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Publications - Index for "Collections of the State Historic Society"



A’Rafting on the Mississipp’ (Russell), rev. of, 3:220-222
A-wach-ha-wa village, of the Hidatsas, 2:5, 6
Abandonment of the military posts, question of, 5:248, 249
Abbey Lake, 1.3:38
Abbott, Johnston, rev. of, 3:218-219; Lawrence, speaker, 1.1:50
Abe Collins Ranch, 8:298
Abell, E. R, 2:109, 111, 113; 3:176; 9:74
Abercrombie, N.Dak., 1.3: 34, 39; 1.4:6, 7, 71; 2:54, 106, 251, 255; 3:173
Abercrombie State Park, 4:57
Aberdeen, D.T., 1.3:57, 4:94, 96
Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie Years (Sandburg), rev. of, 1.2:77
Abstracts in History from Dissertations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy . . . University of Iowa, rev. of, 7:181-182
Acker, I. A., 1.2:71
“Across the Plains in 1863-1865, Being the Journal kept by William H. Clandening of Walkertin, Upper Canada, now Ontario, Canada,” 2:247-272
Adair, Capt., 1.3:47
Adams, Andy, rev. of, 2:148-149; August, 121; Capt. E. G., editor, 1.3:72; Capt. E. J., 6:224; James Truslow, rev. of, 6:177-178; John, soldier from the Ninth infantry, 4:188, 266; letters of, 266-270
Adams County Record, 1.4:69
“Address at the Dedication of the Memorial on Butte St. Paul,” 8:284-294
Adehemar, trader, 3:25, 29
“Advent of the American Indian into North Dakota, The,” 6:210-220
Agricultural fairs, as immigration tool, 7:19
AHA brand, 1.1:1, 10
Ahrens, Sargeant, 1.2:39, 40
Ainse, Joseph, trader, 3:8, 9, 10
Aird, George, trader, 3:22; James, trader, 12n, 15, 22, 24, 25, 29, 35, 39, 91, 185
Aiton, Arthur S., review by, 6:245
Alaska, purchase of, 6:6, 7, 15
Albanel, Father Charles, 5:200
Albert Lea, Minn., 1.3:25
Albrecht, Fred, 2:143
Alderman, John, 1.1:72
Aldrich, Bess Streeter, rev. of, 3:152-153; Richard, speaker, 1.1:52
Aldrich, Vernice M., articles by, 1.1:49-54, 1.4:41-45; 2:30-52, 217-219; reviews by, 1.1:69-70, 1.1:70-71, 1.2:76-77, 1.2:77, 1.3:78, 1.3:78-79, 1.3:79, 1.3:80, 1.4:77, 1.4:77-78; 2:230, 230-231, 231, 231-232, 232-233, 274; 3:77, 150, 150-151, 151-152, 152, 152-153, 220-222, 223, 223-224; 4:66, 66-67, 67, 148, 200, 200, 201, 201, 202, 202, 274, 275, 275-276, 276, 277-278; 8:220-221; 10:208; 11:221, 221-222
Alexander, Dr. Hartley B., 4:248
Alexander township, Pierce County, 2:45
Alexandria, Minn., 1.4:9; 4:83; market in 1871, 5:28
Algonquin Indians, 6:217; language, 2:31
Alkali Station, 2:271
Allanson, George, 3:14
Allard, Sister, 5:165
Allegheney River, 2:217
Allen and Chase stage company, 6:46, 47
Allen, Capt. William, 5:206, 207, 211, 212; Alvaren, 6:46, 49; Walter, 273; J. M., 7:117, 118
Allison Peace Commission, 5:84, 88
Allord, Mrs. Olive, pioneer, 2:228
Allouez, Father, 10:148
Alpha, steamboat, 1.2:69; 1.3:59; 2:115, 118, 215; 3:178, 180; 9:77, 81
Alsop, steamboat, 2:213
Alsop, W. S., 2:214
Alton, steamboat, 3:276
Alum Springs, stagecoach stop, 7:45
Amachawi-Hidatsa village, 4:35
Amahami village site, near Stanton, N.Dak., 11:9, 61, 62, 74, 113
America Challenged (Carr), rev. of, 3:223-224
America Moves West (Riegel), rev. of, 5:182-183
American annexation of the British Northwest, 5:49, 50, 51, 52; 6:6, 7, 9-19, 22-28, 30-35, 40; sentiment in Red River settlement toward, 6:7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 23-25, 31-41, 123, 135
American Creek, 3:238
American element, in British Columbia, 6:18; in Red River settlement, 11, 18; in Saskatchewan, 18
American Express Company, 6:44, 51
American Farming and Food, by Finlay Dun, excerpt from, 7:96-113
American Fur Company, 1.1:22, 51; 1.2:41, 74; 1.3:13; 2:53, 85; 3:23, 159, 185n, 229, 265, 268, 277, 278, 284, 295; 4:21, 49, 51, 73; 5:5; 6:202, 203, 204; 7:90-92; establishment of, 10:164, 168
American Good Will Association, 1.1:50
American Historical Review, 1.2:71; 1.3:73
American Indian, North, South, and Central America, The (Verrill), rev. of, 1.4:75-76
American Indians and Their Music (Densmore), rev. of, 1.3:76-77
American Indians, origins of, 11:160-173
American Influences on Canadian Government (Munro), rev. of, 5:259
American Legion, 4:59
American Ornithologists Union, 1.4:36
American Ornithology, by Alexander Wilson, 1.4:36
American Songbag, The (Sandburg), rev. of, 2:230-231
Amerinds. See American Indians.
Amherstberg, 3:86, 94, 97
Amidon, Charles Fremont, early family history of, 8:83-86; attending Hamilton Colelge, 86-88; teaching career, 88; legal training, 88; federal district court judge appointment, 88; on jury duty, 89; on workmen’s compensation, 90-91; reforming rules of procedure, 92; Gyrtl case, 93-94; U.S. vs. Allen, 96-96; Railway Shopmen’s Strike of 1922, 96-97; ruling on Espionage Act in World War I, 97-99; tributes in his retirement and death, 99-100; opp. 83; eulogy by, 9:217
Amidon, Judge B., and his son, murdered, 7:118,
Amity, Ore., 4:112, 114
Amlot, Joseph, 2:215
Ammond, Frank, river captain, 1.2:69
Amnesty, question of for Red River insurgents, 5:50; 6:29, 117, 121-129, 131, 139-145
Among the Indians, excerpt on buffalo hunting published, 2:23-29
Anchor City, 5:98
And Still the Waters Run (Debo), rev. of, 8:219-220
Anderberg, Andrew, pioneer, 3:145
Anders, John Olson, review by, 6:253; rev. of, 7:183
Anderson, Dick, 1.1:76; Rev. Bersvend, 1.3:21; Meriwether Lewis, speaker, 1.4:72; Sarah, 1.4:72; H. D., 2:213; A., 3:290; George, trader, 22; Thomas G., trader, 22, 25, 39, 91, 112, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122; Ben, 5:83; Capt. Thomas G., English trader, 7:88; Bishop, 9:111; Capt. Joseph, 10:24, 34, 35, 44n. 103, 84, 94
André, Father, 5:159
Andrew Ackley, at Fort Berthold, 10:13, 24, 28, 41n. 72
Andrew Smith Farm site, 11:94
Andy Breaks Trail, rev. of, 3:218-219
Ange, Harriet L., granddaughter of Robert Dickson, 3:203; Henry, great-grandson of RD, 203, 199n; Howard, great-grandson of RD, 203; Mary, RD's daughter 199n, 203; Nicholas, grandson of RD, 203; Silas, great-grandson of RD, 203; Thomas, grandson of RD, 203
Anglo-French rivalry, in the fur trade on Hudson Bay, 5:198, 218; as the first phase of the Second Hundred Years War, 197, 218
Anhnaway Indians, 4:176, 221
Animals and plants at Pembina, 1807-1808, 5:243, 245
Annamoose Progress, 2:143
Annexation of Canada, America, 6:5, 6, 7, 13, 14
Anoka, Minn., 2:226; description of, 6:233
Anson Northrup, Red River steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:101, 102, 104-109, 215; 3:173, 174, 175; 6:47, 48, 236, 237; 9:27, 29, 69, 74
Antelope, barge, 4:8, 50
Antelope, sightings of, 7:44
Antelope, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Antelope Valley, 1.3:23, 24
Anthropological theories about the origins of man, 11:160-173
Anti-Missourians, 1.3:22
Ants, descriptions of all subspecies in North Dakota, 11:238-270
“Ants of North Dakota, The,” 11:231-271
Apache Indians, 2:157
Appel, Livia, rev. of, 7:230-231
Apple Creek, 1.4:27; 4:211, 212, 215, 221; 10:9, 38n. 51; expedition to, 103-105; Van Ostrand’s visit to, 109-110; site at, 11:81
Appointment Papers, in Dept. of Interior archives, 11:211
Arbre Croche, 3:30
Arbuckle, F .M., 2:215; George W., 2:215
Archaic Mandan period, 11:53-54; sites of, 75-77, 79, 81, 85, 118-121
“Archbishop Tache and the Beginnings of Manitoba,” 6:107-146
Archeology, study of, 4:63; of the Great Plains, analysis of, 7:150-161
Archibald, Adams G., Lt. Gov. of Manitoba, 6:34, 39, 127, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138
Arconge, Helen, Dickson's daughter, 3:199n, 202; Moses, 199n, 202; Moses, of the American Fur Company, 5:82
Arctic Towhee, observed by Audubon, 10:65
Arett, W., 1.1:55, 56
Argus Printing House, 6:230
Ariel, steamboat, 5:108, 109
“Arikara and Cheyenne Earth Lodge Sites,” 8:157-166
“Arikara Ceremonials,” 4:247-265
Arikara Indians: 1.1:20, 51; 1.2:36-40, 45, 49, 50; 1.3:11, 46; 1.4:7; 2:10, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 54, 62, 145, 241; villages of, 2:9, 21, 242; 3:15, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 270; 4:6, 7, 9, 12, 24, 30-32, 46, 74, 103, 167-170, 174-176, 181-184, 207-215, 218-225, 230, 234, 240, 247, 251; corn of, 73; priesthood of, 248; villages of, 6, 9, 30, 31, 46-48, 174, 181-183, 208, 221; 5:38, 43, 48, 159, 233; 6:69, 81, 216, 217, 219, 294; archeological evidence of, 7:151, 153; earth lodges of, 8:157-159; pottery and material culture of, 157-159; near Fort Berthold, 10:12-46; 83-124; archeological record of, 11:9, 11, 40-46
Arikara scouts, 6:69, 75
Arikara War of 1823, 5:233, 234, 235, 237; 6:208
Arlington Heights, 1.2:30
Armstrong, Charles, 1.1:55; Alma, teacher, 2:58; Capt. William, 4:10, 17-46; M. K., 5:74, 76; early settler, 7:125, 134
“Army Fort of the Frontier, 1860-1870, The," 2:155-167
Army Fort of the Frontier, The (Welty), rev. of, 2:155
Arneson, E., 2:213
Arnett, H. A., rancher, 8:299
Arnold, Capt., 1.3:39; 1.4:7
Arp, Ben, 1.1:58
Arthur, Chester A., 1.1:6
Arzberger site, S.Dak., pottery found at, 11:44
Ashcreek, 1.1:17
Ashdown, J. H, 2:115, 207
Ashland, Neb., 1.3:57
Ashley, D.T., center of Norwegian settlement in McIntosh County, 5:35
Ashley, Gen. William Henry, 1.1:70 ;4:6, 8, 35, 42-54, 209; 5:233; 6:204
Ashley's old fort, 4:41
Ashmun, Geo. C., 1.1:71
Ashton, D.T., 4:96 97
Askin, John, Jr., 3:88
Assiniboia, Council of, 6:109, 111
Assiniboia, District of, 1.4:50; 6:9
Assiniboine Indians, 1.1:51; 1.4:33, 50; 2:18, 47, 53, 108, 172, 199, 259; language of, 51; 3:270; 4:45, 46, 73, 74, 76, 175, 221; 5:156; 6:218; La Verendrye visit to, 8:248-253; at St. Joseph, 9:73
Assiniboine River, 1.4:49, 50, 51; 2:34, 46, 108, 118, 170, 171, 199, 206
Assiniboine, steamboat, 3:160, 269
Assiniboine trail, 1.3:35
Astor, John Jacob, 1.1:52, 53; 3:29, 37, 184; 4:18, 49; and his rivalry with the Northwest Company, 5:5-13; 6:203
Astor Medal facsimiles, 1.1:49
Astor overland expedition to Oregon, 6:292
Astoria, Ore., 1.1:52, 1.4:15; 5:8, 10, 11, 237; campaign by Astorians, 5, 6
Astronomical events at Pembina, 1807-1808, 5:246, 247
Atcheson, Lt. George, 10:94, 120n. 130
Atkins, ____, trader, 1.1:36
Atkinson, Dick, 1.1:36; Capt. Geo., 1.3:39; Gen. Henry, 4:5-56; Col. Henry, 5:211, 224-228, 232, 233; expedition of 1825, 238
Atlanta, Ga., 1.2:64
Atwood-Stone company, 2:213
Aubert, Father, 2:46
Audubon, John J., naturalist and painter, 4:180, 183; 10:63-82; failings as a botanist, 77-80
“Audubon's Journey Up the Missouri River 1843," 10:63-82
Augsburg Seminary, 1.3:16, 17
Augur, Gen. C. C., 6:266
Aurland, Carl, 2:228
Austin. Horace, Minnesota governor, 1.4:5
Averill, Lt. Col., and detachment, 1.3:34, 39; 1.4:7, 9; Lt. Col. John, 5:110, 112
Awachawa village, 1.1:21
Axby, Capt. Eli G., 6:78, 79
Aymond, A., 2:214; Frank, 214


Babcock, Dr. K. C., 4:105; Willoughby M., director of the Minnesota Historical Survey, report by, 5:100-102; review by, 6:326-327; article by, 7:82-93
Baby Mine, 4:84
Bachman, Rev. John, 10:72; as observer of wildlife, 63, 73-54
Back, Henry S., 2:129, 181, 133
Background of Swedish Immigration, The (Janson), rev. of, 6:253
Bacon and Kerrs, ranchers, 8:299
Baconn, George, 1.1:58, 59
Bad Axe River, 4:7
Bad Gun, Mandan chief, 10:113, 123n. 150
Bad Water site, 11:98
Badlands of the Little Missouri, 1.1:5, 9, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26; 1.3:50, 53, 55; ranching in, 1.1:3-15; 2:55; Rosser’s party in, 10:50-51
Bagley, Judge Horace, 1.2:71, 72; rev. by, 1.1:67; 2:53
Bagman, 4:245
Bagnell site, 11:109
Baie du Febvre, 2:30
Bailey, Vernon, Journal of Mammalology, Vol. I., 2:184; biological survey of, 11:231; Governor, 5:200
Bailly, Alexis, 3:193
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 10:64
Baird’s Sparrow, observed by Audubon, 10:70, 72
Bairstown, 1.1:39
Baker, Col. James A., 1.3:32; Isaac P., steamboat captain, 3:169; I. G., & Co., 283; Jim, 6:68
Baker's Prairie (Prairie a Fournier), 2:31
Balcom, Harry, 1.3:39
Bald Hills, 2:120
Bald Hills Creek, 2:122, 124
Baldwin, Charles, 4:58; Agnes, murder trial of, 9:212-213
Ball, Col. W. F ., 4:58
Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy (Rickaby), rev. of, 1.4:77
Balran, sutler, 4:233
Baltimore (Glasston), N.Dak., 2:141
Baltimore, Md., 1.2:19
Bangs, A. W., Grand Forks attorney, 9:207; Tracy R., 207, 217; George Burr, 207; Philip, 207
Banjo Creek, 2:250
Bank of Missouri, 5:229
Banks, Frank, 1.1:55, 56, 59; rancher, 8:299; Gen. N. P., 5:50, 108, 6:6, 14, 35
Bankston, ____, camp cook, 1.1:5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15
Bannatyne, A. G. B., 2:115, 207; 9:78
Banner State, steamboat, 3:277
Banning, Capt. William and George Hugh Banning, rev. of, 4:276-277
Bannock City, 2:264, 269; gold fields near, 1.3:74
Bannock, Ida., 2:96
Baptiste Pierre site, 11:90
Bardstown, Ken., 1.2:34
Barett site, 11:98
Baril, Camil, Bottineau County commissioner, 9:8
Barker, E. D., 6:227, 230
Barnard, Rev. Alonzo, 6:221
Barnes County, 2:120, 121; 4:85
Barnes County Pioneer Club, 1.1:72; 1.4:69, 2:140
Barnes, Ira, 1.1:72; George S., 7:107
Barnum, ____, homesteaders, 7:206, 207, 212
Barrett, Capt., 2:111; David, 215
Barthe, Louis, 3:106n
Bartlett, N.Dak., 1.1:71
Barton, Lt. ____, 2:128
Baseball, at Fort Berthold, 10:14-16, 114-118
Batchelor, steamboat, 1.2:69
Bates, Charles, 3:184; Frederick, 33, 38, 39; 49n
Bathurst, Lord, 3:111n, 123
Battle Creek site, 11:9, 42
Battle Lake, Minn., 1.3:19; 2:238
Battle of Arkansas Post, 4:190
Battle of Fredericksburg, news of, 5:108, 109
Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1.3:46, battle of, 2:55; 4:163, 165; 5:88; 6:58, 68, 69, 187, 188, 193-200; number involved in, 196, 197; weapons used in, 197-198; Reynolds at, 7:73, 79-81; 8:104; 10:190
Baye St. Paul, 2:31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 46, 50
Bayne, Col. Edward, 3:95, 112n
Beach Advance, 3:73
Beadle, ____, 2:132
Beadle County, 4:94
Beal, Henry, 1.1:72
Bear, Alfred, Arikara Indian, 3:62
Bear band of Arikara, 3:54
Bear Butte, 1.3:50; stagecoach stop, 7:45
Bear Creek, 1.1:26
Bear Den Hill (Matoti) 1.4:7, 10
Bear, Gabriel, request for immigration house, 7:16
Bear Lake, 2:211
Bear Robe, Indian chief, 4:218
Bear's Belly, Arikara Indian, 3:62, 64
Bear's Rib, Hunkpapa chief, 4:74, 10:182-183
Beauchamp, ____, trader, 4:169, 170; Peter, 223, 228, 229, 10:12, 15, 26, 31, 32, 40n. 65; Jake, interpreter, 5:39
Beaufort, S.C., 4:133, 137
Beaver, boat, 4:12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 30, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50
Beaver Club of Montreal, 3:5, 12, 37
Beaver Creek, 1.1:18, 2:263, 4:214; archeological work on, 7:156
Beaver, T. J. Holt, 1.4:6
Bechtel, A., 2:142
Beck, Richard, Pall Thorlakson, and Ami Magnusson, article by, 6:6:150-164
Beck, Richard, review by, 8:224-225
Becker, Lt. ____, 2:111
Beckett & Foote, 3:290
Beckworth, James P., 3:211
Bede Uses His Arrow site, 11:91
Beebe, Mrs. R. R., 4:198
Beede, Dr., 9:176, 11:89
Beede, Margaret, rev. by, 1.2:77-78; reviews by, 9:283-284, 10:264-266
Before the Covered Wagon (Parrish), rev. of, 6:93-94
Begg (author), 6:35, 38, 41; Alexander, 9:100
Beisegel (Bicycle) Creek, 2:55
Beisigl Brothers, ranchers, 8:299
Belcher's Ford, 4:85
Belcourt, Father George Antoine, 1.4:69; 2:30-40, 46-52, 55; 5:153-158; and the Hudson's Bay Co. difficulties 155, 156; missionary work in Bottineau County, 8:284-294; 9:108
Belcourt, N.Dak., 2:123
Belden, John P., 7:30
Belden, Peoge P. (the White Chief), 6:68, 73, 74
Belfield, N.Dak., 1.1:56, 3:251, 4:89
Belk, H. M., river captain, 1.2:69, Capt. J. M., 3:214
Belknap, Secretary of War, 2:60
Bell, Dr. Charles N., speaker, 1.1:49; J. L., 1.2:71; Capt. Edwin, 2:106, 3:174; Peter, 3:98; John, 4:57; Capt. Edwin, 9:71; John G., taxidermist, 10:64
Bell’s Vireo, observed by Audubon, 10:65, 72
Belle, Fontaine, 4:55; 5:220, 223-226, 230
Belle Fourche River, 7:45
Belle Plain, Ia., 1.3:57
Bellows, Walker, and company, 1.3:50, 52
Belmont (Frog Point), 2:204; 3:173, 233
Beloit, D.T., 4:82
Bem, Frank, immigration agent, 7:6
Bemis, Joseph G., 6:303, 311-318
Ben Standing Soldier site, 11:90
Bennet, Maj., 6:304
Bennett Creek, 1.1:18, 2:55
Benoit, Don, 2:32
Benson, Alfred, 1.1:32; Alonzo, 1.1:77; Sarah Lena, 1.4:73; Sarah Philena, 1.4:73; B. W., general land agent at Valley City, 5:31
Benson County, 2:57
Benson, Minn., 2:114
Benson, William, business partner of Charles Shafer, 8:175
Benstead, C. R., rev. of, 4:276
Benteen, Capt. F. W., 4:236, 6:194, 196; 7:79
Bently, Viola, great-granddaughter of Dickson, 3:15, 203
Benton Barracks, 2:218
Benton, steamboat, 1.2:69
Benton, Thomas Hart, 5:227, 237
Benz, Agnes, archeological finds of, 7:157
Benz Ranch, probable archeological site, 11:77-78
Berdache, death of, 10:90, 120n. 127
Bergman, Red. F. J., 6:152
Bergmann, Jon, 6:158
Bergquist, Francis, 2:201

Bernard Schmidt site, 11:97
Bernjer, 6:133
Berry and Boyce company, 1.1:29
Bertel, John, 6:154
Bertha, steamboat, 3:167
Berthelot, trader, 3:185n
Berthold Indian village, 1.1:21, 4:219
Beulah site, 11:111
Beyond the Law (Linderman), rev. of, 7:232
Bicycle (Biecigal) creek, 1.1:18
Bierline, Sam, rancher, 8:299
Biesterfeldt site, 11:38, 85
Big Bald Hill Creek, 2:122
Big Bear, Chippewa chief, 1.4:71; 9:157
Big Beaver, 4:32
Big Beaver Creek, 10:5, 37n. 41
Big Belley Indians. See Hidatsa Indians.
Big Cheyenne River, 2:92, 5:71
Big Enough (James), rev. of, 6:250
Big Foot, Potawamie chief, 2:58, 10:194
Big Hidatsa village site, 11:115
Big Hole fight, 6:72
Big Hollow, 4:241, 245
Big Horn (Judith) River, 1.3:7, 2:239, 240, 4:234
Big Horn Mountains, 1.1:29, 2:54
Big John, Chief, 4:215
Big Knife River, 2:240, 246
Big Lake, 2:248
Big Meadow, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Big Mike, 10:32, 45-46n. 117, 101, 102
Big Muddy River, 2:260, 261
Big Salt River, 1.1:37, 45, 2:205
Big Sioux River, 3:236, 4:14, 81, 155
Big Stone Lake, 1.3:32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 42, 43; 2:101, 109, 221; 3:175, 190n, 236; 5:118, 119; steamboats on, 9:74
Big Stone River, 4:82
Big White (She-he-ke or Coyote), 1.4:35; 2:5, 9, 15
Big White site, 11:112
Bighorn sheep, observed by Audubon, 10:69
Bijou Fork, 1.3:13
Bijou Hills, S.Dak., 4:239
Bill, Fred A., river captain, 1.3:69; articles by, 2:100-119; 2:201-216; F. G., 2:141; W. W., 1.3:57
Billings County, 2:55
Bilyeu, Joe, 1.1: 29
Bindloss, Harold, rev. of, 6:100-101
Bingham, H. W., 6:306
Binks, Rev. G. M., lecturer on Dakota, 7:11
“Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Slaughter,” 1.2:34-35
“Biographical Sketch of Henry and Herman Kellogg,” 3:66-72
“Biographical Sketch of Joseph A Gilfillan, Indian Missionary, 1838-1913," 1.4:41-45
“Biographical Sketch of Lyman K. Raymond,” 2:217-219
Birch Coolie Battlefield, 5:106
Birch Creek, 2:120, 122
Bird Head Ranch, 8:299
Bird, James, 5:175
Bird Tail Rock, 2:264
Birdhead outfit (Morning Star Cattle company), 1.1:59
Birds and Mammals Observed by Lewis and Clark in North Dakota,”1.4:14-36
Bishop, Col., of Minn., 1.2:65
Bismarck Capital, 1.1:73, 74, 76; 2:140, 141; 3:213, 214; 4:58
Bismarck, D.T., vying for site of capitol, 7:26, 29, 33, 34, 41
Bismarck Journal (newspaper), 6:226
Bismarck, N.Dak., 1.1:16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28; 1.2:35, 36, 38; 1.3:48, 49, 57, 72; 3:161, 168, 169; 4:34, 59, 60, 83, 92, 185; capitol grounds at, 185; land office at, 91; 6:58
Bismarck to Deadwood, stagecoach line, 7:43-46
Bismarck Tribune (newspaper), 6:226, 227, 230
Bismarck-Deadwood road constructed, 6:59
Bismarck-Ellendale stage line, 3:241
Bismarck-Fort Buford-Fort Keogh stage line, 3:240, 241
Bismarck-Fort Yates stage line, 3:241
Bissell, James, river captain, 1.2:69, 2:215
Bissonethe, J., 2:215
Bitman, Sgt., 4:245
Bjornsson, Sigurdur Josua, 6:154
Black Cat, Mandan chief, 2:5, 6, 9, 13, 14; 4:176; village of, 176, 178
Black Cat’s village site, 11:72, 83
Black Foot River, 2:270
Black Hawk War, 4:7
Black Heath Mines, Nev., 2:272
Black Hills, 1.1:16, 26; 1.4:27; gold rush in, 1.3:48; 3:169; freight routes, 3:232 ; 4:81, 82, 93, 103, 234; gold rush to, 58, 106, 107; military expedition of 1874 to, 237; 5:71-99; soldiers driving out miners at, 78-84; 6:304-305; early travelers in, 292-293; expedition of 1875, 189; gold rush to, 58, 61, 65, 66, 190, 292-318; gold rush difficulties, 65-68, 303, 306-308, 311, 313-318; roads leading to, 304, 308-313
Black Hills Exploring and Mining Association, 5:74, 75, of Sioux City, 79
“Black Hills Gold Rush, The,”, 5:71-99
Black Hills Gold Rush, and immigration, 7:21
“Black Hills Gold Rush, Letters From Men Who Participated, The,” 6:302-318

Black Hills Herald, 3:261
Black Hills Lumber Company, 5:85
Black Hills Pioneer, 3:249
Black Hills Trail, 6:296
Black Hills Trail, The (Brown and Willard), rev. of, 1.1:65
Black John, 1.1:26, 27
Black, Judge John, 6:22, 28, 38
Black Kettle's camp of southern Cheyennes, 4:234
Black Moon, Indian chief, 2:91, 5:161
Black, R. M., president of Ellendale Normal, 1.1:72; 1.4:6; William R, 2:141
Black-Birds Hills, 4:13
Black-tailed Prairie Dog, 4:19
Blackfoot Indians, 1.1:51; 1.2:43, 44, 45, 51; 2:53, 88, 230; 3:270, 273; 4:6, 9, 170; 5:159
Blackhawk, 3:100, 101n, 102
Blackwater Lake, 10:23, 43n. 100
Blackwood, Thos., agent, 3:26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Blacylock, Doc, 1.1:3-15
Blakeley, Capt. Russell, 1.3:49; 2:101, 105, 106, 107; 3:173, 174, 230, 231; 6:43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 61, 62
Blakely and Carpenter stage line, 3:232
Blanchard, D.T., 4:83
Blanchet, Father, 2:35
Bland, Pete, 3:290
Blank, Phillip, 1.4: 69
Blathwayt, William, 5:214, 215
Blaylord, Doc., 1.1:, 6, 8
Bleakely, John, 3:trader 31; Josiah, trader, 31
Blegen, John H., article about, 1.3:16-29; Rev. John (Norwegian Lutheran), 5:32, 33, 34; Theodore C., ed., article by, 1.3:16-29; rev. of, 6:86-87, 6:175-177
Bliss, Vera M., writer, 2:140; J. W, 4:59
Blizzards, 7:200, 205, 211
Blood Indians, 1.1:51, 2:88
“Bloody Knife and Gall,” 4:165-173
Bloody Knife, Sioux and Arikara scout, 2:61; 4:165, 166, 167, 168, 196, 170, 171., 172, 173, 236; 7:78
Bloomington, Minn., 2:111, 217, 218, 220
Blue Bird, Arikara Indian, 3:64
Blue Earth River, 4:161
Blue Hill, 4:15
Blue Thunder, Sioux scout, 1.4:70
Blunt, 4:94
Board of Immigration (established in Dakota Territory 1875), 5:26
Bob Meldrum, Mackinac boat, 1.2:43
Bob-Tailed Bull, and Charles Shafer, 8:171-172
Bob-Tailed Bull, Indian chief, 4:236
Bobtail Gulch, 5:99
Bodley, Temple, rev. of, 1.3:77
Bodmer, painter, 4:179
Bohemian colonists, from Chicago to D.T., 7:138
Bohrer and Seiler, 2:245
Bois de Sioux, 1.3:34, 2:100, 101, 109, 209; River, 3:172
Bois Perce (Pierced Woods), 2:174, 186, 198, 199
Bois-Brule Indians, 2:49; new nation of, 9:94, 95
Boley site, 11:57, 103
Boller, Henry, excerpt from his Among the Indians (1868), 2:23-29
Boller site, 11:113
Bon Homme County, farmer’s claim to crop yield, 7:10, 11, 16
Bon Homme, D.T., 3:234, 236, 238; 4:96; 7:146; County, 96
Bonanza farms, 7:97-113
Bond, Alfred H., horse rancher, 1.1:25, 30; 8:297; G. Gorman, 1.1:30; Beverly W., writer, 1.3:72; Ensign J. H., 6:231, 238; J. H., and Arthur Henry Moehlman, article by, 6:231-238
Bone and horn artifacts, of Indians, 11:26
Bonin, Father, 5:165
Bonners Ferry, Id., 1.1:52
Bonney, Seth, 6:227
Boon's Lick country, 5:228
Boone County, Mo., 1.1:40
Bootie, Daniel, 1.3:73
Boskowitz, J. & A., 3:284
Boston harbor, 1.2:25
Bottineau County, N.Dak., 4:58; exploration and settlement of, 8:284-294; organization of, 9:3-20; petitions regarding, 8-16; settlement of, 10:217-243; first home in, 238; first school in, 239
Bottineau Courant, 1.4:69
Bottineau, N.Dak., 2:56
Bottineau, Pierre, 1.3:40; 1.4:10; Charles, 2:172; Mme. Charles, 172
Bottineau settlement, 5:33
Bottineau Townsite, survey of, 10:239-240
Bouche, Francoise, 3:106n
Boulder River, 2:266
Bouldin, John, 4:110; John Green, 111; Richard, 110; Thomas, 109, 110; William, 109; of Virginia, 109, moves to Fillmore, Minn., 111
Boulton, Major, 9:152, 157
Boundary adjustment between the United States and Great Britain in 1818, 5:151, 152
Boundary survey, U.S.-Canadian, 9:116
Bourchier, Col., 6:232, 238
Bourget, Bishop, 5:165
Bourgois, Double Ditch site, 4:34
Bourke, (Burke) 1.1: P.; 1.1:35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 75; Capt. John G., 5:92, 93; Jamor John G., 6:188
Bovay, A. E., 4:91
Bow River, 1.3:57
Bowbells Tribune, 3:214
Bowdoin, D.T., Norwegian settlement in Wells County, 5:34
Bowline creek, 1.1:58
Bowyer, John, Indian agent, 3:194
Box Elder River, 2:263
Boyd, Thomas, rev. of, 3:218-219; Alfred, 6:132; Col. Carlile, 10:14, 41n. 75
Boyle, Jim, 10:12, 13, 39n. 60
Bozeman Pass, 1.3:10
Bozeman Trail, 2:157
Brackenridge, traveler, 1.3:11, 12; Henry, description of Arikara villages, 4:182
Brackett, George, 2:124, 128
Bradbury, John, 2:240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245; Travels in the Interior of America, 242-244, 246; 4:5, 182
Brader, John, 1.4:.9, 2:128
Bradford, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:28, 44n. 109, 83, 86
Bradley, Lt. Col. George, 1.3:34; Maj. George, 5:105; Scout-Commandant, 6:195
Bradwin, E. W., rev. of, 6:97-98
Brady, Daniel, river captain, 1.2:38
Bragg, 4:195
Brainard, Alfred, 4:134, 141; Dudley S., review by, 6:175-177
Brainerd, Minn., 1.1:24, 1.3:46, 1.4:41, 42; 2:131
Braithwaite, ____, steamboat clerk, 1.2:37
Bramble and Keyes stage line 253
Bramble, D.T. & Company, 3:251
Bramble, Miner. & Company stage line, 3:244, 245, 248; 5:86
Branch, Douglas, rev. of, 1.4:77-78, rev. of, 3:217-218; review by, 7:228-229
Brandner family, homesteaders to Bottineau County: John, 10:236-239; Robert, 236-238; Lizzie, 237, 238
Brants, Capt., 4:56
Brauch, Jacob, 7:14, 17, 18
Bray, I., 2:224
Brazeau, Victoria. granddaughter of Dickson, 3:203
Brazen, British man of war, 1.4:53
Breaking sod, 7:195, 196, 198, 202
Breck, James Lloyd, missionary, 1.4:41
Breckenridge, Minn., 2:100-118, 201-215, 251
Bredberg, Frank, 4:91
Breed, H. P., 2:201
Brennan, John, author of immigration circular, 7:9
Brenner and Terry, traders at Fort Totten, 9:222-223
Brenner’s Crossing, 2:123
Brent, George E., 5:123
Brewer’s Blackbird, observed by Audubon, 10:70
Brewster, J. W., general manager of cattle company, 8:298
Briarly, Miss _____, of St. Paul, 2:248
Brickley, A. I., stage driver, 3:242
Bridger, James, 1.2:43
Bridgers Pass, 2:271
Bridgewater, 4:96
Briggs, Harold E.: articles by, 3:159-181, 3:229-261, 4:78-108, 5:71-99, 7:114-149; rev. of, 5:258-259; review by, 6:98-100
Brill, E. C., rev. of, 4:277-278
Briminstool, E. A., rev. of, 2:148; article by, 7:73-81
Brink, Jud, scout, 1.413
Brinkerhoff and Jordan stage line, 3:240. 241
Brisebois, Auguste, 2:172; Antoine, 3:106n; Michael, 13n, 22
“British Agricultural Expert in the Red River Valley, 1879, A," 7:94-113
British Columbia, American influence in, 6:7; memorial for annexation to U.S., 30
British Commission (boundary survey), 9:116
British fur companies operating in the United States, 6:202
British North American Act, 6:8, 9:139
Broadview, Can., 1.3:57
Brock, Maj.-Gen. Isaac, 3:47, 85, 86, 87, 88n, 90, 91. 92, 93, 95, 124
Broken Arm, Assiniboine chief, 259
Broken Arrows, 4:21
Broken Bone, N.Dak., 1.3:28, 29
Brookings, 4:82, 92
Brookings, W. W., 3:236, 237; W. W., 5:74; F., 72; Gen., 220, 221, 230
Brooks, ____, 1.1:59
Brown, Benjamin Balmer, articles on Civil War letters by, 1.3:60-71; 1.4:61-68; Jesse, rev. of, 1.1:65; Lewis, 1.3:60; Major Joseph, 1.3:32; Joseph, trader, 2:122; Helen, 3:199n. 203; Joseph R., 199n, 203; Samuel J., 15, 190n; Helen, article by, 4:109-115; John George, mail carrier, 4:245; Bob (squawman), 6:75; Col. "Stuttering," 316, 317; George, 108; W. R., 109; George, 9:238n.
Brown, Charles E., address about Wisconsin Historical Society Museum, 1.2:52-58, notes from Wisconsin, 2:58-59, survey of State Historical Society of North Dakota, 3:292-304, 4:62
Brown County, 4:94
Browns Lake, 1.4:10
Browns Valley, 1.3:34, 35; 1.4:6, 7
Bruce, Charles Gaspard, 1.1:36, 39, 45; John, 6:115; Robert, rev. of, 7:172-173
Bruce Township, 2:57
Bruin, H. A., 3:. 181
Brule Indians, 4:96, 6:266
Bruns and Finkle, 2:201
Bruns, H. A., and Company, 1.3:50
Brush, Dr. Henry R, 2:39, 40
Bruya, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:27, 44n. 108, 109, 110
Bryan, A. H., 2:215
Bryant, Alden, 2:107, 3:175, 9:72; Thomas, 215;
Brymner, Douglas, translator of La Verendrye journals, 8:229
Buchanan, N.Dak., 4:57
Buchanan, Robert, 4:57, John, 6:222
Buck, Solon J., 1.1:50; 1.2:75
Buckley, Merton, 1.1:32
Buckrum, at Fort Berthold, 10:99, 119, 121n. 132
Budd, Ralph, 1.4:72
Budde Brothers and Sinclair, store in Bottineau, 10:240-241
Buell, Salmon E., 1.3:37
Buffalo: at risk with western settlement, 10:174, 184; observed by Audubon, 66-67; hunted, 68-69
Buffalo, boat, 4:14, 15, 16, 17, 38, 42, 44, 48. 49
Buffalo bone industry, 3:288
Buffalo, D.T., 7:40
Buffalo Hunt, A, extract from Among the Indians by Boller, 2:23
“Buffalo Hunt, A,” 2:23-29
Buffalo hunts, of the half-breeds, 5:152, 153, 154
“Buffalo in Trade and Commerce, the,” 3:262-291
Buffalo Lodge, 2:199
Buffalo, Mich., 2:49
Buffalo, N. Y., 1.1:26, 2:272
Buffalo or Bull band of Arikara, 3:53
Buffalo Paunch creek, 4:216
Buffalo ranch, 1.1:30
Buffalo River, 2:106, 3:231
Buffey, G. A., 2:272
Building the Canadian West: The Land and Colonization Policies of the Canadian Pacific Railway (Hedges), rev. of, 8:305-306
Bulger, Capt. Alfred H., 3:114, 116, 117. 119.120, 121, 122
Bull Head Lake (White Heron), 1.3:32, 33
Bullion (Big) Butte, 1.2:26
Bullion creek, 1.1:26
Bullion, Jack, 1.1:26, 27
Bullock, Capt., of Michilimackinac, 3:105. 118
Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward, 6:7
Bunkhouse Man, The (Bradwin), rev. of, 6:97-98
Bunn, John, 5:175; Thomas, 6:111, 120
Burbank and Company, 2:103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 113; 3:174.175, 176; 6:49, 50, 54, 55, 57, 233, 235; Burbank and Person's "Minnesota Express," 6:42
Burbank, Fawcette and Company, 6:42
Burbank, H. C., 2:106, 107; J. C., 106, 107; H. C., 3:174; J. C., 174, 231; 6:49, 54, 55; James C., 42, 43, 49, 54, 55, 61; Gov. John A., 7:12; J. C. and H.C., steamboat owners, 9:71, 72, 74; John A., administration of, 11:212-213
Burbank state line, 1.4:37
Burdick, Usher L., 1.3:74; article by, 8:295-300; reviews of, 10:206-207, 11:284-285
Bureau of Immigration, 4:94
Burgois village site, 1.1:22, 11:24
Burgum, Mrs. J. A. (Jessamine Slaughter), 1.2:35, 4:197
Burial mounds, excavation of, 7:156, 157
Burkholz, John, 2:213
Burleigh County, N.Dak., 1.1:22, 4:60, 175
Burleigh County Pioneer's Association, 1.2:35, 2:141, 4:60
Burleigh, Walter A, 4:105, 7:16; Yankton Indian agent, 7:130
Burlingame, Merrill G., article by, 3:262-291
Burlington, Ia., 2:212
Burlington, N.Dak., 1.3:25, 27, 28; 6:148
Burlington railway, 1.3:58
Burman, N.Dak., 2:65
Burnham, B. L., 2:144, J. W., 2:144
Burning an Empire: The Story of American Forest Fires (Holbrook), rev. of, 11:221-222
Burns, H. C., 2:216
Burnstad, Ed., 1.1:73
Burnt creek, 1.2:39, 40
Burnt Creek, 10:9, 38n. 52
Burr, Judge Alexander G., 1.3:73, 1.4:69, 3:73, address by, 8:284-294; article by, 10:217-243; Alexander, Presbyterian minister, 10:241-242
Burt, A. L., rev. of, 5:62; Capt., 124, 125, 126
Burtness, Congressman O. B., address of, 5:249, 250
Burtness highway, monument at, 2:58
Bush, Mrs. Rose, 1.1:72, 2:140
Buso Lake, 2:252
Bussy, William, 2:215
Butler, Gen., 1.2:24; Chas. M., 4:. 189, 193
Butte St. Paul, Bottineau County, 1.4:69, 5:156; memorial at, 8:284-294
Butte, steamboat, 1.2:69
Butterfield, Mrs. A., 2:143; Ira, letters of, 3:129-144; Maryetta, 3:129
Buxton, W. T, 2:207
Byrne, Patrick E., rev. of, 1.1:65-66; article by, 6:187-200


