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SHSND Photobook - Digitized images from State Archives

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2019-2021 Blue Book Cover

Federal Depository Library Program

Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 15

Box 15

1 Best Little Stories (#37), Fleas invade Post Office - print, article draft, article in paper Fleas…, 1998
2 Best Little Stories (#38), Recreation Park Flood - print, article draft, article in paper Rains Flood…, 1998
3 Best Little Stories (#39), Frying eggs on sidewalk - in paper Hot Time In The 01' Town, 1957, 1998
4 Best Little Stories (#40), These five stood big - print, article draft, article in paper Five Men Stood Big.., 1998
5 Best Little Stories (#41), Pigeon toed kid - article drafts, article in paper Pigeon – Toed Kid N…, 1998
6 Best Little Stories (#42), Company L - article in paper State Organizes Paramilitary…, 1998
7 Best Little Stories (#43), Company L reds vs. greens - print, article in paper Reds vs. Greens, 1998
8 Best Little Stories (#44), Junior Municipal Band - prints, article in paper Williston Junior…, 1998
9 Best Little Stories (#45) A Fire Siren Screaming in the Night - prints, article draft, article in paper, 1998
10 Best Little Stories (#46), Thoughts of a Fireman - article in paper Firemen Fight To Save…, 1998
11 Best Little Stories (#47), Hook and Barney - print, article draft, article in paper Two Spirited…, 1998 (Print matches print 108/6)
12 Best Little Stories (#50), People do not appreciate a good horse - article in paper People…, 1998
13 Best Little Stories (#51), Buy a Bomber - article draft, copy of photo, 'Buy A Bomber' Paid…, 1998
14 Best Little Stories (#52), Audubon - prints, article draft, article in paper Audubon Fools the…, 1998
15 Best Little Stories (#53), Turkey Empire - prints, draft article, article in paper Williston Was…, 1998
16 Best Little Stories (#54), Old Dagmar Homestead Stories, Syverson - article in Paper, 1998
17 Best Little Stories (#55), More lost tales Bad taste party - article in paper Bad Taste party, 1998
18 Best Little Stories (#56), Benefit Show Smash hit - cut lines, article drafts, prints, article in paper, 1998
19 Best Little Stories (#57), let's load up and go, Lion History - print, draft article, article in paper, 1951, 1998
20 Best Little Stories (#58), Grandma Gibbs - article draft, article in paper Grandma Gibbs Had…, 1998
21 Best Little Stories (#60), Keeps on Cookin' by Gloria Shemorry - article in paper, 1998
22 Best Little Stories (#62), Puerto Rican Nationalists Shoot up US House of Representatives …, 1947, 1998
23 American Legion Files, Williston post history (old box 38 - olive cabinet) - prints (Pasonault), 1920-1998 (Print 212-8-4 matches print 15-23-1)
24 American Legion Files, Misc - brochure (75th Anniversary), correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1945-1997
25 American Legion Files, Misc. - China - Burma - lndia Cut lines, notes26 American Legion Files, Vets - programs, news clipping, 1940s, 1986
27 American Legion Files, Veterans Day - newspaper clipping, 1980
28 American Legion Files, State Convention - newspaper clippings, draft articles, notes, brochure, 1927-1991
29 American Legion Files, Vets background stories - newspaper clippings, Correspondence, 1913-1933
30 American Legion Files, State Convention - newspaper clippings, 1999
31 American Legion Files, Elks magazines, American Legion magazine, 1996-1997
32 American Legion Files, State Convention programs, 1941-1999
33 American Legion Files, Williston All - Vets Association - newsletters and history, 1989-1993
34 American Legion Files, Veterans Correspondence and Misc., CBI Vets. Association, Vets & Friends, 1980s-1990
35 American Legion Files, Drum & Bugle corps - history, notes, article drafts, newspaper clippings, 1952-1995
36 American Legion Files, Vets. Misc. - prints (Pasonault), notes, souvenir program, mailing, 1941-1999 (print 73-7-49 matches print 15-36-41)
37 American Legion Files, Legion Insignia and press blocks, newspaper clippings, window sticker, 1970s
38 American Legion Files, Speeches - suggested address, 1968-1970
39 American Legion Files, Magazines, 1969-1998
40 American Legion Files, Newspapers (Legion Special/Legion Edition), 1933, 1941
41 American Legion Files, Veteran's postwar trust fund statement, report
42 American Legion Files, Printouts - draft articles
43 American Legion Files, Maps - EMPTY
44 American Legion Files, State Officers - lists, clippings, 1919-1994
45 American Legion Files, State Commanders - list, newspaper clipping, speech (Ray Atol), 1988-1997
46 American Legion Files, print - rocket (?) launchers
47 American Legion Files, Smithsonian Magazine (Vietnam), 1/1996

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