Title: Palmer and Berdella Overby Oral History Photo Collection
Dates: 1884-1930s
Collection Number: 00032-NE-18
Quantity: 15 items
Abstract: Photographs copied from the personal collection of Palmer and Berdella Overby during their oral history interview in Tolna (ND), Nelson County. The interview is available on Oral History Tape #0687B.
Provenance: The North Dakota Oral History Project was undertaken by Larry Sprunk, with the cooperation of the North Dakota American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, the North Dakota Farmers Union, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. The primary objective of the North Dakota Oral History Project was to conduct oral tape recorded interviews with North Dakotans who lived through the state's history and who could speak of this history from a first-hand basis. Interviewees were photographed at the time of their interviews. In addition, the project borrowed over 6,000 historical photographs which were copied and added to the State Historical Society's collection. Many interviewees also donated family histories, documents, letters, ledgers, books, and artifacts.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
00032-NE-18-01 Luther League Convention at Gethsemane Church 9 miles SW of Tolna (ND) 1918
00032-NE-18-02 L. B. Tweed cook car, Tolna (ND) 1930s
00032-NE-18-03 Gertie Forde and Gena Thorson in Ole Haweskeland’s cook car 1909
00032-NE-18-04 Thorson's outfit, Tolna (ND): Eddie Thorson, Gilbert Dokken, Albert Fredrickson, Knudt Dokken, Ted Thorson and Hans Tufte
00032-NE-18-05 Blueboys Baseball Team , Tolna (ND): Henry Lein, Albert Fredrickson, Theodore Thorson, Emil Dokken, Herbert Berthold, Charlie Balkan, Gilbert Dokken, and Hestor Balkan
00032-NE-18-06 Pioneer Day, Tolna (ND) June 21, 1914
00032-NE-18-07 Dayton School 3 miles S of Tolna (ND) on the Sheyenne River 1890
00032-NE-18-08 Group of farmers meeting, Tolna (ND) late 1880s
00032-NE-18-09 Overby home 1889
00032-NE-18-10 T. O. Lundeby farm 3 miles S of Tolna (ND) on Sheyenne River 1884
00032-NE-18-11 Sam Thorson farm in Forde Township ca. 1910
00032-NE-18-12 L. B. Tweed outfit, 8 miles S of Tolna (ND) ca. 1910
00032-NE-18-13 L. B. Tweed Twin-City outfit 8 miles south of Tolna (ND) 1914
00032-NE-18-14 Confirmation class, Lakota (ND)
00032-NE-18-15 T. O. Laordicky farm 1908
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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