Box 19
1 Best Little Stories (#1), Williston Lively Little Town (old box 13 in wood cabinet) - print, article, 2001
2 Best Little Stories (#2), Gas in a Jug - article in paper Keep Out if You Have Gasoline in…, 2001
3 Best Little Stories (#3), Amazons - prints, draft article, article in paper Amazons Battle at State Line Club, 1949, 2001
4 Best Little Stories (#4), Glimpse of Early Day Williston - article draft, print, article in paper…, 2001
5 Best Little Stories (#5), Dastardly villain - article in paper Did this 'Dastardly' Villain Succeed…, 2001
6 Best Little Stories (#6), Pioneer Women - Bells - article in paper Bell Possessed A Storehouse…, 2001
7 Best Little Stories (#7), Young Williston - article draft, print, article in paper Young' Williston…, 2001
8 Best Little Stories (#8), Stratosphere Stow - away - print, article draft, article in paper Lord…, 2001
9 Best Little Stories (#9), Lutefisk - article in paper 1941 Lutefisk Feed Had Its Challenges…, 2001
10 Best Little Stories (#10), Brooklyn School - article in paper Brooklyn Consolidated School…, 2001
11 Best Little Stories (#11), Tom Shea (part one) - article in paper Railroad Pioneers Forge…, 2001
12 Best Little Stories (#12), Tom Shea (part two) - article in paper Irishman's Open – Hearted…, 1930, 2001
13 Best Little Stories (#13), Benhomer Riser Oil well - article in paper Benhomer Riser was…, 2001
14 Best Little Stories (#13A), Night oil was discovered (50th anniversary discovery of oil feature)…, 2001
15 Best Little Stories (#13B), Night oil was discovered (50th anniversary discovery of oil feature)…, 2001
16 Best Little Stories (#14), Just having a little fun - article in paper Williston Motorist Has a…, 2001
17 Best Little Stories (#15), Flying Farmers - article in paper Lawrence and Roy Hagen Were…, 2001
18 Best Little Stories (#16), Four Bears Bridge - article in paper Four Bears Memorial Bridge…, 2001
19 Best Little Stories (#17), Picture on the Wall Brings Back Memories - article in Paper…, 2001
20 Best Little Stories (#18), Tenderfoot seeks his fortune - article in paper Tenderfoot Seeks…, 2001
21 Best Little Stories (#19), Music came early - article in paper Music Came Early To Williston'…, 2001
22 Best Little Stories (#20), Remember the best of the old country - article in paper Remember…, 1916, 2001
23 Best Little Stories (#21), Kather Radarange - article in paper Kather Helped With Develop…, 2001
24 Best Little Stories (#22), New 1930 Fire truck - article in paper 1930s Firefighters Push for…, 2001 (Print 204-48 crop of print 19-24-2; print 73-7-23 matches screened negative 73-7-24 and print 19-24-2)
25 Best Little Stories (#22A), Story on 1912 Fire Convention - article in paper 1912 Willistonite…, 2001
26 Best Little Stories (#23), Swimming in the Little Muddy - article in paper Kids Swam in the…, 2001
27 Best Little Stories (#24), Ole Anderson & His Grand Old Maxwell - article in Paper…, 2001
28 Best Little Stories (#25), Chappie Rikard - article in paper Rickard Was Tops in Coyote…, 2001
29 Best Little Stories (#26), Alexander McKenzie - article in paper McKenzie County, 2001
30 Best Little Stories (#27), 6th Infantry, Fort Buford - article in paper 6th Infantry Marches in…, 2001
31 Best Little Stories (#28), Trenton's Phantom Flyer - article in paper Did a Phantom Flyer…, 2001
32 Best Little Stories (#29), Ghosts Lurk, Upper Missouri Snowmen Bridge - article in paper…, 2001
33 Best Little Stories (#30), Snowmen Bridge (part 2) - article in paper Railroad Construction In…, 2001
34 Best Little Stories (#31), Snowmen Bridge (part 3) - article in paper Snowmen Bridge was…, 2001
35 Best Little Stories/Herald Oil Section (#31A), First Year of Oil in North Dakota – prints, article, 2001
36 Best Little Stories/Herald Oil Section (#31 B), First 12 weeks drilled in Western ND Oil Counties, 2001
37 Best Little Stories/Herald Oil Section (#31C), Skidding a rig - prints, article draft, 2001
38 Best Little Stories/Herald Oil Section (#31D), First oil money - copies of checks, draft article, 2001
39 Best Little Stories (#32), Musquetors Over Williston - article in paper Plane Spraying 'Musquetors’…, 2001 (Print 19-39-2 matches negative 33-245-2)
40 Best Little Stories (#33), Yellowstone Kelly - article in paper 'Yellowstone' Kelly: Scout…, 2001
41 Best Little Stories (#34), Saga of Captain Raymond Check - article in paper Andy
Rooney, 2001
42 Best Little Stories (#35), Era of Gravel Highways - article in paper Era of Gravel Highways…, 2001
43 Best Little Stories (#36), Crows: Wasn't easy to be a trouper - article in paper Being A 'Trouper’…, 2001 (print 1-22-9 matches print 19-43-1)
44 Best Little Stories (#37), Crows The show must go on (part 2) - article in paper The Show Must Go On, 2001
45 Best Little Stories (#38), Sneak Attacks - article in paper Sneak Attacks Have Been Around…, 1898, 2001
46 Best Little Stories (#39), North Dakota newspapers did not article in paper North Dakota, 2001
47 Best Little Stories (#40), Victory at Manila, Patriotism in Williston - article in paper 'Victory at Manilla…, 2001
48 Best Little Stories (#41), Excitement, Fear, Personal Bravery - article in paper Excitement…, 2001
49 Best Little Stories (#42), Heroes of the Great Flu Epidemic (part 1) - article in paper Great…, 2001 (Print 19-49-1 copy of negative 77-13-1 to 5)
50 Best Little Stories (#43), Heroes of the Great Flu Epidemic (part 2) - article in paper Area…, 2001
51 Best Little Stories (#44), Heroes of Flu epidemic of 1918 (part 3) - article in paper Great Flu epidemic, 2001
52 Best Little Stories (#45 special), 10th Mountain Division Veteran's Section –article in paper, 2001
53 Best Little Stories (#45A), Williston Legion Post Story and Sidebar - article in paper Legion…, 2001
54 Best Little Stories (#46 Special), Kitty Hawk, Veteran's section - article in paper Kitty Hawk, 2001
55 Best Little Stories (#47), Rail - Splitters, Fred Mockel - article in paper Rail Splitters Actions, 2001
56 Best Little Stories (#48), Greatest Show on Earth - article in paper WWII - The Greatest Show on Earth…, 2001
57 Best Little Stories (#49), Pearl Harbor 60th Anniversary - article in paper 60th Anniversary…, 2001
58 Best Little Stories (#50), V - Mail - article in paper WWII Servicemen Send V – Mail, copy of letter…, 2001
59 Best Little Stories (#51), Death knell for tanker - article in paper Williston Serviceman Were…, 2001
60 Best Little Stories (#52), Christmas in the Military (ALSO BY GLORIA SHEMORRY) – article, 2001
61 Best Little Stories (#52A), Most enjoyable event, canteen at depot - article in
paper some…, 2001
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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