Title: Frank B. Fiske
Dates: 1869-1947
Collection Number: 1952
Quantity: 7893 items
Abstract: Includes prints and negatives of portraits, agriculture, education, wildlife, hunting, Frank Fiske studio portraits, and some views of South Dakota. Fiske’s Native American photographs include portraits, Indian gatherings and ceremonies, boarding schools, Indian houses and dwellings, and Native American agriculture. Fiske’s documentation of daily life on the reservation includes such shots as Sioux customers waiting for a Fort Yates trading store to open; a Sioux dance in the streets of Fort Yates; a plow issue before the agency boarding school; an encampment of tipis, including those traditionally painted; and three Indian men being taxied off the reservation to join the army in WWI.
Provenance: The collection was donated by Fiske's daughter, Francine L. Peters, on July 28, 1971. The biographical sketch was written by Frank Vyzralek for the ND Heritage Foundation in December 1982.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code or an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related Collections: Frank Fiske Photograph Collections (Collection numbers: 1952, 18, 35, 47, 70, 82, 98, 99, 149, 150, 197, 232, 245, 463, 581, 583, 584, 585, 586, 617, 618, A8, A2077, A2311, A7145, A7146, B1038, C1588, 2005-P-011, 2005-P-012,).
Mrs. Angela (Cournoyer) Fiske Photograph Collections (00465 and A3468).
Francine Fiske Photograph Collection (2009-P-039)
Angela Cournoyer Fiske. Papers, 1850-1895; 1923 (MSS 20406)
Brochure on Frank Fiske Photography (50327).
Raymond V. Reed. Oral History Interview (Tape 1200).
Angela Fiske. Interview (Oral History Collection, Tape 1299).
Numerous artifacts among Museums' collections, including (but not limited to): Fiske's cameras and equipment, photographs, and Indian artifacts.
By Frank Vyzralek
Frank Bennett Fiske was a rarity among those American photographers whose work has centered upon the American Indian. Unlike most such artists, Fiske was a native of the Dakotas and grew up with many of those people who later became subjects for his camera on the reservation lands bordering the Missouri River. The Sioux Indian people of the Standing Rock agency were friends, neighbors - a part of his life and upbringing.
The son of a soldier, Fiske was born June 11, 1883 at the military post of Fort Bennett (from whence came his middle name), about 30 miles north of Pierre, South Dakota, on the west bank of the Missouri. After an abortive fling at ranching, George Fiske hired on as a civilian wagon master with the U.S. Army and in the spring of 1889 moved to Fort Yates, North Dakota, where the military post coexisted with the Standing Rock Indian agency headquarters. During the decade that followed, Frank Fiske attended school both at the fort and at the boarding school for Indian children. His summers were spend herding cows for families at the post, practicing his violin, working as a cabin boy on the river boats and helping out at the post photograph gallery.
Fiske's boyhood ambition was to be a steamboat pilot and after being hired as a cabin boy he worked diligently to learn the trade. Unfortunately, boating on the Missouri River was then in its waning days; Fort Yates was an important river point only because it didn't have a railroad and was the destination of considerable government freight. Nonetheless, Fiske spent many summer hours on the river and came to know its ever-changing bends and shoals intimately.
Photography was another absorbing interest and the young Frank Fiske devoted much time to learning the business from S. T. "Dick" Fansler, operator of the post studio at Fort Yates. Most nineteenth century Army installations had such galleries usually the buildings were government property and were made available to the first photographer, transient or otherwise, who asked for its use. The Fort Yates studio had been occupied in the past by such distinguished artists as David F. Barry and Orlando Geoff. During October, 1899 Fiske learned his mentor, Fansler, would not return and successfully won permission from the commanding officer to occupy the building the following spring. Through several months short of his seventeenth birthday, Frank Fiske in 1900 had a photographic studio of his very own.
Business was good until 1903 when the military post of Fort Yates was closed down. With great expectations and even greater enthusiasm Fiske opened a studio at Bismarck; by March, 1905, he was back home again, having learned that competing with experienced photographers was far different from operating a monopoly within the narrow confines of a military post. Chastened, he concentrated on learning his craft better and began making portrait studies of the Indian, men, women and children on the Standing Rock agency. As time went on he became proficient in posing his subjects effectively and his collection of negatives grew.
At the same time his interest in the culture and history of the Sioux people developed and he began reading all he could find on the subject as well as interviewing any of the reservation old-timers who would talk to him. By 1917 he felt knowledgeable enough to publish The Taming of the Sioux, his own story of the tribe's history. Fiske's attitudes toward the Sioux, as demonstrated by his writing were generally sympathetic though probably not far different from those of most whites who were in daily contact with the tribesmen. While chafing at the government bureaucracy that grew up in the name of administering Indian affairs, he applauded the firm hand of the military which forced the Indians back to their reservations following the Ghost Dance uprising of the early 1890's. With the Army in charge "they could not remain sulky and stubborn any longer," he wrote approvingly.
Fiske saw the Standing Rock Sioux of 1917 as "good natured people" who were "not at all dissatisfied with their lot in life." He concluded his book with the opinion that "from now on the history of this once great nation promises to be very prosaic and uninteresting, indeed." These are attitudes not untypical for their day for they go far to explain why Fiske rarely photographed the Sioux in anything but the clothing and stances of the Stalwart Nineteenth Century American Indian. Caught up in the romantic residue of what had been a brutal and difficult era in American history, Fiske labored to recreate through his photograph and writings only those memories which portrayed the Indian as the noble aboriginal warrior of the misty past.
While the photography business and his studies of Indian history took up much of his time, Fiske also worked as an assistant pilot on the riverboats operated by Isaac P. Baker of Bismarck whenever his services were required from 1912 to the end of the decade. In 1918, after his attempts to enlist in the World War I army were rejected due to his age, Fiske importuned Baker to let him accompany the river steamer Scarab on a voyage down the Missouri to St. Louis during which he made a remarkable series of photos of the river in an era when it was little used as an artery of transportation. Upon arrival in St. Louise Fiske enlisted at Jefferson Barracks and was accepted but his romantic fantasies of fighting overseas were dashed. He spent the months until war's end training as a machine gunner.
In 1919 he married Angela Cournoyer, a South Dakotan descended from the fur trader Joseph Picotte. The two had known each other since 1908 when Angela visited her sister, a teacher at the Standing Rock boarding school. Angela had degrees from Haskell Institute, the University of South Dakota and the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. Following the wedding the couple settled down at Fort Yates where Angela soon found work as a substitute teacher at the reservation school. In 1921 their daughter, Francine, was born.
Business at the Fort Yates studio, with its small clientele, was never profitable enough to afford a comfortable living and now with a family to provide for Frank Fiske took what work was available. Appointed Sioux County Auditor, he served three years and was then elected to a two-year term as County Treasurer. Fiske found indoor work of that sort too confining so in 1925 the family moved the studio to McLaughlin, South Dakota, where they were in business until 1928. The following year, Frank took over Fort Yates' weekly newspaper, the Sioux County Pioneer-Arrow; the paper became sort of a family pet project for the next decade. Francine did a stint as editor during 1938-1939.
Music played an important role in the life of the Fiske family. Frank's early training on the violin made him a talented musician whose forte was the old-time "fiddling" music popular among the residents around Fort Yates. During the teens he and his sister Laura formed the nucleus of a small orchestra that played for dances, parties, and similar occasions. Angela was also an accomplished musician and she joined the band which became an important source of extra income.
Angela's interest in drama and music prompted the couple to organize plays in Fort Yates using local amateur actors. After several successes they produced "The Cry of Lone Eagle," for which Angela had written the script in 1921. With a cast made up largely of Standing Rock Indians the play toured the Dakotas and was taken to the National Folk Festival in Chicago. Another year they produced a play based on the life of Sakakawea, the Indian woman who guided Lewis and Clark across the Rocky Mountains.
Frank also found time to continue his studies of the region's past. His second book, The Life and Death of Sitting Bull, was a work of more than passing interest since he had seen, as a youngster, the Sioux leader being buried in the military cemetery at Fort Yates. In the years following World War II he gathered data for further manuscripts, including planned histories of Fort Yates and the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. During June, 1947 he combined his interest in the romantic past with his river boating experience when he and a young Fort Yates teacher, Bill Lemmons, canoed from the confluence of the Little Big Horn and Big Horn Rivers near Hardin, Montana, to the Missouri and down to Bismarck and Fort Yates. The long and difficult journey was made in order to gain insights into the experience of steamboat captain Grant Marsh, who ran the steamer Far West over the same route in the aftermath of the 1876 Little Big Horn battle.
While Frank Fiske's portraits of the Standing Rock Sioux have been well known to collectors and historians, they only gradually became familiar to the general public. Exhibitions, combined with information lectures on Sioux culture and history, such as that held in conjunction with Bismarck's annual art week in the fall of 1948 served to spread his fame. Finally, during 1950, he was honored for his Indian portraits by being made the recipient of the North Dakota Art Award. A scant two years later Frank Fiske was dead. A 1950 heart attack sent him to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Fargo for extended treatment and convalescence; a second, fatal, attack occurred in the summer of 1952 and he passed away at a Bismarck hospital on July 18.
Several years after his death the bulk of Frank Fiske's historic and Indian photographs were transferred to the State Historical Society of North Dakota in Bismarck and eventually became the property of that agency.
1952-0001 First station on Milwaukee Railroad west of Missouri River, Wakpala (SD) August 17, 1906
1952-0002 Benton and Ida Steamboats
1952-0003 State Superintendents of schools convention, Fort Yates (ND) July 25, 1922
1952-0004 Benton and Ida Steamboats
1952-0005 Military post, Headquarters, cavalry, barrack, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0006 Fiske Studio
1952-0007 Standing Rock
1952-0008-1 – 2 Benton and Ida Steamboats
1952-0009 Sun Dance, copy of Catlin drawing
1952-0010 Michka (Sculptor)
1952-0011 Indian Police mounted
1952-0012 Sitting Bull's grave, Old Post Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0013 Northern Pacific Bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0014 The Standing Rock and seated Indian woman
1952-0015 Sioux Indian camp
1952-0016 Porcupine quill exhibit at fair
1952-0017 Corn show First Annual mid-winter fair, Fort Yates (ND) March 18, 1931
1952-0018 Ed (Albert) Lean Elk, Ben Gray Hawk and Albert Grass before leaving to join the US Army, Fort Yates (ND) March 29, 1918
1952-0019 Sundance from Catlin drawing
1952-0020 Standing Rock with post building in back
1952-0021 Wickham Mercantile Co., Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0022 July 4th parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0023 Fiske Studio exterior, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0024 Michka (Sculptor)
1952-0025 Standing Rock
1952-0026 Military post, tearing down cavalry barracks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0027 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0028 Fort Rice (ND)
1952-0029 Expansion Steamboat
1952-0030 Capitol (old), Bismarck (ND)
1952-0031 Fiske Studio interior
1952-0032 Fiske photo display
1952-0033 Standing Rock
1952-0034 Capitol (old), Bismarck (ND)
1952-0035 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0036 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graybear July 30, 1916
1952-0037 George Fiske home, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0038 Congregational Mission; Church and School September 4, 1908
1952-0039 Joe Keeps Eagle
1952-0040 First Communion, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0041 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0043 Shilery grading camp
1952-0044 E. D. Mossman
1952-0045 Harry Poor Dog
1952-0046 Horses
1952-0047 Harry Graybear and Mary Standing Soldier wedding, Fort Yates (ND) July 30, 1916
1952-0048 Catholic Church at Mad Bear's camp near Wakpala (SD)
1952-0049 Northern Pacific bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0050 Railway Station, McIntosh (SD)
1952-0051 President McKinley
1952-0052 Buffalo robe presented to Theodore Roosevelt by John Grass ca. 1901-1909
1952-0053 F. Y. Batchelor
1952-0054 Sitting Bull's Grave composite postcard
1952-0055 Fannie B. Williams
1952-0056 Superintendent C. C. Covey and Indian Police Force, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0057 Parkins Ranch, Cannonball (ND)
1952-0058 Plow issue, Fort Yates ND
1952-0059 Sister Odelia
1952-0060 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0061 Shields (ND)
1952-0062 Horse Corral
1952-0063 Frank Fiske
1952-0064 – 65 Francine Fiske
1952-0066 Heating plant, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0067 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-0068 8th Cavalry Christmas dinner, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0069 Indian camp, Fort Yates (DT)
1952-0070 Indian dance in front of the Big Store, Fort Yates (ND) July 4, 1908
1952-0071 McLaughlin (SD) June 10, 1909
1952-0072 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0073 One Bull
1952-0074 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-0075 Company B football team 1900
1952-0076 US Army Transport Meade
1952-0077 Catch the Eagle Buttes near Wakpala (SD)
1952-0078 Indian camps and bluffs, Bull Head (SD)
1952-0079 Memorial services at Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0080 Jack Carignan
1952-0081 Indian camp
1952-0082 Indian dance
1952-0083 Wakpala (SD)
1952-0084 Catholic Church and cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0085 George Fiske
1952-0086 Laura Fiske seated in Fiske Tent Studio 1905
1952-0087 Standing Rock; Indian Band
1952-0088 Two Gun Hart with confiscated stills
1952-0089 Interior of soldier's quarters, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0090 Martin Kenel School Standing Rock Agency, Kenel (SD)
1952-0091 Fair, Exhibit hall
1952-0092 Cattle in yard
1952-0093 – 94 Tipi and frame dwelling below agency, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0095 Tipi
1952-0096 Indian agency section, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0097 Fort Abraham Lincoln, Mandan (ND)
1952-0098 Indian dance
1952-0099 Indians dancing in front of Hokanson's, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0100 Forming Decoration Day parade, Fort Yates (ND) 1904
1952-0101 Big barn after cyclone, Fort Yates (ND) July 1943
1952-0101 Northern Pacific Railroad Station, Bismarck (ND) 1910
1952-0102 Masquerade
1952-0103 Wagon issue, Fort Yates (ND) October 3, 1909
1952-0104 Steamboat Benton
1952-0105 Standing Rock Indian Reservation
1952-0106 Washburn steamboat
1952-0107 Blockhouse and Magazine, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0108 Roping
1952-0109 Fort Yates (ND) winter 1910
1952-0110 Race track July 4, 1908
1952-0111 Frank Fiske portrait
1952-0112 Arthur Burke
1952-0113 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0114 Carignan house and Big store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0115 Fairgrounds, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0116 White Bull
1952-0117 Joe No Heart
1952-0118 Parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0119 Catholic Church interior, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0120 Rain-in-the-Face profile
1952-0121 Rain-in-the-Face full face portrait without regalia
1952-0122 Buffalo hide
1952-0123 – 124 One Bull
1952-0125 Joe No Heart
1952-0126 John Grass
1952-0127 Steamer F. Y. Batchelor
1952-0128 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-0129 Carignan family
1952-0130 Black Bear
1952-0131 – 133 Tipi
1952-0134 Mr. and Mrs. Max Laemtz, Selfridge (ND)
1952-0135 Frank Fiske
1952-0136 George Fiske
1952-0137 Tipi
1952-0138 Parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0139 Soldiers on parade ground, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0140 Mrs. Looking Back
1952-0141 Looking south to Ghost Hill, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0142 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0143 Haying, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0144 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-0145 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-0146 Little Eagle
1952-0147 Little Eagle
1952-0148 Agency office building, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0149 – 150 Grass, John
1952-0151 Gall
1952-0152 – 153 Gray Whirlwind
1952-0154 Tipi
1952-0154 Francine Fiske
1952-0155 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-0156 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-0157 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-0158 Officers row in snow, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0159 8th Cavalry Mess Hall, Fort Yates (ND) May 24, 1894
1952-0160 – 161 Catholic Church interior
1952-0162 Corn shocks, boarding school in background, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0163 Infantry barracks and post hall, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0164 Horse in corral
1952-0165 Mobridge (SD)
1952-0166 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0167 McLaughlin (SD) May 2, 1910
1952-0168 Milwaukee passenger train
1952-0169 Kenel (SD)
1952-0170 Agency buildings, winter scene, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0171 Northern Pacific Bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0172 Bull Head (SD)
1952-0173 Fairgrounds after parade, Fort Yates (ND) October 5, 1906
1952-0174 Bull Head (SD)
1952-0175 George Fiske
1952-0176 Horses; roping
1952-0177 Horses; roping
1952-0178 McLaughlin (SD) October 25, 1909
1952-0179 Branding cattle
1952-0180 Standing Rock
1952-0181 Standing Rock fair exhibits 1931
1952-0182 Joe No Heart
1952-0183 Starting the first building on the town site, Fort Yates (ND) February 7, 1910
1952-0184 George Fiske home interior, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0185 Winter scene, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0186 White Bull
1952-0187 Mrs. Looking Back
1952-0188 Agency office before other agency buildings built, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0189 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0190 Catholic Church interior
1952-0191 Black Prairie dog
1952-0192 Starting the first building on the town site, Fort Yates (ND) February 7, 1910
1952-0193 Joe No Heart
1952-0194 White Bull
1952-0195 Winter scene
1952-0196 President McKinley
1952-0197 Indian dance
1952-0198 Fiske Indian display
1952-0199 Shields (ND)
1952-0200 Mato 1906
1952-0201 Rain-in-the-Face profile
1952-0202 Horse
1952-0203 Agency Buildings, winter scene, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0204 Fiske Studio exterior
1952-0205 Forming the parade, Fort Yates (ND) July 4, 1908
1952-0206 Sister Prudencia
1952-0207 Sister Modesta
1952-0208 Sister Walburger
1952-0209 Sister Rahbana
1952-0210 Ed Afraid of Hawk
1952-0211 Sister Leoba
1952-0212 Jack Carignan on horse
1952-0213 Dismantling the barracks, Fort Yates (ND) 1906
1952-0214 Maude Black
1952-0215 Lucille Van Solen
1952-0216 W. H. Robinson's store (Big Store), Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0217 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast
1952-0218 Boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0219 McIntosh (SD)
1952-0220 Frank Fiske portrait
1952-0221 Northern Pacific bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0222 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0223 Flag pole, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0224 Flood time, Missouri River, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0225 Steamer Benton
1952-0226 Charles Kupitz
1952-0227 James Gayton
1952-0228 Catholic Church
1952-0229 Wakpala (SD)
1952-0230 Congregational Mission
1952-0231 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0232 Indian dance
1952-0233 Capitol (old), Bismarck (ND)
1952-0234 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0235 Loon
1952-0235 President McKinley
1952-0236 Black Bull
1952-0237 Battle of the Little Big Horn, copy of an 1896 lithograph
1952-0238 – 239 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-0240 Old hospital and boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0241 Mobridge (SD)
1952-0242 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0243 Missouri River 1910
1952-0244 Horses
1952-0245 Indian dance
1952-0246 Agency mess hall, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0247 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0248 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND), George Fiske painting
1952-0249 Fort Abraham Lincoln, Mandan (ND)
1952-0250 Griffith, D. G.
