Title: Historical Data Project
Dates: 1896-1942
Collection Number: 00075
Quantity: 1,187 items
Abstract: These photographs were part of the North Dakota Writers Project files for the North Dakota Guide, WPA construction project files, and Pioneer Biography Files. Includes WPA buildings, road construction projects, images of drought, farming, irrigation projects, coal mining, 4-H activities, and agriculture students in the National Youth Administration program.
Provenance: These records were collected as a joint project of the Historical Data Project, Professional and Service Division of the Work Projects Administration and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. At the end of the project the records were deposited with the State Historical Society.
Copyright: Public records are not subject to copyright restrictions, although record series may contain copyrighted material. Consideration of such copyrights is the responsibility of the researcher.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection name, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related Collection:
Series 30529 Historical Society. Historical Data Project, Pioneer Biography Files
Established in April 1936, the Historical Data Project was sponsored by the Division of Women' and Professional Projects, Works Progress Administration and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. The purpose of the Historical Data Project was to gather biographical and historical information on early settlers in North Dakota. To limit the scope of the survey, a "pioneer" was "defined as a person who was born before 1870 and who lived in Dakota Territory prior to the division into North and South Dakota, or as the first settler in a township." In addition, Historical Data Project personnel prepared historical sketches of North Dakota counties, cities, townships, agriculture, fraternal organizations, political parties, population, railroads, climate, natural resources, prominent citizens, etc., and prepared transcripts of early North Dakota county and township records having genealogical and historical value. The survey work of the Historical Data Project ceased in 1940.
The North Dakota Writers’ Project began in 1935 and was sponsored by the Division of Women’s and Professional Projects, Works Progress Administration, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Many of the publications planned by the North Dakota Writers’ Project were never published. Three notable exceptions are:
North Dakota: A Guide to the Northern Prairie State, 1938
A History of Richland County and the City of Wahpeton, North Dakota, 1938 sponsored by the Wahpeton Park Committee
A History of Bismarck, 1938 sponsored by the Bismarck Association of Commerce
The North Dakota Writers’ Project gathered information for other proposed publications, including a history of grazing, a book on the origin of North Dakota place names, a folklore study, and a book entitled “America Eats.” Survey work of the North Dakota Writers’ Project ended in 1942.
00075-00001 Pete Verschaete seeding with Caterpillar diesel tractor, Bowesmont (N.D.) 5/18/1937
00075-00002 Ed Schmiesing threshing barley near Davenport (N.D.) 10/18/1937
00075-00003 Wrecked binder in a field 1936-1942
00075-00004aFarmer clearing hay from a hay rake 1936-1942
00075-00004bTractor with a hay rake attachment at work in a field 1936-1942
00075-00005 Tractor show at the Grand Forks (N.D.) fairgrounds 1939-1942
00075-00006 Two young men eating at a makeshift table 1936-1942
00075-00007 Dust storm descending on a farmstead near Williston (N.D.) 10/1930
00075-00008 Farmer plowing with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00009 Farmer cultivating a field of dust choked and dried up corn 4/13/1905
00075-00010 Plowing with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00011 Plowing a field with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00012 Discing with a John Deere tractor 1936-1942
00075-00013 Worker on a Caterpillar Deisel D7 leveling land for an irrigation project near Williston (N.D.) 11/15/1940
00075-00014 Farmer combining land with a John Deere tractor and combine 1936-1942
00075-00015 Plowing with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00016 Two North Dakota coal miners looking at a gauge 1936-1942
00075-00017 Coal cars at the Knife River Coal Mining Company, Beulah (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00018 Mine inspector examining coal inside a power plant 1936-1942
00075-00019 Miners working with moving coal underground 1936-1942
00075-00020 Two coal miners eating meal underground 1936-1942
00075-00021 Man making coal briquettes 1936-1942
00075-00022 Three Jersey cows by a barn 1936-1942
00075-00023 Truax-Traer Coal Co. employee strip-mining a field with a Caterpillar D8 Tractor & LeTourneau Carryall Scraper, Wilton (N.D.) 11/15/1940
00075-00024 Railroad tracks laid in the valley formed by strip mining, near Noonan (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00025 Farm auction near Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00026 People and cars gathering in a field with a large tent circa 1925
00075-00027 Caterpillar Diesel D7 leveling irrigation land at the Farm Security Administration's Lewis and Clark project near Williston (N.D.) 11/15/1940
00075-00028 Putting up alfalfa hay somewhere in eastern North Dakota 7/1937
00075-00029 Walter Mergenthal discing with small Caterpillar tractor near Hillsboro (N.D.) 5/3/1937
00075-00031 Ervin Schumacher discing a field near Drayton (N.D.) 10/17/1940
00075-00032 Plowing with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00033 Woman with wheat sheaves 1936-1942
00075-00034 Farmer cultivating corn 1936-1942
00075-00035 Farmer mowing alfalfa hay 1936-1942
00075-00036 Eight adults outside the Alkmaar farm buildings circa 1900
00075-00037 Derelict farm building with a large sinkhole in the yard 4/13/1905
00075-00038 Lee-Land Barn for Swiss Brown cattle, Barnes County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00039 Cattle barn in Cass County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00039bClose-up of a nest of Pintail Duck eggs, on Willow Lake (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00040 Barn on large farm in the Red River Valley of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00041 Sweet clover field north of Fargo (N.D.) 7/1/1937
00075-00042 Dry and dusty field with withered crops 1936-1942
00075-00043 Grain field in drought 1936-1942
00075-00044 Drought-stricken field 1936-1942
00075-00045 Gothic Arch or Rainbow barn in the Red River Valley (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00046 Goldberg Grain Elevator and Feed Mill buildings, West Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00047 Gambrel roofed barn with Holstein cattle in the farmyard 1936-1942
00075-00048 The Meyer Guernsey Farm and Dairy, near West Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00049aHarvested tomatoes waiting to be collected from the rows 1936-1942
00075-00049bHarvested tomatoes waiting to be collected from the rows 1936-1942
00075-00050 Children gathering apples 1936-1942
00075-00051 Baskets of Victor tomatoes at the Oscar Will gardens, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/1940
00075-00052 Dozens of wooden pallets or harvest boxes of sugar beets associated with the Oscar Will Nursery, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/1940
00075-00053 Man by apple trees 1936-1942
00075-00054 Man by apple trees 1936-1942
00075-00055 Two young men sacking the onion crop 1936-1942
00075-00056 Champion turkeys caged at the All American Turkey Show, Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00057 Farmer and his horse team cultivating a corn field 1936-1942
00075-00058 Blighted corn plant in a dry field 7/25/1936
00075-00059 Dying corn crop shriveled in the field 1936-1942
00075-00060 Drought-stressed corn dead in the field 1936-1942
00075-00061 Men and machinery fill a trench silo with corn 1936-1942
00075-00062 Corn bins by the Northern Pacific railroad in Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00063 Woman with ribbon-winning potatoes at the Minnesota Red River Valley Potato Show 1936-1942
00075-00064 Worker rests on tons of potatoes in a basement storage area 1936-1942
00075-00065 Allen Flaten presiding over a William A. Broyles chapter of Future Farmers of America meeting, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00066 Members of the William A. Broyles chapter of Future Farmers of America engaged in classroom 1936-1942
00075-00067 Young National Youth Administration student wiring a "practice" house in Walsh County (N.D.) 1935-1939
00075-00068 Arden Burbridge demonstrating hedge-trimming tactics to young men 1936-1942
00075-00069 Three young members of the National Youth Administration learn how to use a potato planter 1935-1939
00075-00070 Two National Youth Administration students remodeling a barn in Walsh County (N.D.) 1935-1939
00075-00071 Agriculture school student Marvin Drevecky beside his turkey cages 1936-1942
00075-00072 Quentin Daley, at the Walsh County Agricultural and Training School, surveys his hog feeding project 1936-1942
00075-00073 Students of the Walsh County Agriculture School observe a pen filled with turkeys 1936-1942
00075-00074 Students studying potato plants in a small field 1936-1942
00075-00075 Animal husbandry students with draft horses 1936-1942
00075-00076 Two female students with a home economics fair booth, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00077 Students study specimens in classroom at the Walsh County Agriculture and Training School 1936-1942
00075-00078 Barn being converted to a dormitory by the National Youth Administration program at Walsh County Agriculture and Training School, Park River (N.D.) 1935-1939
00075-00079 The Walsh County Agricultural and Training School, Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00080 National Youth Administration student operating at the at the Walsh County Agriculture and Training School, Park River (N.D.) 1935-1939
00075-00081 Eight young male students in a home economics kitchen at the Walsh County Agricultural and Training School, Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00082 Walsh County Agricultural and Training School livestock instructor, M.H. McDonald, with students 1936-1942
00075-00083 Students Warren Tesmer, Sheldon Strong, and Robert Flaten cooking in the Walsh County Agricultural and Training School kitchen classroom, Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00084 Walsh County Agricultural and Training School instructor M.H. McDonald teaching poultry judging 1936-1942
00075-00085 Students plant seed potatoes on the Walsh County Agricultural and Training School farm, Park River (N.D.) 1935-1939
00075-00086 Windmill beside a wooden barn 1936-1942
00075-00087 Beehives on the John Wieland farm, Barnes County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00088 Millet field in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00089 Field of soybeans in Richland County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00090 Entrance gates and buildings of the Veteran's Hospital, Fargo (N.D.) 1938-1942
00075-00091 Grassy Butte Post Office in McKenzie County (N.D.) circa 1936-1942
00075-00092 Old log church with dove-tailed corner-notching, near Arnegard (N.D.) 11/1937
00075-00093 South facade of the Grassy Butte Post Office, McKenzie County (N.D.) 11/1937
00075-00094 The O'Neil Block building, Fargo (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00095 The Bridgeman-Russell Company building, Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00096 The Northern Packing Company, Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00097 Union Stockyard Administration Building, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00098 Armour and Company Meat Processing Plant, West Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00099 Livestock pens at the Union Stockyards, West Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00100 Field House at North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00101 Old Main at the campus of North Dakota State Agriculture College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00102 The Governor Louis B. Hanna house, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00103 Craftsman Bungalow in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00104 The Edwin G. Clapp house, Fargo (N.D.). 1936-1942
00075-00105 The back of Former Governor L. B. Hanna's Fargo Home 1936-1942
00075-00106 The back door of the Governor L. B. Hanna home in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00107 The back door area of the L. B. Hanna house in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00108 Former Governor L. B. Hanna's Fargo (N.D.) home 1936-1942
00075-00109 The house built by Frank F. Grant, later owned by T. B. Hull, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00110 The Edwin G. Clapp house, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00111 The Edwin G. Clapp home in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00112 House with an oriel window at 1532 8th Street South, Fargo (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00113 Fargo Forum building, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00114 Fargo Forum building, Fargo (N.D.) 1926-1935
00075-00115 The Federal Building and Post Office, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00116 Parade for the visiting Norwegian Prince Olav and his wife, in downtown Fargo (N.D.) 6/9/1939
00075-00117 Cattle drive during a drought to the shipping location at White Butte (S.D.) 7/26/1936
00075-00118 Two barrel-laden wagons standing by a round water tank in a bleak field 1936-1942
00075-00119 Livestock drinking water from a windmill powered stock tank 1936-1942
00075-00120 Badlands rock formation 1936-1942
00075-00121 Cattle beside the Great Northern Sire Sales Train 1936-1942
00075-00122 Small herd of cattle moving up a drying up stream 1936-1942
00075-00123 Two men and woman at the 25th Anniversary of Killdeer (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00124 Two men in a polo match in the badlands, possibly near Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00125 The Annear Ranch corral with horses 1936-1942
00075-00126 Beef cattle in stockyard by a railroad track 1936-1942
00075-00127 Kell Lovell and Barbara Ann Zimbrick eating hot dogs at the anniversary of Killdeer (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00128 Sheep flock around their water trough 1936-1942
00075-00129 Cattle corralled in a holding pen 1936-1942
00075-00130 Cattle feeding in a Patterson Land Company corral, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1940-1941
00075-00131 Cattle moving through the town of White Butte (S.D.) 7/26/1936
00075-00132 Herding cattle 7/26/1936
00075-00133 Rancher keeping watch over cattle drinking in a stream 1936-1942
