Box 61
1-1 to 3 Seattle World Fair [roll 1 = 35mm film; 137 negatives]
1-4 to 137 Images probably from the 1962 Seattle World Fair
2-1 to 70 Basketball games and receiving a trophy [roll 2 = 35mm film; 143 negatives]
2-71 to 112 Halloween party
2-113 to 143 Girls basketball game, Williston vs Dawson in the Williston gymnasium
3-1 to 23 Culbertson Steam Thresher Reunion, old equipment [roll 3 = 35mm film; 23 negatives]
4-1 to 30 Men's basketball game, Williston Coyotes vs Minot, 1970's [roll 4 = 35mm film; 223 negatives]
4-31 to 37 Swim meet, swimmers racing in an indoor pool
4-38 to 64 Men's basketball game, Williston Coyotes vs Dickinson
4-65 to 156 Men's basketball game, Williston Coyotes - WHS Field house 1970's
4-157 to 161 Pom pom girls in the center of the gymnasium
4-162 to 223 Men's basketball game, Williston Coyotes - WHS Field house 1970's
5-1 to 6 Parade in Williston, N.D. [roll 5 = 35mm film; 490 negatives]
5-7 to 43 Men's basketball game, Braves vs Williston Coyotes, and cheerleaders
5-44 to 59 Basketball game, Williston coyotes
5-60 to 63 View of a dam and water
5-64 to 94 Theatrical production
5-95 to 125 Parade in Williston, N.D.
5-126 to 142 Wrestling
5-143 to 156 Basketball, family portrait and Chief's stadium
5-157 to 177 Football
5-178 Fire truck
5-179 to 240 Girls’ basketball games, award trophies, and Coyotes fans - Girl's state 1970s?
5-241 Portrait of a fire man
5-242 Car parked outside a house
5-243 to 271 Football game
5-272 to 289 Trenton Rodeo, Trenton, N.D.
5-290 to 303 Unidentified oil wells
5-304 to 308 Store front window displays
5-309 to 328 Aerial views of towns, grain elevators, an oil well, a refinery, and farms
5-329 to 385 Football game, Williston vs ____
5-386 to 391 People at and in a parade
5-392 to 407 Aerial views of a refinery and landscapes
5-408 to 410 Interior decorations in a house
5-411 to 413 Portrait of six men wearing suits
5-414 to 423 People gathered having food and drinks
5-424 to 448 Homes, buildings and landscapes after a snow fall
5-449 to 457 Wrestling
5-458 to 467 Swim meet, swimmers racing in an indoor pool
5-468 to 485 Girls basketball games
5-486 to 488 Shoe
5-489 Man and woman
5-490 Toaster
6-1 to 74 Basketball tournament, Grand Forks, N.D. - Basketball games, fans, cheerleaders, acrobats, and people wearing Native American clothing in a gymnasium, [roll 6 = 35mm & 120mm film; 207 negatives]
6-75 to 90 Bands performing in a gymnasium
6-91 to 108 Men's basketball games and fans, possibly Grand Forks tournament
6-109 to 125 Basketball games, cheerleaders, fans of the Williston Coyotes, some Langdon 1973
6-126 to 189 Men's basketball games, fans, and cheerleaders, Williston Coyotes
6-190 to 193 Portraits of men wearing suits
6-194 to 199 Men's basketball game, Williston Coyotes vs Cards, Langdon 1975
6-200 to 207 Receiving 1973 trophies in a gymnasium
7-1 4-H Showcase, N.D. [roll 7 = 35mm & 120mm film; 157 negatives]
7-2 Girl with rabbit
7-3 Fair from top of slide, probably Williston, N.D.
7-4 Fair from top of slide, probably Williston, N.D.
7-5 to 42 Parade mostly of cars and farm equipment, Williston, N.D.
7-43 to 54 Rodeo, Williston MT Saddle Club near Williston on the Williams County Fair grounds
7-55 to 58 Horse drawn wagons in parade, Williston, N.D.
7-59 to 89 Race car racing
7-90 to 94 Exterior of the Williston High School, Williston, N.D.
7-95 to 101 Parade in Williston, N.D.
7-102 and 103 Group portrait of six men, interior tree background
7-104 to 113 Two tractors, possibly at the fair grounds near Williston, N.D.