1952-0251 – 025 Northern Pacific Railroad grade north of Fort Yates (ND) 1909
1952-0253 Part of Shirley outfit at work on NP grade, Fort Yates (ND) June 17, 1906
1952-0254 – 0255 Northern Pacific Railroad grade north of Fort Yates (ND) 1909
1952-0256 Carignan family in front of Agent’s house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0257 Government Snag Boat Mandan
1952-0258 Putting up ice from the Missouri River at Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0259 Chief clerk's house Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0260 Cass Conger’s 60th wedding anniversary, Choteau Creek
1952-0261 Soldiers on parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0262 Little Shield family
1952-0263 Demolishing buildings, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0265 Oak Creek near Wakpala (SD)
1952-0266 Fort Yates football team
1952-0268 Fort Yates football team, Standing Rock Warriors, 1941-1942
1952-0269 First Communion group on church steps
1952-0270 Robert Grass, Gray Hawk, No Heart, Father Bernard, Father Ambrose and Louis Endres
1952-0272 Mrs. James McLaughlin. Photo by S. J. Fansler, Fort Yates
1952-0273 Sister Kunigundus’s sewing class
1952-0274 ‘Going Some’ Soldier driving a horse drawn wagon
1952-0275 First Communion Class of 1916
1952-0276 Gray Whirlwind
1952-0278 Bill Gayton
1952-0279 School staff, Kenel (SD): Mrs. Moses Wilkie, Moses Wilkie, ___Spear, Miss Williams, ___Stewart
1952-0280 Group seated on steps includes Joe Wells and his wife Edna
1952-0281 Major Belden’s living room, group dressed in Asian clothes July 30, 1906
1952-0282 Two ladies on horses
1952-0283 Two men on horses, one is Bill Claymore
1952-0285 Soldier on horse in front of military hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0287 Baseball team, Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1904: Joseph Yellow, Jack Carignan mascot, John Little Crow, Asa Little Crow, Dan Howard, Ben White, John Treetop, Robert High Eagle, James Weasel Bear, Daniel Stoneman, J. M. Carignan, Sr.
1952-0288 Military band
1952-0289 Nuns and students outside of Martin Kenel School, south of Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0290 Group, Fort Yates (ND): Lawrence Carignan, Leo Witzleben, Agnes Witzleben, Mrs. Carignan, Margaret Carignan, J. M. Carignan, Sr., Mr. E. C. Witzleben, Mrs. Bauman, Hermine Witzleben, J. M. Carignan, Jr., Mary Watson, Ben Reger, Jean Witzleben, Oscar Bauman, and Laura T. Fiske
1952-0294 Mr. and Mrs. Conger and relatives, 60th wedding anniversary
1952-0295 First auto at Standing Rock May 1905: Mr. DeBoer, Governor Sarles, Soo Railway Superintendent Derrick, Rep. Wolpert
1952-0297 Mrs. Smee, Miss Fredette, Lucille Van Solen, Louise Van Solen, Alma Parkins and group of ladies in front of church, maybe at Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-0300 Delegates to Black Hills Association Meeting from Standing Rock Reservation 1912: includes Red Tomahawk, John Grass, Tom Frosted, Bernard Standing Soldier
1952-0302 Alice Two Shield (Mrs. Mike Ice)
1952-0304 Dr. Charles Eastman, Jean Witzleben, Hermine Witzleben in front of Witzleben home
1952-0305 Indian Police, Fort Yates (ND): Jesse Slater, Two Shields, Has Tricks, Paul Brave, and Captain Tom Frosted
1952-0306 James Gayton family
1952-0307 Father Martin Kenel speaking, Memorial Day, Fort Yates (ND), 1903
1952-0308 Indian Police: Standing Soldier, Major J. M. Carignan, James All Yellow, Fearless, Owns Medicine
1952-0310 Officer in uniform
1952-0311 Boarding School, Kenel (SD)
1952-0312 Catholic Church First communicants, Fort Yates (ND) 1902
1952-0313 Officer in uniform, see 0310
1952-0314 Standing Rock Cow Boys
1952-0315 Group of men drinking Schlitz beer
1952-0316 Indian military unit
1952-0317 1st Squad Troop ‘F’ 3rd Cavalry
1952-0318 Congregational Mission meeting, Dr. Riggs with band in front 1908
1952-0319 Barracks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0320 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guyther and Iven, Paul, Roberta, Bert and Ben Guyther
1952-0321 Farewell party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller at Agency Hall, Fort Yates (ND) April 20, 1910
1952-0323 Sisters of St. Benedict Boarding School, Fort Yates (ND): Sister Odelia, Sister Leoba, Sister Rahbana, Sister Christina, Sister Cherubim, Sister Edith, Sister Modesta, Sister Walburger
1952-0323 Father Francis and Leo Weasel Bear
1952-0324 Patient in bed
1952-0325 Three people on horses
1952-0326 Mrs. Basil Two Bears formerly Annie Alkaire
1952-0327 Father Ambrose, Chasing Bear, Father Bernard
1952-0328 Eighth Grade Graduates, Standing Rock Boarding School, Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-0330 Students lined up to go into school, someone rings the school bell
1952-0331 John Gayton
1952-0332 Group of women and girls at the George Fiske home reading and tatting lace
1952-0333 Fort Yates Agency office interior
1952-0334 Turkey Track Bill Molash, Jack McLaughlin
1952-0335 Indian family in a striped tent
1952-0336 St. Peter’s Church altar boys, Fort Yates (ND) April 23, 1911
1952-0337 Troop ‘F’ 3rd Cavalry
1952-0338 Teachers present at Institute held at Standing Rock Agency September 24-25, 1903
1952-0339 Indian Police: Jesse Ice, Two Shields, Has Tricks, Paul Brave, Tom Frosted
1952-0340 Eighth Cavalry band, Fort Meade (SD), Fiorello LaGuardia is one of the band members
1952-0341 School children Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0342 Military wagon in front of Post blacksmith, carpentry and paint shop; Hank Long, muleskinner, on the mules
1952-0343 Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Witzleben and group in front of school
1952-0344 Students at desks in classroom
1952-0346 Civil War veterans in front of Commanding Officer’s Quarters
1952-0347 Chapel and the meeting tent
1952-0348 John Pleets family
1952-0349 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0350 Indian Police: Jesse Ice, Paul Brave, Has Tricks, Tom Frosted, Two Shields
1952-0351 Officer in uniform
1952-0352 Annual banquet of C. O. F., Fort Yates (ND) 1917 (Catholic Order of Foresters)
1952-0353 Elk Horn Church at Little Eagle (SD)?
1952-0358 Herbert Keeps Eagle in a taxi at the Standing Rock monument before leaving to join US Army March 29, 1918
1952-0359 First Communion Class, Standing Rock Agency Boarding School April 23, 1911
1952-0360 Standing Rock Indian Band
1952-0361 Superintendent C. C. Covey and Standing Rock Agency staff 1912
1952-0362 Baseball game-Fort Yates vs Linton
1952-0363 Infantry barracks and soldiers, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0364 Father Bernard Strassmeier and Catholic Church altar boys, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0365 Students lined up outside school, see 0330
1952-0366 Military cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0369 Baseball team, Fort Yates (ND) 1906: Roy Spangler, Joe Yellow, Joseph Pleets, Dan Howard, Jake White Eagle, Joe Red Fox, Sidney Bears Heart, Charlie Thunder Hawk, George Demers, Asa Little Crow
1952-0370 Soldiers in quarters, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0371 Gayton family: Mr. and Mrs. James Gayton, Mrs. Amy Gayton Bruce, Mrs. Charlie Archambault, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gayton, Abby Gayton White and Ben White
1952-0372 Citizenship Celebration December 18, 1917. Francis Bull Head shoots the last arrow to take up the plow for farming
1952-0373 Conrad Buffalo Boy family: Conrad Buffalo Boy, Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr., Mrs. Conrad Buffalo Boy, Josephine White Cloud, Mrs. Herbert Buffalo Boy, Agatha and Laura Buffalo Boy
1952-0374 Jim Brown at Gwyther House, Fort Rice (ND)
1952-0375 Old White Woman, Father Francis, Philip Shooter, and Thief
1952-0376 Catholic Order of Foresters, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0377 Interior view of R. S. McLaughlin Store, McLaughlin (SD) 1910
1952-0378 Gwyther House, Fort Rice (ND)
1952-0379 Bull Head (SD)
1952-0382 Ghost Hill, south of Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0383 St. Mary’s Church interior
1952-0384 Branding horses
1952-0385 Witzleben party August 20, 1912
1952-0386 Men and women camping with tents
1952-0388 Church interior
1952-0389 R. L. McLaughlin store interior, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0391 Frank Waggoner, Agency carpenter
1952-0392 John Buckley at Gwyther home, Fort Rice (ND)
1952-0393 Fort Yates (ND) group: Roy Spangler, Frank Fiske, Jean Witzleben, Emma York, Hermine Witzleben, and Wallace Davidson
1952-0394 Indians drumming and dancing
1952-0395 Conrad Buffalo Boy family portrait 1931
1952-0396 Father Bernard and altar boys, Fort Yates Easter 1919
1952-0397 Citizenship Celebration December 18, 1917. Francis Bull Head shoots the last arrow to take up the plow for farming
1952-0398 Father Hildebrand distributing Christmas presents
1952-0399 Black Prairie Dog and Gray Whirlwind
1952-0400 Sioux County teachers in attendance First Institute, Fort Yates (ND) October 1-5. Governor Frazier, Dr. Winship, State Supt. McDonald
1952-0401 Looking south at back of Officer’s Row, Fort Yates (ND). Picket fence divided reservation from Military Post
1952-0405 Children eating at the table
1952-0406 Livery and Feed, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0408 H. A. Archambault
1952-0410 No. 2 Day School and Pupils, Standing Rock Agency (ND) June 26, 1908
1952-0411 Claude C. Covey and Indian Police
1952-0412 Girls of the Standing Rock Agency Boarding School November 27, 1922
1952-0413 Students at school desks, Sister Odelia at blackboard
1952-0414 Eighth grade graduates Standing Rock Boarding School, Fort Yates (ND) 1931
1952-0415 J. M. Carignan and George Beaulieu in Agent's office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0416 Boarding School, Kenel (SD)
1952-0417 Altar
1952-0418 Sisters of St. Benedict: Sister Petronella, Sister Cherubim, Sister Rahbano, Sister Odelia, Sister Walburger, Sister Leoba
1952-0419 Superintendent C. C. Covey and office force, Standing Rock Agency (ND)
1952-0420 Group in a car
1952-0421 “This happened at Robinson’s August 18, 1905”: Roy and Eva Robinson, Mrs. Carignan,
Laura Fiske, A. A. Anderson, Mrs. James McLaughlin, Col. I. N. Steen, Wallace Davidson, James Howard
1952-0422 Students at school desks
1952-0423 Sister Prudentia and school children
1952-0425 Col. I. N. Steen Indian Agent in Agent's office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0426 Priests 1910: Bishop Wehrle, Bishop Bush of St. Cloud, Father Ambrose, Father Bernard, Aaron McGaffey Beede, Father France
1952-0427 Back of Officer’s Row, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0428 J. M. Carignan, Roy Spangler and Wallace Davidson and unknown woman in the "Big Store" Hokanson-Turner Store Fort Yates (ND) 1900
1952-0429 W. H. Robinson Mazopiye Tanka store, McLaughlin (SD) 1910
1952-0430 R. L. McLaughlin store interior, McLaughlin (SD) 1910
1952-0431 Ball given by Troop ‘F’ 3rd Cavalry New Years Eve 1902
1952-0432 Reverend and Mrs. George Reed 50th wedding anniversary, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0433 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keogh wedding anniversary
1952-0434 “Talking Business”
1952-0435 John D. Howard, Civil War veteran, at the grave of his wife and daughter, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0436 A business meeting in the big tent at Cong. And Pres. Conference held at Standing Rock Agency Sept. 306, 1908
1952-0436B Wheeler-Patchen bridal party, Fort Yates (ND) September 7, 1939
1952-0437 Officers, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0438 Military band
1952-0439 Farewell council for Major Belden, Indian dance and feast April 1, 1911
1952-0440 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Claymore surrounded by quilts, beadwork, and parfleche ca. 1904
1952-0441 Superintendent of Livestock office, Standing Rock Agency 1910
1952-0442 Removal of bodies from the military cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0443 Georgia Morrison and J. W. McCabe in Chief clerk's office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0444 Log cabins
1952-0445 Group at the Standing Rock Monument: A. A. Anderson, Charles Eastman, Dan Urell,
____Wolbert, Col. I. N. Steen, J. M. Carignan
1952-0446 Plow issue, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0447 St. Peter’s Church altar boys, Fort Yates (ND) December 25, 1904
1952-0448 Drumming and singing
1952-0449 Boarding School flag drill
1952-0450 Students in classroom
1952-0451 21st Infantry company?
