Box 51A & B
1 Alex Old-Settlers 9/78 (Bill) #5 (12 negs, 120mm)
2 Alex Old-Settlers 9/78 (Bill) #6 parade (8 negatives, 120mm)
3 Alex Old-Settlers 9/78 (Bill) #7 Old Fire Truck, Model T (13 negatives)
4 Alex Old-Settlers 9/78 (Bill) #9 Fire Truck (12 negatives, 120mm)
5 Williston Industrial Area, Aerial Photos 2-2-81 (6 negatives, 120mm)
6 Aerials: Grenora 11/78 (Bill) (4 negatives, 120mm)
7 Williston H.S. Fall Sports 1985 (143 negatives, 120 and 35mm)
8 NW Grain Terminal Construction Shots – New Elevator, 6-83 – Both aerials and ground shots (Will FU Elevator) also Cement Truck, Williston Ready – Mix, Tony Hughis (9 negatives, 120mm)
9 Northwest Co-op grain Terminal – 35mm and 120 Tri-X, Both Air & ground shots 5-84 (28 negatives, 35 and 120mm)
10 Williston Recreation Dept, Heating Pipes installed in floor of new Rec. Center Fall 1985 (18 negatives, 35mm)
11 Cedar Terrace Heath Club for Basin Printers 8-84 (10 negatives, 35mm)
12 Cora Kirly Copies 10-84; Carl Overland, Belgrade, MN (4 negatives, 35mm)
13 Memorial Day – 1982, also US & Canadian Flags at Will Basin Bank; WW I Vets Present, Geo Krogh, Fred McNary, Jim Kennedy, Maurits Dabl & Mres (?) Dabl (41 negatives, 35mm)
14 Memorial Day – 1983 (33 negatives, 35mm)
15 Moose Hunter, Chris Cov In (?), Boy, Memorial Day, Probably Herald negs (29 negatives, 35 and 120mm)
16 American Legion presentation – Call Virg Syverson, Band Airforon (?) Donation 12/79 (Bill); ____ to bond f__ Legion 12-79 (3 negatives, 120mm)
17 Maps – Bill 5/80; Jim Key Wall Map copies 8-80 (5 negatives and 1 print)
18 Mosbacher–Preet (?) Well 10-78, comes in 5 Mi S. Williston (18 negs, 120mm)
19 Oil wells & gas plant 11-79, W. of Club 85 in Belfield Area, also McKenzie County (15 negatives, 120mm)
20 W of Hunt 1 Njos, 5/79 (Bill) (7 negatives, 120mm)
21 Drilling Test Holes for coal Consolidation Coal – 6-79; T&T Drilling, Ken Tescher, Tony DeLony – geologist, Jim St. Peter – Logging Technician, 119 Trails West + handwritten note (7 negatives, 120mm)
22 Sunset shots – 1979, Haut trefford (?) 6-79 (12), oil well NE Williston; Sunrise Shot about 7-1-79 Hunt Ralfstad Slate W of Springbrook (12 negatives, 120mm)
23 Behm’s Propane Trucks 8-83 (10 negatives, 35mm)
24 Oil – Misc – 1978; getting pipe yard; westland refinery; getting truck in ditch at L___ S of 85, 12-78; gutter taking water from Fragen Pond, Location S of 85 E 5; Tioga gas plant 12-78; G O Wireline Perforating at Borstad 12-78; Rigging up at Delaney 12-78 N of Temple (21 negatives, 120mm)
25 Oil Shots 1981 McK. Co. Bill’s Negatives (12 negatives, 120mm)
26 Pump Unit Service, Ernie Schmidt, 10-84; also 11-84 E of town; also 1-85 Shots of 2 Shafts (60 negatives, 35mm)
27 Pump Unit Service, 1-28-85; Photos on drilling location about 10 mi E. of Sidney (22 negatives, 35mm)
28 Pump Unit Service, Ernie Schmidt, Late 1985 (32 negatives, 35mm + 1 print)
29 Getter Pipe Yard & HQ Building & Victuity (?) 5-11-88, 3:45PM (10 negatives, 120mm + 1 print)
