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Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 29 A & B

Box 29A & B Envelopes 29/1 through 29/128 are in box 29A; 29/129 to 29/209 are in Box 29B

1 15 negs Annual meeting North Dakota Oil & Gas Association Banquet 8/16/1954
2 Banquet picture (left to right): Walter Bach, Arley Bjella, Clarence Iverson, Bill Rudman (?), Anderson, Jim Zahl (?) – (1 negative)
3 Oil & Farm festival, Williston Jaycees Chamber of Commerce committee, 8/25/1954 (2 negatives)
4 Phil Thoery, Gil Stenehjem Ben., Oil Discovery Day celebration (1 negative)
5 Oil celebration in Williston, 1955 (22 negatives)
6 Plowing contest, 9/24/1954 (9 negatives)
7 Oil scouts convention, 9/20/1956 (2 negatives)
8 Emil Christianson celebration well coming in (3 negatives)
9 Ken Neish well comes, Lloyd Nolan Movie star (1 negative)
10 Oil & Farm festival parade, 9/25/1954 (4 negatives)
11 Oil & Farm festival shots, 9/24/1955 (8 negatives)
12 Oil Celebration, Chamber Leg Ben, Gil Stenhjem, Press Graphic reporter, probably 1952 (1 negative)
13 Williston Oil & Farm Festival, same year Williston refinery dedication (13 negs)
14 10th Anniversary of Oil: barbecue-reviewing stand, Drum & Bugle Corps, June 1961 (5 negatives and 8 photographic prints)
15 10th Anniversary of Oil, KUMV interview, looking at machine in City hall, riding on gin pole, Great Northern Railroad float, June 1961 (4 negatives)
16 Williston Oil celebration (HL Hunt) - (23 negatives) (Print 77-20-1 same event as negative 28-196-4 and match of 29-16-16)
17 Oil Discovery Day, 4/4-5/1952 (19 negatives)
18 Oil program week (18 negatives)
19 Woman in airplane (stewardess?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
20 Group in front of Treasure State airplane, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
21 Move old hanger to new airport, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
22 B-17 lands at Williston airport, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
23 Men at airport, also with Les Panger (could be to organize EAP), 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
24 Arnegard school addition, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
25 Auto wreck, 1953-1954 (12 negatives)
26 Aerial spraying, Marberger Bros, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
27 Students for Victory in front of Junior High School, could be in front of train, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
28 Williston High School girls form "V" in old auditorium, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
29 Basketball action Williston High School, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
30 Williston High School special basketball groups, Coach Cliff Hendriclen (6 negs)
31 Bowling: women's team with trophies, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
32 Business & professional women, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
33 Boy scouts & cubs, 1953-1954 (18 negatives)
34 Birthday party children, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
35 Pep band, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
36 Band Day, 1954 (2 negatives)
37 Band Williston High School, two girls & Bass Horn, female drummer, Brass quartet, Director (Virgil Syverson?), 1953-1954 (19 negatives)
38 Bus line for Williston, Don Shredee, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
39 Bulk plant for petroleum products, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
40 American State Bank, drawing of new building, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
41 Western Auto parts Lattie, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
42 Vizinia gravel hopper being built, 1953-1954 (4 negatives)
43 KGCX radio map of coverage, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
44 Oilers baseball, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
45 Baseball: Herald photographs at Ray (9 negatives)
46 Baseball: League Formed (?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
47 Lewis & Clark Bridge & Missouri River air views, also ground shop, used to show where dikes would be built, aerial photographs, 1953-1954 (9 negatives)
48 Judge A.L. Butler & woman cop in jail, also Butler's 78th birthday, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
49 Kalil store razed, Also newspaper front page with polio epidemic headline, also Eddie Kalil & Father, 1/19/1954 (16 negatives)
50 Tastee Freeze girl at Root Beer barrel (1 negative)
51 Basketball action in new field house, 1953-1954 (14 negatives)
52 Basketball feature, hands, feet, reach, etc., 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
53 Basketball in armory, 1953-1954 (8 negatives)
54 Basketball in old Williston High School gym (now Junior High School), 1953-1954 (15 negatives)
55 Basketball in old Williston High School gym (new Junior High School), 1953-1954 (30 negatives)
56 Basketball team photographs, 1953-1954 (18 negatives)
57 Conlin Furniture, Ken Kline in one picture, 1953-1954 (17 negatives)
58 Farmer's Union oil, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
59 Food store & restaurant opened, 1953-1954 (4 negatives)
60 Goodyear Tire Store, also tire re-treader, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
61 New grocery store on west side, about 11th Avenue West & 6th Street, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
62 Joseph's new store, 1953-1954 (27 negatives)
63 Montana-Dakota celebrates, men on power line, transformers, power plant interior, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
64 Outlet store of Hanson Furniture in old Stice empty building, 1953-1954 (4 negs)
65 Red Owl new manager, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
66 Skelly service station on Main & 11th Streets, New owner-Hill Felix Semrau, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
67 Snyder theatre, shovel snow off marquee which reads "The Big Heat", 1953-1954 (1 negative)
68 Jack Snyder on stage of Grand Theatre, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
69 Jim Snyder holding projection lens, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
70 Store interior (could be sports goods), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