1952-0452 Reception honoring Mrs. Carignan
1952-0453 Little girl feeding a young antelope
1952-0454 Boarding school laundry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0455a Rolling bandages and knitting socks for the Red Cross, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0455 Knitting socks for the Red Cross
1952-0456 Carnival, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0457 Charles Kupitz
1952-0458 Issuing work horses
1952-0459 Standing Rock Indian Band: W. J. Parker, Asa Little Crow, George Demers, John Two Crow, Ed Young Eagle, Harry Robbins, Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr., A. J. Cassidy, Burkhardt Meier, Arthur Mandan, George J. Halsen, Joseph Huff, Francis Zahn, Charles Huber, Tom Comes Last, George Bain, Robert Bruce, Guy Jones, Robert High Eagle, Dan Howard
1952-0460 Paddle wheel boat Expansion at the river bank
1952-0461 – 0462 Charles McLaughlin
1952-0463 Robert Grass and Two Shields drumming on Dream Dance Drum, Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1900-1905
1952-0464 Bill Gayton
1952-0465 Robert Grass and Two Shields drumming on Dream Dance Drum, Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1900-1905
1952-0466 Class of Boarding School girls
1952-0467 Sister Seraphim with class of Boarding School girls
1952-0468 Studio portrait of Military men posed with guns
1952-0469 Slabtown and Proposal Hill north of Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0470 Horses loaded on riverboat Missouri
1952-0471 Laying railroad track, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0472 – 0474 Good Boy gravesite ceremony
1952-0475 Baseball game, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0476 Boarding School sewing room
1952-0477 Man standing in cornfield
1952-0478 Cavalryman on horse
1952-0479 W. J. Parker sculpting a bust of Michka
1952-0480 Mrs. James McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Sib
1952-0482 Infantry
1952-0483 Anselm Kills Crow family
1952-0485 Guests at party given by Miss Hermina Witzleben in honor of Miss Dympna Roony, Fort Yates (ND) June 30, 1910
1952-0486 James McLaughlin family
1952-0487 Sam Gayton, Herbert and John Buffalo Boy with a horse drawn sleigh
1952-0490 Jack Ramey and Jack McLaughlin
1952-0491 W. L. Belden in Superintendent’s Office, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0493 Sister Rohbana and pupils in classroom ca. 1902-1903
1952-0494 Students in front of Girls’ Dormitory ‘after all the other boarding schools closed down’
1952-0495 Group in classroom including Mary Collins, Superintendent Witzleben and Laura Fiske
1952-0497 Group outside building in Winona (ND) which was built as a courthouse, but was used as a school after Linton became the county seat
1952-0498 George C. Jewett family, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0499 Indian Chief
1952-0500 Anselm Kills Crow family
1952-0501 Officers of Standing Rock Fair Association 1918: Ben White, Robert High Eagle, J. A. Counselor, Antoine de Rockbrawn, Jerome Cottonwood, Sr., Bull Head, Gabriel Gray Eagle, Badger, Tom Frosted, Dick Ramsey, Francis Red Tomahawk, Owns Medicine, Antoine Claymore, John Grass, Clement Colhan
1952-0503 Superintendent C. C. Covey and office force, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0505 Celebration Fort Yates (ND) July 4, 1901
1952-0506 Group: Rev. Tom Ashley, Charles Gayton, W. A. Jones Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Major George Bengenheimer, Robert High Eagle, John Brown, Frank Gaters, Chalres MvLaughlin, Pius Big Shield John Tocasin, Ben White, Jon Pleets
1952-0507 Fort Yates Group: Wallace Davidson, Tom Menz, J. M. Carignan, Mrs. Clara Wells, Dan Howard, Mrs. J. M. Carignan, Hemine Witzleben, Marguerite Carignan, Joe Wells, Jean Witzleben, Dan Urell, Frank Fiske
1952-0508 Hunters dress out a deer
1952-0509 Central at the Agency at George Fisher house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0510 Officers Quarters
1952-0511 First car in Fort Yates (ND), Voss from Mandan
1952-0512 Classroom scene
1952-0513 2nd Section Co. I 21st Infantry
1952-0514 21st Infantry ‘F’ Troop: Cpl. Middleton, Cpl. Baker, Cpl. Lawrence, Sgt. Craddock, Cpl. Williamson, Sgt. Gehman, Sgt. Becker, Sgt. Joe Carpenter, Sgt. Martin, Sgt. C. G. ‘Bob’ Evans, Cpl. Morrison, Cpl. Tat, Cpl. Price, Cpl. Jensen December 1902
1952-0515 Boarding School children, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0516 3rd Infantry?
1952-0518 Major Belden and John Grass, Agent's office, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0519 3rd Squad might be able to read the rest on the glass plate
1952-0520 First Communion Class, Standing Rock Agency April 14, 1912
1952-0521 J. M. Carignan family
1952-0522 James McLaughlin family
1952-0523 Father Francis, Jim All Yellow, Swift Eagle, and Shooter, Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-0525 Sam Gayton family
1952-0526 Boarding school girls, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0527 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-0528 Reception in honor of Major W. L. Belden July 30, 1906
1952-0529 Sisters of St. Benedict: Sister Petronella, Sister Cherubim, Sister Rahbano, Sister Odelia, Sister Walburger, Sister Leoba – same image as 0418 and 0533
1952-0532 Altar boy
1952-0533 Sisters of St. Benedict: Sister Petronella, Sister Cherubim, Sister Rahbano, Sister Odelia, Sister Walburger, Sister Leoba - same image as 0418 and 0529
1952-0534 Indian Police
1952-0535 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guyther, Iven, Paul, Roberta, Bart and Ben Guyther
1952-0536 First Communion class, St. Benedict Mission, Kenel School May 27, 1917
1952-0537 Fort Yates (ND) group: Moses Wilkie, Rose Ann Wilkie, Jack Carignan, Jean Witzleben, Oscar Bauman, Mrs. Jack Carignan, J. M. Carignan, Jesse Pleets, Asa Little Crow, Joe Hughes, Dan Urell, John Helt
1952-0538 Girl scholars, Standing Rock Boarding School
1952-0541 Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr.
1952-0542 Parade, Linton (ND)
1952-0544 Small girl scholars, Standing Rock Boarding School
1952-0546 Officers of Standing Rock Fair Association: Ben White, Robert High Eagle, Tom Frosted, Red Tomahawk – see 0501
1952-0547 Taken at the Teachers’ Institute, Standing Rock Agency September 5-7, 1906
1952-0548 Graduates, Fort Yates Public School
1952-0549 Main Avenue with trolley looking west, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0550 Missouri River steamboat passing Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0551 Removing bodies from cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0552 Indian school, Bismarck (ND)
1952-0553 Issuing plow horses
1952-0554 Reverend and Mrs. George Reed 50th wedding anniversary, McLaughlin (SD) – see 0432
1952-0555 Old Fort Lincoln site, 4 miles from Bismarck (ND)
1952-0556 J. W. Carignan
1952-0557 Congregation conference September 3-6, 1908. 510 tents in this camp
1952-0558 Indian home interior
1952-0559 Horse at Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0560 Fort Yates (ND) group: Roy Spangler, Wallace Davidson’s sister, Frank Fiske, Jean Witzleben, Hermina Witzleben, Laura Fiske, Wallace Davidson, Emma York
1952-0561 IGA Store (Little Store) interior, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0562 Bull Head (SD)
1952-0563 Steamboat landing, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0564 Julia Thief and Cecelia Snow
1952-0565 – 0567 Horse
1952-0568 – 0569 Milwaukee Railroad Bridge over the Missouri River, Mobridge (SD) August 16, 1906
1952-0570 Standing Rock Indian Fair forming parade in front of grandstand
1952-0571 Standing Rock Indian Fair, awarding prizes
1952-0572 Standing Rock Indian Fair, agency exhibit
1952-0573 Standing Rock Indian Fair, prize vegetables raised on Standing Rock Reservation
1952-0574 – 0577 Standing Rock Indian Fair, vegetable exhibit
1952-0578 Portion of exhibits, First Annual Mid-winter Fair and Corn Show, Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates (ND) March 18-19, 1931
1952-0579 Bull Head Fair. Rock Creek District exhibit, Weasel Bear Exhibit First Prize for porcupine work
1952-0580 School Exhibit
1952-0581 Indian dance in front of the Big Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0582 Standing Rock Fair, quilt exhibit
1952-0583 – 0585 Indian dance in front of the Big Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0586 Indian dance in front of Hokanson-Turner store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0587 Laying track in front of W.H. Robinson's Mazopiye Tanka store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0588 – 0589 Laying track near Fiske Studio, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0590 Religious procession, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0591 Gathering at cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0592 – 0594 Horse
1952-0595 Corral and cattle
1952-0596 Fiske Studio exterior
1952-0597 Turkey Track Bill working horses
1952-0598 Working horses, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0599 Standing Rock Cow Boys – see 0314
1952-0600 Railroad crews working south of Fort Yates (ND) May 9, 1910
1952-0603 Black Prairie Dog
1952-0604 View from interior of Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0605 Indian School Bismarck (ND)
1952-0606 Men and women camping with tents - see 0386
1952-0607 Knitting socks for the Red Cross - see 0455
1952-0608 George Fiske standing in front of a painting of tipis. He was a painter of theatrical scenery in Baltimore
1952-0609 C. L. Hall in group at Congregational Indian Congress
1952-0610 Mr. and Mrs. Cass Conger’s 60th wedding anniversary, Choteau Creek
1952-0611 – 0613 Boarding School children
1952-0614 Demolishing building, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0615 Harry Poor Dog and Rose High Cat wedding
1952-0616 Men and machines clearing earth for railroad south of Fort Yates (ND)
1952-0617 – 0618 Indian dance in front of the Big Store, Fort Yates (ND)
There are no images numbered 0619-0999. The collection was received in two segments and since the number of images was unknown, numbering on the second segment was started at 1000.
1952-1000 Charles Lemon Hall and his daughter Deborah Hall
1952-1001 Part of officers row, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1002 Louis Endres
1952-1003 The old Galpin house, a historical landmark 8 miles north of Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1004 William Pamplin ‘Galvanized Yankee’
1952-1005 Parade ground in winter, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1006 Alexander McKenzie and Bull Moose Vermillion
1952-1007 William Zahn
1952-1008 Charles Urell
1952-1009-1 – 2 John Leach portrait ca. 1920. One of the guards when Lincoln lay in state, ran Mrs. Parkin’s store at Cannon Ball, County Commissioner
1952-1010 The big barn after the cyclone, Fort Yates (ND) July 19, 1943
1952-1011 Agency office, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1012 Mr. and Mrs. Chase Red Horse, Mrs. Red Horse’s name was Striped Cloud
1952-1013 Louis Sitting Bull, stepson of Sitting Bull studio portrait. Barry photo
1952-1014 Red Cloud
1952-1015 White Cloud Walking (Pte-san-mani)
1952-1016 Rosa Bear Face, first teacher at Fort Yates
1952-1017 Francis Red Tomahawk
1952-1018 Asa Jerome Red Cloud
1952-1019 Blue Thunder
1952-1020 William Zahn
1952-1021 White Bird, he held Sitting Bull’s horse
1952-1022 Henry Bull Head
1952-1023 Crow King
1952-1024 Mrs. Aaron Wells and Mrs. Thomas Reedy 1944
1952-1025 Mrs. William Halsey (Sophie Bruyere)
1952-1026 Badlands
1952-1027 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul engine
1952-1028 Father Bernard Strassmeier and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Beer
1952-1029 Gayton, family: Jim, Bill, Alice, Sam, John, Charles, and Abby Gayton, and Amy Gayton Bruce
1952-1030 Azure and Frank Fiske
1952-1031 One Feather
1952-1032 Edward Noisy Hawk
1952-1033 Mrs. Benedicta Ramsey Black Fox
1952-1034 Mr. and Mrs. Max Laemitz, Selfridge (ND)
1952-1035 Chasing Bear 1911
1952-1036 May Archambault
1952-1037 Long Soldier
1952-1038 Red Fox
1952-1039 Goose
1952-1040 J. B. Mulhern, Indian trader
1952-1041 Joe No Heart
1952-1042 Frank Gates
1952-1043 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashley
1952-1044 Steamer F. Y. Batchelor
1952-1045 Prairie fire
1952-1046 Joe Prickett
1952-1047 White Red Fox, 102 years old, taken at Cherry Creek on Cheyenne Reservation (SD)
1952-1048 Edgar Belden
1952-1049 Badlands
1952-1050 Missouri River
1952-1051 Josephine Gates Kelly, Fort Yates (ND), granddaughter of Yanktonian Chief Two Bears
1952-1052 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silk and their three children
1952-1053 Lulu (Kupitz) Anderson
1952-1054 Mrs. Alma Parkin’s funeral, Cannon Ball Ranch May 1913
1952-1055 Jack Carignan
1952-1056 Hermina (Witzleben) Carignan on graduation from Villa St. Scholastica
1952-1057 Cassy Urell
1952-1058 Roy and Grace Spangler
1952-1059 Loualla McLaughlin, Chief Clerk
1952-1060 Eugene Means
1952-1061 John Grass 1910
1952-1062 Log cabin
1952-1063 Winfield (Bull Moose) Vermillion 1931
1952-1064 Two Shields 1909
1952-1065 Mr. and Mrs. White Bull
1952-1066 John Grass
1952-1067 Gray Whirlwind
1952-1068 Missouri River
1952-1069 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1070 Charles Primeau, partner of Joseph Picotte
1952-1071 – 1072 Washington Medal
1952-1073 Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs map
1952-1074 Houseboat on the Missouri River
1952-1075 Joe Archambault
1952-1076 Dance hall at Two Shield’s camp
1952-1077 Cottonwood. Barry photo
1952-1078 Fort Yates Hotel in process of construction. Finely furnished and modern throughout 1916
1952-1079 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-1080 Government hospital Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1081 Mrs. Thomas Reedy
1952-1082 Jack Carignan
1952-1083 Mrs. Jake Halsey (Bessie Endres)
1952-1084 Jack Carignan
1952-1085 Jack Carignan, Jr. on horse
1952-1086 Jim Howard with violin
1952-1087 Eva (Griffing) Robinson
1952-1088 – 1089 Father Martin Kenel
1952-1090 Clara Wells
1952-1091 Mary Swift Elk
1952-1092 Joe Keeps Eagle
1952-1093 Rocky Buttes and Wallace Davidson
1952-1094 Mrs. Little Shield
1952-1095 Tom Frosted
1952-1096 Loualla McLaughlin
1952-1097 – 1098 Francine Fiske and Irene Turner running a printing press
1952-1099 Mrs. Good Left Hand
1952-1100 Mr. and Mrs. Loon
1952-1101 Loualla McLaughlin
1952-1102 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones
1952-1103 Francis Zahn
1952-1104 Mrs. Jack Tree Top
1952-1105 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-1106 Mrs. Shoots at Close
1952-1107 – 1108 Red Fox
1952-1109 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones
1952-1110 Roping a calf
1952-1111 Red Tomahawk
1952-1112 John Grass
1952-1113 Roping cattle
1952-1114 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Urell wedding photo
1952-1115 Ruth Goodrow First Communion
1952-1116 Father Martin Kenel
1952-1117 Charles McLaughlin and Robert Patchen
1952-1118 Charles McLaughlin
1952-1119 Mrs. Edward Young Eagle
1952-1120 – 1121 Francis Zahn
1952-1122 Circling Hawk
1952-1123 Clarence Siaka
1952-1124 Gus Hokanson
1952-1125 Mrs. Harry McLaughlin
1952-1126 – 1127 Brave Buffalo
1952-1128 Mrs. Alma Parkin’s funeral , Cannon Ball Ranch May 1913
1952-1129 Charles Red Bear
1952-1130 William Pamplin
1952-1131 Charles McLaughlin
1952-1132 Mrs. Charlie Dunn
1952-1133 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-1134 John Grass
1952-1135 Johnnie O'Flynn, Dakota Pioneer, in front of his cabin
1952-1136 Bull Moose Vermillion
1952-1137 Crawler
1952-1138 Mrs. Martin Medicine
1952-1139 Cecelia Gray Bear
1952-1140 Sam Gayton
1952-1141 Alice Two Shields
1952-1142 Mrs. White Hand Bear
1952-1143 Mrs. Sarah Dog Eagle
1952-1144 Clementine Different Tail
1952-1145 Charlie Dunn
1952-1146 Jim Gayton
1952-1147 Father Martin Kenel
1952-1148 Thomas Reedy
1952-1149 Jack Carignan when he played for radio
1952-1150 – 1151 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-1152 – 1153 Dan Urell a.k.a. “Bully” Welsh
1952-1154 Philip Reedy
1952-1155 Mr. and Mrs. Circling Hawk 1931
1952-1156 Mrs. Good Elk
1952-1157 James Brennen
1952-1158 Wallace Davidson and Rocky Buttes
1952-1159 Edward Moore
1952-1160 Captain John Belk
1952-1161 Philip and Kathleen Reedy
1952-1162 – 1163 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Archambault
1952-1164 – 1165 Mrs. S. T. (Lucy) Fansler’s grave in the military cemetery. Later moved to Congregational cemetery
1952-1166 Military hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1167 Mess hall interior, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1168 Vapor lodge at Sun Dance
