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State / Local Government Records - Counties - Griggs

Griggs County, North Dakota – Local Government Records


1 Real and Personal Property Assessments, 1883-1980, 51ft. [41570]
2 Record of Dog License Tags, 1931-1932, 1v. [41563]
3 Records, 1888-1957, .25ft. [41605]

Clerk of Court

1 Administrators Record, 1883-1899, 1v. [41568]
2 Admission to State School at Grafton, 1911-1930, .25ft. [41574] RESTRICTED
3 Civil Case Files, 1883-1926, 13ft. [41584]
4 Coroners Record, 1898-1962, 1v. [41555]
5 Criminal Case Files, 1883-1946, 5ft. [41553]
6 Executors & Guardians Record, 1884-1897, 1v. [41569]
7 Insanity Docket, 1883-1996, 1v. RESTRICTED [41558]
8 Inventory & Appraisement, 1883-1899, 1v. [41566]
9 Justice Dockets - Civil & Criminal, 1889-1962, 15v. [41554]
10 List of Jurors Drawn, 1894-1970, 1v. [41561]
11 Marriage Licenses and Certificates, 1883-1925 3r. (#17371, 17382,17384) [41783]
11 Naturalization Records, 1880-1945, 3ft./4r (#12509-12511, 12513) [40720]
12 Official Bond and Oath Record, 1882-1975, 1v./.25ft. [41560]
13 Probate Case Files, 1883-1969, 36ft. [41552]
14 Probate Journal, 1883-1901, 1v. [41567]
15 Proceedings of the Commissioners of Insanity, 1883-1915, 1v. RESTRICTED [41557]
16 Record of Notaries Commissions, 1882-1981, 1v./.5ft./2ff [41559]
17 Will Record, 1885-1968, 2v./.5ft [41565]


1 Certificates of Medical Practitioners [41562]
2 Entry Record [41556]
3 Record of Births, 1900-1996, 6v. [41572] RESTRICTED
4 Recorder, Record of Deaths, 1900-1997, 7v. [41573] RESTRICTED
5 Tract Index, n.d., 1v. [41564]

Superintendent of Schools

1  Attendance Records, 1917-1940, 1v. [41607]
2 Committee on Reorganization, 1947-1965, 1v. [41606]
3 County History and Geography, 1885-1989, .5ft. [41614]
4 Financial Aid Files, 1933-1959, .25ft. [40112]
5 Pupil Membership and Transportation Reports, 1958-2007, 1.5ft. [41609]
6 Record of Final Examinations, 1901-1968, 3v. [41608]
7 Record of Teachers Examinations, 1897-1919, 1v. [41610]
8 Record of Schools, 1955-1970, 1v. [41611]
9 Rural Teaching Scholarship Files, 1955-1960, .25ft. [40113]
10 School Census and Teacher Reports, 1883-1989, 2ft. [41615]
11 School Officers, Teachers, District Maps, 1883-1993, 1v. [41612]
12 Superintendent of Schools Records, 1897-1969, 1ft. [40114]
13 Teachers Certificates, 1897-1919, 1v. [41613]


City of Cooperstown

1 Ordinance Record, 1892-1912. .25ft. [41282]

School Districts

Gallatin School Township

1 Clerk and Treasurer's Record Books, 1883-1897, 2v. [41581]

Greendale School District #6

1 Treasurer's Records, 1889-1894, 3v. [41579]

Lenora and Pleasant School District
Dates: 1883-1956
Record Series: 40117
Quantity: 1.75ft.

Box 1:
1 Pleasant SD #14 Clerk's Record               1883-1885
2 Pleasant SD #14 Clerk's Record               1885-1892
3 Pleasant SD #14 Clerk's Record               1893-1897
4 Pleasant SD #14 Clerk's Record               1897-1902

Box 2:
1 Pleasant SD #14 Clerk's Report               1886-1903
2 Pleasant SD #14 Notice of Election and Official Oath     1884-1890
3 Pleasant SD #14 Poll Book, Tally List and Official Returns of Election       1884-1890
4 Pleasant SD #14 Poll Book, Tally List and Official Returns of Election       1891-1903
5 Pleasant SD #14 School Census               1884-1902
6 Pleasant SD #14 Schoolhouse Petitions, Specifications, Bids      1883-1922
7 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Register       1883-1887
8 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 1             1902-1904
9 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 2             1901-1904
10 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 1             1884-1906
11 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 2             1884-1902
12 Pleasant SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 3             1884-1901
13 Pleasant SD #14 Treasurer's Annual Report    1884-1904
14 Pleasant SD #14 Treasurer's Cash Book             1883-1884