00075-00134 Cattle bunched up in a stream 1936-1942
00075-00135 Lone cow in a mud stream bottom 1936-1942
00075-00136 Three men on horseback watch cattle standing in a stream 1936-1942
00075-00137 Red and white cow walking in the drying streambed 1936-1942
00075-00138 Cattle belly deep in a watering hole 1936-1942
00075-00139 Young girl in her Dude Ranch attire 1936-1942
00075-00140 Cowboy eating from a tin cup 1936-1942
00075-00141 Horse in a barn 1936-1942
00075-00142 Man stands beside his log cabin 1936-1942
00075-00143 Horseman Ben Bird of Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00144 Rainbow's herd 1936-1942
00075-00145 Rainbow's colt 1936-1942
00075-00146aBranding one of Rainbow's offspring 1936-1942
00075-00146bCattle being rounded up for shipment 1936-1942
00075-00147 "Horse Opera" 1936-1942
00075-00148 Beef cattle in stockyards waiting for shipment 1936-1942
00075-00149 White-faced cattle grazing on the open range, Fort Berthold (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00150 Rambouillet sheep in the pasture by a farm shed 1936-1942
00075-00151 White-faced cow in a muddy river bottom 1936-1942
00075-00152 Rural road stretching across a flat North Dakota landscape near Minot (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00153 Rural road crossing a darkening landscape near Minot (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00154 Farmer Mike Sullinger looks toward sky, Carson (N.D.) 1937-1940
00075-00155 Dried mud of a streambed in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00156 Farmer James McIntre and son examine the failing crop in Adams County (N.D.) 8/1/1936
00075-00157 Farmer plowing a field with a Case tractor, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00158 Discing with a Case tractor 1936-1942
00075-00159 The Frank Daeley Farm and shelterbelt, near Devils Lake (N.D.) 1938-1940
00075-00160 Arno Kresse farm in Cass County (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00161 H. R. Torfin of Sheldon (N.D.) hoes around his new shelterbelt 4/23/1905
00075-00162 Farmer W. J. Steinbach standing between his shelterbelt trees 1936-1942
00075-00163 W. J. Steinbach and friends enjoy a picnic lunch in his shelterbelt, New Rockford (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00164 Roundup cook Pat Woods fills the tin plate of tiny Delores Hoerauf, Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00165 George Voight with Rainbow, the great wild Pinto Stallion 1936-1942
00075-00166 Pinto stallion Rainbow with his colt and dam 1936-1942
00075-00167 Horses on a badlands range 1936-1942
00075-00168 Horses bunched together in a log corral 1936-1942
00075-00169 Bronc rider in action 1936-1942
00075-00170 Cowboys herd cattle across a dusty prairie 1936-1942
00075-00171 Four stockmen drive cattle through White Butte (S.D.) 7/26/1936
00075-00172 Ranchers pushing cattle into stream 7/26/1936
00075-00173 Calves bunched together in a stockyard corral 1936-1942
00075-00174 Stockmen moving cattle herd near White Butte (S.D.) 7/1936
00075-00176 Cattle being driven by six stockmen 7/1936
00075-00177 Cattle approaching a railroad siding 7/1936
00075-00178 Cattle gazing near a stock pond 1936-1942
00075-00179 Patterson Land Company stockmen with four fine bulls, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00180 Livestock portrait of Dakota Boy, champion sheep at the International Livestock Exposition, Chicago (Ill.) 4/8/1905
00075-00181 Flock of Rambouillet Sheep headed for food 1936-1942
00075-00183 Rambouillet Sheep at the water barrel 1936-1942
00075-00184 Railroad work crews clearing tracks of dirt and gravel 1936-1942
00075-00185 Two men working on rail tracks 1936-1942
00075-00186 Epping-Springbrook Dam construction site, Williams County (N.D.) 7/26/1936
00075-00187 WPA workers building the Center Dam, Oliver County (N.D.) 1934-1936
00075-00188 Part of the construction site of Center Dam, Oliver County (N.D.) 1935-1936
00075-00189 WPA workers labor on the Center Dam, Oliver County (N.D.) 1935-1936
00075-00190 WPA workmen set cobbles on the sloping sides of the Center Dam, Oliver County (N.D.) 1935-1936
00075-00191 WPA workers at site of the Mandan Filtration Plant, Mandan (N.D.) 1936-1938
00075-00192aStream running under rough bridges in an unknown town 1936-1942
00075-00192bTrenched replacement of a free-flowing stream 1936-1942
00075-00193 Sewage treatment plant in Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00194 Trucks line up to dump grain at the Hillsboro (N.D.) grain elevator 1936-1942
00075-00195 Construction of the Valley City (N.D.) Armory 1935-1936
00075-00196 WPA project nearing completion on the gymnasium and classrooms in Strasburg (N.D.) 1937-1938
00075-00198 View of the Little Missouri River from a bridge deck 1936-1942
00075-00199 Little Missouri River, as seen from a bridge deck 1936-1942
00075-00200 Valley of the Little Missouri River, south of Watford City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00201 The Gravel Lake site of the State Fish Hatchery, St. John (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00202 Construction on the Market Place Building, Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00203 Scaffolding around the Market Place construction site, Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00204 Public garden in Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00205 Aerial view of Minot (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00206 The grain elevators and railroad station of Max (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00207 Four smokestacks rise from an industrial compound 1936-1942
00075-00208 Main Street of Michigan (N.D.) 10/1937
00075-00209 View from a hill overlooking the town of Velva (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00210 Main Street, Martin (S.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00211 The bridges between Fargo (N.D.) and Moorhead (Minn.) 1936-1942
00075-00212 Dried up farm field in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00213 Statue of a man and a child in a snowy park 1936-1942
00075-00214 The Dumbarton House, Georgetown neighborhood, Washington (D.C.) 1936-1942
00075-00215 Street scene in an old neighborhood 1936-1942
00075-00216 Italian Renaissance Revival building with courtyard 1936-1942
00075-00217 The Washington Monument, Washington (D.C.) 1936-1942
00075-00218 Stream flowing in a brick embankment between rows of houses in an unidentified town 1936-1942
00075-00219 The facade of a tall brick building named "The Eastcourt" 1936-1942
00075-00220 Caterpillar Diesel RD8 & 48 elevating grader building road, Eckleson (N.D.) 9/18/1937
00075-00221 WPA farm fields in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00222 Auction at the Fargo Horse Market 1936-1942
00075-00223 Spireas blooming in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00224 Norwegian Americans gather for a folk dance, Esmond (N.D.) 4/9/1905
00075-00225 Remains of a skeletonized horse 1936-1942
00075-00226 Men labor on a steam restoration project 1936-1942
00075-00227 Young men cooking inside shack near Fargo (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00228 Young WPA worker cooking his dinner in a camp shack near Fargo (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00229 African American men and women work in a furniture reupholstery workshop 1936-1942
00075-00230 McIntosh County Election Committee gathered in a school-room 11/1940
00075-00231 Two German Russian farmers waiting to vote in presidential elections, McIntosh County (N.D.) 11/5/1940
00075-00232 German Russian farmers waiting to vote in McIntosh County (N.D.) 11/5/1940
00075-00233 German Russian farmers waiting to cast presidential ballots at the Beaver Creek Precinct in the country school house, McIntosh County (N.D.) 11/5/1940
00075-00234 Collage of photographs of people and projects from the Works Progress Administration 4/20/1905
00075-00235 Works Progress Administration Exhibit at the 26th National Safety Congress, Kansas City (Mo.) 10/11/1937-10/16/1937
00075-00236b-missing Four men studying the topography of a model landscape 1936-1942
00075-00236a-missing Woman sorting artifacts 1936-1942
00075-00237 Federal Writers' Project Exhibit at the Boston Book Fair 1937-1941
00075-00238 Display of the books of the Federal Writers' Project American Guide Series 1937-1941
00075-00239 The American Guide Series from the Federal Writers Project lined up on a shelf 1937-1941
00075-00240 Children in costumes of the Snow White characters 1938-1942
00075-00241 Post Office mural by Buk Ulreich in New Rockford (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00242 Post Office mural by Leo Beaulaurier in Langford (N.D.) 1939-1941
00075-00243 People in a tipi and tent camp 1936-1942
00075-00244 Sitting Bull Studio portrait 2/23/1905
00075-00245 Engraving of Bvt Major General George Armstrong Custer circa 1870
00075-00246 Copy of a sketch done of Antoine Vallombrosa, Marquis de Mores 3/3/1905
00075-00247 Young girl seated wearing her bunad, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00248 SEE - 00012-folder 0004.000-item number 00132-Memorial Hall of the North Dakota Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/17/1905
00075-00249 Three men pose in the yard of a North Dakota farmstead 1936-1942
00075-00250 A prairie farmstead in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00251 An orderly row of houses in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00252 A row of new houses being built in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00254 Almost completed North Dakota Capitol building, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/1933
00075-00255 Agricultural equipment show on the Fargo (N.D.) Fairgrounds 1936-1942
00075-00256 Tractors and farm equipment on display at the Fargo (N.D.) Fairgrounds 1936-1942
00075-00257 The Grafton Potato Growers, Inc. Warehouse, trackside in Grafton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00258 WPA recreation center building in Rolla (N.D.) 1938-1942
00075-00259 Field stone pool house and swimming pool built by WPA crew in New Rockford (N.D.) 4/12/1938
00075-00260 WPA built Lidgerwood School, Gymnasium and Auditorium, Richland County (N.D.) 1938-1942
00075-00261 Lidgerwood (N.D.) school auditorium and gym 1938-1942
00075-00262 The Richland County Courthouse, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00263 The bleachers and athletic stand at Chahinkapa Park, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00264 The scoreboard at Chahinkapa Park athletic field, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00265 Park Building at Chahinkapa Park, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00266 Souvenir store building at Chahinkapa Park, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00267 The school and newly constructed, WPA built, gymnasium, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00268 WPA built Sewage Disposal Plant, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00269 WPA built gymnasium, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00270 Long, rustic staircase at the Seeman's Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00271 Inside the Winter Sports Arena, Grafton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00272 The arched trusses of the Sports Arena in Grafton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00273 City Hall being constructed by the WPA, Grafton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00274 WPA-built Auditorium, Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00275 WPA-built Public Office Building and Post Office in Tuttle (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00276 School and gymnasium built by WPA in Strasburg (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00277 WPA-built Community Building in Edinburg (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00278 WPA-built community building in Crosby (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00279 WPA-built Community Building in Inkster (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00280 WPA-built Community Building in McVille (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00281 City Hall built by the WPA in Hague (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00282 Community Building constructed by the WPA in Plaza (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00283-missing City Hall in Walhalla (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00284 WPA-built Hippodrome auditorium on McElroy Park auditorium in Jamestown (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00285 The WPA-built Hippodrome in McElroy Park, Jamestown (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00286 The WPA-modified Armory building in Jamestown (N.D.) 1938-1941
00075-00287 WPA-built Art Deco Fairgrounds building, Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00288 WPA-built University of North Dakota Mechanic Arts Building, Grand Forks (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00289 School gym built by the WPA in Tioga (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00290 WPA-built Armory, Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00291 WPA-built addition and the old schoolhouse in Plaza (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00292 Construction project by the WPA for a new Sheridan County Courthouse in McClusky (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00293 WPA-built Festival Hall on the Wells County Fairgrounds, Fessenden (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00294 WPA workmen beside the Van Hook Community Hall, Mountrail County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00295 Small WPA-built hospital in Bowbells (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00296 Logan County Courthouse addition, WPA project in Napoleon (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00297 WPA-built Auditorium and Armory in Cavalier (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00298 New WPA-built second floor on the school in Parshall (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00299 WPA-built City Hall and Fire Hall in Tappen (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00300 WPA workers hard at work on the Ashley School addition, Ashley (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00301 School addition built as a WPA project in Zeeland (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00302 WPA-built school gym and auditorium in Turtle Lake (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00303 WPA remodeling the Community Building in Gilby (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00304 WPA-built community hall in Tolna (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00305 WPA construction project erecting the Winter Sports Arena in Fargo (N.D.)'s Island Park 1936-1937