1952-1169 Coyote roped by Turkey Track Bill
1952-1170 Fairgrounds, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1171 Boarding school dining room, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1172 The old Post blacksmith, carpenter and paint shop, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1173 “West” Standing Rock Agency, “Old” Fort Yates in distance, “New” Fort Yates in distance
1952-1174 Military hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1175 Standing Rock Agency, “Old” Fort Yates in distance
1952-1176 View of buttes on Yellowstone Trail east of McLaughlin (SD)
1952-1177 Chief John Grass and his home at Fort Yates
1952-1178 Agency buildings from the river, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1179 Graves of five Indian police killed in Sitting Bull fight December 15, 1890
1952-1180 Agency office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1181 Mrs. Gus Hokanson and children
1952-1182 – 1183 Clara Wells (Mrs. Darcy Wheeler)
1952-1184 Larry Carmack twirling a lariat
1952-1185 Mrs. Jack (Emma Schubert) Carignan
1952-1186 Tom Frosted (White Bear)
1952-1187 Clara Zahn (Francis Zahn’s sister)
1952-1188 Wallace Davidson, Frank Fiske, and Roy Spangler
1952-1189 William Two Bulls
1952-1190 Mr. and Mrs. Bob (Lily White) Evans wedding photo
1952-1191 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1192 William Pamplin
1952-1193 Bull Moose Vermillion
1952-1194 Frank Gates
1952-1195 Louisa Male Bear
1952-1196 Dan Howard
1952-1197 Henry Zahn
1952-1198 James Bull Head
1952-1199 – 1200 Pollock (SD)
1952-1201 Fiske Studio Interior
1952-1202 Steamboat Peerless
1952-1203 Steamboat Washburn
1952-1204 Cattle in pen
1952-1205 Fort Yates group: Laura Fiske, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prickette, Wallace Davidson, Frank Fiske, Roy Spangler
1952-1206 Iron Star
1952-1207 – 1208 Francis Zahn
1952-1209 Circling Hawk
1952-1210 John Grass
1952-1211 Mr. and Mrs. Good Left Hand
1952-1212 Mrs. Anthony Vaulters
1952-1213 Catholic Church, Selfridge (ND)
1952-1214 Memorial Day parade Fort Yates (ND) 1917
1952-1215 Meeting house, Little Eagle (SD)
1952-1216 Catholic Church, Little Eagle (SD)
1952-1217 Fort Manuel Lisa reconstructed
1952-1218 Top: Fort Berthold Agency; bottom: Lodge and Dance house, Fort Berthold (ND)
1952-1219 – 1221 Father Bernard Strassmeier’s funeral procession October 18, 1940
1952-1222 – 1225 Sam Brugier
1952-1226 Francis Zahn
1952-1227 Badlands
1952-1228 Catholic Church interior, Little Eagle (SD)
1952-1229 Sisters’ home, Mission school and St. Peter’s Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1230 Mission school, St. Peter’s Church and Priests’ house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1231 Indian village, Standing Rock Agency (DT)
1952-1232 – 1233 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-1234 Mrs. Alma Parkin
1952-1235 Eagle Nation
1952-1236 – 1237 Catholic Cemetery Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1238 Cutting ice on the Missouri River
1952-1239 Haying
1952-1240 Catholic Church, Kenel (SD)
1952-1241 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1242 Mamie Adams, wife of the Post surgeon
1952-1243 Mrs. Alma Parkin’s funeral at Cannon Ball Ranch
1952-1244 Jack Carignan, Jr. on horse
1952-1245 Sitting Bull studio portrait. Morrow photo
1952-1246 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul engine – see 1027
1952-1247 Jean and Maxine Speaks
1952-1248 Albert Grass
1952-1249 Francis Mad Bear
1952-1250 Mrs. Jesse (Mabel) Pleets
1952-1251 Andrew Ireland, one of the Spicer murderers
1952-1252 Jacob White Eagle
1952-1253 Flora Takes the Shield
1952-1254 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kidder
1952-1255 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1256 Church of the Assumption interior, Kenel (SD)
1952-1257 Catholic Church, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-1258 – 1260 Bishop Ryan at Father Bernard Strassmeier’s Pontifical Requiem, Fort Yates October 18, 1940
1952-1261 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-1262 Father Bernard Strassmeier and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Beer
1952-1263 Portion of the town of Fort Yates. View from near mission school
1952-1264 – 1267 Major James McLaughlin funeral, McLaughlin (SD) August 1923
1952-1268 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1269 Mission School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1270 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1271 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge at State Game Lodge, Custer State Park (SD) 1927
1952-1272 State Game Lodge, Custer State Park (SD) 1927
1952-1273 Man canoeing in Missouri River ice break up April 5, 1912
1952-1274 Crucifixion group in Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1275 Frank Bennett Fiske with dog
1952-1276 Crucifixion group in Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1277 – 1313 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-1313 – 1318 Frank Fiske holding Francine
1952-1319 Frank and Angela Cournoyer Fiske
1952-1320 Frank Fiske and Thad Hecker
1952-1321 Angela Cournoyer about 8 years old
1952-1322 – 1330 Angela Cournoyer 1908
1952-1331 Angel Cournoyer Fiske in her wedding outfit 1919
1952-1332 Angela Cournoyer Fiske
1952-1333 – 1335 Angela Cournoyer and her niece Hermina Cournoyer 1908
1952-1336 – 1342 Angela and Francine Fiske ca. 1921-1922
1952-1343 – 1345 Angela Cournoyer Fiske 1919
1952-1346 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-1347 – 1354 Francine Fiske as a baby
1952-1355 – 1365 Francine Fiske in her prom dress
1952-1366 – 1369 Francine Fiske as a young woman
1952-1370 Francine Fiske and Irene Turner
1952-1371 – 1372 Francine Fiske and Charles Stiles 3-4 yrs old
1952-1373 Laura Fiske with guitar
1952-1374 ‘Finishing Day’ Laura Fiske in studio with printed photographs
1952-1375 Laura Fiske as a young girl
1952-1376 Laura Fiske in cowgirl costume
1952-1377 – 1397 Laura Fiske as a young woman
1952-1398 Laura Fiske and Mun Marsh
1952-1399 – 1400 Laura Fiske, Mun Marsh, and Clara Wells
1952-1401 Peter Cournoyer
1952-1402 – 1405 Joseph Paul Cournoyer
1952-1406 – 1408 Rose Primeau and Joseph Paul Cournoyer
1952-1409 – 1411 Olive Primeau
1952-1412 – 1413 Paul Cournoyer
1952-1414 Paul and Joseph Paul Cournoyer
1952-1415 Mrs. Paul (Emma Crow King) Cournoyer
1952-1416 Leon Primeau
1952-1417 Mrs. Louis (Rose) Primeau
1952-1418 Rose Flavia Primeau
1952-1419 Louis Primeau family: Tony, Ree Woman (no relation, lived with them), La Fave, Rose, Olive, and Marie
1952-1420 Paul and Peter Cournoyer
1952-1421 Frank Bennett Fiske as a boy
1952-1422 – 1423 Wallace Davidson and Frank Fiske
1952-1424 – 1425 Jack Carignan, Jr. and Frank Fiske
1952-1426 Joe Prickett, Frank Fiske, and Roy Spangler
1952-1427 Wallace Davidson, Frank Fiske, Joe Prickett, and Roy Spangler
1952-1428 Frank Bennett Fiske, Jimmy Davis, Wallace Davidson and Charles Plake
1952-1429 Grace Primeau, Frank Fiske, and Laura Fiske
1952-1430 Grace Primeau and Laura Fiske in cowgirl costumes
1952-1431 – 1432 Loualla McLaughlin and Laura Fiske
1952-1433 Mrs. Louis Primeau (Rose Cournoyer) and family: Ree Woman (no relation), Paul Anthony P., Marie P., Hermina Cournoyer, Mrs. Louis Primeau, Olive P., and Louis Lefevre P.
1952-1434 – 1443 Mrs. George Fiske
1952-1444 Frank Fiske family just before Francine went to Chicago at age 17 to work on Hobbies Magazine: Mrs. Fiske, Frank Fiske, and Francine Fiske
1952-1445 Will McKinstry and Laura and Francine Fiske
1952-1446 – 1447 Fiske's Christmas breakfast 1934
1952-1448 – 1449 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Angela Fiske
1952-1450 George Fiske tombstone
1952-1451 George Fiske family: Frank, Mrs. George Fiske, Laura Fiske
1952-1452 George Fiske house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1453 Fiske Studio exterior
1952-1454 Angela (Cournoyer) Fiske holding baby Francine
1952-1455 Remains of the old corner house, Officers’ row, Fort Yates (ND) 1908
1952-1456 Officer's residence, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1457 Mrs. Charles E. Galpin
1952-1458 George Fiske home interior
1952-1459 – 1460 Football game, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1461 Frank LaFrambois
1952-1462 Using horses to Clear places on Missouri River to cut ice
1952-1463 Cattle crossing ice on Missouri River
1952-1464 Francis Zahn and Rocky Buttes
1952-1465 Officers’ quarters, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1466 Thomas Reedy
1952-1467 John Sack and daughter
1952-1468 Good Left Hand and family 1902
1952-1469 Theresa Yellow Lodge and son, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1470 – 1471 Marcellus Red Tomahawk and family
1952-1472 Tug of war, Fort Yates (ND) July 4, 1917
1952-1473 Aaron McGaffey Beede addressing assemblage Memorial Day, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1474 Tree on old hospital lawn, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1475 Typical construction scenes, Road Division, Standing Rock Indian Reservation
1952-1476 Sam Brugier
1952-1477 Old Sioux County Courthouse, Fort Yates (ND)\
1952-1478 Sioux County Courthouse built 1922, Fort Yates (ND) 1944
1952-1479 Post traders store, Fort Yates (ND) 1891
1952-1480 Beef issue
1952-1481 Jack Carignan, Jr. and Frank Fiske in canoe
1952-1482 Francis Zahn making place cards for teachers’ convention
1952-1483 Missouri River
1952-1484 Captain William Harmon
1952-1485 Elias Ramsey and family
1952-1486 Ben White and family: Mrs. White, Winifred, Mildred, Mr. White, Helen, William, Angeline, Benjamin, and baby Josephine
1952-1487 William End of Horn family
1952-1488 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1489 Beef issue
1952-1490 – 1491 Sisters' house and garden, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1492 – 1493 Dedication of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Wakpala (SD) May 20, 1928
1952-1494 – 1495 Joe Sky, Chester Arthur III, and driver
1952-1496 Sib and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin
1952-1497 George Fiske garden vegetables ‘happy carrot family’
1952-1498 Ben Knodle funeral German Evangelical Church, McLaughlin (SD) May 9, 1926
1952-1499 Francine Fiske and Joyce Nicksic 1928
1952-1500 Father Bernard Strassmeier Jubilee: Theresa Brugman, Magdalena Good Iron, and Jacqueline Odiger
1952-1501 Major George F. Bingenheimer and Jack and John McCrory at ranch across river at Winona (ND)
1952-1502 Bear Butte, Black Hills (SD)
1952-1503 Crag on Harney’s Peak, Black Hills (SD)
1952-1504 Pollock Band playing in front of Mazopiye Tanka, Fort Yates (ND) July 4, 1911
1952-1505 – 1506 Hokanson family: Jim Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hokanson, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Hokanson, Guy, Harold, Helen, Wendell, and Muriel Hokanson
1952-1507 Sioux County Pioneer building, Babcox, editor
1952-1508 Louis Sitting Bull and Steps (Nez Perce)
1952-1509 Frank Fiske gives a talk to crowd at Indian Village site, Mobridge (ND)
1952-1510 Departure of Mr. Tubbs for Mandan after the blizzard March 24, 1904
1952-1511 Indian Dance
1952-1512 Speaks family: Mr. Speaks, Mr. Fiske, Maxine Speaks, Francine Fiske, Jean Speaks, Mrs. Speaks
1952-1513 Catholic Church, Selfridge (SD) 1932
1952-1514 – 1515 Schneider funeral, German Lutheran Church, Corson County (SD)
1952-1516 Josephine Little Shield and baby
1952-1517 – 1518 Father Vincent
1952-1519 – 1520 Father Othmar and his car
1952-1521 Father Bernard Strassmeier and two children
1952-1522 Mrs. Good Wood and daughters
1952-1523 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1524 Congress of Catholic Sioux Indians, Fort Yates (ND) June 26-28, 1931
1952-1525 Major James McLaughlin shaking hands on Catholic Church steps, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1526 Father Boniface
1952-1527 – 1529 Father Francis
1952-1530 Father Bernard Strassmeier and Father Boniface
1952-1531 Father Bernard Strassmeier speaking at graves of Indian police on Memorial Day
1952-1532 Benediction, Bull Head (SD)
1952-1533 Funeral of Edward Young Eagle, Fort Yates (ND) August 9, 1945
1952-1534 Agency mess hall and the Big Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1535 Corpus Christi procession, Kenel (SD)
1952-1536 Indian shelter, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-1537 Mrs. Joe Culbertson and children
1952-1538 – 1539 Mrs. Annie McLaughlin and children
1952-1540 Louis Agard and family
1952-1541 – 1542 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1543 Chimney of demolished building, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1544 Francis Zahn and Vice-president Charles Curtis
1952-1545 Fairgrounds, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1546 Frank Fiske and Joe Wells
1952-1547 Altar decorated for Easter, Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1548 – 1549 Dehorning in the branding chute
1952-1550 – 1551 Corpus Christi procession, Kenel (SD)
1952-1552 Goose 1906
1952-1553 George Looking Back and family
1952-1554 Asa Little Crow and family
1952-1555 Francis Red Tomahawk and family
1952-1556 Frank Fiske in canoe
1952-1557 Catholic Congress, Bull Head (SD) 1926
1952-1558 Catholic Congress procession of church dignitaries, Fort Yates (ND) June 26, 1910
1952-1559 – 1560 Greetings from St. Benedict’s Mission, Kenel (SD)
1952-1561 Frank Godfrey and family
1952-1562 Loualla McLaughlin and Bob Johnson
1952-1563 – 1569 Dedication of Catholic Church, Selfridge (SD)
1952-1570 – 1571 First Communicants, Catholic Church, Selfridge (SD) 1931
1952-1572 The Standing Rock
1952-1573 – 1574 Indians singing at the location of the last Sun Dance south of Fort Yates for Miss Densmore
1952-1575 Catholic Congress under a bower
1952-1576 Pioneer- Arrow office, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1577 Catholic Church procession, Kenel (SD)
1952-1578 Wallace Davidson, Frank Fiske, and Roy Spangler
1952-1579 Prickett wedding party: Laura Fiske bridesmaid, Roy Spangler best man, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prickett
1952-1580 – 1581 E. C. Witzleben
1952-1582 Father Bernard Strassmeier and Father Berthold
1952-1583 C. Christenson, editor of the Sioux County Pioneer 1914-1919
1952-1584 St. Mary's Society, Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND) April 11, 1926
1952-1585 Jack Carignan and Frank Fiske, KFYR artists and KFYR-Hoskins-Meyer building, Bismarck (ND)
1952-1586 Father Boniface
1952-1587 Carlisle Indian delegates at conference with Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Rapid City (SD) March 2-5, 1934
1952-1588 Catholic Church dedication, Selfridge (SD)
1952-1589 Catholic Church First Communicants, Selfridge (SD) 1931
1952-1590-1 Jerome Cottonwood and wife and daughter
1952-1590-2 Copy photo of Jerome Cottonwood and Goose's Camp
1952-1591 Badlands between Fort Yates and Mandan ca. 1925-1927
1952-1592 Forester's hall when court was held, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1593 Arrow head imbedded in bone found on river bank on Blackfoot Bottom by Francine Fiske
1952-1594 Badlands on Missouri River, Fort Berthold; cannon from Fort Stevenson, copies of Reed photos
1952-1595 Sidney, Loualla, and Jack McLaughlin
1952-1596 Red Tomahawk’s home between Cannon Ball and Fort Yates taken the day of his funeral August 1931
1952-1597 Cowboys
1952-1598 The Standing Rock on original site
1952-1599 Delegates from Pine Ridge and Rosebud to Catholic Congress, Kenel (SD) 1933 at the Standing Rock
1952-1600 Indian dance
1952-1601 Fair at Fort Yates (ND) 1919
1952-1602 J. M. Carignan family
1952-1603 The Standing Rock 1889
1952-1603 Sitting Bull and Major McLaughlin at dedication of Standing Rock monument 1889. Barry photo
1952-1604 Mrs. William Halsey
1952-1605 Dr. Turner, first post surgeon, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1606 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carignan, Jr., Virginia Carignan Schoenhut and Sharon Schoenhut
1952-1607 Georgia Morrison
1952-1608 Novelty race at the fairgrounds
1952-1609 Father Bernard Strassmeier Jubilee
1952-1610 Indians singing at location of the last Sun Dance for Miss Densmore, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1611 Reverend Hall and congregation
1952-1612 Father Berthold and Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-1615 Eighth cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1617 Joe Archambault
1952-1618 Rev. George Reed
1952-1619 – 1620 Missouri River
1952-1621 Hay stacks
1952-1622 Doane Robinson sitting on Sitting Bull's grave, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1623 Stills confiscated 1930
1952-1627 Baseball team with uniforms ‘A. B. S.’
