, 1981-1992
6 Children's Roundtable correspondence, 1983-1991
7 Conference correspondence, 1918-1999
8 Constitution, Bylaws and Policies Committee correspondence, 1983-2012
9 Executive Board correspondence, 1914-1976
10 Executive Board correspondence, 1977-1999
11 Executive Secretary correspondence, 1998-2002
12 Executive Secretary Search Committee correspondence, 1997-2000
13 Finance Committee correspondence, 1988-2003
14 Good Stuff Editorial Committee correspondence, 1984-1995
15 Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) correspondence, 1975-1999
16 Government Documents Roundtable Access Committee correspondence, 1984
17 Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services (Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries) correspondence, 1978-1997
18 Health Science Information Section (HSIS) correspondence, 1991-2006
19 Intellectual Freedom Committee correspondence, 1966-1978
20 Legislative Committee correspondence, 1960-1991
21 Library Development Committee correspondence, 1972-1973
22 Library Education Task Force correspondence, ca. 1992
23 Logo/Letterhead Committee correspondence, ca. 1989
24 Membership Committee correspondence, 1973-1992
25 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) correspondence, 1987-1990
26 New Directions (Future Directions) Task Force correspondence, 1989-1990
27 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable correspondence, 1983-2004
28 Newspaper Indexing Committee correspondence, 1992
29 Nominations, Elections and Voting Committee correspondence, 1987-2007
30 One Person Library Roundtable correspondence, 1991
31 Periodicals Indexing Committee correspondence, 1985-1996
32 Planning Committee correspondence, 1952-1984
33 Platform Committee correspondence, 2000
34 Professional Development Grants Committee correspondence, 1998
35 Public Library Planning Committee correspondence, 1979
36 Public Library Section correspondence, 2000-2008
37 Public Relations correspondence, 1972-1999
38 School Library and Youth Services (SLAYS) Section correspondence, 1971-2006
39 Special Libraries Survey correspondence, 1986
40 Survey Committee correspondence, 1986-1995
41 Technical Services Roundtable correspondence, 1990-2005
42 Trustee Section correspondence, 1980-1996
Box 4: Reports
1 Annual reports, 1971-2007
2 Academic and Special Libraries (College and University) Section reports, 1963-2007
3 Advisory Council on Libraries reports, 1989
4 American Library Association (ALA) reports, 1924-2007
5 Archivist/Historian reports, 1999-2006
6 Audit Committee reports, 1981
7 Awards reports, 1991-1998
8 Centralized Processing Committee reports, 1970-2005
9 Centennial Committee reports, 2005
10 Children's Roundtable reports, 1989-1991
11 Confidentiality of Records Committee reports, 1984
12 Conference Chair reports, 1996-2006
13 Constitution, Bylaws and Policies Committee reports, 1980-2016
14 Disaster Preparedness Committee reports, 1985
15 Education and Library Network (ETC) Committee reports, 1997
16 Executive Secretary reports, 1924-2007
17 Finance Committee reports, 1965-2016
18 Good Stuff Editorial Committee reports, 1990-2007
19 Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) reports, 1983-2016
20 Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services (Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries) reports, 1988-1990
21 Health Science Information Section (HSIS) reports, 1981-2014
22 Intellectual Freedom Committee reports, 1972-2007
23 Intellectual Freedom Committee reports of censorship attempts, 1980-1998
24 IT Roundtable reports, 1995-2001
25 Legislative Committee reports, 1963-2016
26 Library Development Committee reports, 1972-1973
27 Library Education Task Force reports, 1990
28 Committee on Library Extension reports, ca. 1968
29 Library Study Steering Committee reports, 1996
30 Library Technology Subcommittee reports, 1981
31 Mailing List Committee reports, 1982
32 Membership Committee reports, 1973-2007
33 Membership Ad Hoc Committee reports, 2016
34 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) reports, 1969-2016
35 National Library Week Committee reports, 1967-1972
36 New Directions (Future Directions) Task Force reports, 1989-1991
37 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable reports, 1983-2007
38 Newspaper Indexing Committee reports, 1992
39 Nominations, Elections and Voting Committee reports, 1964-2007
40 Past President reports, 1999-2016
41 Planning Committee reports, 1952
42 President's reports, 1975-2016
43 Professional Development Grants Committee reports, 1988-2006
44 Public Library Section reports, 1977-2010
45 Public Relations (Publicity) Committee reports, 1989-2006
46 Quilt Committee reports, 2005
47 Reading Summit reports, 2005
48 Right to Read Committee reports, 1973
49 School Library and Youth Services (SLAYS) Section correspondence, 1971-2016
50 Small Library Roundtable reports, 1996-2003
51 State Archivist reports, 1991
52 State Librarian (and State Library) reports, 1985-2016
53 State Library Task Force reports, 1985
54 Technical Services Roundtable reports, 1990-2007
55 Treasurer's reports, 1912-1999
56 Treasurer's reports, 2000-2016
57 Trustee Section reports, 1964-1996
58 Vice President (President-Elect) reports, 1989-2005
59 Web Committee reports, 2005-2007
Box 5: Founding Documents, Constitution and By-Laws
1 Articles of Incorporation for North Dakota, 1971-1997
2 Agreements, 1979-2005
3 Constitution, 1908-1987
4 Constitution, 1988-1998
5 Proposed revisions to the constitution, 1970-2000
6 Templates and examples of Association Constitution and bylaws documents, 1995-1997
7 Academic and Special Libraries Section (Academic Section of the North Dakota Library Association and the North Dakota Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries) constitution and bylaws, 1983-2000