00075-00306 WPA project constructing the Winter Sports Building at Island Park in Fargo (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00307 The grandstand and track at the Fair Grounds in Bottineau (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00308 Cottonwood tree marking an Indian Trail and Mission history, Walhalla (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00309 The post office building in St. Michael (N.D.) 1932-1942
00075-00310 Hazel Miner's memorial marker and the Log Cabin Museum, Center (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00311 WPA Bridge Project, Scranton (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00312 Theodore Roosevelt Cabin and the Chisholm Gate on the Capitol Grounds, Bismarck ND 1936-1942
00075-00313 St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00314 Supplies for a New Deal road improvement project outside a local Dickinson (N.D.) business 4/21/1905
00075-00315 St. Joseph's School, Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00316 The Dickinson Fire and Pressed Brick plant in Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00317 The original Armory building, Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1939
00075-00318 The original Carnegie Library in Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1938
00075-00319 The Fire Station in Dickinson (N.D.) before the WPA addition circa 1930
00075-00320 Country Club Clubhouse at the golf course in Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00321 The Knights of Columbus Hall, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00322 St. Joseph's Hospital, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00323 Three early buildings at the State Teachers College, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00324 Three early buildings at the State Teachers College, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00325 The buildings of School District 55, Neche (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00326 Four views of the town and of the river nearby, Neche (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-00327 The Presbyterian Church in Neche (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-00328 The high school at Neche (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00329 Plowing snow in downtown Fargo (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00330 Old Main Hall on the Concordia College campus, Moorhead (Minn.) circa 1925
00075-00331 WPA-built water treatment plant in an unknown city 1936-1942
00075-00332 St. Michael's School and Dormitory with people posed outside circa 1930
00075-00333 Plywood cut-out doe set in a field near Upham (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00334 WPA construction at Lake Ilo (N.D.) 1938-1939
00075-00335 Aerial view of the Lake Ilo Campground, Dunn County (N.D.) 1938-1939
00075-00336 Water flowing over the FERA-built Burlington Dam #1 on the Des Lacs River, Ward County (N.D.) 1935-1942
00075-00337 Men toiling as they build the Odland Dam on Little Beaver Creek, Golden Valley (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00338 FERA and WPA Lake Charles Dam project under construction, Hettinger County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00339 Rustic rock cabin at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00340 WPA crew at work on a new spillway at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00341 WPA crew working on the Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00342 WPA crew leveling a road at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1940-1941
00075-00343 Wintry landscape near Pioneer Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Walsh County (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00344 Winter scene near Pioneer Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Walsh County (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00345 Migratory birds beside Stoney Slough on the National Wildlife refuge in Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00346 WPA project rip-rapping at Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00347 Car parked on the edge of the rip-rap on Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00348 WPA rip-rap work at Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge in Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00349 Birds gathered on Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00350 Head gate on the side of Stoney Slough, Barnes County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00351 Lake Metigoshe photographed at sunset by the Federal Writers' Project for North Dakota 1934-1942
00075-00352 Three boats with men near a dock on the banks of Lake Metigoshe (N.D.) 1932-1938
00075-00353 Waterslide and people recreating on the banks of Lake Metigoshe 7/1933
00075-00354 Overview of the western portion of Stewart Lake, Slope County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00355 WPA work site at Stewart Lake, Slope County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00356 WPA-installed cattle-guard at Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Slope County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00357 Landscape near Stewart Lake on the Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Slope County (N.D.) 1941-1942
00075-00358 WPA earthmoving project visible at Sunburst Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Emmons County (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00359 Condition issues at Sunburst Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Emmons County (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00360 Sand Lake spillway, northern South Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00361 Four children and man in a rowboat by a rocky shore 1936-142
00075-00362 People enjoying summer at a lake resort 1936-1942
00075-00363 People enjoying the water at a public resort 1936-1942
00075-00364 School children play on a Witch's Hat at a park playground 1936-1942
00075-00365 Badlands landscape near Medora (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00366 Oxbow of the Little Missouri River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00367 View across the valley of the Little Missouri River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00368 Trees along the bluffs overlooking the valley of the Little Missouri River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00369 County farmstead in a wintry field, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00370 Rural farmstead with clothesline, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00371 Farmstead with a horse nearby, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00372 Farmhouse with a ladder leaning against it, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00373 Windmill and four large grain bins, North Dakota. 1936-1942
00075-00374 WPA construction site for a picnic shelter on the Waubay National Wildlife Refuge (S.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00375 Franklin Gulls flying over Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00376 Young Mallard duck on the Upper Souris River WPA project, Bottineau County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00377 Franklin Gulls landing on Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00378 Worker holding a Peregrine Falcon, aka Duck Hawk, on the Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1936-1938
00075-00379 Chukar Partridges in an enclosure in Mandan (N.D.) 1936-1938
00075-00380 Canada Geese in flight over Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge (S.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00381 Campus view of the Old Soldiers Home in Lisbon (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00382 Catholic Rectory and the St. Rose of Lima Church in Hillsboro (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00383 Central Junior High and Grade School in Wahpeton (N.D.) 1929-1942
00075-00384 Farmer holding ears of corn beside full corn cribs 1936-1942
00075-00385 Farmer with corn crop 1936-1942
00075-00386 Display of Indian agricultural tools, scapula hoe, seed drill, antler and willow rakes, and braided corn 1936-1942
00075-00387 Bushel basket of shucked field corn 1936-1942
00075-00388 Red foxes and other animal and bird carcasses displayed on a tarp 1936-1942
00075-00389 Six dead red fox kits 1936-1942
00075-00390aBird shelter in the snow on the Wintering River National Wildlife Refuge, McHenry County (N.D.) 1935-1942
00075-00390bBird shelter at Wintering River National Wildlife Refuge, McHenry County (N.D.) 1935-1942
00075-00391 White pelican colony on the Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Stutsman County (N.D.) 7/4/1938
00075-00392 Men demonstrating the wing-span of a White Pelican at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Stutsman County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00393 Canada Geese over Dakota Lake, Dickey County (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00394 Franklin Gulls in flight somewhere in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota 4/23/1905
00075-00396 Nest of spotted eggs from a gull 1936-1942
00075-00397 Pen and ink sketch of cowboys watching a bronc rider 1936-1942
00075-00398 Rosa Thomas and John Hefferman in period costume on horseback for the 50th Anniversary of Williston (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00399 Lewis Kirkland and his mount crossing the Morneau River to deliver mail in western South Dakota 3/10/1905
00075-00400 Crowd watching a man exhibit his blue ribbon steer 1936-1942
00075-00401 People crowd around enclosure with a prize-winning steer 1936-1942
00075-00402 A proud young man accepts an award for his steer while a crowd watches 1936-1942
00075-00403 4-H competitors exhibit their cattle 1936 -1942
00075-00404 Small herd of cattle and two people in a prairie coulee 1936-1942
00075-00405 4-H competitors with their project cattle 1936-1942
00075-00406 Nine people pose by an airplane with the first sheep flown to the West Fargo Market 1936-1942
00075-00407 Young stockmen in a corral with a herd of sheep 1936-1942
00075-00408 Flock of paint-branded sheep in a corral with four stockyard workers 1936-1942
00075-00409 Man poses by the sty with two fat pigs and a rifle 1936-1942
00075-00410 4-H Prize winners with their livestock 4/24/1905
00075-00411 Flock of young sheep by a stock tank in a stubble-field, Cass County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00412 Large number of domestic turkeys in a snowy farmyard 4/23/1905
00075-00413 Flock of domestic turkeys 1936-1942
00075-00414 Two men pose on an old steam tractor, near Lake Ilo, Dunn County (N.D.) 1934-1939
00075-00415 Rural tractor show in a farm field in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00416 George Francis Will with Oscar Will Produce lined up in field boxes, Bismarck (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00417 George F. Will with onion sets in the Oscar H. Will Company nursery in south Bismarck (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00418 Plums and plum-cherries grown for sale by the Rognlie Plum Farm and Nursery, Esmond (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00419 Baskets of berries displayed in a front yard, somewhere in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00420 Workers bagging harvested potatoes in a field in the Red River Valley (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00421 Field of uncut grain and a rural vista 1936-1942
00075-00422 Dry fields separated by unidentified row crops 1936-1942
00075-00423 People examining the condition of a corn crop 1936-1942
00075-00424 Crop rows converge in the distance on a North Dakota farm 1936-1942
00075-00425 Woman pours coffee for her husband in the kitchen, while their daughter watches 1936-1942
00075-00426 Children prepare to eat in their school lunchroom, Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1940
00075-00427 Children having lunch in their school lunchroom, Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1940
00075-00428 Children lining up by the lunch-ladies, Bismarck (N.D.) ccirca 1940
00075-00429 Two school lunch-ladies presiding over a food table, Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1940
00075-00430 Baukol-Noonan Lignite, Inc. plant, Noonan (N.D.) 1929-1950
00075-00431 Briquetting Plant in Lehigh (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00432 Land being strip-mined by the Truax-Traer Lignite Coal Company near Wilton (N.D.) circa 1940
00075-00433 Heavy mining equipment at work on a strip mine in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00434 Men observing an P&H Model 600 earthmover stripping coal near Lord's Lake, Bottineau County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00435 WPA men and machinery grading the runways at the airport, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00436 Graders prepare the ground for the first paved runways at the airport, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00437 WPA workers posing with their grading rigs at the airfield in Bismarck (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00438 Three men pose on the WPA project work site at the airport in Bismarck (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00439 Driveway leading through the trees to a chain-link fenced facility 1936-1942
00075-00440 The Log Cabin Museum building in Center (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00441 Front of the Log Cabin Museum in Center (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00442 Pathway leading to a large unidentified building 1936-1942
00075-00443 Man stands at the end of a curving path or driveway 1936-1942
00075-00444 Snow plow cuts through a massive snowdrift on a rural North Dakota road 1936-1941
00075-00445 People gather to watch the skiers at the ski jump in Fargo (N.D.) 1935-1942
00075-00446 Nursery school children play in the school sandbox at recess, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00447aOld Settlers Monument on Lake Hoskins, McIntosh County (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-00447bClose-up of a section of the Old Settlers' Monument, Lake Hoskins, McIntosh County (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-00448 August Makes Trouble in regalia outside a tipi 1936-1942
00075-00449 Indian woman on hands and knees trimming logs 1936-1942
00075-00450 Two Indian women and an male Indian elder stand in regalia 1936-1942
00075-00451 An Indian of middle-age wearing a cloth headband 1936-1942
00075-00452 Portrait of Leo D. Harris, Killdeer (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00453 Portrait of a man down on his luck, entitled "The Last Hope" 1936-1942
00075-00454 Z. L. Jones, the first postmaster of Hazen (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00455 North Dakota's team in the 1922 National Contest in Judging Dairy Cattle 4/5/1905
