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SHSND Photobook - Digitized images from State Archives

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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 34C

Box 34C

1 Jaycees awards banquet about 1955 (4 negatives)
2 Jaycee Turkey Tussel, 11/21/1946 (2 negatives)
3 Williston JCC Board, 1/9/1955 (2 negatives)
4 Jaycee Bosse’s Banquet, 1/19/1953 (12 negatives)
5 JCC awards at Bosses banquet, 1/1957 (4 negatives)
6 Probably Jaycee Board late 1950’s, also JC awards (3 negatives)
7 Jaycee Radio program (7 negatives)
8 Jaycee Ladies night party, 10/31/1946 (6 negatives)
9 Jaycees Board of Directors, 1939 finger printing project; Fire on 6 Ave E.; tornado at Grenora, N.D. (1 negative)
10 Jaycee – Misc. turkey Bingo and carnival, Farmers Press (4 prints + 5 negatives)
11 Jaycee – 1941 Halloween Party, Get Out the Vote (1 print and 2 negatives)
12 Jaycee – Christmas Project, Farmers Press (3 prints and 7 negatives)
13 Jaycee – Push mobile Derby – Girl Scout Drive, John Conlin winner (3 prints and 7 negatives)
14 Jaycee – Boards of Directors (1 print and 5 negatives)
15 Jaycee – Roughton – Nordmarken and other personalities (20 negatives)
16 Jaycee – 1941 Convo (1 print and 9 negatives)
17 Jaycee – Cleanup Parade - Alum Drive (2 prints and 15 negatives)
18 Jaycee, Legion Basketball team vs. Regina veterans, 1/23/1947 (1 negative)
19 Jaycee Sept. Banquet, 9/23/1946 (3 negatives)
20 1947 State JCC Convention, 5/15/1947; Bossrud & golf trophy (13 negatives)
21 Clem Conlin, 1947 Jaycee state convention chairman, 2/1947 (1 negative)
22 Clem Conlin announces JCC Music hour, 2/13/1947 (1 negative)
23 fire prevention broadcast over station KGCX, 10/8/1946. Appeared in Jaycee bulletin and in Press on 4/17/1947 (1 negative)
24 Jaycee booth at Class B basketball tournament, 3/1947 (1 negative)
25 Fred Hagen, 47-48 Jaycee President, 3/1947 (1 negative)
26 Jaycee President Fred Hagan receives pin from Gil Stenehjem, past Pres, 4/24/1947 (2 negatives)
27 Jaycee play, girls chorus (1 negative)
28 Jaycee building dedications about 1941 (2 negatives)
29 Gov John Moses & Williston Jaycees including Bill Shemorry, Fargo Convention, 1941 (1 negative)
30 Jaycees Convention in Carrington, 1941? (1 negative)
31 Jaycees Bon’s banquet, 1941 (3 negatives)
32 Jaycees, Rangleton (?) & Sen. Moses at Jaycee State Convention probably in Fargo, N.D. in 1940 (1 negative)
33 Jaycee Get out the Vote, 1941? (3 negatives)
34 Jaycee Board, in Harry England’s Cafe, 1st Ave East (1 negative)
35 Three men with “Mr. Jaycee” a piglet (1 negative)
36 Three men with “Mr. Jaycee” a piglet (1 negative)
37 Jaycee Board of Directors, 12/1946, in Co-op Market diving room (1 negative)
38 Junior Chamber Pet Parade (7 negatives)
39 Jaycees 1945; Award John Couplin & Tom Cahill prize for ___ contest, Left Rev Arthur Teshe JC Chaus, Right Bob Moran (7 negatives)
40 Jaycee Halloween parties all over ___ (4 negatives)
41 Jaycee 1940 – 1941 Vic Livington makes award to Clarence Rorighton – Group of Jaycees (2 negatives)
42 Jaycees 1940, Bar non convention, bar basement, old armory – Jaycee delegates on lawn of Elks – copy of boy / young Fireman (2 negatives)
43 Groups Jaycees, 1952 (1 negative)
44 Jaycee parade float, 1940’s? (1 negative)
45 Move house down Main Street, 1950’s (2 negatives)
46 4 men: Dave Greengard, Dentist ___ Carlson, John, and Bob Bobner (1 negative)
47 4 men could be Director Ron Elev (1 negative)
48 man and woman playing phonograph (1 negative)
49 Music, girl at church organ (1 negative)
50 Mixed Group, could be KGCX Station, Bernie Cereonsby (?) and Corinne (1 neg)
51 ND State Capitol building (1 negative)
52 ND State water commission, drafting test roles, probably near Zahl (4 negatives)
53 Park – Williston park zoo, monkey (1 negative)
54 Park – Monkey yells at people (1 negative)
55 Park – Spring Lake Park (12 negatives)
56 Parade floats about 1955, Horse riders, American State Bank, Jaycees, Homecoming, Oil & Farm Festival (5 negatives)