8 Children's Roundtable constitution and bylaws, n.d.
9 College and University section constitution and bylaws, 1969
10 Government Documents Roundtable constitution and bylaws, 1983-2000
11 Health Science Information Section constitution and bylaws, 1985-2005
12 Information Technology Roundtable constitution and bylaws, 1993-2000
13 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable constitution and bylaws, 1981-2003
14 Public Library Section constitution and bylaws, 1985-2008
15 School Library and Youth Services (SLAYS) Section constitution and bylaws, 1978-2001
16 Small Library Roundtable constitution and bylaws, 1991-2000
17 Technical Services Roundtable constitution and bylaws, 1990-2000
18 Trustee Section constitution and bylaws, 1971-1989
Handbooks , Manuals and Procedural Documents
19 Academic and Special Libraries Section policies handbook, 2000-2012
20 American Library Association (ALA) Councilor policies handbook, 2002-2012
21 Archivist/Historian policies handbook, ca. 2001
22 Conference Chair/Local Arrangements Chair policies handbook, 1998-2012
23 Constitution, Bylaws and Policies Committee policies handbook, 1998-2012
24 Continuing Education Committee policies handbook, 2011
25 Executive Board policies handbook, 1999-2012
26 Executive Secretary policies handbook, 2000-2012
27 Executive Secretary Search Committee policies handbook, 2000-2012
28 Finance Committee policies handbook, 1999-2012
29 Good Stuff Editorial Committee policies handbook, 1995-2012
30 Government Documents (GODORT) Roundtable policies handbook, 1999-2012
31 Health Science Information Section (HSIS) policies handbook, 1999-2006
32 Information Technology Roundtable policies handbook, 1999-2000
33 Intellectual Freedom Committee policies handbook, 1999-2007
34 Legislative Committee policies handbook, 2000-2012
35 Membership Committee policies handbook, 1999-2012
36 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) policies handbook, 1998-2001
37 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable policies handbook, 2005-2012
38 Nominations, Elections and Voting Committee policies handbook, 2000-2012
39 Past-President policies handbook, 1999-2012
40 President policies handbook, 1999-2012
41 President-Elect policies handbook, 1999-2012
42 Professional Development grants committee policies handbook, 1999-2012
43 Public Library Section policies handbook, 2001-2012
44 Public Relations Committee policies handbook, 1999-2012
45 Reimbursements and Payments policy handbook, 2012-2014
46 School Library and Youth Services Section (SLAYS) policies handbook, 2000-2012
47 Secretary policies handbook, 1999-2012
48 State Librarian policies handbook, 1999-2012
49 Technical Services Roundtable policies handbook, 2000-2012
50 Treasurer policies handbook, 2009-2012
51 Web Editor policies handbook, 2012
52 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section I. Executive Board, 1986-1998
53 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section II. Convention, 1986-1997
54 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section III. Elections, 1986-1997
55 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section IV. Sections and Roundtables, 1986-1988
56 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section V. Newsletter, 1986-1997
57 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section IV. Archivist/Historian, 1986-1997
58 Handbook for NDLA Executive Board and its Committees: Section VII. Standing Committees of NDLA, 1986-1997
59 Ron Rudser Memorial Continuing Education fund, 1998-1996
60 Handbook for ND Library Trustees, 1961
61 Convention (Annual Conference) manual, ca. 1990
62 Organizational history, 1950-ca. 1989
63 Executive Secretary position description, 1981-2002
64 Lobbyist job position description, ca. 1995
Box 6: Annual Conventions/Conferences
1 Lists of annual conventions (conferences), 1906-2006
2 Annual Convention programs, 1907-1949
3 Annual Convention programs, 1950-1979
4 Annual Convention programs, ca. 1985
5 Annual Convention programs, 1990-1999
6 Annual Convention programs, 2000-2009
7 Annual Convention programs, 2010-2012
8 Conference materials, 1906-1937
9 Conference materials, 1944
10 Conference materials, 1946-1949
11 Conference materials, 1950-1953
12 Conference materials, 1962-1967
13 Conference materials, 1970-1984
14 Conference materials, 1985
15 Conference materials, 1986
16 Conference materials, 1987
17 Conference materials, 1988
18 Conference materials, attendees, 1989
19 Conference materials, evaluations, 1989
20 Conference materials, exhibitors, 1989
21 Conference materials, general, 1989
22 Conference materials, general, 1989
Box 7:
1 Conference materials, speakers, 1989
2 Conference materials, 1990-1992
3 Conference materials, 1993-1997
4 Conference materials, 1998-1999
5 Conference materials, 2000
6 Conference materials, 2001
7 Conference materials, 2002
8 Conference materials, 2003
9 Conference materials, 2004
10 Conference materials, 2005
11 Conference materials, 2006
12 Conference materials, 2007
13 Conference materials, 2009-2011
14 Conference materials, 2012-2017
15 Resolutions, 1913-1979
16 Resolutions, ca. 1980
17 Resolutions, 1986-1995
18 Resolutions, 1996-2013
Activities, Programs and Partnerships
19 Advisory Council on Libraries, 1979
20 Anthology of North Dakota Literature grant proposal, 1986
21 Basic Public Library Skills Institute, 1996
22 Bibliography of North Dakota Books, 1889-1989, ca. 1989
23 Bibliographic Olympics, 1987
24 Blue Book background material, 1984
25 Book Drive in North Dakota, 1918-1919
26 Booth exhibit in the North Dakota Capitol, 2003
27 CD Rom preconference workshop, 1994
28 Chautauqua, 1978
29 Certification of Public Librarians, 1968
30 Citizens for the Library, 1956
31 Confidentiality of library records, ca. 1990
32 Direct Individual Access Library System (DIALS), 1988
33 Education Task Force survey, 1991
34 Eight region library system, 1969
35 Expanding Horizons: Action Plan (New Directions Task Force), 1990
Box 8:
1 Friends of Libraries, 1986-2005
2 Government Documents and Automation workshop, 1987
3 Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries, 1976-1991
4 Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries, 1976-1991
5 Legislation regarding libraries, 1979-1995
6 Library Excellence for North Dakota (LEND), 1988
7 Library support statement, 1992
8 Library Training Institute, 1980
9 Library Trustee questionnaire, 1996
10 Library Vision 2004, 2000
11 Library Vision 2010, 2002
12 Machine Readable Cataloging, ca. 1983
13 Membership survey, 1987-1995
14 Minitex, 1989
15 Miscellaneous programs and activities, 1938-1990
16 Multitype Library Authority, 1990-1996
17 National Library Week/North Dakota Library Week, 1928-1967
18 NDLIB-L, ca. 1997
19 North Dakota Library directory with information about organization and management of each, 1943
20 North Dakota Library card, ca. 1988
21 North Dakota Library Coordinating Council, 1996-1997
22 North Dakota statistical abstract, 2002
23 OCLC, 1987
24 ODIN , 1989-1995
25 PALS (UNISYS), ca. 1985
26 Partnerships to Enhance Academic Quality (PEAQ), ca. 1989
27 Periodicals Indexing background material, 1986-1994
28 Periodicals Indexing background material, 1986-1994
29 Program review of the North Dakota State Library Commission, 1976
30 Public Library lottery, 1985
31 Recent agricultural books, 1914
32 Records transfer procedure, 1997
33 Spring Frolic, 1985
34 Standards for North Dakota public libraries, ca. 1988
35 State Document Collection and Use workshop, 1975
36 State Documents law, 1977-1989
37 Statewide Library Automation project, 1988-1996
38 Survey of Special Libraries in North Dakota, 1985
39 United States Newspaper Index, 1984-1988
Awards and Grants
40 Award proposals, ca. 2005
41 Awards, 1979-2009
42 Canoe Kudos, 2002-2005
43 Flickertale Children's book award, 1988-2005
44 Friendly Booth award, 1987-2001
45 Grassroots grant, 1983-1989
Box 9:
1 Grassroots grant, 1990-2005
2 Librarian of the Year award, ca. 1990-2005
3 Mike Jaugstetter leadership grant, ca. 2003
4 Government Documents (GODORT) Roundtable Notable Documents award, 1984-2010
5 Professional Development grant, 1988-1991
6 Ron Rudser Memorial Continuing Education fund, 1988-1996
7 School Library benefactor of the year, ca. 1995