C. W. Peck, steamboat, 3:279
Cabana (Cabanne), J. P., 4:51
Cabin at the Trail's End, The (Hargreaves), rev. of, 2:231
Cache pits, at earthlodge sites, 11:23-24
Cadell Homestead site, 11:93
Cadillac, Knight Errant of the Wilderness (Laut), rev. of, 6:94-95
Cadotte, trader, 2:171
Cady, Cpl., 1.3:41; Capt., 2:249
Cairns, Lt., 1.2:40
Calamity Jane, 2:148
Caldwell, Fraser. & Company, 3:29
Caledonia, D.T., 7:192; school at, 9:82
Caledonia Times (newspaper), 6:230
Calhoun, John C., 4:55; 5:220-237; and the erection of forts in the Northwest, 6:208
Calhoun, steamboat, 5:224
California Joe, scout, 5:85, 6:68, 310
Calliéres, M. de, 5:208, 209, 214
Calloway County, Missouri, 1.1:40
Calumet Bluff, 4:17
Calumet, or adoption ceremony, 4:248
Camas prairie, 1.3:58
Cameron, ____, 2:172; Duncan, 1.4:56, 57, 58; 9:93; Murdoch, 3:14, l4n, 20n, 22, 23, 25, 30
Camp Ambler, 5:127
Camp Arnold, 5:126
Camp Atchison, 2:255; 5:113, 122, 126, 127
Camp Atkinson, 2:124
Camp Aurillo, 1.2:38
Camp Averill, 5:117
Camp Baker, 1.3:41, 2:93, 5:116
Camp Barbour, 4:8, 42
Camp Bradley, 1.3:34, 35; 5:118, 119
Camp Buell, 1.3:35, 37, 40, 44; 1.4:12; 5:119
Camp Burt, 5:126
Camp Butler, 2:217
Camp Chase, 1.2:9; 5:127
Camp Conor (O'Connor), 5:128
Camp Cook, 1.3:35; 2:92, 93; 5:119
Camp Corning, 2:124, 127; 5:121
Camp Crooks, 5:115
Camp Douglas Pope, 2:124
Camp Edgerton, 5:127
Camp Hancock (Bismarck). 1.2:35; 2:140
Camp Hayes, 1.3:34, 39, 44, 45; 1.4:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; 2:124, 127; 5:119, 120
Camp Hazelwood, 1.3:41
Camp Humphreys, 1.2:42
Camp Jennison, 1.3:34, 38, 40; 5:118
Camp Libby, 5:126
Camp Mandan, 4:37
Camp Marshall, 1.3:38, 40; 5:117
Camp McClellan, 4:131
Camp McLaren, 1.3:43; 5:118
Camp McPhail, 1.3:41; 5:116, 117
Camp Miller, 1.3:41, 5:115
Camp Missouri, 4:10; 5:228, 230, 233
Camp Parker, 1.3:35, 36; 5:119
Camp Phelps, 5:128
Camp Pope, 1.3:40, 41; 2:126; 5:105, 106, 114, 115
Camp Ramsey, 5:117
Camp Reaves, 2:93
Camp Release, 1.3:42
Camp Sheardown, 2:120-122, 126, 127; 5:121
Camp Smith, 2:121, 124, 126, 127; 5:121
Camp Stevens, 5:127
Camp Sullivan, 5:128
Camp Weiser, 1.4:10, 11, 12, 13; 2:120, 128; 5:120
Camp Wharton, 1.4:9, 10, 11, 12; 2:120; 5:120, 121
Camp White, 5:128
Campbell, David; river pilot, 1.2:37; J. E., 1.4:69; Robert, 1.1:35, 36, journal of, 1.1:35-45; Archibald, 3:trader 22; Charles T., 240, 244; John, trader, 16, 22, 37; R. & W,. 276, 284; Charles T., 5:86
Camu, Maj., 1.3:39
Canada and the United States (Keenleyside), rev. of, 5: 141-143
Canada, Confederation of, 6:6
Canada West (Niven), rev. of, 5:265-267
Canadian annexation of the Northwest, 6:, 8-11, 15, 18-21, 24-32, 35, 108-132
Canadian fear of U.S. annexation of British Northwest, 6:39, 40
Canadian immigrants, 4:86, 88
Canadian Pacific Railroad: 1.3:56, 57; 4:88; 6:57; and its effect on steamboat traffic, 9:81; rails shipped via Northern Pacific, 9:28-30
Canadians at Red River Settlement, 6:9, 12, 20, 21, 109-111; surveyors, 111-113
Candee, George W., paymaster, 10:110, 123n. 149
Cando, N.Dak., 1.3:19; in 1886, Rev. John Blegen's description of, 5:33
Canning, British minister to the U.S., 3:198
Cannon Ball River, 7:44
Cannon, Cornelia James, rev. of, 3:77; Carl L., ed., revs. of, 7:66-67, 67
Cannonball River, 1.2:46; 1.4:27, 36; 2:90; archeological remains of villages at, 11:92
Canon Creek, 5:82
Canton, D.T., 4:82; 7:33, 147
Cantonment Martin, 5:223, 226
Cape, Wilson, article by, 6:276-291; T. W., review by, 11:222-223
Capital Commission, 7:29-34
Capital removal, 5:178, 179; bill regarding, 7:30
Captain Lee Hall (Raymond), rev. of, 8:133-134
Capture of Old Vincennes, The (Quaife, ed.), rev. of, 2:147-148
Carahoof, Bismarck hunter, 4:172
Carey, Charles Henry, ed., rev. of, 7:233-234
Carignan, J. M., speech by, 9:173, 175, 176
Carleton City, plans for, 10:103, 104; visit to, 110; 122n. 144
Carlson, William H., review by, 7:181-182; William S., rev. of, 8:306-307
Carnarvon, Count, 6:144
Carolina Parakeet, observed by Audubon, 10:65
Carpenter, Cephas W., 6:55
Carr, Levi, letters from, 1.1:62-64; Richard, 1.1:62, 64; Byron F., 3:213; Lewis F., rev. of, 3:223-224
Carrick, Onto, 2:272
Carrie V. Kountz, at Fort Berthold, 10:14, 16, 41n. 77
Carriggan, J. M., 1.3:72
Carrol, steamboat, 3:223
Carrol, W. J., 2:228
Carrolton, Ill., 1.1:39, 41
Carson, Kit, 2:273
Carson Press, 1.4:69
Carter, Alex, 2:268; Capt. Theodore, 5:107
Carteret, Sir George, 5:198
Cartier, Sir George, 6:8, 40, 112-141
Cartwright and Sons ranch, 1.1:59
Cartwright, N.Dak., 1.1:61
Carver, Henry L., 2:126
Case, Beniah, 4:189
Cashel, John L., 1.1:77
Cass Lake, 1.1:77
Cass, Lewis, Gov., Michigan Territory, 3:183, 184; 6:205; expedition into the Northwest (1820), 5:236
Cassel, Catherine, 4:111
Casselman's Landing, 4:216
Casselton, N.Dak., 1.3:58; 4:83; branch of the Northern Pacific, 83; 7:39; home to Dalrymple farms, 7:107
Cassman, Thomas, 2:121
Castleman, Gen. John B., 1.2:34
Castlereagh, 3:46, 128
Castleton, D.T., 5:96
Cathay, D.T., 5:34
Catholic missionary work in Dakota, beginnings of, 5:149-165
Catholic Missionary Activities in the Northwest, 1818-1864 (Norton), rev. of, 5:58-59
“Catholic Missions and Missionaries Among the Indians of Dakota,” 5:149-165
Cathro, F. V., speaker, 1.4:69
Catlin, George, 4:178, 179, 183, 184; 7:90; and the Teton Dakotas, 10:171; Henry, 1.1:20, 21; 1.2:46, 48
Cattle: in the Red River Settlement, 5:174, 175; and sheep brought to Icelandic settlement at Pembina, 6:161, 162; ranching in the Mouse River Country, 6:147, 149; ranching, in western D.T., 8:6, 8:295-300
“Cattle Ranching in McKenzie County, N. D.,” 1.1:55-64
Caughey, John, ed., rev. of, 7:66-67
Cavaleer (Cavileer), Charles T., postmaster at Pembina, 1.2:73; 2:55, 5:55, 6:37; Mrs. Charles Turner, 1.2:79; Lulu Belle, death of, 55, 56
Cavalier auxiliary association of Pembina old settlers association, 2:57
Cavalier Chronicle, 1.3:73, 2:57, 141, 142; 3:13; 4:58, 60
Cavanaugh, John, 2:215
Cedar Canyon, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Cedar Creek, 2:57
Cedar River, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Cedar Tree ceremony of the Arikara, 3:55
Ceders, Sgt., 4:53
Celio Falls of the Columbia River, 1.1:52
Census records, D.T., 1870, 7:140, 141
Centner, Charles W., Jr., reviews by, 8:222-223, 309-310
Central City, D.T., beginning of, 5:91, 97, 99
Ceramic culture: of Mandans, 11:10, 27-30; of Mandans, Hidatsas, and Arikaras, 33-34; decline of, 69-75; archeological evidence of, 11:27-34
Chaboillez, Jean Charles Baptiste, 2:20, 191
Chadwick, J., 2:215
Challoner's crossing of the Missouri, 2:55
Chamberlain, D.T., 4:21, 82, 83, 96, 104
Chamberlain, stock owner, 4:246
Chambers, T. R., 4:60; Lt. Col. Talbot, 5:223, 226; E. B., 6:227
Champney, Lt. C. H., 6:224
Chance, Lt. Josiah, 1.2:36, 39
Chandler, Sen. Zachariah, 5:50, 6:34
Chandonet, Lt. Charles, 3:l06
Chapin, J. B., 2:132, 133
Chappelle Creek stage station, 3:238
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste, 1.3:5, 6, 11, 13, 14; Lisette, 1.2:12; Touissant (Shabond), 1.1:21; 1.3:5-14; Touissant, Jr. 1.3:12, 13; Toussaint, 2:7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 20, 21, 52; Jean Baptiste, 8, 10 Toussaint, 4:35, 37, 39, 184; creek named after, 45; 9:21, 21n.
Chardon, Francis, journal entries of, 7:89-90
Charette, Giullaume (author), 6:107
Charges File, in Dept. of Interior archives, 11:211
Chariton. Mo., 5:224, 226, 228, 231
“Charles E. Shafer: Hunter, Indian Trader, and Rancher,” 8:167-178
“Charles Fremont Amidon,” 8:83-100
Charles II, 5:197, 198, 201
Charles Mix County, D.T., 4:96
Charlevoix, Father, 10:150
“Charley Reynolds-Hunter and Scout,” 7:73-81
Charlo, 2:183
Charlotte, Ia., 4:186-188, 191-193, 226, 267, 268
Charlson, N.Dak., 1.1:60
Chasanatha (Jim) creek, 3:14
Chase, E. E. and Frye, Geo. cattle firm, 1.1:55, 58
Chase, Salmon P., chief justice, 1.2:27; Capt. Jonathan, 1.3:31; 1.4:6; Charles L., 6:49
Chateau de Mores, 8:273; donation of the state, 278-279; restoration of, 280-283
Chateauguay County, Quebec, 2:130
Chattanooga, Tenn., 2:218; 4:131, 132, 196
Chautauqua Park, Valley City, 4:58
Cheadle's Journal Across Canada (Doughty and Lanctot), rev. of, 6:87-90
Check List of American Birds, American Ornithologists' Union, 1.4:36
Chenery, Mrs. Jennie M ., 2:58; 4:57; Mrs. O. St. C, 2:228
Cherokee settlement, 4:156, 159; fort at, 4:162
Cherry County, Neb., 4:19
Cherry Creek, 1.1:19, 73; 4:228
Cherry-in-the-mouth, Indian warrior, 4:229
Chesnaye, M. Aubert de la, 5:200, 201
Cheyenne agency, 2:94
Cheyenne City, 2:104
Cheyenne Indian Village site: archeological findings at, 8:159-165; diagram of site, opp. 161; ground plan of earth lodge, opp. 161; pottery of, 162-164
Cheyenne Indians: 1.1:51; 1.3:38, 41; 1.4:7; 2:56, 90, 145, 213; 4:21, 27, 28, 46, 174, 175, 233, 235; 6:216-220, 263, 300; earth lodges of, 8:159-165; pottery and material culture of, 159-165; pottery at, 11:37-39, 85
Cheyenne Mining District, 5:90
Cheyenne River, 1.1:37, 45; 3:32, 50; 4:47, 215
Cheyenne, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:115, 118, 215, 216; 9:77, 81
Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence, The (Lewellyn and Hoebel), 10:125-126
Cheyenne, Wyo., 1.3:48, 49
Chicago and Great Western Railroad, 1.3:58, 5:24
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, 6:61
Chicago, Ill., 1.1:50; 1.3:46, 57; 2:211; 3:86, 95, 97, 99, 183, 184
Chicago Inter-Ocean (newspaper), 6:299
Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul railroad, 1.3:58
Chief Cameahwait, Sakakawea's brother, 1.3:8, 9
Chief Gall, 1.1:28
Chief Joseph, 1.3:49
Children of the New Forest (Marryatt), rev. of, 2:62-63
Chimney Butte ranch, 1.1:18, 29
Chinatown, in Black Hills, 5:91; 7:45, 47
Chinese, in the Black Hills, 7:47; burial customs of, 7:52
Chippewa Agency reports for 1871, 4:102
Chippewa Indians: 1.1:51; 1.4:37; 2:134, 145, 110, 111; 3:8, 9, 25, 38, 84, 88, 99, 100, 108, 110, 183, 187; 5:151-159; 6:215-219; 7:133; treaty ceding lands of, 133
Chippewa River, 2:210, 221
Chippewa, steamboat, 3:159
Chisahetaw creek (Heart River), 1.4:27, 30, 36
Chisholm, H., 1.3:72
Chisholm trail, 2:57
Chittenden, quoted on Indian question, 10:198-199
Chlorine, and its pharmaceutical uses, 8:301
Chouteau, August, 3:184; Pierre, 273; Francis G., reference to his place, 4:52
Chouteau Creek stage station, 3:238
Chouteau, Pierre, & Company, 3:276, 284, 285, 286
Christiansen, Hans, rancher, 1.1:8, 8:299
Christie, Gov., 2:35, 49; Alexander, HBC chief factor, 9:106-108, 111
Christmas Eve, doctor’s experience on, 9:23-26
Church, Louis K., administration of, 11:217-219
Churches, built at Pembina, 5:150, 151, 155; in the Red River Settlement (1825) 175
Churchill harbor, 1.4:53
Churchill, John, 5:202
Churchill, Manitoba, 5:197
Churchs Ferry, N.Dak., 1.3:18; 19, 29; settlement of in 1883, 5:32
Churchs Ferry Sun, 1.1:74
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1.1:77; 1.2:9
City of Fargo, with an Account of Cass County, The (pamphlet), 6:230
City of Winnipeg (Minnesota), steamboat, 2:118, 9:81
Civil War letters: from Richard Carr to Levi Carr, 1.1:62-64; of Sylvanus Whipple Stone, 1.2:68; from 1861-62, 1.3:60-71; of Ira Butterfield, 3:129-144; of James Stallcop, 4:116-142; of E. H. Frank, 186-196; of John Adams, 266-270; of David Coon, 8:191-218; of a soldier, 9:35-57
Civilian Conservation Corps, at Fort Lincoln State Park, 8:105, 112; at Turtle River State Park, 147, 151; at Lake Metigoshe, 9:118, 119, 122
Clabots, Mrs. J. B, 3:73
Claghorn, river captain, 2:105
Claiborne, William, 4:109
Claibourne, Basil Clement, half-breed scout, 1.3:47
Clandening, William H., 2:144; journal of, 2:247-272; Samuel, 2:212
Clapin, Sister, 5:165
Claremont, J., 2:215
Clarendon, Lord (British foreign secretary), 6:31
Clark Creek site, 11:111
Clark, George Rogers, 1.4:14, 2:141; Guy, 1.1:32; Sara, 1.2:73; S. W., 1.1:76; Capt. William, 1.1:22; 1.3:5-11; 1.4:14, 28, 29, 30, 33-35; 2:6-10, 14, 16, 17, 22, 239, 240; 3:41, 111, 112, 116, 184, 189; 5:219, 222; Badger, revs. of, 2:232-233; Henry W., rev. of, 5:187-188; A. J., 6:227; attorney general, 134; N. P. 59; R. C., review by, 178-179; C. M., saloon owner, 9:82
Clarke, H. T. & Company, 1.3:56; 3:253, 254
Clarke, N. P., 1.3:48
Clarkes Centennial Express, 3:254
Clarkson, Bishop, 2:134
Claus, Anton, 1.3:57
Clay, John, manager of Western Ranches Company, 8:296
Claymore, Olive, great-granddaughter of Dickson, 3:203
Clear Lake, 2:220
Clear Water, Minn., 2:249
Clements, Gen. C. C., 9:17
Clendening, Robert, pioneer, 3:145; trading post of, 4:224
Cleveland, D.T., settlement of, 5:91
Cleveland, W. E., 1.3:72
Clifford, 2:249
Clifford, Capt. Walter, 10:12, 17, 19, 39n. 63
Climate zones, of North Dakota, 11:232-233
Cling, Hattie, 3:213; Sam 213
Clinton, DeWitt, 4:172
Cloquet, Minn., 4:58
Coal Banks, N.Dak., 1.3:55
Coal: lignite, 4:84; for fuel, gas poisoning by, 7:216
Coal Harbor, N.Dak., 1.1:21
Coates, John, 2:123
Cochrane, biographical sketch of, 9:203-218; eulogies of, 216-218; opp.203; C. M., rev. of, 1.1:68
Cody, Buffalo Bill, 6:75
Coe, Rev. Alfred N., 3:15, 202, 203; Josette, 203; Robert Dickson, 203; H. W., 6:228
Coeur d' Alene Indians, 1.1::53
Colbalt Hills, 4:15
Cold Springs, 2:211, 226
Cole, A. T., 3:214
Coleharbor, N.Dak., 4:38
Coleman, Dr. Richard M., 4:33
Coles County, Ill., 4:230
Colgrove, William, 1.4:70
College of Saint Boniface, incorporation of, 6:133
College of St. John, near Fort Garry, 9:105
Collins, Capt. Edward, 10:20, 43n. 96
Collins: John, of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:35; Hubert E., rev. of, 3:216-217; Charles, editor of the Sioux City Times, 5:79, 80; expedition of, with T. H. Russel, 79-82
Collins-Russell party rushes to Black Hills, 6:300
Collis, E. G., 1.3:72
Collis ranch, 1.1:29
Colonization scheme of the Northern Pacific Railway, 4:89
Colonization societies, 4:88
Colony creek, 1.4:54
Colter, trader, 1.1:20, 21; member of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:35
Coltman, commissioner, 3:188
Colton, Leslie, 2:228
Columbia Fur Company, 4:21, 49
Columbia River, 1.3:7 5, 8, 59; 1.4:15; 2:9, 35, 168
Columbia River Highway, 1.1:52
“Columbia River Historical Expedition, The, ”1.1:49-54
Columbus, Ohio, 1.2:7, 9
Colville Indians, 1.1:53
Comanche, horse, sole survivor of Custer battle, 1.1:24
Comfort, ____, postmaster at Cummings, 7:192
Commission to investigate Ponca charges, 6:273-274
Commissioner of Insurance, office established, 7:21; publications of, 22-24
Compagnie du Nord, 5:201, 202, 205
Comstock, "Lime," trapper, 4:160-162; E. A., 4:270
Concerning Latin American Culture: Papers Read at Brydcliffe, Woodstock, N. Y. (Griffin, ed.), rev. of, 8:222-223
Confederate property, confiscation of, in Mississippi, 4:191, 192
Congregational Mission, 1.1:20
Conklin, Mrs. F. L., 1.2:68
Conn., Geo. W., 1.3:73
Connelley, William Elsey, rev. of, 7:228-229
Connelly Brothers (Raymond and Mike), ranchers, 8:299
Connelly, M. J., editor, 2:57
Connolly, John, 2:215; T. J, 215
Connolly site, 11:110
Conolly, ____, worker at woodyard, 10:101, 122n. 139
Constans, William, 6: 43
Constantin-Weyer, Maurice, rev. of, 5:63-65
Continental Land and Cattle Company, 1.1:29; 8:298
Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana (vol. 10), rev. of, 8:310
Convention of London, 1818, 5:237
Converse Cattle Company, 1.1:58, 8:299
Converse, Jim, 8:299-300
Conway, Don R., 1.1:75
Cook, Chris., 2:214; Harriet W. (Mrs. J. A. Gilfillan), 1.4:42; William H., 5:175
Cook's expedition against the Sioux in 1876, 6:191-192, 193
Cooke, Jay: and company, 1.3:48; 2:132; letter to, 5:49, 52-53; company failure of, 7:37; hotel of, 39; and the sale of NPRR bonds, 10:47
Cooley, H. P., 2:214; May, teacher, 9:82
Coon, Col. ____, 2:218; David, letters of experiences in the Civil War, summer 1864, 8:191-218
Cooper, William, 3:287; Edward (assistant secretary of the treasury), 6:14
Cooperative Manager and Farmer, 2:141
Cooperstown, N.Dak., 1.3:29; 4:97
Cordelia Township settlement, 5:33
Corliss, Judge, eulogy by, 9:216
Corn, growing near Jamestown, N.Dak., 4:199
Cornell, Frank M., 6:230
Cornfield Island, Lake of the Woods, 2:32
Cornick, H., 2:215; L., 215
Corning, Capt., 1.3:39, 2:124
Corral creek, 1.1:18
Corson County, S.Dak., 2:242
Cortez, 2:240
Cosgrove, W. H., 2:207
Costell, William, 5:90
Coteau du Missouri, 2:257
Coteau du Prairie, 1.3:38, 2:256, 4:240
Cottonwood Lake, 2:41, 43; 5:154
Cottonwood, large tree at Frog Point, 9:83
Cottonwood River, 2:271
Coues, Elliott, 1.4:26-36; reference to his New Light on the Early History of the Northwest, 2:7, 9, 169, 170, 173, 179
Coughren, Anna Belle (Mrs. L. R. Shields), 1.3:55
Coulson steamboat line, 1.2:69, 3:169, 170n
Coulter, William H., 2:248, 253, 272
Council Bluffs, Ia., 2:211; 4:8, 11, 12, 28, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55; 5:225-237
Council of Assiniboia, 9:107
Counsell, Thomas C., 6:79
Country doctor, experience of, 9:23-26
Courts of Indian Offenses, established in 1885, 10:191
Cover, V., 2:215
Cow Country (James), rev. of, 2:231-232
Cow Island, 1.3:49, 4:52, 5:223, 228
Cow River, 2:86
Cowan, William, 2:214
Cowboy and His Interpreters, The (Branch), rev. of, 1.4:77-78
Cowboy, The (Rollins), rev. of, 1.1:69-70
Cox: Ross, 3:188; Capt. E., 5:105; John E., article by, 6:63-91; expedition up the Yellowstone (1877), 6:69, 70; William H., 6:66, 79; J. E., review by, 7:233
Coy, Owen C., review by, 6:327-328
Coyhendal, H. G., 1.3:58
Craig, Sir James, 3:46, 47
Crane, Leo, rev. of, 4:201; ____, homesteader, 7:202-204
Crane or Cormorant or Bald Eagle band of Arikara, 3:54
Crashing Thunder, the Autobiography of an American Indian (Radin, ed.), rev. of, 2:233-234
Crawford: Helen, article by, 1.3:5-15; Lewis F., 1.2:71; 1.3:73; 1.4:69, 73; article by, 1.1:46-48; reviews by, 1.1:65-66; rev. of, 1.1:67; 2:142, 4:60; Louis, 3:trader 22, 89, 90n; Redford, trader, 22, 37; W. H., secretary of war, 183, 184; Capt. Jack, 6:314
Crazy Horse, Oglala leader, 2:91; 4:165, 234; 6:187, 188, 192, 194, 200, 293; 10:186
Cree Indians, 2:27, 47, 51, 175; 3:271; 4:74
“Crisis in the History of the Hudson's Bay Company, A,”, 5:197-218
Crittenden, Col. Thomas, 1.3:52; at Fort Rice, 10:7, 8, 38n. 47
Crocker, B. F., 2:248, 272
Crockett, D. H., 2:214
Crofford, Mrs. H. E., formerly Ida C. Hall, article by, 2:129-137
Crofton, Col., 9:111; Maj. Robert E. A., at Fort Berthold, 10:30, 35, 45n. 111
Croghan, Lt.Co1. George, 3:112, 113
Crook City, 5:87, 91, 92; stagecoach stop, 7:45
Crook, Gen. George, 4:235; 6:70, 187, 188, 192, 193, 194, 273, 314; 7:75
Crooked Creek, 1.1:15; 1.3:7
Crooks: Col. William, 1.3:31, 44; 1.4:6; Ramsey, 1.3:31, 2:218, 242, 243; 3:285, 286; 5:6; 6:46
Crookston, Minn., 2:118, 207, 208, 212, 215; 7:111; growth of, 9:29
Crosby Cattle Company, 8:299
Crosby Creek, 1.1:18
Crosby, Lt., 1.3:47
Cross, Fred J., Sioux Falls, 7:17, 19
Crossman, Lt. George Hampton, 4:40
Crouch, William, 4:191
Crouse, Nellis M., rev. of, 3:75-76
Crow Creek agency, 2:94; apprehension of an Indian outbreak, 4:101
Crow Flies High, Hidatsa chief: and Charles Shafer, 8:171-172, 174-175; 10:30, 45n. 114; opp. 122; village site of, 11:116
Crow Foot Indian reservation, settlement of, 4:101
Crow High Butte, 1.2:70
Crow, Indian hunter, 2:184
Crow Indians: 1.2:36, 44, 45; 4:8, 10, 18, 35t 36t 37, 74t 234; 6:294; pottery of, 11:34-35
Crow King (Indian leader), 6:200
Crow Wing crossing, 2:250
Crow Wing, Minn., 2:134
Crow Wing River, 2:101, 250, 251; 3:25, 32, 173n
Crow’s Breast, Hidatsa chief, 10:102, 122n. 141; opp. 122
Crows Nest Southern railroad, 1.3:58
Crozier, Major, 9:156
Cruzatte, Peter, 1.4:35
Crystal Call, 1.2:72
Crystal Spring Stock Farm, bonanza farm, 8:151
Culbertson (Culberson): 4:54; Capt. J. C., 4:25, 26; Thaddeus, description of an Arikara village, 4:183, 184; and family, with Audubon, 10:71
Culkin, William E., chairman of the Minnesota Historical Survey), 5:100
Cullen Guards, 1.3:30
Cullum, George S., 1.1:24
Cummings, D.T., 7:192, 195, 200
Cunningham, Major, 1.2:39
Curlew Valley, 1.3:50
Curran, Morgan, 1.1:78
Curtis & Eley, 4:52
Curtis, Mrs. W. B., 2:144
Cuskelly Brothers (John, Bill, Mike and Pat), ranchers, 8:299
Custer battle, 1.1:24, 76; 1.2:73.
Custer, Boston, 4:236; Capt. Tom 233; Gen. George A., 163, 165, 166, 232-236; Libbie, 165
Custer City, 1.3:48, 49; 5:85, 91, 92, 96, 97; description of, 6:312
Custer County, created in 1877, 5:97
Custer expedition, 3:168, 245; to Black Hills, 1874, 4:166, 232, 233; 10:189-190
Custer, Gen. George A.: 1.1:20, 24; 1.3:46, 74; 1.4:70; 2:55, 60-62, 142, 144; 5:78; expedition of 1874, 77, 78; report on Black Hills gold, 78, 79; 6:67, 68, 70, 72, 79, 80, 187-189, 193-195, 198, 294-296, 298-301, 303, 304; Black Hills expedition of 1874, 189, 190, 195, 296-301; residence at Fort Lincoln 295; route to the Black Hills, 60; and Charley Reynolds, 7:73-79; criticism of his military command, 79; expedition of 1874, 38; at Fort Abraham Lincoln, 8:103-104
Custer, Mrs. George A. (Elizabeth), 2:159, 161, 163, 164, 165; description of Charley Reynolds by, 7:76-77
“Custer Myth, The,” 6:187-200
Custer Trail Cattle Company, 1.1:28, 29, 31; 8:296
Custer Trail Ranch, 1.1:25, 27; 8:296, 298
“Custer's Expedition to the Black Hills in 1874," 6:292-301
Custer's Gulch, 5:81
Cut Bank Creek, 2:179
Cutter, Ammi, 5:115
Cypress River, 2:187
Cyrus Hall McCormick (Hutchinson), rev. of, 5:260-263


D. A. R., North Dakota State Chapter, 1.1:73
D'Iberville, 5:203-207, 209, 210, 212, 218
Dacotah, steamboat, 1.2:69
Daggett, R., 2:214
Dakin-Carrel solution, 8:301; and its comparison to Labarraque’s disinfecting solution, 302-303
Dakota central division of the Northwestern railroad, 4:82
Dakota Central Stage Company, 3:240, 241
Dakota Conflict of 1862 (Minnesota massacre): 1.2:73, 75; 2:47-50, 87-93, 97-99, 112, 120, 134, 136, 171, 181, 183, 211, 221-224, 241, 252; 2:54, 97, 134, 135; 3:8, 13, 15, 20, 32, 38, 83n, 84, 88, 91, 99, 103, 105, 108-110, 120, 183, 187, 189, 198, 200, 271, 273; 4:6, 7, 21, 27, 31, 45, 46, 49, 73-76, 101, 103, 153, 154, 159, 163-176, 207-227, 233, 235; 5:71, 72, 74, 84, 88, 149, 153, 159, 160, 162, 163, 220; hostilities in 1862, 15, 88; 6:81, 215-218, 220, 264, 265; hostilities in Dakota and Montana, 68, 69, 70, 293; in Minnesota 50; 7:118-124; 10:160, 183
Dakota frontier, blizzards on, 6:79-80; life on 63-81
Dakota Herald (Yankton), newspaper, 7:9, 10, 20
Dakota Indians: 2:10, 145; missions to, 5:157, 159; 10:137-139; geographic list of, 140-147; map of, opp. 147. See also Sioux Indians.
Dakota land boom, 5:21
Dakota Land Company, 7:27
Dakota or Rabbit band of Arikara, 3:514
Dakota Penitentiary, papers of, in Dept. of Interior archives, 11:219-220
Dakota railroads, and settlement, 4:106, 107
Dakota Republican, of Vermilion, D.T., 4:87
Dakota River, 2:89
Dakota Settler, of Bismarck, D.T., 4:88, 94
Dakota Southern Railway, 3:169, 240, 243; 4:82, 83; 5:84
Dakota, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:114, 118, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 215; 3:178, 180; 9:77
Dakota Territorial immigration board, creation of, 4:1875, 105
“Dakota Territorial Papers in the Department of the Interior Archives,” 11:209-220
Dakota Territory: 4:78, 85, 227; 4:84, 107; immigration to, 105; population of, 93, 94; settlement of, 78-108; boom, 93; exodus from, 99, 100; immigration policy, 5:26; counties established in, 7:117; Indian problems in, 118-124; crop failures in, 125-128; harvest of 1868, 137; land holdings in, 139, 140; census of, 140-141; pioneer experiences of Charles Hobart in, 191-227; formation of counties in, 1873, 9:3, 5-7; medical care provided in, 22-26; papers of, in Dept. of Interior archives, 11:209-220
Dakota Territory newspapers, 4:86, 88; as advertising mediums for settlers, 105, 106
Dallas, A. G., 6:11; A. J., acting secretary of war, 3:l83
Dalrymple farm, 2:134, 6:82
Dalrymple, Oliver: 2:118, 3:181; bonanza farm of, 7:40; foreign visitors to his farm, 7:95, 97
Dana, Lorenzo D., 9:12, 13, 17, 18
Dantz, W. T., rancher, 1.1:29, 8:298
Danvers, Sergeant, 6:267
Darkenwald, Gordon G., and Clarence F. Jones, rev. of, 10:208
Daton, Minn., 2:252
Daugherty, J. D., 3:246; Lt. Will Wirt, 10:3, 36n. 35
Dauphin rapids, 2:86, 4:173
Davenport, trader, 1.1:43
Davey, William, 2:248, 253, 267, 272
David Thompson (Cochrane), rev. of, 1.1:68
Davidson, Grandpa, 1.3:27, 28
Davis: Captain John B., 2:109, 3:175, 9:74; J. N., trader, 284; Sgt., 4:42; D. H., review by, 6:90-91; Mrs. William, caretaker, 8:278; Joe, ant collection of, 11:231
Davis Creek, 1.1:25
Davitt brothers, 2:129
Dawes Bill, 4:104; Sen., 104
Dawson road, 3:210; construction of, 6:110
Dawson, S. J., 3:209, 6:108
Day, Capt. P. B., explorer and frontiersman, 5:75; organized party for Black Hills, 76
Day of the Cattleman, The (Osgood), 4:146-148
de Trobriand, Gen., commander at Fort Stevenson, 3:59, 4:244
De Beauharnois, Marquis, letter from La Verendrye to, 8:242-271
De la Marque, and La Verendrye, 8:249-271
De Long, Henry H., 7:30, 34
De Louviere, and La Verendrye, 8:250-271
“De Mores Historic Site, The,” 8:272-283
De Mores, Marquis, 1.1:17, 26, 29, 30; 3:251, 252; 2:55; biographical sketch of, 8:3-23; background on, 3-6; move to Dakota Territory, 6-8; legal difficulties of, 8-11; lifestyle of, 12-15; stock raising, 15-17; meat packing business, 18; and Theodore Roosevelt, 19; formation of National Consumers Company, 21-23; in Medora, 272-277; opp. 273, opp. 275, opp. 276; ranch of, 298-300
De Mores, Marquise, 1.3:73, 2:143; hunting expertise of, 8:12, 13; charm of, 14; 272-277; opp. 275
De Mores Packing Plant, 8:273-274, opp. 272; cattle sold to, 296
De Rottenberg, Major Gen., 3:93, 94
De Vallombrosa, Duke, donation of the Chateau de Mores, 8:277-278
Deadwood, D.T.: 1.3:48, 50, 55; 4:92; early history of, 5:91, 92, 96, 97; 7:38, 42-53; churches in, 47-48; description of, 47; prices charged in, 50; water-works of, 46; weather in, 51-52
Deadwood Gulch, gold discovered in, 5:91, 96
Deapolis Indian villages, 4:37; 11:113
Deapolis, N.Dak., 1.1:32; 1.4:28, 29; 4:175
Dearborn, Mrs. A. W. (Rosalind Slaughter), 1.2:40
Deare, Jim, 10:14, 15
Dease, F. M., 3:111, 115, 118n, 119; John, Indian agent, 8, 9, 10
Deaton, J., 2:224
Debo, Angie, reviews of, 8:219-220, 11:222-223
Deep Creek, 1.1:29, 30
Deep Creek Ranch, 8:297
Deer band of Arikara, 3:53
Deer, William J. 79
Deerhorn Creek, 2:264
Deitrich, Joe, 3:214; Joseph, hunter, 4:227
deKruif, Paul, rev. of, 3:150-151
DeLand, ____, translator of La Verendrye journals, 8:229
Delaney and Herbert, 6:230
Delaware Indians, 3:98
Delaware, Ohio, 1.2:24
Dement, Ellen M. (Mrs. L. K. Raymond), 2:219
DeMers, Father Modeste, 2:33, 35; Charles, 2:215; Frank S., 208, 215; George, 215; Frank, 9:33
Demery site, 11:41, 42, 44, 45, 58, 87-88
Denig, Edwin, 10:174-175
Dennis, Col. J. S., 6:21, 112, 114, 117; 9:140-144, 148, 149
Dennison site, 11:110
Denonville, M. de, 5:203
Densmore, Frances, rev. of, 1.3:76-77
Denver, Colo., 2:211
Deolin, James, 10:83, 119, 120n. 123
Des Moines, Ia., 4:154, 155
Des Moines River, 3:14, 21, 29, 33, 34, 39, 83
Desert Drums (Crane), rev. of, 4:201
Desmarais, 2:191
DeSmet, Father Pierre J., 1.1:52; 1.4:71; 3:58, 278 ; 4:83; 5:72, 159-163; and Audubon, 10:76; and the Teton Dakotas, 172
Destroismaisons, Father, 5:153
Detroit Commercial Convention (1865), 6:12
Detroit, Mich., 2:271; 3:90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97, 102, 103, 123, 200
Development of Agriculture in Territorial Dakota, The (Briggs), rev. of, 5:258-259
Development of American Industries, The (Glover and Cornell), rev. of, 7:176-177
Development of Hispanic America, The (Wilgus), rev. of, 8:309-310
Development of the United States Since 1865, The (Mead), rev. of, 5:191
Devil's Heart, 5:163
Devils Church Yard, 2:266
Devils Lake (Lake Minnewaukan): 1.1:77, 78; 1.3:, 18, 28, 29, 24; 1.3:18, 31, 44, 58; 1.4:11; 2:39, 41, 55, 92, 109, 129, 135, 136, 180, 194, 199, 210, 220, 222; 4:92, 95, 239; country of, 86; 5:32, 114, 117, 121-123, 154, 164
Devils Lake Democrat, 4:95
Devils Lake, Minn., 2:225
Devils Lake stage lines, 3:242
Devils Lake Territory, 5:14, 32, 33
Devine, J. C., 1.4:70, 71
Devold, Hans, 7:213, Hans, 8:51
Dewey, Alvin M., editor, 9:34
Dhu, Roderick, 4:240
Diab, G., 2:263
Diamond C Ranch, 2:55, 8:299
Diamond City, 2:93
“Diary of Ferdinand A. Van Ostrand,” part one, 9:219-242; part two, 10:3-46; part three, 10:83-124
Dibb, Dr. W. D., 2:262
Dick, Congressman, 1.1:24
Dickenson, W. E., 1.1:73
Dickerman, 4:245
Dickey Brothers, ranchers, 8:296
Dickey County historical society, 1.1:72, 73
Dickinson and Deadwood Transportation Company, 3:253
Dickinson, H. L., 3:249
Dickinson, N.Dak., 1.1:18, 26; 3:251; settlement of, 4:89
Dickinson Press, 1.4:287, 290
Dickinson Recorder-Post, 1.4:70
Dickson, John, 3:6; Thomas, 29; Thomas, 199, 202; William, 6n; William, 186, 197, 202, 203
Dickson, Robert, English trader, 1.4:35, 10:158-159, 165; biographical article about: part one, 3:5-49; part two, 3:83-128; part three, 3:182-203
Diehl, Lester, 2:143
Dietrich, Joseph, 2:140, 143; 10:opp. 8, 35, 46n. 121, 107
Dill, Col. C. D., 3:235
Dillon, John, 3:244, 5:86, 6:58
Dillon's and Campbell's stage, 5:86
Directed Study Work Book in Our State, North Dakota (Ellis and Welte), rev. of, 2:149
Diss, Jacob, 2:142
District of Ossiniboia, 5:172
Divet, A. G,; 1.4:71
Divide County Farmers' Press, 3:74
Dixon's Bluff, 1.3:56
Dobbs (Daubs), ____, teamster, 10:8
Dobe Walls (Vestal), rev. of, 4:145
Documents Relating to Northwest Missions, 1815-1827 (Nute, ed.), rev. of, 10:262-263
Dodge, Lt. Col. R. I., 5:83, 84; military expedition into Black Hills (1875), 84
Dog Den, 4:240, 244, 245, 246, range of, 239, 240, 243
Dog’s Tooth (Three Buttes), stagecoach stop, 7:43
Dogden, buttes, 2:39, 43, 47
Dogden, D.T., 5:154
Doloff, Capt. Samuel F., 2:217
Dolwig, Jacob, diary of, excerpted, 3:204-208; Richard J., trans. of diary, 3:204-208
Donahue, Ed, scout, 5:85
Donaldson, H. S., 2:207; 6:295
Donnelly, J. J., 1.3:57; Ignatius, 2:212
Donnivan, Ed., 1.3:55
Donohue, John H., 6:79
Dooley, Maj. William J., 1.3:32
Dorchester County, P. E. I., 2:52
Dorion, 6:142
Double Ditch Indian village, 1.1:22; 11:11, 50, 51, 57, 61, 62, 65, 66, 82
Dougal, Julius, 2:214, 215
Doughty, A. G. and Gustave Lanctot, Gustave, rev. of, 6:87-90
Douglas Creek, 10:12, 39n. 59
Douglas debates. 1.2:33
Douglas, Harry F., 1.1:27; 2:115, 203; Capt. J. H., 5:72 ; gold-prospecting expedition to Black Hills (1852), 72, 73; James, 9:78
Douglas, Thomas, Earl of Selkirk, 1.4:48-52, 55-60; 2:101; 3:6, 89n, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195; 5:5-13, 149, 152, 173; 6:9; 9:94
Dousman, Michael, 3:89, 192, 193
Dove, Prof. L. P., 1.4:6
Dowagiac shoe-drill, purchased by Charles Hobart, 8:118
Dr. Franklin, steamboat, 6:42
“Dr. Melvin Randolph Gilmore,” 8:179-183
Drake, James, land commissioner, 7:94
Drapeau, Sister, 5:165
Draper, Chief Justice, 6:7, 9:111, 112
Dresser, L., 2:215
Drewyer, George, of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:28, 31; 2:18
Drey, Joe, 4:128, 138
Drought, in Dakota Territory: 1886, 4:99; in 1864, 7:125, 128
Droulers, Charles, author of Le Marquis de Mores, 1858-1896, 8:3-23
Druillet, Father, at Sault Ste. Marie, 10:148
Drum songs, of Dakota Indians, 9:170-171
Drummond, Gen. Gordon, 3:111, 114, 186
Drummond Island, 3:182, 191
Du Lac, Perrin, 11:40
Du Luth, 6:218
Dube, Brother, 5:155
Dubord, Joseph, 2:172; Mrs. Joseph, 272
Dubuc, Joseph, 6:132, 133
Dubuque, Bishop of, 2:50
Dubuque Diocese, 5:155
Ducharmes' Invasion of Missouri, 4:143
Duck band of Arikara, 3:54
Duck Bay, 2:26, 27
Duck Creek, 1.1:15, 43
Duckworth, John O., 2:215
Dudley, G. W., 6:308
Dufferin, Lord (Governor General of Canada), 6:144
Dugan, ____, 2:248
Duluth, Minn., 1.3:46; 1.4:41, 2:114, 213; as grain shipping center, 7:104
DuLuth, fur trader among the Dakotas, 3:201, 264; 10:149
Dumont, Gabriel, Metis, 9:157, 158
Dumoulin, Father Severe, 1.4:52, 5:150-153; Rev. Joseph Nicolas, 9:98
Dun, Finlay, 7:94; report of travels, 95
Dunlap, Lauren, first commissioner of immigration, 7:21, 22
Dunn County, N.Dak., 2:55
Dunn, Mrs. J. P., 2:140
Dunseith, N.Dak., 1.3:17, 18, 20, 21, 22; 2:57; in 1886, Rev. John Blegen's description of, 5:33
Durfee and Peck, traders at Fort Rice, 9:222; history of firm, 236-237n.; 10:11, 24
Durfee and Peck Transportation and Trading Company, 3:165, 4:222
Durfee, E. H., 3:284, 9:228, 236n, 10:112; George, 9:231-232
Dusbabek, Albert, 4:59
Duxbury, James, transcriber of diary, 2:247-272


