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Chronicling America

State / Local Government Records - Counties - Cass

Cass County, North Dakota – Local Government Records

Clerk of Court

1 Appealed Cases, 1980-1997, 20ft. [41477]
2 Civil Appearance Docket, 1879-1881, 1v. [41488]
3 Criminal Appearance Docket, 1881-1903, 1v. [41487]
4 Coroner's Record, 1884-1888, 1v. [40651]
5 Judgment Book, 1874-1885, 4v. [41107]
6 Judgment Docket, 1874-1901, 5v. [41110]
7 Marriage Records, 1877-1925, 28r. (#16818-16819, 16831, 16836-16837, 16860-16861, 16882, 16897-16899, 16916-16918, 16923-16926, 16930-16931, 16957, 16963, 16976-16977, 16984-16987) [41618]
8 Minutes, Civil and Criminal, 1874-1910, 17v. [41102]
9 Motion and Order Book, 1883-1898, 2v. [41486]
10 Naturalization Records, 1874-1944, 15ft./13r (#05061-05064, 05093-05101) [40709]
11 Notaries Commissions, 1877-1888, 2v. [41111]
12 Register of Civil Actions, 1893-1901, 6v. [41494]
13 Register of Coroner's Inquests, 1895-1945, 2v. [41105]
14 Register of Criminal Actions, 1882-1897, 3v. [41495]
15 Register of Druggists Permits, 1909, 1v. [41485]
16 Register of Officers, 1938-1975, 1v. [41109]
17 Register of Township Officers, 1884-1936, 1v. [41108]


1 Wills for Safekeeping, 1881-1934, .5ft. [41683] RESTRICTED

States Attorney

1 Office Docket, 1897-1902 [41489]


City of Casselton


1 Budgets, 1925-1996, .75ft. [40074]
2 Revised Ordinances, 1939, 1v. [41910]
3 Voter Registration, 1918, 3v. [41911]

Auditor Records, 1ft.
1 Auditor, Correspondence, 1925-1963 [40069]                     
2 Auditor, Correspondence, Land, City Owned 1943-1972 [40069]
3 Auditor, Correspondence, Road and Bridge, 1926-1934 [40069]
4 Board of Budget Review Minutes, 1934-1951 [40070]
5 Board of Budget Review Minutes - loose papers found in minute book, 1934-1958 [40070]
6 List of Jurors Drawn, 1887-1971 [40071]      
7 Audit, Park District, 1972-1973 [40072]
8 Audit, City, 1963-1974 [40072]
9 Audit, Municipal Utilities, 1959-1969 [40072]
10 Statistical Report of Village Library, 1962-1963 [40073]
11 Police Magistrate's Reports, 1945-1946 [40075]
12 Cemetery Association Reports, 1930-1957 [40076]                   
13 Fire Department Contracts, 1894-1939 [40077]
14 Water System Contracts, 1920-1935 [40077]                     
15 Oaths and Bonds, 1934-1946 [40078]
16 Oaths and Bonds, 1947-1952 [40078]
17 Oaths and Bonds, 1952-1959 [40078]
18 Oaths and Bonds, 1960-1963 [40078]                    
19 Northern Pacific Railway, 1912-1928 [40079]                     
20 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company 1926-1929 [40080]    
21 Certificate of Existence of Fire Departments, 1881-1965 [40081]
22 Certificate of Existence of Fire Departments, Rural and Petitions, 1948-1965 [40081] 
26 Ottertail Power Company, 1925-1946 [40201]
27 Ottertail Power Company, 1947-1974 [40201]                     
28 Petitions 1934-1950 [40210]                     
29 Drawing of Proposed Standard Oil Station, n.d. [40618]
30 Preliminary Sketch of Public Park and Ball Ground, 1930 [40618]                     
31 Report of Mayor to City Council, 1960 [41122]                     
32 Council Meeting Agenda/Minutes, 1966 [41128] 

City of Fargo

1 Birth Record, 1899-1920, 1v. [41103] RESTRICTED
2 Death Record and Index, 1899-1937, 2v. [41104] RESTRICTED

School Districts

Everest School District #102

1 Teacher's Register, 1907-1912, 1r. #05975 [41617]

Walden School Dictrict #101

1 Teacher's Register, 1941-1945, 1v. [40087]


Casselton Township

1 Township Records, 1909-1967, 5v. [40085]

Clifton Township

1 Township Records, 1889-1903, 1r. #05382 [41616]

Rochester Township
Dates: 1887-1966
Record Series: 40086
Quantity: .5ft.

Box 1:
1 Annual Report of the Board of Auditors 1910-1940
2 Annual Statement of the Treasurer 1911-1951
3 Jury Record     1887-1933
4 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Annual Township Meeting 1910-1940
5 Official Oaths  1910-1966
6 Poll & Tally List Used at the Annual Township Meeting 1911-1966
7 Road Overseer's Land Tax Pass Book   1910-1913

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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