Title: Roland Fuller
Dates: 1885-1950
Collection Number: 00435
Quantity: 132 items
Abstract: Consists of black and white copy negatives of Bismarck Phantoms baseball team, Fort Abraham Lincoln, Former Governors Mansion, downtown Bismarck (ND), C. B. Little house, and the American Billiard Parlor, Bismarck.
Provenance: The collection was donated to the State Historical Society of North Dakota by Roland Fuller in November 1985.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Photographs Inventory
00435-0001 Floyd Fuller, Roy or Earl Fuller, Charles L. Fuller, Ida Fuller home 1025 N. 12th St. Bismarck (ND) 1913
00435-0002 Floyd Fuller Sr. with Bismarck (ND) city cattle herd 1915
00435-0003 Bismarck Phantoms baseball team 1920-1930
00435-0004 Hunting coyotes a La King with Gunner Robert White and Pilot F. M. Roberts Jr. Bismarck (ND) November 24, 1930
00435-0005 Fred and June's "Pride", WACO 1890 biplane, Bismarck (ND) June 10, 1929
00435-0006 Bismarck baseball team with John Homan and Umpire William A Billy Falconer 1889
00435-0007 Amanda Melinda Morely Lovely 1900-1910
00435-0008 Christian and Elizabeth Delzer, Wells County (ND) 1890-1900
00435-0009 George T. and Elizabeth Bittis, 1953
00435-0010 Frank Ryan, Duncan J. McGillis, Henry L. Reade, Unidentified, John Homan, Bismarck (ND) 1908
00435-0011 Harry Homan, Bismarck (ND) 1894
00435-0012 Richard Borner and Bertha Krecklow, Bismarck (ND) 1890-1900
00435-0013 Johann and Margaretha Suess with grandson, New Haven (DT) 1888
00435-0014 Carl J. and Doretha Gappert, Emile and Wilhelm Krecklau, Bluegrass Township (DT) 1885
00435-0015 August and Bertha Gappert, New Salem (DT) November 22, 1888
00435-0016 Eida and Paul Borner, New Salem (ND) 1900
00435-0017 Wilhelm and Emile Krecklau family, Bluegrass Township, Morton County (ND) 1888/11/22
00435-0018 Bismarck Phantoms Baseball with Neil Orr Churchill, Bismarck (ND) September 16, 1926
00435-0019 Earl and Mabel Fuller with baby Virginia Fuller, Bismarck (ND) 1918
00435-0020 Ida and Virginia (baby) Fuller, Bismarck (ND) 1918
00435-0021 Virginia Fuller and Mable Aune holding bucket 1923
00435-0022 Virginia (baby) and Ida Fuller seated on porch stairs, Bismarck (ND) 1918
00435-0023 Robert Aune and Virginia Fuller on horse in front of Aune home, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0024 Ida holding baby Virginia Fuller in christening dress, Bismarck (ND) 1918
00435-0025 Robert Aune, Virginia and Florence Fuller mounted bareback on two ponies while a boy holds the bridles of both horses, Bismarck (ND) 1923. In the background is Ode's Dairy Farm at 13th and Boulevard, Bismarck (ND).
00435-0026 Florence and Virginia Fuller, Bismarck (ND) 1923
00435-0027 Mabel Aune standing with her right hand resting on top of barb wire, Bismarck (ND) 1935
00435-0028 Virginia or Florence Fuller 1930-1940
00435-0029 Floyd, Nevada and Rollie (Roland) Fuller, Bismarck (ND) 1940
00435-0030 Roland or Rollie and Floyd Bernard Fuller, Bismarck (ND) 1935
00435-0031 Bob Dohn and Norman Little delivering U.S. Mail, Bismarck (ND) 1952
00435-0032 Lloyd Spetz Post Number 1 Band on North Dakota State Capitol steps, Bismarck (ND) 1950-1960
00435-0033 Floyd Fuller and 7th Grade Class at Bismarck Junior High 1938
00435-0034 George W. Little
00435-0036 Truman Lund, Loren Vettel, Robert Walker, Guilford Mandigo, Jr., James Walcher, Robert Albrecht, Clayton Schuct, Stanley Stanley, Robert Albrecht, Robert Lynstad, Max Schumacher, Anton Brishe, Louis Becker, George Johnson, Alfred Clausnitzer, Donald Erickson, Archie Gamble, John Sloan, Jr., Robert Myhre 1942
00435-0037 E. Anderson and F. M. Roberts in winter coveralls and flying helmets with goggles holding dead coyotes on street in downtown Bismarck (ND). Man standing to photo left is holding a rifle and has a pair of binoculars around his neck. The other kneeling on the sidewalk is holding coyote upright. In the background is A&M Tire Service store with signs advertising Tires and Vulcanizing. 1930/11/24
00435-0038 Same image as 00435-0037.