E. H. Durfee, steamboat, 3:169, 10:113, 119, 123n. 152
E-yoh-coh, Sioux warrior, 4:76
Eagle, James Young, 3:56, 57, 62
Eagle Nose site, 11:52, 73, 96, 97
Eagles Nest, 4:76
Early Far West, The (Ghent), rev. of, 7:63-64
“Early Freight and Stage Lines in Dakota,” 3:229-261
Earp, Ben, 1.1:6-14; Gen. Jubal, 1.2:19, 20
“Earth Lodge, The,” 4:174-185
Earth lodges: as dwellings for Indians in North Dakota, 4:174; types of, 11:12-23; of Arikara and Cheyenne Indians, 8:157-166; survey of, 11:7-126
Earth mounds. See Mound builders.
East Burlington, 2:104, 210, 212
East Grand Forks, Minn., 1.1:77
East Grand Forks Transportation Company, 2:212, 213
East Port, Miss., 2:218
Eastedge, N.Dak., 2:56, 120
Eastman, Dr. Charles A., 1.3:15, 1.4:69, 70, 6:197; Enoch M., portions of the diary of, 2:127; Portions of the Diary of, 1.3:41; 1.4:12
Eaton, Alden, 1.1:25; Harry A., 1.2:72; Hattie, 1.1:32; Howard, 1.1:18, 25-28, 30
Eaton Brothers (Howard and Eldon, ranchers, 8:296, 298
Ebert, Charles B., 2:214
Echo Lodge, No.2, 6:79
Eckelson, D.T., 7:40
Economic Geography (Jones and Darkenwald), rev. of, 10:208
Economic History of the United States (Humphrey), rev. of, 6:174-175
Eddy, Mary Baker, 2:129
Eddystone, steamship, 1.4:50, 53
Eden, D.T., 7:147
Edge, William, catechist, 5:150, 151
Edgerton, Judge A. J., 7:33, 34
Edmonton, Sask., 2:35
Edmunds, Gov. Newton, 4:105; treaty of, 103; 7:5, 123
Education of Indians, 10:192
Edward and Anne, steamship, 1.4:50
Edwards, Gov. Ninian, 3:41, 42, 46, 101, 183, 184; Newton, 5:74; Major A. W., 6:227, 230
Edwardsville, Ill., 1.1:41
Egan, 4:83
Egan, John, 10:12, 39n. 61, 86-88
Egilsson, Gisli, 6:157
Ehr, Peter, 2:228
Eidelbrock site, 11:107
Eight Mile House, 3:238
El Paso, steamboat, 3:164
Elbow Lake, 2:100, 209
Elbowoods, N.Dak., 1.1:16, 20, 21
Eldridge, Duncan C., early pioneer in Iowa, 8:185-186
Elizabethtown, 7:45, 47
Elk, boat, 4:15-25, 39-49
Elk Creek, 1.1:19
Elk Island, 4:25
Elk Point, D.T., 4:82; 7:144
Elk Point stage station, 3:234
Elk River, 2:248, 4:13
Elk River, Minn., 1.1:55
Elk Valley Farm, bonanza farm, 8:151
Elkhart, Ind., center for Mennonite immigrants, 7:14
Elkhorn Ranch, 1.1:17, 19, 2:57; and Theodore Roosevelt, 8:299
Elkington, James, 2:212
Ellendale Norman School, 1.1:72
Ellice, Edward, HBC stockholder, 9:111
Elliot, Howard, 1.3:59
Elliott, Captain Matthew, Indian agent at Amherstberg, 3:86, 97, 98n, 101
Ellis, Elmer E., article by, 1.1:24-34; article edited by, 1.2:41-51; review by, 1.1:68, 1.1:68-69; reviews by, 2:145, 145-146, 149, 149-150; reviews by, 3:75, 75-76, 216-217, 217-218; review by, 6:97
Ellson, Mrs. Theron, 2:229
Ellston, D.T., 4:82
Elm Point, 4:172
Elm River, 1.1:37, 2:204
Elmer, Rev. O. H., 2:203
Elton, James, 2:214
Emanuel brothers, 5:91
Emanuel Rock and Creek, 2:240, 243
Emigrant agent, establishment of in D.T., 7:5
Emigrant's Guide to Oregon and California, The (Hastings), rev. of, 7:233-234
Emigrants Guide to California, The (Ware), 7:66-67
Emigration Society of Peoria, Ill., 7:139
Emmegabowh, Ojibway Indian, 1.4:42
Emmons County Free Press, 2:57, 228; 3:73
Emmons County, N.Dak., 1.4:27, 4:57
Emory, steamboat, 3:164
Enahwakpa (Stone River of the Sioux), 4:153
Enfield, N. H., 7:191, 199, 200
Enger, Fingal, earliest settler in Steele County, 5:28
Engineer Cantonment, 5:228
Englevale, D.T., 4:84
English expedition to Hudson Bay, in 1689, 5:204; in 1668, 199
Engstad, Dr. J. E., 1.2:67; 1.3:72
Epic of America, The (Adams), rev. of, 6:177-178
Erickson, Erik McKinley, writer, 1.3:73
Eriksen, Reverend, 1.3:26
Esperanza, 10:114, 116, 123n. 153
Espionage Act, and Judge Amidon’s ruling, 8:97-99
Estelline Bell, newspaper of Hamlin County, 4:86, 88
Evans, F. T., 3:249, 250; John, 6:217; John, 11:41, 72, 73, 113
Evans Freight Line, 5:87
Evarts, Hal G., rev. of, 3:75
Ewing, Gen. Charles, Catholic Commissioner for Indian affairs, 5:164
Executive Aid Committee of the Lancaster [Mennonite] Conference, 7:16
Executive proceedings of the Territories, in Dept. of Interior archives, 11:211
Expansion, N.Dak., 1.1:21
Expedition, steamboat, 5:224, 226, 228, 232
“Experiences As a Member of President Lincoln's Body Guard, 1863-65," 1.2:7-33
Explorers, of the West, 10:63


Factory system, abolition of, 6:203, 207, 208
Fadden, Milton J., river captain, 1.2:69, 2:214
Fairbault, Minn., 1.3:46; 53; 1.4:41
Fairmount News, 1.2:72
Fairview, D.T., 7:147
Fallis’s ranch, 6:80
Falls of St. Anthony, 2:100, 102, 248; 3:8; plans for a post at, 5:218
Fanchon, steamboat, 6:77
Far West, steamboat, 3:169, 6:76, 77; 7:77; at Fort Berthold, 10:14, 41n. 76, 112, 118
Faraud, Father Henry, 5:155
Fargo and Southwestern railroad, 4:83, 5:24
Fargo Argus (newspaper), 6:227, 228
Fargo, D.T., 7:34, 39, 191, 192, 199; description of, 108, 109
Fargo Daily Republican (Yankton, D.T.), newspaper, 3:181; 7:30
Fargo Express (newspaper), 6:227
Fargo Forum, 1.2:70, 71, 73; 4:58, 59; 6:227
Fargo, N.Dak., 1.1:24, 50; 1.4:42; 2:129-135, 204; 3:172; 4:57, 58, 83, 92, 97; establishment of, 6:227
Fargo Republican (newspaper), 6:227
Fargo Times (newspaper), 3:181; 6:227
Fargo, William G., 6:227
Faribault, J. R., 3:22, 188
Faribault Republican (newspaper), 6:303, 304, 306, 307, 309-311, 313, 316-318
Farley, Jesse P., 9:30
Farm laborers, life of, 7:99-103; social life of, 108, 109
Farmer, Hallie, writer, 1.2:71
Farney, painter, 1.1:28
“Father George Antoine Belcourt, Red River Missionary,” 2:30-52
Father Mississippi (Saxon), rev. of, 2:274
Fauguier, Lt. Gov., 4:110
Faulk, A. J., Dakota territorial governor, 5:74, 76; 7:137
Faulkner, Edwin O., 2:143
Faunce, Mrs. E. L., 2:141
Fawcette, W. L., 6:42, 43
Fayolle, Father John, 5:157
Feland, Otto, 1.3:69
Felson, Mrs. William W., 1.4:73
Fenian Brotherhood, in opposition to O'Donoghue conspiracy, 5:51
Fenian Movement, 9:137
Fenian raid on Manitoba, 6:5, 34, 35, 135-139
Ferguson, Floyd I., review by, 1.1:65
Ferris brothers and Merrifield ranch, 1.1:29, 8:298
Ferris, William Angus, journal of, 1.3:13
Ferry Hills, 2:270
Fetterman, Capt., and his command, massacre of, 10:186
Fiddler, Clement, 1.1:36
Fields, Lt., 5:232
Fighting Bear, Arikara chief, 4:218
Fighting Norths and Pawnee Scouts, The (Bruce), 7:171-172
Fighting Red Cloud’s Warriors (Briminstool), rev. of, 2:148
Fily, Lawrent, 3:194n
Finch (Fringilla Harisii), observed by Audubon, 10:65
Finlanders, settle near Dickinson, 4:91
Finlay, N.Dak., 4:59
Finn, ____, 10:91, 120n. 129
Fire: at the state capitol in Bismarck, 5:170, 177, 178, 251; on the prairie, 7:199; near Fort Berthold, 10:31-36
Fire Heart Creek village site, 11:88
Fireheart, Indian chief, 4:27, 29, 30
Firesteel, 3:241
Fisher Bulletin, newspaper, 9:34
Fisher, H. M., 3:22, 192; J. H., 229; I. B., 9:31; Thomas H., 10:119, 124n. 159
Fisher Township, Minn., establishment of, 9:33, 34
Fisher's Landing, 1.3:17; 2:118, 215; 9:80, 81; settlement of, 27-31; naming the town, 31; population of, 34
Fisk, Capt. J. L., 2:96, 97, 122, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264; expedition of, 2:96, 97, 249; 3:235 5:122, 123, 6:54, 55; 7:75; Hamilton, 6:23, 30
Fisk crossing of the Sheyenne (Sibley crossing) (Traverse des Blais), 2:123, 126, 127
Fiske, Frank, 1.3:73
Fitzgerald & William, 4:49
Five Fur Traders of the Northwest (Gates), rev. of, 7:231-232
Five Villages of the Mandans, 2:5, 8, 9, 53, 54
Flandreau, 4:82, 83
Flandreau, Sinclair, 1.3:39; 1.4:6
Flannery, George P., 6:310
Flannigan, Mike, 1.1:73
Flathead Indians, 1.1:53
Flegg, Capt. J. B, 3:95
Fleming, Thomas, 2:224
Fletcher, Samuel, 1.1:72; commissioner, 3:188
Flint, discovered, 7:150-159
Flirt, at Fort Berthold, 10:19, 23, 33, 42-43n. 91
Flom, Martin, 4:59
Flooding, on the Red River, 9:72, 73; in 1861, 101
Flopping Bill, 1.1:18, 4:246
Flour mill, at Fort Berthold, 10:99
Floyd, Sgt. Charles, 4:14, John, 5:237
Floyd's Bluffs, 4:14
Foley Brothers, 1.3:58
Foley, James W., Jr., 1.2:68
Follis, Bill Jones, 1.1:29
Following the Prairie Frontier (Humphrey), rev. of, 6:179-180
Folsom, N.M., flint points found at, 7:150
Folster, Lily, great-granddaughter of Dickson, 3:203
Folwell, William W., rev. of, 1.2:75
Fond du Lac, 3:32; 5:9, 11, 12; department of, 5:8, 9, 11
Fontenelle, sternwheeler, 10:114, 116, 123n. 154
Food supply of Indians, archeological evidence of, 11:24-25
Fool Dog, 10:3
Forbes, Dr. A. D., 2:129; Major, Indian agent, 2:137; William H., Indian agent, 5:164, 165
Forbes trading post on Big Stone Lake, 1.3:33, 38
Ford, A. J., 3:253
Ford's Theatre, Washington, 1.2:31
Foreman, Grant, rev. of, 7:171-172
Forest, M. Gabriel de la, 5:206-208, 210-213
Forest River, 2:181
Forest, W. M., 4:59
Forever Free, A Novel of Abraham Lincoln (Morrow), rev. of, 1.3:78
Forgotten Frontiers (Thomas), rev. of, 6:251
Forks, The, 2:199
Forman, N.Dak., 2:57
Forney, W. W., 2:229
Forrest, Gen. N. B., 2:217
Forsyth, Richardson & Company, 3:31n, 36
Forsyth, Thomas, 3:83n, 109, 110n, 186n; 5:230
Forsythe, General George A., 1.2:76; Col., 4:234; 6:304
Fort Abercrombie, 1.3:34, 44; 1.4:6, 7, 9, 12, 37, 38, 40; 2:54, 96-134, 202-229; 3:174, 176; 4:57, 239; 5:116-128; 6:235; 7:124, 128; 9:223; boats to, 70, 75, 76
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 1.1:20, 24, 28; 1.2:35; 1.4:28; 2:55, 143; 3:250; 5:78, 79; 7:39; Custer and the Seventh Cavalry at, 8:103-105; historical development of, 110-111; museum at, 111-113, opp. 108
Fort Albany, 5:203
Fort Armstrong, 5:230, 6:205
Fort Assiniboine, 3:268
Fort Astoria, 1.1:53
Fort Atkinson, 4:6, 8, 10; 5:230, 233, 234, 237
Fort Benton, 1.1:51; 1.2:38, 39, 42; 2:85-87, 92, 93, 96, 140, 262, 264; 3:159-170; 4:209
Fort Berthold: 1.1:21, 79; 1.2:36, 43, 46, 49; 2:10, 54, 86, 90, 220, 223; 3:59, 62, 161; 4:167, 168, 170, 184, 209-228, 245; reservation at, 62, 185, 220-226, 249; 5:154, 160; 6:69; history of, 9:234-242n., opp. 234, opp. 236; Van Ostrand at, 10:12-46; 83-124
“Fort Berthold Agency in 1869," 4:220-226
Fort Berthold Reservation, 1.1:20, 2:55, 5:38; village at, 39; 11:11, 17, 70, 84
Fort Bouis, 5:160, 163
Fort Bourbon, 5:206, 207, 216
Fort Buford, 1.2:37; 1.3::57; 2:86, 88, 92, 97, 98, 220; 3:161, 162; 4:57, 58, 75, 76, 103, 166, 239, 242; 6:70, 80
“Fort Buford,” 4:73-77
Fort Calhoun, 4:10
Fort Charles, 5:199, 203
Fort Churchill, 1.4:54
Fort Clark: 1.1:22, 23; 1.2:49, 50; 1.4:29; 2:5, 7, 214; 4:9, 10, 37, 168, 179t 216; Indian village at, 174, 180, 183; village site, 5:45; Christmas at, 7:89-90; village site at, 11:8, 11, 74, 112
Fort Clatsop, 1.3:9, 10; 1.4:15; 2:9
Fort Crawford, 1.1:38
Fort Custer, 1.3:52
Fort Daer, 1.4:51, 55; 2:54; 5:149
Fort Dakota, 3:238; 7:128
Fort Dauphin, 2:195
Fort Dearborn, 3:90
Fort Defiance, 5:81
Fort Dilts, 3:145
Fort Douglas, 1.4:51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59; 5:150-152
Fort Ellis, 2:92, 4:235
Fort Erie, 3:114
Fort Faribault, 1.1:38
Fort Fetterman, 6:191, 192, 193, 294
Fort Floyd, 4:73
Fort Francis, 2:35, 37; 3:210
Fort Garry, 1.1:35, 40, 45, 74; 1.4:37, 38; 2:101, 103-114, 204, 206, 207; 3:174-180, 211, 233; 9:70-73
Fort George, 2:169, 3:92, 97
Fort Gibraltar, 1.4:51, 56, 57, 58
Fort Goodhue, 1.3:41
Fort Harker, 2:159
Fort Hawley, 2:86, 3:161
Fort Hays, 2:164
Fort Humstrongt, Tenn., 1.2:35, 36
Fort Kearney, 2:271, 4:75, 230, 6:294
Fort Keogh, 1.3:52; building of, 8:170
Fort Kiowa (Kiaway), 4:21, 23, 48
Fort La Reine: establishment of by La Verendrye, 8:248-251; return to, 268-271
Fort Laramie: 4:231, 232; 5:72, 84, 160; 6:266, 292, 294, 316; and the Council of 1851, 10:178-179
Fort Leavenworth, 2:94
Fort Lincoln, 1.3:50, 52; 4:167, 233, 235; 6:69, 193, 294-296, 300, 301, 303, 310
Fort Lincoln State Park: 8:66-67; diagram of, opp. 100; Slant Village at, 102, archeological work at, 107-110, opp. 108; Fort McKeen at, 102-103; development of fort, 105-106; blockhouse, opp. 106; fort’s cavalry post at, 103-105, development of, 110-111; museum at, 111-113, opp. 108
“Fort Lincoln State Park,” 8:101-13
Fort Lisa, 2:240, 5:228, 233
Fort Lookout, 4:9, 21
Fort Mandan: 1.1:22; 1.3:5, 6, 12; 1.4:14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 32; 2:6-10, 14, 16, 53; 4:37, 173, 175; 6:263
“Fort Mandan, 1804-1806," 2:5-22
Fort Manuel, 1.3:12, 2:240
Fort Manuel Lisa, 2:240-245; village site, 11:86
Fort Maurepas, La Verendrye at, 8:246
Fort McKean, 2:55
Fort McKeen: at Fort Lincon State Park, 8:102-103; development of fort, 105-106; blockhouse, opp. 106
Fort McKenzie, 3:268, 4:179
Fort McPherson, 4:232
Fort Meade, 1.3:50, 56; stagecoach stop, 7:45
Fort Meigs, 3:102, 110, 117
Fort Nelson, 5:203, 205
Fort New Severn, 5:203
Fort Osage, 4:53, 5:226, 228
Fort Peck, 4:242
Fort Pembina, 2:54, 205, 220
Fort Pierce, 4:104
Fort Pierre (Fort Tecumseh): 1.2:49-51, 2:89, 3:159, 5:85, 160, 163; 6:292, 294; fur trade post for Dakotas, 10:169-172
Fort Pierre and Black Hills stage line, 3:248, 5:86
Fort Randall: 2: 87, 88, 90, 92, 94; 3:160, 162n, 165, 166n, 171, 233, 234, 238; 5:74, 83; 6:63-69, 72, 77-79; 7:27, 146
Fort Ransom: 1.3:34; 1.4:6, 10; 2:56, 98, 99, 122; 7:124, 148
Fort Rice: 1.2:35, 36, 40; 1.3:46; 3:161, 235, 236; 4:74, 76, 215, 227, 232; Indian agency at, 74; 5:160-162; 6:224, 226, 297; 9:236n.; 10:7; (Upper and Lower) village sites, 11:93
Fort Ridgely: 1.3:30, 31; 2:220, 221; 5:106, 113, 114, 126
Fort Riley, 2:161, 250
Fort Ripley, 2:99, 249, 250
Fort Robinson, 6:66
Fort Rouge, 9:86
Fort Rupert, 5:203
Fort Sanborn (Georgetown), 2:111
Fort Sedgwick, 2:160
Fort Seward (Jamestown), 2:122, 135
Fort Shaw, 2:92
Fort Shelby, 3:111, 112, 117
Fort Slocum, 1.2:21-23
Fort Snelling: 1.1:38; 2:54, 55, 99, 144, 218, 220, 222, 225, 248; 3:193, 194, 195; 4:244; 5:113, 235, 237; 10:159
Fort St. Charles: 7:83; La Verendrye at, 8:243-245
Fort Ste. Anne, 5:203, 205
Fort Stephenson, 3:102, 105, 117
Fort Stevens, 1.2:19-23
Fort Stevenson: 1.1:21; 1.2:35, 38; 2:54, 86, 92, 98, 122; 3:59, 161; 4:222, 227, 239, 241, 242, 244, 245; 9:237n.; Van Ostrand at, 10:9-11, 111
Fort Sully: 1.2:38, 68; 2:92, 94; (old), 86, 89-92, 220; 3:161, 171, 237, 238; 5:160; 9:231-234
Fort Tecumseh (Fort Pierre), 3:159
Fort Thompson, 2:86, 90; 3:161, 165
Fort Tilton, 2:10
Fort Totten: 2:55, 58, 92, 98, 99, 122, 123, 135, 137; 4:239, 241, 242, 244, 245; 5:159, 163; 7:124, 148; 9:223, 239-239n.
“Fort Totten Trail,” 4:239-246
Fort Union: 1.1:50; 1.2:41-43; 2:53, 90, 92, 259; 3:159, 164, 267, 268n, 269, 270, 271; 4:73-77, 179, 244; 5:160; 6:222, 224, 226; Audubon’s visit to, 10:67
Fort Vermilion, 5:160, 163
Fort Wadsworth, 1.2:40; 2:90, 96, 97, 98, 99, 141, 220; established, 7:123, 124
Fort Walla Walla, 3:270
Fort Wallace, 2:160
Fort Warren, 1.2:25
Fort Wayne, 3:161
Fort William, 1.4:58, 59; 3:17, 99, 100, 188; 5:8, 9, 11, 12
Fort Yates, 1.1:27, 4:251, 6:218
Fort Yates Pioneer, 1.4:70
Fort York, 2:48; 5:203-206, 208, 210, 212, 218
Fortress Monroe, 1.2:20
Forts, military, description of, 2:155-167
Forty Niners (Hulbert), rev. of, 6:327-328
Foster City, 3:241
Foster, Stephen, 1.1:34; J. S., first commissioner of emigration in Dakota Territory, 4:105; C. H., 6:228; E. H. 228; James S., commissioner of immigration, 7:5-11
Founding of Churchill, The (Kenney), rev. of, 7:59-60
“Founding of the Icelandic Settlement in Pembina County, The,” 6:150-164
Fountain City, beginning of, 5:91; 7:45, 46
Four Bears (coulee), 4:224, 225
Four Bears, Mandan chief, 1.2:46, 5:45
Four Eyes (Indian chief), 6:64
Fowell, William Watts, rev. of, 5:188-189
Fox Indians, 3:8, 110, 115, 183, 198; 6:217
Fox River, 3:18, 25, 38, 39, 41, 106, 109; colony at, 5:14
Fox-Wisconsin portage, 3:8, 12
Fram, steamboat, 2:212, 214, 216
Framfari (newspaper), 6:157
Franco-American branch of the American Good Will Association, 1.1:50
Frank, E. H., letters of, 4:186-196
Frankfort, D.T., 7:33
Franklin, Mo., 5:224, 226, 228, 232
Franklin, W. Neil, 1.1:79; Benjamin, 2:272; 4:191
Franks, Jacob, trader, 3:22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 39n, 91, 185, 190n, 194n
Fraser, James, 3:22, 106; Chelsea, rev. of, 4:274-275
Frazee, Minn., 2:114
Frazee River, 3:177
Frazer village site, 11:103
Frazier, Lynn J., 1.1:72, 73
Frederick, Agnes, 3:202; William, 6:297
“Frederick Jackson Turner,” 6:259-261
Free, E. E., theory of, 11:162
Free Homestead Asso. of Central New York, 7:129-133
Free Lands of Dakota, The, immigration pamphlet, 7:19
Freeman, Lt., 5:124; Tom, rancher, 8:300
Freer, Noah, 3:93, 98n
Freight and passenger business in the Black Hills, 1876-1881, 5:87, 88
Freighter, steamboat, 2:109; 9:74, 75
Freisch, Johnnie, rancher, 8:299
Fremont, Donatien, article by, 6:107-146
Fremont, Elkhorn, & Missouri railroad, 3:247
French and Iroquois rivalry, 5:197
French claim to western Canada, 9:86
French Creek, 5:81, 84, 90
French expedition: against the English on Hudson Bay in 1686, 5:203, 204; to Hudson Bay in 1671, 200
French exploration of interior of North America, 10:147-154
French fur trade in the West, 5:198
French, Joseph Lewis, rev. of, 1.1:70-71; Capt. Zima, 3:165
French-Canadian half-breeds in Manitoba, mistreatment of, 6:131, 134, 135
French-Canadian settlers in Red River, 5:172
Friends of Canada, at Red River Settlement, 9:140, 141
Frobisher, Joseph, 3:l1n; Benjamin, 9:87; Joseph, 87
Frog Point, 1.2:73; 2:114, 204, 205, 207, 208; 3:177, 233
“From Hungary to North Dakota: An Excerpt from the Diary of Jacob Dolwig,”3:204-208
From Quebec to New Orleans (Schlarman), rev. of, 7:62-63
Frontenac, Count, 5:205
“Frontier Army on the Missouri River, 1860-1870," 2:85-99
Frontier Lodge of Independent Order of Good Templars, 6:78, 79
Frontier military posts in the Northwest, 6:207, 208
Frontier Scout, 1.3:72, 6:222-226
Frontiers and the Fur Trade (Greenbie), rev. of, 4:65-66
Frontiers, in the North and West, settlement of, 5:219
Frosted, Thomas, speech by, 9:177, 178
Fryburg hill, 1.3:50
Frye, George, 1.1:55, 58; Capt, 6:314, 317
Fugelso, Peter, 2:224
Fuller, George W., rev. of, 6:178-179
Fulton, Ill., 1.1:39, 43
Funk, John F., Mennonite publisher in Elkhart, Ind., 7:14
Fur Brigade, rev. of, 3:75
Fur trade: rivalries in, 5:5-13; and settlement, 6:201, 202, 206, 207; in the Northwest 201, 202, 203; meaning of, 201; effect on settlement, 7:82-93; of Dakotas with French, 10:152-154; with English, 156-165
“Fur Trade As an Aid to Settlement, The,” 7:82-93
Fur Trade in Canada, The (Innis), rev. of, 5:254-255
Fur traders, complaints and demands of, 6:207-209; exploitation of Indians, 204-206; roles of, 7:85-93


Gabriel, Ralph Henry, rev. of, 5:60; review by, 7:169-170
Gaff, John, 3:186n
Gager and Company, 6:54
Gaines Ranch village site, 11:109
Galatin, 4:52, 53
Gale, ____, 3:188, 189; Lt. James H., 4:20, 24
Galegher, Edward, 4:59; Ruth Elizabeth, 59
Galena City, D.T., 5:97
Galet, Dr. John, 4:35, 40
Galigan, ____, 2:269
Gall, Hunkpapa Sioux chief, 4:165, 169, 170, 171; 6:75, 187, 188, 194, 200, 293
Gallatin River valley, 2:92
Gallegan (Galligan), William B., rancher, 2:57, 4:197
Galpin, ___, interpreter, 5:161
Gamble, S. P., 3:241
Gannon Clell G., 1.3:73; articles by, 1.1:16-23, 1.4:14-36; article by, 2:168-200; article by, 4:5-56; William, 2:229; Carl L., ed., rev. of, 7:233-234
Gantt, Capt. John, 4:15, 22, 40, 42, 50
Garland, Hamlin, rev. of, 1.2:76-77
Garraghan, S. J., review by, 7:171-172
Garreau, Pierre (Garoux), 1.2:44, 2:19; Antoine, 4:24; Joseph, 24; Pierre, 24; Pierre, 10:12, 39n. 62; trouble with his wife, 107
Garrison Creek, 4:216
Garrows, 4:32
Gasconade River, 4:54
Gass, Patrick, 1.3:5; journal of, 2:7, 18, 14, 6
Gaston, A. D., 4:192
Gates, Leo, 2:142; Charles M., ed., rev. of, 7:231-232
Gaven, Edward, 5:82
Gayton, James Bennett, owner of a wood yard, 10:5, 6, 8, 37n. 40
Gayton's ranch (opposite Standing Rock), 4:227
Gayville, D.T., beginning of, 5:91, 97
Gen. Grant, steamboat, 3:234
Gen. Poe, U.S. government tender, 1.2:69, 2:216
General Theological Seminary, New York, 1.4:41
Genin, Father Jean Baptiste, 2:208, 212; 5:163, 164
Gens de les Feuilles, Sioux band, 3:117

Geographic Basis of American Economic Life, The (McCarty), rev. of, 8:223-224
Geologic eras, evidence of in North Dakota, 10:254
Geology, basic study of, 10:246-258
“Geology of the Turtle River State Park, The,” 10:244-261
George Rogers Clark (Bodley), rev. of, 1.3:77
Georgetown (or Frog Point), Minn., 1.4:37; 2:106-111, 114, 118, 208, 204, 205, 215, 224, 225, 229; 3:174, 175, 176, 177, 231, 233; description of, 6:236; 9:77; site of boat building, 74
Gerard, Frederick F., scout: 1.1:24, 3:278, 4:169, 170; interpreter with Custer, 7:79; account of Reynolds at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, 79-81; 10:11, 12, 39n. 58
Germain, Father, 5:159
German colony, settlement in Charles Mix County, 4:88
German Russians, immigration of, 7:12, 13
German-Americans, and their treatment during World War I, 8:97-99
Getchell, Charles W., 1.2:67; Mrs. Lois, 1.2:67; P. A., 6:228
Ghent Treaty, 3:123
Ghent, W. J., rev. of, 7:63-64
Ghonit (Cormorant) band of Arikara, 3:54
Ghost band of Arikara, 3:53
Giasson and Berthelot, traders, 3:29, 31n
Gibbon, Col. John, 6:193, 194
Gibbons, Gen., 1.3:49, 4:235
Gibbs, George, 5:85
Gibson, Gen. H. G., 4:5
Gilberg, Peder N., 1.3:22, 25
Gilfillan, Joseph A., article by, 1.4:37-40; biographical sketch of, 1.4:41-45; Archer B., rev. of, 4:201
Gilhew, river captain, 1.2:38
Gillam, Capt. Zachary, 5:198, 199, 201
Gillespie, George, 3:27, 29, 30, 31n, 36; Bernice, 4:59
Gillett, James B., rev. of, 2:63
Gillette, John M., 1.2:71; reviews by, 2:233-234, 10:263-264; articles by, 6:210-220, 11:139-208; rev. of, 11:128
Gilman Farm village site, 11:78
Gilmore, Dr. Melvin R., 3:50; 4:174, 248, 259, 260, 261, 266; review by, 7:171-172; biographical sketch of, 8:179-183, opp. 179; Agnes, 7:226, 227
Gingras, Antoine, 1.4:38-40
Girard, 4:236, Marc, 6:132
Girdon, George W., 2:202
Glacier Park, 1.1:53
Glaciers, as agents in landscape formation, 10:251-253
Gladstone, N.Dak., 3:251; settlement of, 4:89
Gladstone, William, 9:111
Gladu, Delle Isabelle, 2:88, 50
Glaspell, Kate Eldridge, 2:229; article by, 8:184-190; reminiscences of family history and Jamestown, D.T., 184-190; reviews of, 9:283-284, 10:264-266
Glass, trader, 1.1:20
Glasston, N.Dak. (Baltimore), 2:141
Gleason, Elder L., 1.2:65
Glegen, Theodore C., rev. of, 8:224-225
Glen Ullin, D.T., settlement of, 4:89, 90, 91
Glencoe village site, 11:78
Glendive, Mont., 1.1:25; 1.3:56; cantonment at in 1882, 8:170-171
Glover, George, 2:129; and William Bouck Cornell, rev. of, 7:176-177
Glyndon, 2:118, 207, 208
Glyndon Gazette (newspaper), 6:227
Godfrey, Morris, boat builder on the Red River, 4:198
Goiffon, Father Joseph, 5:157-159
Gold: discovered in Black Hills, 4:232, 233; mining in Black Hills, 7:46-50; rush to, 7:38; and the Tetons’ resistance to, 10:173
Goldammer, Art, 4:59
Golden Gate, 5:99
Goldsberry, James E., ant collection of, 11:231
Goldsboro, 4:138, 142
Good Furred Robe, Indian Chief, 5:48; 11:60
Good Templars' Society, 6:78, 79
Goodall, John, 1.1:32; W. J., 1.1:59
Gooding, Charlie J., 2:208
Goodrich, William, 1.3:57
Goodwin, 4:82; Cardinal, rev. of, 5:189; Ira F., 6:224
Goose Egg Lake (Shell Lake), 4:39
Goose Rapids, 2:106, 114, 204; 3:174, 177, 180, 181.
Goose River, 1.1:37; 1.3:24; 2:181, 188, 204, 209, 224; circuit of, 4:58; stage station, 3:233
Goose River Crossing, settled by Norwegians, 5:20, 7:110
Goose River Valley, 4:59
Goplen, Arnold O., research at Fort McKeen, 8:111-113
Gorder, J. L., 1.4:69; Maj. William W., 4:36, 42, 48; John 5:80, 8; 6:66, 304, 306, 307
Gore, R. B., 1.1:59
Gorticross, Ireland, 1.4:41
Goulet, Elzear, 6:131
Governor Ramsey, steamboat, 2:l02; 9:69
Gowran, C. C., 2:213
Grace, Bishop, 5:159
Grafton, N.Dak., geological record of well digging, 10:254; chart, opp. 254
Graham, Lt. Col., W. A., rev. of, 2:60-62; Duncan, 3:107n, 115n, 122, 192; J. J., store owner with Charles Shafer, 8:168, 169; army paymaster, 170
Graham's Island, Devils Lake, 2:55
Graham's Point, Red River ford, 5 2:4
Grand Army of the Republic men to settle in Morton County, 4:88
Grand Canyon of the Little Missouri, 2:55
Grand Central, hotel in Deadwood, D.T., 5:92
Grand Coteaux, 2:43, 46
Grand Forks and North Dakota Manual for 1885, 6:230
Grand Forks Herald, 1.2:73
Grand Forks, N.Dak., 1.1:50, 77; 1.3:17, 57; 2:109, 112, 118, 119, 170, 175, 179-199, 206-219; 4:59, 92, 109, 113, 114; home to Judge Cochrane, 9:207
Grand Forks, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:213, 214, 216
Grand Forks Tidende, Norwegian newspaper, 5:29
Grand Harbor, D.T., early center of Norwegian settlement, 5:32
Grand Point, 1.1:45
Grand Portage, 2:169, 3:17
Grand Rapids, 2:205
Grand River, 2:93, 3:25; 4:6, 31, 53, 181, 207, 208, 209, 221; agency at, 2:94, 4:227; villages at, 3:56, 59, 4:251; stagecoach stop, 7:44
Grandin freight and steamboat line, 3:181
Grandin, J. L., 2:118
Grant and Morton County old settlers association, 1.4:69
Grant County, 4:96
Grant, D. W., 1.3:53; Maj. U. S., 1.1:73; U.S. Pres., 1.1:76; Gen. U. S., 4:124, 127, 235, 267, 269; Capt. Hiram, 5:114; Cuthbert, 176; James, 8, 10, 11, 12; Pres. U. S., 51; Col. Fred, 6:295, 296; Pres. U. S., 6:29, 36, 187, 188, 295; Cuthbert, 9:93, 95
Grantier, Jay, 1.1:58, 59
Granville, Lord, 6:118
Grashopper hills, 2:123
Grass, John, 6:74, 75
Grasshoppers: in the Red River Valley, 5:151, 6:110; 7:125, 126, 128, 132; 9:137; at Red River Settlement, 1864, 9:101; at Fort Berthold, 10:25, 115
Grassick, Dr. James, 7:156, country doctor, 8:118-119; memoir of his Scottish roots, 8:42-49; rev. of, 1.3:79; article by, 8:24-49;
Grassy Butte, 2:55
Gravelle, Louis, 3:92
Gravline, Joseph, 2:21, 22
Gray Brothers, 6:147, 148
Gray Eyes, Arikara chief, 4:208
Gray, Morgan, 2:8, 214; ____, 10:90, 91, 120n. 126
Gray's Bay, 1.3:9
Great American Desert, as defined by Usher L. Burdick, 8:295
Great American Land Bubble (Sakolski), rev. of, 7:175-176
Great Crusade and After, The (Slosson), rev. of, 5:263-264
“Great Dakota Boom, 1879 to 1886, The,", 4:78-108
Great Falls and Canada Railway, 1.3:58
Great Falls, Mont., 1.1:51; 1.3:58
Great Falls of the Missouri, 1.1:51
Great Lakes region, 5:7, 8, 10
Great Northern Railway Company, 1.1:50, 51, 77; 1.3:58; 3:168, 169; 4:83, 5:24, 34, 35; and the destruction of burial mounds to create gravel pits, 8:150
Great Plains, The (Webb), rev. of, 6:245
Great Sioux Reservation, 6:306
Great Slave Lake, 2:150
Green Bay, Wis., 3:8, 12, 18, 22, 38, 41, 91, 92, 99, 100, 105-114, 183, 184, 188
Green, Charles, 2:214; hunter, 4:230
Green County, Ill., 1.1:41, 43
Green River, 1.1:15; 1.2:50, 53, 54, 55; 2:271
Greenland Lies North (Carlson), rev. of, 8:306-307
Greenough, Tom, 1.3:42
Greenshield village site, 11:41, 42, 71, 110
Greenville Treaty line, 3:103, 125
Greenwood, D.T., 7:146
Greer, Capt., 6:222, 224
Gregg, A. D., 1.4:70
Gregory, J. S., 5:74
Greig, ____, 1.3:42
Grennell, George, frontiersman, 4:224, 234
Grey Cloud, Chippewa Indian, 3:100
Grey Nuns of Montreal, 5:164
Grey, Robert, 1.1:52
Gridley, Will, 1.3:55
Griffin, Edward, 2:210, 212; Charles C., ed., rev. of, 8:222-223; John, 10:12, 40n. 64
Griggs, Alexander, river captain, 1.2:69; 3:177; 5:112, 9:27, 76 ; Bruce, 2:214; Capt. Alexander, 114, 118, 205, 214; John, 215; William, 215
Griggs County, 4:98
Griggs County Sentinel Courier, 2:57, 4:59
Griggs, Walsh, and Company, 2:205
Grignon, Amable, 3:192, 194n; Augustin, 13n, 22, 185, 194n; Charles, 194n; John B., 194n; Louis, 108, 110, 106n, 185, 191, 194n; Paul, 194n; Pierre, 106n., 185, 194
Grimson, Judge G., 1.2:71; 1.4:69; Judge G., 9:119
Grinnell, George Bird, 3:57; first rancher in western N.Dak., 8:295-296; 11:89
Griswold, Guy E., 1.3:73
Griswold settlement (Norwegian), 5:35
Gronna, A. J., 1.2:68
Gros Ventre Indians, 1.1:51; 1.2:43-45; 1.3:15; 1.4:30. See Hidatsa Indians.
Grosbeaks (Black-headed and Evening), observed by Audubon, 10:66
Groseillers, 5:198, 199, 200, 201
Gross, Mrs. Serena, 1.3:73
Grosse Butte (Buffalo Lodge), 2:175, 199
Grove, Frederick Philip, rev. of, 3:152
Grover, Douglas, 1.3:55
Growing With the West (Stahl), rev. of, 6:98-100
Gruber, William, 2:215
Guelph, Ont., 2:271
Guest, Mrs. A. W., 2:229
Guilleroy, J. B., 3:106n
Guinon, F., 2:215
Guiterman, Arthur, rev. of, 1.2:77-78
Guldbransdal district, Norway, 1.3:22
Gulf of Mexico, 1.1:37
Gull Lake Indian village, 1.4:43
Gull River, 2:101, 102
Gunn, H. G., article by, 1.4:46-60
Gwynne, Lt. Thomas Page, 4:25, 26
Gwyther Farm village site, 11:93
Gyrtl case, and Judge Amidon, 8:93-94