30 Oil Field, PA Inc. open House 6-79, plastics applications (71 negs, 120mm)
31 McKenzie Oil Well (Bill) 8-78; Morsbacker – Pruett well, 5 Mi S Williston 8-78 (5 negatives, 120mm)
32 Oil Field Shots – 1979 (8 negatives, 120mm)
33 NATCO, 9 & 10 – 1980; Aerials of new bldg – ground shots, personnel, visiting Dignitaries (47 negatives, 120mm)
34 Oil wells near Stanley 1978 or 79 (10 negatives, 120mm)
35 Oil wells – 1979 (12 negatives, 120mm)
36 Oil wells drilled in 1978, Williston vicinity – lots of into (56 negs, 120mm)
37 Oil – 1978, Dedication & pictures of refinery at Little Knife field, N of Dickinson (18 negatives, 120mm)
38 Band Day Parade 1982 (15 negatives, 35mm)
39 Williston F. U. Oil, Annual Meet, June 1982 (37 negatives, 35mm)
40 Golf Tourn. 6/78 (Bill) (1 negatives, 120mm)
41 Mercy Hospital, Aerials for Bill Smith adv agcy Bismarck, taken 4-11-85 (17 negatives, 120mm)
42 Cover Girl 1978 (May); Reputer (?) Band Sect (8 negatives, 120mm)
43 McGregor Reunion 6-80 (21 negatives, 35mm)
44 Schools; Lewis & Clark; Rickard; McVay; WJHS; St. Joes; Webster; Wilkinson; UND – W; WJHS; WHS (H) (49 negatives, 35mm; 51-44-1 to 4 online)
45 Highway Patrol, N.D. Parole, So__ Fire Dept; 1-82 (35 negatives, 35mm)
46 1978 N.D. Republican Convention, Grand Forks, June 1978 (6 negs, 35mm)
47 Tioga Farm Festival 9/78 (Bill) John Thorhen (?) Cadillac, 2 old Fords in Parade (86 negatives, 35mm)
48 Tioga Farm Festival (Pre-Shots) 9/78 (Bill) (27 negatives, 120mm)
49 Tioga Banquet 10/78 (Bill) (4 negatives, 120mm)
50 Tioga Farm Festival 9/79 (Dorssn) pic of cooker (37 negatives, 35mm)
51 Tioga Farm Festival 8/80 (30 negatives, 120mm)
52 Negs – Tioga Farm Festival, Sept – 1967 (29 screened negatives)
53 Tioga Farm Festival Sat, Sept 12, 1981; 3 old cars, Arnold Blikre – Ford; John Thorhern Cadillac; kids and lome hiet (?)(69 negatives, 35mm)
54 Tioga Farm Festival 9-11-13, 1981, Pre-Pix (37 negatives, 120mm)
55 Tioga Farm Festival Sept 1982 (66 negatives, 120mm + 1 print)
56 Ruth Everson, Auto Wreck, 5, 83 (12 negatives, 120mm)
57 Assembly of God Church, Sept. 1984 Air Shots (9 negatives, 120mm)
58 Tioga Farm Festival, Sept. 1982 (48 negatives, 120mm + 4 prints)
59 (H) The MUS – GANG (2 negatives, 35mm)
60 20th Tioga Farm Festival “Before” negs – 1979 + note (26 negs, 120mm)
61 Mich Soiseth 12-81 (2 negatives, 120mm)
62 Misc around Williston 1978: oil road, car headlight, Lions Picnic, Grenora at Christmas time 12-78 Main Street, Keyz personnel, Reporter and other pix (18 negatives, 120mm)
63 Farm – Wheat piles on ground 1978, IHC machinery (15 negatives, 120mm)
64 Misc News Shots Late 1979; moose presentation Deer Hunters (4 negs, 120mm)
65 Wheelock – Brookings Reunion 6/80 (6 negatives, 120mm)
66 Lawrence Bros. Trucking Co. Copy of 1st Big Truck they owned, used in ’81 oil Ed (10 negatives, 120mm)
67 Williston H.S. Basketball 11-78, girls team in Field House – action; girls team picture, girls cheerleaders (27 negatives, 120mm and 35mm)
68 UMV Fire Preparation; UMV – Fair, June 1980, Champion H__ (6 negs, 120mm)
