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Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 28A

Box 28A Amerada installations

1 Crowd shot, could be during dedication of Disc well – other could be discovery site before monument erected (2 negatives)
2 Old time, Amerada personnel
3 Amerada personnel, probably late 1960’s
4 1 & 2 Amerada Petroleum Building exterior, Williston, N.D., about 1957
3 & 4 Amerada Petroleum Building from top of the Courthouse, Williston, N.D.
5 1 Amerada Camp aerial photograph, N.D.
4 Amerada Camp, N.D.
6 Amerada offices, officials and picture of Discovery well, probably 1952 (28/6 Negatives similar to print 219-10)
7 Amerada Tioga Camp, 1959? Desk & Derrick Club
8 1 to 13 Williston Desk and Derrick Club visits Signal Plant, Williston, N.D.
9 1 Williston Desk and Derrick Club, Williston, N.D.
2 Williston Desk and Derrick Club, N.D.
10 1 & 2 Williston Desk and Derrick Club officers, N.D.
11 1 to 3 Williston Desk and Derrick Club officers, N.D.
12 1 to 2 Williston Desk and Derrick Club, Williston, N.D. Johnny Auten – Paul Rutledge
13 Jaunten Paul Rutledge 1953, 2 pix in Earl’s Barber Shop, also fire on rig
14 December 8 and 10, 1961, Rutledge rig in Blue Buttes field, TexCr #10, scene thru frosty trees
15 Rutledge Rigs, Blue Buttes Field?
16 J. Auten fishing party, 6/1955
17 Johnny Auten, Cecil Volney
18 Party for Jack Auten, 1/1957
19 Johnny Auten in front of well pic
20 Rutledge well near Sidney, Montana, 1/28/1962 Directional wells – Deep tests
21 1 & 2 Ytterdahl #2 oil well, south of Missouri River, N.D. (Print 68-6-10 matches negative 28-21-2)
4 Ytterdahl #2 oil well, south of Missouri River, N.D.
22 1 to 4 Joseph Viall #1, first directional well in North Dakota
23 1 to 10 Lars Kvam Amerada deep test well, N.D.
24 Deep test wells in Brown Lodge – wells North of McGreger, oil shots, 8/1959
25 Farm machinery in front of oil well, N.D.
26 Amerada deep test well – Beaver Lodge, 10/1956 (2 negatives) Ferry South of Tioga – Clausen Weld, MendenHall
27 1 to 4 Mendenhall Ferry dedication, south of Tioga, N.D. (negative 28-27-1 similar to print 38-71)
6 to 12 Mendenhall Ferry dedication, south of Tioga, N.D.
28 1 & 2 Mendenhall Ferry dedication, south of Tioga, N.D.
29 1 Mendenhall Ferry, Mendenhalls and Tom Clausen discuss the plans, N.D.
3 Mendenhall Ferry, Mendenhalls and Tom Clausen discuss the plans, N.D.
30 5 Mendenhall Ferry, onboard, south of Tioga, N.D.
31 1 to 3 Mendenhall Ferry, south of Tioga, N.D.
4 Mendenhall Ferry, new ferry construction, Tioga, N.D.
6 Mendenhall Ferry, onboard, south of Tioga, N.D.
32 1 to 3 Mendenhall Ferry, Tom Clausen welding, south of Tioga, N.D.
33 1 to 6 Mendenhall Ferry dedication, south of Tioga, N.D.
34 1 Mendenhall Ferry, south of Tioga, N.D. News Shots – Miscellaneous
35 Rile of bits used in drilling
36 1 Drilling permit, Lignite, N.D.
37 Oil well in fog, Slack, note to Mr. Lowe
38 Jim Slack, Amerada Petroleum Corps, water flood in oil field about 1960, 1961
39 1 Joan Delaney with Williston Area OIIC plaque for winning essay contest, N.D
2 Marlaine Rustad and Williston Area OIIC plaque for winning essay contest, ND
3 Joan Delaney with Williston Area OIIC plaque for winning essay contest, N.D
40 1 to 5 Tioga trailer story, N.D.
41 Ellison Well, Big Meadow, 5/21/1953, 1st of full view Derrick to come to ND, handwritten notes and letter on the Williston Basin Oil Reporter (1 negative)
42 1 to 18 Hearing on oil problem, North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck, N.D.
43 1 to 3 Williams County Landowners meeting, N.D.
44 1 & 2 Williams County Landowners meeting, Ray, N.D.
45 1 to 4 Williston Petroleum club party, Plainsman Hotel, Williston, N.D.
6 to 9 Williston Petroleum club party, Plainsman Hotel, Williston, N.D.
46 1 & 2 Ditsworth leads oil tax protest to Bismarck, N.D.
47 1 to 4 Investors well USA #1 in middle of Lake Sakakawea aerial view, N.D.
48 Mound to protect Ytterdahl, South of Missouri River, 1955?
49 2 Worley & Harrell oil rig behind treater and tank battery, N.D.
50 1Worley & Harrell oil rig, N.D.