1952-1628 No. 2 Day School Standing Rock Agency students with vegetable display
1952-1629 Horse team pulling a wagon of peeled logs
1952-1630 Mrs. Louise Chapman
1952-1631 Mrs. Joseph Two Kill
1952-1632 Mary Yellow Lodge and Ludia Fire Cloud
1952-1634 Indians in dancing regalia seated on edge of dance grounds automobiles in background ca. 1920-1930
1952-1635 Indian dancers, Rosebud (SD) 1931
1952-1636 – 1637 Doane Robinson and others at Sitting Bull's grave, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1639 Priests and boys play basketball
1952-1638 Frank Fiske and Jerry Hart
1952-1640 Priests: Kenel, Craft, Strassmeier, Brother Meinrad, Brother Nicholas, Mr. Whitesell
1952-1641 Charlie McLaughlin and Wallace Davidson
1952-1643 Sister Kunigundus and Sister Seraphine
1952-1644 Sister Seraphine
1952-1645 Sister Margaret Mary, Sister Seraphine, and Sister Kunigundus
1952-1646 Keeler, Laura Fiske, Jack Carignan, Hermina and Jean Witzleben, and Marguerite Carignan
1952-1647 Tug of war
1952-1648 Football game
1952-1649 Washing clothes
1952-1650 Pupils in classroom, Fort Yates boarding school
1952-1651 Boarding School girls
1952-1652 Two Bears and sons, Black Buffalo, Blue Eyes
1952-1653 Wagon loads of lumber
1952-1654 Boarding School classroom scene, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1655 Boarding School dining room, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1656 Frank Fiske
1952-1657 Belden, Wallace Davidson, Ralph Belden, Frank Fiske, Edith Fuller, Mrs. Fuller
1952-1658 Girl scholars of the Standing Rock Agency Boarding School 1915
1952-1659 Yellow Elk from Porcupine (SD)
1952-1660 Men on scaffolding painting the ceiling of the Catholic Church in Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1661 Group outside the Spicer murder trial 1897
1952-1663 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Red Hawk
1952-1664 Fort Sully Military Band ; Louis Sitting Bull
1952-1665 Guard of honor at funeral of George Halsey, St. Peter’s Church December 5, 1923
1952-1666 Soldier holding a horse, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1667 Wagon decorated with flags
1952-1668 Ferry boat Missouri
1952-1669 Ice house and wagon
1952-1673 Women and children in a garden
1952-1674 St. John's Church, first Catholic church among the German-Russians
1952-1675 Catholic Sister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lainz
1952-1676 Lainz family
1952-1677 Boys on mules
1952-1678 Garbage man, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1679 Army camp
1952-1680 Lucille Van Solen, Mrs. J. M. Carignan, Agnes G. Fridette, and Mrs. Louise Van Solen
1952-1681 Henderson brothers
1952-1682 Eighth grade graduation 1934
1952-1683 Standing Rock Indian School Band and Drum Corps
1952-1687 Graduation 1937: Elsie Barthel, Francine Fiske, Gayton Merrill, Marie Hauck, Art Svoboda, Elanor Stewart, Barton Thompson
1952-1688 Laura Fiske and two girls
1952-1689 Frank Fiske and ? Halloran
1952-1690 Frank Fiske and others
1952-1691 Eva Marsh and Laura and Frank Fiske
1952-1693 – 1694 Catholic sisters and children in garden
1952-1684 Indian dance, Rosebud (SD) 1931
1952-1691 Eva Marsh, Laura Fiske and Frank Fiske
1952-1695 Members of Catholic Indian Societies and priests with Abbott Phillip Ruggle, Wakpala (SD) May 20, 1928
1952-1695 Catholic Church procession
1952-1698 Boarding school girls
1952-1699 Group at Sitting Bull's grave: Frank Zahn, John Gates, Little Soldier, Ferris, Francis Zahn
1952-1700 Catholic Congress, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1701 – 1702 Boarding School classroom scene
1952-1703 Procession after confirmation
1952-1704 Bullhead (SD) April 10, 1939
1952-1705 Sister and boys working in garden
1952-1706 Sister Seraphine and two girls
1952-1707 Sisters working in garden
1952-1708 – 1710 Pistol practice
1952-1711 Reception given by Mrs. Iron Necklace in honor of Long Thomas Iron Necklace and John Holy Elk Face and Henry Halsey, soldiers
1952-1712 Mrs. M. J. Clement and baby
1952-1713 Mrs. Goodrich and baby
1952-1714 Mrs. Goodrich
1952-1715 Mrs. Magpie Eagle and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bull Bear
1952-1716 Dick Lingren going 37 mph in a Ford Model-T
1952-1718 Cavalryman and horse
1952-1719 Boarding School children, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1721 Four young women with brooms
1952-1722 Mary Hayes
1952-1724 Fort Meade officers
1952-1726 Grass Dance
1952-1727 4th of July celebration, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1728 Francine Fiske and another girl with dolls
1952-1729 Man with bicycle
1952-1730 Group of portraits on wall of Fiske Studio
1952-1731 Ferry boat Missouri
1952-1732 Making proofs by exposure of iodized paper to the sun at Fiske Studio
1952-1733 Girls washing dishes in Boarding school kitchen, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1735 Esther Wells and Kathleen Reedy
1952-1736 Fort Yates High School Basketball Team 1940-1941
1952-1737 Herbert Buffalo Boy family
1952-1738 Boarding School Baseball Team, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1739 Fort Yates High School Football Team
1952-1741 Group including Frank Fiske and Wallace Davidson
1952-1742 Chatha Agard family
1952-1743 Mrs. Agard and daughter Edith
1952-1744 Men working cattle
1952-1746 – 1755 Military portraits
1952-1756 Laura Fiske
1952-1757 Group of men with bicycles by the river
1952-1758 Military portrait
1952-1759 Mrs. James McLaughlin and grandchildren
1952-1763 Military portrait
1952-1764 Group in front of Two Shields dance hall (Slab town) north and west of Fort Yates
1952-1765 Target range south of Fort Yates
1952-1766 People at Spicer trial, Williamsport (ND)
1952-1768 Boarding school dining room, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1769 Little Eagle School?
1952-1772 Sister Seraphine and young pupils, Rural School Sioux County Play Day 1932
1952-1773 Priest's house, Selfridge (SD)
1952-1774 Father Othmar with two children
1952-1775 Sister Seraphine with two children
1952-1775 Catholic Order of Foresters procession, Fort Yates (ND) April 11, 1926
1952-1777 Catholic Church procession, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1778 McLaughlin Church group: Lena Snider, Merle Nicksic, Father Bernard, Mrs. Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Raisch, Father Othmar, Mr. Klinger, Francine Fiske
1952-1779 Seventh Cavalry memorial service, Fort Lincoln, Mandan (ND)
1952-1780 Father Boniface, Father Bernard, Father Hildebrand, Father Bruno, Father Vincent, Sleeps From Home, Father Othmar, Sister Seraphine
1952-1781 Procession into church at Bullhead (SD)
1952-1783 J. M. Carignan family: Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Carginan, Mrs. Digman (Carignan’s mother), Marguerite, and Jack
1952-1784 Chester Arthur III, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiske and Francine Fiske
1952-1786 High School graduation Fort Yates (ND): Elsie Bartell, Francine Fiske, Gayton Merrill, Marie Hauck, Art Svoboda, Leona Awfully, Eleanor Stewart, Barton Thompson
1952-1787 Eighth Grade graduation, Fort Yates (ND): Francine Fiske, Katherine Janischitus, Agnes Jundt, Marie Hauck, Martha Stangel, Father Bernard, Joseph Abraham, John Holzer, Gayton Merrill, Tom Helt, Sister Seraphine
1952-1788 – 1789 Bishop Wehrle speaking at Catholic Church dedication, Selfridge (SD) 1932
1952-1790 Fort Yates meeting house
1952-1791 National Congress of American Indians copy from a book
1952-1792 Four men inside the Emmons County Courthouse, Linton, (ND)
1952-1793 J. M. Carignan family: Theodore, Marguerite, Charles, Louise Schubert (Mrs. Carignan’s mother), Jack, Emma York, Pat, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carignan, Walter
1952-1794 Mrs. Evertino (Lydia) Euneau
1952-1795 Boarding school classroom, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1796 Joseph J. Huse family in front of Christmas tree. Sister Walburger is a Huse daughter
1952-1797 Boarding school classroom, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1798 Fort Meade Band
1952-1800 Fort Yates Military Post kitchen
1952-1801 Mrs. J. M. Carignan, Sr., Agnes Fredette, and Lucille Van Solen
1952-1802 Young boys with swords and drums playing soldiers
1952-1803 Corpus Christi procession
1952-1804 Soldier’s funeral
1952-1805 Sister Berthold and Indian boys gardening
1952-1806 Father Boniface, Father Hildebrand, Father Vincent, Bishop Wehrle, Father Othmar, Father Bernard, Father Bruno
1952-1807 Renewal of vows at 25th wedding anniversary, Bullhead (SD)
1952-1808 Target practice
1952-1809 Group at Fort Manuel (ND) August 6, 1938: Russell Reid, Dr. Duncan Strong, Frank Zahn, George Will, Lawrence Fox, George Will, Jr.