8 Trustee citation award, 1978-1986
9 Youth Excellence Program of the Year award, ca. 2000
10 NDLA Grant applications and awards, 1994-2004
11 ND Humanities Council grant, 1984-1985
12 ND Humanities Council grant, 1986-1987
Literary Works, Publications and Printed Material
13 Speeches, ca. 1920-2005
14 North Dakota Almanac, 1988
15 Administrative Manual for North Dakota State Document Depository Libraries, ca. 1986
16 American Library Association (ALA) Councilor news, 1976
17 Disaster Preparedness planning, 1985
18 Intellectual freedom handbook, 1984-1985
19 New Members (Junior Members) Roundtable newsletter, 1982-1997
20 N.D. Chapter ACRL newsletter, 1984-1989
21 ND Libraries directory, 1981-1984
22 NDLA newsletter, 1964-1967
23 ND State Documents Depository manual, 1989
24 Public Library Section newsletter, 1978
25 Some Phases of the Problem of Adult Education in North Dakota, ca. 1955
26 Brochures and bookmarks, ca. 1940-2000
27 Envelopes and letterhead, ca. 1980
28 News releases, 1983-2012
29 News clippings, 1910-2000
30 News clippings about intellectual freedom, 1983-1998
Digital Resources
DIG.0001 Conference materials, 2013-2016
DIG.0002 Meeting minutes (Annual Meeting, Executive Board meetings, and General Membership meetings), 2001-2016
DIG.0003 Digital photographs (see inventory below, items 00660-00716)
DIG.0004 Reports, 2000-2002, 2016
DIG.0005 Awards, 1992-2016
Scrapbook: Scrapbook with activities information, news clippings, correspondence, records of the establishment of the North Dakota Library Commission, programs, and photographs (00618-00621), 1905-1946
Audiovisual Materials (See Inventory Below)
Box 10: Audiovisual materials (items 00622-00649), files on discs and DVDs
Photographs (See Inventory Below)
Box 11: Photographs: 00001-00080
Box 12: Photographs: 00081-00130, 00531-00611, 00650-00656
Box 13: Negatives: 00131-00530, 00540-00603
Box 14: Photographs: 00612-00617
MAP FOLDER: Posters (00657-00658) (See Inventory Below)
00001 Opening of the North Dakota Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services-Mandan Seven Seas Hotel. L-R: Tom Jones, Bismarck Public Library; Ora Marie Stewart, Grafton Public Library; Richard Wolfert, State Librarian, September 30, 1978
00002 Wayne Sanstead giving speech to North Dakota House representatives, ca. 1975
00003 State Librarian Ruth Mahan speaking at the North Dakota Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services-Mandan Seven Seas Hotel, September 30, 1978
00004 North Dakota Library Association Conference at Holiday Inn in Bismarck, North Dakota. Dina Butcher on right, ca. 1980
00005 North Dakota Library Association Conference. L-R: Dina Butcher, Ed Klecker, ca. 1975
00006 North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1975
00007 North Dakota Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services-Mandan Seven Seas Hotel. L-R: State Librarian Richard Wolfert; Governor Art Link, September 30, 1978
00008 North Dakota Library Association Conference-Bismarck-Mandan. Dennis Olson of Wachter Junior High Library in on the right, ca. 1975
00009 Marquis at State White House Conference, ca. 1975
00010 Group of people at North Dakota Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services-Mandan Seven Seas Hotel, September 30, 1978
00011 Marilyn Guttromson at NDLA conference at Bismarck Kirkwood Motor Inn., ca. 1980
00012 Buffet table and people at North Dakota Library Association Conference at Bismarck Kirkwood Motor Inn, ca. 1980
00013 Banquet area and people at North Dakota Library Association Conference at Bismarck Kirkwood Motor Inn, ca. 1980
00014 Registration table at North Dakota Library Association Conference at Bismarck Kirkwood Motor Inn
00015 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00016 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00017 Puppet show North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00018 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00019 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00020 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00021-00023 Puppet show North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00024 Puppet show and puppeteer North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00025 Puppet show North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00026 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00027 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00028 Tom Jones presenting at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Bismarck Kirkwood Motor Inn, ca. 1980
00029 Presentation at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00030 Presentation audience at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1980
00031 Ward County Public Library Bookmobile, 1965-1975
00032 Kay Cossette NDSU Christmas display, November 1983
00033 Max Public Library grant presentation, August 1986
00034 State Librarian Ruth Mahan addresses crowd at the official opening of the Williston Public Library, November 1983
00035 Jim Swan presents the News Media Support Award to Gordon Hansen, publisher of the Jamestown Sun, May 1, 1983
00036 Tom Jones received his award from James Swan, chair of the Mountain Plains Library Association Awards Committee, May 1, 1983
00037-00038 Trustee Executive Board L-R: Mary Kroshus (chair); Linda Holte; Becky Donovan, Louise Stockman; Missing-Charlotte Whittey, 1987
00039 Dr. Stephen Tim (left), children's book author, and Stephen Gammell, illustrator, sign books at a meet the author session, November 1987
00040 Becky Donovan (left) presents the Trustee of the Year Award to Marion Friese of Morton County, November 1987
00041 Gary Strong delivers the keynote address, November 1987
00042 William Kittredge, author and professor at the University of Montana, delivered his address 'New Writers in the American West' at the Friday night banquet, November 1987
00043 L-R: Past-President Neil Price, President Betty Gard and Vice-President/President-Elect Diane Caley, November 1987
00044 At the head table at the Awards banquet (L-R): MPLA Vice-President Sara Parker, U.S. Representative Byron Dorgan and ND State Librarian Pat Harris, November 1987
00045 Keynote speaker Judith Krug, Director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom ALA (2nd from right), poses with NDLA's Past President Jerry Kaup, President Cheryl Bailey and Vice-President Neil Price, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00046 L-R: Neil Price, Judith Krug, Cheryl Bailey, unknown, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00047 Cheryl Bailey handing over gavel to new president Neil Price, ca. 1985
00048 Librarians in masks, ca. 1985
00049 Unidentified man giving speech, ca. 1985
00050 Unidentified, Marilyn Guttromson, Mary Jane Chaussee performing, ca. 1985
00051 Four women giving presentation, ca. 1985
00052 Unidentified woman giving presentation, ca. 1985
00053 Unidentified woman giving presentation, ca. 1990
00054 Unidentified man giving speech, ca. 1985
00055-00056 Unidentified man giving speech, Cheryl Bailey is seen to the left, ca. 1985
00057 Three people at head of room, Holiday Inn, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00058 Judith Krug giving speech, Cheryl Bailey is to the left, Holiday Inn, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00059 Judith Krug giving speech, Cheryl Bailey and Neil Price are to the left, Holiday Inn, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00060 L-R: Jerry Kaup, Cheryl Bailey, Neil Price, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1985
00061 Two women at podium, Cheryl Bailey is to the immediate left, ca. 1985
00062 Cheryl Bailey presenting man with an award, ca. 1985
00063 Cheryl Bailey and Neil Price at podium, ca. 1985
00064 Man and Cheryl Bailey by podium, ca. 1985
00065 Woman playing piano, ca. 1985
00066 Woman in hat and trench coat giving presentation, ca. 1985
00067 Woman giving presentation, ca. 1985
00068 Librarians in masks, ca. 1985
00069 Man giving presentation, ca. 1985
00070 People at exhibits area, ca. 1985
00071 Woman giving presentation, ca. 1985