2 to 7 Flooded oil well on Beaver Creek near Ferry Landing aerial view, N.D.
51 Mound shot, probably in early 1970’s, in water (1 negative)
52 Larkum Hert complaining about water left running by Sesmograph crew (1 neg)
53 1 to 8 Fresinger celebration of well coming in, N.D.
54 2 & 3 North Star Filling station advertisement, woman fills car with gas, N.D.
55 OIC meeting, 5/9/1957 (2 negatives)
56 Oil Industry, Information committee, group portrait 1954 (2 negatives)
57 Oil officials and Williston C of C, Chamber of Commerce, 1952 (2 negatives)
58 Salt story at Tioga oil fields, 7/23/1954 (4 negatives)
59 H. O. Bakken, Skidding Rig and combine
60 Dillard 1951 (2 negatives)
61 H O Bakken
62 1 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well aerial photograph, south of Tioga, N.D.
2 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well, south of Tioga, N.D.
3 to 6 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well aerial photograph, south of Tioga, N.D.
7 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well, south of Tioga, N.D.
8 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well aerial photograph, south of Tioga, N.D.
63 Well comes in
64 Ribbon cutting, probably in Tioga, N.D. (2 negatives)
65 Men in front of airplane
66 Air view, pioneer oil and gas location – closest rig Samedan – Monsoon trust, furthest rig Hardy Salt Papineau, 4/25/1983 (2 negatives) First wells buried – C. Iverson, P. Dillard – B. Risser – H.O. Bakken – N.D.A
67 2 & 3 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well aerial photograph, south of Tioga, N.D.
68 Oil dedication, Herbert Hunt Jr., Hoass, A. Jacobson, 1953
69 Lars Fretland #1 oil well, McKenzie County, N.D.
70 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well before discovery, aerial photograph, S of Tioga, N.D.
71 3 Edwin Heen oil well, N.D.
4 Almer Iverson #1 oil well, Beaver Lodge oil field south of Tioga, N.D.
5 Ludvig O Bakken oil well, N.D.
72 North Dakota A #1 oil well, McKenzie County, N.D.
73 1 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well head, night snow scene, south of Tioga, N.D.
74 4 & 5 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well before discovery aerial photograph, south of Tioga, N.D.
75 2 to 5 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well, south of Tioga, N.D.
9 & 10 Clarence Iverson #1 oil well, south of Tioga, N.D.
76 1 & 2 Math Iverson #1 oil well night shot, Williams County, N.D.
3 Critchell Parsons and Clarence Iverson, North Dakota
5 Math Iverson #1 oil well, Williams County, N.D.
7 & 8 Math Iverson #1 oil well night shot, Williams County, N.D.
9 Math Iverson #1 oil well, Williams County, N.D.
10 Math Iverson #1 oil well night shot, Williams County, N.D.
13 Math Iverson #1 oil well night shot, Williams County, N.D.
17 Math Iverson #1 oil well, Williams County, N.D.
77 Hunt oil well south of Palermo, N.D.
78 1 Benhomer Risser oil well, McKenzie County, N.D.
2 to 5 Benhomer Risser oil well aerial photograph, McKenzie County, N.D.
79 2 Benhomer Risser oil well, McKenzie County, N.D.
80 Benhomer Risser oil well, McKenzie County, N.D. Old Time Rigs
81 1 & 2 Kermit Halvorson #1 oil well, McKenzie County, N.D.
82 Old Time Rig – could be tauk? Holonson? Fryberg well?
83 1 & 2 Westberg oil well, N.D.
84 Old Time Rigs – Tank, one being rigged up could be tank
85 Eckman natural gas rig, N.D. (Print 68-10-1 matches 4x6” neg 28-85)
86 1 Almer Iverson #1 oil well aerial photograph, Beaver Lodge oil field south of Tioga, N.D.
3 Lars Kvam Amerada deep test well, N.D.
4 W-H McLintock oil well, Beaver Lodge, N.D.
5 C. M. Moe oil well, Beaver Lodge oil field south of Tioga, N.D.
87 California Kamp wildcat oil well, Ray, N.D.
88 1 Ivers Lalin oil well, Tioga Field, N.D.
2 Carl Lalin oil well, Tioga Field, N.D.
3 M. Tande oil well, Tioga field, N.D.
4 Esther Hanson oil well, Tioga field, N.D.
5 Matt Blestrud oil well, Tioga Field, N.D.
89 Phillips well, 11 miles South of Williston, 4/6/1954
90 Unidentified oil well reflection shot, N.D.
91 Phillips wild cat south of Boniville, 1/28/1955 (2 negatives)
92 Oil, 1926, NW Oil Co, Noonan Divide County book
93 File Oil – Early Gas Wells, From N.D. Geological Serv
94 Tank well, Drilled 1952, 4 miles East of Ray, pic 10/16/1952 (2 negatives) Scenic of unusual drilling pix
95 Two color transparences taken in Beaver Lodge field about 1959 - 1960
96 Nude women drilling crew (2 negatives)
97 1 & 2 Worley & Harrell oil rig north Keene, N.D.