Box 3:
1 Lenora SD #14 Annual Budget and Certificate of Tax Levy           1924-1955
2 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1902-1907
3 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1907-1912
4 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1912-1916
5 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1916-1919
6 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1919-1922
7 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1922-1927
8 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Record  1928-1931
9 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Report   1904-1920
10 Lenora SD #14 Clerk's Report                1921-1956
11 Lenora SD #14 Correspondence           1897-1925
12 Lenora SD #14 Notice of Election and Official Oath      1904-1956
13 Lenora SD #14 Petition for Election on Consolidation of Schools            n.d.
14 Lenora SD #14 Poll Book, Tally List and Official Returns of Election        1894-1918
15 Lenora SD #14 Poll Book, Tally List and Official Returns of Election        1919-1934
16 Lenora SD #14 Poll Book, Tally List and Official Returns of Election        1935-1956
17 Lenora SD #14 Record of Inspection by the County Superintendent of Schools 1917-1924
18 Lenora SD #14 School Census                1904-1923
19 Lenora SD #14 School Census                1925-1953
20 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Monthly Report of Attendance          1905-1911
21 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 1              1901-1907
22 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 1              1916-1917
23 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 2              1905-1906
24 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 2              1907-1909
25 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 2              1910-1915
26 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 3              1895-1905
27 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Register School No. 3              1906-1908
28 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 1                1905-1935
29 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 2                1904-1951
30 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 3                1894-1944
31 Lenora SD #14 Teacher's Report School No. 4                1909-1942
32 Lenora SD #14 Treasurer's Annual Report        1905-1956

Nelson School District #7

1 Treasurer's Account Books, 1883-1897, 2v. [41580]

Red Willow School Township

1 Clerk's Record Book, 1883-1901, 1v. [41582]

Romness School District
Record Series:  40118
Quantity: 1ft.

Minutes of the School Board      1933-1951
Teacher's Registers School No. 1 1898-1956

Box 1:
1 Annual Budget and Certificate of Tax Levy        1937-1956
2 Clerk's Report                1937-1956
3 Notice of Election and Official Oath      1937-1956
4 Poll and Tally Lists         1937-1954
5 School Census                1937-1955
6 School Inventory          1940-1956
7 Teacher's Report School No. 1                1937-1956
8 Teacher's Report School No. 2                1936-1956
9 Teacher's Report School No. 3                1936-1955
10 Treasurer's Report     1937-1956
11 Warranty Deed           1953


Romness Township
Dates: 1891-1970
Record Series: 40115
Quantity: 2.5ft.

Box 1:
1 Agreement as to Damages       1898, 1915
2 Annual Budget and Certificate of Tax Levy        1934-1948
3 Annual Report of the Board of Audit    1892-1929
4 Annual Report of the Board of Audit    1930-1964
5 Annual Statement of the Treasurer      1892-1932
6 Annual Statement of the Treasurer      1933-1970
7 Birth Certificates - RESTRICTED               1911-1941
8 Burial Transit Permits - RESTRICTED      1917-1942
9 Consent to Right of Way            1891-1913
10 Death Certificates - RESTRICTED          1911-1942
11 Gopher Poison Bait Recipe     n.d.
12 Land Tax Road Warrants          1891-1898
13 Land Tax Road Warrants          1898-1905
14 Land Tax Road Warrants          1907-1917
15 Letters from Congress re: Cooperstown Dam  1967
16 Minutes of the Board of Audit              1904-1939
17 Minutes of the Board of Audit              1940-1964
18 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Annual Township Meeting 1892-1932
19 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Annual Township Meeting 1933-1963
20 Official Oaths               1891-1915

Box 2:
1 Official Oaths  1916-1969
2 Petitions           1894-1939
3 Poll & Tally List Used at the Annual Township Meeting 1891-1934
4 Poll & Tally List Used at the Annual Township Meeting 1935-1968
5 Poor Relief Report       1913-1933
6 Property Valuation      1899
7 Quit Claim & Warranty Deeds  1915-1961
8 Resolutions     1922-1970
9 Road Overseer's Land Tax Pass Book   1901-1916
10 Sheep Claim 1894
11 Sow Thistle Menace Resolution           1923
12 Supervisors' Notice of Hearing             1896-1910
13 Supervisors' Order     1896, 1931
14 Viewers & Surveyors Reports               1896

Road Record Book           1898-1948
Township Record Book  1891-1902
Township Record Book  1902-1909
Township Record Book  1909-1924
Township Record Book  1924-1948
Township Record Book  1949-1965

Willow Township

1 Township Records, 1887-1956, 9v. [40116]

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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