H T ranch, 1.1:5, 26, 29, 30, 81; 1.2:61
H. W. Alsop, steamboat, 1.2:69, 2:216
Hacke, Dr. A. C., 1.4:73
Hacker, Louis M., and Benjamin B. Kendrick, rev. of, 7:64-66
Hadwen, ____, farmer in Wheatland, D.T., 7:107
Hafen, Leroy R., ed., rev. of, 7:66-67
Hagedorn, Henry J., Ranching With Roosevelt, 1.1:26, 29, 32; diary of, 5:103-132; James, 113
Hagen, Fritz, 1.2:68; Olaf T., associate historian of the National Park Service, 8:278
Hagen village site, near Glendive, Mont., 11:34
Hagerty, Frank A., third commissioner of immigration, 7:23
Haggart, John, 2:132
Hair Hills, 2:170, 179-194, 199
Hale, Senator of New Hampshire, 1.2:25
Half Breed Charley, 4:157, 158, 159
Half Pania, Indian chief, 2:14
Half-Breed, The (Constantin-Weyer), rev. of, 5:63-65
Halfbreed Rebellion of 1860, part one, 9:106-110; part two, 9:137-166
Halfbreeds, and buffalo hunting, 9:73. See also Metis
Halkett, John, 3:193-195, 5:152; ____, 5:175
Hall and Braden company, 1.1:58
Hall, Ida C. See Crofeord, Mrs. H. E.
Hall J. Kelley on Oregon (Powell, ed.) 7:233-234
Hall, Rev. C. L., 1.1:20, 21, 79; 1.2:72; 1.3:15, 73; mission of, 1.1:20; member of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:33; Rev. C. L., 2:53; Rev. C. L., 3:145; Edward, 56, 57, 62, 64, 65; Hugh, 4:40; Dr. J. B., 6:227
Halland, J. G., 1.4:71
Halliday Promoter, 1.1:79
Hallie Moore, steamboat, 1.2:37
Halls stand creek (White Earth Creek), 4:40
Halls stand lake, 4:40
Hallson, Gunnar, 6:153, 156; Johann, 6:153, 156, 157
Halpin, Tom, 1.2:54
Hamar's (Gen.) defeat on the Wabash River, 4:163
Hamilton, Ont., 2:115
Hamilton, Robert, Queenstown merchant, 3:5, 29; William T., 3:270
Hamlin County, 4:86
Hammond, W. John, rev. of, 5:264-265; reviews by, 6:100-101, 179-180
Hancock, Gen., 1.2:28, 30; ____, trapper, 1.4:35; Gen. W., 2:8, 87, 88; Samuel, 146; Maj. Gen. W. S. (commandant of the Department of Dakota), 5:78
Hanford, J. N., 3:282
Hanks, Lt. Porter, 3:88, 89
Hanley, Maj. J. H., 1.4:69
Hanna, L. B., 1.1:77; John, 2:212; Walter, 210, 211; William, 210; L. B., 4:59
Hannibal and St. Joe railway, 3:168
Hanning, C. G., 2:272
Hans Creek, 1.1:20
Hansbrough, Sen. H. C., 1.2:67
Hanson, Gilbert, 2:229
Hargrave, J. J., 9:102
Hargreaves, Shelia, rev. of, 2:231, 4:200
Harkness, James, 3:164
Harmon, Capt. Wm., 1.2:68; J. R., 1.2:68; Mrs. Wm., 1.2:68; George Dewey, rev. of, 8:307-308
Harney, Gen. W. S., 6:266, 292; expedition of, 3:159, 5:74; campaign against the Dakotas, 10:179-180; treaty at Fort Pierre, 180-181
Haron, Thomas, 1.3:42
Harper, Father John, 5:154
Harper's Weekly, 1.2:18
Harrington, Mrs. W. B., 1.4:70
Harris, Thos. J., 1.4:9; Mat, stage station of, 2:204; Lt. William L., 4:13, 14, 21, 22, 27, 45; Sgt., 4:35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44; Edward, Audubon’s backer and friend, 10:64, 73, 74
Harris’s Sparrow, observed by Audubon, 10:71, 77
Harrison, ____, 1.3:42; Pres. William H. 1.3:73; William H., 3:22, 37, 42, 44, 48, 49, 94, 96, 99, 101, 102; theory of, 11:161; Pres. Benjamin, 4:104
Harstead, Rev. H. B., 4:58
Hartford, Conn., real estate convention in, 1871, 7:11
Harvesters, self-binding, 7:103
Harvey, Gen. (White Bear), 1.2:44, 45
Harwood, A. J., 6:227; ____, farmer, 7:197
Hash Knife and Mill Iron Outfits, 1.1:29, 8:298
Hastings and Dakota division of the Milwaukee railroad, 4:82, 83
Hastings, Lansford W., rev. of, 7:233-234
Hastings, Minn., 2:210, 212
Hatch, Gen. Edward M.., 2:218
Hathaway, Elias, 3:67n
Hatton, Ralph, 1.1:58
Hauge Synod, 1.3:21, 22, 24, 26, 27
Hause, E. Malcolm, review by, 10:52-53
Havana, Cuba, 1.2:25
Havens village site, 11:76
Havighurst, Walter, rev. of, 10:128
Haw, Jim, a Hidatsa berdache, 10:90, 120n. 127
Hawes, Ed, 4:. 160
Hawk Creek, 2:221
Hawk, The, 10:102, 122n. 140
Hawley, Minn., 1.3:57
Hawthorne, trapper, 4:161, 162
Haxo, Henry, article by, 8:229-271; as translator of La Verendrye journals, 229; review by, 10:126-127
Hay, raised at Fort Berthold, 10:23-25, 29
Hay, T. H. G., 6:133, 134
Haycock, Al., 2:214
Hayden, Peter, 1.1:36; Dr. Ferdinand, 5:73, 74; 6:292, 302, 304
Hayes, T. E., 1.3:73; Pres., 6:274; administration of, 6:268
Hayfield, Selkirk experimental farm, 3:197
Hayman, Col. Samuel, 10:16, 42n. 81
Hayter, Earl W., article by, 6:262-275
Hazard, Lucy Lockwood, rev. of, 4:275-276; rev. of, 6:247
Hazelton, 4:57
Hazelton Independent, 4:57
Hazzard, George H., 2:215
Headquarters Hotel, Fargo, 2:130, 132; 7:192
Heaney, Tom, 6:69
Heart Butte, 10:49
Heart River, 1.2:46; 1.3:46, 50, 53; 1.4:, 30; 4:235; Rosser’s survey of, 10:48-51
“Heath Family, The,”, 4:109-115
Heath, Mrs. Fannie Mahood, biographical sketch of, 4:l09-115; Frank A., 114
Hebard, Grace Raymond, review by, 7:63-64
Hecker, Thad C., and George Will, article by, 11:5-126
Hedges, James B., writer, 1.2:71; rev. of, 8:305-306; H. T., 3:238; James Blaine, rev. of, 5:256-257
Hedstrom, Mrs. Albin (Linnie Slaughter), 1.2:35
Heerman, Capt. Edward E., 2:210, 3:214
Hegans, James, 6:79
Heilbron, Bertha L., review by, 6:93-94; article by, 7:94-113; rev. of, 58-59
Heintzelman, Gen. Samuel P., 10:100, 121n. 137
Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary of the U. S. Army 20
Helena, Mont., 2:93, 97, 132
Helena, steamboat, 1.2:69
Henderschied, ____, 2:143
Henderson (Grand Forks), N.Dak., 2:205
Henderson, Minn., 2:220
Hennepin, Father, 6:218, 264; 10:140
Henry, Alexander, 1.1:21; 1.4:35;, 2:7, 9, 10, 13, 168-199; natural history notes in journals of, 2:168-200; 3:201; 4:176, 184; journal of the weather, 1807-1808, 5:239-247; 6:217; 9:116; Andrew, Lt. Gov., Missouri, 4:42; Stuart, rev. of, 4:274; Alexander, the Younger, 7:84, 85; harvest of, 85
Henry Villard and the Railways of the Northwest (Hedges), rev. of, 5:256-257
Hensler village site, 11:110
Herendeen, George, white scout with Custer, 7:79
Herigstad, Betuel (Norwegian emigrant agent), 5:30
Hermaphrodite Creek, 10:5, 37n. 39
Herrick, Mrs. Eliza, 1.3:74
Hersey and Bryant farm at Larimore, 1.2:67
Hersey, Prof., 2:262; H. T., bonanza farmer, 8:151
Hettinger County, 1.4:69; old settlers' association of, 1.4: 70
Hettinger County Herald, 1.3:73; 1.4:70; 2:57, 142, 228; 3:145, 213; 4:58
Hettinger Tribune, 2:141
Hickock, Wild Bill, 6:68; grave of, 7:52, 52n. 28
Hicks, John D., rev. of, 6:170-171
Hidatsa Indians: 1.1:20, 21, 51; 1.3:5, 8, 15; 1.4:33; 2:5, 13, 15, 20, 27, 31, 46-48, 53, 54, 145, 179, 243-245, 262; villages of, 5-7, 53-55, 175, 176, 179, 181, 186, 194; 3:50, 54; 4:9, 35, 74, 103, 170, 172-174, 176, 181, 184, 209, 212, 220, 221, 223, 229, 230, 234, 240; village on the bend of Mouse River, 240; villages of, 35, 174, 178, 181; 5:154, 155; 6:69, 215, 216, 217, 219;
Hidden Creek, 4:9, 29
Highland Mary, steamboat, 3:276
Highmore, 4:83
Hilderman, ____, 2:268
Hill, Griggs and Company, 2:114, 3:177, 178; 9:76, 77
Hill, James J., 1.1:77, 78; 1.3:58, 59; 2:114, 207; 3:177; 4:98; 5:24; 7:28; 9:27, 33; George D., surveyor general, D.T., 4:105; 7:27, 117, 129, 130; Rev. A. C., 1.4:69-71
Hillsboro Banner (newspaper), 6:230
Hincks, Sir Francis, 3:209
Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French Regime and of the English Fur Trading Companies (Voorhis), rev. of, 6:96
Historical Quarterly, Kentucky, 1.3:73
History, importance of, 11:272-281
History of Alaska (Clark), rev. of, 5:187-188
History of Deep Creek Township, 4:59
History of East Sand Creek, 4:59
History of Minnesota, A (Folwell), rev. of, 1.2:75; 5:188-189
History of the Farmers’ Political Action in North Dakota (Burdick), rev. of, 11:284-285
History of the Pacific Northwest, A (Fuller), rev. of, 6:178-179
History of the State of Washington (Meany), rev. of, 4:202
History of Wells County and its Pioneers (Spokesfield), rev. of, 6:180-181
Hjelm-Hansen, Paul, 3:231; journeys in Red River Valley, 5:18-22
Hobart, Charles H., pioneer experiences retold in letter form: part one, 7:191-227; part two, 8:50-62; part three, 114-31
Hodder, F. H., review by, 7:174-175
Hoebel, E. Adamson, and Karl N. Lewellyn, rev. of, 10:125-126
Hoecken, Father Christian, 5:160
Hoefs, August, 2:141
Hoel, Erich, Norwegian settler, 5:27
Hoffine, Lyla, rev. of, 8:132
Hofflund, D.T., settled by Norwegians in 1887, 5:36
Hoffman, Charles W., 1.1:76; M. M., writer, 1.4:73; W. J., 3:56, 57n
Hogan, Martin E., 10:119, 124n. 158
Holabird, Col. Samuel, 2:94, 161
Holbroke (Holyoke), 2:264
Holbrook, Franklin F., and Livia Appel, rev. of, 7:230-231; Steward H., rev. of, 11:221-222
Holbrook village site, 11:80
Holcombe, Capt. E. V., 2:21, 6:43
Holding Eagle, Mrs. See Scattered Corn.
Holes, Mrs. Andrew, 1.2:73; James, 2:129
Holland, Cecil Fletcher, rev. of, 11:282-283
Hollander families settle in Emmons County, 4:88
Hollenback, Fred, 5:85
Hollenbeck, J. B., 1.2:67
Hollister, Orin, 1.1:24
Holmes, H. W., 2:214; Maj. Andrew H., 3:112; Lt. Reuben, 4:28; Capt. W. H., 9:82
Holtman's Lake, 1.3:37
Holtritz, Mrs. A., 1.3:73
Holtz, Herman, 1.1:32
Holy Cedar Tree, 4:248
Holy Cross post office, 2:203, 210, 212
Holzenger, Dr., veterinary surgeon, 4:288
Homestake Mine, 5:91
Homestead Act, 1.1:60; effect on the settlement of the Dakotas 1862-1883, 5:21; on Norwegian immigration, 16, 21, 22; 7:116, 129
Homesteaders, basic needs of, 7:193
Hood, Gen. J. B., 2:218; Ump, range manager of cattle company, 8:298
Hope Brothers Hardware store, in Minot, 4:95
Hope, D.T., 4:98
Horsehead Bottom, 10:6, 37n. 42
Horsehead Creek, probable archeological village site, 11:77
Horseshoe Valley, 4:243
Hosie, John, ed., rev. of, 7:179-180
Howard County, Mo., 1.1:40
Howard, James, 3:240; Gen., 6:71; E. A., 6:268, 269; John, 10:19, 27, 30, 43n. 93, 83, 107; William A., territorial governor, 7:21; administration of, 11:214-215
Howe, Joseph, 6:117, 120, 125; 9:146
Hoyt, Jr. William D., article by, 10:47-51
Hrdlicka, Ales, 11:166, 168
Hubbard, N. K., 2:132; Moorhead storekeeper, 2:203; 6:227
Hudson Bay, 1.1:37; 1.4:50, 51, 53; 2:38, 100; 3:11, 195
Hudson, Hendrick, 5:197
Hudson's Bay Company: 1.1:85; 1.2:75 ;1.4:38, 48-51, 55, 56, 57; 2:12, 15, 20, 30, 35, 48, 50, 53, 54, 103, 106, 109, 113, 114, 118, 162, 168, 173, 187, 190, 206, 207; 3:36, 173, 176, 177, 178, 187, 189, 193, 195, 196, 197, 229, 230, 277, 279; 5:5, 6, 10, 11, 149, 152, 155, 156, 172, 175; history of, 5:197-218 petition for remuneration, 209; posts in the lower Red River Valley, 23; prosperity of, 1663-1690, 203; losses of, 1682-1696, 211; decline in stock, 1692-1696, 208, fur trade war, 172; 6:7, 9, 13, 20, 24-26, 28, 31-33, 40, 46, 47, 109, 110, 121, 220; transportation service through the U.S., 46, 47, 49, 50, 54, 56; 9:71, 76, 86, 87, 91, 92; built grist mill, 81
Huff, N.Dak., 4:33
Huff village site, 11:19-23; earthlodge excavations at, 94-96; rainbow designs of pottery at, 60-61
Huggins, Capt. E. L., 6:198
Hughes and Simpson, cattlemen, 8:298
Hughes, Gen. Alexander, 4:59, 60; 7:30, 34
Huidekoper, Arthur C., horse rancher, 1.1:24-32; 1.2:67; 8:296-297; Albert R., 1.1:30, 8:297; Earl C., 1.1:30; Wallace, 1.1:75
Hulbert, Archer B., reviews of, 6:90-91, 327-328
Hull, Gov., 3:83, 88, 90, 93
Human remains, found in North Dakota, 6:212, 213, 214
Humeston, Albert, 4:141
Hummel, E. A., associate historian of the National Park Service, 8:278
Humphrey, Edward Frank, rev. of, 6:174-175; Seth K., rev. of, 6:179-180; Jack, wood camp of, 8:169
Hunger Fighters (deKruif), rev. of, 3:150-151
Hunkpapa Sioux Indians, 4:9, 30, 31, 45, 74, 76, 116, 170, 245; 5:160; 6:266, 293, 294
Hunt, Father Jerome, 2:58; Wilson P., 2:241, 242, 4:182; Capt., 6:292
Hunt's Magazine, 3:277
Hunter, Dr. John, 1.3:48; Arsey, 4:188, 195
Hunting of the Buffalo, The (Branch), rev. of, 3:217-218
Hurd, A., 2:215
Hurley, Turner County, 4:86
Huron, D.T., 4:83, 86, 92, 94, 98; 7:33; vying for site of capitol, 29
Huron Land District, 4:86
Huron Tribune, 4:86
Hurricane Lake settlement (commenced in 1887), 5:33
Husfloen village site, 11:106
Husher, F. A., editor, visit to Norwegian settlements, 5:27, 28
Hussey, Judge, 2:129, 131
Huston, Lt. Col. Daniel, Jr., commander at Fort McKeen, 8:103
Hutchins, M. A., 2:215; C. A., 3:240
Hutchinson, William T., rev. of, 5:260-263; John, 7:27, 28
Hutterites, immigration of, 7:15
Hypochlorite Solution, use of in the 1870s, 8:301-304


I Sing the Pioneer (Guiterman), rev. of, 1.2:77-78
I X L, hotel in Deadwood, 5:92
I. G. &. Company, 3:283
Icelandic settlement: fiftieth anniversary; of in N.Dak., 3:73; in Pembina county, 5:27; founding of, 6:150-162; golden jubilee of, 150; founded in the U.S., 6:150, 152, 154, 155; at New Iceland (Canada), 6:151-158, 160, 163
Ida Duse, steamboat, 1.2:38
Ida Reese No. 2, at Fort Berthold, 10:13, 16, 22, 40n. 67
Ida Reese, steamboat, 3:165
Ida Stockdale, steamboat, 1.2:86, 38; 3:163; at Fort Berthold, 10:13, 17, 40n. 70, 88, 90
Iddings, Rev. F. W., 4:114
Illinois Central railway, 3:168
Illinois Indians, 3:263
Illinois River, 1.1:39, 40, 42; 2:217; 3:36, 101, 109
Immigrant house, in Yankton, D.T., 7:17, 18
Immigrants: from Europe to D.T., 4:86; English, in Yankton County, 88; Finlanders, near Dickinson, 91; life style of, 7:142-143
Immigration to Dakota Territory: adversities to, 7:118-128; positives for, 129-136; promotional efforts toward, 5-24
“Impressions of the Memorial Service at Walhalla, North Dakota,” 1.4:72-74
In Quest of the Western Ocean, rev. of, 3:75-76
In Search of America (Hazard), rev. of, 4:275-276; rev. of, 6:247
Incidents in the Life of a Pioneer (Glaspell), rev. of, 9:283-284, 10:264-266
“Incidents in the Life of a Pioneer,” 8:184-190
Independence, steamboat, 5:224
Indian Bureau, 2:85
Indian Congress, second annual session, 1.1:58
Indian Crow, 5:72
Indian Hill village site, 11:116
Indian mounds in North Dakota, 6:214-215. See also Mound builders.
Indian Removal; The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians (Foreman), rev. of, 7:171-172
Indian Rights Association, 4:101
Indian River, 2:107
Indian, Tales and Others (Neihardt), rev. of, 1.3:80
Indian treaty of 1876, 6:74
Indians in Dakota Territory: description of, 4:179; dwellings of, 174; proselytization by Catholics of, 5:149-165; distribution of, 6:215-220; origin of, 6:210-220; opposition to settlement of D.T., 7:118-124; white attitudes toward, 10:165-167
Indians of North Dakota, The (Wemmett), rev. of, 2:145
Inglis, Ellice & Company, 3:124
“Inkpaduta and Sons,” 4:l53-164
Inkpaduta, Indian, chief, 2:91
Inkster City, N.Dak., 4:59
Innis, Amherstberg merchant, 3:86; Harold A., rev. of, 5:183-185, 254-255; review by, 6:171-173
International Boundary, 2:209
International Hotel, 9:31
International Peace Garden State Park, 8:67-68
International, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:109-118, 204, 215; 3:175, 176, 178, 180; 6:50, 53, 56; 9:27, 29, 74, 75, 80
Invention of the twine binder, 1.1:79
Inyan Bosendata (Standing Rock), 1.4:10
Iowa, 4:11, 12, 14, 90, 142, 153; immigration to northwestern area of, 155
Iowa division of the Milwaukee railroad, 4:82
Iowa, in competition with D.T. for settlers, 7:130-135
Iowa Indians, 3:20, 33, 91, 116
Ioway River, 4:16
Ioway to Iowa (Richman), rev. of, 6:97
Irish colony to settle in Stutsman County, 4:88
Irish, James N., boat builder, 9:28
Irving, Washington, 1.1:52
Irwin, Matthew, Green Bay factor, 3:194
Isaacson, Adolph, 1.2:67
Isbister, Alexander, of the Red River Settlement, 9:111
Itassepah, 3:111
Ives, ____, execution of, 2:269


J. L. Grandin, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:216; 9:81
Jack ferry, 4:53
Jack Morrow's ranch on the Platte River, 4:231
Jack River, 1.4:58
Jackson, Francis James, British minister, 3:36; boys, 4:236; trapper, 4:161, 162; Andrew, 5:220, 223, 234; Billy, halfbreed scout with Custer, 7:79; Mons, 7:204, 206; W. Turrentine, article by, 11:209-220
Jackson road, 1.1:42
Jacobs, Charles H., 6:303, 307, 309; Osmer B., 6:303, 315
Jacobson, D. R., 2:228; Martin, 2:8
Jacobson village site, 11:116
James II, 5:203, 204, 205
James, Jesse, 1.1:27; Will, rev. of, 2:231-232; rev. of, 5:264-265; rev. of, 6:250
James River, 2:90, 122, 123, 255; 3:14, 15, 25; 4:17, 82, 83, 85; region of, 5:14, 34, 35; stage station at, 3:234, 238; valley around, 4:85, 86; 7:40, 41
Jamestown Alert (newspaper), 6:228
Jamestown, N.Dak., 1.1:24; 1.2:74; 1.3:57; 2:134, 135, 137, 141; 3:241; 4:57, 97; Norwegian settlement in, 5:36; 7:40, 41; vying for site of capitol, 25, 26; tornado in, 8:184-185; social life in, 188-190
Jamestown, N.Y., 2:217
Janeaux, _____, Durfee and Peck agent, 9:237n.; 10:9, 15, 16, 22-24, 42n. 83
Jansen, Wm., 1.1:61
Janson, Florence Edith, rev. of, 6:253; review by, 7:183
Jarvis, Capt., 3:209-212
Jasmin, Michel, 2:172
Jayne, Dr. William territorial governor, 7: 27, 115, 116, 119-121
Jaynes brothers, cattle firm, 1.1:59
Jeannette Roberts, steamboat, 5:104
Jeffers, A. N., 1.1:4, 7, 10, 55
Jefferson Barracks, in Missouri, 4:5, 7, 190
Jefferson City, Mo., 1.1:40
Jefferson, Pres. Thomas, 1.4:14, 2:9, 3:44; ____, 4:53, 54
Jefferson, steamboat, 224, 226
Jefferson's River, 1.3:5, 2:266
Jenkins, James W., Peoria, Ill, investor, 7:193-225
Jenks, C. H., river captain, 1.1:78; Dr. A. E., archeologist at Turtle River State Park, 8:150
Jennie Graner village site, 11:96
Jennings, Mont., 1.3:58
Jenny, Walter P., geologist, 5:84
Jérémie, M. Nicholas, 5:207
Jerome Standing Soldier village site, 11:90
Jerusalem, N.Dak., 1.3:18
Jessup, Elon, rev. of, 1.4:75
Jesuit influence: on native peoples, 8:290-294; on Metis, 9:96, 97; as missionaries to the Dakotas, 10:148, 152
Jesup, Gen. T. S., 4:56
Jewell, Marshall, 6:227, 230
Jewell's First Annual Directory of the City of Bismarck, Dakota, 6:229, 230
Jigs and reels, dancing of the Metis, 9:102-103
Jim Bridger, boat, 1.2:42
Jim's Creek, 1.1:19, 20
Jogues, 6:217
John Charles Fremont (Goodwin), rev. of, 5:189-191
John Jacob Astor (Smith), rev. of, 4:65-66; rev. of, 5:136-138; John Jacob Astor (Porter), rev. of, 6:322-323
“John Jacob Astor and Lord Selkirk,” 5:5-13
John McLean's Notes of Twenty-five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory (Wallace), rev. of, 7:177-179
Johnson Coulee, 1.4:9
Johnson, Livy, 1.4:70; Pres. Andrew, 1.2:29, 33; Sevald, 1.3:26; Bella M., 2:140; George, 204; Gov. Paul, 143; Jim, 228; Sir John, 3:7, 8, 9, 98n; J. W., Indian agent at Prairie du Chien, 46, 183, 188n; J., 4:59; “Liver Eating,” scout, 224; Col. James, 5:223-230; O. J., early settler in Barnes County, 5:25; Joel, archeological work of, 7:156; Henry, rev. of, 11:128-129; C. V., ant collection of, 11:231
Johnson, Overton, and William H. Winter, rev. of, 7:66-67
Johnston (Johnson), Col. William H., 10:34, 46n. 119; Harry V., rev. of, 10:207
Johnston Lake, 2:222
Joint Report upon the Survey and Demarcation of the Boundary between the United States and Canada, rev. of, 7:180-181
Joli Lake, 2:122
Jones, Capt. ____, 1.4:6; Foul Mouthed Bill, 1.1:32; Clarence F., and Gordon G. Darkenwald, rev. of, 10:208
Jordan, Amos C., 6:226
Josephine, steamboat, 1.2:69; 3:169; 4:234; 5:224, 226, 228, 232; 8:168
Joslin, E. E, 4:57, 58; Clyde W, article by, 6:147-149
Jötunheimen, earliest Norwegian settlement in Eddy County, 5:35
“Journal of H. E. Maynadier: A Boat trip from Fort Union to Omaha in 1860, The," 1.2:41-51
“Journal of La Verendrye, 1738-1739, The," 8:229-271
“Journal of the Atkinson-O'Fallon Expedition,” 4:5-56
Journal of the Santa Fe Expedition Under Colonel Doniphan, A (Robinson), rev. of, 7:67
“Journey from Kingston to Fort Garry via St. Paul and the Red River in 1860,”, 6:231-238
“Journey of John Orchard From Thunder Bay, Ontario, to Fort Garry and Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 1871 to December, 1872, The," 3:209-212
“Journey to Kentucky for Sheep: From the Journal of Robert Campbell, 1832-1833, A" 1.1:35-45
“Journey to the Black Hills in 1880, A," 7:37-38
“Journey to the Forks of the Red River of the North in l860," 6:231-238
Judith River 1.3:6
Jules Burgh, 2:271
Jusseaume, René, Lewis and Clark interpreter, 2:8


Kalispell cut-off, 1.3:58
Kaloupek, Walter E., review by, 11:127
Kaministikwia, 8:243, chief of, 242
Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, 1.3:24
Kandota, description of, 6:234
Kane, J. F., rev. of, 1.4:78; Thomas Franklin, 1.2:73
Kansas, 4:93, 159, 207, 231
Kansas Indians, 4:52
Kansas River, 4:52, 53
Kate Mulhall, A Romance of the Oregon Trail (Meeker), rev. of, 1.3:78-79
Kate Swinny, steamboat, 3:277
Kathryn, N.Dak., 2:56
Kathryn Recorder, 2:228, 3:73
Katie P. Kountz, 1.2:37; at Fort Berthold, 10:18, 19, 42n. 90, 114, 118
Kaufman, Louis, 1.1:75
Kaw River, 1.3:13
Kearny, Brevet Major Stephen Watts, 4:11, 12, 35, 46, 50, 53; 5:234
Keeler, Sergeant, 6:78
Keeney, Gordon J., 2:132, 6:227; J. G., 129
Keenleyside, Hugh L., rev. of, 5:141-143
Keith, John, 1.3:52; ____, of the Hudson Bay company, 2:35
Kellaher, D. M., 2:136
Kelley, ____, 2:135, 136; Ed., 228
Kelley’ s stage station, 2:205
Kellog, Henry and Heman, letters of, 3:66
Kellogg, F. S., 1.1:61; Mark, 4:236, 6:226; W. R., 6:228; rancher, 8:299
Kelly, Yellowstone, 1.2:76
Kelly's Point, 3:233
Kemp, George, 4:120, 138, 141
Kemper, Bishop Jackson, 1.1:79
Kendrick, Benjamin, B., rev. of, 7:64-66
Kenel South Dakota village site, 11:86-87
Kennedy, J. L., of St. Paul, 5:53; ____, 5:175
Kennerly, Capt. George H., 4:23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 49; H. A., 7:117
Kenney, James F., ed., rev. of, 7:59-60; review by, 58-59
Kent, Capt. John A., 2:214; Audrey, 4:59; R., 5:72
Kentucky Mounted Infantry, 55th, 1.2:34, 36
Keogh, Brevet Lt. Col. Miles W., 1.1:24
Keogh trail, 1.1:26, 27
Kernaghan, ____, Chicago merchant, 9:111
Kerr, James E., 3:6n
Ketchum, Maj. Daniel, 4:13, 14, 20, 24, 25, 40, 48, 53
Key West, steamboat, 3:159, 169; 6:76, 77
Keysville road, 4:109
Kickapoo Indians, 3:98
Kidney, The, Indian warrior, 4:229
Kiebert, F. J., civil engineer, 11:109
Kildonan, (Selkirk settlement), 1.2:70; 1.4:51, 60
Killdeer battlefield, 2:55
Killdeer Mountains, 1.1:5, 10, 14, 18, 19; 2:55
Kimball, Maria B., rev. of, 3:149-150; James P., article by, 4:73-77; Dr. James, 10:12, 23, 24, 30, 35, 40n. 69
Kind, Ezra, 5:72
King, Capt., 4:45; J. H., 104; William, 5:72; Blanche Busey, rev. of, 10:263-264
King William's War, 5:204
Kingsbury, Lt. James W., 4:48
Kingston, 4:131
Kingston, Ga., 1.2:64, 65
Kinney, Dr. Bruce, 1.4:73, 74
Kipp, James, builder of Fort Tilton, 2:10, 3:268
Kipp’s Trading Post village site, 11:84
Kirk, Ed, ranch of, 1.4:69; W. H., 9:16-17
Kirke, Sir John, 5:200
Kit Carson (Vestal), rev. of, 2:273-274
Kitchen, Joseph A., 1.4:73
Kittson, Norman W., 1.1:38; 1.3:74; 2:55, 110, 113-115, 201, 202, 207, 215; 3:175, 178, 229; 5:55; 9:75, 77
Kittson's Red River Transportation Line, 2:115; 3:178, 180; 9:27, 77
Klebe, Henry, caretaker at Lake Metigoshe, 9:123
Klingberg, Frank J., rev. of, 10:53-54
Knapp, Dan, hunter, 4:172
Knappen, Nathan H., 6:226
Knife River, 1.1:14, 16, 21, 22; 1.2:46; 1.3:5, 53; 2:5, 6, 7, 12, 57, 170, 175, 176, 181, 185, 186, 194, 240, 243; 4:36, 37, 39, 176; Indian village, 1.4:15; 4:35, 176, 179
Knife River Flint quarries, 7:159-160; 11:25-26
Knight, Capt., 2:132; Mrs. Clara Collis, 1.3:73, 2:143; Eben W., 132; E. W., 6: 226, 227
Know Your North Dakota (Sullivan), rev. of, 6:252
Kootenai canyon, 1.1:52
Kootenai Indians, 1.1:53
Koshkonong colony, 5:15
Kramer, William, 3:240, 41
Kranzburg, 4:82
Kristensen, Anders, 1.3:17
Kroeze, Dr. B. H., 1.4:73
Kruckenburg, William, 2:245
Kuhlmann, C. B., review by, 5:260-263
Kurtz, Thomas C., 1.3:50, 53


