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Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Family / Local History - #10958 - Box 14

Box 14 Best Little Stories articles were written by Bill Shemorry and printed in the Williston Daily Herald

1 Congressman Byron L. Dorgan, flyer from about 1987
2 Joe Cutting - Baseball, football coach, 1919 team annual football Banquet (old box 17 continued), copy of the Williston Graphic from Dec. 2, 1915 with article titled Athletes and Orators Gather. 3 screened negatives and 4 prints: 1915-1947
3 Comford, Nicholas - notes, a lot of correspondence especially with or from Mrs. E.J. Rose from 1972, clipping from History of Montana 1885
4 Bruce Christensen, obituary - newspaper clipping from the Williston Daily Herald Nov. 25, 1997
5 President William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton - Williston Daily Herald from Feb. 12, 1999 with Clinton Acquitted article
6 The Crows, Ray Theater group – copies of newspaper articles, notes, research page from book Since 1887, funeral program, 1910-1948
7 Compton - Fred and John: Thoughts about Strangers (written by Compton)
8 Cory, Bob - newspaper article from the Minot Daily news, Nov. 4, 1990
9 Crightons – 1 print of Harley P. Larson, and Harold V. Fosholdt from 1965 in Mexico; press releases from the Massey-Ferguson Inc. public relations department on observers in Mexico
10 Vogel, Sarah - election brochure, c. 1990
11 Spaeth, Nick - election flyer
12 C – miscellaneous: correspondence, mail, handwritten notes, copies of articles, newspaper clippings, copies of book catalogue on battlefield books, booklets including two titled Pieces of History
13 Anderson, L.T. - newspaper articles, 1999-2001
14 Armory, Old – 18 prints and drawings of armory, 1915-194-; exterior of the Old Williston Armory, Del Monte food display, flower show, and Miss Carnival Queen beauty contest (print 38-72 crop of print 14-14-12)
15 American Legion, Part 2 - draft article (Nostalgia)
16 Airplanes: Drawings – Background, copies of pages from the book Airplanes of the World, Early Curtis, World War I Era 1919-1932, Some World War II
17 WWII, Armory, Williston, dedication - brochure (renovation of old Armory), newspaper clippings, letter about Old Armory restoration dated Dec 6, 1985, notes, newsletters and fundraising letters from the Veterans and Friends of the Old Armory including information about the 40th reunion of the 164th Infantry held in Williston in 1986; brochure for George M! from fall 1986 held at the Old Armory Theatre; copies of newspaper articles; correspondence; Old Armory Rededication ceremony program for Nov. 11, 1989
18 Old Armory - draft article for Plains Reporter, copies of newspaper articles from 1915, and a letter to friends of the Old Armory about restoration, 1980s
19 WWII, Buy a Bomber – copies of newspaper articles from 1942, draft article (Best Little Stories) Buy A Bomber, 1980s
20 WWII, B - 29 Pilot Story (crashed in Greenland) - Smithsonian magazine, 9/1995
21 WWII, Aviation, Military, & history equipment –Zenith Books fall 1996 catalog and U.S. Cavalry Fall 1995 Catalog
22 WWII, B - 29 bomber, development of – letter from The Library of Congress to Ms. Adrienne Stepanek of Williston about an inquiry for information written Feb. 20, 1991, and copies of a magazine article from the Liberty (N.Y. Chicago) Sept. 2, 1944 p. 18+
23 WWII: Christmas in Williston- 1945, Life circa 1940’s with prints of the Epping-Wheelock A Capella Choir and S.Th. Westdal interviewing First Sgt. Harry Kulas; Zahl mail carrier gets early Christmas gift when the first new post-war car arrives; Company E and I’ll be home for Christmas; newspaper articles from the Williston Herald 1994; notes, draft article of History Remembered article Christmas in Williams County 49 years ago; copies of newspaper articles written by Shemorry; soldiers returning home (7 prints total) (Print 14-23-5 crop of negative 54-138-13)
24 WWII, Era Cartoons and newspaper clippings, 1942-1945
25 China during WWII – notes and index to photographs and prints
26 Best Little Stories (#1), Summer in January - correspondence, drafts, article in paper Williston experiences ‘summer in January’ printed Jan. 5, 1998; 1 Pasonault print titled A Real Summers Day, Williston, N.D. Jan. 1st 1921
27 Best Little Stories (#2), Trapper trapped - article in paper Trapper Trapped: Coyote Takes a bite out of trapper published Jan. 6, 1998; and draft article
28 Best Little Stories (#3), Enemy in the dark - draft article, article in paper Coyotes: Enemy in The Dark published Jan. 13, 1998
29 Best Little Stories (#4), Ed Canfield, Coyote killer - 1 print, cut line draft, article in paper Canfield… coyote hunter extraordinaire published Jan. 20, 1998
30 Best Little Stories (#5), Joe Wegley, Pioneer horse trader - article in newspaper Wegley... Pioneer horse trader printed Jan. 27, 1998; draft of article, 1 print
31 Best Little Stories (#6), Feature Story, Truman key, Harry fools them - article in newspaper Truman Times Similar to today’s controversy published Jan. 28, 1998, 1 print and article draft, copy of article
32 Best Little Stories (#7), Cowboy Wegley shapes up Williston - copy of sketch, article drafts, Cowboy Wegley ‘shapes up’ Williston published Feb. 3, 1998