00075-00456 Six draft horses connected at the muzzles by their lead lines, Crosby (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00457 Monument to Father Jerome Hunt on Fort Totten Indian Reservation (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00458 Postcard image of the Standing Rock monument, Standing Rock (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00459 John Christiansen, posing by the "Wrong Side Up" monument in New Salem (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00460 Five area Boy Scouts hold flowers during "Lilac City Day" in Fargo (N.D.) 5/1940
00075-00461 Log Cabin Museum in the snow, Center (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00462 The remains of the post office at Smugglers Point in Pembina County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00463 Log cabin with both dove-tail and saddle notching, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00464 Cabin with dove-tailed log notching 1936-1942
00075-00465 Inside looking out from an old log cabin 1936-1942
00075-00466 Doorway and front wall of an old log cabin 1936-1942
00075-00467 Farm to market road improvement by the WPA, near Mandan (N.D.) 1/8/1936
00075-00468 Stacked logs waiting to be installed as fences at Sullys Hill National Game Preserve, Benson County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00469 Visitors at the Icelandic Settlers' Log Cabin, during the Jubilee Celebration, Pembina County (N.D.) 4/11/1905
00075-00470 Canvas tents set in a grove of bare trees 1936-1942
00075-00471 Indian mother smiles while holding her sleeping baby 1936-1942
00075-00472 Newly WPA-constructed blockhouses at Fort McKeen, Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, Mandan (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00473 Road building machinery working near Kensal (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00474 WPA road construction near Kelly's Slough, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00475 Straw stack smoldering as it burns in the middle of a field 1936-1942
00075-00476 Great Northern Railroad Bridge over the Pembina River, Neche (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00477 Trestle railroad bridge over a Valley City area slough, Barnes County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00478 Flowering cactus plants in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00479 Window display of enticing WPA-issue clothing and poster 1936-1942
00075-00480 Soldiers Memorial by the Richland County Courthouse in Wahpeton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00481 Hunters with their birds on display, Esmond (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00482 Highway 85 in the Little Missouri River valley in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00483 The Roosevelt Bridge crossing the "Grand Canyon" of the Little Missouri River, Watford City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00484 Boat rental kiosk on the shore of Lake Metigoshe, Bottineau County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00485 Aerial view of Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00486 St. Francis Academy in Hankinson (N.D.) 1929-1935
00075-00487 St. Patrick's Catholic School, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00488 Postcard view of the Richland County Courthouse, Wahpeton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00489 Leach Public Library in Wahpeton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00490 Scattered Corn with her metal hoe 1936-1940
00075-00491 Entrance to the underground mine operated by Knife River Coal Mining Co., Beulah (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00492 The open pit mine of the Truax-Traer Lignite Coal Company, near Wilton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00493 An excavator at work on the strip-mine of the Truax-Traer Lignite Coal site, Wilton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00494 Railroad tracks laid in the valley formed by strip mining for coal, near Noonan (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00495 Man posing on the steps of his terra-cotta tile roofed bungalow 1936-1942
00075-00496 WPA project engineer poses on a job site 1936-1942
00075-00497 Well-kept homestead shack on the open prairie, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00498 Men and scaffolding at a church construction site circa 1910
00075-00499 WPA-built rustic bridge at Seeman Park, Emmons County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00500 Rustic bridge crossing Beaver Creek at Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00501 Twenty-five youngsters pose on the rustic WPA bridge at Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00502 WPA-built rustic bridge in the snow at Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00503 An aerial view of the Seeman Park setting, near Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00504 Rustic picnic table in the groves of Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00505 WPA-built bandstand in Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00506 Band playing for a crowd at the WPA-build bandstand in Seeman Park, Linton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00507 Metal bridge spanning a river in an unidentified part of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00508 The Antoine Gingras Trading Post, Walhalla (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00509 Antoine Gingras' Walhalla area house, Pembina County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00510 Trading Post of Antoine Gingras near Walhalla (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00511 River Park on the outskirts of Park River (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00512 Panoramic view of Tobacco Gardens, McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00513aOld corral in a coulee near Watford City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00513bWoman in the North Dakota Badlands, McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00514 View of the Little Missouri River's Grand Canyon, McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00515 Scenic drive view in the badlands near Watford City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00516 Scenic view from the valley floor in Theodore Roosevelt National Park (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00517 Scenic view of the Badlands in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00518 Smokestack and building in Island Park, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00519 Skinny Man's Gulch in the badlands near Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00520 Petrified wood at Theodore Roosevelt National Park 1936-1942
00075-00521 Man poses beside a petrified wood segment painted with "T. Roosevelt 1885" 1936-1942
00075-00522 Sandstone pillar and capstone by a tent camp on the Chaloner Ranch by Theodore Roosevelt National Park (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00523 Scoria cliff named "The Nye Profile" after Senator Gerald Nye of Billings County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00524 Woman working at a post office sorting cabinet 1936-1942
00075-00525 Pioneer family in front of their farm house and barn, North Dakota circa 1900
00075-00526 Log Cabin Museum construction site in the snow, Center (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00527 Opening procession at the Killdeer Mountain Rodeo at the base of the Killdeer Mountains (N.D.) 6/1926
00075-00528 "Devils Tooth" Boulder on Indian Service Road, Fort Totten Indian Reservation (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00529 Trail through the snow at Sullys Hill Park, Benson County (N.D.) 4/9/1905
00075-00530 Grove in Sullys Hill Park, near Devils Lake (N.D.) 7/17/1926
00075-00531 George Armstrong Custer's campsite and trail at the Pump Coulee site, Grant County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00532 Eagle Nest Butte, McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00533 Large capstone of petrified wood atop a rock pedestal, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00534 School children play on a Witch's Hat at a park playground, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00535 North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station compound in Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00536 North Dakota Experiment Station fields 1936-1942
00075-00537 Dairy cow barn at the North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00538 Cows outside the dairy barn at the North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00539 Dairy herd in the corral between two dairy barns in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00540 North Dakota dairy farm complete with barn and cows 1936-1942
00075-00541 Two small girls carrying a sign sit aboard a cow during a dairy industry meeting, New Salem (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00542 Dairy cattle gathered in a field by a windmill, North Dakota 4/24/1905
00075-00543 Potato harvest crew work a field somewhere in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00544 Potato pickers in a public contest in the Red River Valley of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00545 Corn field near Mapleton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00546 Man examines the corn crop in a field along the Missouri River, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00547 Henry Trowlund with corn in the Red River Valley 1936-1942
00075-00548 Farmer harvesting corn in the Red River Valley, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00549 Ears of corn arranged in a display on a chair 1936-1942
00075-00550 Veterans Hospital and grounds, Fargo (N.D.) 1932-1938
00075-00551 The landscaping and pond at the Veterans Hospital, Fargo (N.D.) 1929-1932
00075-00552 Entrance gate at the North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00553 Morill Hall, the Agriculture Building at the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDSU), Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00554 Old Main Hall on the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDSU) campus, Fargo (N.D.) 4/3/1905
00075-00555 Putnam Hall, the Carnegie Library on the campus of North Dakota Agricultural College (NDSU), Fargo (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-00556 Morill Hall, the Agriculture Building on the North Dakota Agricultural College campus, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00557 Aerial view of the campus of the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDSU), Fargo (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00558 State Normal School in Mayville (N.D.) 1929-1942
00075-00559 Small house in Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00560 Row of homes in a Fargo (N.D.) neighborhood 1936-1942
00075-00561 Fine Arts Clubhouse in Fargo (N.D.) 11/30/1931
00075-00562 Workers prepare the track at the Cass County Fairgrounds, Fargo (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00563 Children jumping from the high dive tower into Red River near Island Park, Fargo (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00564 Crowds of people near high dive tower by the Red River in Island Park, Fargo (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00565 Federal Aid project bridge over the Red River between Fargo (N.D.) & Moorhead (Minn.) 1937-1942
00075-00566 The WPA-built Tenth Street Underpass at Main Avenue, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00567 WPA-built underpasses for the Great Northern Railroad and the Northern Pacific Railroad, Fargo (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00568 Street view of the Northern Pacific Railway Office Building, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00569 First National Bank & Trust building, Fargo (N.D.) 1926-1942
00075-00570 Black Building with the Sears, Roebuck and Co. signs displayed, Fargo (N.D.) 6/30/1940
00075-00571 First Lutheran Church, Fargo (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00572 Rainy night in downtown Fargo (N.D.) circa 1940
00075-00573 All-girls band marching in the parade honoring the Crown Prince of Norway, in downtown Fargo (N.D.) 6/1939
00075-00574 Forum Building and the Masonic Temple in Fargo (N.D.) 1938-1942
00075-00575 Looking north on Broadway in downtown Fargo (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00576 People on Broadway Street for "Shopping Day" in Fargo (N.D.) 6/9/1940
00075-00577 Barnett Field and grandstand during a baseball game, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1940
00075-00578 WPA project building the "Subsistence Homesteads" near Burlington (N.D.) 1937-1942
00075-00579 Tolley Community Hall, Renville County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00580 Rustic WPA-built milepost marker on Waubay National Wildlife Refuge (S.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00581 WPA-built Hippodrome auditorium in Jamestown (N.D.) 8/22/1936
00075-00582 Activity at the Hector Airport, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00583 WPA-built Farmers Auction Building, Valley City (N.D.) 11/13/1936
00075-00584 Five WPA workmen pose at the Log Cabin Museum in Center (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00585 WPA-built Zeeland Hall, McIntosh County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00586 WPA workers building the Winter Sports Arena, Fargo (N.D.) 1938-1939
00075-00587 Men at the entrance of the WPA-built Grafton Sport Arena, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00588 WPA-built Public Office building in Tuttle (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00589 WPA project nearly completed on the new Park River Auditorium, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00590 Lewis Kirkland stands with his horse, dogs, and mounted hunting companions near the Grand River, Adams County (N.D.) 3/19/1905
00075-00591 Three horses and colt 1936-1942
00075-00592 Draft horse team ready to pull a wagon in a farmyard circa 1935
00075-00593 Man holding reins of a Belgian draft horse on the Agricultural College farm, Fargo (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00594 Three members of the Western North Dakota Polo Enthusiasts Club 1936-1942
00075-00595 Bronco rears in the corral at the Killdeer Roundup, Dunn County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00596 Bronco buster leaving the saddle at a North Dakota rodeo 1936-1942