00072 L-R: Jerry Kaup, Cheryl Bailey, unidentified woman, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00073 L-R: Unidentified, Marilyn Guttromson, Mary Jane Chaussee, Neil Price, Jerry Kaup, unidentified, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00074 Woman giving speech, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00075 Cheryl Bailey, unidentified, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00076 L-R: Jerry Kaup, unidentified, Cheryl Bailey, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00077 Unidentified man giving speech, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00078 L-R: Jerry Kaup, Cheryl Bailey exchanging plaque, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00079 L-R: unidentified, Jerry Kaup, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00080 Unidentified man giving speech, ca. 1985
00081 3 unidentified people, ca. 1985
00082 L-R: Jerry Kaup, unidentified, Cheryl Bailey, Best Western International Inn, Minot (N.D.), ca. 1985
00083 Dr. Lowell F. Latimer, Assistant Superintendent Minot Public Schools, School Administrator of the Year Award, ca. 1984
00084 The Docettes, ca. 1980
00085 Man speaking, ca. 1985
00086 Man speaking, Ramada Inn, Williston, ca. 1985
00087 Group of people at table, ca. 1985
00088 Group of people at table, Marlene Ripplinger is second from left, ca. 1985
00089 Two people demonstrating the Heimlich maneuver, ca. 1985
00090 Woman demonstrating first aid on dummy, ca. 1985
00091 Woman demonstrating first aid on dummy, ca. 1985
00092-00094 Man speaking, Ramada Inn, Williston, ca. 1985
00095 Woman giving presentation, ca. 1985
00096 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1985
00097 People at table, ca. 1985
00098 Man speaking, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00099 Group of people, ca. 1985
00100 L-R: Neil Price, unidentified, Diane Caley, ca. 1985
00101 Dr. Stephen Timm signing books, ca. 1985
00102 Man speaking, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00103 Group of people at head table including Byron Dorgan, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00104-00106 Two people at podium, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00107-00109 Head table, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00110-00111 Man speaking, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck, ca. 1985
00112 Woman at celebration, ca. 1990
00113 Man at celebration, ca. 1990
001140-0115 Group of people at celebration, ca. 1990
00116 Group of people in library, ca. 1990
00117 Group of people, ca. 1990
00118 Group of people in hall, ca. 1990
00119 Group of people at tables, ca. 1990
00120 Group of people, ca. 1990
00121-00122 Medinfo booth in exhibit area, ca. 1990
00123 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, ca. 1990
00124 Betty Gard portrait, ca. 1990
00125 Three people standing in front of Special Collections at the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, February 1988
00126 Unidentified man portrait, ca. 1985
00127 Group portrait including Bonnie Krenz, Phyllis Bratton, Kathy Thomas, Marlene Anderson, Marlene Ripplinger, Ellen Kotrba, 1995-2005
00128 Group portrait including Bonnie Krenz, Phyllis Bratton, Kathy Thomas, Marlene Anderson, Marlene Ripplinger, Ellen Kotrba, 1995-2005
00129 L-R: Unidentified, Cathy Langemo, 1995-2005
00130 L-R: Unidentified, Cathy Langemo, 1995-2005
00131-00135 NDLA 100th Anniversary bookmobile poster, 2006
00136-00141 NDLA 100th Anniversary libraries and people poster, 2006
00142-00148 NDLA 100th Anniversary libraries poster, 2006
00149 Two people in exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, 2006
00150-00151 Gumdrop Books display in exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, 2006
00152 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, 2006
00153 Scanner display in exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, 2006
00154-00155 Shelby Harken in exhibits area, 2006
00156-00158 100th anniversary celebration group photo, 2006
00159-00160 People at banquet table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00161 People at banquet table including Beth Postema, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00162 People at banquet table including Jerry Kaup, Sally Dockter, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00163 People at banquet table including Cheryl Bailey, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00164 People at banquet table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00165 People at banquet table including Marlene Anderson, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00166 People at banquet table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00167 Marilyn Guttromson Johnson at banquet table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00168 Speaker at banquet, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00169 Speaker at banquet, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00170 NDLA board members L-R: Naomi Frantes, Michael Safratowich, Laurie McHenry, Beth Postema, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00171 NDLA Board members L-R: Unidentified, unidentified, Naomi Frantes, Michael Safratowich, Laurie McHenry, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00172 NDLA Board members L-R: Bonnie Krenz, Kathy Thomas, unidentified, unidentified, Naomi Frantes, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00173 NDLA members L-R: Kelly Steckler, unidentified, Marlene Anderson, unidentified, Doris Ott, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00174 Woman speaking, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00175 Presentation of plaque, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00176-00178 Presentation of award, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00179 Presentation of award, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00180 Presentation of award L-R: Shelby Harken, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00181 Presentation of award L-R: Jeanne Narum, Jerry Kaup, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00182 Presentation of award L-R: Jerry Kaup, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00183 Presentation of award, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00184 Presentation of award L-R: Marvia Boettcher, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00185 Presentation of award L-R: Marvia Boettcher, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00186 Presentation of award, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00187 Presentation of award L-R: Kathy Thomas, Marlene Anderson, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00188 Presentation of award L-R: Kathy Thomas, Marlene Anderson, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00189-00190 Presentation of award L-R: Kathy Thomas, Marlene Anderson, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00191 Presentation of award L-R: Kathy Thomas, Jeanne Narum, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00192 Marvia Boettcher At banquet, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00193-00194 Four women giving presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00195-00196 Group at table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00197-00198 Woman giving presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00199-00200 Cake and balloons for 100th anniversary celebration, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00201-00202 Cake for 100th anniversary celebration, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00203-00205 Musical group performing, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00206 Silent auction offerings, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00207-00210 Group of people at the banquet, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00211-00212 Silent auction offerings, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00213-00217 Group of people at the banquet, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00218-00221 NDLA 100th Anniversary libraries poster, 2006
00222 Welcome poster 100th Anniversary, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00223 Display area, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00224 Cookbook table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00225 Registration table at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo including Jerry Kaup and Kathy Thomas, 2006