La Barge, Captain Joseph, 2:87, 10:64; Capt. John, 3:59, 162, 163, 276
La Barge, Harkness, & Company, 3:162
La Belle, Louis, 1.3:35; 1.4:6, 2:122; Rose, 5:165
La Colle, Indian chief, and La Verendrye, 8:243-245
La Combe, Father, 9:109
La Croix, 1.3:35
La Crosse, Wis., 2:105, 247
La Fayette, D.T., 2:103
La Force, Bill, general manager of cattle company, 8:298
La Framboise, Frank, 10:38n. 50; illness of, 8; death of, 21
La Guerre, Indian chief, 1.1:44, 45
La Jemmerais, Sister, 5:165
La Moure, 4:83
La Pointer, Antoine, 2:172
La Verendrye Bridge across the Missouri, 1.2:70
La Verendrye, Pierre Gaultier, Sieur de, 1.1:76; 2:32, 54; 4:175; 6:216, 292; 9:86; 11:11, 56, 57, 64, 66, 80; explorations of, 7:82; biography of, 8:230-232; about translations of his journals, 232-241; journal entry from July 20, 1738–May 1739, 242-271; and the plains Indians, 10:160, 161
La Verendrye, the younger, 1.1:22, and his brothers, in the Black Hills, 5:71
La Vigne, 5:172
Labarraque, French pharmacist, 8:301; his disinfecting solution, 301
Labat's trading post, 1.1:38
Lac des Roches, 2:46
Lac du Diable (Devils Lake), 2:199
Lac Qui Parle, 1.1:37, 44; 1.3:38, 42; 3:14; 5:111
Lac Traverse, 1.1:37, 44. 50; 1.4:7, 9
Lachapelle, Anna, 9:29, 31; Paschal, 29, 31
Lacombe, Father Albert, 2:33, 37, 50, 51, 52; 5:155-157
Lacon, Dr., 5:72
Lafayette, boat, 4:8, 22
Lafleche, Father, 2:33, 46
Laframboise, Francis, 3:106n, 203
Lafremere, half-breed, 2:51
Lagimodiere, Elzear, 6:143
LaGothrie, trader, 3:100
Laidlaw, trader, 3:198
Laird, Wilson M., article by, 10:244-261
Lake Agassiz, 2:55; glacial effects of, 8:148-149, 10:257-259
Lake Belland, 2:123
Lake Corning, 2:123
Lake Emily, 2:126
Lake Erie, 3:92, 104, 105, 114
Lake Flambeau, 3:32
Lake Henry, 2:211
Lake Huron, 3:84, 105, 113, 114, 118
Lake Irwin, 1.3:19
Lake Itaska, 2:100
Lake Jessie, 2:255
Lake Kandiotta, 1.3:36
Lake Lydia (Liddy), 2:254
Lake Mandan, 4:168, 172, 173
Lake Manitoba (Maninthonobanc), 2:195
Lake Metigoshe State Park, 8:68-69; history and geography of, 9:114-124; map of, opp. 115; name origin of, 117; CCC at, 118; structures at, 121-123
Lake Michigan, 3:86, 101, 109, 184
Lake Minnewaukan (Devils Lake), 1.3:31
Lake Nepissing, 3:86
Lake of the Woods, 1.1:74; 2:35, 170; 3:195, 211
Lake Okaboji, 4:159
Lake Pepin, 1.1:38; 3:121
Lake Shebondowan, 3:208, 210
Lake Simcoe, 3:86, 105, 112, 114
Lake Superior, 2:169; 3:14, 32, 86, 87, 210
Lake Tolic (Tolac), 2:121, 122, 127, 128
Lake Townsend, 2:255
Lake Traverse, 2:51, 100, 101, 109, 221; 3:14, 21, 25, 88, 186;. 187, 190n, 193, 195, 199
Lake Winnebago, 3:106, 107, 108, 110
Lake Winnepegosis, 2:36
Lake Winnipeg, 1.4:49, 58; 2:37, 100, 105, 107, 118, 170, 209; 3:172, 173, 198, 211
Lake Winnipeg, steamboats on, 9:70
Lakie, cowboy, 1.1:9, 10
Lakota American (newspaper), 1.4:71; 2:140, 142
Lakota, Ia., 4:59
Lakota, N.Dak., 1.3:17
Lamb, G. F., 4:59
Lambert, S. F., 1.3:57
Lame Deer (Indian leader), 6:72, 75
Lamicoine, Indian chief, and La Verendrye, 8:243-245
Lamien, Joseph, 2:215
Lamont, D., trader, 3:268
LaMoure Chronicle, 1.2:73
Lampkin, Betsey, 4:111
Lancaster City, 5:97
Lanctot, Gustave, review by, 6:94-95
Land Hunger: David L. Payne and the Oklahoma Boomers (Rister), rev. of, 11:127
Land offices in Dakota (1880), 4:92
Land, prices of, in the Red River Settlement, 5:175
Lander, E. J., 2:213
Landers and Green company, 1.1:59
Landon, Fred, review by, 10:128
Landreaux, Joseph, 8:169
Lane, Rose Wilder, rev. of, 7:233
Lang, Gregor, 1.1:28, 8:298; Lincoln A., Ranching With Roosevelt, 1.1:26, 28, 30, 31, rev. of, 1.1:68-69
Langdon and company, 1.3:77
Langevin, Bishop, 6:116; Hector, 6:114, 141
Langham, Maj. A. L, 4:23, 24, 52
Langlois, Michael, 2:172; Mme. Michael, 172
Langsworthy, Franklin, rev. of, 7:233-234
Lansing colony (Michigan) settles in McIntosh County, 4:88
Lantern in Her Hand, A (Aldrich), rev. of, 3:152-153
LaPerche, J. B, 3:106n
Laramie Treaty of 1868, 10:187
Laramie-Bozeman Trail, and the Teton Dakotas, 10:184-185
Lariviere, Alphonse, 6:132, 133
Lark, observed by Audubon, 10:69
Larned, H. H., 3:235
Laroche, clerk of the North West company, 2:15
Larocque (Metis), 2:33, 51, 191; 9:106
LaRose, Ignace, 3:106n
Larpenteur, Charles, 3:267, 268, 269, 271
Larsen, John, 1.3:25; Arthur J., articles by, 6:42-62; 6:302-318, and George S. Pelton, article by, 7:37-38
Larson Mandan site, 4:34
Larson, Peter, 1.3:49, 50, 51, 53; Henrietta M., reviews by, 5:60, 7:60-61
Larson village site, 11:23-24, 50, 51, 57, 61, 67, 82-83
LaSalle, 3:264
Last Stone, Gros Ventre (Hidatsa) hunter, 2: 27
Late Mandan period, 11:83
Later Heart River period, 11:7, 34, 50-52, 62-63, 81-83, 123-123
Latourelle, J. Baptiste, 1.1::36
Lauder, Judge, 1.4:6
Lauerdale, James, 2:215
Laughlin and Merrick (proprietors of a Black Hills newspaper), 6:315
Laut, Agnes, rev. of, 6:94-95; review by, 6:244
Lawe, John, 3:22, 24, 25, 39n, 91, l06n, 108, 110, 122n, 185, 188, 191, 194n
Lawless, Ben, 1.1:6, 7
Lawrence County, 5:71, 97
Lawrence, James, 6:268, 269
Laws to restrain fur-traders from exploiting Indians, 6:205, 206
Lazuli Buntings, observed by Audubon, 10:66
Le Boeuf, hunter, 2:176, 185
Le Boulet (Cannonball) River, 1.4:27
Le Cedre, hunter, 2:175
Le Duc, Father, 5:159
Le Floch, Father, 5:159
Le Grace village site, 11:75
Le Marquis de Mores, 1858-1896, biography of Charles Droulers, 8:3-23
Le May, Joseph, 2:207
Le Metis (newspaper), 6:133
Le Moyne brothers, 5:203, 204
Leach Lake, 3:25, 100
Lead City, D.T., beginning of, 5:91, 93, 97, 98
Lead City Telegram, 3:260
Leaf Lakes, 2:251
Leaf River, 2:102, 251; 3:25, 30
Leavenworth, Col., 4:6, 7, 12, 208; expedition of, 208; Col. Henry, 5:230, 233, 234, 235
Leavenworth village site, 8:157-159; diagram of Arikara earth lodge at, opp. 157; timber constructino of, opp. 158; Arikara pottery found at, opp. 159; 11:40-42, 44, 85
Leblanc, trader, 1.1:38
Lebo, Judd, 1.1:32; Norman, 1.1:29, 32; Schuyler, 1.1:32;
Lechenail, Indian chief, and La Verendrye, 8:243-245
LeConte’s Sparrow, observed by Audubon, 10:66, 72
Lee, Gen. Stephen D., 2:217
Lee's surrender, 1.2:28, 29
Leech Lake, 1.4:42; Northwest Company trading post, 7:85-87
Leeds, D.T., early center of Norwegian settlement, 5:32
Lees, of Virginia, 1.2:34; James, 2:135
Lefebre, Della, 2:50
Legeard, Father, 5:159
Legget, J., 6:318
Legislative reports on agriculture and minerals, 1866, 1867, 7:6
Leighton, Alvin C., 10:99, 121n. 135
Leighton, Jordan, and Hedderich, traders and ranchers, 8:296; purchase of Sitting Bull’s horses, 297
Lemay, Phillip, Bottineau County commissioner, 9:8
Lenape Trails (Lisle), rev. of, 3:218-219
Lennox, 4:82
Leonard, 4:84
LePage, Baptiste, 1.1:16, 17, 20
Lepine, Abroise, 6:132, 137, 140, 142-45
Lépine, of the Riel government, 5:49, 50
Les Principles de la Langue des Sauvages Appelles Sauteaux, by Father George Antoine Belcourt, 2:52
Lescohier, Don D., review by, 6:323-324
Leslie, Attorney A., 1.4:70
Let the Hurricane Roar (Wilder), rev. of, 7:233
Letcher, 4:96
Letendre, Louis, 6:138
Lethbridge, Alberta, 1.3:58
“Letter from W. B. O'Donoghue to Jay Cooke, March 29, 1871, Anent the O'Donoghue Scheme for the Annexation of Rupert's Land,” 5:49-53
“Letters from 1810 to 1864," 1.2:59-66
“Letters of James Stallcop to Catherine Varner, Charlotte, Iowa, l863-1865," 4:116-142
Leutz, Fred, 1.4:69
Lewellyn, Karl N., and E. Adamson Hoebel, rev. of, 10:125-126
Lewis and Clark bridge at Williston, 1.3:74; 1.4:72; camp site memorial association, 2:10, 11
Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1.1:16, 17, 20-22, 51, 52; 1.2:46; 1.3:5, 11, 13-15; 1.4:14; 2:54, 85, 150; at Fort Mandan, 2:5-22; 3:12n. 15, 51, 262; 4:6, 14, 17, 23, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 172, 175, 181, 184, 185, 201, 207; encampment at Fort Mandan in 1804, 33; 6:217, 219, 220, 263, 264; 9:21; and their view of the Teton Dakotas, 10:161-163; recording flora and fauna, 63; and the earth lodge villages, 11:40-42, 50, 51, 56, 72, 73, 113
Lewis, Captain Meriwether, 1.3:5-10, 15; 1.4:14; 2:6, 7, 13, 16, 17, 241, 242; 3:15; 16, 33, 34; Reuben, 2:242, 244
Lewis, Maj. William H., 10:85, 119, 120n. 125
Lewiston, Idaho, 1.3:58
Libby, Orin G., speaker, 1.1:49, 77, 1.2:71, 72; article by, 2:5-22; reviews by, 1.2:75, 1.2:76, 1.3:76-77, 1.3:77, 1.3:77-78, 1.4:75, 1.4:78, 1.4:75-76; 2:60-62, 62-63, 63, 148, 148, 149, 273-274; 3:149-150, 218-219, 219-220; 4:32; 5:143; 6:180-181; 7:66-67, 231-232, 233-234; rev. of, 4:145; archeological work of, 7:153
Liberty, D.T., 7:144, 145
“Liberty Memorial Building, The," 1.1:46-48
Library, North Dakota State Historical Society, 5:169, 171; historical, value of, 11:278-280
Lidgerwood, N.Dak., 1.3:57
Lignite deposits of North Dakota, Bulletin 4, N. D. G. S., 1.2:71
Like-a-Fishhook village, 1.1:21
Lincoln, Abraham, 1.1:64; 1.2:5, 7-33, 65; 2:91, 217; Mary Todd, 1.2:18, 19, 32; Willie, 1.2:16
Lincoln County, D.T., site of Scandinavian settlement, 7:136
Lincoln’s Sparrow, observed by Audubon, 10:76
Linderman, Frank B., rev. of, 6:328-330; rev. of, 7:170-171, 232
Lindsay, Gen., 6:129
Linton, N.Dak., 2:57, 4:32
Lippincott, ____, 10:13, 41n. 71
Liquor: and the Indian fur trade, 10:176-176
Lisa, Manuel, 1.1:20, 21; 1.3:11, 12; 3:116, 263, 265, 266, 270, 271; 4:182; 5:223; history of his North Dakota trading post, 2:239-246
Lisbon Free Press, 3:214
Lisbon, N.Dak., 1.4:9, 4:84, 175; settled by Norwegians in 1882, 5:31
Lisle, Clifton, rev. of, 218-219
Lithographs, used to promote immigration, 7:23-24
Little Bad Lands, 1.1:15
Little Beaver Creek, 10:5, 20, 37n. 41; village site at, 11:76-77
Little Belt Mountains, 2:93
Little Big Horn River, 4:236; Indian village on, 164
Little Bow Creek, 4:13
Little Bull, Arikara man, 10:17, 42n. 88
Little, C. B., 1.2:71, 4:30; George, 1.3:42
Little Canada, 5:157
Little Cheyenne River, 2:92
Little Crow, Indian chief, 1.4:6; 3:84, 115, 117; band of, 2:221; 7:121
Little Elk, Sioux chief, 1.2:43-45, 50
Little Heart, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Little Knife River, 1.4:35, 4:167
Little Missouri Horse Company, 1.1:30, 8:297
Little Missouri Post, 1.1:27
Little Missouri River, 1.1:5, 16, 18-20, 22, 23; 1.2:46; 1.3:50; 1.4:32, 35, 72; 2:89; 4:45, 167, 228, 229, 237; location of de Mores ranch, 8:7
Little Missouri valley, 1.1:29, 30
Little Muddy River (White Earth River), 1.4:33
Little Prickley Pear River, 2:265
Little Priest, Winnebago chief, 4:160
Little Rock, packet boat, 4:188
Little Salt River, 1.1:37, 45; 2:205
Little Sioux River, 4:12, 156, 160; valley of, 4:154, 155, 158, 163
Little White Bear, Indian chief, 4:31
Livermore, Farmer, 4:156, 158
Livernois, Domin, 2:172
Living Past, The (Merriam), rev. of, 4:275
Livingston, Crawford, 1.3:57; Robert, 3:91; W. Ross, review by, 5:259-260; rev. of, 6:91-93
Log of a Cowboy (Adams), rev. of, 2:148
Logan County, N.Dak., 4:32
Logan, Gen. John A., 1.3:75; Mrs. Lucinda, 2:141
Logan Museum of Beloit college, 4:63
Lombard, Charles, 6:226
Lone Chief (Indian), 5:48
Lone Cowboy (James), rev. of, 5:264-265
Lone Dog, outlaw chief, 4:76, 170
“Lonesome Charley,” 4:227-238
Long Creek, 1.4:27
Long Lake, 2:252
Long Lake Creek, 10:7, 37n. 43
Long, Major, 5:223, 228, 230; expedition of 1823, 236; Theodore K., district attorney of Morton County, 8:14-15
Long Ships Passing: The Story of the Great Lakes, The (Havighurst), rev. of, 10:128
Long X outfit, 1.1:55-58; ranch, 1.1:3, 4, 10
Long-tailed Chickadee, observed by Audubon, 10:70
Loras, Bishop, 5:155
Lorimier, Capt. de, 5:150
Loring, Black, and company, 203
Loth, George, 1.3:33
Louis XIV, 5:201, 202, 207, 208, 213
Louisiana Territory, 1.4:14
Louisville, 4:131
Lounsberry, Col. Clement A., 1.1:76; 1.2:68; 6:226
Loup Fork of Platte River, 4:209
Lowderbaugh, Dave, 4:118; Hannah 117
Lowell, Jacob, 2:129, 131
Lower, A. R. M., reviews by, 7:179-180, 10:53-54
Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 4:23
Lower Des Moines River, 4:153
Lower Hidatsa River village site, 11:114
Lower Mandan village, 242
Lower Sioux Agency, 5:106
Lowry, Thomas, 1.3:57
Lucas, James H., 4:5
Ludbury, Ed., 2:123
Ludlow, Capt. William, 6:295, 298
Luella, steamboat, 3:162
Luffsey, William Riley, killed by the Marquis de Mores, 1.1:30, 8:10
Lugenbeel, Col., 6:68, 72, 78
Lull, C. V. P., 2:110, 3:175; 9:75
Lundeby, Rev., 1.3:17, 27, 29
Lure of the Frontier, The (Gabriel), rev. of, 5:60
Luttig. John C., 1.3:12
Lutz. Frank, 1.2:71
Lyman Aldren village site, 11:112
Lyman County, S.Dak., 4:23
Lyman, Matilda, 3:203; W. P., 5:74
Lynch, John, 2:228; William, 9:31
Lyon, E. Wilson, rev. of, 10:126-127
Lyons, ____, 2:264; Asa, 269; J. H., 115, 207; Lord, 6:7; J. H., 9:78
Lystad, Anton O., 2:213; Oscar, 215


M. O. Walker and Company of Chicago (veteran stagecoach company), 6:44, 45, 46
Ma-too-ton-ha, lower Mandan village, 2:5, 12
MacCauley, ____, 8:9
MacDonald, ____, Scotch-Indian mail carrier, 4:242-244; John A., 6:8, 39, 40, 117-122, 128, 140-143
Macdonell, John, 3:12n; 5:173, family of, 173; 9:90, 97
Macdonnell, Captain Miles, 1.4:50, 55, 56, 57; 5:149; letter to, 5:174-176; governor, 9:90, 92, 93, 97
MacFarlane, R. O., reviews by, 6:97, 8:305-306
MacKay, James, 6:217
Mackenzie, Alexander, 2:150; 6:144; cabinet of, 142; government of, 143. See also McKenzie.
Mackenzie River, 2:150
Mackinaw boats, 10:108-109, 122n. 147
Mackinaw Company, 6:203
MacLean, J. Kennedy, rev. of, 4:274-275
MacLennan, W. L., 2:215
MacNider, William, 3:73
Macon railway, 1.2:65
Mactavish, Gov., 6:26, 31, 32, 36, 39, 40, 113, 132
Madden, 4:11; Thomas, trader, 5:85
Maddock, Walter, 2:131
Maddox, Mrs., 1.1:29
Madison County, Ill., 1.1:40
Madison, D.T., 4:83
Madison, Ill., 1.1:, 41
Madison, Pres. James, message to Congress, 3:43
Madison, Wis., 1.2:52
Magee, Capt. Matthew, 5:232, 237
Maggie: steamboat, 2:115; tugboat, 3:178; mackinaw boat, 3:l64; 9:77
“Magical and Sleight of Hand Performances by the Arikara,” 3:50-65
Magnusson, Ami, Pall Thorlakson, and Richard Beck, article by, 6:150-164
Magpie creek, 1.1:18
Maha Indians, 4:50; village of, 4:14, 48
Mahhaha village site, 11:111
Mahoney, Arthur, 1.1:58
Mahoney, Arthur, hunting partner of Charles Shafer, 8:173
Mahood, Alexander, 4:111; Frances, l09, 111, 113; Fannie, 114; John, 111, 112, 113; Stephen, 111, 112. See also Heath, Fannie Mahood.
Mail route from Tower City to Lee, D.T., 4:97
Mail service, in Dakota, 6:58-61; in Minnesota, 43-49, 51, 52, 54, 57; between Fort Berthold and Fort Stevenson, 10:3-36
Mair, Charles, 6:111, 114
Maise, W. R., 6:230
Maisonneuve, Father, 5:155
Major, ____, 2:262
Makah or Tiwaukan Lake, 1.3:35
Makee and Perkins, merchants, Devils Lake, D.T., 9:15
Makee, W. H., 9:14, 15
Malade River, Idaho, 1.3:13
Malden, 3:183, 184
Mali-Topa, Mato-Lopa, Indian chief, 1.2:43, 44, 46
Malin, James C., rev. of, 5:139-141
Malmros, Oscar (American consul at Winnipeg), 6:21, 22, 31, 35, 37, 38
Malnourie, Charles, Sr., 4:169, 170, 229; his place, 229; 10:10, 15, 17, 34, 41n. 79
Malo, Father, 2:140
Maloney, John, 2:228; Hugh, 214
Maltese Cross ranch, 1.1:18, 29
Maltese Cross Ranch, and Theodore Roosevelt, 8:298
Mammals, observed by Audubon, 10:72
Man Who Sold Louisiana: The Career of Francois Barbe-Marbois, The (Lyon), rev. of, 10:126-127
Man-Even-of-Whose-Horses-the-Enemy-are-Afraid, 10:185
Manchester, Ill., 1.1:39
Mandan Criterion (newspaper), 6:228
Mandan Indians: 1.1:20, 51, 72; 1.2:43, 45, 46; 1.4:30; 2:6, 12, 13, 51, 145, 170, 239, 241; villages of, 5, 6, 9, 53, 186, 187, 244; 3:50, 54; 4:10, 33, 35, 37, 45, 73, 103, 170, 174-184, 209, 212, 220, 221, 234; villages, 9, 10, 34, 35, 37, 45, 49, 175, 181, 211; description of, 177-179; 5:38, 39, 42, 43, 48, 154, 155, 159; 6:69, 70, 81, 215-219; archeological evidence of, 7:151, 153; earth lodge village of, replicated at Fort Lincoln, 8:102; archeological record of, 11:5; cache pits of, 23-24; houses of, 6, 12-23; palisades of, 7-12; pottery of, 6, 44, 46-69
Mandan Lake village site, 11:52, 66, 110-111
Mandan Lodge at Bismarck, 5:38-48, 168, 169
Mandan, N.Dak., 1.1:19, 73; 1.3:46, 50-55; 2:55; 4:83, 84, 89, 90, 91; settled by Norwegians in 1881, 5:36
Mandan Pioneer, 1.2:69
Mandan Weekly Pioneer, 4:88
Manderfeldt, Anton, 1.3:33; Henry, 1.3:33; Hilliar, 1.3:33
Manitoba Act (1870), 6:28, 121, 122, 123
Manitoba House, 9:31
Manitoba Milestones (McWilliams), rev. of, 5:185-187
Manitoba: province of, 2:30, 31; entrance into Confederation, 6:107; organization of, 6:132-135; school question in, 133; creation of province, 9:152, 153
Manitoba railway, 1.3:18; 4:94
Manitoba, steamboat, 1.2:69, 2:115-118, 216, 3:179; 9:28, 31, 78; sank, 78, 79, 81
Mankato, Minn., 5:103, 104, 105, 120
Mann, Charley, 2:131
Mann, Dr. ____, 10:105, 122n. 145
Mannhaven, N.Dak., 1.1:21; 2:244, 245
Mannhaven village site, 11:36
Manning Brothers' farm, 6:148
Manning, Dan, rancher, 8:299
Manning, Daniel, 1.1:8, 58, 59
Mantannes, as mentioned in La Verendrye’s journals, 8:231-241; ascertained to refer to Hidatsa Indians, 239; in the journal entry for July 20, 1738-May 1739, 251-268
Manual Labor School at Fort Totten, 5:163, 164
Manuel Creek stage station, 3:238
“Manuel Lisa and His North Dakota Trading Post,” 2:239-246
Maple River, 1.1:45; 2:212, 224, 253, 254; 4:155, 156
Marais River (Riviere aux Marais), 2:200
Maranda, J. B., 3:106n
Marcey, Inspector Gen., 5:127
Marcus, Wm., 1.3:58
Mardell, D.T., 4:97, 98
Marias River, 2:85, 3:270
Marietta, 4:132
Marion, 4:82 83
Marion Junction, 4:82
Marmarth Mail, 1.4:71, 3:214, 4:59
Marmarth, N.Dak., 1.1:23
Marquette County, Mich., miners from, 7:42
Marquette, explorer, 3:263
Marquette, Father, 10:148
Marquette, steamboat, 1.2:69, 2:216
“Marquis De Mores in North Dakota,” 8:3-23
Marquis, Thomas B., rev. of, 3:148; rev. of, 6:254
Marsh, Capt. Grant, 1.2:76; 3:162, 163n, 165, 213; of the steamboat Josephine, 4:234, 10:24, 44n. 104; Charles, 3:234
Marsh, D. W., at Fort Berthold, 9:237n.; 10:12-36, 84-119
Marshall, L. P., 1.1:40, 41; Lt. Col. William R., 1.3:32, 33, 35, 73; extracts from diary of, 1.3:38-40; 1.4:11; Thomas F., 1.2:78; Gen. Wm. R., portions of the diary of, 2:126; Gov., of Minn., 5:18, 6:55; Col., 5:125; Henry, sketch of, 9:35n.; letters of, 35-57
Martha Jewett, steamboat, 3:277
Martha River (Big Muddy creek), 4:44
Martin, ____, farmhand, 7:197, 198
Martin County Atlas (newspaper), 6:226
Martin, Pete, 1.3:49; ____, 2:131; Capt. Wyly, 5:223
Mary McDonald, steamboat, 10:114, 124n. 156
Maryatt, Captain, rev. of, 2:62-63
Maryland, 4:11, 16, 20
Mason, Charles, 1.1:29; Col. Richard Barnes, 4:11, 25, 35
Matchedash bay, 3:105
Mathews, George A., 7:30, 35; Dr. Washington, 10:13, 34, 41n. 73
Matoti, (Bear Den Hill), 1.4:7, 10
Mattson, Col. Edwin, 3:213; Col. Hans (representative of the Pacific Railroad in the Scandinavian countries), 5:25
Maus, Gen., 6:71, 72
Maximilian, Prince of Weid, 1.1:20, 21; 1.2:46; 3:51, 54, 57, 269; 4:179, 183, 184, 185; atlas of, 4:179; 7:90; and the Teton Dakotas, 10:171; as observer of wildlife, 63, 72-73; at Fort Union, 67; 11:40, 56, 74
Maxwell, ____, 8:169
Maxwell, ____, river captain, 2:101; John E., 6:304
Maxwell City, D.T., 7:148
Maymiutch, hunter, 2:164, 186
Maynadier, H. E., journal of, 1.2:41-51
Mayrand, Father Joseph, 5:154
Mayville, N.Dak., 4:58, 59; 7:196, 199, 201, 202
Mayville Tribune, 4:59
McArthur, Capt. Malcolm, 10:3, 36n. 34
McBain family, genealogy of, 10:226-230
McCants, E. C., rev. of, 4:202
McCarty, Harold H., rev. of, 8:223-224
McCauley, Alex, 10:13, 19, 22-28, 31, 32, 41n. 74
McCauleyville, Minn., 2:14, 202, 215; 3:177; 9:76
McChesney, Dr. Charles E., 10:31, 45n. 116, 113
McClellan, steamboat, 2:247
McCloskey, C. C., 2:214
McClure, Marshall, 6:228; P. F., second commissioner of immigration, 7:22
McConnell, ____, boat builder, 2:109
McCook, Gen., 2:217; Edwin, acting governor of Dakota Territory, 5:78
McCormack (McCormick), Capt. M. L., 1.2:69; 2:114, 215; 9:76
McCormick harvester, 7:204
McCormick, Paul, cattleman, 8:299
McCoy, Capt., 1.3:39
McCracken, of the Northwest company, 1.4:28; of the Hudson’s Bay company, 2:12
McCulley, Lucinda (Mrs. Lucinda Logan), 2:141
McDonald, Mrs. John M., 1.1:35; Allen, govemor of Manitoba, 2:37; D., 6:228
McDouall, Lt.Col., 3:111, 112, 115n, 117-122
McDougal, Capt., 4:236, 6:72, 75
McDougall, ____, 5:5; ____, 6:194; William, 6:9, 21, 25, 36, 37, 40, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120
McDougall, Hon. William, 9:137, 139, 140; proclamation to transfer territory by, 147, 1148
McGill, J. & A. & Company, 3:24, 26-32, 91, 92
McGill, James, 3:11n, 93, 94, 96
McGillivray, William, 3:36, 37, 93, 94, 96, 105; 5:5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 152
McGillycuddy, Indian agent at Pine Ridge, 10:192-194
McGinnis, Mrs. John Bell, 4:57
McGraw, Col. W. H., 1.1:n, 2:213
McGuire and Atwood, 2:213
McInnis, A., 2:215
McKay, James, 3:173, 230; Capt. William, 105, 106, 112
McKean, M., 1.1:76
McKechnie, Alex., 2:135; Archibald, 141
McKenney, T. L., 3:188, 194
McKenzie, Alexander, 1.4:48, 7:26, 28-34; Kenneth, 1.1:51, 3:198; Owen, buffalo hunter, 2:28; Donald, HBC factor, 5:6, 9:106
McKenzie County, N.Dak., 1.1:55, 1.4:72; organization of, 1.1:61; 2:55
McKinney & Young, 4:58
McLain, ____, river captain, 1.2:69; Capt. ____, 2:115; Capt. J. W., 3:178; John N., 4:188, 189; Capt. ____, 9:77
McLaughlin, Major Charles, 1.2:73; Major James, 1.1:27; James, 1.2:68; Mrs. R. C., 1.2:68; Frank, 2:214; Major James, Indian agent, 137; John, a free trader, 9:111
McLay, Alexander, 9-12
McLean County, N.Dak., 1.1:22
McLean, John A., 1.1:76
McLenahan, Bob, 4:128, 138, 189, 192
McLeod, Dr., drinking binges of, 10:29, 45n. 111, 104-106
McLeoud, Major Joseph, 1.3:32
McMahon, Martin, 2:215
McMicken, Ham, 2:214; ____, river captain, 1.2:70
McMurchy, James, 2:202
McMurtrie, Douglas C., article by, 6:221-230
McNaney, James, 3:.274
McNider Ranch (or Big Beaver Creek) village site, 11:77
McPhail, Col. Samuel, 1.3:32
McPherson, William H., 1.1:72, 2:140
McRee, Lt. Samuel, 4:50, 52
McTavish, John H., 2:207; Simon, 150; Emily, 9:102, 103; Simon, 9:87
McTavish, McGillivray, & Company, 3:31n, 35; and Forsyth, Richardson & Company, (the Montreal houses of the Michilimackinac), 5:7, 8
McWilliams, Margaret, rev. of, 5:185-187
Mead and Ayres, 1.4:70
Mead, Nelson P., rev. of, 5:191
Meade, Frank, 1.3:55
Meadville, Penn., 1.1:24
Meany, Edward S., rev. of, 4:202; Edmond S., review by, 5:182-183
Medicine Bear, Upper Yanktonai chief, 4:211, 212; his camp, 4:212, 213, 215, 219; 10:113, 123n. 151
Medicine Hill, 2:264
Medicine Lance, Arikara high priest, 4:211, 212
Medicine Lodge ceremony of Arikara, 3:55, 4:248, 251
Medicine Seed, mother of Scattered Corn, 5:39
Medora (Trinka), rev. of, 8:132-133
Medora and Deadwood Stage Line, 3:252, 8:274
Medora, N.Dak., 1.1:16-18, 20, 26, 29; 1.3:50; 2:55; 3:251; site of Chateau de Mores, 8:272
Medwakanton Indians, 3:15, 4:153
Meeker, Ezra, rev. of, 1.3:78-79
Meers, Thomas W., 6:79
Mekeel, Scudder, article by, 10:137-205
Melby, C. A., review by, 6:86-87
Meldrum, Robert, trader at Fort Union, 1.2:41-43
Mellette, Arthur C., territorial governor, 7:23; administration of, 11:219
Memoirs of a White Crow Indian, rev. of, 3:148
Memoirs of Yellowstone Kelly (Quaife), rev. of, 1.2:76
Memracook, Que., 2:52
Menard, Father, 10:148
Mennonites: immigration of, 7:12-17; in Red River Valley, 20
Menoken village site, 11:11, 79-80
Menominee Indians, 3:8, 25, 88, 105, 107, 109, 110, 184, 191, 192, 200
Merceau, Anthony, 2:268, 272
Mercer County, N.Dak., 1.1:21
Mercer, William H. (Musser), 2:143
Merchant International Steamboat Company, 2:115, 116, 215; 3:179; 9:78
Merchants Transportation Company, 3:245, 247, 249; 5:87
Merle & Company, exporters, 3:284
Merriam, John C., rev. of, 4:275; John L., 6:49
Merricourt, N.Dak., 1.1:73
Merrill, ____, 1.1:58
Messersmith, W. F., rancher, 8:299
Methodist colony settles in Burleigh County, 4:88
Metis: origin of, 9:86-90; religion of, 96-98, character of, 100-101; conditions of prior to rebellion, 101-104; church and schools, 104-110; relationship to whites, 110-113; social life, 102-103; rebellion of 1885, 137-165; relocate to Saskatchewan, 153-155; clemency granted to, 160
Mexican War, 4:11
Meyer, Calamity Joe C., 1.1:29; Carl C. P. German agent, 7:14, 15
Meyers, Dr. Charles H., 7:30
Michael, Chris, 2:215
Michigan Fencibles, 3:106, 107, 116
Michigan, N.Dak., 4:59
Michigan settlement in Dakota, 4:91
Michilimackinac, 3:7-10, 12, 16-18, 20-23, 28, 30, 35, 37, 38, 86-92, 95, 101, 104, 106, 107, 110-115, 118, 121-123, 183-187, 190, 194; 5:7, 10, 11; LaVerendrye’s departure point, 8:242; 10:157, 158
Michilimackinac Company, 3:31, 32, 33, 35, 36
Mid-West Museums conference, 1.2:58
Middle Mandan period, 11:55-56; sites of, 77-81, 121-123
Middleton, Gen., 9:157, 158
Mih-tutta-hang-kush, Mandan Indian village, 2:5
Milbank, 4:96
Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 1.2:76; 6:70, 71, 273
Military posts, establishment in the West, 5:219, 220, 230
Milk River, 2:87, 262, 263; 3:159
Mill Creek, 4:160, 161, 162
Miller, Andrew, 1.3:36; Judge Andrew, 1.3:73; H. C., 1.2:74; J. C., 1.4:69; N. D., engineer, 1.1:78; William, 2:215; A. B., 3:237; ____, postmaster of Turtle Lake, 4:246; George, 59; L., 195; [Joseph?], 10:7, 37n. 45
Miller, D.T., 4:83
Miller, Frank, employee of Marquis de Mores, 8:9, 11
Milligan, E. A., archeological work of, 7:155
Mills, Capt., 6:66; James B., 6:54
Milnor, N.Dak., 1.3:36
Milnor railway line, 1.3:58
Milwaukee railroad, 4:82, 103
Mine Inheritance (Niven), rev. of, 8:220-221
Miner, J. W., member of Lincoln's bodyguard, 1.2:71; William, 5:74; Capt., 7:121
Miner, steamboat, 1.2:35, 36; at Fort Berthold, 10:23, 27, 28, 43-44n. 102, 115, 116
Mininger, ____, 1.3:43
Mink, boat, 4:12, 16, 21, 24, 26, 37, 42-46, 48
Minneapolis, Minn., 1.1:50; 1.3:57
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway, 5:24
Minneapolis Tribune (newspaper), 6:226
Minneconju Indians, 4:164, 226
Minnesota (St. Peter's) River, 3:8-10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25, 34, 38, 99, 175, 185, 187, 189, 190
Minnesota, 4:58, 59, 90, 93, 153
Minnesota Central Railroad, 6:52
Minnesota Express and Transportation Company, 6:42
Minnesota Express Company, 6:42
Minnesota Historical Society, 1.1:50, 75; 1.2:75
“Minnesota Historical Survey and the Relocation of the Red River Trails, The,”, 5:100-102
Minnesota History (Blegen), rev. of, 6:175-177
Minnesota History, 1.1:79; 1.3:73
Minnesota in the War with Germany (Holbrook and Appel), rev. of, 7:230-231
Minnesota massacre. See Dakota Conflict of 1862.
Minnesota, Red River steamboat, 9:28, 78; name changed, 9:81
Minnesota River, 1.3:31, 40; 2:100, 101, 109, 123, 208, 221; 4:175
Minnesota Stage Company, 2:203; 3:171n, 231; 6:42, 46-59, 101
Minnesota, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:115, 118, 216; 3:179, 190
Minnesota Territory organized, 6:9
Minnesota Valley Railroad, 6:52
Minnetaree Indians. See Hidatsa Indians.
Minnewaukan, D.T., early center of Norwegian settlement, 5:23
Minnie H., Devils Lake steamboat, 3:214
Minot, N.Dak., 1.1:77, 78; 1.2:57; 2:184; 4:94; beginnings of, 6:147-148
Minot State Teachers College, 1.1:75
Minto, N.Dak., 4:113
Minutes of the North Dakota Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 6:230
Miry River (Snake River) 38
Mission of the Northwest, 5:150
“Missionary Journey on the Dakota Prairies in 1886, A," 1.3:16-29
Mississippi Expedition, 5:230, 231
Mississippi River, 2:100, 202, 212; 3:8-38-104, 112-115; 4:54; valley of, 4:63, 90, 105
Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 1.1:79; 1.2:71; 1.3:72
Missouri, 4:18, 42, 90
Missouri Expedition, 4:10, 5:221, 222, 235; 6:208
Missouri Fur Company, 2:239; Mandan post of, 239; 3:265; 4:6, 51; 5:234, 235; establishment of, 10:164-168
Missouri Historical Society, 4:5
Missouri Legion, 4:6
Missouri River: 1.1:16-27, 50, 51; 1.2:35, 36, 41, 52; 1.3:5, 7, 32, 46, 50, 56, 73; 1.4:8, 14, 15, 34; 2:5-13, 43, 47, 53-55, 85-99, 109, 157, 175, 184, 185, 196, 197, 220, 223, 239-245, 257-266; 3:12-18, 25, 29-35, 86, 159-166, 171, 190, 234, 236, 268; 4:5-21, 26-44, 49-56, 73, 75, 82, 83, 91, 92, 99-104, 112, 155, 166, 168, 172-185, 207-216, 223, 227, 231, 239, 242, 246; West River country of, 153; rich opportunities in, 108;
Missouri River commission, 1.1:16, 22
Missouri River Land Company, formation of, 10:103; meetings of, 108, 117
Missouri River valley, 4:5, 8, 165, 175
Missouri Synod, 1.3:21
Mitchell, D.T., 7:33
Mitchell, Mrs. Charles, 2:58; David, Jr., 3:31n ; 4:82, 83, 92, 95
Mobridge, S.Dak., 4:58
Mobridge village site, 11:45
Moehlman, Arthur Henry, and J. H. Bond, article by, 6:231-238
Moen, Rev., 1.3:19
Molander village site, 11:41, 70, 71, 107
Mollie Moore, at Fort Berthold, 10:21, 22, 43n. 97
Momyer, Mrs. Arline Bryant, 1.2:67
Monan, Corporal, 3:114
Monk’s Mound, 11:187-192, 194, 197
Monroe, James, 5:10, 219
Monsieur Georges-Antoine Belcourt, Missionnaire a la Rivere Rouge, translated and excerpted, 2:30-52
Montana Banker, 1.2:71
Montana line, 4:84
Montana Post (newspaper), 6:222
Monticello, Minn., 2:226
Montreal-Michilimackinac Company, 3:37
Moody, Col. G. C., 3:. 236, 237
Moon (Owl) band of Arikara, 3:54
Moor, Sgt., 4:33
Moore, Capt., river captain, 1.2:37; Frank, 1.1:25; Frank, publisher, 1.2:6; John, The Civil War in Song and Story, note, 1.2:6; ____, trader, 1.1:37, 44; D. C., 2:213; Harry, 129; rancher, 4:245, 246; A. H., 6:227
Moore, Dick, 8:9, 10
Moorhead, Minn., 2:115, 118, 131, 202-215
Moorhead, William G., 2:203
Moose Factory, 5:203
Moose Mountains, 3:211
Moran, Pat, 2:135; John, 129; Wesley, 6:230
Moreau River, 4:29, 47, 221
Morgan and His Raiders: A Biography of the Confederate General (Holland), rev. of, 11:282-283
Morgan House, stage station, 2:205
Morgan, John, raids of, 1.2:9; Asa, 2:205; Lt. Col. Willoughby, 5:223; William Thomas, article by, 5:197-218
Morgan's ranch, 2:264
Mork Farm, probable archeological village site, 11:81
Morning Mine, Mullen, Idaho, 1.2:51
Morning of America, The (Klingberg), rev. of, 10:53-54
Morning Star Cattle company (Birdhead outfit), 1.1:59
Morrell, E. K., 6:230
Morris, Ralph C., writer, 1.1:79; Alexander, Lt. Gov. of Manitoba, 6:141
Morris River, 2:200
Morrison, Dr. Samuel E., speaker, 1.1:52; William, 5:8, 9, 11
Morrow, Honore Willsie, rev. of, 1.3:78
Morse, ____, river man, 2:103; ____, 9:70
Morton, A. S., review by, 6:87-90
Morton and Company, 6:230
Morton County, N.Dak., 1.3:49; commissioners of, 4:84
Moseley, Elizabeth, 4:110
Mother Corn ceremony of Arikara, 3:55; 4:248, 259
Motley, John L., U. S. Minister to Great Britain, 6:30, 32, 41
Motsiff village site, 11:57, 63, 100-101
Mott Pioneer Press, 1.4:69, 70
Moulton, H. R., theory of, 11:161, 162
Mound builders: history of, 11:139-142; in the U.S., 142-160; identity of, 160-202; labor force of, 192-196
“Mounds and Mound Builders of the United States,” 11:139-208
Mounds, constructed as markers by mail carriers, 10:31, 45n. 115
Mount Lookout, 5:72
Mount Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood, 7:52, 52n. 27
Mount Spokane, 1.1:52
Mount Sterling, Kan., 1.2:35
Mountrail County, 2:57
Mouse River, 1.1:79; 1.3:17, 22-25, 27; 2:39, 176, 256, 257; 4:58, 245; country around, cattle ranching in, 5:34; settlements in 1886, 34; 6:147
Mouse River Farmers Press, 1.2:72
“Mouse River Horse and Cattle Company: A Communication,” 6:147-149
Mouse River Horse and Cattle Company, 4:58, 6:147-149
Moves Slowly (the last Mandan Corn Priest and father of Scattered Corn), 5:38, 39
Mower, Gen. Joseph, 2:217
Mule Shoe Bar ranch, 1.1:55
Mules, used for farming, 7:193, 194; death from glanders, 224
Mullen, C., 1.2:72; Lt., 1.2:43; Lt. James, 5:73
Mulliken, E. A., 5:82
Multinomah Falls, 1.1:52
Munn, Edward D., 6:79
Munro, William Bennett, rev. of, 5:259-260; Lt., 6:232
Murdoch, Sir Clinton, 6:29, 122
Murphy, John S., 1.2:37; John, 2:214
Murray, Donald, 1.2:70
Museum, historical: uses of, 1.2:52-58; value of, 11:277-278; at the State Historical Society of North Dakota, 5:167, 169, 180, 181
Muskego colony, 5:15
Muskegon Indians, 3:191
Muskrat, boat, 4:12-18, 24, 26, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49
Muskrat River, 3:189
Musselshell River, 2:93, 4:224
Musser, R. E., 1.4:70
Mutschelknaus, Charles, 1.4:70
Muzzey, David S., review by, 6:170-171
Muzzy, George, rancher, 8:299
My Home on the Range: Frontier Ranching in the Badlands (Johnston), rev. of, 10:207
My People the Sioux (Standing Bear), rev. of, 4:66
Myhra, H. C., 1.4:71
Myrick's trading house on Big Stone Lake, 1.3:33, 38