00075-00597 Frank Jeffery's sheep graze in a pasture near Towner (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00598 Sheep corralled on the Roy Johnson farm near Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00599 Herd of sheep on the move in a barbed wire fenced field in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00600 L. A. Stanley stands by sawbucks in the middle of the sheep, Milnor (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00601 Lambs at the Lawrence Roden feedlot, Cass County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00602 Sheep graze in a fenced pasture in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00603 Two 4-H prize winning sheep pose with their proud owners, Fargo (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00604 Red River Valley feeders being observed by a crowd of men at Albert Sinner Farm, Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00605 Farmers at look at cattle on the Albert Sinner Farm, Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00606 Men vaccinating a young cow in barn 1936-1942
00075-00607 Black Angus bull named Father Angus in pasture 1936-1942
00075-00608 Hereford cow on the Patterson Land Company farm, rural Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00609 Short Horn yearling in the paddock at the North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00610 4-H Club Winner Hereford yearling strikes a pose 1936-1942
00075-00611 Cattle on the Austin Farm near Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00612 Aberdeen-Angus herd in the corral at the North Dakota Agricultural College farm, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00613 Cattle being loaded for the market by rail, Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00614 Shorthorn Cattle in a fenced pasture 1936-1942
00075-00615 Cattle graze beside the water of the Red River in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00616 Schultz and Son's Hereford cattle in the Mouse River, North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00617 Cattle drinking in the Little Missouri River below the Chateau de Mores in Medora (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00618 Cowboys cutting a herd on an open range in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00618 missing Beaudoin Service Station and Coach Cabins, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00619 Cowboys working a herd of cattle near ranch buildings in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00620 Cow-camp on the western North Dakota prairie 1936-1942
00075-00621 The Bird-Head Ranch 1936-1942
00075-00622 Summer place of Edsel Crist in a grove of trees, Dunn County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00623 C-P Ranch in the snow of western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00624 Men and women at a chuckwagon in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00625 Cowboy making toast over a campfire in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00626 Cowgirls washing dishes next to a chuckwagon, western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00627 Lunch at the Buddy Ranch, Medora (N.D.) 8/17/1938
00075-00628 Four ranch hands brand a calf near Killdeer (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00629 Branding cattle in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00630 Women branding cattle in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00631 Cowboys and horses at work in a corral branding cattle in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00632 Shelterbelt rows on a Cass County farm (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00633 Newly planted shelterbelt trees in Cass County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00634 A bevy of high school girls cultivating a windbreak near Carrington (N.D.) 8/1939
00075-00635 Wagons arrive at the old Creamery in New Salem (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00636 St. Joseph's Hospital, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00637 The "Sermon in Stone" obelisk in the St. Anthony Churchyard, Fairmount (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00638 The "Sermon in Stone" obelisk in the St. Anthony Churchyard, Fairmount (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00639 WPA-built Store and Post Office, St. Michael (N.D.) 1932-1942
00075-00640 St. Michael School & Dormitory, Fort Totten Indian Reservation (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00641 People and wagons are on the street of Seneschal in McKenzie County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00642 Milk cans outside the Farmers Union Creamery, Williston (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00643 The Russell-Miller Milling Co. mill buildings in Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00644 Post office building, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00645 Masonic Temple, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-00646 Methodist Church in Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00647 The inside of Quinlans Cafe in the Villard Hotel, Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00648 The Beaudoin Service Station and tourist cabins along U.S. Highway 10, Dickinson (N.D.) 1938-1942
00075-00649 Dickinson Bottling Works, Dickinson (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00650 U. S. Highway 10 just east of Medora (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00651 Barnes County Courthouse, Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00652 North American Creamery Company plant, Oakes (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00653 Guard rails along a county road near Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00654 Moorhead Storage and Transfer Company building, Moorhead (Minn.) 1905-1934
00075-00655 Mallard ducks in flight over Dakota Lake, in Dickey County (N.D.) 12/4/1937
00075-00656 Snow geese on Stoney Lake (likely Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge) (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00657 Snow geese resting on Stoney Lake (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00658 Migratory birds on the shores of Lac Aux Mortes, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00659 Migratory birds on the shores of Lac Aux Mortes, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00660 Geese organizing in the air above Lac Aux Mortes, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00661 Migratory birds on and over Lac Aux Mortes, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00662 Ducks paddle in the waters of Lac Aux Mortes, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00663 Ducks over Cloud Lake 1936-1942
00075-00664 Ducks over Cloud Lake 1936-1942
00075-00665 Ducks over Cloud Lake 1936-1942
00075-00666 Franklin Gulls over Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00667 Franklin Gulls over Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1939-1942
00075-00668 Canadian Goose nesting on Sand Lake (S.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00669 Freshly hatched coot in its nest with other eggs, on Horseshoe Lake, Burleigh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00670 Three teal chicks held in a man's hands on the Upper Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge (N.D.) 4/11/1905
00075-00671 Gulls flying over island in Lake Harriet (Arena Lake), Burleigh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00672 Display of birdhouses built by children for a contest, at Linton's Seeman Park, Emmons County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00673 Hogs in the cornfield at a North Dakota Agricultural College Experiment Station, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00674 Sow pig feeing her piglets, near Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00675 Hogs eating from a 25 bushel Utility Hog Feeder 1936-1942
00075-00676 Roosters and hens in a farmyard pen 1936-1942
00075-00677 Man with turkeys on the Herman Schettel Farm near Arnegard (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00678 Turkeys on the Twitchell Farm south of Wheatland (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00679 Turkeys on the White Farm at Fairmount (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00680 Turkeys stand in a pen on a Cass County (N.D.) farm 1936-1942
00075-00681 Turkeys display the spread of their tail feathers on a eastern North Dakota farm 1936-1942
00075-00682 Man in a suit in with turkeys on the Roden Farm in Cass County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00683 Threshing at the farm of Orris Nordhaugen, Leeds (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00684 Two men combining the fields of Jens Letnes Farm, Hillsboro (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00685 Auguring harvested grain on a WPA field into a truck bed 1936-1942
00075-00686 "First Binder in the Northwest" in a parade on a street in Minot (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00687 Farmer George Claridge poses on a swather in rural Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00688 Harvesting scene in a North Dakota field 1936-1942
00075-00689 Men processing harvested corn in a field in Cass County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00690 Threshing with horse teams in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00691 Crew of men trench across a field in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00692 Man stands amid shocks of grain in an eastern North Dakota field 1936-1942
00075-00693 Durum wheat shocks on the Gust Fagerlund Farm near Rolla (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00694 Wheat shocks in a broad North Dakota field 1936-1942
00075-00695 Wheat shocks on the Andrus Farm near Mapleton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00696 Men cutting wheat in a field near Mott (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00697 Two men and a team of horses stacking alfalfa hay in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00698 Threshing crew at work on the Albert Sinner Farm, Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00699 Filling a trench silo in the Red River Valley of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00700 Farmer and tractor plow under a field of sunflowers 7/15/1937
00075-00701 Corn cover crop between Prairie States Forestry Project field windbreaks, Warwick (N.D.) 8/1939
00075-00702 Small farms shelter in the trees in the Sheyenne River Valley, Griggs County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00703 Farmer plowing his field 7/15/1937
00075-00704 Buffalo feed in a clearing on Sully's Hill National Game Preserve, Benson County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00705 Buffalo grazing in the Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00706 Hereford herd at the feed trough on the Patterson Land Company Ranch, Burleigh County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00707 Crowd gathered at a livestock auction in Stanton (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00708 Wheat shocks in North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00709 Field of wheat shocks in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00710 Field of wheat shocks in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00711 Horse teams pulling binders as they harvest a wheat field in North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00712 House and buildings of a farm, North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00713 Red River Valley farm buildings in the fall circa 1920
00075-00714 Farmstead property in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00715 Farm in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00716 Farmhouse with an American flag on the porch in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00717 Farm set back from a country road in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00718 Farmstead near the edge of a small town in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00719 Farmstead in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00720 North Dakota farmstead circa 1920
00075-00721 Farmstead in North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00722 Two barns on a North Dakota farmstead circa 1920
00075-00723 Farmstead in eastern North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00724 Farmstead in winter scene 1936-1942
00075-00725 Fence and an old steam channel beside a rural farmstead in North Dakota circa 1920
00075-00726 Farmstead in Cass County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00727 Livestock grazes in the pasture of the Birt Schwarting Farm near New Salem (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00728 Barn and buildings on the Martin Reierson Farm, Esmond (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00729 Log cabin beside house on the Iver Raaen homestead (N.D.) 2/22/1905
00075-00730 Farm buildings of the Meyer Guernsey Farm, near Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00731 Farmstead in eastern North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00732 House and buildings of the Albert Sinner farm, Cass County (N.D.) 4/13/1905
00075-00733aWorkers harvesting sugar beets on the Albert Sinner Farm, Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00733bMen loading a team-drawn wagon with sugar beets on the Albert Sinner farm, Casselton (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00734 Two men and a woman display fruit produce, Crosby (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00735 Two men stand in a healthy field of sugar beets in the Red River Valley of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00736 Sacks of onions in field in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00737 Drag-line scoop loading a coal car on a Truax-Traer coal mine 1936-1942
00075-00738 Coal loading station on the Truax-Traer Company coal mine 1936-1942
00075-00739 Coal loading onto railcars on a Truax-Traer Coal Company mine site 1936-1942
00075-00740 Coal cars being loaded on a Truax-Traer Coal Mining operation in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00741 Coal being loaded in a Truax-Traer Coal Mine 1936-1941
00075-00742 The Truax Traer Coal Co. loading operation, near Velva (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00743 Rail cars loaded with lignite by the Truax-Traer mine in Velva (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00744 Miner ferries coal cars in an underground mine 1936-1942
00075-00745 Metal cylinder surrounds a coal car outside an underground mine in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00746 Two coal miners working with a cutter machine in an underground mine in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00747 Coal mine processing area on a railroad spur in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00748 Coal cars entering a Knife River Coal Company power plant near Beulah (N.D.) 1927-1942
00075-00749 Men outside the Union Light & Heat Company plant, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00750 Coal processing plant in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00751 The Knife River Coal Company power plant near Beulah (N.D.) 1927-1942
00075-00752 Narrow gage coal cars arriving at the Knife River Coal Mining Company, near Beulah (N.D.) 1927-1942