00226-00227 Cookbook table, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00228-00230 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Perma-Bound, 2006
00231 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00232 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Government documents, 2006
00233 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Government documents, 2006
00234 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00235 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Prairie Public, 2006
00236 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00237 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00238 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Child's World, 2006
00239-00240 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-First Book, 2006
00241 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo-Humanities Council, 2006
00242 Exhibits area at North Dakota Library Association Conference, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00243 Live auction, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00244 Quilt, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00245 Live auction, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00246-00251 Awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00252-00253 L-R: Jeanne Narum, Kelly Steckler at awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00254-00259 Awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00260 Naomi Frantes at awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00261 Phyllis Bratton at awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00262-00264 L-R: Jeanne Narum and Beth Postema at awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00265 Beth Postema at awards presentation, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00266 Ellen Kotrba at ODIN booth, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00267 Exhibitor, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00268 World Book online exhibit, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00269 Mountain Press Publishing exhibit, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00270-00271 POP! Pen on paper exhibit, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00272 ALA exhibit, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00273 Registration table L-R: unidentified, Kelly Steckler, Kathy Thomas, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00274-00278 Silent auction table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00279 Doris Ott giving presentation, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00280 Man giving presentation, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00281 People at banquet table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00282 L-R: Wilbur Stolt, Bill DeJohn, Tony Stuckel at banquet table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00283-00284 People at banquet table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00285 L-R: Stella Cone, unidentified at banquet table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00286-00287 Exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00288 Registration table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00289 Registration table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck including Kathy Thomas, 2003
00290 Registration table, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck including Michael Miller and Kathy Thomas, 2003
00291-0292 Kristen Borysewicz presentation, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00293-00294 Presentation, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00295-00296 Stella Cone presentation, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00297-00299 Exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00300 3M Library Systems booth, exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00301 Gumdrop Books booth, exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00302 Edward Keller booth, exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00303 Exhibit area, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00304-00305 L-R: Unidentified, Iris Swedlund holding Librarian of the Year plaque, Doris Ott, Stella Cone, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00306 Michael Safratowich holding auction item, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00307 L-R: Michael Safratowich, Terri Wilhelm holding auction item, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00308 L-R: Unidentified, Michael Safratowich holding auction item, Terri Wilhelm, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00309 L-R: Unidentified, Michael Safratowich holding auction item, Marlene Anderson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00310 Christine Kujawa holding auction item, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00311 Unidentified woman speaking, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00312 L-R: Unidentified woman speaking, Marilyn Guttromson Johnson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00313 L-R: Unidentified woman accepting raffle prize, Unidentified woman, Marilyn Guttromson Johnson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00314 L-R: Unidentified woman, Unidentified woman, Marilyn Guttromson Johnson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00315-00316 L-R: Unidentified woman, Jeanne Narum speaking, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00317 L-R: Unidentified woman, Pamela Drayson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00318 L-R: Pamela Drayson, Unidentified woman, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00319 L-R: Pamela Drayson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00320 L-R: Mary Lorenz, Christine Kujawa, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00321 L-R: Mary Lorenz, Christine Kujawa, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00322 Group photo including Michael Safratowich, Deb Igoe, Phyllis Bratton, Marlene Anderson, Kirsten Baesler, Paulette Nelson, Jeanne Narum, Laurie McHenry, Pamela Drayson, Connie Wightman, Kristen Borysewicz, Bonnie Krenz, Doris Ott, Kathy Thomas, 2003
00323 L-R: Jeanne Narum, Marvia Boettcher at podium, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00324 Kaaren Pupino and Char Myhre at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00325 L-R: Kathy Thomas, Kaaren Pupino, Cynthia Larson, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00326 L-R: Clarence Bina, Connie Wightman at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00327 L-R: Clarence Bina, Connie Wightman at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00328 Clarence Bina speaking at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00329 L-R: Leeila Bina, Clarence Bina at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00330 L-R: Kaaren Pupino shaking hands with Doris Ott at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00331-00333 L-R: Kaaren Pupino with Marilyn Guttromson Johnson at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00334 L-R: Unidentified, Kaaren Pupino, Unidentified at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00335 L-R: Unidentified, Kaaren Pupino, Unidentified at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00336 L-R: Unidentified, Kaaren Pupino, Unidentified at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00337-00339 L-R: Unidentified, Iris Swedlund receiving Librarian of the Year at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00340 L-R: Marilyn Guttromson Johnson, Kaaren Pupino at awards ceremony, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck (N.D.), 2003