1952-1810-1811 Minuet when Francine was in 1st grade
1952-1812 First Communion group: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keeps Eagle, Harry Gray Bear, Jerome Standing Soldier, Mrs. Joe Gray Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Standing Soldier, Evangeline Ashes, Mrs. Harry Ashes, Mrs. Rachel Standing Dunn
1952-1813 First train at McLaughlin (SD)
1952-1814 Basil Claymore
1952-1815 Issue Day
1952-1816 Nuns hoeing in garden, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1817 Priests at Little Eagle (SD) 1932: Father Hildebrand, Father Bernard, Father Othmar, Father Vincent, Father Boniface
1952-1818 Beef issue
1952-1820 They Died with Their Boots On cast members
1952-1821 Cast members of They Died with Their Boots on departing on the train for California
1952-1822 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1823 – 1824 Dedication of the Catholic Church, Selfridge (SD)
1952-1825 Football game, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1826 Catholic Church of the Assumption, Kenel (SD)
1952-1827 Father Othmar and Father Hildebrand in Frank Fiske’s canoe
1952-1828 Congressional Appropriations Committee at Standing Rock July 16, 1935
1952-1829 – 1830 Newton Edmunds letter 1885
1952-1831 – 1832 General William L. Harney letter to Two Bears 1855
1952-1833 John Helt group at farm: Father Bernard, Tony and Barbara Helt, Mrs. Keogh, Father Othmar, Miss Williams, John Helt, Anna Helt, Scholastica Helt, Sister Rahbana, Sister Edith, Thomas Keogh, Sister Leoba, Sister Cherubim, Mrs. Helt, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Frank Fiske, Sister Modesta, Elizabeth Helt
1952-1834 Joe No Heart
1952-1835 Catholic Church, Little Eagle (SD) 1932
1952-1837 Rev. Thomas L. Riggs and Rev. Shoots Walking; First Congregational meeting house on Standing Rock on Elk Creek built by Thomas Riggs in 1885 – copies of photos in possession of Russell Reid
1952-1838 Corpus Christi procession, Kenel (SD)
1952-1839 Crowd on the street, Standing Rock Agency (ND) July 4, 1911
1952-1840 Mrs. Bull Bear and Mrs. Walking Thunder
1952-1841 Mrs. Good Elk
1952-1842 Roping cattle
1952-1843 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-1844 Old Bull and two wives
1952-1845 Boarding school reflected in water, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1846 Mrs. Good Elk
1952-1847 Loon 1910
1952-1848 Sam Brugier
1952-1849 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND )
1952-1850 – 1851 Marquis DeMores
1952-1852 – 1853 Wakpala (SD)
1952-1854 Major James McLaughlin
1952-1855 Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-1856 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-1857 Sitting Bull, Fort Yates (ND) 188? Northwestern copied by Fiske
1952-1858 Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-1859 Mr. and Mrs. Good Elk
1952-1860 Gray Hawk
1952-1861 Josephine Halsey
1952-1862 Helena
1952-1863 Haying
1952-1864 Martina Little Warrior
1952-1865 John Grass
1952-1866 Henry Agard
1952-1867 Barren Butte
1952-1868 – 1869 Prairie fire
1952-1870 Leon Primeau
1952-1871 Lucille Van Solen
1952-1952-1872 Baseball team, Pollock (SD)
1952-1873 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lehew
1952-1874 Mrs. E. C. Witzleben
1952-1875 Original Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
1952-1876 Gray Whirlwind
1952-1877 Julia Thunder Shield
1952-1878 Red Tomahawk
1952-1879 Joe No Heart
1952-1880 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-1881 Mrs. Thomas Winter
1952-1882 Mr. and Mrs. Elk
1952-1883 – 1886 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-1887 Kathleen Reedy
1952-1888 Lucille Van Solen
1952-1889 Graves of Indian police killed Sitting Bull fight, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1890 Main Street, Mandan (ND)
1952-1891 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carignan
1952-1892 Jack, Charlie, Marguerite, and J. W. Carignan
1952-1893 James, Jack, Charlie, Sib and Harry McLaughlin
1952-1894 Missouri River
1952-1895 Indian home
1952-1896 – 1897 Tom Frosted in Indian regalia
1952-1898 Emma Frosted
1952-1899 Charles Hays
1952-1900 Lucy La Framboise
1952-1901 Knute Lee
1952-1902 Joe Good Elk
1952-1903 – 1904 Missouri River
1952-1905 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-1906 Standing Rock Indian Reservation; Map
1952-1907 Milwaukee train derailed July 2, 1926
1952-1908 State Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
1952-1909 Charles Eastman
1952-1910 Saluting the flag on Memorial Day, Fort Yates (ND) 1924
1952-1911 Bob Patchen
1952-1912 Father Francis
1952-1913 Spangler pool hall, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1914 Ambrose Gabe
1952-1915 E. C. Witzleben
1952-1916 – 1918 Kenel (SD)
1952-1919 – 1920 Louis Endres
1952-1921 – 1922 Charles Parkin
1952-1923 Francis Zahn
1952-1924 Jim Howard
1952-1925 – 1926 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-1927 Mrs. Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-1928 Eva Robinson
1952-1929 Kathleen Reedy and Esther Wells
1952-1930 Jack Carignan
1952-1931 Philip Reedy
1952-1932 Lucile Van Solen
1952-1933 Kathleen and Mrs. Thomas Reedy
1952-1934 Joe Prickett
1952-1935 Agnes Fridette
1952-1936 Leo and Agnes Witzleben
1952-1937 Kate Neidhart
1952-1938 Mrs. E. C. Witzleben
1952-1939 Grace Primeau and Roy Spangler
1952-1940 Joe Wells
1952-1941 Red Tomahawk
1952-1942 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-1943 Major James McLaughlin
1952-1945 Mrs. Yellow
1952-1946 Red Fox
1952-1947 Kathleen Reedy
1952-1948 Dance tipi
1952-1949 Cannon Ball River
1952-1950 Scaffold burial
1952-1951 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Menz
1952-1952 Edward Johnson
1952-1953 Jack Carignan
1952-1954 Muskrat
1952-1955 Standing Rock
1952-1956 Dave Bartlett, Shell Creek (ND)
1952-1957 Log cabin
1952-1958 Missouri River
1952-1959 Boys' dormitory, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1960 Baseball game June 1, 1912
1952-1961 Procession in front of officers row, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1962 Prickett
1952-1963 Cannon Ball River
1952-1964 Tipi 1940
1952-1965 George Fiske painting of a tipi
1952-1966 Standing Rock Indian Reservation
1952-1967 Officers quarters, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1968 Yellowstone Trail, Wakpala (SD)
1952-1969 Mess hall, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1970 Ledora (boat)
1952-1971 Log Cabin
1952-1972 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-1973 Standing Rock
1952-1973 J. M. Carignan
1952-1974 Little Eagle School
1952-1976 View from the south, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1977 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-1978 Custer Monument
1952-1979 Indian Children
1952-1980 Mrs. Louise Van Solen
1952-1980 Sun Dance group
1952-1981 Interior Boys' dormitory, Boarding School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1982 Exterior Boys' dormitory, Boarding School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-1983 Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-1984 Chasing Bear
1952-1985 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-1986 John Keeler and Charles Carignan
1952-1987 Roy Robinson
1952-1989 Gray Hawk
1952-1990 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-1991 E. T. Powless
1952-1992 Griffing’s October 7, 1903
1952-1993 – 1994 Joseph Howard
1952-1995 – 1996 Georgia Morrison
1952-1997 Mrs. Louis Lambert
1952-1998 Ralph Belden
1952-1999 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ubersetzig
1952-2000 Catholic Sisters gardening Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2001 J. W. Carignan and Major James McLaughlin
1952-2002 Chris Christianson, John Anderson, McLaughlin, and Ed Lemmon
1952-2003 Women and girl with flowers in front of house
1952-2004 Sister Seraphine
1952-2005 They Died with Their Boots On
1952-2010 Keeler
1952-2016 Red Fish
1952-2017 Drill Team Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2018 Mrs. Goodrich
1952-2021 Nellie Chasing Bear
1952-2022 Frank Waggoner
1952-2023 Mr. and Mrs. Grass
1952-2024 Holy Track
1952-2025 Spicer
1952-2026 Holy Track
1952-2036 Ed Afraid of Hawk
1952-2037 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ramsey
1952-2038 Asa Little Crow
1952-2040 Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-2042 Albert No Heart and Martin Stone Man
1952-2043 Bolton and Frank Fiske
1952-2045 Blacksmith shop, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2048 Mrs. Philip Bull Head
1952-2049 Mrs. Philip Bull Head and Mrs. James Gayton
1952-2050 Sophie White Eagle
1952-2051 Joseph Keeps Eagle, Sr.
1952-2055 J. M. and Patrick Carignan
1952-2057 Jessie Ice and Jack Carignan
1952-2058 Tome Menz
1952-2060 Carignan, Jack
1952-2061 Blue Lips, Gertrude
1952-2062 Archambault, Mavis Gates
1952-2063 -2064 Garrison building on fire, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2065 Annie Bear Paw
1952-2066 David Tiokasin
1952-2068 Henry Poitra
1952-2069 Mrs. Martha Demery
1952-2071 Father Kraft
1952-2075 J. A. Archambault
1952-2076 Isadora Little
1952-2079 Clarence Gray Eagle
1952-2082 Ignatius Iron Road and Green Plum
1952-2085 John Gates and John Archambault
1952-2086 William Cadotte
1952-2088 Wakpala (SD)
1952-2092 Mamie Running Bear
1952-2093 Middle Bull
1952-2094 Mrs. Francis Red Tomahawk
1952-2098 Mrs. Frank Wells,
1952-2104 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2105 Sharp Knife
1952-2106 Joe No Heart
1952-2107 Stone Man
1952-2108 Mrs. Crow Feather
1952-2110 Mrs. William Halsey, Sr.
1952-2111 Gus Red Eagle
1952-2113 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2114 Target practice, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2116 Agency School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2118 Mrs. John D. Howard
1952-2119 Sam Gayton
1952-2122 Wakpala (SD)
1952-2123 Moses La Framboise
1952-2127 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2128 Bill Claymore
1952-2130 Mrs. Tom Ashley
1952-2131 Brings Horses
1952-2132 Thunder Hawk
1952-2138 John Gayton
1952-2139 Mr. and Mrs. Grass
1952-2141 Mrs. Eugene Yellow Lodge and Matilda One Horn
1952-2142 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fearless
1952-2143 Caroline Red Horse
1952-2144 Robert High Eagle
1952-2145 Frank Bull Head
1952-2146 Tom Frosted, Major Belden, and John Grass
1952-2153 Standing Soldier
1952-2154 Mr. and Mrs. Landreau
1952-2157 8th Cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2161 Mrs. Irene Irvine
1952-2164 Block house and water tanks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2166 Cannon, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2170 A. A. Anderson
1952-2176 Louis Archambault and Charlie Gayton
1952-2177 Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin
1952-2180 Charlie Crow Necklace
1952-2182 – 2183 Target practice, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2186 8th Cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2188 Bill Mutschler
1952-2189 Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-2190 Mr. and Mrs. Flying By
1952-2191 Mrs. Old Bull
1952-2192 Good Crow
1952-2193 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Menz
1952-2194 Mrs. Has Tricks
1952-2195 Mr. and Mrs. One Elk
1952-2196 Paints Brown
1952-2197 Mrs. Brings Them
1952-2198 Philip Frosted
1952-2199 Clarence Gray Eagle
1952-2200 Vermond Left Hand
1952-2201 Crow Feather
1952-2206 Gray Hawk
1952-2208 Kenel (SD)
1952-2209 Standing Soldier
1952-2211 Mrs. Charging Eagle
1952-2214 Group
1952-2216 Mrs. Cold Hand
1952-2217 John Cabitzreider and Mary Watson
1952-2218 Clayton Poor Dog
1952-2219 Mrs. Cold Hand
1952-2220 Charging Thunder
1952-2222 Frank Marsh
1952-2223 Mrs. Frank Wells
1952-2226 High Bear
1952-2227 Soldiers hauling wood, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2230 Water tank, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2234 Laura Fiske, Roy Spangler, and A. A. Anderson
1952-2236 Charlie Yellow Bird and Mrs. Arnold
1952-2238 Mary Collins
1952-2239 Mrs. Jesse Pleets
1952-2241 Log cabin and tent
1952-2242 Rose High Cat and Mrs. White Face Bear
1952-2247 Raymond and Sandy Luger
1952-2251 Annie De Rockbraine and Josephine Running Bear
1952-2252 Louise Lone Man
1952-2253 Mrs. Baptist Pierre
1952-2254 Water tanks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2260 Krause
1952-2261 Wallace Davidson, Mrs. Nellie Schoenhut, Robert Schoenhut, and J. M. Carignan, Jr.
1952-2262 Mrs. Joseph Ubersetzig
1952-2263 Mrs. John Pleets
1952-2265 Henry Lawrence
1952-2266 Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr. and John Buffalo Boy
1952-2268 Different Tail, Clementine
1952-2269 Mrs. Ed Eagle Tail
1952-2271 Catholic Congress
1952-2272 Daisy De Graff
1952-2274 Block house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2275 Father Francis Beaver and Ignatius Iron Road
1952-2276 Louis Archambault and Charlie Gayton at fair or rodeo
1952-2277 Jack McLaughlin and Jack Whitesell
1952-2279 Father Othmar, John Helt, Father Bernard Strassmeier, and Abbott Frowen
1952-2280 Charlie Gayton
1952-2282 Nicholas Tiger, Francis Mad Bear, and Paul Walker
1952-2283 Grass
1952-2293 Emeran White and Herbert Buffalo Boy
1952-2294 George H. Purchase
1952-2299 Mrs. Jerome Buffalo Boy
1952-2301 Clara Swift Cloud
1952-2303 Z. T. Zimmerman
1952-2305 Big Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2306 Helen Zahn and Louise Azure
1952-2307 Ben Callous Leg and Verne Afraid of Hawk
1952-2308 Charles Plake
1952-2309 Chasing Bear
1952-2310 Paul Grindstone
1952-2311 Mrs. Grass
1952-2313 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans
1952-2314 Joe Keeps Eagle and Spotted Mane
1952-2315 8th infantry, Fort Yates (ND) 1890
1952-2318 Mrs. C. E. Brown, Cecelia One Bull, and Mrs. Regina Spotted Horse
1952-2320 Old White Woman and Father Francis
1952-2321 Frank Gates
1952-2323 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2326 – 2328 Winona (ND)
1952-2331 Louis Good Iron and Herbert Keeps Eagle
1952-2333 Brother Jerome
1952-2334 Fiske Studio
1952-2335 Priest and Indians
1952-2336 Catholic nuns
1952-2338 Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Mrs. Nellie Schoenhut
1952-2339 Sack, John
1952-2341 Loon, John Choose M/M
1952-2344 John Helt, Father Bernard Strassmeier, Abbott Frowen, Father Othmar, Rev. Philip Frazier, Rev. C. L. Hall, and Ignatius Iron Road
1952-2350 Winona (ND)
1952-2351 Spangler brothers
1952-2352 James, Charlie, and Bill Gayton
1952-2353 Cattle and log buildings
1952-2355 Josephine Kidder and Louise Blue Boys
1952-2357 Leo Archambault and Joe Fly
1952-2358 – 2359 Sister Modesta, Father Bernard Strassmeier, and Sister Rahbana
1952-2360 Brother Jerome
1952-2361 Missouri River
1952-2362 Brother Jerome
1952-2363 Fort Yates (ND) group
1952-2364 – 2365 Bob Patchen, Wallace Davidson, Frank Fiske, and Roy Spangler
1952-2366 Margaret Carignan
1952-2367 8th Cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2369 Father Francis and White Old Woman
1952-2370 Clementine Different Tail and Alice Gayton
1952-2371 Paul Iron Wing, Father Francis, and Feather Earring
1952-2374 Father Francis and Red Tomahawk
1952-2376-1 – 2 Ben White, Jim Wells, and Frank Fiske ca. 1910-1920
1952-2377 Mrs. Tom Frosted and Mrs. Swift Eagle
1952-2378 Wallace Davidson, Jim Davis, Charles Plake, and Frank Fiske
1952-2379 Robert and Walter Schoenhut
1952-2380 Walter Pleets, Francis White, and Felix Renville
1952-2381 Alice Gayton
1952-2382 Max Kupitz
1952-2386 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-2387 Crawler
1952-2391 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Takes the Shield
1952-2392 Jack McLaughlin
1952-2394 Northern Pacific bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-2396 Harry McLaughlin
1952-2398 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-2399 Mrs. Thomas Kidder
1952-2400 Mr. and Mrs. Loon
1952-2401 Indian Dance
1952-2402 Mr. and Mrs. Meadowlark
1952-2403 Mrs. Chasing Bear
1952-2404 Mrs. Tom Frosted and Mrs. Charlie Dunn, Charlie
1952-2407 Mrs. Eugene Yellow Lodge
1952-2411 Soldier
1952-2413 Dan Urell and Wallace Davidson
1952-2415 Louis Archambault
1952-2416 John Dakota
1952-2418 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2419 Maggie Standing Soldier
1952-2422 Emma Menz
1952-2423 Joe No Heart
1952-2425 Mrs. Thomas Kidder
1952-2426 Mrs. Joe Culbertson
1952-2427 Melda McLaughlin
1952-2428 Abbie and Martina Claymore
1952-2429 Mrs. McGann
1952-2433 Henderson
1952-2434 Mrs. Joe Pleets
1952-2437 Fannie Brave
1952-2438 Mr. and Mrs. Chasing Bear
1952-2442 Yellow Earring
1952-2443 Mrs. Speaks Walking
1952-2444 Iron Star
1952-2445 Mr. and Mrs. Grass
1952-2446 Cecelia Gourdeau
1952-2448 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Culbertson, Jr.
1952-2451 Christine Dunn
1952-2452 Nellie Chasing Bear, Joe Claymore, and Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-2453 Charging Thunder
1952-2454 Albert Grass
1952-2456 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Powless
1952-2458 Corey monument at Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2459 Mess hall Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2460 Iron Star
1952-2486 Convocation for new altar at Indian Hospital, Fort Yates (ND) 1910
1952-2488 Military post; going on an expedition, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2489 Kenel (SD)
1952-2490 Charles Agard
1952-2495 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-2497 Struck by the Ree
1952-2499 Mr. and Mrs. Albert No Heart
1952-2501 Mrs. Eva Little Chief and Mrs. Anna Always
1952-2504 Mrs. One Horn
1952-2505 Mrs. Sharp Horn Bull
1952-2506 Josephine Running Bear
1952-2507 Mrs. Gray Bull
1952-2508 Julia Brings Them
1952-2509 Dan Urell
1952-2510 Bill Nesbit and Charlie McLaughlin
1952-2515 Soldier, Lieutenant in quarters
1952-2521 Gray Hawk
1952-2522 Mr. and Mrs. Different Owl
1952-2523 Little Bear
1952-2524 Mr. and Mrs. Joe No Heart
1952-2525 Maggie Standing Soldier and Josephine Dunn
1952-2527 Leaf
1952-2530 Abraham Buckley
1952-2531 Louis and George Santee and Mrs. Jack Iron Boulder
1952-2532 Mrs. Pete Bear Boy
1952-2533 Tom Frosted
1952-2535 Mrs. Gus Traversy
1952-2544 Mrs. Edward Young Eagle, Mrs. Louis Archambault, and Mrs. Joe Archambault
1952-2546 Rattling Hail
1952-2547 Kenel (SD) 1900
1952-2548 White Bull
1952-2552 Sisters' chapel Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2553 John A. Stiles
1952-2554 Mr. and Mrs. Bird Horse
1952-2557 John Frosted
1952-2558 Mrs. Chasing Bear
1952-2561 Herbert Buffalo Boy
1952-2562 Mrs. Benedicta Ramsey Black Fox
1952-2564 Frances Striped Cloud
1952-2565 Dora Red Hawk
1952-2569 Badlands
1952-2570 Little Soldier
1952-2572 McCabe
1952-2573 Sister Laura
1952-2576 Louis Agard
1952-2577 – 2578 Gray Hawk
1952-2579 John Tiokasin
1952-2584 Soldier
1952-2587 Galpin trading post
1952-2589 They Died with Their Boots On
1952-2590 Black Hills Expedition 1874
1952-2593 Joe Wells
1952-2597 Z. T. Zimmerman
1952-2599 Catholic Church, Kenel (SD)
1952-2601 Old Fort Yates
1952-2603 Soldiers
1952-2604 Waldo Gayton
1952-2608 Mrs. James McLaughlin, Sr.
