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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 22A

Box 22A (images 1 to 19 are scanned and online)

1 Unidentified oil well, Williston Basin, N.D.
2 Dutch Scrub Auto Wash, Williston, N.D.
3 Old post office, Williston, N.D.
4 Hunt Oil Company natural gas plant east of McGregor, N.D. (Print 175-3-19 matches print 22A-4)
5 Oil discovery in North Dakota monument, Tioga, N.D.
6 Unidentified group of women, Williston, N.D.
7 Unidentified woman inside home, Williston, N.D.
8 Man on bucking bronco, Williston, N.D.
9 Sherry's Magic Mirrors, Williston, N.D.
10 Unidentified dancing couple, Williston, N.D.
11 Williston Coyotes cheerleader’s portrait
12 Horse shoe game, Williston, N.D.
13 Girls watching television, Williston, N.D.
14 Bonfire, Williston, N.D.
15 Swim meet, Williston, N.D.
16 Model Mens Wear exterior, Williston, N.D.
17 to19 Grenora Gophers baseball team portraits
20 “J” baseball team portrait
21 to 31 Graduation – speakers and students
32 & 33 Three men wearing winter coats holding snowmobile trophies
34 to 36 Unidentified group / family portraits
37 Storage building
38 Front end loader
39 Empty trailer
40 Piece of machinery
41 Baseball award that says “American Legion Baseball – 1971 State Runners-up,
Awarded by Ford Division, Ford Motor Company”
42 & 43 Unidentified portraits of young women
44 & 45 Unidentified portraits of a man and woman
46 to 76 Unidentified portraits of young women
77 Older couple
78 to 81 Pages with small pictures that are labeled as Mrs. E Stevens and say “Peek-a-boo” of a small child looking at the camera, “Fun” three people in a small boat, “Rural School” of a school house, and “Waiting” with a picture of a dog.
82 Hair curlers in a box
83 Waffle maker or egg cooker
84 Electric kitchen or carving knife
85 & 86 Bridgeman’s Carmel Nut Cluster ice cream container
87 & 88 Pianos and a Conn Organ on display and for sale in a store
89 & 90 Wheat in a field
91 to 94 Interior of the X / Lounge showing the bar, bartender, tables and chairs
95 Store window display showing suits and coats – Image ripped in two
96 Drawing of an aerial view of a building complex
97 Exterior of a building with four columns out front
98 Driftwood camp ground with the Tower of Wheels, a teepee and Curios sign
99 & 100 Unidentified oil well drilling rig
101 Unidentified aerial view of a town
102 Baton twirler in parade
103 Crowd standing on the sidewalk, probably watching a parade
104 Children on a parade flat for Merry Mrs. Homemakers
105 Parade float – Armstrong Aldrin Collins Cheers in Tioga, N.D.
106 W football, player 72 and Burn’em at their own stake JRS written on parade float as it goes down the Lewis & Clark Trail 1804
107 Flag guard and marching band in parade down main street in Williston, N.D.
108 Woman and man driving an early Cadillac during a parade
109 Boys on a parade float outside of the Ben Franklin store in Tioga, N.D.
110 Women waving on a parade float outside of the Ben Franklin store in Tioga, N.D.
111 to 113 Marching bands in parade on Broadway and Main Street, Williston, N.D. Main Street buildings visible: Plainsman Hotel, Snyders playing “Elvis on Tour,” Woolworth’s, the Colonial Shop, GE Appliances, and Stevensons
114 to 117 People swimming in pools – both indoor and outdoor pools
118 People gathered, sitting inside looking toward the left, most are wearing a button
119 to 122 Baseball games, unidentified teams, action shots
123 to 127 Grenora baseball team action shots, and baseball games
128 to 130 Three young men wearing football shirts, # 21, 32, and 23
131 to 133 Williston football games, action shots
134 Boy and steer
135 Bill Shemorry and boy standing with a cow
136 to 140 People showing prize bulls or steers
141 to 143 Rodeo – Calf tying, bronco riding, and bull riding
144 Demolition derby racing
145 to 152 Musical, theatrical, comical productions on stage - unidentified
153 Two men and two women showing interesting rocks at a booth
154 Couple looking at a craft booth
155 Older couple looking at a loom and lace display
156 Men looking at washing items in a museum, there is a cart on the left, probably the basement of the Pioneer Trails Museum in Hanks, N.D.
157 & 158 People looking at displays including plants
159 Two men serving up sloppy Joes on buns
160 & 161 People eating and serving food
162 Men wearing cowboy hats playing tug of war
163 Lines of people going into a garage, on the left is a Peterson’s Dairy Products van
164 Four men in an industrial kitchen, two wearing KEM hats from the Shrine Club
165 to 171 Women holding up items in a store including glassware, jewelry, and plates
172 Women at counter of FDIC approved bank and two men at the drive through window in the background
173 Woman working behind a counter, a couple stand on the other side. There are smiley face balloons and a calendar that says Thursday, Oct 18, 1973
174 Three men at a desk
175 Five women at a table, one holding up a book titled The Climate is Hope
176 to 178 Man at work with machines
179 Woman at work at her desk
180 Children with adults working on crafts in classroom probably 1971, Trenton, N.D.
181 Man with a Ford Mercury Car #11
182 Two men with a toy airplane
183 Two men wearing cowboy hats looking at a newspaper behind them is an airplane
184 Two men wearing goggles strapped into an airplane ?
185 Woman talking at a podium during a graduation ceremony
186 Man and woman shaking hands in front of a Ford truck in Grenora, N.D.
187 Woman sitting reading a book in a living room
188 Lines of people outside the Tioga Fire Department garage, Tioga, N.D.
189 Children running around outside at night in the snow
190 Three young women sitting on bleachers
191 Crowd at an event in a gymnasium with signs that say “Go to it Pirates!”
192 Crowd outside at an event, probably a sports game
193 Two men wearing suits and a woman in a gymnasium
194 Five young men wearing long coats with small bags, possibly next to a train
195 Three men wearing suits and a woman holding up a Certificate of Appreciation and a Service Award
196 Man holding up a 1973, State A Fifth basketball trophy
197 Two men holding an award that says “Levi Gronsets, For conservation practices, Benifioad to Wild Life, Upper Missouri Fish, Game and Conservation Club.”
198 Man and woman holding an award that syas “Distinguished Service Award, H. Dennis Hoffelt”
199 Woman and man holding an award that says “1972, Boss of the Year Award, Presented to LaVerne C. Neff by the Williston Jaycees…”
200 Unidentified group portrait, many people are wearing graduation caps or ribbons
201 Older woman with a 90th Birthday cake
202 Bride and groom portrait - unidentified
203 Martin and Luella, 40th wedding Anniversary 1933 to 1973
204 Bride and groom portrait
205 Bride and groom cutting the wedding cake
206 Older woman with 88th Birthday Cake
207 Young couple wearing flower corsages, the woman is wearing a tiara
208 to 210 Group portrait of men wearing suits at a Williams Electric Coop meeting
211 Unidentified group portrait of men standing and women sitting
212 to 214 People sitting in folding chairs, possibly a meeting
215 People sitting at dinner tables all looking to the left

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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