57 Push cart racing (1 negative)
58 School plays (2 negatives)
59 Politics, Republican reception, Eisenhower Campaign 1950’s, Frank Wenstrom, Mrs. HM Zahl, Bol Ruthedge, Alec Rawitsoh (?) (5 negatives)
60 Post Office, old at Christmas, Williston, about 1955 (5 negatives)
61 Children’s play (2 negatives)
62 Pete – boy with white dog (2 negatives)
63 Pool players, boys playing billiards (2 negatives)
Tioga Gas Plant - Signal
64 Tioga Scenes – Early view loading Dudes, Wavy Rig down Main Street, Play in Tioga High School – railroad tracks and cars (4 negatives)
65 Signal Plant at Tioga - Close–up Sulpher, Night shot, loading racks, 9/10/1955 (9 negatives)
66 Signal Oil Plant, Tioga, 5/1956 – Some Sulpher shots (7 negatives)
67 Signal Refinery at Tioga, 7/23/1954 – Dick (?) Cook, Office Girl, Draftsman, Lab, Signal Signs (4 negatives)
68 Dick (?) Cook, Mgr of Signal Plat at Tioga patriot, 7/23/1954 (2 negatives)
69 Tioga Refinery about 1958 (3 negatives)
70 Tioga Gas Plant about 1961 (1 negative)
71 Mics. Tioga Refinery – Including Flare, Propane Tanks, some aerial, pump jack E of plant, some sulphur, some winter (23 negatives)
72 Signal Construction photos, 10/10/1961 (15 negatives)
73 Lighting flare, 1st ND gas used in Tioga, 1955? (6 negatives)
74 Ground breaking, Signal Refinery 1953 (3 negatives)
75 Misc Pix, Tioga Refinery, 2 ¼’s about 1955 – propane tank shots more recent(18 negatives)
76 Ground breaking – signal Oil Plant – Spring 1953 (2 negatives)
77 Dedication, Tioga Refinery (1 negative)
78 Tioga Refinery – Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Lloyd was Chief Engineer during Construction of Tioga Refinery (2 negatives)
79 1954-1955, 2 ¼” negs of signal Plant, includes some Sulpher and snow scene (44 negatives)
80 Winter 1956, views of Signal Plant Aerials, Engine Room, Flare, Sulper (38 negs)
81 Signal Plat at Tioga, 1/13/1956, Flare (3 negatives)
82 Signal Plant completed 1955, Including personnel, flare, engine room, sulper, and snow some (14 negatives)
83 Construction pix, Signal gas plant, Tioga, N.D. 11/3/1961 (9 negatives)
84 Construction photos of Signal Refinery, 9/16/1961 (3 negatives)
85 Air views, Signal Plant, Tioga, N.D. 11/1958 and plant with Tioga in background (5 negatives)
86 Signal Oil Construction, 8/24/1961 (16 negatives)
87 Signal Plant, 12/9/1961, also Semi pipeline tank (6 negatives)
88 Banquet in Signal board in Tioga, 2 each, 4/29/1957 (13 negatives)
89 Signal Board tours refinery in Tioga, N.D. 4/29/1957 (37 negatives)
90 Signal Oil board meets in Tioga, 4/29/1957 (2 negatives)
91 Night shots, Tioga gas plant under pond (?) (7 negatives)
92 New natural gas tr___ ___ at Signal plant, 12/16/1955 (5 negatives)
93 Signal Oil Gas Plant, Tioga, 10/25/1953 (9 negatives)
94 Signal Refinery at Tioga, building construction, 1/10/1954 (9 negatives)
95 Tioga Refinery, 2/7/1954 (9 negatives)
96 Signal Refinery at Tioga, 3/19/1954 – Air shots (4 negatives)
97 Signal Oil Construction shots, 9/24/1961 (10 negatives)
98 Air shots of Signal Oil gas refinery at Tioga Location & Pipeline, 6/1/1953 and 6/6/1953 – Levelley location (6 negatives)
99 Snow storm scenes at Signal Refinery, 12/16/1955 (12 negatives)
100 Signal Oil 10/1958, over____, engine, sulpher, personnel (11 negatives)
101 Signal Gas Plant, Tioga, 6/19/1954 – construction (24 negatives)
102 Tioga Refinery Aerials 4/23/1954 (6 negatives)
103 Christmas tree at Signal Plant in Tioga, 12/16/1955 (2 negatives)
104 Signal Gas Plant, Tioga, Aerials, 2/13/1955 (8 negatives)
105 Signal Plat at Tioga, N.D. 6/1955 – Good shot of flare (2 negatives)
106 Ground shots, Signal Refinery at Tioga 12/7/1953 – also airhost 12/14/1953 and some personnel (7 negatives)
107 Signal Gas Plant at Tioga – Air Views 11/3/1953, also ground views 11/10/1957, early construction (?) (7 negatives)
108 Construction at Signal Plant 8/31/1961 (9 negatives)

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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