71 Truck drivers (Hart Motors?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
72 Wrestling Midgets at State Line, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
73 Chamber of Commerce, Williston chamber of commerce board, Williston Business & Professional Women, looks like photograph made in old armory, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
74 Moe Christmas, male vocal quartette, Junior Chamber (Jaycees) Christmas shopping tour fundraiser, Miss Agnes Moe at piano, Wesley garden, Jack Snyder
75 Women's Christmas party, 1953-1954 (22 negatives)
76 Boy laying under store counter, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
77 Christmas check given, Eddie Conlin center, Oscar Lee right, 1953 (2 negatives)
78 Child crawling under dress racks in store, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
79 Cat plays with tinsel on Christmas tree, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
80 Salvation Army at Christmas, Captain Elcomb with guitar, 1953-1954 (2 negs)
81 Christmas dance at Elks for teens, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
82 Christmas shots, 1953 (12 negatives)
83 Dance at Elks Christmas party, Dr. Lund Magic Show, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
84 Construction, carpenter with square, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
85 Preacher helps build church (Assembly of God?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
86 Construction First Lutheran Church, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
87 High School (Williston) under construction, Also Field House, 1953-1954 (11 negatives)
88 Construction miscellaneous earth movers, 1954-1955 (6 negatives)
89 Construction, gravel conveyor fills truck, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
90 New housing, Williston, Ray, Tioga, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
91 Sewer construction, also water main, pipes stored east of town at North Dakota concrete production yard, 1953-1954 (8 negatives)
92 City dump grounds at mouth of Muddy squatters cabin?, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
93 Dancers on High School stage, also Can Can dancers, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
94 Dancer, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
95 Construction man at grinder, man welding Heavy Roister, 1953-1954 (2 negs)
96 Election aftermath: Dean Wenhjer & Alec Rawitscher have coffee to show no hard feelings after unsuccessful attempt to change city from commission to mayor Alderman, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
97 Election city commission, Alec Rawitscher & Willard Webster vote, they were opposing candidates, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
98 Farmer's Union officials, LeRoy Degeruin, Sig Forseth, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
99 Looks like old experimental farm, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
100 Cattle, & cattle sale, 1953-1954 (7 negatives)
101 Man with chicks, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
102 Chinchillas, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
103 Crop Insurance Farmers sign cap, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
104 Farmers going to Washington D.C., 1953-1954 (1 negative)
105 Irrigation at Buford, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
106 Geese and ducks, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
107 Farming – Seeding Grain 1953 – 1954 (5 negatives)
108 Sheep & Lambs, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
109 Future Farmers, 1953-1954 (7 negatives)
110 Threshing grain, 1953 (3 negatives)
111 Carrier Fund Drive, Dr. Lund, et. al., 1953-1954 (4 negatives)
112 March of Dimes, Mrs. Rondal Crighton & Alec Rawitscher, 1953-1954 (1 neg)
113 March of Dimes, women groups, one with Rawitscher, Flath & Detsworth, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
114 Polio, Walley Hagen & daughter, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
115 Red Cross Al Hadenberg on photograph (L), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
116 Red Feather Drive goes over the top 1953 – 1954 (1 negative)
117 Girl Scouts, girl with congrats cake, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
118 Golden wedding observances, probably some silver wedding, 1953-1954 (5 negs)
119 Woman with cigarette, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
120 Woman lighting pipe, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
121 Gag shots miscellaneous, 1953-1954 (5 negatives)
122 Bud Kalil referee gag shot, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
123 Gag shots two guys dressed as women, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
124 Preparing subject for barbers convention, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
125 Calf in jail, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
126 Food fair (probably), 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
127 Lavern Larvick throwing papers in air, must be gag shot, preparing income tax, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
128 Referees hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
129 Individuals, 1953-1954 (25 negatives)
130 Taxidermist Vern Benthe, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
131 Harris Anderson, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
132 Earl Brussard (Left) on photograph of Modern Woodem group?, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
133 Walter Burk addresses crowd in old armory, 1953-1932 (1 negative)
134 Roy Crusch, Barnsville farm leader & speaker, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
135 New dentist, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
136 Harry England, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
137 Jim Erickson, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
138 George Everson, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
139 Mickey Gardner, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
140 Dr. E. J. Hagen at desk, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
141 Halphide, Superintendent Of Parks, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