00075-00753 The entrance to the underground mine of the Knife River Coal Mining Company, near Beulah (N.D.) 1927-1942
00075-00754 Strip mining site near Zap (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00755 Sakakawea statue on the grounds of the Capitol in Bismarck (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00756 A sign on the fence identifying Sibley Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Griggs County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00757 Birds on the marsh of Sibley Lake National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00758 Site of Sibley Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Griggs County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00759 Long Lake, within the Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00760 Two men working at Snyder Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Towner County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00761 Dog watching two men dig on the shore by Noonan Dam, Divide County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00762 Ducks rising above Cloud Lake (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00763 Building on the bank above Lake Ilo, Dunn County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00764 Pioneer Lake spillway under construction, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00765 Pioneer Lake from the WPA-built spillway, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00766 Visitors watch the water rush over the spillway of the Grafton Dam, Walsh County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00767 Spillway on Cherry Creek in the Tobacco Garden area of McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00768 Snow on the ground near Lake Kurle, North Dakota 3/20/1937
00075-00769 Spillway being built on Lake Kurle 3/20/1937
00075-00770 Construction activity at the WPA site at Lake Kurle (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00771 Lake Kurle early in the construction process 4/20/1905
00075-00772 Lake Kurle 4/24/1937
00075-00773 Lake Patricia National Wildlife Refuge being built, Morton County (N.D.) 2/10/1936
00075-00774 Lake Patricia National Wildlife Refuge, Morton County (N.D.) 2/10/1936
00075-00775 Site of the reservoir-to-be Lake Patricia, Morton County (N.D.) 2/10/1936
00075-00776 Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Slope County (N.D.) 4/23/1937
00075-00777 Lake Susie Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, McLean County (N.D.) 3/8/1937
00075-00778 People on the beach of Lake Metigoshe, Bottineau (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00779 Lake Upsilon viewed from the north, Rolette County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00780 People by the public boat house on the Red River, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00781 Man pilots a small motorboat on the Red River near sunset, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00782 Spring runoff on the Red River, Fargo (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-00783 Man diving from the high dive at the old swimming hole on the Red River, Fargo (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00784 Badlands rising beside the Little Missouri River in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00785 WPA workers work in the snow during the construction of Lake Kurle, North Dakota 4/20/1905
00075-00786 Excavation piles around the site for the new WPA-created Lake Kurle 4/20/1905
00075-00787 WPA workers constructing a cobble retaining wall at Legion Lake, Custer National Park (S.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00788 Work crews and horse teams clear the site of Legion Lake, Custer State Park (S.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00789 Road Construction north of Silver Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Sargent County (N.D.) 10/21/1937
00075-00790 WPA-built road bridge near Silver Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Sargent County (N.D.) 1936-1938
00075-00791 WPA crews hard at work on a road near New Salem (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00792 WPA road crew and horse teams near New Salem (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00793 Diversion ditch project on Storm Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Sargent County (N.D.) 4/17/1905
00075-00794aWorkmen and a horse team dig the Storm Lake diversion ditch near Milnor (N.D.) 4/17/1905
00075-00794bDiversion ditch excavation site near Storm Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Sargent County (N.D.) 4/17/1905
00075-00795 Three CCC workers execute a WPA side walk construction project in Larimore (N.D.) 1934-1942
00075-00796 WPA workers at the site of the Lake Patricia project, Morton County (N.D.) 2/10/1936
00075-00797 Spillway construction at Lake Patricia, Morton County (N.D.) 2/10/1936
00075-00798 Snyder Lake during excavation and construction, Towner County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00799 Lake Ilo during planning and early construction phases, Dunn County (N.D.) 1934-1939
00075-00800 WPA crew on the construction site of Lake Kurle 4/20/1905
00075-00801 Three stone WPA buildings under construction at Stewart Lake, Slope County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00802 WPA crew and horse teams at work on the Maple River in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00803 The waters of Little Goose Creek filling a reservoir in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00804 Six men dig a trench on a WPA road project, Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00805 Workmen pose on the WPA-built Sunburst Dam, Emmons County (N.D.) 1940-1942
00075-00806 A man strolls up the rip-rapped banks of the Red River in Fargo (N.D.) 4/22/1936
00075-00807 Men creating drainage at the site of the WPA-built airport, Fargo (N.D.) 8/20/1936
00075-00808 Two men in the vaulted interior of the WPA-built auditorium in Jamestown (N.D.) 8/22/1936
00075-00809 Project specialists F. R. Shanley and E. E. Tufte 8/22/1936
00075-00810 WPA workers build a cobble slope at the site of Tewaukon Lake, Sargent County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00811 Large reservoir construction site with WPA workers and horse teams 1936-1942
00075-00812 People gathered at the side of the Northern Pacific Depot in downtown Bismarck (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00813 Woman in a long dress and shawl poses at the corner of a house circa 1905
00075-00814 Portrait of a woman circa 1925
00075-00815 Nine officials with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) pose for a group shot 1936-1942
00075-00816 Portrait of man circa 1940
00075-00817 Man sits in an office at a typewriter 1936-1942
00075-00818 Man in a three-piece suit 1936-1942
00075-00819 Man in a three-piece suit 1936-1942
00075-00820 Portrait of a young man with a patterned tie 1936-1942
00075-00821 Portrait possibly of Bertha Ostby Gronna, wife of U.S. Senator Asle Gronna (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00822 Man in three piece suit 1936-1942
00075-00823 Formal family portrait 1936-1942
00075-00824 Pompey's Pillar, Yellowstone County (Mont.) 6/15/1937
00075-00825 Man digging a deep trench 1936-1942
00075-00826 Devils Tooth, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00827 Badlands scenery (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00828 Man walks through a clearing in the Badlands of western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00829 Badlands landscape in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00830 Badlands vista across the Little Missouri River Valley (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00831 Man resting against a petrified tree stump in the Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00832 Man enjoying a snowy day in the Badlands of western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00833 Framed bank note displayed on a shelf 1936-1942
00075-00834 Man with pipe wrench by a rock feature in the Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00835 Badlands scene in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00836 Badlands butte in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00838 Rocky knob in a grove of trees in the Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00839 Campground or park area set in a shady grove in Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00840 View of the North Dakota Badlands 1939-1942
00075-00841 Scenic highway winding through the Badlands of North Dakota 1939-1942
00075-00842 Horse herd moving over a hill in the Badlands of North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00843 View overlooking the "Palm Beach Tourist Camp" in western North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00844 Winter destruction of a grove of trees, Winona (Minn.) 1936-1942
00075-00845 Ink sketch of a Sun Dance Ceremony by W.E. Hook 1936
00075-00846 Picture postcard of a German town ca 1930
00075-00847 White men and women and Indians at a ceremonial dance bower somewhere in North Dakota 1936-1942
00075-00848 Snow geese on Stoney Lake (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00849 Teacher and students outside the first Wolf Butte School, Adams County (N.D.) 3/21/1905
00075-00850 The Booster Club's Marching Band in the streets of Hettinger (N.D.) 5/8/1939
00075-00851 The Booster Club Cowboy Marching Band posed on the steps of a building in Hettinger (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00852 Parade on the dirt main street of an Adams County (N.D.) town, possibly Hettinger (N.D.) 4/2/1905
00075-00853 Mrs. Ida Askerooth of Valley City (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00854 Sarah Thornton Hall with George C. Hall in Minnewaukan (N.D.) 4/6/1905
00075-00855 Mrs. Lavinia A. Mitton Chapman and her seventeen grandchildren, Benson County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00856 Sarah Hughes Salisbury stands in the snowy yard of her home in Benson County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00857 Hanna and Nels J. Pierson in the yard of their home near Minnewaukan, Benson County (N.D.) 4/13/1905
00075-00858 Bird's eye view of Leeds (N.D.) 3/21/1905
00075-00859 Man poses beside a block of native stone near Leeds (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00860 Large block of native stone, near Leeds (N.D.) 1936-19423
00075-00861 Large, angular native rock, near Leeds (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00862 Simon L. Blegen, age 97, holding his birthday cake, Leeds (N.D.) 2/20/1939
00075-00863 Nellie Pierson Montague stands beside Ransom S. Montaque, Benson County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00864 Mrs. Iver Toso with her husband and son, Irvin, posing in their yard near Esmond (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-00865 People making a radio broadcast by the Marquis De Mores statue in Medora (N.D.) 8/17/1938
00075-00866 Portrait of Martin Ostby, Bottineau County (N.D.) 4/16/1905
00075-00867 An old shingle-sided feed mill in rural Burke County (N.D.) 6/22/1936
00075-00868 Mrs. Ida Rapp Andrus posing in a yard with granddaughter Mary Dean Andrus, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/22/1905
00075-00869 Cora Rogers portrait circa 1870
00075-00870 Christian B. Berg, North Dakota 3/15/1927
00075-00871 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron (Nettie) Edgerly strolling through Minnehaha Falls Park, Minneapolis (Minn.) circirca 1910
00075-00872 Aaron Edgerly posing by a tree in Minnehaha Falls Park, Minneapolis (Minn.) circa 1910
00075-00873 Three bird hunters with their dogs circa 1925
00075-00874 Four Ellendale area members of the Modern Woodmen of America in a grove of trees, Dickey County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00875 Frank Edgerly walks in the street of downtown Monango (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-00876 Family of Harold McMaster in a horse-drawn surrey, Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00877 Hunters return with birds shot on the farm of Aaron Edgerly, near Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00878 Portrait of J. P. Larson, Glover (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00879 Wedding photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Lowe, Oakes (N.D.) 3/2/1905
00075-00880 U. S. Aerological and Weather Bureau Station in Ellendale (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00881 View west along Main Street in downtown Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00882 High School in Ellendale (N.D.) 1916-1938
00075-00883 Dickey County Courthouse in Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00884 Dickey County Courthouse, Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00885 City Hall and Library building in Ellendale (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00886 Men lounging outside the J. W. Harbison General Store, Belfield (D.T.) circa 1890
00075-00887 John Gilleran, pioneer of Dickey County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-00888 Tar paper shack of Ole Gilbertson, the first settler in Twin Butte Township, Divide County (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-00889 First schoolhouse in Twin Butte Township, near Crosby (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-00890 Traveling Jenny, the famous half buffalo, half Hereford cow, Dunn County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00891 Saints Peter and Paul Church, New Hradec (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00892 Lake Ilo under construction as a WPA project in Dunn County (N.D.) 1937-1939
00075-00893 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speck of New Rockford (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00894 John Connolly, Sr. in Eddy County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00895 Mrs. Mary McMahon Connolly in yard of her house in Eddy County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00896 Mr. John Charles Fay and his wife, Carrie E. Fay, New Rockford (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00897 People at a gathering at School #2, Munster Township, Eddy County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-00898 Julius M. Lund of Emmons County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00899 Engagement photograph of Julius M. Lund and Miss Anna Peterson 2/28/1905
00075-00900 Nels Lund family poses outside their sod home, near Ashton (D.T.) 1887-1890
00075-00901 Stone house and farmstead buildings of Willis S. Freeman, Emmons County (N.D.) 1901-1905
00075-00902 Christian Albus outside his Carrington (N.D.) home circa 1935
00075-00903 Methodist Episcopal Church in Carrington (N.D.) 7/1/1911