69 Snow birds, moose picnic, wheat, misc around Williston 7/78 (22 negs, 120mm)
70 Co-op Fair 1980 (36 negatives, 120mm)
71 Sears Roebuck Contest, Mrs. Verplauke, 9-81 (3 negatives, 120mm)
72 AARP Driving School 10/78 (Bill) (2 negatives, 120mm)
73 Home of Economy 12-82, Merchandise for Xmas Ad (19 negatives, 120mm)
74 National Tank 10-80, copies of old tank construction at Westland refinery (6 negatives, 120mm)
75 Walter Schefstad, Box 274, For t__ 58844, copy negs – old time pix 12-80 (6 negatives, 120mm)
76 12-80, color copy negs, Joe Bratlien, Walter Schefstad – Forluna (5 negs, 120mm)
77 Juhala Retirement 5/78 (Bill) (5 negatives, 120mm)
78 80th Birthday 6/78 (Bill) (4 negatives, 120mm)
79 Johnson Copy 12-80; Thelma Johnson 1019 6 Ave W 23389; Geo & Abbie Bowen, Weddy Feb 1, 1911? (2 negatives, 120mm)
80 Schenstad – Melvin Family Reunion on Farm NW Hanks, Ernest Schenstad with Solar motor, Hawey Freegard on old bike (7 negatives, 120mm)
81 Air views Webster, Foster & Weston; Pheasant Run; Williston (18 negs, 120mm)
82 Golf Tournament 8/78 (5 negatives, 120mm)
83 Water Ski Meet 8/78 (Bill) #1-4 include. Winner picture (51 negatives, 120mm)
84 Dan Baker at Desk, owner of Williston Farm Equip11-82 (3 negatives, 120mm)
85 A_mo__ (?) 8/68 (H) exterior of a building (3 negatives, 120mm)
86 Pix Bavarian Club (Viking) 1980 (12 negatives, 120mm)
87 Robert E Olson, Siding Contractor before shots on Robert Becker Res. 420 8 Ave W 6-79 (3 negatives, 120mm)
88 Williston F U oil, 50 Anniv, 9-79 (56 negatives, 120mm)
89 F. U. Oil – 6-30-79, 50th Anniversary, Bd Directors, Mrg. Glenn Mounie (12 negatives, 120mm)
90 Babe Ruth Champs 8/78 (Bill) (2 negatives, 120mm)
91 Neg printed for Mrs. Marek 2-78 (2 negatives, 120mm)
92 Epping Parade: Negs – show to Harvey for identification where prints are made (12 negatives, 120mm)
93 Grenora Parade (12 negatives, 120mm)
94 Ray parade (12 negatives, 120mm)
95 WHS homecoming Queen Candidates 10/78 (Bill) (2 negatives, 120mm)
96 Williston – Minot Basketball (Bill) 9/78 (4 negatives, 120mm)
97 Williston – Glendive Girls Basketball (Bill) 10/78 (23 negs, 120 and 35mm)
98 WHS Homecoming – 10/78; parade (Bill) Queen (Bill) Football (Dickinson) (Earle) Basketball (Bill) (22 negatives, 35mm)
99 Copy for Tony Wester – mayer (?), Aun Eckert (4 negatives, 120mm)
100 Congregational Church 7th Anniversary, 9/25/68 (?) (28 negatives, 35mm)
101 4-H Calf Sale 9/78 (Bill) (112 negatives, 120mm and 35mm)
102 Wheat Show 10/78 (Bill) 1519 5 Ave W (23 negatives, 120mm)
103 Schmits Pictures In Park 8-81, Champion Homemaker (12 negatives, 120mm)
104 Shrine & DeMalay Pictures taken by Hawey (?) 3-84 (6 negs, 120mm + 2 prints)
105 F. U. Oil Annual Meet – 1983 Williston (34 negatives, 120mm)
106 W.H.S. Basketball 11-84, team pix, cheerleaders, pom pom, individuals of 1st team, coach, varsity (57 negatives, 35mm)
107 WHS Volleyball 11-1984, cheerleaders, 3 teams, individuals (21 negs, 35mm)
108 WHS – Wrestling 11- 1984, 2 teams, individuals (30 negatives, 35mm)