Nadaway, Mo., 4:52
Nadowa (Nadaway) River, 4:52
Nagle, John, at Fort Berthold, 10:99
Nanaundeyea, hunter, 2:184
Nancy, British supply boat, 3:113, 114
Napoleon, N.Dak., 1.3:55
Narrative of Samuel Hancock (Smith, ed.), rev. of, 2:145
National Cemetery at Fort Stevens, 1.2:, 23
National Consumers Company, 8:21-23
National Park Service, survey of the Chateau de Mores, 8:278-279
National Research Council, 1931 meeting of, 7:151
“Natural History Notes on the Journals of Alexander Henry,” 2:168-200
Naughton, John, 6:79
Nault, Andre, 6:143
Nautauwasage River, 3:113, 114
Nebraska, 4:10, 13, 19, 51, 90, 93, 159
Nebraska History Magazine, 1.3:73
Neche Chronotype (newspaper), 2:228
Nedrud, A. C., 2:228
Negro regiments, 4:120, 192
Neihardt, John G., rev. of, 1.3:80
Neil, Rev. Francois, 1.2:13
Nellie Peck, steamboat, 3:165; at Fort Berthold, 10:15, 18, 19, 26, 33, 40n. 68, 109, 110, 116, 118
Nels, ____, river man, 2:201
Nelson County Arena, 4:59
Nelson County Old Settlers Picnic, 4:59
Nelson, J. T., 1.4: 69; Mercy, 2:132; N. E, 206; Mrs. C., 4:57; N. C., customs collector at Pembina, 5:27; John, 5:197, 213, 214, 215; N. E., deputy collector of customs at Pembina, 6:37; Chris, ranch of, 7:196, 198
Nelson River, 1.4:50, 52, 54; 2:248
Nemanha (Nemaha) River, 4:51
Nerthig, 2:256
Nesmond, Marquis de, 5:209
Nevins, Allan (ed.), rev. of, 5:61
New England colony settles at New Salem, 4:89
New England, N.Dak., 2:57, 142
New Leipzig Sentinel, 2:58
New Nation (Red River newspaper), 6:24, 26, 37, 121
New Rockford, D.T., settled by Norwegians in 1883, 5:35
New Salem, 4:89, 91
New UIm, 5:105, 112
New York colonists to D.T., 7:129-133
New York colony of 1864, 4:105
Newman, John, 1.1:17
Newport, N.Dak., 1.3:24, 25
Newspapers: promoting North Dakota to settlers, 5:26; 7:9, 10, 20
Nez Perce Indians, 1.1:53; 1.3:49, 6:71
Niagara, 3:6, 9, 95, 104
Nicholas, John, 1.3:55
Nicholls, Major, army paymaster, 1.2:87
Nichols, Clara, 2:136; George, 136; W. H., 272
Nickles, W. B., editor, 2:203; 9:82
Nickolson, O., 5:85
Nicolet College, 2:30
Nicolet, Jean, 10:147
Nicollet and Fremont, explorers, 1.4:10; expedition of, and the Teton Dakotas, 10:172
Nielson, Minnie J., 1.2:71
Nierling, J. J., 6:228
Night Walks village site, 11:116
Nile, steampoat 165
Niles Register (newspaper), 3:277
Ninety-Six (McCants), rev. of, 4:202
Niobrara River, 4:18, 19
Nishnabotna River, 4:51
Nishu, N.Dak., 4:184
Niven, Frederick, rev. of, 5:265-267
Niven, Frederick, rev. of, 8:220-221
No Two Horn, Indian scout, 2:142
Noble brothers, cattle firm, 1.1:59
Nolan, Austin, 3:192; Augustin, 5:176
Nolin, Delle Angelique, 2:33, 34, 38
Nominee, steamboat, 6:42
Noncombatants (Yager), rev. of, 2:146-147
Nor’wester (Red River newspaper), 6:9, 10, 109, 221; 9:101
Nor'westers, 5:5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Nordisk Folkeblad, 3:231
North Bank railroad line, 1.3:58
North Dakota, battleship, 1.1:78; silver service of, 1.1:78
North Dakota capital city, fight over location of, 7:25-36
“North Dakota Capital Fight, The,” 7:25-36
North Dakota capitol building, destroyed by fire, 7:25
North Dakota Geological Survey, Bulletin 4, 1.2:71
North Dakota: locations, of historic interest, 2:53-55; of greatest interest, 2:55-56; 4:93. 174, 175; population in 1890, 100; wheat production in, 90; comparative population analysis, 9:184-188; by county, 188-189; causes of population decline in, 192-193
North Dakota Medicine, Sketches and Abstracts (Grassick), rev. of, 1.3:79
North Dakota Nonpartisan, 1.3:74
“North Dakota State Park System,” 8:63-78
North Dakota State Parks Committee, report to, 1940, 8:138-141
North Fort, Hudson’s Bay post, 2:206
North Platte River, 2:54, 271
North Star (Anson Northrup) steamboat, 2:101, 3:173n
North West Company: 1.4:47, 48, 50, 52, 55-59; 2:150, 168, 173, 179, 190; 3:11, 13, 17, 23, 31, 32, 34, 86, 89, 115, 185, 188, 190; 4:176; 5:5-13, 152, 172, 173, 233, 237; 6:202, 217; trading post, Leech Lake, 7:85-87; 9:87, description of, 87-92
North West Stage and Transportation company, 1.3:48, 50, 55
Northern Pacific Mirror (newspaper), 6:227
Northern Pacific Railroad: 1.1:24; building of, 1.3:46, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59; 3:168, 169, 232, 250, 251, 253n; 4:82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90. 91, 106; Bureau of Immigration, 90; colonization bureau, 89; railroad surveyors, 232, 233; 5:23-25, 29, 30, 32, 35; and European immigration, 25; 6:54, 56, 57, 58, 59; 7:28, 37, 192, 200; , as asset to western settlement, 8:186-187; 9:28, 29; and its effects on steamboating, 9:77, 81; survey of 1871, 10:18; westward expansion of, 47
Northern Pacific Times, Valley City newspaper, 5:31, 6:228
Northrup, Anson, 2:101-106, 3:173, 174; 6:47, 48; 9:69; Lee, 1.1:73; C. L, 2:104; 9:70; Lt. Edward B., 10:16, 42n. 82
Northwest Hotel, 9:31
Northwest Indian Commission, treaty with Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Indians, 4:103
Northwest, steamboat, 2:216
“Northwestern Express and Transportation Company, The,” 6:42-62
Northwestern Express Stage and Transportation Company, 3:248; 5:86, 87; 6:43-47; 7:42; on the Missouri, 10:107, 122n. 146
Northwestern Fur Company, 10:85, 120n. 124, 111
Northwestern railway, 1.3:50, 55; 3:253, 256; 4:82, 83, 103
Northwestern Stage and Express line, 3:240, 246-248, 253n
Norton, ____, telegraph operator, 2:208; Capt. ____ 3:97; Sister Mary Aquinas, article by, 5:149-165; rev. of, 58-59; Lt. Henry, 10:100, 121n. 136
Norway House, 1.4:58, 60
Norway Township, D.T., school in, 8:58
Norwegian aid to Icelanders at Pembina, 6:159
Norwegian immigration, 1860-1870, 5:14-17; to D.T., 7:136, 137
Norwegian Migration to America, 1825-1860 (Blegen), rev. of, 6:86-87
Norwegian Migration to America: The American Transition (Blegen), rev. of, 8:224-225
Norwegian newspapers in North Dakota, early, 6:227
Norwegian settlement: along Beaver Creek, 5:35; at Bue 32; Carpio 34; Kenmare 23; Lee, 31; Ottofy, 32; in Barnes County, 29-31; Benson County, 32; Bottineau County, 33; Burleigh County, 36; Cass County, 27; Cavalier County, 32; Devils Lake country, 32; Dickey County, 35; Eddy County, 34; Emmons County, 35; Foster County, 35; Grand Forks County, 28, 32; Griggs County, 29, 30; Kidder County, 36; La Moure County, 35; McHenry County, 33, 34; McIntosh County, 35; McLean County, 36; Morton County, 36; Nelson County, 31, 32; Pembina County, 27, 29; Pierce County, 33; Ramsey County, 32; Ransom County, 29, 31; Red River valley, 14, 16, 17, 18, 27; Rolette County, 33; Sargent County, 35; Stark County, 36; Settle County, 28; Stevens County, 34; Stutsman County, 36; Towner County, 32; Traill County, 28; United States before Civil War, 16; Villard County, 36; vicinity of Barton, 33; Beaconsville, 32; Burlington, 34; Clement, 35; Cooperstown, 30; Garfield, 35; Glenfield, 35; Grafton, 29; Hannaford, 30; Hoople, 29; Kvarnes, 35; Langedahl, 36; Larvick, 35; Mekinock, 29; Melby, 35; Milnor, 35; Milton, 34; Minot, 34; Nordmore, 35; Norway Spur, 35; Oakes, 35; Osnabrock, 32; Perry, 35; Ransom, 35; Rugby, 33; Rutland, 35; Taylor, 36; Whynot, 28; in Walsh County, 29, 32; Ward County, 33, 34; Wells County, 34; Williams County, 36, on the Goose River west of Caledonia, 28; the Sheyenne River, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34; the Upper Turtle River, 29; the Wild Rice River, 27; settlements in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas, 15, 16
Norwegian-American Studies and Records, rev. of, 7:60-61
Norwegians: at Fort Abercrombie in 1863, 5:27; in the United States, early settlement of, 14
Norwester, steamboat, 1.2:69
“Notes from Wisconsin,” 2:58-59
Nute, Grace L., writer, 1.3:73; reviews by, 5:58-59, 6:96, 244, 7:59-60; rev. of, 10:262-263; Lt. Levi M., 4:14
Nuttall, Thomas, 2:240-242; 10:63, 65
Nuttall’s Poor-will, observed by Audubon, 10:71, 72


O H ranch. 1.1:75
O R & N railroad, 1.3:58
O X ranch, 1.1:29, 8:298
O’Brien, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:96, 119, 121n. 131
O’Donald (O’Donnell), Frank, game hunter, 8:10, 11
O'Donoghue, William B., letter of, concerning conspiracy, 5:52-53; 6:35, 39, 121, 129, 135, 137, 138, 144; article about his conspiracy, 5:49-53
O'Fallon Creek, 1.3:47
O'Fallon, Maj. Benjamin, 3:189; 4:5, 7, 18-52; 5:224, 232, 233, 234, 235
O'Neill Colony, 5:80
Oacama village site, S.Dak., pottery found at, 11:43
Oak Creek, 4:31
Oak Lake, 2:221
Oak Point, Metis settlement, 9:138
Oakdale, 2:55
Oakes, Alvira, 3:203; W. R, 4:195
Oakes, N.Dak., 1.3:55, 58
Oakwood-Madison stage line, 3:242
Oats, planting, 7:198, 203
Ober, E. E., 1.4:70
Oberon, N.Dak., 1.3:58
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 5:159
Octavia, steamboat, 3:163
Odessa, D.T., 7:32
Office of Commissioner of Immigration, created, 4:105; 5:26
“Official Immigration Activities of Dakota Territory,” 7:5-24
Ogden route, 4:112
Ogechee River, 1.2:65
Ogilvie, Mrs. R. A, 4:116, 266
Oglala Indians, 4:8, 26, 27, 28; 6:293, 294
Ohio River, 2:115, 217
Ohio Volunteer Infantry Company H. 85th. 1.2:9
Ojata, N.Dak., 1.1:77
Ojibway Indians, 1.1:77; 1.4:41-43; 2:108, 252. See also Chippewa Indians.
Ojibway, The, by J. A. Gilfillan, 1.4:41n.1
Okaboji, 4:155, 156
Okeepa ceremony, observed by Van Ostrand, 10:28, 44n. 110
Okiedan buttes, 1.4:6
Olafsson, Olafur, 6:157, 158, 159
Old Man Coyote (Linderman), rev. of, 6:328-330
Old Ponca Agency, 2:94
Old Settlers Picnic of Barnes County, 4:58
Olin, Capt.____, 1.4:6; John, 1.4:69
Oliver, A. Russell, review by, 8:306-307
Olivet, D.T., 7:148
Olmstead, Baldwin, 2:103, 9:70
Olsen, S. A., 1.4:71
Olson, ____, 1.1:17; Mrs. ____, 1.3:19; Olson, Mrs. Lucia, 1.3:73; Daniel, earliest recorded Norwegian settler in N.Dak., 5:26, 27; B., 6:156; M. C., 9:31
Olstad, George, 1.4:70
Omaha Creek, 4:14
Omaha Indians, 4:10, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157; 5:45
Omaha, Neb., 2:87, 271; 3:164; 4:10, 51; and the Ponca removal, 6:271-273
Omega, American Fur Company boat, 10:64
“On the March with Sibley in 1863: The Diary of Private Henry J. Hagadorn,”, 5:103-132
On the Trail of Chief Joseph (Robertson), rev. of, 3:151-152
On-a-Slant Village, 11:9, 17, 35, 52, 56, 57, 61-63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 98, 99. See also Slant Village.
Oncapapa Indians, 1.1:44-46
One Bull, Arikara Indian, 3:56
One Hundred One Best Minnesota Stories (Potter), rev. of, 6:249
Onslow, Walton, review by, 6:250
Oram, Father, 5:159
Orchard, John, 3:209-212
Ordemann, Anna M., 2:143
Ordway, D.T., 7:33
Ordway, John, member of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:30, 32, 4:96; Nehemiah G., territorial governor, 7:21, 26, 32, 34, 35; 9:4-5, organization of counties, 9:5-7, 15; administration of, 11:215-216
Oregon, agitation for occupation of, 5:236, 237
Origin and History of Swedish Religious Organizations in Minnesota, The (Anders), rev. of, 7:183
Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2:5-22
Oroville railroad line, 1.3:58
Orr, F. G., 1.4:70
Osage Indians, 2:239
Osage River, 4:52, 54
Osland & Henderson, freighters, 3:253
Other Side of Main Street: A History Teacher from Sauk Center, The (Johnson), rev. of, 11:128-129
Otis, Col. Elwell Stephen, 10:7, 37-38n. 46
Oto Indians, 4:10, 22, 50
Ottawa Indians, 3:88, 89; 6:217
Ottawa River, 3:81
Otter, boat, 4:11, 12, 14, 16-18, 21, 25, 26, 30, 38, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50
Otter Creek village site, 11:104
Ottertail City, 2:212
Ottertail Lake, 2:251, 252
Ottertail River, 1.1:37, 44;
Ottertail, steamboat, 2:216
Our Daily Bread, rev. of, 3:152
Our Landed Heritage: The Public Domain, 1776-1936 (Robbins), rev. of, 10:52-53
Out of the West (Rockwell), rev. of, 7:229
Overland House, Deadwood, D.T., 7:42
Overlanders of '62, The (Wade), rev. of, 7:179-180
Owens, James, 2:214
Owl (Moon) band of Arikara, 3:54
Oxen, used for farming, 7:218


Pabst, Fred, 1.1:31
Pacific Fur Company, 4:18; 5:5, 7; 6:203
Packineau (Packeneau), Joseph, 3:62; trader, 4:169, 170, 171; Charles, at Fort Berthold, 10:17, 19, 20, 42n. 87, 91, 92, 97, 110, 111
Packman, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:17, 42n. 84
Paddock, Eldridge Gerry (Jerry), 1.1:26, 27
Paden, Irene D., rev. of, 11:221
Page, Mrs. Mary E. 1.3:75; Elizabeth, rev. of, 7:184
Paint, Arikara medicine men, 3:62, 63
Painted Man, Indian warrior, 4:213
Painted Woods, 1.2:39, 40; 2:143; country near, 4:168, 221; Creek, 1.4:28; 10:11, 38n. 56; Lake, 4:219, 220; landing, 10:10, 38n. 53, 110; village site, 11:51, 57, 70, 83
Painter, Sam T., river captain, 1.2:69, 9:72; Frank M., 2:214; Joseph, 214; Captain Sam, 107, 111, 204, 215; Capt, Samuel T., 3:174, 176
Paisley, Scotland, origination of shawls in, 8:32-39; famous weavers from, 39-41
“Paisley Shawl, The," 8:24-49
Paist, Lt., 1.3:39
Palace Hotel, 4:97
Palisades, of earthlodge villages, 11:7-12
Palmer, Bertha R., article by, 1.4:72-74; Frank, mail carrier, 4:244; J. C., 5:98; C. S., 9:15
Palmer's Gulch, 5:98; Mining District, 5:98
Pambrun, P. C., 5:8
Panbian (Pembina) River, 2:199
Panet, Bishop, of Quebec, 2:30
Papineau's ranch, 6:74
Paquette, Paul, 3:234
Parenteau, 6:137
Parisien, 6:127, 131
Park River, fur trapping on, 2:170-199
Parker, Major John H., 1.3:36; Gerard, Ogilivie & Company, 3:31n; ____, 4:82
Parker ranch, 1.1:17
Parkman, Francis, quoted, 10:177-178
Parliamentary Committee to inquire into the rights of Canada in Northwest territory, 6:7
Parrish, Philip H., rev. of, 6:93-94
Parshall Plainsman, 1.2:73
Parsons, ____, 4:52
Pasco, Wm., 1.2:59
Past and Present of the Pike's Peak Gold Regions (Villard), rev. of, 7:66-67
Patterson, R., 2:207
Patton, Julia, review by, 6:247
Paul Walker village site, 11:91
Paulson, Capt. Ole, 1.4:9; Ole, Norwegian pastor, 5:27
Pautoo, Arikara man, 4:224, 225
Pawnee Indians, 3:50; 4:10, 47, 50, 207, 210, 247; 5:45
Paxson, Frederic L., rev. of, 5:138-139; review by, 6:322-323
Paxton, Minn., 2:220
Pay, W. W., 3:242
Payet, Antoine, 2:172; Mme. Antoine, 172
Peace River, 2:150
Peaceful Valley ranch, 1.1:17
Pearson, Frank W., 1.2:73
Peary settlement, 4:156
Pease Creek, stage stop, 3:238
Peck, Campbell K., biographical sketch of, 9:236n.; 10:33
Peck steamboat line 170
Pecto, Capt. Joseph, river captain, 1.2:69
Peder Victorious, rev. of, 3:150
Pederson, Simon, 1.4:69
Pelican Bar, 2:209
Pelican River, 2:190
Pelissier, Fred, 2:136; George, 136
Pell, Albert, English traveler, 7:94; report on American agriculture, 97
Pellessier, Peter, 1.1:32
Pelton, George S., and Arthur J. Larsen, article by, 7:37-38
Pelton, George S., pastor, 7:38, letters of, 39-53
Pembina County, N.Dak., 4:58, 60; in 1867, 7:134
Pembina, D.T., 1.1:74, 77; 1.2:69; 1.2:32; 1.4:51-58; 2:30, 38, 43, 49-54, 104, 108, 113, 169-172, 206, 210; 3:173, 176, 192, 229-233; 4:58, 176; 5:49, mission at, 150-158, 176 ; weather at in 1807-1808, 239-247; rivers at, 245-246; establishment of, 7:148
Pembina division of the Dakota Southern railroad, 4:, 82
Pembina Express (newspaper), 6:228
Pembina House, Northwest company post, 1.4:51
Pembina Indians, 2:112
Pembina Old Settlers Association, 2:57
Pembina Pioneer (newspaper), 6:228
Pembina Pioneer Express, 1.2:69, 70
Pembina River, 1.1:36, 45; 2:39, 55, 174-199; trail, 1.4:37; delta, 2:55; escarpment (Pembina mountains), 2:39, 55, 193, 197; Mountain, 5:156, 157
Pend d'Oreille Indians, 1.1:53
Pend d'Oreille River, 1.1:52
Pendar, Sir John, 1.1:29
Peninah, steamboat, 1.2:36, 38 at Fort Berthold, 10:17, 21, 34, 42n. 89
Peniston, O., 2:213, 214
Pennell, Joe (trader), 5:85; and Jones, freighters, 3:253
Pennington, D.T., 5:97; County, 5:98
Pennington, Mrs. H. K., 1.4:70; Gov. John L., 3:245; 5:78; emphasis on immigration, 7:16; administration of, 11:213-214
Pennsylvania Avenue, 1.2:10, 27
Pennsylvania colony settles in Logan County, 4: 88
Pentland, Charles, 4:40; Lt. Joseph, 4:40, 52
Peoples Opinion, 1.1:72; 1.4:69; 2:140; 3:145; 4:58
Percherons, horse company, 1.1:55; purebreds raised in N.Dak., 8:297
Percival, R. A., 6:228
Pere Marquette, rev. of, 3:223
Perin, Joseph, 3:106n
Perro, R. S., river captain, 1.2:69; Capt. E. S., 2:214
Perronto, Louis, 2:129, 131
Perrot, 6:217; and LeSueur, fur traders, 10:149; identification of Teton Dakotas, 150
Perry, J. W., 2:215
Peteler, Lt. Col., 2:110, 6:50
Peter Bates, steamboat, 3:168
Peterson, G. F., 2:213
Petite Riviere des Sioux (Little Sioux River), 4:153, 154, 155, 159, 160
Petrology, defined, 10:246-247
Petterson, Nils, 1.4:70; Kristian, 4:59
Pettit, A. M., 2:214
Pewabed, steamboat, 2:271
Phelan, J. E., rancher, 8:299
Phelps, Jesse, 1.1:75
Phelypeaux, 5:209
Philips, Dr. C. H., 1.4:73; Tom, 5:83, 85
Phillip's Ferry, 1.3:41
Phillips, Paul C., review by, 5:191; rev. of, 7:233-234
Phipps, Sir William, 5:205
Picotte, Viola, great-granddaughter of Dickson, 3:203
Picturesque America, Its Parks and Playgrounds (Kane), rev. of, 1.4:78
Piegan Indians, 1.1:51; 2:53, 88; 3:270
Pierce, Donald J., review by, 5:62; (quartermaster), 6:73; Gilbert A., territorial governor, 4:96, 101; 7:22, 35; administration of, 11:217
Pierre Chouteau, Jr., and Company 49
Pierre, S. Dak., 1.3:50; 2:89, 90; 3:169, 242; 4:19, 26, 29, 82, 83, 104; 7:33
Pierre Stage Company, 3:249
Pierre State Line, 5:87
Pig Pen Seven ranch, 1.1:55
Pike, Lt. Z. M., 3:13n, 15n, 25, 38, 99, 200; 7:85
Pilcher, Major Joshua, 1.3:14; Joseph, 4:51; Joshua, 6, 7; Joshua, 5:234
Pine Ridge Reservation, history of, 10:191-192
Pinkham, Alvina F., 2:132; Frank, 2:131, 132
Pioneer (Anson Northrup), steamboat, 2:107, 215; 3:174, 175; 9:72-74
“Pioneer Days in North Dakota,” 2:129-137
“Pioneer Norwegian Settlement in North Dakota, “5:14-37
“Pioneer Printing in North Dakota,” 6:221-230
“Pioneer River Transportation in Dakota,” 3:159-181
Pioneer West, The (French), rev. of, 1.1:70-71
“Pioneering in North Dakota,” reminiscences of Charles Hobart: part one, 7:191-227; part two, 8:50-62; part three, 114-31
Pipe ceremony of Arikara, 3:55
Piper, ____, soldier, 4:44
Pipes, Nellie B., 2:231
Pipestone Creek (headwaters of Norwegians settled on in 1884), 5:34; River, 2:135
Pippeen, steamboat, 1.2:69
Pishaubey, hunter, 2:184
Pizarro, explorer, 2:240
Plaindealer (newspaper), 6:228
Plankington, D.T., 4:83
Plants and animals at Pembina, 1807-1808, 5:243-245; drawn by Audubon, 10:77-80
Platte River, 1.3:14, 47; 2:94, 249, 271; 4:51, 207, 230, 231; recommendation for military post on, 5:219, 220
Plessis, Bishop, 5:149, 150, 151, 152
Pluck, steamboat, 1.2:69, 2:216
Plum River (Plumb), 2:199
Plumley, George W., 6:226; H. C., 227
Plummer, Gus, 1.3:54; Alonzo, 2:131
Plummert, sheriff of Montana, 2:269
Pocahontas Island, 3:165
Poe, Frank, 1.1:58, 59
Point Chaquomegon, 3:32
Point Preparation, 4:167
Pointis, Baron de, 5:209, 210
Poire, Father Charles, 5:154
Poisson, Father, 3:264
Polish colony (100 families) locate at Crystal Springs, Kidder County, 4:89
Polk, the Diary of a President, 1845-1849 (Nevins, ed.), rev. of, 5:61
Polk's Gazetteer, 4:98
Pomme de Terre River, description of, 6:234
Pommered Creek, 2:221
Pompey's Pillar, 1.2:1 56
Ponca Indians: 4:9, 49; villages of, 9, 18, 48; agency of, 6:63; description of, 81, 263, 264; question of removal and opposition to, 268; treaty of 1858, 265; treaty of 1865, 265-266
Ponca, Neb., 4:16
“Ponca Removal, The,” 6:262-275
Poncar River, 4:19, 21
Pond, Daniel, 2:215; Peter, 150
Pontchartian, M. de, 5:205, 209
Poor Wolf, 10:102, opp. 122
Poorman Gulch, 5:99
Pope, Gen. John, 1.2:31, 2:88, 89, 7:121; Captain N., 220
Poplar Creek, 3:159
Poplar, Mt., 4:43
“Population Changes in the West North-Central States, 1900-1930," 6:276-291
Population: study regarding, 6:276-291; decline in North Dakota, 9:192-193; importance of trends in, 179, 180
Populist Revolt: A History of the Farmers’ Alliance and the People’s Party, The (Hicks), rev. of, 6:170-171
Porcupine Creek village site, 11:89-90
Porcupine River (Poplar River), 4:43
Porcupine Round, 2:142
Porlier, Jacques, 3:19, 22, 31n, 38, 104, 184, 191; James, Sr., 194n; James, Jr., 194n
Port Nelson, 5:201
Portage City, Wis., 2:247
Portage des Sioux, 3:184
Portage la Prairie, 1.4:58, 2:188, 191
Porter, Dr., 4:237; Commodore D., 5:236; Kenneth W., article by, 5:5-13; review by, 5:136-138; rev. of, 6:322-323
“Portions of a Diary of B. F. Slaughter, Dakota Territory,” 1.2:36-40
Portland, Duke of, 5:212
Portland, Ore., 1.1:52; 1.3:58, 59
Posey, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:19; death of, 20, 43n. 92
Post trader, diary of Van Ostrand at Fort Berthold, 10:12-46; 83-124
Potatoes: raised at Fort Berthold, 10:34-35
Potawatamie Indians, 3:83, 90, 98, 107, 109, 110; 6:217
Pothier, Touissaint, 3:31n, 36, 89, 90
Potomac River, 1.2:17, 20
Potter, Merle, rev. of, 6:249; article by, 7:25-36
Pouloitt, Nicholas, 2:172
Poundmaker, Cree chief, 9:157, 158
Powder River, 1.2:46; 1.3:47, 56; 2:90
Powell, Lamont, & Company, 3:285
Powell, Peter, 3:192, 194n; Fred W., ed., rev. of, 7:233-234
Power, J. B., land commissioner of the Northern Pacific railroad, 4:85
Powers (Black) steamboat line, 1.2:69, 3:170
Powers, Simon, partner in stagecoach line, 6:44; T. C., cattleman, 8:299
Prairie a Fournier (Bakers Prairie), 2:31
Prairie City: The Story of an American Community (Debo), rev. of, 11:222-223
Prairie du Chien, 1.1:38, 39; 1.2:69; 2:101; 3:12, 18, 37, 37, 38, 46, 87, 99, 110-113, 115, 119, 121, 122, 183, 186, 188-190, 193, 195; 4:112; 5:16, 224, 230
Prairie fires, 7:199; near Fort Berthold, 10:31-36
Prairie Patrol, The (Bindloss), rev. of, 6:100-101
Prairie Smoke (Gilmore), rev. of, 4:65-66
Pratt and Ferris, freighters, 3:243
Pratte & Company & Mr. Tilton, 4:49
Pratte, Bernard, 4:49, 5:233
Pratte, Chouteau & Company, traders, 3:265; 4:49
Precipitation at Pembina, 1807-1808, 5:241-242
Preffer, Henry, 4:189, 191
Press and Dakotian (Yankton), newspaper, 9, 10, 20
Preston, Billy, ranch of, 1.3:.53, 54; D.T., first Norwegian settlement in Ransom County, 5:31
Pretty Bottom, 1.1:29, 32
Pretty Point, 1.1:22; village site at, 11:108
Prevost, Gen., 3:84, 86n, 87, 92-98, 104, 106, 111n, 118, 119, 123, 185
Prickly Pear diggings, 2:256, 264; River, 2:266; Valley, 2:96
Prince Edward Island, 1.4:49; 2:52
Prince of Wales, steamship, 1.4:50, 53
Prince Rupert, 5:198, 200
Printing press: first in North Dakota, 1.1:77; early commercial companies in North Dakota, 6:221-230
Prior, Nathaniel, ensign, 4:6; Mathew, 5:214, 217
Pritchard, John, 5:172-174; letter by, 174-176
Pritchett, John Perry, articles by, 5:49-53, 103-132;172-176; review by, 5:63-65; rev. of, 6:171-173; review by, 252
Proctor, Gen. Henry, 3:96, 97, 101, 102, 104, 118
Prophet, The, Indian leader, 3:26, 30, 48, 49, 83
Prophet's Mountain, 4:240
Prospector, life of in Black Hills, 7:49-50
Provencher, Father Joseph Norbert, 1.4:52; 5:151-156; 6:114, 115, 142; John, 2:201; O., 215; Bishop of Winnipeg, 30-34, 46, 48, 49; J. A. N., 9:158; Rev. Joseph Norbert, 98
Provisional Government of Assiniboia, 5:49
Provoncha, John, 2:215; William, 215
Prudhomme, Judge L. A., biographical sketch of Father G. A. Belcourt, translated and excerpted, 2:30-52
Pryor, member of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:34
Pullman, Lt. James, 3:114
Puncar village, 4:18
Purcell, W. E., 1.4:71; Archbishop, 5:160
Pursh, botanist, 2: 242
Puthuff, William, agent at Michilimackinac, 3:184, 194


Quaife, Milo M., rev. of, 1.2:76; rev. of, 2:147-148
Quain, Mrs. E. P., 1.2:68
Qualey, Carlton C., article by, 5:14-37
Quane, M. M., 1.3:73
Quapaw reservation, 6:268, 269, 273
Quebec conference resolutions, 6:8
Quebec Diocese, 5:149, 151, 152
Quebec Gazette, 3:125
Quebec, province of, 2:30, 35, 49


