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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 69 A & B

Box 69A

1 p50; 31 prints maybe on Tioga, including aerial views of towns, construction, dump trucks at work, people, Christmas tree in town, a main street with signs for a Bowling alley, The Bank of Tioga, The Esquire, a Café, Allen Reality, a Tavern and pluming; boys with cattle, parade, and a water tower
2 p51; 13 prints of Divide County Pioneer Village and farming, especially threshing
3 p52; Williams County Norway Tour Band performing, crowds and in Norway - 27 prints
4 p52 continued; Williams County Norway Tour Band in Norway, seeing the sites – possibly Bergen, Norway, 15 prints
5 p52 continued; Williams County Norway Tour Band in Norway, seeing the sites – possibly Bergen, Norway, 23 prints
6 p52 continued; Williams County Norway Tour Band in Norway, seeing the sites including on a boat ride, of color photographs and statues – 31 prints
7 p53, fires and fire fighters including Red Milner, Abbey Zivalney, R.J. Milner Sr. and Frank Markham, fire action at Wright airport, fuel tanks, truck HQI of Little Muddy Bridge, Bill Ashton barn 1956, Borrud’s Bakery 1966, residence at east 2nd Street William Shyrock, residence at east Broadway William Shyrock, Nash Finch and Farmer’s Union Grain Terminal Elevator 1954, Farmer’s Union Grain and Supply 1958, Western Fruit Express Ice House 1961

Box 69B
8 p55 – oil and oil refineries including Westland Oil Company Refinery aerial view from the 1970’s, and from the 1950’s, oil workers in the Williston Basin, and the ribbon cutting at the North Star Gasoline in Williston, N.D. – 20 prints
9 p55 continued, oil and oil refineries – 20 prints
10 p55 continued, oil and oil refineries – 10 prints
11 p56, 1 print – portrait of two men, one has on a pin that says “Pioneer, Williston Basin Oil Discovery Days, September 10 & 11, 1976”
12 p57, oil celebrations - including the oil queen contest during Tioga’s 50th Anniversary in Tioga, N.D. and the unveiling of the North Dakota oil discovery monument in Tioga, N.D. - 13 prints
13 p 57 continued – 10 prints of portraits of men and pictures labeled fishing story – including Art Linkletter, Golden, Wes Norton, Gov. Allen Olson, Bobby Bare, Jeannie and Royce The Kendalls, and 1981 Energy Festival Queen and Princesses from left to right Laurie Evanson, Natalie Lokken and Kimberly Hought

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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