Box 34B Williston Refinery - Westland
1 Westland Refinery, 12/11/1967, cold weather shots (5 negatives)
2 Williston Refinery, 4/24/1954 (11 negatives)
3 Williston Refinery, 12/1956, some aerials also reflection shots (8 negatives)
4 Misc. Williston Refinery (12 negatives)
5 Westland Refinery, 6/11/1957 (2 negatives)
6 Williston Refinery, 12/13/1953, G.N. stockyards in one pic (3 negatives)
7 West Oil Refinery, 10/1956 (17 negatives)
8 Westland Refinery, 2/1956 (4 negatives)
9 Westland oil and other Anniversary (4 negatives)
10 Westland Refinery, 1956, big stack erected (4 negatives)
11 Westland Refinery, July, August, and September, 1957 – Fire Drill – Fire – Flare (6 negatives)
12 Westland Refinery, 5/29/1958; aerials also with cattle in foreground (12 negs)
13 Westland Refinery, 10/9/1961; Including Crowd of people testing lines (23 negs)
14 Westland Refinery, 12/1955 (9 negatives)
15 Westland Refinery, 1 air shots, raising 100 ft smokestacks (5 negatives)
16 Westland Refinery, 10/1957 (14 negatives)
17 Westland Refinery, 10/1958 – also aerial pix taken spring 1958 (9 negatives)
18 Westland Refinery, also Great Northern stock yards, Cenex warehouse, and slat plant (1 negative)
19 Williston Refinery, 10/1953; First tanks construction & signing contract (2 negs)
20 Williston Refinery, 5/22/1954; construction programs, some personnel, Tomy Moore, Geo Stebbins (11 negatives)
21 Williston Refinery about 1955, cold weather pictures (7 negatives)
22 Sale of Williston Refinery, 9/1955 – pic of RJ Couhler, RJ Couhler Jr. and Jack Couhler (?) (4 negatives)
23 Williston Refinery, 1954 (9 negatives)
24 First Refined Product leave Williston Refinery, 6/1954; pic with me in office Signal Crst (?) contract (13 negatives)
25 Williston Refinery, Great Northern Steam engine furnishes pnvr (?)(4 negatives)
26 Williston Refinery, 11/20/1953 (5 negatives)
27 Williston Refinery, 4/13/1954, construction, inside Vessels (4 negatives)
28 Williston Refinery aerials, 3/19/1954 (7 negatives)
29 Williston Refinery night shots, 4/26/1954 (8 negatives)
30 Williston Refinery construction pix and inside vessel, 2/20/1954 (10 negatives)
31 Early pic, Williston Refinery, about 1954 (1 negative)
32 Williston Refinery, 12/17/1953 (2 negatives)
33 Williston Refinery about 1955 (2 negatives)
34 Williston Refinery Greek cadets visit (1 negative)
35 Exterior of refinery with smokestacks (1 negative)
36 Rotary Club visits Williston Refinery about 1957 (2 negatives)
37 Air views of Williston Oil Refinery, 11/3/1953 (5 negatives)
38 R J Allison truck at Williston Refinery, 7/22/1954 (1 negative)
39 R. J. Allison Diesel truck at Williston Refinery, 9/1954 (2 negatives)
40 Williston Refinery, 4/1954 (4 negatives)
41 Williston Refinery boiler explosion ?, 4/1954 (8 negatives)
42 Alamo school, students and car in front of school, mid 1950’s (2 negatives)
43 Alamo Pix, some in school (7 negatives)
44 Anniversary, Grenora couple 25th Anniversary, Anderson? (2 negatives)
45 New Armory Dedication, Williston, 7/1958 (20 negatives)
46 BFOE girls awards meet, mid 1950’s (2 negatives)
47 Blizzard – shopping in Williston during blizzard, Mid 1950’s (9 negatives)
48 Boy Scouts, about 1955 (4 negatives)
49 Baby & mother, mother and new baby (1 negative)
50 Banquet in Plainsman, speakers Gene Burdick and Alec Rawetsehes (?) (2 negs)
51 Banquet in KC Hall – Gus Carlson (2 negatives)
52 Baseball Grenora – 1940’s – 1950’s ? (2 negatives)
53 Baseball, Williams County Coaches hold trophies – in front panger Sport, goods (2 negatives)
54 Baseball, Williston teams, 1940’s? (2 negatives)
55 Boxing Team about 1948 (3 negatives)
56 Baseball, Rickard School, boy and girl (1 negative)
57 Bicyclers in front of old Mercy Hospital (2 negatives)