00341-00342 Edward Keller book signing, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00343-00344 Richard Stenberg speaking, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00345 Awards presentation including Marlene Anderson and Kathy Thomas, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00346 Awards presentation including Michael Safratowich, Kristen Borysewicz, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00347-00350 Awards presentation, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00351-00352 Awards presentation, Librarian of the Year, Cyndy Schaff, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00353-00354 Awards presentation, benefactor, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00355 Awards presentation, Librarian of the Year, L-R: Sally Dockter, Cyndy Schaff, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00356-00363 Tired and Retired Librarians skit, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00364 Book sales, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00365-00367 Peggy Brooke, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00368 Social, L-R: Marvia Boettcher, unidentified, unidentified, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00369 Social, L-R: Kaaren Pupino, unidentified, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00370 Social, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00371 Social, L-R: unidentified, Michael Safratowich, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00372 Social, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00373 Auction, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00374-00378 Tired and Retired Librarians skit, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00379 Social, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00380 Bobby socks social, Iris Swedlund, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00381 Banquet karaoke entertainment, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00382-00383 Elvis impersonator, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00384 Banquet karaoke entertainment, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00385 People dancing, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00386-00389 James Brown impersonator, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00390 Banquet karaoke entertainment, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00391-00394 New executive board group photo including Kristen Borysewicz, Charlene Weisz, Jeanne Narum, Marlene Anderson, Kathy Thomas, Bonnie Krenz, Phyllis Bratton, Michael Safratowich, Marlene Ripplinger, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00395 Auction with quilt, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00396-00399 Tired and Retired Librarians skit, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00400-00404 Banquet karaoke entertainment, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00405-00407 Kenneth Thomasma book signing, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00408-00409 Carla Dewey Urban giving presentation, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00410-00412 Tammy Mays giving presentation, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00413 Presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00414 Panel presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00415 Panel presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00416-00418 Book sales, Tri-Conference, 2002
00419 Exhibits, Tri-Conference, 2002
00420 Minitex exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00421 Perma-Bound, Tri-Conference, 2002
00422 Exhibits, Tri-Conference, 2002
00423-00424 Edward Keller book table, Tri-Conference, 2002
00425 Emporia State University exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00426 Access Imagery exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00427-00428 North Dakota State Library exhibit, Tri-Conference, Shari Sandwick, 2002
00429 SIRS Mandarin exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00430 Houchen Bindery exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00431 Learning Opportunities, Inc. exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00432 Germans from Russia Heritage Collection exhibit, Tri-Conference, Michael Miller, 2002
00433 Germans from Russia Heritage Collection exhibit; Prairie Public exhibit, Tri-Conference, Bob Dambach, 2002
00434 Conference signage, Tri-Conference, 2002
00435-00436 Registration table, Tri-Conference, 2002
00437 Mountain Plains Library Association exhibit, Tri-Conference, 2002
00438-00440 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00441 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, Jeanne Narum, 2002
00442 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00443 Betty Gard, ND Librarian of the Year, Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00444-00446 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00447 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, Diane Briggs on right, 2002
00448 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, Diane Briggs on right, 2002
00449 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, Kathy Thomas, 2002
00450-00451 Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00452-00453 L-R: President La Dean Moen, President-Elect Kaaren Pupino, Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00454 President La Dean Moen, Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00455 ALA President Mitch Freedman speaking, Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00456-00458 Clown giving presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00459-00460 Man giving presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00461-00462 Woman giving presentation, Tri-Conference, 2002
00463-00466 ALA President Mitch Freedman speaking, Awards ceremony, Tri-Conference, 2002
00467-00485 Mountain Plains Library Association Awards, Tri-Conference, 2002
00486 Conference exhibit, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00487 North Dakota State Library conference exhibit, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00488 BWI, Roughrider Industries conference exhibits, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00489 Authors tables at conference, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00490 Paulette Nelson at authors table, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00491 Lise Erdrich signing book, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00492 Musical group performing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00493 Authors tables at conference, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00494 Group looking at silent auction offerings, Marlene Ripplinger is in the middle, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00495 Roxanne Henke book signing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00496-00497 Brenda Ehrmentraut book signing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00498 Michael Miller book signing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00499 Michael Miller book signing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00500 Author book signing, Paulette Nelson standing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00501-00502 Authors table at conference, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00503 Follett Library, BWI, Roughrider Industries exhibits, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00504 Display table at conference, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00505 Authors table at conference, John Hoganson on the far right, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00506-00507 Authors table at conference, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00509-00510 Speaker, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00511 Jeanne Narum speaking, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00512 Erin ? standing, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00513 Audience, L-R: Debbie Slais, Rachel White, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00514 Sally Dockter, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00515 Kirsten Baesler speaking, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00516 L-R: Kirsten Baesler speaking, Connie Wightman, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00517-00518 Live auction, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00519-00522 Singing entertainment, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00523-00524 Carol Hammond speaking, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00525 Jeanne Narum and Shelby Harken at podium, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00526 Marlene Anderson speaking, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00527 Marlene Anderson giving award, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00528-00530 Executive Board group photo including Marilyn Guttromson, Bonnie Krenz, Sally Dockter, Debbie Slais, Michael Safratowich, Al Peterson, Paulette Nelson, Virginia Bjorness, Kathy Thomas, Jeanne Narum, Marlene Anderson, 2004