98 Unidentified oil well in badlands, N.D.
99 1 & 2 Unidentified oil well on river bank, N.D.
100 Night shots, Rudman well, 12/1953 (5 negatives)
101 Rudman well, night flare shot
102 Sunset picture of Amerada well
103 Rig with “Double” Derrick
104 Oil – mound in Lake Sakakawea
150 Silhouette tank Balleries and derrick
106 Night shot, flare and treater
107 Scenic drilling sites
108 Drilling scene, crew working
109 Scenic, aerial of well overlooking river
110 1 to 3 Hunt oil well south of Palermo, N.D.
111 Amerada Petroleum Corporation oil well on M.B. Rudman-Paul Rutledge-Chester Nelson location aerial photograph, Tioga, N.D. Visitors to oil field
112 Officials visit oil field about 1954
113 Petroleum writers visit oil installation, 1955? Near Tioga, Small pic at Mandan refinery
114 Visitors to well include Herman M. and Mrs. Zahl Winter in oil fields
115 Deep snow on way to Clarence Iverson #1, 1951, also in Tioga, N.D.
116 Snow storm in Tioga oil field, 1/10/1954
117 Snow scene about 1952, oil well, well visited by Gov. Brunsdale and Ray Fuller Wells Drilled
118 1 to 6 Winter oil field scene, N.D.
119 oil well testing chart
120 1 & 2 Jorgen #1 well, southeast Lignite, N.D.
121 Miscellaneous Rigs – about 1961 ?
122 Dallea Hamlet #2, 10/10/1961
123 1 & 2 Investors #1 oil well near McGregor, N.D.
124 Dallea Devmin well near McGregor – No 1 Hamlet, 8/19/1961
125 10/10/1961, Duller MHO Henry and Swenson SWSE 22-163-93, NW Lignite, also Nite club
126 Miscellaneous oil rig shots probably late 1960’s
127 Oil rig pix 1978, top of hill near road junction East of reserve Mt. (5 negatives)
128 Oil wells Williams and McKenzie County, 12/1956, 1 in badlands, 1 beside fam
129 Deep well near Watford, negs, about 1983 (4 negatives)
130 Miscellaneous, 1953
131 Blikre well – air shots, 6/6/1953
132 Blikre oil well aerial photograph, N.D.
133 1 & 2 Donohue #1 oil well, N.D.
134 1 to 3 Donohue #1 oil well, N.D.
135 Tank battery and separators, probably South of Tioga
136 1 to 3 E. O. Peterson oil well, N.D.
137 Work over rigs, about 1955, unidentified, could be Prather Rigs, prints and negs
138 1 Borstad oil well, burning out slush pit, N.D.
3 & 4 Borstad oil well, burning out slush pit, N.D.
139 Burning out slush pit
140 Unidentified oil well east of Signal Plant, Tioga, N.D.
141 1 & 2 Weyranch oil well south of Ray, N.D.
142 Amerada Cop wells, Christanson, Houthmaker ? _____, 4/23/1954
143 Tioga Field wells, 10/1958
144 Beaver Lodge field wells, 10/1958, also drill crew, tower pic
145 Starr well, 12/1953
146 1 & 2 Hunt oil well south of Palermo, N.D.
147 Stanolind Starr well, night shot, 12/13/1953
148 2nd well North Mohall – Rutledge rig, 9/10/1955
149 Shily well near McGregor, 7/3/1954
150 Deep Rock (?) wildcat North of State Line Club , 1/28/1955, also Drill crew well personnel
151 air shots of wells, 3/19/1954; including Copa Field, Phillips well etc.
152 Aerials of rig
153 oil well, drilling derrick – unidentified (1 negative)
154 oil well, drilling derrick – unidentified (1 negative)
155 Grenora Wells, 10/9/1961
156 Garaas #1 near Grenora, 1961, 10 years after discovery
157 Stark County well Leach - #1 Wm Kalenek 32-140-96, Lu/Kim Pump Jack – also another pump jack “Parked Burg” probably in Beaver Lodge about 1956 ?
158 R. Easterby Appam
159 Investors #1 oil well near McGregor, N.D.
160 1 & 2 Workover oil rig, N.D.
4 & 5 Workover oil rig, N.D.
161 Circle A drilling, Rommier B, NWNW 11-161-92 SW Lignite
162 Pix at S__ oil Location near Sidney taken for John Austin
163 1 to 5 Beagle Sun oil well northwest of Sidney, Mont.
164 1 & 2 Noble Rig wildcat oil well, southwest McKenzie County, N.D.
165 1 Humble Wildcat oil well, three miles east of Blue Butte field, N.D.
166 1 to 4 McKenzie County oil well, N.D.
167 Texas Anderson near Kenne, 8/20/1955
168 1 to 10 Texas Helle oil well near Keene, N.D. (print 68-6-2 matches 4x5” neg 28-168-10; Print 68-6-4 matches 4x5” neg 28-168-6)
169 Miscellaneous oil field pix

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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