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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 131

Box 131

1 1914 Williams County Atlas, labeled as Property of Bill Shemorry
2 Bound copies of newspaper clippings and copies of pictures – Williston history; Williston HS Graduates 1901-1931, Copies of Old time Pix, 1923 Basketball pic, Farmers Market 1923, 1904 History of Williston by William T. Wilkinson, Early Day Characters, City Petitioned for Government in 1894 and Given Ordinance, History of Congregational Church in Williston, Mrs. Clara Monroe, Brugger Store Personnel, Picnic at Wilson Grove, Glidden Auto to__ of 1913, Big Tiny Snider Retires from R.R., Wm Kuklms (?) Obit (Senior)

(The Congregational Church is the oldest religious group in Williston, N.D. it was chartered on August 4, 1899. Reverend A.H. Nelson was the first pastor of the congregational Church from 1891 to 1892. Williston’s oldest organized church, The school and church building was purchased for $150 in the summer of 1894, however it burned in September 1894. A new little whice church was built in 1895. “Rev. William Knighton Bloom (1909-1912) directed erection of an addition to the church in 1910. Plans were formed to build a new church…. The cornerstone of the new church was laid Sept. 28, 1913. The new church was completed in April, 1914, at a cost of $32,500. First services were held Easter Sunday…. Fire again plagued the church when, in 1944, faulty wiring ignited in the roof of the church and extensive damage was done by fire and water.” – information from a newspaper article titled “Congregational Church Marks 75 Years in Williston” by James G. Key, Herald Editor, written in 1964.)

3 Bound copies of newspaper clippings – Biographies and features; Bill Langer, Bill Thatcher, Doc Zahl, Doug & Hannah Bell, Gus Carlson, Cong. Charles Robertson, Joe Donohue
4 Bound copies of newspaper clippings – 1887-1915 Early days of Williston misc. newspaper copies; U.L. Burdick Special Train, Battleship N. Dak., Drawing of Ft. Union, little Old sod Shanty – Poem, Cornerstone laying of Capitol, Dakota Territory Governors, 1st N.D. Constitutional Convention, Centennial Birthday Poem, North Dakota Governors, George Catlin – Artist at Mouth of Yellowstone – drawings & Story, Ice going out, Missouri River, Sea covered N.D., Ice Age, 3 Broad Steps, Army Seeks Control of Indian Matters, Copies Schater Record -1910-11, Mondak Lynchwig (?) 1913, H.V. Smith Story – Came here 1899 (Press 1949, Reporter 1956), Brands etc. - 1899
5 Bound copies of newspaper clippings – 1946-1950 misc. copies newspapers; McKenzie Co. Chronicle Dec. 3, 1908- all 8 pages, Hagen Bros – Farmers with Airplane 12-47, and English War Brides in Wildrose – 1946.

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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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