Rabbits Ear Creek (near the old Smoky Hill overland trail) 231
Rackoon, boat, 4:12-22, 40, 42, 44, 48, 50
Radin, Paul, ed., rev. of, 2:233-234; rev. of, 3:76-77
Radisson and Groseillers, western explorations and fur-trading enterprises, 5:198; traders to Dakotas, 10:147-148
Radisson, Pierre Esprit, 5:198-202; his explorations on Hudson Bay, 199
Rae, William Glen, 1.1:35, 36, 39-45
Rafferty, Mrs. C. L., 2:288
Rahm, August, 7:223, 224
Railroad building, in Dakota, 6:57-61; in Minnesota, 49-57
Railroads: and North Dakota settlement, 5:16, 22-25, 29-36; 7:126, 127; effect on Norwegian immigration in D.T., 5:16, 22; stopped in Dakota (1887), 4:99; effect on townsite location, 9:27-34
Railway Shopmen’s Strike of 1922, 8:96-97
Rain-in-the-Face, 1.3:49; 4:163, 233; 6:75, 198
Rainbow design, on pottery, 11:60, 61, 68
Raines, Meredith, 4:111; Susanna, 111, 112
Rainville, trader, 1.1:37, 44, ____, 2:51; Joseph, 3:106n
Rainy Buttes Sentinel, 1.4:70
Rainy Lake, 1.1:74, 2:37, 3:191
Rainy River, 1.1:74, 2:170
Ramsey County, 4:95
Ramsey, Gov. Horace, of Minn., 1.3:30, 2:51; Alexander, Minnesota territorial governor, 5:50, 51, 156, 157; 6:12, 15-19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 33; memorial to, 7:26; 9:162-165
Ramstead, Mrs. N. A., 1.2:68
Ranch on the Beaver, The (Adams), rev. of, 2:l48
“Ranches in the Great American Desert,” 8:295-300
Ranching, in western North Dakota, 8:295-300
Ranching with Roosevelt, by Lincoln A. Lang, 1.1:26, 29, 30, 31; rev. of, 1.1:68-69
Randall, ____, at Fort Stevenson, 10:17, 21, 23, 42n. 86
Ranney, ____, 4:54
Ransom County Gazette, 3:73, 214
Ransom County, N.Dak., 1.4:5, 9
Rapid City, D.T., 5:96, 97
Raschko, M. J., 1.4:70
Rash, ____, soldier, 4:40
Rat. Portage, 3:188, 211
Rath, Charles, 3:287
Rathplates, Frank, 2:210
Ratiff, Beulah Amidon, article by, 8:83-100
Raum, Ralph, 1.1:58
Ravoux, Father, 5:159, 163
Rawling, Gen., 1.2:18; Ruth, 4:59
Rawson, Jonathon, rev. of, 4:67
Raymbau1t, ____, 6:217
Raymond, Abigal, nee Thrasher, 2:217; David, 211; Frank, 219; Jane, 219; Lyman K., biographical sketch of, 2:217-219; diary of, 2:220-226; Lyman K., Jr., 219; Mrs. Lyman K. (nee Ellen Dement), 219; Dora Neill, rev. of, 8:133-134
Raymond and Allen, 2:208
Raynolds, W. F. 1.2:41, 42, 49, 51; Capt. W. F., 6:292, 304
Read, Clare S., English traveler, 7:94; report on American agriculture, 97
Recent Museum Acquisitions (State Historical Society of North Dakota, Bismarck), 4:60-61, 143-144
Reciprocity Treaty between Canada and the U.S. (motives for its termination), 6:6, 13
“Recollection of a Bad Lands' Rancher,” 1.1:24-34
Red Cloud Agency, 5:84; 6:267, 309, 316, 317
Red Cloud, Oglala chief, 6:292, 293; his war, 2:91; 10:184-192; and the Ghost Dance, 194
Red Cross, support for by the Dakota Indians, 9:174, 175, 175n.
Red Crow's Brother (Schultz), rev. of, 2:230
Red Dog, Sioux and Arikara scout, 4:215, 216
Red Lake, 1.1:77; River, 2:108, 170, 182, 199, 205, 207, 208, 209, 212; 3:180, 188
Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa Indians cession of Dakota lands to United States, 4:102
Red Lake Indians, 1.4:42
Red Man in the New World Drama,The (Wise), rev. of, 6:326-327
Red Mother (Linderman), rev. of, 7:170-171
Red River carts, 1.4:38, 39; 3:173, 229, 230; 4:242; 5:23; 6:9, 54;
Red River of the North: 1.1:24, 37, 74; 1.3:44; 1.4:5, 6, 46, 50; 2:31, 42, 50, 51, 54, 55, 100-109, 114-117, 168, 170, 179-183, 188, 190, 191, 193-199, 201-211, 225, 252, 253; 3:12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 25, 32, 172-180, 186-191, 211, 230; 4:45, 239; expedition, 6:29, 34, 129, 130, 131; steamboating on, 9:27-34
Red River Posten (newspaper), 6:227
Red River Settlement: 1.1:35, 39, 40, 41; 1.4: 46, 49, 51, 54, 58; hunters, 2:39; 3:280; colonists, 5:149; insurrection of 1869-1870, 49, 51; mission, subscription for, 149-152; settlement of, 13, 172, 173; steamboats on, 23; and Minnesota commerce, 6:9; bill of rights, 22, 36, 122; description of, 231, 236, 237; discontent in, 9; insurrection at, 20-25, 28-32, 36, 110-132; memorial at, 11; transportation modes in, 9, 47-51, 54-57, 231; 9:92-113; employment relief efforts at, 138, 139. See also Selkirk Settlement.
“Red River Settlement in 1825: A Letter from John Pritchard to Miles Macdonell, June 16, 1825,” 5:172-176
Red River Star, 2:203, 209
Red River trails, 3:280; relocation of, 5:100-102
Red River Transportation Company, 2:115, 117, 218 ; 3:179; 9:27; formation of, 9:77
Red River Valley, 1.1:49; 1.4:46; 4:82, 105; as described by Hjelm-Hansen, 5:19, 20, 21; impressions of, 7:96-113
Red River Valley Citizen, 4:59
Red River Valley News (Glyndon, Minn.), newspaper, published letters of Rev. George S. Pelton, 7:39-53
Red River Valley, The (booklet), 6:230
Red Rust, rev. of, 3:77
Red Springs, 10:110, 123n. 148
Red Star, Arikara Indian, 3:62
Red Star Steamship Company, 7:15
Red Thunder (Wa-kin-yan-duta), 3:14, 15
Red Water Creek, 4:8, 43
Red Wing, Minn., 4:91
Red Wing, Sioux Indian, 3:l08, 109
Redfield, D.T., 4:95, 96, 97
Redmond, Mrs. W. J., 2:58
Redwing Creek, 1.1:18
Redwood River, 1.3:31, 32
Ree, N.Dak., 1.1::19
Reed, ____, 1.4:13; Sam, 4:141
Reed River (Rosseau River), 2:170, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183-192, 194, 196, 200
Reeder (Reider), Charley, 4:223; death of, 10:10, 14, 38n. 54
Reep, T. J., 4:59
Rees, John E., 1.3:15
Rees. See Arikara Indians.
Refrigerator Car Company, 8:21
Reid, Russell, 1.1:16; 1.3:73, 74; articles by, 1.4:14-36; 2:168-200; 3:293; 4:5-56; 62-64; 174-185, 248; 8:63-78, 101-113, 147-156, 272-283; article by, part two, 10:3-46; part three, 10:83-124; annual reports of the State Historical Society of North Dakota by, 4:60, 61, 143, 144; 5:38, 166-171; 7:151, 153; 8:135-138; review by, 10:206-207; museum notes by, 8:79-80, 142-143, 226, 311-313. See also State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Reigel, Robert E., rev. of, 1.3:77-78
Reily, Mrs., 1.3:55
Reis, George C., settler in Edna, 7:110
Reishus, Rev., 1.3:26; Gunder, 2:228
Reister, Michael, accompanies Mennonites, 7:18
Rekindling Camp Fires (Crawford), rev. of, 1.1:67
Religious Aspects of Swedish Immigration, The (Stephenson), rev. of, 6:323-324
Remilliard, Joseph, 3:238
“Reminiscences of a Railroad Builder,”1.3:46-59
Renaud, Dr., 7:151, 158
Reno, Major Marcus A., 1.1:25; 4:236, 237; 6:193, 194, 196, 198, 199; 7:73, 77
Renville, Coe, great-grandson of Dickson, 3:203; Joseph, trader, 19, 20, 118n, 188
Renville County Farmer, 4:57
Renville County Farmers Press, 2:142
Renville County, N.Dak., 4:57
Renville, Gabriel, 1.3:35; J. R., 1.2:70; Mrs. Baptiste, 1.2:70
“Report on commercial relations between British North America and the United States,” 6:113
Repplier, Agnes, rev. of, 3:223
Republic, Wash., 1.3:58
Republican River, 2:161, 4:231
Resources of Dakota, promotional brochure, 7:23
Responsible Government in Nova Scotia (Livingston), rev. of, 6:91-93
“Résumé of North Dakota Archaeology, A,” 7:150-161
Retreat, A Novel of 1812 (Benstead), rev. of, 4:276
Retzlaff, Alice L., review by, 4:274-275; Allen T., review by, 3:76-77
Reuter, John, (Wannigan), L 30
Reville, Father, 5:159, 163
Reynolds Brothers, ranchers, 1.1:55, 8:299
Reynolds, Charles Alexander (“Lonesome Charley”), 1.3:46, 2:61; 4:226, 228-237; Charley’s father, 230; Samuel H., surveyor, 97; 6:72, 73, 75, 295, 299; Col., 192; Capt. W. F., expedition to Black Hills, 1859, 5:74; biography of, 7:73-81; opp. 73; at Fort Berthold, 10:35, 46n. 120
Rhude, ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:99, 119, 121n. 133
Ricaras. See Arikara Indians.
Rice Crow Creek report, 4:101, 102
Rice, James, attorney general, 4:101; H. M., 6:42-44
Rice River, 2:118
Rich, Charles, 5:235
Richards, Wilse, rancher, 1.1:6, 8, 8:299; Wilkes, 1.1:55
Richardson, & Company, 3:31n, 36
Richardson County, Neb., 4:51
Richardson, William H., writer, 2:221; John, 3:36, 93, 94, 96; Isaac, Ohio agent for the Northern Pacific Railroad, 4:91
Richardton, settlement of, 4:89
Richer, Father, 5:159
Richer-Lafléche, Father Louis Francis, 5:155
Richey, Mag, 4:117
Richland County, 4:83
Richland County Farmer, 1.1:74; 1.2:72; 1.3:74; 1.4:71
Richland County Farmer-Globe, 2:141, 229; 3:213
Richland County Old Settlers Association, 1.4:71, 4:57; dedicated a building erected on old Fort Abercrombie 270
Richman, Irving B., rev. of, 6:97
Richmond, "Scotty,"mail carrier, 4:241
Richmond, Minn., 2:226
Richmond, Va., 4:128, 140, 268, 269
Richolt, Henry, 2:229
Rickaby, Franz, rev. of, 1.4:77
Riding Mountains, 2:169
Riegel, Robert E., rev. of, 5:182-183; review by, 256-257
Riel, Louis, 1.1:77; 5:49, 50; 6:21, 22, 29, 30, 34, 36-40, 115-145; 9:137, 142-162; hanged, 158
Riely, Pearl, 4:59
Riggs, Rev. Stephen, 5:116; and the Teton Dakotas, 10:172
Riley, Capt. Bennett, 4:11, 14, 19, 36, 42, 44, 50, 52
Rippel village site, 11:52
Rister, Carl Coke, rev. of, 11:127
Ritchey, Charles J., review by, 5:61
Ritchot, Rev. J. N., 6:22, 121, 122, 132, 137
Riter, trader at Fort Berthold, 1.2:44, 45
River Jack, 4:17
River of the Wooded Isles (Assiniboine River), 2:46
River Press, 2:140
River Raisin, 3:97, 98
Riviere a la Folie Avoine (Wild Rice River), 2:200
Riviere aux Buttes de Sable (Sand Hill River), 2:200
Riviere aux Gratias (Scratching River, Morris River), 2:179, 184-190, 192, 200
Riviere aux Maraise (Marais River, Snake River), 2:200
Riviere aux Oiseaux Puants (Vulture River), 2:198
Riviere du Millieu, 2:188
Riviere la Sale (Sale River, Foul or Stinking River), 2:200, 206
Riviére Salle conclave of September 17, 1870, 5:50
Robbie the Weaver, and Dr. James Grassick, 8:42-49
Robbins, Roy M., rev. of, 10:52-53
Robert, Ben, 1.1:75
Robert County, S.Dak., 1.3:34, 35
Robert Dickson & Company, 3:11, 15, 23-30, 32, 35, 39, 91, 93, 185
“Robert Dickson, British Fur Trader on the Upper Mississippi,” part one, 3:5-49; part two, 3:83-128; part three, 3:182-203
Robert, Mrs. C. A., 1.2:73
Robert Zahn village site, 11:89
Roberts, Frank, 1.1:27, 32; 1.4:71; Lloyd, 1.1:28, 32; Louis, trader, 1.3:33, 38; Samuel G., 1.2:70; Charley, 2:129; S. Gilman, 129, 132; Capt. Charles, 3:87-91; Bob, trader, 5:85; ____, farmer, 7:193, 194; S. G., 7:17, 18, 20; Lt. Cyrus S., at Fort Berthold, 10:30, 45n. 112; Frank H. H., Jr., 11:165-166
Robertson, Alvin, 2:213; Frank C., rev. by, 3:151-152; Colin, 5:11; Colin, 9:94, 95
Robidoux, trapper, 1.3:13
Robinson, Edgar E., rev. by, 5:189-191; article by, 6:259-261; Major H. N., editor of New Nation, 6:25, 121; Jacob S., rev. of, 7:67; ____, at Fort Berthold, 10:27, 44n. 107
Robinson, Elwyn B., reviews by, 8:223-224; 10:262-263
Rocheblave, Pierre de, 5:8, 9, 11
Rock, Augustin, 3:106n; Joseph 106n
Rock Haven village site, 11:103
Rock Island, Ill., 1.1:39, 42; 3:115
Rock Prairie colony, 5:15
Rock River, 1.1:42, 3:18, 99
Rock Village village site, 11:116
Rocke, Joseph, 1.1:36, 43, 44
Rockport, D.T., 7:148
Rockville Hotel, Minn., 2:226
Rockwell, Rufus, rev. of, 7:229
Rockwood, E. Ruth, 2:231
Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 5:233; 6:204
Rocky Mountains, 1.3:5, 6, 58
Rocky Ridge Springs, 1.1:26
Rodvig, Rev. Johan, 1.4:9
Rogers, Lt., 4:43, 50, 51, 52, 53; review by, 6:91-93
Roland, Henry, 1.3:55
Rolette, Joseph, 2:55; Frederick C., 4:58; Joseph, trader, 3:24, 25, 30, 107, 116, 117, 185n, 194n, 229, 4:58
Rolette Record, 2:140, 141
Rollins, Philip Ashton, rev. of, 1.1:69-70
Rollo, Col., 6:238
Rolvaag, O. E., rev. of, 3:150
Roman Nose, Cheyenne chief, 10:186
Romance of the Prairie Provinces, The (Burt), rev. of, 5:62
Romanian colony settles in Foster County, 4: 88
“Romantic Encounter, A,”, 4:207-219
Ronhovde, A. G., review by, 5:263-264
Roop-tah-ree, second Mandan village, 2:5
Roosevelt County, proposed organization of, 1.1:61
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands, by Herman Hagedorn, note, 1.1:26, 29
Roosevelt in the Rough (Willis), rev. of, 6:324-325
Roosevelt, Sewell, and Dow, ranchers, 8:299
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1.1:17, 19, 26, 29, 73; 2:55; cabin, at Bismarck, 4:184
Roosevelt, Theodore, and the Marquis de Mores, 8:19; ranching of, 299
Root, Prof. Azariah, 1.4:73; A. S., 2:144
Rose, Edward, 4:17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 31, 36, 37
Rosebud, steamboat, 1.2:69, 3:169
Rosholt, John, 7:216-224
Ross, James, 2:105; John, murder of, 3:21n; Horatio Nelson, 6:295; John, president of a Canadian railroad, 9:111
Rosser, Gen. Thomas L., chief engineer of the Northern Pacific, 1.3:46, 56; 2:130; 4:83; journal of, 10:47-51; biographical sketch of, 47n. 1
Rosser Papers, at University of Virginia, 10:47
“Rosser's Journal, Northern Pacific Railroad Survey,” 10:47-51
Rotten Belly, 4:36
Rough Creek Church, 4:110
Roughing It Smoothly (Jessup), rev. of, 1.4:75
Round Lake, 1.3:24
“Roundup, The,” 1.1:3-15
Roussin, Eustache, 5:8, 11
Route Across the Rocky Mountains (Johnson and Winter), rev. of, 7:66-67
Rowan, Joe, 2:228
Roy, Maj. James P., 10:119, 124n. 160
Royal, Joseph 132, 133
Rud, John J., 1.3:24
Ruffee, Charles, mail contractor of Minn., 4:242
Rugby, N.Dak., 1.1:78
Ruger, Dr. H. H., early military physician in D.T., 8:302-303; use of Labarraque solution in his practice, 302-304
Ruhlen, Maj., 1.3:50
Rules and Regulations for Historical Contest of North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs, 2:139
Rum River, 3:25
Rumsey, Bronson, 1.1:25, 27, 29
Running Bear, Indian chief, 4:76, 77
Running Water, 4:82
Running Wolf, Arikara Indian, 3:62, 63
Ruperts Land, 1.4:53, 60
Rush (Tom) and Smith, ranchers, 8:299
Rush, Col., 1.1:58
Russel, Thomas H., expedition to Black Hills with Charles Collins, 5:79-82
Russell, Aaron, river captain, 1.2:69; Charles M., artist, 1.1:74, 75; Frank, 1.4:6; Capt. Aaron R., 2:214; Mrs. Sarah, 229; Charles Edward, rev. of, 3:220-222, Mrs. Sarah, 146; Howard H., review by, 8:133-134; Lord John, 9:111
Russell House, 9:31, 32
Russian colony (10 families) settles in Morton County, 4:88; in Devils Lake district, 4:88
Russian-Germans in southeastern Dakota, 4:88
Rustie, James, 3:234
Rutland, N.Dak., 1.3:35
Ryder News, 1.4:71, 3:73
Ryder, trader, killed at Big Stone Lake, 1.3:33, 38
Rygh village site, 11:41, 45, 46, 58, 72, 75
Ryswick, peace negotiations leading to treaty of, 5:197, 208, 218


S. B. Coulson Line (steamboat company), 5:87, 88
Sackett, Inspector General, 6:70
Sage dance of the Arikara, 3:55; 4:248, 249, 251
Sage, Walter N., review by, 5:183-185; rev. of, 257-258
Saint Ange, steamboat, 3:276
St. Ann’s parish, 9:105
St. Anthony, Minn., 2:l02, 111, 226
St. Boniface (Winnipeg), 2:30, 31, 46; parish of, 206; 5:152-154, 156, 159; mission, 5:150, 152-155; cathedral, 9:104
St. Charles, Mo., 1.1:40, 41
Saint Claire (Sinclair), M., Bottineau County commissioner, 9:8
St. Clair's (Gen.) defeat to the Little Turtle confederacy, 4:163
St. Cloud Democrat, 2:l04, 107, 109-111
St. Cloud, Minn., 1.1:50; 1.4:37; 2:110, 111, 114, 137, 211, 212, 225, 226, 248, 249; 3:176
St. Croix River, 2:100, 3:99, 190
St. Denis, ____, accused Metis, 9:107
St. Francis of the Lake, Que, 2:30
St. Francois Xavier, 9:105
St. George Lake, 2:226
St. Germain, interpreter, 3:100
St. John, N.Dak., 2:140, 4:1 02
Saint Johns, steamboat, 3:163
St. Joseph (Walhalla), 2:30, 51, 108
St. Joseph Island, 3:28, 35, 84-89, 98, 99, 112
St. Joseph, Mo., 4:52; 5:27, 49, 157, 158; mission at, 157, 158
St. Joseph's College of Shelbyville, Ky., 1.2:34
St. Joseph's River, 3:109
St. Louis Missouri Fur Company, 6:204
St. Louis, Mo., 1.1:38, 39, 40; 1.2:36; 1.3:11, 12, 13, 14, 48; 1.4:14; 2:86, 87, 218, 239, 241, 242; 3:32, 159, 161., 163, 190; 4:5, 6, 8, 18, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 63, 187, 188, 209; 5:225, 228; fur traders from, 6:203, 204
St. Louis, steamboat, 5:225
St. Martin, Que, 2:30
St. Michael's Lake (Devil's Lake), 5:164
St. Nicholas hotel, stage station, 2:204
St. Norbert, parish of, 2:206, 9:105; conclave of September 17, 1870, 5:50
St. Olaf settlement, D.T., site of Scandinavian settlement, 7:136
St. Pau, 3:173, 177, 178, 212
St. Paul and Duluth Railway, 1.3:57, 6:56
St. Paul and Pacific Railway, 3:178; 4:83; 5:24; 6:51, 53, 57
St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad, 7:94
St. Paul Church of Tarsus, established in Bottineau County, 10:239
St. Paul Dispatch, 2:142
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 6:55
St. Paul Globe, 4:86
St. Paul, Manitoba, and Pacific Railroad, 9:32-34. See also St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway.
St. Paul, Minn., 1.1:50; 1.3:43, 49; 1.4:39; 2:49, 50, 96, 97, 101, 105-107, 114, 115, 131, 201, 212, 215, 221, 247, 248, 250, 263; 4:239, 245
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway (the St. Paul and Pacific), 5:24; 6:161
St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat (newspaper), 2:102-105, 9:70, 71
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1.2:65; 1.3:55; views on Riel Rebellion, 9:150
St. Paul's butte, 2:56
St. Peter, Minn., 1.1:38, 42; 5:113, 114
St. Peter's (Minnesota) River, 1.1:37, 38; 2:244; 3:8, 190; military post suggested at, 5:220
St. Peter's Tribune, 2:203
St. Pierre, Joseph, 3:106n
St. Simon, 5:200
St. Vincent, 2:118, 215
St. Vital, parish of, 2:206, 9:105
Sakakawea, 1.1:21, 73; 1.3:5-13, 15; 2:8-10, 15, 53; memorial to, 3:145; 4:35, 58, 184; statue of, in Bismarck, 184; 9:21, 21n.
Sakakawea chapter, D. A. R., 2:121
“Sakakawea,” 1.3:5-15
Sakolski, A. M., rev. of, 7:175-176
Salaberry, Colonel de, 6:22, 37, 119, 121
Salem, 4:82, 96
Salmon River, 3:160
Salt Lake, 2:176, 178; basin of, 2:270
Salt River (Forest River), 2:179-90, 192, 194, 200

Salteaux Indians, 2:30-34, 46-50, 176
Sampson, Bernard, 9:29
Samuelson, J. W., 2:228
Sanborn, Cooperstown and Turtle Mountain railroad, 4:98
Sanborn County, 4:96
Sanborn, D.T., 7:40
Sanborn Enterprise, 2:141, 229
Sanborn, J. B., 6:266
Sand Creek, 1.3:48
Sand Hill River, 2:200
Sand Hills, 1.3:23
Sandborn, Ruth Ellen, article by, 6:5-41
Sandburg, Carl, rev. of, 1.2:77, 2:230-231
Sanford, of the American Fur Company, 3:277; W. E., 6:39
Sanger (Upper and Lower) village site, 11:108
Sanger, N.Dak., 1.1:22, 1.2:70, 2:54, 4:40
Sanschagrin, commandant of Fort La Reine, 8:250
Santee Indians, 4:153, 154, 156, 161, 164, 224, 239; 5:159, 6:266
Santee Jim 233, 4:
Sarah Lake, 1.3:38
Sargeant, "Butts," 2:207
Sargeant County, N.Dak., 1.3:35, 37
Sargeant County News, 1.3:73; 1.4:70; 2:140
Sargeant County Old Settlers association, 1.4:70, 2:57
Sargeant, William G., 1.1:25; Julian, 2:142
Sargent, Asa, 9:82
Saskatchewan River, 2:169, 170
Saskatchewan Valley, 4:239
Satterlund, Sheriff, of McLean County, 4:246
Sauk Center, Minn., 1.3:57
Sauk Indians, 3:8, 83n, 91, 108, 184, 186, 187, 198
Sauk Rapids, 2:249; River, 2:226
Saulsbury, Gilmer and Company, 6:59, 60
Sault Ste. Marie, 2:247; 3:7, 8, 32, 83n
Saultears, 4:177
Sauvez, J., 5:151, 152
Savannah, Ga., 1.2:64; 4:134, 137
Sawyer, Capt., 8:169
Sawyer, J. A., 3:236, 237; Sawyer’s (Col.), cavalry battalion, 4:160
Saxon, Lyle, rev. of, 2:274
Scandinavian immigration into North Dakota, 1892-1905, 5:17. See also specific countries of origin.
Scattered (or Crying Village) village site, 11:52, 63, 101
Scattered Corn, Mandan woman, 5:38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 47, 48; 8:110, opp. 110; 11:16
Scenery of the Plains, Mountains and Mines (Langworthy), rev. of, 7:233-234
Schafer, Joseph, review by, 5:257-258
Schafer, N.Dak., 1.1:55, 61
Scheldrup, Sverre I., review by, 7:64-66
Schell, Rev. E. P., 1.1:77; 1.4:74; Herbert S., article by, 7:5-24
Schian River, see Sheyenne River
Schiers, A., 2:267
Schlarman, J. H., rev. of, 7:62-63
Schmerch, John, 1.2:33
Schofield, Gen., 4:268
Schonberger, Clinton, ant collection of, 11:231
Schonert, Paul, landowner, 11:23-24
School, established at Pembina, 5:151
Schoonover, Major, Indian agent 1.2:42
Schultz, James W., rev. of, 2:230; Dr. ____, 6:109, 111
Schwartz, George, 1.4:70
Scobey, J. O. B., 7:29
Scoops, 1.2:73
Scorpion, U.S. ship, 3:113, 114
Scotch Presbyterians, churches of, 9:105
Scotland, Dakota, 4:82, 96
Scott, Capt. Thomas, 3:10; John W., 4:59; Gen. W., 5:235; Daniel, editor of Sioux City Journal, 5:79 Alfred H., 6:22, 28; Thomas, 22, 28, 118, 127, 131, 134, 140, 146; Maj. Gen. Hugh L., 1.1:50; rev. of, 3:219-220; 4:57; Milo W., 7:30, 34; Thomas, 9:152, 153
Scottish and French factions in dispute over Bottineau County’s organization, 9:3-20
Scottish migration of from Red River, 5:175
Scottish settlers in Yankton County, 4:88
Scout and Ranger Being the Personal Adventures of James Pike of the Texas Rangers in 1859-60 (Gannon, ed.), rev. of, 7:233-234
Scranton, N.Dak., 2:57
Scratching River, 1.4:37; 2:206
Scully, P. H., 4:58
Sea Bird, steamboat, 2:247
Seal Creek, 1.4:50, 52
Seated Bull, Indian chief, 5:161
Second Inaugural Address, Lincoln's, 1.2:26
Seeley, J. A., and Charles Shafer, 8:167, 168
Segers, John S., river captain, 1.2:69; 2:115, 214
Seight, Rev. O. P., 1.3:43
Seigneurs of La Saulaye (Johnston), rev. of, 3:218-219
Seims, Peter, 6:58, 59
Select Committee of the House of Commons, 9:111
Select Documents in Canadian Economic History 1497-1783 (Innis), rev. of, 5:183-185
Selfridge, Gen. R. D., 6:50
Selfridge Journal, 1.2:73; 1.3:74; 2:142
Selkirk, Earl of. See Douglas, Thomas, Earl of Selkirk.
Selkirk grant, 5:149
Selkirk Purchase of the Red River Valley, 1811, The (Pritchett), rev. of, 6:171-173
Selkirk Settlement, 1.2:69, 70; 2:104, 105; 3:185; 5:150, 172, 220, 235. See also Red River Settlement.
“Selkirk Settlement, The,” 1.4:46-60
Selkirk, steamboat, 1.2:69; 2:114, 204, 229; 3:177; 6:57; 9:27, 76, 82, 83
Sellew, R., writer, 1.2:70
Sellman, Sam, 1.1:58
Semple, Governor Robert, 1.4:39, 58, 59; 9:94, 95
Sentinel butte, 2:55
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley, rev. of, 4:5200
Serigny, M. de, 5:207
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1.3:74
Setter, James, 1.1:36
“Settlement and Development of The Territory of Dakota, 1860-70, The," 7:114-149
Settlement of Northern Plains, and the fur trade, 7:82-93
Settlers, social life, 7:143-144
Seven Iron Men (de Kruif), rev. of, 4:66-67
Seven Mile creek, 1.1:55
Seven Oaks, 1.4:59; massacre at, 5:8
Seventeen seventy-six (1776): A Day-by-Day Story (Rawson), rev. of, 4:67
Seventh Cavalry, at Fort Abraham Lincoln, 8:103-104
Seward, Wm. H., Secretary of State, 1.2:18, 19, 24, 25, 28, 31; Judge C. H., 4:96; William H., 6:8
Seymour, Flora Warren, rev. of, 4:5148
Shadow of the Long Knives (Boyd), rev. of, 3:218-219
Shafer, Charles E., 1.1:59, 61; biographical sketch of, 8:167-178; early employment of, 167; trader in Glendive, 168, 170-172; cattleman, 169; hunter, 170; buffalo hunting, 173-174; scout for Canadian army, 175-176; owner of Shafer ranch, 176-178; father of N.Dak. governor, 176, 178; George F., article by, 1.1:55-64; Fred A., writer, 1.3:73
Shaffner, H. B., rancher, 8:299
Shakopee, Minn., 2:220
Shang, soldier, 4:245
Shania, 4:, 21 22
Shannon, George, member of Lewis and Clark expedition, 1.4:33
Shantapeda, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Sharp Horn, Indian warrior, 4:213
Shaw, W. B., 5:85
Shawls: history and significance of, 8:27-28; Kashmir, 28-32; Scottish weavers of, 32-34
Shawnee Indians, 3:98
Sheaffe, Maj .Gen. R. H., 3:92
Sheardown, Surgeon Samuel B., 2:121
Sheep (Gilfillan), rev. of, 4:201
Sheets, James, river captain, 1.2:69; 2:214
Sheheke (Big White), Mandan chief, 2:5, 4:6, 209
Shelby, Gov., 3:101
Sheldon, 4:84
Shell artifacts, of Indians, 11:26
Shelley, William, settler, 5:114
Shelly, sutler of the 7th Minnesota, 1.3:42; 1.4:13
Shepard, D. C., 1.3:58; Henry, 9:29
Shepard Siems Company, 1.3:58
Shepherd, Judge George, 2:143; George, of the New York Times, 5:53
Sherbrooke, Sir John, governor of the Canadas, 5:149, 150
Sheridan, Gen. Philip, 3:245; 5:78; 6:70, 71, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 200, 294, 296
Sheridan House hotel, Bismarck, 1.1:24
Sherman and Slater ranch, 1.3:51
Sherman, Gen., 1.2: 65; Gen. Philip, 2:159, 160; Gen., 4:268, 269 ; his march across George, 268; Gen. W. I., 6:188, 266
Sherman ranch, 1.3:50
Shermer village site, 11:60, 78
Sheyenne City, 3:174
Sheyenne Indian village, 1.3:39
Sheyenne River, 1.3:17, 18, 29, 34-37, 39, 41, 44; 1.4:5, 6, 9, 11; 2:42, 104, 107, 120-128, 181, 194, 200, 253, 254, 256; settlements on, description of in 1874, 5:28, 30-32
Sheyenne valley, 2:56
Shields, Charles, 1.3:59; Daniel, 1.3:59; Col. James, 1.3:69; Sen. James, the hero of Chapultepec, 1.3:59
Shields, Litton E., reminiscences of, 1.3:46-59; Richard, 1.3:69
Shields, N.Dak., 1.2:66; settlement in Minnesota, 1.3:46, 69
Shimmin, T. A., 1.1:72, 73
Shooting Bear village site, 11:86
Shooting Leaves (Indian band), 4:156
“Short Account of a Rowboat Journey From Medora to Bismarck, A," 1.1:16-23
Short As Any Dream (Sergeant), rev. of, 4:200
“Short History of the Teton-Dakota, A,” 10:137-205
Shortridge, Wilson Porter, review by, 7:229
Shoshone Falls, 1.3:13
Shoshone or Snake Indians, 1.3:5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13
Shovel brigade of Sibley's army, 1.3:37; 1.4:8
Shryock, George, 1.1:24
Shull, Dick, 4:141; Lewis, 191
Shyenne River, 4:29, 175; valley, 4:97
Sibley crossing of the Sheyenne (Fisk crossing), 2:122, 128
Sibley, General Henry H., 1.1:73; 1.3:30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 43, 44; 1.4:6, 6; 2:88-90, 121, 122, 128, 254; 3:235; 5:103, 110, 115, 119, 120, 123-126, 156, 159; expeditions of 1862 and 1863, 103; 6:12; Mrs. H. H., 1.3:39; 1.4:6; Sibley's camp, 5:123, 125; his expedition, 4:240; 7:121, 122
“Sibley Trail in North Dakota, The,”chapter one, 1.3:30-45; chapter two, 1.4:5-13; chapter three, 2:120-128
Sidney and Black Hills Express Company, 3:250; expeditions of 1862 and 1863, 5:87
Siems, Peter, 1.3:48, 49, 57, 58
Signal Butte, Neb., geological findings at, 7:151
Significance of Sections in American History, The (Turner), rev. of, 7:174-175
Silver City, steamboat, 6:78
Silver Lake No. 4, at Fort Berthold, 10:22, 27, 43n. 98, 88, 90, 112, 113, 115, 116
Silverlake, steamboat, 1.2:69
Simonet, Father, 5:159
Simonsen, Michael, 4:58
Simpson and Huges cattle company, 1.1:29
Simpson, Howard E., 1.2:72; ____, lawyer, 1.1:32; Sir George, 1.1:35; Thomas, 1.1:36; Howard E., 2:58; Sir George, 85, 36, 88, 50; Sir Thomas, 88; Albert, 3:62; Howard E., article by, 5:239-247; Gov. George, 9:107; Sir George, HBC head, 9:111; James, HBC officer, 9:106
Simrall, John W. G., 9:18, 19
Sims, N.Dak., 1.2:69
Sims, William S., river captain, 1.2:69; Capt. W. H., 3:166n
Sinclair family, genealogy of, 10:217-223
“Sinclair Family in Bottineau County, The,” 10:217-243
Sinclair, James H., 1.1:78; 1.4:72; James, 2:49; John F., 9:13; Marie A. McBain, 10:217; early life of, 231-235; married life with James B., 235-243; opp. 221, opp. 236, opp. 237; James B., first settler in Bottineau County, 10:217, 223, 225-226; married life with Marie, 235-243; opp. 236, opp. 237; Duncan, 10:220-224; Mrs. Duncan, opp. 220; John Ferguson, 223-224; Alexander Lachlan, 224
Singhiser, Theodore F., 6:226
Sione Sioux, 4:47
Siones Shians, 4:26-29, 31, 45
Sioux City and Pacific Railroad, 3:168, 7:135
Sioux City, Ia., 1.2:37, 38; 2:87, 88, 90; 4:14, 155
Sioux City Journal, 3:278
Sioux City, S.Dak., 3:161-164, 171, 233, 238; as center of proposed expeditions for Black Hills, 5:79-84
Sioux City, steamboat, 10:114, 118, 119, 124n. 157
Sioux Falls, 4:82, 83, 93
Sioux Indian reservation, 4:92, 103, 104
Sioux Indian treaty in 1868, 6:188, 189, 266, 268, 293, 294; violations of 189-191, 294
Sioux Indians: 1.1:19, 21, 27, 36, 44, 45, 51; 1.2:36, 40, 43, 49, 50, 51; 1.3:39; 1.4:37, 38; uprising of 1862, 1.2:73, 75; 2:47-50, 87-93, 97-99, 112, 120, 134, 136, 171, 181, 183, 211, 221-224, 241, 252; 3:8, 13, 15, 20, 32, 38, 83n, 84, 88, 91, 99, 103, 105, 108-110, 120, 183, 187, 189, 198, 200, 271, 273; 4:6, 7, 21, 27, 31, 45, 46, 49, 73-76, 101, 103, 153, 154, 159, 163-176, 207-227, 233, 235; 5:71, 72, 74, 84, 88, 149, 153, 159, 160, 162, 163, 220; hostilities in 1862, 15, 88; 6:81, 215-218, 220, 264, 265; hostilities in Dakota and Montana, 68, 69, 70, 293; in Minnesota 50; as threat to Assiniboines and Mantannes, 8:254-260; near Fort Berthold, 10:12-46; 83-124. See also specific tribes by individual name; Dakota Conflict of 1862.
Sioux treaties of 1851, 5:15; of 1876, 88
Sioux Valley News, 3:240
Sioux Wood River, 3:32
Sioux-Ponca difficulties, 6:63-66, 263-268
Sir Alexander Mackenzie (Wrong), rev. of, 2:129
Sir James Douglas and British Columbia (Sage), rev. of, 5:257-258
Sire, Joseph A., captain, 10:64
Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth), 2:141
Sisseton Indians, 1.4:7; 3:14; 4:239, 240, 244 6:266; village of, 1.3:34
Sisters of the Propagation of the Faith, 5:157
Sitting Bear, Arikara Indian, 3:50
Sitting Bull, 1.1:27, 31; 1.3:57; 2:91, 137; 4:75, 76, 163, 164, 234; 6:190, 269, 293; humorous incident concerning, 8:187-188; sale of his horses in 1881, 297
Sitting Bull: Champion of the Sioux (Gabriel), rev. of, 7:169-170
Sitting Crow, 5:39; Mrs. (niece of Scattered Corn), 39, 40; 11:16
Six Horses (Banning and Banning), 4:276-277
Six Years With the Texas Rangers (Gillett), rev. of, 2:63
Sixty Years of Indian Affairs, Political, Economic, and Diplomatic, 1789-1850 (Harmon), rev. of, 8:307-308
Skartveldt, Paul, 1.4:70
Skattergaard farm, 7:198, 200, 202
Skidi Pawnee, 4:247
Skinner, Constance Lindsay, rev. of, 3:218-219; review by, 7:232
Skunk Lake, (Makah, now Tiwaukan), 1.3:34, 35, 36, 41; 2:221
Slab Town village site, 11:89
Slade, Aurora, 1.2:59, 60; Samuel, 1.2:59, 62; Theo., 1.2:60; Thomas, 1.2:63
Slant Village (Mandan), 2:55
Slant Village, rebuilt at Fort Lincoln State Park, 8:102, 107-110, opp. 108
Slattery, W. J., 2:215
Slaughter, B. F., biographical sketch of, 1.2:34-35; diary of, 1.2:36-40; Jessamine (Mrs. J. A. Burgum), 1.2:35, 68; Linnie, (Mrs. Albin Hedstrom), 1.2:35; Phillip, 1.2:34; Mrs. Linda, 1.2:68; Rosalind, (Mrs. A. W. Dearborn), 1.2:40
Slave fortifications at Vicksburg, 4:119
Slidell, Confederate agent, 1.2:25
Slosson, Preston, review by, 5:139-141; rev. of, 263-264
Smallman, Amy Williams, reviews by, 5:141-143, 265-267
Smallpox epidemic of 1837 at the Fort Clark village, 4:183; and the Teton Dakotas, 10:171-172
Smith Estate village site, 11:96, 108
Smith, Jim, 1.3:52; Gen. Kirby, 1.2:9; Capt. T. D., 1.3:39; Capt. ____, 2:110; Gen. A. J., 217; Arthur D. Howden, ed., rev. of, 145-146; Harry Y., 114, 214; John, 214; Joseph, 214; Dr. Lucius B., 121; D. B. B. teacher, 3:145; Maud, 203; Arthur D. Howden, rev. of, 4:65-66; Bill, mail carrier, 244; brothers, 157; Capt., 124, 132; Capt., of the Smithland posse, 158; Fred, 57; Gen., 53; Jeff, trader, 169, 223; Judge G. M., 96; ____, paymaster, 5:114; Alice E., review by, 188-189; Arthur D. Howden, rev. of, 136-138; Bryon M., 74, 75; Col. Thomas A., 220, 222; Albert, 6:79; Donald A. (Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal) 23, 26, 28, 39, 40, 111, 119, 121; Rev. N. W. [H.W.], gravesite of, 7:53; Jesse, 7:192; Donald A., 9:151; Harry Y., 9:76
Smith, William, wood camp of, 8:169
Smith's raid, 2:217
Smithland, village in Iowa, 4:155, 156, 157, 159; hotel in, 159; posse in, 155-159
Smoky Hill River, 2:161
Snake and Soshone Indian war, 2:157
Snake Creek, 1.1:21, 4:244; 10:11, 39n. 57
Snake River, 1.3:13, 58, 59; 2:200, 270
Snake River railway line, 1.3:58
Snelling, Col., 3:13; Col. Josiah, 5:235; Joseph, 236
Snider, Dr. W. C., 1.4:73
Snow, John A., 6:110, 111, 114
Snyder, John, 1.1:32
Social Economics of North Dakota (Gillette), rev. of, 11:128
Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 5:156
Soda Springs, 2:270
Soil: Its Influence on the History of the United States (Hulbert), rev. of, 6:90-91
Soldier-Doctor of Our Army, James B. Kimball, A, rev. of, 3:149-150
“Soldiering in Dakota Territory in the Seventies: A Communication,” 6:63-91
Soldiers Home, Washington, D.C., 1.2:10, 13
Soldiers of the Plains (Byrne), rev. of, 1.1:65-66
Some Memories of a Soldier, rev. of, 3:219-220
“Some of the Uses of a Historical Museum,” 1.2:52-58
“Some Official Aspects of the Fur Trade in the Northwest, 1815-l825," 6:201-209
Son of Little Crow, capture of, 5:124
Son-of-the-Stars, Arikara chief, 4:208, 209, 210
Soo railroad, 1.3:57
Sorenson, William, 2:213
Sorlie, Gov. Arthur G., 1.1:73; 1.3:75; 1.4:72; 2:53
Souris River, 2:170, 173, 179, 184
South Dakota: 4:9, 17, 21, 23, 26, 29, 81, 93; population (1890-) in, 100; archeological survey of, 7:152-154
South from Hudson Bay (Brill), rev. of, 4:277-278
South Platte River, 2:270
South West Company, 3:37
South West Fur Company, 5:7-12
Southern Minnesota railroad, 4:82, 83
Southwest Company, 6:203, 204
Souverly (or Badger Ferry) village site, 11:77
Spalding, Burleigh F., 7:30
Spangler, N. W., 6:228
Spanish half-breeds, 4:231
Spargo, John, 2:272
Spaulding, S. S., 2:214
Spear ranch, 1.1:31
Spearfish, D.T., early history of, 5:91-92
Speilman, Dr., G. H., 2:229
Spellman, John, 4:188
Spence, Thomas, 137
Spencer, A. H., member of Lincoln's bodyguard, 1.2:70; Rev. D. B., 1.4:73, 74; George, 1.3:33, 38; trading house of, 1.3:33, 38; Capt. George C., 4:11
Sperry village site, 11:50, 51, 57, 65, 68, 69, 81, 82
Spike (Clark), rev. of, 2:231-232
Spink (lawyer), 6:78
Spink County, 4:94; war in, 4:96
Spirit Lake, Ia., 4:153, 154, 155, 160, 163
Spiritwood Lake, 2:136
Spokane Indians, 1.1:53
Spokane, Wash., 1.1:52, 53; 1.3:58
Spokesfield, Walter S., rev. of, 6:180-181
Spotted Tail, chief of the Brule Sioux, 4:210, 10:184, 185, 189, 191; Indian Agency, 6:307-309, 317
Sprague, Isaac, 10:64, 74, 74, 77
Sprague’s Pipit, observed by Audubon, 10:69-70, 72
Spreng, Bishop Samuel P., 1.4:73
Spring Creek, 1.1:14, 58
Springfield, 4:92
Spry, B. F., 3:214
Spunk River, 3:25
Square Butte Creek, 1.1:22, 2:170; village site, 11:105
Squaw Creek, 1.1:18, 58
Squires, J. Duane, rev. of, 2:146-147; biographical sketch by, 3:66-72; article by, 3:209-212; review by, 148; review by, 4:65-66, 146, 146-148, 276-277; review by, 5:258-259
Squires, Lewis, Audubon’s assistant, 10:64, 74
Stadler and Kaufman cattle company, 1.1:74
Stafford, ____, 6:314
Stagecoach: old overland, 1.2:74; communication in North Dakota, 5:23; line established to Black Hills, 1876, 5:86; robberies of in Black Hills, 5:95-96; service to Dakota Territory, 6:57-60; in Minnesota, 42-57; to Montana, 54, 55; travel, Bismarck to Deadwood, 7:42-46; food during, 44; ferry used for, 45
Stahl, John M., rev. of, 6:98-100
Stallcop, James, fragments of diary of, 4:135, 136; letters of, 116-142; wounding of, 128, 130; M. W., 130
Standing Bear, Indian chief, 6:271, 273, 274
Standing Buffalo, Indian chief, 1.3:42
Standing Bull, 4:26, 224
Standing Moose, Sioux Indian, 3:116
Standing Rock (Inyan Bosendata), 1.4:10
Standing Rock Indian Agency, 1.1:28; 1.3:49; 4:251
Stanley, Gen. D. S., 1.3:46, 47; 4:232; 5:76, 78, 160; 10:3, 4, report of, 10:187-189; Lord, 6:7, 9:111
Stanley Sun, 2:57
Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War, 1.2:13, 24, 28
Stanton Ferry village site, 11:83-84
Stanton, N.Dak., 1.1:21, 22; 2:6, 53, 240, 243, 246; 4:85, 37; settled by Norwegians, 5:36
Star Ranch, near Fort Buford, 8:296
Star Robe, Arikara warrior, 4:208
Star route mail and stage line, 1.3:52
Star-in-Forehead, Indian chief, 4:156
“State Geographic Board Report on North Dakota, The,” 2:53-56
State historic sites, 8:71-78
State Historical Museum of Wisconsin, 1.2:52
State Historical Society of North Dakota: 4:60, 185; survey of museum in 1929, 3:292-304; museum report of 1929, 4:62-64, 174; recent acquisitions of, 60-61; sponsor of history contest, 59; annual report of, 1930, 5:166-171; museum notes of, 133-135, 180-181, News and Comment, 54-47, 130-132, 177-179, 248-253; News and Comment, 1932, 6:82-85, 165-169, 239-243, 319-321; archeological survey by, 7:151; News and Comments, 162-168; museum notes of, 8:79-80, 142-143, 226, 311-313; biennial report of, 1940, 135-138; State Parks Report to, 1940, 8:138-141; dedication of Butte St. Paul, 284-294
State Historical Society of South Dakota, paper given to, 11:272-281
State parks, value of, 11:280
State Record, Bismarck, N.Dak., 1.3:74
State recreational areas, 8:70-71
State v. Rooney, murder appeal of, 9:212
Statistics showing the amount of land taken up in Dakota from 1877 to 1889, 4:92
“Steamboating on the Red River of the North [history],”2:100-119
“Steamboating on the Red River of the North [personal account],”2:201-216
Steamboats: on the Missouri, 5:87-88; on the Mississippi, 6:42, 43, 44; on the Red River, 6:47, 48, 50, 53, 56, 57; 9:27-34, 69-85; description of, 83-85
Steele County Farmers Press, 4:59
Steele County Old Settlers picnic, 4:59
Steele, Gen. Sherman, 4:192, 193
Steers, Walter, 3:14n
Stefansson, Magnus, 6:153, 154
Steinbrueck, E. R., 4:90, 11:101
Stella Whipple, steamboat, 5:108
Stephenson, Martin, 3:239; George M., rev. of, 6:323-324; review by, 7:175-176
Sterns, Charles P., 1.1:72
Stevens, Amos, 1.1:64; A. E., 1.3:70; Blanche, 1.1:72, 73; J. H., frontiersman, 1.3:13; Gen. Isaac I., 3:278; O. A., article by, 10:63-82; review by, 11:128-129
Stevenson, Donald, 3:248, 253
Stevenson, Donald, freighter, 5:87
Stewart, Adam, 3:193; Samuel, 6:79
Stewart, stage station, 2:205
Stickney, H. V., 1.3:73; 1.4:71; article by, 1.1:3-15; 2:58; William, 6:273
“Still Larger View of the So-called Yellowstone Expedition, A,” 5:219-238
Stimmel, Smith, 1.4:75; biographical sketch of, 1.2:5; recollections of, 1.2:7-33, 70
Stinking River, 2:206
Stinking Water diggings, 2:263-267, 270
Stockton, Dr. F. E., 1.4:73
Stoltz, Fred, 3:289
Stone artifacts, of Indians, 11:25-26
Stone, Bostwick, and Company, 6:204
Stone, Sylvanus Whipple, Civil War letter from, 1.2:64-66; Elizabeth Knight (Mrs. Sylvanus), 1.2:64; Lewis, 2:103; William, 4:111, 113; Lewis, 9:70
Storhoff, Edward, 2:120
Storm Lake, 1.3:5; 1.4:36, 37
Stornoway, Orkney Islands, 1.4:50
Story of an American Indian, The (Radin), rev. of, 3:76-77
Story of the Little Big Horn (Graham), rev. of, 2:60-62
Story of the Red Man, The (Seymour), rev. of, 4:148
Story of the Western Railways, The (Reigel), rev. of, 1.3:77-78
Stover, J. C., 2:206
Strand, Mary Flemington, 1.1:73
Strang, Robert, 2:215
Strayer, Joseph, review by, 6:177-178
Stromness, Orkney Islands, 1.4:53
Strong, Frank J., 1.4:6, 7; Henrietta, 1.4:7; Wm. Duncan, article by, 8:157-166; Dr. W. D., geological findings of, 7:150, 151, 153; archeologist, 11:24, 38, 44, 46, 65
Stronther family of Kentucky, 1.2:34
Strool, N.Dak., 2:141
Stroud brothers, 1.1:59
Stroud, N.Dak., 1.1:61
Strout, ____, 2:132
Stump Lake, 2:140
Sturgeon Falls, Wis., 1.1:74
Sturgis, stagecoach stop, 7:45
Stutsman County, 4:57
Stutsman County Record, 2:141, 228, 229; 3:73, 145; 4:57
Stutsman, Enos, lawyer and postmaster at Pembina, 5:50; 6:26, 36, 37
Sullivan, Edward, 1.4:69; Jerry, 1.1:78; Helen J., reviews by, 6:249, 252
Sully, Gen. Alfred, 1.1:19; 1.3:31; 2:84, 89, 90, 94, 96, 97, 220; report of 1864, 5:74, 123, 124; expeditions into Black Hills in 1864 and 1865, 74; 7:122, 123
Sully Springs, buffalo hunters at, 8:173
Sully's Hill, 2:55; Trail, 3:235, 10:49-51
Sulphur Springs, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Sumner, Charles, 6:6, 27
Sun and Saddle Leather (Clark), rev. of, 2:231-232
Sun River, 2:92, 264; 3:270
Sundance, 9:174, 174n.
Sunday Island, 4:89
Sutaio Indians, 6:216, 220
Sutherland, estates of the Duchess of, 1.4:47
Sutherland, L. C., ed., article by, 1.1:35-45; James, Presbyterian elder, 9:97
Sutherlandshire, Scotland, 1.4:60
Swan, J. K., 2:215
Swan Lake, 4:96
Swan River, 2:105
Swearingen, Z., 5:90; 6:308
Swedish colony: 250 families settle at Glen Ullin, D.T., 4:91; settles in Morton County, 4:91; in Barnes County, 5:30
Sweet Briar Creek, 1.3:46
Sweet Water Lake, 3:242
Sweetser, reporter for the Springfield Republican, 1.4:6
Swift Runner, 4:210, 211, 214, 218, 219
Swihart, 4:192
Swinford, ____, 2:207
Swingle, F. B., 1.1:79
Swiss settlers: in Red River, 5:172; migration of from Red River 175