7-114 and 115 Fair rides
7-116 to 123 People showing prize cattle
7-124 Booth for Stony Creek Homemakers Quill work
7-125 Booth for Alamo Cottonwoodettes, Creative Crochet
7-126 to 131 Groups of girls on stage
7-132 and 133 Horses lined up in an arena
7-134 Group of people talking
7-135 and 136 Portrait of a Boy Scout in uniform from pack 361, Williston, N.D.
7-137 to 141 Wrestling
7-142 to 145 Group portraits
7-145 to 148 Portrait of a man wearing sunglasses with a cake
7-149 to 157 Car accident with dead body
8-1 to 4 Parade, Williston, N.D. [roll 8 = 120mm film; 110 negatives]
9-1 to 34 Children on stage wearing costumes [roll 9 = 35mm film; 94 negatives]
9-35 and 36 Four young adults wearing headphones
9-37 to 40 Three people looking at a painting
9-41 to 42 People sitting around a table with books
9-43 to 45 Gymnastics
9-46 Five people in a living room
9-47 to 49 Exterior of an unknown building
9-50 to 59 Interior shots of a building
9-60 to 66 Exterior and interior shots, probably Bowman High School
9-67 to 86 Young adults watching and being trained at various occupations
9-87 to 89 Two men wearing suits outside
9-90 to 94 Men's sports team portrait with trophies, shirts say Tetong ?
10-1 Dutch Scrub Auto Wash, Williston, N.D.
10-2 Epping High School band leaders, North Dakota
10-3 Epping High School band leaders, North Dakota
10-4 Epping High School band leaders, North Dakota
11-1 Cenex, Williston, N.D.
11-2 Cenex, Williston, N.D.
11-3 Men with Bull, North Dakota
11-4 Men with Bull, North Dakota
12-1 Montana-Dakota-Utilities, Williston, N.D. [roll 12 = 120mm film; 31 negatives]
12-2 and 3 Hedderich's Store on Main Street, Williston, N.D.
12-4 to 31 1972 - Hedderich & Co building exterior, MDU building exterior, Roaring 20's WHS Reunion, 1972 Wheat Queen, and building under construction
13-1 to 4 Oil discovery, Bomac Drilling Co., Williston, N.D. [roll 13 = 120mm film; 17 negatives]
13-5 to 10 Raising up an oil well - 1972
13-11 to 15 Unidentified oil well, refinery and tanks
13-16 and 17 Oil discovery in N.D. monument 1972, Tioga, N.D.
14-1 to 4 Grenora vs Tioga baseball game, North Dakota
15-1 to 3 Grenora Gophers cheerleaders portrait
16-1 to 95 Williston Coyotes men's and women's basketball games, fans and trophies - 1972? [roll 16 = 35mm film; 95 negatives]
17-1 to 14 Aerial views of clouds and mountains in the distance [roll 17 = 35mm film; 14 negatives]
18-1 to 4 Motorcycle hill climb, Cedar Coulee, N.D. [roll 18 = 120mm film; 209 negatives]
19-1 to 6 Halloween costumes [roll 19 = 35mm film; 223 negatives]
19-7 to 10 Sculptures
19-11 to 18 Christmas - Children with Santa Claus and decorations
19-19 to 26 Wrestling
19-27 to 33 Christmas decorations and tree
19-34 to 45 Men's basketball, Williston Coyotes vs THS
19-46 to 51 Men's basketball, Wildrose Roses vs Alamo
19-52 to 56 Blender
19-57 to 66 Woman on couch with cat and Television shoots
19-67 to 86 Buildings, cars and signs
19-87 to 109 Children and adults doing activities
19-110 and 111 Large group portrait
19-112 and 113 Woman and two men
19-114 to 123 Men's basketball game, Mandan vs _____
19-124 to 127 Sculptures and Children with Santa Claus
19-128 to 136 REC building and sign
19-137 to 141 Chairs in the interior of a furniture store
19-142 to 160 Graduation in a gymnasium
19-161 and 162 Choir singing on the bleachers
19-163 Grenora Gophers men's basketball team portrait in gymnasium
19-164 and 165 Group portrait of young adults
19-166 to 170 United Way signs
19-171 to 173 Three people playing billiards
19-174 to 176 Men wearing hats in gymnasium, possibly Shrine Club members
19-177 to 179 Men's basketball game
19-180 to 203 Children wearing Halloween costumes
19-204 to 213 Rodeo
19-214 and 215 Hedderich's Store window display
19-216 American Legion sign
19-217 Automobile
19-218 Man washing windows
19-219 to 223 Unidentified oil well
20-1 to 57 Showing cattle [roll 20 = 35mm film; 355 negatives]