1952-2610 H. A. Archambault
1952-2614 Davidson, Wallace
1952-2615 Ecker,
1952-2616 Mrs. Bob Evans
1952-2617 Margaret and Genevieve Primeau
1952-2624 Baptist Pierre
1952-2628 Joseph Devine speaking into microphone from back of truck at 15th Anniversary, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2636 Mrs. Tom Menz and Mrs. Andrew Ireland
1952-2639 Joseph Devine speaking into microphone from back of truck at 15th Anniversary, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2645 Harry McLaughlin
1952-2647 Margaret and Genevieve Primeau
1952-2649 Dr. Turner
1952-2652 Mrs. Benedicta Black Fox, Mary Reeds, and Many Deeds
1952-2654 Lucille Van Solen
1952-2655 Mrs. J. M. Carignan, Sr.
1952-2660 Vermillion, Charles
1952-2665 Military post; parade ground Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2667 Mrs. Standing Soldier
1952-2668 Rattling Hail
1952-2671 Joe No Heart
1952-2676 Mrs. Two Bull
1952-2677 Mary Archambault
1952-2689 Black Hills
1952-2690 William Zahn
1952-2694 Maude Carignan
1952-2698 James McLaughlin
1952-2699 Maude Carignan
1952-2706 Jack Carignan, Jr.
1952-2714 Carignan,
1952-2718 Mr. and Mrs. White Horse
1952-2722 Old White Woman
1952-2723 Calvin Kelley
1952-2725 Reverend C. L. Hall
1952-2727 Grain Elevator
1952-2730 Boat landing Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2732 Mrs. Louis Archambault
1952-2733 Paints Brown
1952-2734 White Hand Bear
1952-2735 Jack Culbertson
1952-2736 End of Horn
1952-2737 Fannie Brave
1952-2743 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Culbertson, Sr.
1952-2744 Gray Eagle
1952-2745 Mrs. Esther Gates
1952-2746 Mrs. Dave Black Hoop, Sr.
1952-2748 Tom and Philip Frosted
1952-2749 Bill Claymore
1952-2750 Baseball team
1952-2753 Two Bears
1952-2754 Mrs. Jerome Standing, Soldier and Mrs. Tom Kidder
1952-2756 Mrs. Chasing Bear
1952-2757 Mrs. Speaks Walking
1952-2758 Mrs. Ed Eagle Tail
1952-2759 Mrs. Eagle Magpie
1952-2760 Mrs. Swift Eagle
1952-2762 Josephine Good Iron
1952-2767 Olive Two Shields
1952-2768 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2769 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-2770 Art Spangler and Dick Lingren
1952-1952-2774 Robert High Eagle
1952-2776 Missouri River
1952-2778 Curley
1952-2781 – 2782 Mr. and Mrs. Yellow Earring
1952-2783 Mrs. Basil Two Bear
1952-2785 Mrs. Abbie White and Sam Gayton
1952-2786 Isadore Little
1952-2787 Baldster
1952-2788 Ada Sweeny
1952-2791 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Twin
1952-2793 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Twin
1952-2794 Card game
1952-2798 Raymond V. Reed
1952-2805 LeCompte
1952-2807 Charlie Gayton
1952-2810 Charles Halsey
1952-2813 Mrs. Henry Agard
1952-2817 Mrs. Pius Big Shield and Mrs. Has No Two Horns
1952-2818 Jack McLaughlin
1952-2819 Martin Iron Bull
1952-2820 Fence, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2821 Mr. and Mrs, Yellow Earring
1952-2824 A. U. Ostrum
1952-2825 Blockhouse, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2825 White Ben
1952-2830 Cattle at Agency barn
1952-2832 Majors, /M
1952-2833 Mrs. John Pleets
1952-2836 Little Bear, Mrs. Annie Tree Top, Mrs. Joe Twin, and Mrs. Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-2837 Clara Archambault (left) and Agnes Victoria Witzleben (right) portrait
1952-2838 Gall
1952-2839 Martin Iron Bull
1952-2840 Road at Porcupine Creek
1952-2841 Group of Indians
1952-2843 P. B. Wickum
1952-2845 Alice Zahn and Bessie Endres
1952-2846 Joe Culbertson, Jr.
1952-2847 Sister Seraphine
1952-2849 Mrs. J. M. Carignan and Hack and Maude Carignan
1952-2850 John Loans Arrow, Bill White Cloud, Henry Twin, and Joe Running Bear
1952-2851 Sam Warren
1952-2852 Group
1952-2853 Mr. and Mrs. Red Fish
1952-2854 Mrs. Tom Menz and Mrs. Andrew Ireland
1952-2855 Brave Bear
1952-2856 Agency Barn Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2857 Farming at Kenel
1952-2860 Cannon Ball
1952-2866 Cecelia Striped Cloud
1952-2870 Mrs. Joe Culbertson
1952-2871 Iron Star
1952-2872 Fast Horse
1952-2873 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-2873 Tom Frosted
1952-2874 Alma Red Fish and Eva Little Chief
1952-2876 High School play cast, Fort Yates (ND) 1948-1949
1952-2881 Francis Red Tomahawk 1947
1952-2882 Jerry Agard
1952-2883 Mrs. Schneider
1952-2884 Charles Dunn
1952-2887 They Died with Their Boots On
1952-2889 Mrs. Harry McLaughlin
1952-2891 Waldo Reed
1952-2892 Tipi
1952-2893 Thomas Reedy
1952-2894 Ice Skating
1952-2895 8th Cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2902 Nellie Gray Hawk
1952-2905 Mr. and Mrs. White Colt
1952-2906 Catholic Church interior, Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-2910 Mr. and Mrs. Feist
1952-2914 Log buildings, Print shop, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2917 Father Francis and Old White Woman
1952-2918 Laura Fiske, Clara Wells, and Eva Marsh
1952-2921 – 2922 Target practice, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2923 Good Bear and Mr. and Mrs. Elk
1952-2924 – 2925 James Ramey
1952-2927 Chase Alone and Different Tail
1952-2928 Little Soldier
1952-2929 Chase Alone and Different Tail
1952-2935 Fight Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2939 Mary Ashley
1952-2940 Mary White Twin
1952-2947 Joe Huse
1952-2950 Antoine Claymore
1952-2951 Theresa Yellow Lodge and daughter Mary
1952-2953 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2954 Mrs. Scholastica Mad Bear
1952-2955 Kenel (SD)
1952-2956 Catholic procession St. Joseph and St. Mary, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2957 Antoine Claymore
1952-2959 Band Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2960 Mrs. A. A. Anderson
1952-2961 Signatures
1952-2962 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2963 Memorial Day parade Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2964 Catholic Congress June 26, 1910
1952-2965 Soldiers on parade ground, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2967 Conrad and Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr.
1952-2970 Mrs. Goodrich
1952-2971 Melda McLaughlin
1952-2972 Mrs. Jesse Pleets
1952-2973 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ubersetsig
1952-2977 James Gayton, Jr.
1952-2978 Sibley McLaughlin
1952-2979 Red Hail and Rev. William Cross
1952-2980 Levi Henderson
1952-2982 – 2983 Expansion
1952-2984 Steamboat Bismarck
1952-2985 Cattle waiting for the ferry
1952-2986 George Fisk home, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2987 Indian camp
1952-2988 Yellowstone
1952-2989 Missouri River, Kenel (SD)
1952-2990 Lingren Hotel, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2991 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buffalo Boy
1952-2992 Liberty Memorial Building, Bismarck (ND)
1952-2993 William Mulhern
1952-2994 James Gayton
1952-2995 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-2996 Catholic Cemetery Fort Yates (ND)
1952-2997 Nick Cadotte
1952-2998 Frank Gates
1952-2999 John Brow and Frank Gates
1952-3000 Demolishing buildings, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3001 Mrs. Twin
1952-3002 Mrs. Thomas Looking Horse
1952-3003 Father Francis
1952-3004 John Grass
1952-3005 Kathleen Reedy
1952-3006 S. T. Fansler
1952-3007 Joe No Heart
1952-3008 Ida
1952-3009 Boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3010 – 3011 Barracks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3012 Demolishing buildings, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3013 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crow Necklace
1952-3014 Crawler
1952-3015 James Gayton
1952-3016 Mrs. Walking Thunder
1952-3017 Blue Thunder
1952-3018 Goose
1952-3019 Robert High Eagle
1952-3020 Henry Agard
1952-3021 Iron Star
1952-3026 Elk
1952-3027 Eugene T. Powless
1952-3028 Indians walking on the prairie ca. 1890
1952-3032 Sophie and William Archambault
1952-3033 Flag pole Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3038 Mr. and Mrs. Albert No Heart
1952-3044 H. A. Archambault
1952-3054 Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr.
1952-3062 Louis Good Iron and Herbert Keeps Eagle
1952-3063 Ration day
1952-3064 Ben White, James Wells, and Frank Fiske
1952-3065 – 3068 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-3069 – 3070 Chasing Bear
1952-3071 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-3072 Martina Little Warrior
1952-3073 Major James McLaughlin
1952-3074 – 3075 Mrs. George Pleets
1952-3076 Father Martin Kenel
1952-3077 John Grass
1952-3078 Red Fox
1952-3079 – 3080 Kathleen Reedy
1952-3081 – 3083 Francis Zahn
1952-3084 Dan Howard
1952-3085 Sitting Bull 188?. Northwestern copied by Fiske
1952-3086 – 3089 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3090 – 3092 Laura Fiske
1952-3093 Wallace Davidson and Rocky Buttes
1952-3094 Badlands
1952-3095 Mae Archambault
1952-3096 – 3097 Mrs. George Fiske
1952-3098 Lucille Van Solen
1952-3099 Red Tomahawk
1952-3100 – 3103 Mrs. Yellow Eyes
1952-3104 Louise Standing Soldier
1952-3105 Alec Middle
1952-3106 Old Bull
1952-3107 Grant Marsh
1952-3108 Major James McLaughlin
1952-3109 Maggie Standing Soldier
1952-3110 Francis Zahn
1952-3111 Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-3112 Francis Zahn
1952-3113 Tom Frosted
1952-3114 Black Tomahawk
1952-3115 Gray Hawk
1952-3116 – 3117 Grace Primeau
1952-3118 – 3121 Mad Bear
1952-3122 Joseph Two Kill
1952-3123 – 3125 Rocky Buttes
1952-3126 – 3127 Mrs. Loon
1952-3128 Louisa Good Boy
1952-3129 Ben White
1952-3130 Mrs. Blue Boy
1952-3131 Mrs. John Crow Man
1952-3132 Mrs. Red Bird
1952-3133 Mrs. Charles Red Fox
1952-3134 – 3135 Joe No Heart
1952-3136 Charging Thunder
1952-3137 Albert Grass and Charging Thunder
1952-3138 – 3139 John Grass
1952-3140 Red Fish
1952-3141 Father Francis
1952-3142 3143 Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-3144 Loualla McLaughlin
1952-3145 – 3146 Major James McLaughlin
1952-3147 Prairie fire
1952-3148 Military hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3149 – 3151 Demolishing buildings, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3152 Indian dance
1952-3153 Liberty Memorial Building, Bismarck (ND)
1952-3155 Mr. and Mrs. Joe No Heart
1952-3156 Wakpala (SD)
1952-3157 – 3159 Missouri River
1952-3160 – 3162 Goose
1952-3163 Iron Star
1952-3164 Mr. and Mrs. Elk
1952-3165 – 3166 Charging Thunder
1952-3167 – 3168 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-3169 – 3170 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3171 – 3172 Joe No Heart
1952-3173 Indian Camp
1952-3174 Antelope, Ignatius
1952-3175 Mrs. White Red Fox
1952-3176 Clara Hollow
1952-3177 Joe Good Iron
1952-3178 Benedict Good Wood
1952-3179 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3180 – 3182 Francine Fiske
1952-3183 Marie Menz
1952-3184 Re-enactment of arrest of Sitting Bull 1903
1952-3185 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3186 John Brown
1952-3187 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3188 Catholic church interior
1952-3189 Cannon Ball River
1952-3190 Shocking grain
1952-3191 – 3192 Gulls eating grasshoppers
1952-3193 Ferdinand Wells
1952-3194 Town lots sale, Fort Yates (ND) June 16, 1911
1952-3195 Indian summer camp
1952-3196 Mrs. Theodore Callous Leg
1952-3197 Indian Police
1952-3198 Indian camp, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3199 Catholic Congress, Fort Yates (ND) June 26, 1910
1952-3200 Lt. Henry M. Harrington
1952-3201 Scarab
1952-3202 Frayne June 1916
1952-3203 S. T. Fansler
1952-3204 Bull Head (SD) 1935
1952-3205 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3206 Angela (Cournoyer) Fiske
1952-3207 Francine Fiske,
1952-3208 J. M. Carignan
1952-3209 Donna Hokanson
1952-3210 Thelma Claymore Luger
1952-3211 Bonnie Gunther
1952-3212 Maria Zahn 1947
1952-3213 Patrick K. Rattling Hail 1947
1952-3214 William Sleeps from Home
1952-3215 Harriet Sky
1952-3216 Elmira Bossert ca. 1920-1930
1952-3218 Cattle and wagon with hay crossing ice on Missouri River 1920
1952-3219 Major Joel Elliot
1952-3220 George Armstrong Custer
1952-3221 First business buildings Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3222 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3223 J. M. Carignan
1952-3224 Sioux Indian children watching ball game, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3225 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3226 Angela Fiske
1952-3227 Francine Fiske
1952-3228 Theodore Roosevelt addressing crowd, (MN) 1910
1952-3230 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3231 Captain Myles W. Keogh
1952-3232 Catholic Congress, Fort Yates (ND) June 1910
1952-3233 Hay Camp
1952-3234 Crow King
1952-3235 – 3236 Hermina Cournoyer
1952-3237 Mrs. John Silk
1952-3238 Rose Primeau
1952-3239 Alice Lovejoy
1952-3240 Mrs. Nellie Gates
1952-3241 Mrs. Joe Howard
1952-3242 Myrtle Fool Bear
1952-3243 Mrs. Joe Howard
1952-3244 Frank McConville
1952-3245 Rita McLaughlin
1952-3246 Thelma Claymore Luger
1952-3247 Garnell Claymore
1952-3248 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Agard
1952-3249 Thelma Claymore Luger
1952-3250 Lawrence Lutz
1952-3251 Black Bull
1952-3252 Lillian Hardman
1952-3253 Frank Gates
1952-3254 Harriet Sky
1952-3255 Lorraine Sleeps from Home
1952-3256 Emma Gayton
1952-3257 Mrs. Joe Howard
1952-3258 Stiles, Douglas
1952-3259 Good Iron, Theresa
1952-3260 Zimmerman, Richard
1952-3261 Marie Menz
1952-3262 – 3263 American Horse
1952-3264 Mrs. Davis Crow Necklace
1952-3265 Garnell Claymore
1952-3266 Douglas Stiles
1952-3267 Kenel (SD)
1952-3268 Harriet Sky
1952-3269 Mun Marsh
1952-3270 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3271 Crow King
1952-3272 Frank McConville
1952-3273 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3274 Mrs. Louise Winter
1952-3275 Mrs. Joe Culbertson
1952-3276 Theresa Four Woman
1952-3277 Beef issue
1952-3278 Catholic Congress confirmation by Bishop Wehrle, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3279 Havana, Cuba
1952-3280 Employees residence and Lingren Hotel, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3281 Boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3282 Missouri River
1952-3283 Dry farming products 1910
1952-3284 Little Big Horn drawing by One Bull
1952-3285 Boarding school basement, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3286 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3287 Mr. and Mrs. Halsey
1952-3288 Prairie fire, Kenel (SD)
1952-3289 – 3291 John Tiokasin April 15, 1912
1952-3292 Forest City (SD) 1928
1952-3293 Quilt Exhibit
1952-3294 Bull Head (SD) 1935
1952-3295 Oak Creek (SD)
1952-3296 Government barn, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3297 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3298 Laura Fiske
1952-3299 – 3300 Mandan Indian Lodge
1952-3301 Mr. and Mrs. Fearless Hawk
1952-3302 F. Y. Batchelor
1952-3303 George Armstrong Custer
1952-3304 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tiokasin
1952-3305 Catholic Church interior
1952-3306 – 3307 Indian Camp
1952-3308 Standing Rock and Memorial Monument 1946
1952-3309 – 3310 Enthusiastic Sioux Indian children at baseball game Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3311 Winfield Vermillion and son “Bull Moose”
1952-3312 Francine Fiske
1952-3313 Mrs. Joe Howard 1947
1952-3314 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3315 John and Henry Keeler (twins)
1952-3316 George Armstrong Custer
1952-3317 – 3318 Mrs. Jim Ramey
1952-3319 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wells
1952-3320 At the Sun Dance, Cannon Ball (ND) 1927
1952-3321 Mrs. George Fiske’s birthday cake
1952-3322 Carignan and Stiles; Indian trader plant, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3323 – 3324 Combining at New Era tractor farm, McLaughlin (SD) August 8, 1927
1952-3325 – 3326 Custer Battlefield
1952-3327 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chapman wedding, Fort Yates (ND) November 11, 1946
1952-3328 Rev. and Mrs. George Reed 50th wedding anniversary, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3329 R. A. Kern IGA Store, Fort Yates (ND) 1943
1952-3330 William Kimball shipment of 6,000 watermelons on the Benton from Fort Yates to Bismarck
1952-3331 Scaffold burial
1952-3332 Fort Manuel Lisa
1952-3333 – 3334 James Gilland
1952-3335 Standing Rock fair 1919
1952-3336 Laura Fiske and Clara Wells
1952-3337 Spicer
1952-3338 Front Street, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3339 Bull Head (SD) 1935
1952-3340 Father Francis September 21, 1910
1952-3341 Laura and Francine Fiske
1952-3342 Angela Fiske
1952-3343 Rose Flavia Primeau
1952-3344 – 3345 Laura Fiske
1952-3346 Lillian Hardman
1952-3347 Laura Fiske
1952-3348 Francine Fiske
1952-3349 Hermina Cournoyer
1952-3350 Jack Carignan and Frank Fiske
1952-3351 St. Louis Exposition 1904
1952-3352 Mrs. Francis Zahn
1952-3353 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3354 Lt. F. F. Kislingbury
1952-3355 Indian home
1952-3356 Play day Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3357 Principal's home and west dormitory, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3358 Francine Fiske
1952-3359 Boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3360 Filling water barrels at the Missouri, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3361 – 3362 Laura Fiske
1952-3363 Town lot sale Fort Yates (ND) June 16, 1911
1952-3364 Government shops Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3365 Parade and fair, Mandan (ND)
1952-3366 Jack Carignan, LaFave Primeau, and Frank Fiske
1952-3367 Steamboats at landing, Bismarck (ND)
1952-3368 Mrs. George Fiske
1952-3369 Northern Pacific Railroad Station, Bismarck (ND)
1952-3370 Water tower Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3371 Water tank on the hill Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3372 Mrs. James Gayton
1952-3373 J. M. Carignan and Major James McLaughlin
1952-3374 Indian Police 1890
1952-3375 Grain Elevators
1952-3376 William Zahn
1952-3377 – 3378 Houses, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3379 Fort Meade (SD)
1952-3380 Indian woman waiting for rations, Agency office, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3381 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3382 Double house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3383 Grass
1952-3384 Threshing
1952-3385 Albert Otiker, Sr.