Tache, Monseigneur, 2:32, 33, 46; 5:50, 159; 6:11, 22, 38, 39, 107-146; 9:140; Joseph Charles, 108, 142; Sir Etienne Pascal, 108
Tait, J. Wilfrid, review by, 5:185-187
Talbert, Jack (aka Jack Taylor), assistant ranch foreman, 8:298
Tales from Buffalo Land: The Story of Fort Buford (Burdick), rev. of, 10:206-207
Taliaferro, Maj. Lawrence, 3:l00n, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199n; 10:176
Tallent, Mrs. Annie, 5:80, 83
Talon, M., 5:200
Tampa (Birch) Creek, 2:120
Tappan, S. F., 6:266; John E., 10:8, 20, 33, 36, 38n. 49, 84, 92, 111
Tarbell, Henry, horse rancher, 1.1:30, 8:297
Tarbelt, cattleman, 1.1:55
Taylor, N.Dak., settlement of, 4:89
Taylor, W. C., 1.2:73; Capt., 2:135, 136; Capt. Oscar, 123; Joseph Henry, articles by, 4:l53-164; 165-173; 207-219; 220-226; 227-238, 239-246; James W. (special agent of the treasury dept.), 6:10-19, 23-30, 34, 35, 41; J. H., founder of Lincoln, D.T., 7:145; John Duncan, article by, 8:301-304; Joseph Henry, sketch of, 10:4
Tecumseh, 3:48, 49, 83, 97, 101, 124
Telegraph lines, construction in Dakota, 3:242, 243
Tellner, A. G., 4:57
Tennessee River, 2:218
Tennison, Pete, 7:210, 215
Tenny, Silas, 1.2:61; Temparance, 1.2:59
Tepee Bottom, 1.1:26, 29
Terry, Dr., 10:26, 44n. 105
Terry, Elijah Stites, 1.4:73; Gen. Alfred, 2:61; 4:235, 237, 268; 5:79; 6:72, 192, 193, 194, 196, 294; 7:77
Terry, steamboat, 3:219
Terryville, D.T., 5:97
Teton Dakota Indians: 3:116; 4:9, 21, 22; 6:192, 293; history of, 10:137-205; linguistic distinctions of, 152; enemies of, 148-149; effect of fur trade on, 154-146; affiliation with U.S. troops against the Arikaras, 169-170; struggles for territory, 171-190; reservation years of, 191-196
Teton River, 2:263, 264; 4:9, 26, 27, 47
Texas Jack, 6:68
Tharaldson, Maj. Thomas, 1.2:67
Thayer, Gen., 4:193
Thellier, Antoine, 2:172
Theodore Roosevelt State Park (North and South Units), 8:69
Thibault, Father John, 5:154, 159; Vicar General, 6:23, 27, 119, 121
Thielman, Vale P., 7:17, 18
Thiemans, Charles B., river captain, 1.2:69
Thiery, Pierre, 3:106n,
Thimens, Capt. Charles B., 2:214
Third Judicial District, 4:96
Thoen, Lewis, 5:72
Thom, Judge, 2:48; Adam, 9:109, 110
Thomas and Arnett, ranchers, 8:300
Thomas, Thomas, 5:175; Alfred Barnaby, rev. of, 6:251; Cyrus, theory of, 11:161, 164, 165
Thompson, E. B., 1.3:72; Harold, 1.4:73; Ole, stage station of, 2:202, 203; William, 3:160; M. P., 7:30; David, early explorer, 9:115, 116, 11:11, 33, 34, 72, 113; Hugh, merchant, 9:29-31
Thomson, Mrs. J. H. S., 1.1:72; J. H. S., 2:140
Thomuson, Charles, 1.3:59
Thorlakson, Pall, Ami Magnusson, and Richard Beck, article by, 6:150-164
Thorlaksson, Arni, 6:154; Haraldur, 160; Rev. Pall, 150, 151, 152
Thornton, Arthur, 2:215; (British minister to U.S.), 6:30, 31
Thorson, Harald, 6:161
Thousand Island, Dickinson's camp at, 3:25, 38,
Three Rivers, Que., 2:80
Three Sevens Bottoms Ranch, 1.1:6, 10, 29, 8:298
Three Z ranch, 2:141
Thum, M. C., agent for Durfee and Peck, 10:22, 43n. 99
Thunder Bay, 3:210
Thuring, Alfred, 4:59
Thwaites, Reuben Gold, Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806, 1.4:16-19, 23-26, 29, 32, 33, 36
Tibbles, T. H. 272, 273
Tiger, steamboat, 8:169
Tigress, U.S. vessel, 3:113, 114
Timber Creek, 1.1:59
Tissot, Father, 5:155
Titus, S. S., 2:218
Tiwaukan Lake (also Skunk or Makah), 1.3:35
To-to-win, Dickson's wife, 3:14, 202
Tobacco Garden creek, 1.1:17
Tobano, 4:27
Tod, David, Governor of Ohio, 1.2:8-10
Todd, John Wesley, river captain, 1.2:69; Joe, river captain, 1.2:69; Leslie, river captain, 1.2:69; Nels, river captain, 1.2:69; Capt. John B. S., sutler at Fort Randall, 7:27, 7:117
Tohill, Louis Arthur, three-part article by, 3:5-49; 3:83-128, 3:182-203
Tolic Lake, 1.4:12
Tomah, Menominee chief, 3:l08
Tompkins, J. H., 2:228
Tongue River, 2:196, 197
Toren, E. Clifford, 1.4:73
Tornado, as experienced by K. E. Glaspell, 8:184-185
Toronto, 1.4:57
Toronto Globe, 2:105, 207; and the Riel insurrection, 6:20, 21
Tosagi, Wapekuta Santee chief, 4:154
Tough Timber, D.T., 2:95; 3:167
Tower City, D.T., 4:97, 7:40
Tower City Herald (newspaper), 6:230
Towers and Gudgell, cattle company, 1.1:29
Towner, N.Dak., 2:180
Townsend Brothers cattle company, 1.1:59
Townsend, Sam, river captain, 1.2:69; 2:214
Townsland, river captain, 1.2:69
Tracey, Minn., 4:82
Trade goods, archeological evidence of, 11:26-27
Traill County Tribune, 58
Traill, Walter J. S., 2:205, 9:81
Trailmakers of the Middle Border (Garland), rev. of, 1.2:76-77
Trans-Mississippi West, The (Willard and Goodykoontz, eds.), rev. of, 5:143
Travelling museum of Columbia Historical Expedition, 1.1:53
Traverse de Sioux, 1.1:37, 44
Treat at Fort Kiowa, between the U.S. and Teton Dakotas, 10:171
Treaties with Indian, 4:8, 21, 26, 31, 35, 36, 103
Treaty Commission of 1825, 4:23
Treaty of Paris, 3:196
Treaty of Traverese des Sioux, 5:15
Treaty of Utrecht, 3:196
Tree rings, research about, 11:6, 276-277
Tregent, Alex, 9-11
Trenier, Antoine, 2:257
Trent, British steamer, 1.2:25
Trinka, Zdena, rev. of, 8:132-133
“Trip Over the Plains of Dakota in 1865: from the Diary of L. K. Raymond, Company I, Third Illinois Cavalry,” 2:220-226
“Trip Through the Red River Valley in 1864, A," 1.4:37-40
Tripp, Capt. C., 7:123
Trotter, Reginald G., rev. by, 5:254-255
Trous Butte, 2:89
Troyes, de, 5:203, 204
Truax, John, 1.3:52; Allen L., articles by, 2:5-22; 239-246; C. F., 228
Trudeau, Jean Baptiste, voyageur, 2:18
Trumbull, Sir William, 5:210, 212, 214
Truscot, J. L., 1.1:29
Truteau, Jean Baptiste, trader with Dakotas, 3:50, 51; 10:160
Turner County, D.T., 4:96; home to Mennonite immigrants, 7:14
Turner County Herald of Hurley, 4:88
Turner, Frederick Jackson, rev. of, 7:174-175
Turtle Creek, 4:216, 217; 10:11, 38n. 55; (or Flaming Arrow) village site, 11:51, 57, 71, 83
Turtle Lake, N.Dak., 1.2:67; Wis., 1.3:57
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indians, 4:102; reservation of, 102
Turtle Mountains: 1.1:50; 1.3:17, 20, 21, 74; 2:89, 56, 140; flora and fauna of, 9:117, 120; settlement of, 5:33; Verendrye’s expedition through, 8:251-254
Turtle River, 1.1:37, 45; 2:176, 180-192, 209; stage station at, 205; 3:233
Turtle River State Park: 8:69-70; history and description of, 147-156; geological features, 148-149; flora and fauna of, 149-150; early inhabitants of area near, 150-151; bonanza farming near, 151; development of structures at, 152-153; bathhouse and pool built at, 153, opp. 153; camping and picnic areas at, 154-155, opp. 153; modern improvements to, 155-156; geology of, 10:245-261; specific topographical features in, 257-261
“Turtle River State Park,” 8:147-156
Turtle Valley Ranch, 4:234
Tveten, Sven, 1.3:21
Twin Lake, 2:211
Twining, W. H., chief astronomer, boundary commission, 9:116
Two Bears, Indian chief, 4:76, 208, 209, 214, 215, 220; 5:163; 10:5, 37n. 38
Two Bulls, Indian chief, 4:218
Two Kettle band from the Crow Creek Agency, 4:210
Two Moon, Indian leader, 6:200
Two Mountain Lake, 2:80
Two Rivers, 2:190, 196
Twyman, Kentucky sheep man, 1.1:42
Tycony, steamboat, 3:168
Tyler, John, 1.1:32; Evan S., 2:182
Tylers River, 4:24
Tyndall, 4:82


U Bar ranch, 1.1:32
U.S. Flag, regard for, by Dakota Indians, 9:169-170
U.S. Medical School at Louisville, 1.2:34
U.S. vs. Allen, and Judge Amidon, 8:95-96
Uhlman, J. M., 1.1:59
Uhlmann, Richard P., ant collection of, 11:231
Uken, Clara, great-granddaughter of Dickson, 3:203
Umatilla Indians, 1.1:53
Uncpapas. See Hunkpapa Sioux Indians.
Under Your Feet (King), rev. of, 10:263-264
Union City, Tenn., 1.2:37
Union Light Guard, 1.2:10
Union Pacific Railway, 2:157; 3:168, 244, 253, 256; 6:58; competition with Northern Pacific Railway, 5:76, 77;
Union soldiers: attitude toward election of 1864, 4:132; toward slavery, 119; toward Lincoln, 119; burning Columbia, S.C., 137, 138; effect of Civil War on, 120. See also Civil War letters.
Union, steamboat, 10:71
Union Township, 4:59
United States After the World War, The (Malin), rev. of, 5:139-141
“United States and the British Northwest, 1865-1870, The," 6:5-41
United States land office, 4:95
United States, national population trends in, 9:180-184; charts, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191
United States opposition to Red River expedition, 6:34
United States Since 1865, The (Hacker and Kendrick), rev. of, 7:64-66
United States Treaty with the Santees in 1851, 4:154
University of Edinburgh 1.4:41
University of North Dakota, 1.1:49
University of Wisconsin, 1.2:54
Unruh, Daniel, leader of Mennonite immigrants, 7:13
Upper James River Valley, The (booklet), 6:230
Upper Mississippi Valley Historical Expedition, 1.1:50
Upper Missouri country, 4:211, 227
“Upper Missouri River Valley Aboriginal Culture in North Dakota, The,” 11:5-126
Upper Strawberry Lake, 4:243, 245
“Use of the Crude Hypochlorite Solution on the Plains of Dakota At the Time of Custer, and Its Use Today as Refined and Perfected by Dakin-Carrel, The,” 8:301-304
Utah Northern railway, 3:169


Valley City, N.Dak., 2:120, 121, 140; 4:58, 97; 7:40
Valley of the Upper Mill Creek, 4:154
“Value of Historical Societies in the Plains States, The, ” 11:272-281
Van Driesche, William, assistant to Marquis de Mores, 8:6, 9
Van Dyke, Dr. V. H., 1.4:69
Van Hook, N.Dak., 4:184
Van Horn, Lt. William McCadden, 10:7-8, 37n. 44
Van Meter, A. C., 3:234; Charles Luther, great-grandson of Dickson, 203; John T., great-grandson of Dickson, 203; Mary, granddaughter of Dickson 203
Van Ostrand, Ferdinand A., biographical sketch of, 9:219-221; opp. 219; diary of, part one, 9:219-242; family history of, 239-240n.; diary of, part two, 10:3-46; part three, 10:83-124
Van Swearingin, St. Joseph, 4:16, 20, 33, 45
Vanderbilt Trading Post village site, 11:76
Vangsness, K. M., pioneer, 3:145
Varner, Catherine, Civil War letters to, 4:116-142; 186-196; 266-270; John, 188
Vasquez, trader, 3:268
Veblin, S. Dak., 1.3:35
Velocipede, ridden at Fort Berthold, 10:22
Venum, G. W., 2:141
Verendrye bridge, 2:54
Vermilion River, 3:15, 234
Vermilion, S.Dak., 2:90, 3:234, 238; site of first land office, 7:118, 145
Verrill, Alpheus Hyatt, rev. of, 1.4:75-76
Versailles, Ken., 1.1:41, 42
Vestal, Stanley, rev. of, 2:273-274; rev. of, 4:145; review by, 7:170-171; rev. of, 169-170
Veteran's Reserve corps, 1.2:28
VI ranch, 1.1:18
Vicksburg, campaign of, 1.2:19; siege of, 4:120, 121, 123, 192, 194; capture of, 270; 5:113, 122
Victory-Dance, of the Dakota Sioux Indians, 9:167-178
Vigilance Committee, in the Little Missouri region, 8:8
Vigilantes, 1.1:58; in Montana, 8:177
Villard, Henry, rev. of, 7:66-67
Villard, N.Dak., 1.3:24, 25, 27, 28
Villiers, Lord, 5:214, 215
Vincent, Thomas, 5:175
Virginia City, Mont., 2:96, 267, 269; 3:164
Virginia families, 1.2:34
Vitt, H. A., 2:214
Volga, D.T., 4: 82, 83
Volger, Sgt. Maj., 245
Volin, D.T., 4:82
Volin, Joseph, 3:245
Von Hoffman, Louis A., New York banker, 8:4, 5
Vondracek, Felix J., reviews by, 5:138-139, 6:174-175, 251; 7:176-177, 230-231; 11:282-283
Voohis, Ernest, rev. of, 6:96
Vosper, Edna, review by, 7:180-181
Voyageur, The (Nute), rev. of, 6:244
Voyageurs, 9:94, 97
Vulture River (Wild Rice), 2:198, 200


W Bar ranch, 1.1:6, 10
W. J. Lewis, steamboat, 3:163
Wabash River, 1.1:42; 3:14, 17, 98, l01
Wabasha, 3:84, 99, 117
Wade, Deacon, rancher, 1.1:29, 8:298; William V., 1.2:67; 1.3:72, 74; Mark Sweeten, rev. of, 7:179-180
Wadsworth ranch, 1.1:17
Wagner, John, 6:314
Wagoner, C. H., 5:92
Wahl, James M., 7:17-19
Wahpeton, D.T., 4:83
Wahpeton Gazette (newspaper), 6:230
Wahpeton Globe, 1.3:74 ;1.4:71
Wahpeton Indians, 3:16, 6:266
Wahpeton, N.Dak., 2:141, 3:172
Wakantanka, explained, 9:167-169; 167n.-168n.
Wake of the Prairie Schooner, The (Paden), rev. of, 11:221
Wakeman, Mrs. J. D., 2:141
Walcott Reporter, 3:145, 146
Waldo, Edna LaMoore, review by, 7:184
Waldron, Jane E., Dickson's great-granddaughter, 3:203
Walhalla, N.Dak., 1.1:77; memorial service for pioneers at, 1.4:72; 2:80, 51, 55
Walk~in-the-Water, steamboat, 3:190
Walker, M. O., 6:44-46; Major, 65, 66, 270; expedition of, 6:65-68
Walker's camp, railroad headquarters, 1.3:55
Walkerton, Upper Canada, 2:247
Wall, O. G., excerpts from diary of, 1.3:40; 1.4:11; Recollections of the Sioux Massacre, note, 1.3:33; portions of the diary of, 2:128; P. P., 6:227
Walla Walla Indians, 1.1:53
Walla Walla, Wash., 2:96
Wallace, Gen. Lew, 1.2:20; W. W., 1.3:57; C. S., 2:218; W. S., ed., rev. of, 7:177-179
Wallin, John, 2:228
Walling, ____, surveyor, 2:210
Walsh County Press, 2:148
Walsh, George H., 6:228, 7:29
Wambole, Louis, 3:202
Wamhole, Helen, Dickson's great-granddaughter, 3:205
Wamsley, trader, 4:231
Wanata, Indian chief, 1.1:44, 45
Wanatchee Indians, 1.1:53
Wanel, General Charles, 1.2:35
Wannegan, ____, 8:10, 11
Wannigan (John Reuter), 1.1:30
Wanzer, Charles, 2:209, W. C., 3:180
Wapekuta Santees, 3:16, 4:154
War Department of the U. S., 1.2:9, 17, 28, 29
War of 1812, 5:5, 6, 219, 236
War of the Revolution, 1.2:61
War of the Spanish Succession, 5:218
Ward County, 4:94
Ward County Independent, 1.2:72; 1.3:74; 2:228
Ward Indian village site, 11:17, 53, 66, 81
Ward, Joe, Hidatsa Indian, 4:184
Ward of the Redskins (Hargreaves), rev. of, 4:200
Wardrope, Victor C., 1.1:77
Wardwell, F. A, 2:229, 3:74
Ware, Joseph, rev. of, 7:66-67
Warfel, Lindat, 1.2:35
Warfield, H., 2:215; W. S., 215
Warfington, Richard, 2:21
Warnock, J. C., 6:228
Warpath and Cattle Trails (Collins), rev. of, 3:216-217
Warren, Al, buffalo hunter, 8:168
Warren, Lieut. G. K., expedition of into the Black Hills, 1857, 5:73, 74; 6:292, 304; topographical engineer, survey of Black Hills, 10:182
Warren, Minn., 7:111, 112
Warren ranch, 1.1:10
Warrior Who Fought Custer, A (Marquis), rev. of, 6:254
Warriuna River, 3:17
Washburn, N.Dak., 1.1:22; 2:10; settled by Norwegians, 5:36
Washburn Times (newspaper), 6:230
Washburn Township, Griggs County, 4:97
Washburn's ranch, 1.3:54
Washegamoish, hunter, 2:184
Washington, D.C., 1.2:7-l0, 19, 20, 23, 29, 30; 4:6, 20, 24, 140, 142, 209; in 1865, 140, 141, 269
Washington Elm, gavels from, 1.3:72
Water, as an agent in landscape formation, 10:248-251
Water-works in Deadwood, 7:56
Waters, Lt., 4:26, 28
Watertown, D.T., 4:82, 86, 92
Watertown Times, 4:85
Watson Homestead village site, 11:94
Wave, steamboat, 2:6, 101
Wayne, Gen., 3:44, 99
Wayne's Treaty, 3:96
We-kin-yan-duta (Red Thunder), 3:15
Wear, Capt., 4:41
Weather at Pembina, 1807-1808, 5:239
Weaver, Chris, 10:26, 44n. 106
Webb, Walter Prescott, rev. of, 6:245
Webber, Jerry, 9:76
Webber, Jerry, river captain, 1.2:69; 2:114, 201, 208, 214
Weber, Neal A., ant collection of, 11:231
Webster, D.T., 4:83
Wehe, Mrs. A. C., 2:142
Weick, Mrs. Alvina, 3:214, 4:59
Weiser, Dr. Joseph S., 2:120
Welburn, John, 4:191
Welch, Maj. A. B., 1.2:68; Rev; J. E., 1.3:13; Steve, 2:140, 141
Welles, Gideon, Secretary of the Navy, 1.2:25
Wellington, Duke of, 3:128
Wellington mines, 2:247, 271
Wellman, Frank A., review by, 5:187-188
Wells Atlas (newspaper), 6:226
Wells, E. P., 1.3:57; E. P., 6:228; Frank, 79
Welte, Herbert D., rev. of, 2:149
Welty, Raymond L., articles by, 2:85-99; 2:155-167
Wemett, William Marks, 1.2:72; rev. of, 2:145; article by, 6:292-301
Wesley, Edgar B., articles by, 5:219-238, 6:201-209; review by, 324-325
West Point, Miss., 2:217
West, Rev. John, HBC chaplain, journal of, 9:98, 99
West, Willis Mason, death of, 5:251
Westensee, William 59
Western, Engineer, steamboat, 5:228, 232; 10:64
Western Journal and Civilian, 3:278
Western Meadowlark, observed by Audubon, 10:66
Western Ranches Company (VVV), 8:296
Western, steamboat, 3:169, 249; 10:114, 116, 119, 123n. 155
Western World, western newspaper, 7:10
Wetersoon, or A-wach-ha-wa village, 2: 5
Wetzstein village site, 11:106
Wharton, Alfred, 1.4:9
Wheat growing: excitement about, 1.1:24; in Red River Valley, 7:97-113; cost of production, 105; threshing, 197, 198; planting, 208
Wheatland, N.Dak. 2:132, 4:59, 7:40
Wheaton, Col. Lloyd, 2:206, 6:138
Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine, 1.3:72
Wheeler, George C., and Esther W. Wheeler, article by, 11:231-271
Wheelock, Buck, in Eden, D.T., 7:147; Ralph W., 33
When the West is Gone (Paxson), rev. of, 5:138-139
Wherry, Jesse, 7:117
Whetstone Creek, 2:92; Indian agency, 3:243, 4:210
Whetstone River, 1.3:38
Whipple, Bishop, of Minnesota 1.4:8; 2:134
Whistler, Maj., expedition of, 10:33, 46n. 118
White, ____, Durfee and Peck agent, 10:16, 42n. 83
White Bear, boat, 4:13-16, 18, 24, 30, 49, 50
White Buffalo (Hoffine), rev. of, 8:132
White Buffalo Robe village site, 11:113
White Bull, chief of the lower Minneconjous, 4:226; village site of, 11:85
White Cow band, 2:27
White Creek, 2:225
White Earth agency, 1.4:42; 2:134
White Earth Creek village site, 11:8, 12, 84
White Earth River (Little Muddy), 1.4:33
White Heron Lake (Bull Head), 1.3:32, 38
White Horse Plain, settlement of, 5:176
White House (ranch), 1.2:9, 10, 17; 8:299; burning of stables at, 1.2:15
White, Lt., 1.2:43, 51; Gov. Frank, of N.Dak., 1.2:67; James, 2:215; James D., 214; W. H., 4:58; William H., 5:38
White Mud River, 2:169
White Paint Creek, 4:9
White Plain Creek (Bazill creek), 4:18
White Polar Bear Lake, 2:226
White River, 1.1:41; 1.2:38; 1.3:14; 4: 48
White Shield, Arikara chief, 4:211, 225, 226; 10:100, 121n. 138
White Swan stage station, 3:238
White Tail Deer Creek, 2:266
White Wood Lakes, 2:256
Whitehead, Major, Indian agent, 2:134
Whites forbidden to go into Black Hills, 5:75-83
Whitestone Hill, battle of, 1.1:73, 2:89
Whitman, Joseph, 2:104
Whitmore, Capt., 4:53
Whitney Brothers, 2:214
Whitney, E. H., 1.3:41; Charles T., 6:43
Whitney Springs, stagecoach stop, 7:44
Whitney Transportation company, 2:214
Wibaux, Pierre, 8:20, 299, 300
Wicker, James, 4:245; 10:17, 42n. 85, 83, 84, 113
Wickham, P. B., 4:91
Wiconsin Magazine of History, 1.1:79
Wieland, John, 2:123
Wigness, Fred, 1.4:13
Wilcox, Justus, 4:191; Lloyd, reviews by, 8:219-220, 307-308; 10:125-126; 11:128
Wild Bill and His Era: The Life and Adventures of James Butler Hickock (Connelley), rev. of, 7:228-229
Wild Horses and Gold (Page), rev. of, 7:184
Wild Men of the West (Sabin), rev. of, 4:146
Wild Rice River, 1.4:9; 2:104, 183, 198, 200, 210, 212, 253
Wilder, Amherst, H., 10:23, 43n. 101
Wilder and Company, 10:24. See also Amherst H. Wilder.
Wilgus, Curtis, rev. of, 8:309-310
Wilhelm, Prince Paul, duke of Wurtenburg, 1.3:13, 14
Wilkes, Captain, 1.2:25
Wilkie, Augustine, 2:123
Wilkins, A. R., 2:140
Wilkinson, Gen. James, 3:33, 35, 39, 88; Mahlon, 7:118
Will and Benly, ranchers, 8:299
Will, George F., 1.1:16, 22; 1.2:71; 3:213; 4:60, 63; articles by, 3:50-65; 4:247-265; 5:38-48; 7:150-161; 8:3-23, 179-183; 11:272-281; reviews by, 8:132, 132-133, 310; 10:207; 11:284-285
Will, George P., and Thad C. Hecker, article by, 11:5-126
Willamette River, 1.3:59
Willard, A. M., rev. of, 1.1:65; president of the Burlington railroad, 1.3:59
Willard and Goodykoontz, eds., rev. of, 5:143
Willcox, Peter F., 1.1:73, 74
William, Gen. E. A., 2:143
William III, 5:197, 204, 208, 210, 213-218
William Robinson, steamboat, 1.2:69, 2:216
Williams, Chauncey, Dickson's grandson, 3:203; Forrest, Dickson's grandson, 203; Helen, Dickson's granddaughter, 203; Luther, Dickson's grandson, 203
Williams County Farmers Press, 1.3:74; 1.4:69; 3:145, 213; 4:57, 58
Williams County, N.Dak., 1.4:72
Williams County Newsman, 1.3:74
Williams, Gen. Erastus A., 4:198; Lt. G. A, 239; D. D., ranch of, 7:192
Williams village site, 11:103
Williamsburg Assembly, 1.2:34
Williamson, Rev. T. S., 6:220
Willis A. Gorman Post, G. A. R., 2:218
Willis, Jack, rev. of, 6:324-325
Williston, N.Dak., 1.4:33, 72; market for Hofflund settlement, 5:36
Willoughby, Amherst, partner in stagecoach line, 6:44
Willoughby and Powers stagecoach line, 6:44
Willow Creek, stage station, 3:234
Willow River, 1.3:17, 20, 21
Willson, Beckles (author), 6:111
Wilmot, Allen, trader, 3:24-29, 39, 91
Wilson, Capt., 1.3:44; Alexander, American Ornithology, 1.4:20, 21, 22, 26; P., Indian agent at Fort Kiowa, 4:21, 45; J. P., firm of St. Louis, 6:54; Winchell, Dr. N. H., 6:295, 297; Xavier, 10:8, 32, 38n. 48; Gilbert L., field notes of, 11:67
Winchester, Judge Walter H., 1.1:32; 1.2:68
Wind, as an agent in landscape formation, 10:253-254
Wind River reservation, Wyoming, 1.3:15
Windom, Sen. William, 7:26
Windsor, member of Lewis and Clark, expedition, 1.4:34
Winegar, Robert, 6:224
Wing River, 2:251
Wing, Stephen, Durfee and Peck employee, 10:23, 27, 95, 103, 122n. 143
Winnebago Indians, 3:88, 99, 107, 109, 110, 183, 200; 6:218
Winnipeg and Western Transportation company, 2:118
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1.1:77; 1.4:37, 51, 60; 2:30, 31, 54, 55, 114-118, 140, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 213. See also Fort Garry.
Winnipeg River, 2:170, 3:211
Winona and St. Peter Railroad Company, 6:52
Winona and St. Peter line of the Northwestern railroad, 4:82
Winona, Minn., 2:121
Winship, George B., 1.2:72, 6:228
Winston Bros., 1.3:53
Winston, Tom, scout, 5:80, 81
“Winter of 1807-1808 at Pembina, North Dakota: Alexander Henry's Journal of the Weather,” 5:239-247
Winter, William H., rev. of 7:66-67
Wintering River, 2:257, 4:246
Wirt, Rev. ____, 4:95
Wirth, Fremont P., writer, 1.3:72
“Wisconsin and Other Notes,” 2:58-59
Wisconsin Archeological Society, 1.2:58
Wisconsin, description of, trip to, and settlement in by Thomas Slade, 1.2:63; early days in, 4:112
Wisconsin Historical Society, 2:59
Wisconsin River, 3:12, 18, 21, 25, 38, 39, 84, 86, 95, 109
Wise, Jennings C., rev. of, 6:326-327; review by, 328-330
Wisenberg, M., 6:227
Wishek, Mrs. J. H., 2:139
Wishram, Ore., 1.1:52
Witcher Company, 5:82
Witcher, Ephrim, 5:82; N. L., 82; ____, 6:304
With Pen and Pencil on the Frontier in 1851: The Diary and Sketches of Frank Blackwell Mayer (Heilbron), 7:58-59
Witt, Frank, 6:228
Wittke, Carl, review by, 7:177-179
Wolf Pawnees of Nebraska, 4:209, 231
Wolseley, Col., 6:34, 129, 130
Women's Relief Corps, 1.3:75
Wood Lake, 1.3: 41, 5:116
Wood, Major, 2:52; W. H., 144; G. W., 5:72; J. A., 6:317
Wood River, 1.4:14
Woodburn, James A., writer, 1.1:79
Woodman, George F., 1.1:30, 32
Woodpecker, observed by Audubon, 10:69
Woods Hills, 4:12, 13, 50
Woodsmen, George F., 8:297
Woodvine, A. C., 4:191, 193
Woolly, Col., 4:53
Woonsocket, 4:95, 96
Worecore (Warecore), 4:32
World War I: and the treatment of German-Americans, 8:97-99; celebration of victory by Dakota Indians, 9:167-173
World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, Dakota exhibit at, 7:22
Worthington and Sioux Falls railway, 4:82
Wounded Knee, massacre at, 10:194
Wovoka, Paiute Indian prophet, 10:139, 193
Wragg, Lt. Samuel, 4:25, 48
Wray, clerk at Fort Union, 1.2:42
Wright, Beverly, & Company, 3:287
Wright, Dana., 1.1:72; 1.2: 72; 1.4:6, 96; articles by, 1.3:30-45; 1.4:5-13; Gen., 1.2:20, 21; Kenneth, 1.4:6; Col. G., 2:162; Dana, article by, 2:120-128; W. H., special correspondent for the Sioux City Weekly Journal, 5:89; Col. Dana, 7:155; Lewis, 7:218-224, 227
Writing Rock, 1.4:10
Wrong, George M., review by, 7:62-63
Wrong, Hume, rev. of, 2:149
Wybrant, H. P., 2:214; J., 215
Wykoff, N.Dak., 4:113
Wyman, magician at Fort Berthold, 10:83-86
Wynkoop, Maj., 6:314
Wyoming, 1.2:41


X Y Company, 2:54, 150, 168, 171
Yager, George, 2:215; Willard E., rev. of, 146-147
Yankton, D.T., 4:17, 92; county, 98; assistance to immigrants, 7:15-16; territorial capital, 7:27, 28, 115, 130-133, 145
Yankton Indian agency, 1.1:79, 2:90; 3:234, 238
Yankton Indians, 3:14, 15; 5:159, 163; 6:266
Yankton Press and Dakotian, 3:167n, 239, 249
Yankton, S.Dak., 1.1:20; 1.2:35, 36, 74; 1.3:32; 2:88, 90, 131, 132, 136; 3:160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 168, 170, 171, 234, 238, 241
Yankton Weekly Dakotian, 3:234
Yankton-Pierre stage route, 3:245
Yanktonnais Sioux, 3:14, 109; 4:9, 21, 22, 48, 76, 164, 170, 208, 209, 214
Yeager, Jacob, 6:79
Yelle, James, 2:215; N., 2:201, 215
Yellow Bird, 4:249, 250
Yellow Earth River, 1.3:38; 5:111
Yellow Medicine, 1.3:41
Yellow Medicine River, 5:105, 116
Yellow, The, Indian hunter, 2:27
Yellow. See The Yellow.
Yellow-headed Blackbird, observed by Audubon, 10:65
Yellowstone expedition of 1825, 4:5, 10; 5:221, 238; perspective on, 219-238
Yellowstone Kelly, mail-carrier, 4:166, 6:75
Yellowstone National Park 232
Yellowstone River, 1.2:35, 40, 41; 1.3:10, 56; 1.4:34, 36; 2:88, 97, 239; 3:159, 162, 268; 4:5, 8, 40-44, 73, 75, 234, 235, 239
Yellowstone, steamboat, 3:159, 275; 6:77, 224
Yeoyer, Professor A. F., 4:115
York Factory, 1.4:54, 57, 58; 3:95, 102, 113, 173
York, Negro servant of Capt. Clark, 1.1:9; 1.4:14
Young, Capt. Augustus B., 2:102, 103, 105, 106; A. M., 56; Capt. Jesse B., 102, 103, 105, 106, 114, 127, 215; Mrs., 129; A. R., 3:174; Jesse B., 174, 177; Sir John (Governor General of Canada), 6:31, 117, 122-127, 141; R. H., 228; Capt. Augustus R., 9:69-70; Jessie B., 69-71, 76; Farmer, rancher, 8:299
Young Man's Butte, 1.3:51, 52, 54
Young Smoke, Indian chief, 4:19
Young Two Bears, Sioux chief, 4:218, 225
Yule, N.Dak., 1.1:29
Zahl, Doc, rancher, 8:300
Zahn, Frank, 1.2:68
Zarracker, B. J., sheriff, 9:29
Zenith Magazine, 1.2:71
Zetterberg, Mrs. Mary, 1.1:72
Ziner, Paul and Ole, ranchers, 8:299

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