00531 L-R: Kirsten Baesler speaking, Connie Wightman, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00532 L-R: Connie Wightman, Kirsten Baesler, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00533 Kaaren Pupino speaking, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00534 L-R: Kaaren Pupino awarding Jerry Kaup the Librarian of the Year, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00535 L-R: Kaaren Pupino awarding Jerry Kaup the Librarian of the Year, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00536 L-R: Jeanne Narum, Kaaren Pupino, Jerry Kaup, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00537 L-R: Jeanne Narum, Kaaren Pupino, Jerry Kaup, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00538-00539 Jerry Kaup in group photo holding Librarian of the Year, International Inn Minot (N.D.), 2004
00540-00541 James Brown impersonator, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00542 Women dancing to James Brown impersonator, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00543-00544 People dancing at stage area, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00545 Women in poodle skirts dancing, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00546 Women singing karaoke including Marlene Ripplinger, Marlene Anderson and Marilyn Gottromson, 2001
00547 Women singing karaoke including Marlene Ripplinger, Marlene Anderson and Marilyn Gottromson, 2001
00548 Tired and Retired Librarians skit with Marlene Anderson, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00549 Tired and Retired Librarians ski, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00550 Conga line, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00551-00552 Men singing karaoke, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00553 Women singing karaoke including Sally Dockter, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00554-00556 Elvis impersonator, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00557 Woman speaking, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00558-00560 Quilts and other auction offerings, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00561-00562 Donna Schaff speaking, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00563-00564 Registration table, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00565-00566 Auction offerings, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00567-00568 Doris Ott giving presentation, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00569 Executive Board meeting, Sally Dockter, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00570 Executive Board meeting, Sally Dockter, Marlene Anderson, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00571 Executive Board meeting, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00572 Executive Board meeting including Marilyn Guttromson, Kathy Thomas, Michael Safratowich, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00573 Executive Board meeting, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00574-00575 1st General Session, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00576 1st General Session, presentation of Mike Jaugstetter Memorial display, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00577 Buffet meal, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00578 Meal time, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00579 Two women in poodle skirts, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00580-00581 Man on stage, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00582 People at table, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00583 Women singing karaoke, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00584 Women singing karaoke, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00585 Woman at table, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00586 Woman dancing, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00587-00588 Four women in poodle skirts, Williston (N.D.), 2001
00589-00595 Fort Union Tour, 2001
00596-00599 Presentation, 2000-2005
00600 Executive Board group photo including Phyllis Bratton, Bonnie Krenz, Marlene Anderson, Kathy Thomas, Stella Cone, 2000-2005
00601 Executive Board group photo including Phyllis Bratton, Bonnie Krenz, Marlene Anderson, Kathy Thomas, Stella Cone, 2000-2005
00602 Executive Board group photo including Phyllis Bratton, Bonnie Krenz, Marlene Anderson, Kathy Thomas, Stella Cone, 2000-2005
00603 Executive Board including Laurie McHenry, Doris Ott, Shelby Harken, Eric Stroshane, Marlene Anderson, Rachel White, Sally Dockter, Kathy Thomas, Christine Kujawa, Bonnie Krenz, Michael Safratowich, Mark Holman, Kelly Steckler, Jeanne Narum, Beth Postema, Donna James, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00604 Atrium exhibitor booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00605 ND Humanities Council booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00606 First Book exhibitor booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00607 Unique Books exhibitor booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00608 Government documents roundtable booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00609 Beth Postema , Doris Ott and unidentified male, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00610 Centennial cookbook booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00611 Kristen Northrup and Naomi Frantes at cookbook booth, Doublewood Inn, Fargo (N.D.), 2006
00612 Going Dragon hunting' was the theme of this year's reading program at the Fargo Public Library. The dragon made by Moorhead State graduate student Wanpen Chin Wong, is 3 feet tall and 9 feet long. Fargo Forum photo. Aug-83
00613 Iris Swedlund portrait-ND Teacher of the Year 1983 (McHenry County Journal Register) Feb-83
00614 Docettes (GODORT) performing, L-R: Mary Jane Chaussee, Mary Bratten, Marilyn Gottromson, Williston, ND, 1984
00615 Docettes (GODORT) performing, L-R: Mary Jane Chaussee, Mary Bratten, Marilyn Gottromson, Williston, ND, 1984
00616 Special collections, UND Feb-88
00617 Heart of America Library sign-Rugby, ca. 1985
00618 Group on horseback at Peaceful Valley Ranch during 1927 convention (Medora, N.D.), September 17, 1927
00619 Group in covered wagon at Peaceful Valley Ranch during 1927 convention (Medora, N.D.), September 17, 1927
00620 Group at Peaceful Valley Ranch during 1927 convention (Medora, N.D.), September 17, 1927
00621 Woman on horseback at Peaceful Valley Ranch during 1927 convention (Medora, N.D.), September 17, 1927
Audiovisual Materials
00622 Audiocassette: 3rd General session, ca. 1989
00623 Audiocassette: Meeting, side II, ca. September 1997
00624 Audiocassette: Meeting, side III, ca. September 1997
00625 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting (incomplete), September 25, 1999
00626 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting I, June 2, 2003
00627 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting II, June 2, 2003
00628 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, June 2, 2003
00629 Audiocassette: Meeting, September 23, 2004
00630 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting, March 10, 2006
00631 Audiocassette: Annual Conference, 3 session, September 2006
00632 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting post conference, September 22, 2006
00633 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting I, December 8, 2006
00634 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, December 8, 2006
00635 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, December 8, 2006
00636 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting I, September 26, 2007
00637 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, September 26, 2007
00638 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting, September 26, 2008
00639 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting I, December 12, 2008
