Title: Hanson Family
Dates: 1912-1978
Collection Number: 00627
Quantity: 15 items
Abstract: Family photographs and portraits.
Provenance: The State Historical Society of North Dakota acquired these images from Fred E. Buck of Hazelton (ND).
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
From “Our Pioneers” The Wing Area 1892-1976
Anton and Anna Hanson
Anton Hanson was born Dec. 2, 1848, in Norway. He came to the United States in 1867. Anna Helen Bergan was born July 26, 1848 at Larvik, Norway and emigrated to this country in 1868. The two young people met for the first time in Menominee, Wisconsin, where they came to join other Norwegian emigrants. Anna attended a school in midwifery , and along with her diploma, received a license to give chloroform. This was considered proof of her standing in her profession, as usually only a doctor could administer any kind of anesthetic. For the rest of her life, wherever she lived, she was always on call for baby cases.
Anton and Anna were married Oct. 10, 1873, and lived near Ellsworth, Wisconsin. About five years later they decided to come to the Red River Valley. By that time they had three children – Hilda, three years old and named for a little sister who had died; Hannah, who was two; and John, a small baby. They traveled by ox team and covered wagon, sleeping in the wagon at night. They lived for a time on the Minnesota side of the Red River, but settled, finally in Dakota Territory, in what is now Richland County, near where the town of Galchutt was established, in the Abercrombie area. Here five more children were born – Adolph (who died as a baby), Olaf, Alma, Anna, and Clarence. Anton and Anna reared their family and farmed in the Valley until 1907 when for the third time, they became pioneers.
Their oldest daughter Hilda married Ole Wold in 1899. In the spring of 1903 the Wolds came to Burleigh County and homesteaded in what is now Canfield Township. When Mrs. Wold died in 1967, she was the last of the original homesteaders in the township. Olaf Hanson also came to Burleigh County, homesteading in what is now Summit Township, near his sister and brother-in-law.
In 1907 Anton and Anna followed their children to Burleigh County and took a homestead in Wing Township. Their son John also homesteaded there. Younger children coming with the Hansons were Anna and Clarence. Hannah married John Olson and moved to Minnesota, while Alma married Joe Charlton and went to Montana to live. Anna later married Ed Erlandson. They lived at Regan for a time where Ed operated a blacksmith shop and garage until moving to Wisconsin where they remained.
Anna died on the homestead in November 1919. Anton lived with his children until his death in 1927. They are buried in the Wing cemetery.
Submitted by Thelma Hanson Lein
00627-01 Alfred and Harry Erlandson; Hazel and Mollie Wold; Anna, Thelma, Willard, Anton, Agnes, and Helen Hanson; and Clara Olson, Wing (ND) 1919
00627-02 Agnes, Helen, Thelma, Paul, and Anton Hanson, Wing (ND) 1921
00627-03 Clarence and Eva Hanson 1915
00627-04 Effie and John Hanson 1912
00627-05 Helen, Anton, and Agnes Hanson 1916
00627-06 Hilda, Ole, Hazel, and Mollie Wold; Blanche, Cora, Fred, and John Kimbrell; Agnes, Anna, Cora, Anton, Effie, Ev, Olaf, Hilda, John, Helen, Thelma, and Willard Hanson; and Anna, Ed, and Harry Erslandson 1919
00627-07 Agnes, Effie, Helen, Anton, and Anna Hanson 1917
00627-08 Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hanson
00627-09 Jesse, Raymond, Russell, and Fern Buck 1978
00627-10 Family gathering at Anton Hanson farm near Wing (ND) July 27, 1919
00627-11 Anton, Clarence, Hannah, Hilda, John, Olaf, and Anna Hanson, Wing (ND) July 27, 1919
00627-12 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buck
00627-13 Farmhouse and barn
00627-14 Main Street, Wing (ND) 1920
00627-15 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buck
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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