00435-0039 Aerial view original North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (ND) 1928
00435-0040 Roland "Rollie" Fuller standing on Avenue B, Bismarck (ND) 1928
00435-0041 Overview Fort Abraham Lincoln, Mandan (DT) 1870-1880
00435-0042 State Reform School, Mandan (ND)
00435-0043 Burnt Creek near Bismarck (ND)
00435-0044 Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo (ND)
00435-0045 Public School, Mandan (ND)
00435-0046 United States Weather Bureau at Camp Hancock, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0047 State School for Deaf and Dumb, Devils Lake (ND)
00435-0048 Catholic Church, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0049 First Congregational Church, Fargo (ND)
00435-0050 Cutting ice on the Missouri River near the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0051 Installing water lines on Fourth Street, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0052 Horses grazing on J. B. Cook and Company land, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0053 An old timer Christie Keegan, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0054 Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge with steamboat landing in foreground, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0055 Original North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0056 Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge after reconstruction, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0057 Wilton Lignite Coal Mine, Wilton (ND)
00435-0058 Parade, Bismarck (ND) ca. 1906-1907
00435-0059 Original State Capitol ca. 1928-1930
00435-0060 Dr. F. R. Smyth for Mayor campaign 1907
00435-0061 Elevated view of downtown Bismarck (ND) ca. 1900-1910
00435-0062 Men on horse drawn wagons hauling Maltese Cross Cabin logs to the State Capitol grounds
00435-0063 Camels on Main Avenue near First National Bank, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0064 Catholic School, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0065 Family in automobile on road with cattle
00435-0066 Men with steam tractor building bridge, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0067 Horse races at Mandan Fair, Mandan (ND)
00435-0068 Bird's Eye view of Mandan (ND)
00435-0069 Heart River, Mandan (ND)
00435-0070 Collision on railroad line, Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0071 North Dakota State Penitentiary and warden's house, Bismarck (ND) 1898-1900
00435-0072 Children sledding behind school, Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0073 Construction of new cage for Northern Pacific Railroad bridge, Bismarck (ND) 1905
00435-0074 North Dakota Sheaf-Salvation Army and views around Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0075 Two women with flags standing in front of Salvation Army building, Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0076 Auction Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0077 Northern Pacific Railroad Depot in snow, Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0078 Aerial view of Almont (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0079 Three women distributing the Salvation Army magazine War Cry at Northern Pacific Railroad Depot, Bismarck (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0090 Former Governor's Mansion, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0091 Hotel The Northwest, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0092 Hotel The Northwest, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0095 Main Avenue looking east, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0096 Aerial of North Dakota State Capitol Building, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0097 Olga and George Little 1911
00435-0098 Olga and George Little 1911
00435-0099 Harry Homan Bismarck (DT) 1896
00435-0100 Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge crossing the Missouri River, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0101 View of Glen Ulin (ND) 1900-1910
00435-0102 First National Bank on Main Avenue, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0103 Main Avenue looking east, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0104 Northern Pacific Railroad Depot, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0105 Main Avenue and Northern Pacific Railroad Park, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0106 Group of children ready to ice skate 1910-1920
00435-0107 Children ice skating 1910-1920
00435-0108 Birdseye view of Grand Pacific Hotel 1910-1920
00435-0109 Fort Lincoln Military Post, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0110 St. Alexius Hospital, formerly Lamborn Hotel, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0111 Northern Pacific Railroad Depot, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0112 Distant view of original North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (ND) 1893-1895
00435-0113 Parade on Main Avenue 1910-1920
00435-0114 Ice blockade at Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0115 Clarence Belden Little home on Washington Street, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0116 Landscape scene at Canfield (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0117 Scene at Canfield (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0118 James River and Flour Mills Jamestown (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0119 View of Canfield (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0120 Theodore Roosevelt Cabin Near Medora (ND)
00435-0121 Harvesting in North Dakota 1910-1920
00435-0124 James Bachus, George Bittis, and others playing cards
00435-0125 George Bittis in American Billiard Parlor, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0126 Clarence Belden Little home on Washington Street, Bismarck (ND) 1910-1920
00435-0127 George and Nick Bittis in American Billiard Parlor, 118 North 5th Street, Bismarck, ND
00435-0128 Store interior, Bismarck (ND)
00435-0129 Floyd B. Fuller, Norma B. Fuller, May Fuller, Floyd L. Fuller
00435-0130 Floyd B. Fuller with Bismarck Phantoms baseball team 1920
00435-0131 Floyd B. Fuller with Bismarck Phantoms baseball team in front of the grandstands 1920
00435-0132 Irey Family 1908
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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