109 Trenton School – Air Shots, Sept. 1984 (9 negatives, 120mm)
110 Gen Hagan Youth Shop, Ribbon cutting etc. 9-84 (21 negatives, 35mm)
111 American State Bank 11-84, Brass Premiums (16 negatives, 35mm)
112 ND Curling Champs 1-83 (3 negatives, 120mm)
113 Elks Club – 1983, Visitation of Grand Exalted Ruler (35 negatives, 120mm)
114 John Fougner portrait 9/78 (7 negatives, 35mm)
115 Grenora – Tioga Baseball 6/78 (37 negatives, 120mm)
116 Basin Motor Home Sls. 7/78 (Bill) (7 negatives, 120mm)
117 Williston __ U___ Personnel & Officers 10-78 (58 negs, 120 and 35mm)
118 Photos copied, music store owner (2 prints)
119 Basin Glass 8-81 (10 negatives, 120mm + 3 prints)
120 Metropolitan Federal Savings & Loan Employees 11-82 (21 negatives, 120mm + 3 prints)
121 Koerner House – Painting, 8/78; Mobile Home Interiors 6/78 (Bill) (17 negatives, 120mm + 5 prints, which match negs in folder 131)
122 Sons of Norway – Liberty Presentation 7-80, Bill (3 negatives, 120mm)
123 Store Interiors – Mallbelow ____ 1979, Fred Egemor Son – 8-78, Fashion pic, Back to School (13 negatives, 120mm)
124 Williston Businesses 1982 (88 negatives, 120mm and 35mm)
125 Westerso – Damaged Auto engine 1989 (22 negatives, 35mm)
126 Floyd Semenko 9-10-81, Chef de gare 40 et 8, close ups with flag in background; Vallely building (Bill) 8/78 (12 negatives, 120mm + 1 print)
127 Williston, Spring Lake Park Shots, maybe 4th July celebration (14 negs, 120mm)
128 Paul Jacobson in Front of Amtrak 7-13-93, Bill ___ ___ Bjella Neff etc. attorneys; Old Armory, Promotional Pix 1986 (20 negatives, 35mm)
129 “Hawey – Have to leave town suddenly – A sickness in family – W. Coast, would appreciated your washing prints for Corinne – need noon – Jan 6 or sooner, couple – 4 ¼” wide, group 10 ½” wide, send bill for this Bill” (5 negs, 120mm)
130 Museum (H) new and old Armory (17 negatives, 35mm)
131 House Interior 10/78 (10 negatives, 120mm + 4 prints; match to folder 121)
132 Mrs. Sande (?) 90th Birthday 11/78 (Bill); Bauste Anniversary 11/78 (Bill); Accident shots and Fair Construction, 6/78 (Bill) (10 negatives, 120mm)
133 G.O.P. Convention 6/78 (Bill) (69 negatives, 35mm)
134 Giant Potatoes 10/78; Williams County Farmers Union, directors, scholarships 10/78; Catholic Daughters 11/78; FFA Pics, K.C. Delegates, log benches 11/78 (14 negatives, 120mm)
135 U.M.V. Fair Parade 6/78 (Earle, Bill) (31 negatives, 120mm and 35mm)
136 Upper Mo. Valley Fair 6-79, pix of 4-H kids for issue preceding Fair (52 negatives, 120mm)
137 Epping Dam – 1979, worked out spillway 6-79 (6 negatives, 120mm)
138 Reporter personnel 6-79, Avis Dyhe, Kathy Klym, Mick, Ron Gloab (?) (4 negatives, 120mm)
139 Mac Nelson – 6-79, 50th Wedding Anniversary; American State Bank – Premium Duck 11-83 (12 negatives, 120mm and 35mm)
140 Foto-Riter, Type-Faces, booklet from Foto-Graphic products Company, Minneapolis, M.N.
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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