00640 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, December 12, 2008
00641 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, December 12, 2008
00642 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting I, May 27, 2009
00643 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, May 27, 2009
00644 Audiocassette: Executive Board meeting III, May 27, 2009
00645 Audiocassette: Judy Blume thanks NDLA for choosing her book for the 1979 Children's Book Award, 1979
00646 Videocassette: Executive Board meeting, n.d.
00647 Videocassette
00648 Videocassette: Executive Board meeting, March 2010
00649 Videocassette: Docettes show, 1986
00650 Portrait of Gary Schultz, ca. 1985
00651 Portrait of Doug Birdsall, ca. 1985
00652 Jan Hendrickson, ca. 1985
00653 Portrait of Lillian Sorenson, ca. 1985
00654 Portrait of Delores Vyzralek, ca. 1985
00655 Portrait of Marcella A. Schmaltz, ca. 1985
00656 Portrait of Joann Masterson, ca. 1985
00657 Poster: North Dakota Libraries: Heritage and Horizons, 1906-1986
00658 Poster: Rough Riders Read, Centennial Summer Reading Program
00659 Poster: Paws at your Library, ca. 1987
Digital Photographs
00660 Attendees during a meal at the annual conference in Jamestown, 2007
00661 Elizabeth Jacobs, of the North Dakota State Library, and Christine Kujawa, of Bismarck Public Library, pose for a photo during a meal at the annual conference in Jamestown, 2007
00662 Doris Ott, State Librarian, speaks at the annual conference in Jamestown, 2007
00663 Al Peterson, from the North Dakota State Library, smiles as he stands by the vendor area at the annual conference in Jamestown, 2007
00664 Steve Axtman and Elizabeth Jacobs, from the North Dakota State Library, smile and/or wave at the camera by the vendor area at the annual conference in Jamestown, 2007
00665 Speaker at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00666 Eric Stroshane and Matt Hovland, from the ND State Library, at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00667 Attendees visiting the vendor booths at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00668 Attendees listen to speakers at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00669 Session at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00670 Author Sarah Weeks accepts the Flicker Tale award for her book “Sophie Peterman Tells the Truth!,” 2011
00671 Author Sarah Weeks giving a speech after accepting the Flicker Tale award for her book “Sophie Peterman Tells the Truth!,” 2011
00672 TutorND booth at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00673 TutorND session at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00674 Hulen Bivins, State Librarian, speaks at the TutorND session at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00675 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Of Mice and Men - presented by Matt Hovland from the ND State Library, 2011
00676 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Wuthering Heights, 2011
00677 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - The Naken Lunch - presented by Eric Stroshane from the ND State Library, 2011
00678 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Where the Red Fern Grows - presented by BreAnne Meier from the ND State Library, 2011
00679 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - The Great Gatsby, 2011
00680 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Fahrenheit 451, 2011
00681 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Fahrenheit 451, 2011
00682 Living Banned Books event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - To Kill a Mockingbird, 2011
00683 Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00684 Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00685 Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Marlene Anderson from Bismarck State College Library, 2011
00686 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00687 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00688 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot - Aaron Stefanich from Grand Forks Public Library, 2011
00689 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00690 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00691 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00692 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00693 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00694 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00695 Recycle Runway Fashion Show event at the NDLA annual conference in Minot, 2011
00696 North Dakota State Library booth at the NDLA annual conference in Fargo, 2012
00697 Attendees visit the vendor booths at the NDLA annual conference in Fargo, 2012
00698 Session presented by Wendy Wendt, from the Grand Forks Public Library, at the NDLA annual conference in Fargo, 2012
00699 Group photo of the NDLA Executive Board at the annual conference in Fargo, 2012
00700 Aubrey Madler, NDLA President, presents Dr. Wayne Sanstead with the Major Benefactor of the Year award, 2012
00701 Aubrey Madler, NDLA President, presents Christine Kujawa with the Librarian of the Year award, 2012
00702 PBS host and author Rick Steves speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00703 Speaker at a session at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00704 Lego robotics at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00705 Young adult author Neal Shusterman speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00706 Young adult author Neal Shusterman speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00707 Eric Stroshane, from the ND State Library, speaks at session at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00708 Eric Stroshane, from the ND State Library, speaks at session at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00709 Al Peterson, NDLA President, speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00710 Al Peterson, NDLA President, presents Victor Lieberman with a President’s Recognition Award at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00711 Victor Lieberman, recipient of the President’s Recognition Award, speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00712 Victor Lieberman presents Kathryn Thomas with the Librarian of the Year award at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00713 Stacey Goldade, from the ND State Library, speaks at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00714 Award recipients at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00715 MPLA award recipients at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
00716 Victor Lieberman, recipient of the President’s Recognition award, and Kathryn Thomas, recipient of the Librarian of the Year award, pose for a photo with their awards at the tri-conference (SDLA, NDLA, & MPLA) in Sioux Falls, 2013
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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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