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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 17

Box 17

1 Shemorry, ND Firemen's Association (old box 17 olive cabinet) - copies of photos (Shemorry), 1948-1999
2 Shemorry, US Airforce Air Defense Team - certificates, newspaper clipping Shemorry Named…, 1951-1959
3 Shemorry, Service to NDNA and Newspaper Industry - newspaper clipping, Correspondence, 1959-1995
4 Shemorry, Newspaper awards - newspaper clippings, certificate, Pulitzer Prize nomination, 1968-1987
5 Shemorry, Memberships in Civic Organizations, and Offices Held – correspondence, 1946-1994
6 Shemorry, Actions by Nominee that would qualify him for induction into ND Hall of Fame, 1966-1997
7 Shemorry, Biographical - Some highlights in the life of Bill Shemorry, 1940s-1990
8 Shemorry, personal - (all copies) baptism certificate, birth announcement & certificate, photos, 1940s-2000
9 Shemorry, History Remembered and Nostalgia Billing - article drafts, correspondence, 1980s
10 Shemorry, Misc, American Legion, Air Force Defense Team, Centennial, Chamber of Commerce, 1956-1996
11 Special interest tabloid photo section - notes, Plains Reporter front pages, 1956-1990s
12 Shemorry, Specific awards and contributions to other states correspondence, draft article
13 Shemorry, Williston Jaycees, Williston Chamber of Commerce - certificates, correspondence, 1950s-1960
14 Johnson, Clarence - birthday invitation, Some of the Life and Times of Clarence Johnson
15 Snowden Bridge - Booklet of stories Ghosts of the Upper Missouri Hung Around Snowden, 1991, 2001
16 North Dakota Newspaper Association – bulletin, 2002
17 Shemorry, Civic Awards - highlights in the life of Shemorry, copy of plaque, certificate, news clippings, 1966-2001
18 Shemorry, Mud Sweat & Oil - newspaper clipping, highlights in the life of Shemorry, 1980s-1991
19 Shemorry, War Veterans, 164 Signal Photo (WWII) - commendations, prints, 1941-1990s
20 Snowden Bridge - Booklet of stories Ghosts of the Upper Missouri Hung Around Snowden, 1991, 2001
21 Snowden Bridge - Booklet of stories Ghosts of the Upper Missouri Hung Around Snowden, 1991, 2001
22 Shemorry, Books Written, Photos/Stories contributed and compiled - title pages, Best of the Best Little Stories of the 20th Century, 1940s-1999
23 Shemorry, Memberships, organizations, and offices held, Sigma Delta Chi – certificate, 1968, 1974
24 Snowden Bridge - Booklet of stories Ghosts of the Upper Missouri Hung Around Snowden, 1991, 2001
25 Snowden Bridge - Booklet of stories Ghosts of the Upper Missouri Hung Around Snowden, 1991, 2001
26 N, ND Quarterly, ND Sportsman's Guide, Guide to the ND Archives, People & ND, 1969-1986
27 O - EMPTY
28 P, Plains Books, Foto - newspaper, magazine
29 Q - EMPTY
30 R, Radio Craft, Radio, Roaring Twenties - magazines, magazine articles, newspaper clippings, 1920-1989
31 S, Stanley, Steamboats on the Missouri River, Jack Shemorry, Sidney, Synopsis – Historical Information, 1977-1990
32 T, Reference Guide to ND History and ND Literature (UND Library), Guide to the Orin G. Libby Library, 1979
33 U - EMPTY
34 V - EMPTY
35 W, Williston Magazines, Williams Electric Coop., - magazines, book The Curtain of Darkness Has Been Lifted, 1998
36 X, Y ,Z, Wegley, Joseph, Mabee, William Wallace, Williston, Western Illustrations, Williams County, 1936-1990s

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