00075-00904 Methodist Episcopal Church in Carrington (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-00905 Interior view of the Congregational Church in Carrington (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00906 People pose along the picket fence around the house of Charles Kossuth, Wing (N.D.) 07/03/1897
00075-00907 Portrait of Mrs. C. K. Wing of Carrington (N.D.) 11/22/1938
00075-00908 House of Judge Charles Kossuth Wing, Carrington (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00909 Mrs. Caroline Gouthier Piquette in her home in Grand Forks (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-00910 Mrs. Caroline Z. Peterson outside a house in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 8/1931
00075-00911 Tintype portrait of three women, Mrs. Carl Niles, Lena Schroeder, and Miss Niles, Grand Forks County (D.T.) 2/25/1905
00075-00912 Four generations of the Rosalie Marcoux Turcotte family pose outside a house in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00913 Formal portrait of Mrs. R. A. (Ella M.) Sprague, Grand Forks County (N.D.) circa 1922
00075-00914 Mary L. Barr Wilson at age 91, Grand Forks County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00915 Mary L. Barr Wilson, age 90, with her three daughters, Mary Black, Sadie Alyea, and Bella Berg, in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00916 Mrs. Thiliman Beausala Bourque, age 74, on the sidewalk of her house in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00917 Corinne Foubert Beaupre and Alice Oldham, sit for a portrait in Grand Forks (D.T.) 2/24/1905
00075-00918 George Fortine holds a pipe in his backyard in Grand Forks (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00919 John E. Dencher stands by a park gazebo where two little girls play, Grand Forks County (N.D.) 9/12/1937
00075-00920 Sheriff John E. Dencher by a gazebo where two girls play, grand Forks County (N.D.) 9/12/1937
00075-00921 Sheriff John E. Dencher, Grand Forks County (N.D.) 9/12/1937
00075-00922 Mrs. Julienne (Julia) Piquette Marcoux by her home in Grand Forks County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-00923 Portrait of Archie M. O'Connor of St. Thomas (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-00924 Carte-de-visite of A. J. Lau of Grant County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-00925 Police dog with his front legs on a wooden bench at the Ansonia Kennel in Mose (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00926 Log home of Omund Nelson Opheim, the first house and an early school in Griggs County (N.D.) 1932-1942
00075-00927 Asmus family outside their rural claim shack home, Griggs County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-00928 Souvenir poem and photograph from a school program in Griggs County (N.D.) 3/21/1905
00075-00929 Mike Barth and Max Senn on a hill northwest of Mott (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00930 Mike Barth and Max Senn on a hillside near Mott (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00931 People gathered by the ruins of the Congregational Church, destroyed by a tornado, Tappen (N.D.) 7/28/1901
00075-00932 Birds eye view of Dawson (N.D.) circa 1890
00075-00933 Tintype portrait of John David Harker, age 4, of Kidder County (N.D.) 1/23/1905
00075-00934 Portrait of A. J. Kesler of Edgeley (N.D.) 7/4/1937
00075-00935 Original Wano School #1, LaMoure County (N.D.) 3/25/1905
00075-00936 Letters incised in a large rock southeast of Kulm (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00937 Incised rock in LaMoure County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00938 WPA-built park and obelisk beside Beaver Lake, Logan County (N.D.) 1935-1942
00075-00939 Picnic area and building on the shore of Beaver Lake State Park, Logan County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00940 Frederick N. Lang of McHenry County (N.D.) outside a house in Buffalo (N.Y.) 4/8/1905
00075-00941 Charles and Katherine Vanourny family, Ashley (McIntosh County, N.D.) circa 1930
00075-00942 Portrait of Mrs. George W. Lilly, formerly of McIntosh County (N.D.), taken in 1903 in Ohio 3/17/1905
00075-00943 Portrait of Mr. George W. Lilly, formerly of McIntosh County (N.D.), taken in 1903 in Ohio 3/17/1905
00075-00944 Evangeline and George W. Lilly, daughter Jennie, dog and horse at their claim shack in McIntosh County (N.D.) 3/3/1905
00075-00945 Beatrice, Jennie, and Grace Lilly, children of George W. and Evangeline Lilly, formerly of McIntosh County (N.D.) 1895-1905
00075-00946 George W. and Evangeline Brown Lilly, formerly of McIntosh County (N.D.) on their 51st anniversary 9/17/1936
00075-00947 Young Evangeline (Eva) Brown in Ohio before her marriage to George Lilly of McIntosh County (N.D.) 2/25/1905
00075-00948 Young George W. Lilly before the creation of McIntosh County (D.T.) 2/25/1905
00075-00949 Young George W. Lilly before the creation of McIntosh County (D.T.) 2/25/1905
00075-00950 George and Evangeline Lilly with their children and horse in the yard of the homestead in McIntosh County (N.D.) 3/7/1905
00075-00951 Converted container used as a sweat "box" or sauna on the C. O. Armstrong Ranch in McKenzie County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00952 Horses on the Armstrong Ranch, McKenzie County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00953 Log barn and corral on the Armstrong Ranch, McKenzie County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-00954 Charles O. Armstrong in Indian costume, McKenzie County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-00955 Charles O. Armstrong on his ranch in McKenzie County (N.D.) circa 1937
00075-00956 Corner of the old Post Office in Emmet, McLean County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00957 First church in Emmet Township, McLean County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00958 Mailman approaches the rural Emmet Post Office, McLean County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00959 Indian dancers gather in a bower in Elbowoods (N.D.) 7/4/1909
00075-00960 Two people traveling with a horse team and wagon near Elbowoods, McLean County (N.D.) 3/24/1905
00075-00961 Iva Sather stands between a tipi and a wagon in a camp in McLean County (N.D.) 7/4/1910
00075-00962 Four Indian men in regalia in a dance bower in Elbowoods (N.D.) 3/24/1905
00075-00963 Turtle Lake School building, Turtle Lake (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00964 New addition on school, Turtle Lake (N.D.) 3/31/1905
00075-00965 First public school in Garrison (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-00966 Everett E. Simmons poses beside his oxen team and wagon, McLean County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-00967 Mr. and Mrs. Marzolf outside their home in Mercer County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00968 Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Maier in their living room, Mercer County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00969 Mrs. Margaret Dagge with her great-grandson by her house in Mercer County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00970 Civil War veteran, George Barker, of Mercer County (N.D.) 1/1937
00075-00971 Three people atop the Generous Butte outcrop in Mercer County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00972 Mrs. Knox and her pupils outside the first school in Fort Rice (N.D.) 1/1911
00075-00973 St. Joseph School children in the lunchroom with the Catholic Daughters of America, Mandan (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-00974 Log house built by Joseph Schmidt, rural Morton County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-00975 Joseph and Eva Schmidt sit on the steps of their Mandan (N.D.) house 1923-1938
00075-00976 Abandoned sod house near a plowed field in Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00977 Site of the old Stevenson Post Office on the Ferdinand Bingenheimer farm, Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00978 Government water arm apparatus on the Cannonball River farm of Ferdinand Bingenheimer, Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00979 Government ferry over the Cannonball River near the Bingenheimer farm, Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00980 Government ferry and Ferry Road, near Washington Butte in rural Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00981 Burleigh Saunders stands near the top of Washington Butte in rural Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00982 Washington Butte, Morton County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00983 Congregation gathers outside the first Presbyterian Church built in Stanley (N.D.) 1920-1926
00075-00984 Ladies' Aid members gather in a group pose outside Ole S. Lee's home in Mountrail County (N.D.) 4/25/1915
00075-00985 Harvesting on the Ole S. Lee Farm in Mountrail County (N.D.) 3/26/1905
00075-00986 Rocks along a dry bed of Shell Creek, Mountrail County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00987 J. W. May's Ranch, Mountrail County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00988 J. W. May by a log barn on his Mountrail County (N.D.) ranch. 1936-1942
00075-00989 Original log claim shack of Julius W. May, Mountrail County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00990 Bird's eye view of the town of Sanish and the railroad, Mountrail (N.D.) 3/30/1905
00075-00991 Pastor C. C. Heidenberg and his family by their home in Howie Township, Mountrail County (N.D.) 9/15/1915
00075-00992 First Ford agency in Sanish (N.D.) 4/4/1905
00075-00993 Two men in the yard of their homestead claim shack, Howie Township, Mountrail County (N.D.) 3/30/1905
00075-00994 Five generations of the Thomas J. Alstad and Forde family, Pekin (N.D.) 7/1936
00075-00995 Mr. and Mrs. Otis Tye beside a building in Yucca (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-00996 Charles Jessie Noble standing by a car, in Oliver County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-00997 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher in the yard of their farm in rural Oliver County (N.D.) 6/13/1939
00075-00998 Man and woman in a yard with a dog, Oliver County (N.D.) 4/1938
00075-00999 Mrs. Charles W. Smith of Sanger (N.D.) 3/20/1939
00075-01000 Charles W. Smith of Sanger (N.D.) 3/20/1939
00075-01001 Man leans an arm on the CCC-built kiosk at the Molander State Park, Oliver County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-01002 People present a cake to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hagerott, Oliver County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-01003 Herman Hagerott with his wife Wilhelmina Mantz Hagerott, of Oliver County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-01004 John Milo Walker dressed in a top hat in the farmyard of his Pembina County farm (N.D.) 4/9/1905
00075-01005 John Milo Walker at age 90, Pembina County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-01006 Portrait of John Milo Walker, Pembina County (N.D.) 3/21/1905
00075-01007 "Rendezvous of Pioneers" log building of the Dease-Martineau families, near Leroy (N.D.) 7/1/1937
00075-01008 Log house and trading post of John Dease, Pembina County (N.D.) 7/1/1937
00075-01009 Alexander Duncan, of Pembina County (N.D.), and his wife on the beach by the Santa Monica Pier, California circa 1900
00075-01010 Mrs. Ilseifur Vernhardson (Sigridur) Leifur stands in a snowy yard in Mountain (N.D.) 1/1937
00075-01011 Mr. Frank Lang of Leroy (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-01012 Men and women outside the first post office in Dakota Territory, Pembina County circa 1880
00075-01013 Sandslide near Walhalla (N.D.) 7/29/1940
00075-01014 Log school building's upgraded exterior, Pembina County (N.D.) 7/29/1940
00075-01015 North Dakota's first official triplets, Mary, Agnes, and Minnie Anderson, Starkweather (N.D.) 7/1898
00075-01016 Jessica Blanding Fisher of Ramsey County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01017 Portrait of Mrs. Warner, Mrs. John Overland, Mrs. Torvilson, Mrs. Halvorson, Mrs. Sager, and Mrs. Peterson, of Ramsey County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01018 John and Alida Alstad Overland's wedding portrait, Ramsey County (N.D.) 3/14/1905
00075-01019 W. W. Barrett's displayed meteoric stone collection, Ramsey County (N.D.) 3/25/1905
00075-01020 Father Jerome Hunt at age 4 in Germany 1/26/1905
00075-01021 Father Jerome Hunt in his robes and hat, Grand Forks (D.T.) circa 1886
00075-01022 Portrait of Father Jerome Hunt circa 1890
00075-01023 The Woldy children, Carrie, William, Mary, and Ida in a formal photographic portrait circa 1880
00075-01024 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) boys outside to N. P. Swenson house before demolition, Renville (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-01025 The original log schoolhouse on the N. P. Swenson property in rural Renville County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01026 Portrait of Matthew Lynch and his wife, Mary Maher Lynch, of Richland County (N.D.) 4/18/1905
00075-01027 William Maas, William Zigleman, and Fred Schuett in front of the first lumber and machinery business in Great Bend (N.D.) circa 1888
00075-01028 Teacher Miss McClery stands by the wire fence around a grove of apple trees, Richland County (N.D.) 4/1/1905
00075-01029 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eberly and Mr. and Mrs. George Mallinger work with harvest machines in Richland County (N.D.) 4/15/1905
00075-01030 Martin Harff on a load of grain at harvest time in Richland County (N.D.) 4/8/1905
00075-01031 Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. George Mallinger, Richland County (N.D.) 4/6/1905
00075-01032 George Worner of Richland County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01033 Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. William Medenwaldt, Richland County (N.D.) 3/20/1905
00075-01034 Wedding portrait of Mr. and Mrs. William Medenwaldt, Richland County (D.T.) 3/1887
00075-01035 Early image of H. P. Mix, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-01036 Portrait of Lena May Collier Mix (Mrs. H.P.), Richland County (N.D.) circa 1901
00075-01037 Buggy carries Mrs. W. Parks and a child past their homestead home, Richland (N.D.) 2/28/1905
00075-01038 Farm and house of Mr. H. P. Mix, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-01039 Zilphy Murphy (Mrs. Thomas M.) stands in a field near a grove of trees, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-01040 Zilphy Murphy on her farm in Richland County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-01041 Horace P. Mix and his wife and son by tents set in their apple orchard, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1913
00075-01042 Apple trees on the H. P. Mix farm, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1913
00075-01043 Apples displayed after harvest on the Horace P. Mix Farm, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1913