142 Jim Jorgens, Jack LeDosquet, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
143 Chuck Hill, trumpeter, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
144 LeRoy Jorgenson, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
145 Erick Kather and Art Krause, Krause buys drug store, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
146 LaVern Larvick, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
147 Ralph Lohse, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
148 Mac Nelson calls Square Dance, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
149 Wilbur Robb at table, manager of Plainsman Hotel, 1970 (1 negative)
150 Lloyd R. Joe Gaudvik, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
151 Gus Stokke candidate for city commissioner, 1954 (1 negative)
152 Jaycees meet with Lieutenant Audern at Corky's Café, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
153 Jaycee office in Herald Building, also Jaycees on cars, Jaycees with trophy, Jaycee board, Jaycees with pig, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
154 Jaycees run Eddie Conlin for State President "Get Ready with Eddie", 1953-1954 (1 negative)
155 Kitchen servers, probably Moose (one could be Lakefish Diner), one in old armory, 1953-1954 (7 negatives)
156 Men's groups, two groups in old armory: Don Hotdebens, Fred Hagen, Frank Wenstrom, Brown Oylol, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
157 Lutefisk dinner, servers and cooks with Lutefisk, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
158 Library, scouts in James Memorial, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
159 Lutheran World Relief, fill box car (1 negative)
160 Police, Williston, Lutz & Hose, lost dog, female cop, Chief L.T. Anderson, LeRoy Lutz at target practice, school in Masonic Hall, simulated accident, Atol carrying boy, Chief Hewson & little girl, checking parking on cycle, Graffiti "LT is trash", 1953-1954 (14 negatives)
161 Law Enforcement Officials, Williston police, Sheriff Olson, State Highway Patrol, Lavern Neff (states attorney?), Lieutenant Anderson (chief), (Bill Havre?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
162 State Patrol & wrecked cars, more than one wreck, other views under wrecked autos, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
163 Burglary, also probable burglar in police station, 1953-1954 (10 negatives)
164 Highway Patrol North Dakota, road check, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
165 Border Patrol, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
166 Chief of Police L.T. Anderson gets first X-Ray for Tuberculosis drive, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
167 Unidentified negative of a room (1 negative)
168 Unidentified negative of a bedroom (1 negative)
169 Unidentified negative of turkey being pulled from the oven (1 negative)
170 Unidentified negative of house (1 negative)
171 Unidentified negative of a room (1 negative)
172 Unidentified negative of a kitchen (1 negative)
173 Photograp of Duplicator, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
174 Furniture, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
175 First Methodist church addition, construction, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
176 National Guard, queen at Kiwanis club in Plainsman Hotel, queen of Melety Ball, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
177 National Guard riflemen, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
178 National Guard men in uniform, could be civil air patrol or national guard, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
179 National Guard men with machine gun, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
180 Product map of North Dakota, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
181 News type photos, 1953-1954 (20 negatives)
182 News type photos, 1953-1954 (21 negatives)
183 Baby gets haircut, barber Alf Abrahamson, 1953-1954 (6 negatives)
184 Bouquet, could be Episcopal (5 negatives)
185 Boy feeding deer, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
186 City engineer & new street light ( Arnold?), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
187 Man with violin in old armory, probably craft show, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
188 Men in front of Corkys: Micky Garden, LeRoy Jorgeson, Ray Bell, Bob Moran, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
189 Large crowd of boys & girls, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
190 Large crowd of boys, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
191 Crowd in front of train, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
192 Crowd in old armory, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
193 Little girl dressed in fur coat (1 negative)
194 Garrison pool elevation graphics, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
195 Governor Norman Brunsdale arrives in airplane with army officers, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
196 Heffernan barn about to be demolished or moved, located where Post Office parking lot is now, 1953-1954 (2 negatives)
197 Three men in front of the Plainsman, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
198 Kids in recreation park, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
199 Leather Working, three women (one could be Carrie Foss [L]), 1953-1954 (1 negative)
200 Man on oxygen in hospital, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
201 Queen with balloons, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
202 Hunters with geese, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
203 Rabbit hunters at Epping, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
204 Shoes in bottom of car, 1953-1954 (3 negatives)
205 Telescopes, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
206 Tony Thomas & Don Carlson, Commission Representative & Chamber of Commerce President greet man in front of airplane, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
207 Watering flower in snow, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
208 Wrecked crane, 1953-1954 (1 negative)
209 Clarence Rodvold & Bum checks, 1953-1954 (1 negative)

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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