33 Best Little Stories (#8), Wally Simpson and Edward VIII - article drafts, article in Newspaper ‘Wally’ Simpson and Edward VIII visit area published Feb. 10, 1998
34 Best Little Stories (#9), Mad Hatter / Calamity Jane - article drafts, copy of article titled Calamity Jane? Published Feb. 17, 1998, artist sketch of woman
35 Best Little Stories (#10), Almost didn't make it, cattlemen face rage – draft article, artist sketch, article in paper Cattlemen face rage of the Little Missouri published Feb. 24, 1998
36 Best Little Stories (#11), Big snow storm of 1943 - article draft, article in paper '43 Snowstorm halts everything published Feb. 26, 1998
37 Best Little Stories (#12), Big ice jam of 1928 - draft article, 1 print of the Lewis & Clark bridge taken by Pasonault, article in paper published March 3, 1998
38 Best Little Stories (#13), Coldest day – 1 print of snowy trees, article draft, article in paper Days of Bitter Cold not forgotten, published March 10, 1998
39 Best Little Stories (#14), Ray Atol and the Motorbikers, draft and article in paper Motorcycle Enthusiast Remembers Past and Motorbikes: Injuries were few in Ray’s many years of riding, others not so lucky, published March 17, 1998
40 Best Little Stories (#15), Tioga Girls Basketball - article draft, article in paper The Incomparable Tioga girls basketball team about the Championship teams from Tioga of 1934-35 and 1932-33, Top-notch athletes, March 24, 1998
41 Best Little Stories (#16) Great Snipe Hunt - article in paper The Great Snipe Hunt told in 1916, printed March 31, 1998; copy of artist sketch, draft article
42 Best Little Stories (#17), Rudman Hanson oil well - article in paper The Night the Rudman – Hanson Well Came In published April 7, 1990; article Oil Wells reflect discovers printed April 7, 1998; copies of articles, draft articles, 3 prints
43 Best Little Stories (#18), Case of the French Pyjams - article draft, copy of article, article in paper The Case of French pyjams, printed April 14, 1998
44 Best Little Stories (#19), Count Felix Von Luckner Q- boat Commander - article draft, 1 print, article in newspaper printed April 21, 1998
45 Best Little Stories (#20), Recollections of Barnacle Bill – copy of article, copy of Image of Daphne Braaten, article draft, article in newspaper Barnacle Bill guaranteed his selection for Duchess printed April 28, 1998
46 Best Little Stories (#21), Chuck Johnson - article in paper Chuck Johnson...A Barrelful of Memories printed May 5, 1998, copy of article, draft
47 Best Little Stories (#22), Kildahl's Unique Experience with Sleuth-foot - draft article, article in paper printed May 12, 1998
48 Best Little Stories (#23), Corp Kerrick – draft article, copy of article, article in paper Corporal Kerrick, Civil War Veteran is remembered, printed May 19, 1998
49 Best Little Stories (#24) Miss Moe in the Coal Bin – draft article, copy of article, & photo, article in paper Miss Moe began in the ‘coal bin’ printed May 26, 1998
50 Best Little Stories (#25), Anecdotes of Early Day Williston – artist’s sketch, drafts, article in ewspaper, Early days of Williston not always violent printed June 2, 1998, copy of article
51 Best Little Stories (#26), Silk Train - article in paper Silk Trains Speed By Williston, printed June 9, 1998, copy of image of silk train, copy of article, 1 print of the Great Northern Silk Train at New Rockford, draft article
52 Best Little Stories (#27), Island Empire - draft article, copy of article, article on Theodore Roosevelt National Park celebrates 50th, and Shemorry’s article McKenzie County The Island Empire both printed June 16, 1998
53 Best Little Stories (#28), Bloomer Girls – artist sketch, drafts, article in paper Bloomer Girls Play City baseball team, printed June 23, 1998
54 Best Little Stories (#29), Seeing Nellie home – copy of article, drafts, article in newspaper Seeing Nellie Home: Rustic romance turns into bitter battle printed June 30, 1998
55 Best Little Stories (#30), MonDak Murder - copies of photo from news clipping, 1 print, article in newspaper Murder and lynching troubles small town of Mondak, Mondak: Murderer was lynches in front of jail from a telephone pole in Mondak printed July 7, 1998, drafts of article, copies of articles, and notes
56 Best Little Stories (#31), Dakota always healthy (2 parts) – 1 print, article draft, article in paper Dakota.. .It Has always been a healthy place to live, printed July 14, 1998 (Print 77-13-7 matches print 14-56-1)
57 Best Little Stories (#32), Settlers had own HMO, Dr. Van Dyke - article in paper Pioneer Williston settlers had their own ‘H.M.O.’ printed July 21, 1998, cutlines, 2 prints and a postcard, draft article, copy of articles
58 Best Little Stories (#33), Chief Two-Kettles – copy of article, article draft, 1 print, Sketch, article in newspaper Chief Two Kettles fought for annuities he had coming printed July 28, 1998
59 Best Little Stories (#34), Steamboat O.K. – 1 print, copies of print, article in newspaper Steamboat Was 'OK, Aug. 4, 1998, draft of article
60 Best Little Stories (#35), Captain Grant Marsh's last trip – 2 prints, draft, article in newspaper Capt. Marsh heads down Missouri on last trip printed Aug. 11, 1998
61 Best Little Stories (#36), Ego pushes jumping barbers – 1 print, article draft, article in newspaper Jumping barbers thrill crowds printed Aug. 18, 1998

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