00075-01044 Horace P. Mix's house in the town of Lidgerwood (N.D.) 1911-1915
00075-01045 John Nuding, Richland County (N.D.) 10/28/1886
00075-01046 Mrs. John Nuding in a dress with a bustle, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01047 Albert J. Carter Farm in Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01048 Wife of Charles Jessie Noble works her spinning wheel outside their log home in Oliver County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01049 Pauline Schluetter Clark and her husband William Martin Clark by their home in Lidgerwood (N.D.) 7/1938
00075-01050 Pauline Schluetter Clark and her husband William Martin Clark on their farm in rural Richland County (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-01051 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Carter in rural Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01052 Cyclone damage in the town of Tyler (N.D.) 5/29/1909
00075-01060 James and Lillian Thornton Goolsbey outside their Lidgerwood (N.D.) home 11/1936
00075-01061 Dr. C. P. Spottswood, Hankinson (N.D.) circa 1895
00075-01062 Dr. V. A. Young of Hankinson (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-01063 Portrait of Amelia (Emilia) Behling Griepentrog, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1884
00075-01064 August Griependtrog of Richland County (N.D.) circa 1884
00075-01065 Anna Mickelson Hatlie in Red Cross Nurse uniform, Wahpeton (N.D.) 4/1/1905
00075-01066 The home of pioneer William F. Baisley, Richland County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01067 Collage of early churches and pastors in Richland (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-01068 Dr. Andrew Paulson's farm near Fort Abercrombie, Richland County (N.D.) 9/12/1915
00075-01069 Black Walnut tree in the yard of Thorsin Evensen, Hankinson (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-01070 Portrait of Katherena and Wenzel Smola, Richland County (N.D.) 3/17/1900
00075-01071 Farmstead of Wenzel and Katherena Smola of Richland County (N.D.) circa 1906
00075-01072 John H. and Ellen Wall Stenger on the steps of their farmhouse in Richland County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01073 Ellen Wall (Mrs. John) Stenger gathering lilacs by her home in rural Richland County (N.D.) circa 1922
00075-01074 Teacher Kathryn Wall on the steps of her schoolhouse in Helendale Township, Richland County (N.D.) 3/12/1905
00075-01075 William and Emma Coppin Baker's children Orie, Alvina, Eva and pet, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1898
00075-01076 People pose at the site of the sawmill on the Nels Peterson Farm, near Hankinson (N.D.) 4/1/1905
00075-01077 Log cabin built by James Shea in Elma Township, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01078 Fred Worner, Oscar Kahn, Frank Radloff, and John Stenger pose with other men by a false-front store, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1895
00075-01079 Mr. and Mrs. George Stroehl outside their Moran Township home, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-01080 George Stroehl beside a vehicle in a farmyard, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01081 Portrait of George Strubel, Richland County (N.D.) 3/16/1905
00075-01082 Bertha Borman (Mrs. George) Strubel, at the time of her marriage, Richland County (N.D.) 3/16/1905
00075-01083 People gathered at the farm property of John (Jack) Waldron, West End Township, Richland County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-01084 John (Jack) Waldron with a shovel and chickens around him on his farm, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01085 Sheep, men, and barns on the farm of John (Jack) Waldron, Richland County (N.D.) 4/21/1905
00075-01086 Cash and John (Jack) Waldron on hillside circa 1930
00075-01087 Mrs. Martin Waldron and her grandson, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1913
00075-01088 John (Jack) Waldron, wife and two boys by the Old Trail that passes their homestead, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-01089 Mrs. Van Horn from the Van Horn Ranch in northwest Richland County (N.D.) circa 1890
00075-01090 Mr. Martin Waldron, father of John Waldron of Richland County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01091 Mrs. Martin Waldron seated with three small children and a dog, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1910
00075-01092 Mrs. Mary Meyers and her daughter Paulina pose together, Waldo Township, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-01093 Wedding portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Mahler of Waldo Township, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-01094 Mary Melchert (Mrs. William F.) Schuett, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-01095 Mary Melchert (Mrs. William F.) Schuett holds her great-granddaughter's hand in a Richland County (N.D.) yard circa 1935
00075-01096 Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Luke with daughter Audrey Jane on the steps of a house circa 1935
00075-01097 William F. Schuett standing in a garden, Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01098 Mary Melchert (Mrs. William F.) Schuett admiring her hollyhocks in Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01099 Mary Melchert Schuett and husband William F. Schuett pose on a path in their yard in Richland County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01100 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sedler and their dog on the farm in Belford Township, Richland County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01101 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sedler in the yard of their farmhouse, Belford Township, Richland County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01102 The farmhouse and barns on the George Anton Mallinger Farm, in Dexter Township, Richland County (N.D.) 3/24/1905
00075-01103 Threshing crew in Richland County (N.D.) circa 1890
00075-01104 Ellen Imogene Towne, Richland County (N.D.) 1885-1886
00075-01105 The house of Ellen Imogene and L. A. Towne, Richland County (D.T.) 1885-1886
00075-01106 The altar of St. Ann's Catholic Church, Belcourt (N.D.) 6/28/1934
00075-01107 Mr. Swanson and his ox cart rig on a street in Sargent County (N.D.) 3/12/1905
00075-01108 Nine men and four women sit around an Indian tipi, in the Rutland area of Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01109 Indian camp near Marlow, Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01110 John DeMarries, Mr. Typareya with Rutland citizens Vic Helberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sanderson, Mrs. Stellan Arhlin, Indian children and a tipi circa 1885
00075-01111 Lizzie Look Parkhurst Robinson holds her grandson in the yard of her home in Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01112 Early homesteader John Ogden, Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1895
00075-01113 Sven Petterson and his two daughters and a granddaughter in a yard in Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-01114 Four women and eight students outside a one-room schoolhouse in Sargent County (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01115 Ralph Hay, early Sargent County (D.T.) settler 3/1/1905
00075-01116 Postcard scene of the Mission School, Catholic Church and Priest's house in Fort Yates (N.D.) 1924-1940
00075-01117 The Sisters' Home, the Mission School, and St. Peter's Catholic Church in Fort Yates (N.D.) 1924-1940
00075-01118 Mrs. Louise Van Solen with her students at the first school at Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates (N.D.) 2/14/1905
00075-01119 Hans Nordrum's sod claim shack in Slope County (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-01120 No. 1 Schoolhouse, Sheridan County (N.D.) circa 1900
00075-01121 Four grandchildren of Ida E. (Mrs. J.F.) Davis in the flowery yard of a Stark County (N.D.) home 4/16/1905
00075-01122 Ida E. (Mrs. J.F.) Davis by the birdbath in her garden, Stark County (N.D.) 4/16/1905
00075-01123aMen and supplies on Sims and First Avenue West along Villard, Dickinson (N.D.) 2/25/1905
00075-01123bEarly street scene in Dickinson (N.D.) circa 1885
00075-01124 The H. L. Dickinson house at the original location on the farm in Stark County (N.D.) 2/24/1905
00075-01125 Hope A. Steele, wife of Edward H. Steele, the founder of Steele County (N.D.) circa 1875
00075-01126 Edward H. Steele, founder of Steele County (N.D.) circa 1875
00075-01127 The oldest log cabin in Newburg Township, Steele County (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-01128 Mr. and Mrs. Frey in their old age in the yard at the farm, Bloom Township, Stutsman County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01129 Charles and Wilhelmina Krause Frey with a goose beside their farmhouse in Stutsman County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01130 The barns on the farm of Charles Frey, Stutsman County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01131 Child chases a chicken past the farm house of Charles and Wilhelmina Krause Frey, Stutsman County (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01132 Ignatius Niedecken of Ohio and his relative Peter Niedecken of Stutsman County (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-01133 Photograph of a newspaper article featuring a train loading from a steamship at Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1880
00075-01134 Engineer David C. Wood on the last engine he ran on the Bismarck to Jamestown leg in North Dakota circa 1925
00075-01135 Mr. Fred Hohenhaus of Eldridge, Stutsman County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01136 Homestead house of Lars and Oline Hovde, Traill County (N.D.) 1936-1942
00075-01137 Andrew and Anna Guldbranson Thorson with their five sons and four daughters, Hatton (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-01138 First American Lutheran Church of Mayville, Traill County (N.D.) 1926-1942
00075-01139 Rev. T. N. Teigen, pastor of the First American Lutheran Church in Mayville (N.D.) 4/23/1905
00075-01140 Interior and exteriors of two Norwegian churches circa 1900
00075-01141 Four Mueller brothers shown together, all doctors in Hillsboro (N.D.) circa 1890
00075-01142 Henry Niemeier family in front of their house and barn, Traill County (N.D.) 3/8/1905
00075-01143 Cornelius P. and Ann Meagher posing together on their 50th wedding anniversary, Walsh County (N.D.) 4/9/1905
00075-01144 Sisters-in-law Mrs. Theo Haug and Mrs. Hans Sethre at Ottertail Lake (Minn.) 4/17/1905
00075-01145 Marius Skjulstad with his wife, daughter, and granddaughter, Walsh County (N.D.) 1937-1938
00075-01146 Mrs. Marius Skjulstad on the steps of her Grand Forks (N.D.) home 4/21/1905
00075-01147 Mrs. Mary Ellen J. Stanley in a flower garden, Walsh County (N.D.) 4/19/1905
00075-01148 John McLeod beside his home in Grand Forks (N.D.) 4/20/1905
00075-01149 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar Morgan smile together in the yard of their California home 4/16/1905
00075-01150 Family of Rev. Gunolf Johnson Omland outside their Walsh County farmhouse (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-01151 Sevold Johnson in the yard of his home in Ward County (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-01152 Mary Agnes Cantwell, businesswoman and preceptress, on the steps of the Normal School, Minot (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-01153 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price and two youngsters by their car in Wells County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01154 Elizabeth L. Price, Wells County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01155 Richard Price, editor of the Harvey Herald, standing in a field in Wells County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01156 Lewis Price, son of Richard Price, Wells County (N.D.) 3/18/1935
00075-01157 Three friends pose outside in Wells County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01159 Prosper St. Jacques, Fessenden (N.D.) 3/9/1905
00075-01160 Anna Maria (Mrs. John) Bollingberg and three children pose in front of farmhouse, Wells County (N.D.) circa 1905
00075-01161 John and Anna Maria Bollingberg, and son-in-law Mr. Reitan with his bride and her siblings at the farm in Wells County (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01162 John Bollingberg in the paddock with his Hereford cattle, Wells County (N.D.) circa 1920
00075-01163 James Memorial Library in Williston (N.D.) circa 1915
00075-01164 Catholic Church of Williston (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-01165 Concordia Lutheran Church, Williston (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-01166 First Lutheran Church of Williston (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01167 Methodist Evangelical Church of Williston (N.D.) circa 1935
00075-01168 Elks Building in Williston (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01169 Methodist Church and Parsonage in Ray (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01170 St. Michael's Catholic Church, Ray (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01171 Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Ray (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01172 Public grade school in Ray (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01173 Ray High School, Ray (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01174 Williams County Old-Timers pose in a group circa 1935
00075-01175 Mr. and Mrs. John Arnestad and daughters Clara and Gunvor, behind the oxen team, Williams County (N.D.) 3/23/1905
00075-01176 Archer Shepard home and farm, White Earth (N.D.) 7/6/1914
00075-01177 Emrik Dalkvist and oxen team plowing the Hvass fields in Williams County (N.D.) 3/26/1905
00075-01178 Man in front of the First Lutheran Church of Tioga (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01179 Gustave Baquol Metzger, pioneer merchant of Williams County (N.D.) circa 1925
00075-01180 Margaret LeDosquet (Mrs. Gustav B.) Metzger, Williston (N.D.) circa 1930
00075-01181 Presentation clock given to John Bunnell of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railroad 1936-1942
00075-01182 Mail carriers Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ogden of Oakes (N.D.) with mail bags 3/24/1905
00075-01183 Sister of Emma Jane Caswell Haight by a bush 4/18/1905
00075-01184 Richard John Jones at age 80 4/18/1905
00075-01185 Man in overalls by his claim shack, possibly in South Dakota circa 1895
00075-01186 Man smokes a pipe beside a dug-out claim shack, possibly in South Dakota circa 1890
00075-01187 Charlie Jasmer in the yard of his house in Hankinson (N.D.) 3/1938
00075-01188 Mr. Charlie Jasmer beside his house in Hankinson (N.D.) 3/1938
00075-01189 McKinney Mill on the Souris River near Tolley (N.D.) 1903-1915
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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