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Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 219

Box 219: Second Annual Oil Discovery Day, Williston, North Dakota, April 18, 1953, scrapbook.

Photograph inventory in Oil Discovery Day scrapbook, Box 219, page #
219-1 Williston Oil Discovery Day Mineral rights drawing, Williston, N.D. 4
219-2 Williston Oil Discovery Day Mineral rights drawing, Williston, N.D. 4
219-3 Williston Oil Discovery Day Mineral rights drawing, Williston, N.D. 4
219-4 Williston Oil Discovery Day Mineral rights drawing, Williston, N.D. 4
219-5 Williston Oil Discovery Day Amerada officials receive photograph, Williston, N.D. 31
219-6 Williston Oil Discovery Day Amerada officials receive photograph, Williston, N.D. 31
219-7 Williston Oil Discovery Day Mineral rights drawing, Williston, N.D. (same image as 219-1) 31
219-8 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration oil tour, N.D. 31
219-9 Williston Oil Discovery Day Window display, Williston, N.D. 32
219-10 Williston Oil Discovery Day Amerada officials receive photograph, Williston, N.D. (print 219-10 similar to negatives in 28/6) 32
219-11 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration, Dr. Robert E. Wilson arrives in Williston, N.D. 33
219-12 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration, Dr. Robert E. Wilson arrives in Williston, N.D. 33
219-13 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration oil tour, N.D. 42
219-14 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration oil tour, N.D. (same as 219-13) 42
219-15 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration parade, Patsy Joyce, Oil Discovery Day Queen, N.D. 57
219-16 Williston Oil Discovery Day celebration barbecue, N.D. 58
219-17 Williston Oil Discovery Day program 8
219-18 Williston Oil Discovery Day pin 12
219-19 Williston Oil Discovery Day program 36
219-20 Williston Oil Discovery Day program 36
219-21 Portrait of Everett E. Lovhaug, Publicity Chairman (not scanned or online) 1
219-22 Portrait of Robert Falstad, Hospitality and Information Chairman (not scanned or online) 35

Box 219, Scrapbook page inventory listing, page number then item listing.
Publicity, photograph of a portrait of Everett Lovhaug, Publicity Chairman
Publicity Committee Monday 23rd, members present and plans; Second Annual Oil discovery Day, Williston, N. D. April 18, 1952, meeting 2-9-53
Articles for release and drafts of articles for release
Newspaper article, front page of the Williston Daily Herald, titled Carnival at Armory to be Feature of Oil Discovery Celebration and four photographs numbers 219-1, 219-2, 219-3, and 219-4
Three articles for immediate release
A note to a Jaycee – to Everett Lovhaug from Ed Conlin, Jr. listing newspapers to make releases to
Drafts of programs, scheduled events and field trip
Flyer: Free Minerals – Barbecue Entertainment Galore, Williston’s Oil Discovery Celebration sponsored by Williston Junior Chamber of Commerce, scanned 219-17, and five newspaper articles
Six newspaper articles on Oil Executives, Officials, and other guests
Nine newspaper articles some from the Fargo Forum and Minneapolis Tribune
Three newspaper articles from the Fargo Forum and Minneapolis Tribune
Newspaper articles, two on Oil Days Queen Miss Patsy Joyce. One newspaper article on Booths and Road Blocks Planned for Oil Day, and others are printed pictures from the Minneapolis Tribune. Oil Discovery Day, Williston, North Dakota, April 18, 1953, Second annual Celebration button, scanned image number 219-18
Williston Basin Oil Review, February 1953, front and back with advertisement for Oil Discovery Day, also Oil Discovery Day, April 18th at Williston, N.D. bumper sticker.
Newspaper Advertisement
Newspaper Advertisement
Newspaper Advertisement
New Oil Frontier Opened By American companies’ Pioneering, Advertisement
Montana Oil and Mining Journal, April 11, 1953, Map of Montana and North Dakota with oil discoveries
Blank page
Williston Basin Oil Review, April 1953, Williston Edition – front cover, Amerada’s New Williston Office Building opens April 18th.
Williston Basin Oil Review Editorial Team work pays off, Williston to hold Second Discovery Day
More Williston Basin Oil Review stories and pictures
In Minneapolis Sunday Tribune picture, Roto Magazine, February 22, 1953, article titled What North Dakota Oil Means to the Area
Newsweek, April 27, 1953, Special Report, The Williston Basin: A Corner of North Dakota.
Williams County Farmers Press – three newspapers on Williston Oil Discovery Day
Williams County Farmers Press – Famous the World Over, Photo by W. E. Shemorry, April 4, 1951
Williams County Farmers Press – The Men Behind 1953 Oil Celebration Day
Williston Daily Herald – Over 7,000 (crossed off and 15,000 hand written) Witness Oil Day Parade. Three other newspaper articles and two with images.
Four newspaper articles
Five newspaper articles, two from the Minneapolis Tribune
Four photographs, scanned images 219-5, 219-6, 219-7 and 219-8
Two photographs, scanned images 219-9 and 219-10
Two photographs, scanned images 219-11 and 219-12
Official Report, Oil Discovery Day from the Publicity Committee and Financial Report on Oil Day from the Publicity Committee
Hospitality and Information with one photograph, a portrait of Robert Falstad, Hospitality and Information Chairman
Welcome to Williston, Oil Discovery Celebration brochure with schedule, scanned images 219-19 and 219-20
Welcome to Williston’s Second Annual Oil Discovery Day different brochure with schedule
Newspaper articles including Williston Plans for 15,000 at Oil Days in Bismarck Tribune and a Second Annual Oil Discovery Days, Williston, North Dakota Program.
Four newspaper articles
Donation letters, Draft of Jaycee Bulletin, Approved Program, Possible Plan for Oil Day and Sponsorship forms
Advertising and three newspaper articles
Two photographs, scanned images 219-13 and 219-14
Oil Discovery Day Information and Hospitality Committee Report
Oil Discovery Day Sponsors and two letters
Report of General Chairman, Holger Smitt
Digest of Junior chamber of Commerce project in the field of Trade Promotion: General Planning and Procedure
Two congratulation letters to Holger Smitt, General Chairman
Two congratulation and thanks letters to Holger Smitt, General Chairman
Four letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Three letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Two letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Two letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Two letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Four letters of congratulations/thanks to Eddie Conline, Jr., President of Junior Chamber of Commerce
Two newspaper articles
One photograph of Patsy Joyce, Oil Discovery Day Queen, scanned image 219-15
One photograph, Queen Patsy Joyce and Dr. Robert E. Wilson received the first barbecue sandwiches from Joe Donahue, scanned image 219-16.

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