20-58 to 92 Young adults watching and being trained at various occupations
20-93 and 94 Picture of Bethel Lutheran Home
20-95 to 97 Group portrait outside a building
20-98 and 99 Iseman Moble Home Sales
20-100 to 104 Portrait of a man and Texaco sign and gas station
20-105 to 109 Man inside a grocery store
20-110 and 111 Looking down on a marching band practicing in the street
20-112 to 122 Exterior of buildings - Mobil, Enco and Professional Building
20-123to 126 Military group lined up outside
20-127 to 143 Fall festival ? And people wearing costumes
20-144 to 155 Women working at a bank teller window and at desks
20-156 to 162 Men working in a garage and a drafting table
20-163 to 181 People gathered in a church for a wedding; and newlywed couple
20-182 to 184 Three men with golf clubs outside
20-185 and 186 Couple with Anniversary cake
20-187 to 189 Portrait of a man
20-190 and 191 Woman holding a milk carton
20-192 to 200 Interior shelves and displays in a store
20-201 to 212 Playing volleyball and swimming in an indoor pool
20-213 to 216 Woman and two men looking at a picture
20-217 to 221 Three employees in a grocery store
20-222 to 225 Man speaking in a church
20-226 and 227 Exterior of Gross', Carpet World, and GTC
20-228 to 233 Portrait of a man and United Way sign
20-234 to 241 Women doing a cooking show
20-243 to 245 Employee in store
20-246 to 254 Swim meet, swimmers racing in an indoor pool and judges
20-255 to 257 Group portraits
20-258 to 272 Speakers and audience, Williams Electric Cooperative
20-273 to 292 Rodeo
20-293 to 296 Women with baked goods and crafts
20-297 to 309 Parade in Williston, N.D.
20-310 to 312 Three male employees in store with air compressors
20-313 to 332 Cooking show and people on stage
20-333 to 335 Dump truck
22-1 Basin Tire Service, Williston, N.D. [roll 22 = 120mm film; 1,132 negatives]
22-2 to 4 Putting out fire, Williston, N.D.
22-5 to 7 Interior clothing display's in Western Wear store
22-8 Exterior of Western Wear store building
22-9 and 10 Exterior of Herb's Body Shop with a man standing on a tow truck
22-11 to 22 Rodeo
22-23 to 27 Fire in a garage next to the Getter Trucking INC garage and firemen at work
22-28 to 31 Interior work shop counters and equipment
22-32 to 33 Interior of a store with cowboy boots, hats and belts on display
22-34 Interior of a store, clothing and items on display
22-35 and 36 Portrait of a man
22-37 to 44 Chairs in a furniture store
22-45 and 46 Two men carrying guns with the center man holding the American flag
22-47 to 56 People dancing outside
22-57 to 68 Aerial views of unidentified oil well and a town
22-69 and 70 Group portrait of four women
22-71 to 80 Women holding up items in a store
22-81 and 82 Two women with a Miss North Dakota sign
22-83 to 90 Snowmobiles racing
22-91 Group portrait of eleven men wearing hats that say Williston, maybe Legion members
22-92 Snow sculpture, dinosaur
22-93 and 94 Three men by a car
22-95 to 97 Woman holding a bowling ball
22-98 People sitting on folding chairs in a gymnasium
22-99 and 100 Group portrait of six people
22-101 Man and two women
22-102 to 114 Snowmobiles racing
22-115 to 126 Event in gymnasium, signs say International Credit Union Month, October 1972
22-127 and 128 Three men with "Give United Way" fundraising thermometer
22-129 to 133 Three young men standing in a pen with cattle
22-134 and 135 Three young men working with a piece of machinery inside
22-136 Exterior of a building with men putting on siding ?
22-137 and 138 Group portrait of five people
22-139 to 146 Fargo post 2 baseball team portrait holding award and banner "State Champions 1972 Class A Jack Williams Award"
22-147 Man and two women with Give United Way fundraising thermometer
22-148 and 149 Portrait of a man wearing a suit
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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