58 Birthdays, old folk’s birthdays, family groups etc. late 1950’s (8 negatives)
59 under exposed, round table banquet (2 negatives)
60 Christmas about 1955, children in front of tree, Salvation Army Kettle Shoppers (15 negatives)
61 Church related: Banquet – KC Hall, New 1st Lutheran church building, crowd leaving old St. Joseph church (3 negatives)
62 Check passing, could be moose (1 negative)
63 Church related – workers build addition to church (1 negative)
64 Civil Defense, general addresses BPW, Re establishing ground observer corps (2 negatives)
65 Christmas, girl by Christmas tree (1 negative)
66 Christmas, Santa at Conlin Johnson hdw (1 negative)
67 Children – boy and girl reading newspaper (1 negative)
68 Church related: Lutheran ? check passing, Clem Conlin, Bud MacMaster, Rev., and Dr. Willard Wright (2 negatives)
69 Meeting in CC office about 1955 – negative with JJ Shemorry is Band Day – other may be oil celeb. (2 negatives)
70 check passing in Elks – Jim Leiner to Alec Rawlocks (?) (1 negative)
71 Christmas Banquet – could be Lions or Rotary (3 negatives)
72 Construction – Sewer construction (1 negative)
73 Man beside 1935 Ford – initials ABC on necktie (2 negatives)
74 Man who makes Leather things (1 negative)
75 Dancer – probably Mrs. Everett Palmer (2 negatives)
76 Epping Day Old Settlers Picnic – Usher Burdick, Bill Dandson Sr., looks like Langer, about 1955 (5 negatives)
77 Fashion Pix, local girl models, 3/11/1948 (20 negatives)
78 Fashions – mostly women, also one of a girl, and one of a boy and man (12 negs)
79 Two old friends, could be Federal Land Bank? (2 negatives)
80 Farm Festival – entertainment (1 negative)
81 Fall Festival parade (6 negatives)
82 4-H calves, showing on Central School yard (1 negative)
83 Farm: bottomland condemned by Army Engineers, Delaying Ray, Farming Bee; fields, hay, and man in fields (35 negatives)
84 Farming Bee, mid 1950’s (2 negatives)
85 Farmers Union meetings in old Armory, 1950’s – 1960’s (13 negatives)
86 FFA, Future Farmers of America, Future homemakers, about 1955 (5 negatives)
87 5th Ave E, meeting hall clean up (6 negatives)
88 FAIR, midgets – car jumping, Upper Missouri Valley Fair about 1948 (9 negs)
89 Flood & Ice Jam at __g Bank Intake Just SE of Depot (3 copy negatives)
90 Fashion – color, girls with parasol from Williston, N.D. Plains Reporter (6 negs)
91 Good Samaritan Hospital about 1955, given portable phonographs (2 negatives)
92 Large Groups, 1948 and 1949 (6 negatives)
93 Hinsverk family reunion about 1955 (1 negative)
94 Hockey, winter sports, about 1955 (7 negatives)
95 Hockey about 1948 (2 negatives)
96 Hospital, nurses, blood drawing? (1 negative)
97 Houses, misc (4 negatives)
98 Meidinger House, 10/1947 (3 negatives)
99 Hotchkiss House, 10/11/1947 (2 negatives)
100 Lawrence Hagen residence, 624 4th Ave East (2 negatives)
101 Wes Thomas house, 2/1947 (2 negatives)
102 Harry Jeffrey residence, 10/1953 (2 negatives)
103 Air view of Jeffery residence, 10/1956 (1 negative)
104 Don Hotchkiss residence, 4/1947 (2 negatives)
105 Views of Harry Preston House, 3/12/1948 (11 negatives)
106 Owen Harding Residence, 4/1947 (2 negatives)
107 Irgens Apartments, 4/1947 (2 negatives)
108 New Williston housing about 1955 (2 negatives)
109 Hunting geese, Les Panger left and Harris Anderson (1 negative)
110 Hunting Deer (4 negatives)
111 Hunters, early 1940’s, Les Panger, child – Clarence Olnes, Harris Anderson, Geese (1 negative)
112 Hunters, deer, about 1955 (8 negatives)
113 Hospital – Dr. examines children (2 negatives)
114 Dr. Wright’s house (1 negative)
115 Ice Skating, Spring Lake Park about 1948 (1 negative)
116 Ice Break up in Spring (2 negatives)
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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