1952-3386 Albert Otiker, Jr.
1952-3387 Frieda Otiker
1952-3388 Catholic Congress papal delegates giving blessing, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3389 Catholic Church procession, Fort Yates (ND) June 25, 1910
1952-3390 Baseball game, Fort Yates (ND) June 1, 1919
1952-3391 Town site, Fort Yates (ND) 1916
1952-3392 Standing Rock fair
1952-3393 William Walther
1952-3394 Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, Mandan (ND)
1952-3395 Town lot sale, free lunch tent, Fort Yates (ND) June 15, 1906
1952-3396 Boarding school; gardening Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3397 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3398 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3399 Catholic Congress Procession entering church, Fort Yates (ND) June 25, 1910
1952-3400 Moses White and Francis Black Cloud, Fort Snelling (MN)
1952-3401 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-3402 Missouri River
1952-3403 Lt. William Van Riley and Captain George W. Yates
1952-3404 Black Hills
1952-3405 Francine Fiske and Jean Speaks
1952-3406 Deserted farm
1952-3407 Grace Primeau
1952-3408 John Stiles
1952-3409 Robert Patchen and Mrs. Erma Wheeler
1952-3410 Parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3411 Badlands
1952-3412 Spicer
1952-3413 Double house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3414 Custer Monument
1952-3415 Francis Zahn 1945
1952-3416 Deadwood (SD)
1952-3417 Tipi and US Army tents 1932
1952-3418 Northern Pacific Railroad train
1952-3419 Plowed furrows
1952-3420 Mrs. Joyce Bald Eagle
1952-3421 Red Lake (MN)
1952-3422 James Crazy Hawk 1947
1952-3423 Ben Paul 1947
1952-3424 Emma Hodgkidson
1952-3425 Steamboat, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3426 George Armstrong Custer
1952-3426 Lt. Donald McIntosh
1952-3427 – 3428 Emmons County Courthouse, Linton (ND)
1952-3429 Winona (ND)
1952-3430 Governor E. Y. Sarles January 4, 1905
1952-3431 Governor Frank White January 4, 1905
1952-3432 Swift Eagle
1952-3433 Black Hills
1952-3434 Spicer
1952-3434 Water tower, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3435 George Armstrong Custer 1876
1952-3436 Garden near McIntosh (SD)
1952-3437 View from the south, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3438 Francine Fiske and Joyce Nicksic
1952-3439 Boarding school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3441 Francis Zahn
1952-3442 – 3444 Officers row looking west, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3445 Henry Ashes and Frank Martin
1952-3446 Harry McLaughlin and Peter J. Cournoyer
1952-3447 General and Mrs. George Armstrong Custer
1952-3448 Minard White Horse and family
1952-3449 Angela Fiske
1952-3450 Louise Endres
1952-3451 Shields (ND)
1952-3452 – 3453 Frank and Francine Fiske
1952-3454 Francine and Mrs. George Fiske
1952-3455 – 3456 Frank Fiske
1952-3457 Thomas Reedy
1952-3458 Ghost Hill, Missouri River
1952-3459 Mrs. Robert High Eagle
1952-3460 Fort Rice
1952-3461 Steamboat Bismarck
1952-3462 Mrs. Good Elk
1952-3463 Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-3464 Sitting Bull's horse
1952-3466 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-3467 Tipi and log house
1952-3468 Catholic Church
1952-3469 Francis Zahn
1952-3470 Theresa Yellow Lodge
1952-3471 Loualla McLaughlin
1952-3472 Frank Gates
1952-3473 Goose
1952-3474 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-3475 Indian Camp
1952-3476 – 3479 Philomena Badger
1952-3480 Circling Hawk
1952-3481 Missouri River
1952-3482 First National Bank Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3483 Indian Stable
1952-3484 – 3486 R. L. Chapman November 11, 1946
1952-3487 Francine Fiske
1952-3488 American Legion parade Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3489 Flag drill Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3490 Standing Rock fair 1931
1952-3491 Sturgeon
1952-3492 Washburn steamboat
1952-3493 Halloween party at Griffings, Fort Yates (ND) 1903
1952-3494 Mrs. Spud Murphy
1952-3495 Ida
1952-3496 Marty (SD)
1952-3497 High School Girls' quartet Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1948-1949
1952-3498 High School Boys' quartet Fort Yates (ND) 1949
1952-3499 Boarding school dining room, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3500 Boarding school, sewing room Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3501 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3502 Indian dance
1952-3503 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3504 – 3405 Picnic
1952-3506 – 3509 Barren Butte
1952-3510 McLaughlin (SD) 1928
1952-3511 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3512 – 3513 Pipestone Indian Claims Committee
1952-3514 Reception for service men, Fort Yates (ND) November 1943
1952-3515 Bull Head (SD)
1952-3516 Cowboy's reunion, Bixby (SD) August 16, 1940
1952-3517 Agency portion Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3518 High school paper staff Fort Yates (ND) 1948-1949
1952-3519 Give away and feast
1952-3520 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3521 Boarding school sewing room, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3522 Tumbling weeds
1952-3523 Missouri
1952-3524 Red Fish, Eva Little Chief
1952-3524 Alma Red Fish
1952-3525 Bull Head (SD)
1952-3526 John Keeler and Jack Carignan
1952-3527 John, Thomas, and Peter Holy Elk Face
1952-3532 – 3537 Spicer
1952-3538 Holy Track
1952-3539 Spicer
1952-3541 Spicer
1952-3543 Mr. and Mrs. John Spicer
1952-3544 Sheriff Pete Shier
1952-3545 Double house Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3546 Joyce and Happy Wells
1952-3547 – 3450 Hokanson
1952-3551 Porcupine Creek
1952-3553 Robert Patchen and Mrs. Erma Wheeler
1952-3554 Robert Patchen
1952-3555 Mrs. Erma Wheeler
1952-3557 Roy Spangler, Wallace Davidson, and Sam Gayton
1952-3559 Paints Brown
1952-3561 Coralana Iron Necklace
1952-3562 Frank Fiske and Jack Carignan
1952-3564 8th Cavalry drill, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3568 Whitesell
1952-3572 Jovita Badger
1952-3584 White Mouse
1952-3589 Slaughter house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3590 Marie Iverson and Rose Primeau
1952-3595 Conrad and Herbert Buffalo Boy, Sr.
1952-3596 Sam Fly, Ed Iron Eyes, and Chase Alone
1952-3601 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-3603 Christmas at boarding school
1952-3605 Sitting Bull speaking to US commissioners at his trial, Standing Rock Agency (DT) 1888. Barry photo
1952-3607 Stills confiscated
1952-3609 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison
1952-3615 Clayton Iron Necklace
1952-3617 Frank Fiske and Frank McConnville
1952-3621 Indians
1952-3624 George Armstrong Custer
1952-3626 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3628 8th Cavalry, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3672 Dick Ramsey and Charles McLaughlin
1952-3676 Guyther and Ray Reed
1952-3681 Group
1952-3682 Jacqueline and Betty Silk
1952-3688 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3693 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3694 Marie Iverson and Francine Fiske
1952-3695 Clayton Iron Necklace
1952-3700 Father DeSmet
1952-3719 Little Soldier
1952-3720 Charles Gayton
1952-3721 Gray Whirlwind
1952-3724 Black Cloud 1947
1952-3726 Crazy Walking
1952-3729 Soldier
1952-3731 Crazy Walking
1952-3734 Jean Witzleben
1952-3735 Charley Marshall
1952-3744 Wise Spirit and family; and Shoots Holy and family
1952-3746 Wise Spirit
1952-3746 Shoot Holy
1952-3751 Rattling Hail
1952-3753 Mrs. Francis Zahn
1952-3754 Paddy Finn
1952-3755 Deapolis
1952-3756 Mrs. Louise Van Solen
1952-3757 Chasing Bear
1952-3758 Mrs. Good Left Hand
1952-3759 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-3760 Guard house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3761 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3762 Mrs. Joseph Ubersetsig
1952-3763 Mrs. Clara Ramey
1952-3764 Sam Brugier
1952-3765 Twin
1952-3767 Joe Menz
1952-3768 Leo Halsey
1952-3770 Indian Police
1952-3777 Badlands
1952-3789 Mr. and Mrs. Powers
1952-3793 Parade
1952-3805 Fiske Studio
1952-3816 Porcupine Creek
1952-3823 Wrong side up marker
1952-3824 Fairground Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3825 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3826 Railroad, Cannon Ball (ND), Kenel (ND)
1952-3828 River road Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3829 Muskrat farm
1952-3830 Sod house
1952-3831 Lucille Van Solen
1952-3838 Sam Brewer
1952-3846 Hotel and 3 houses Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3848 Porcupine Creek
1952-3853 Stanley Vestal and Little Soldier
1952-3860 Wakpala (SD)
1952-3864 Group
1952-3865 Foresters' Hall
1952-3866 – 3874 Fiske Ranch
1952-3875 Indian Women
1952-3876 Francis Zahn 1935
1952-3880 Mad Bear
1952-3881 Beaver work
1952-3883 Francis Zahn and Stanley Vestal
1952-3884 Railroad, Cannon Ball (ND), Kenel (ND)
1952-3885 Jerome and Ben Standing Soldier
1952-3887 Barren Butte
1952-3890 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-3894 – 3895 Tipi
1952-3896 Joseph Chapman
1952-3897 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-3898 Group
1952-3899 Jerry Hart
1952-3902 Blue Thunder's tipi
1952-3907 Woman feeding chickens in farmyard
1952-3914 Jack Iron Boulder and John Melvin
1952-3914 Jake White Eagle
1952-3915 Father Bernard Strassmeier 1918
1952-3928 Mrs. Frank Wells
1952-3930 Group
1952-3946 Dan Howard
1952-3960 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carignan
1952-3961 Captain Belk
1952-3969 Catholic Church
1952-3973 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3974 Catholic Church and School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3975 High School Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3976 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3977 Dormitory Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3982 Hospital Fort Yates (ND)
1952-3989 High water Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4003 Gathering in front Agency office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4007 Gray Eagle
1952-4014 Dance and drumming circle 1930
1952-4020 Mrs. Crow Man
1952-4021 – 4022 Frank Gates
1952-4023 – 4024 White Bull, One Bull, and Francis Zahn
1952-4026 White Bull, One Bull, and Francis Zahn
1952-4027 Group Ben Loneman, Mrs. Cecelia Bullhead, Mrs. Francis Archambault, Mrs. Carolina Redhorse
1952-4030 Brave Bear
1952-4033 Mrs. Frances Archambault
1952-4036 White Bull and One Bull
1952-4048 Mary Crawler
1952-4050 Mr. and Mrs. Feather Earring, Kenel (SD)
1952-4051 Little Crow
1952-4054 Mrs. Pius His Chase
1952-4056 White Buffalo Walking
1952-4058 Takes the Shield and Dora Gray Bear
1952-4059 Gray Eagle
1952-4062 – 4063 Van Solen
1952-4097 Baptist Pierre
1952-4100 Cannon Ball Mission Church
1952-4114 Sam Gayton
1952-4120 Laura Fiske and Jean Witzleben
1952-4122 Laura Fiske and Jean Witzleben
1952-4131 Bear Ghost
1952-4132 – 4133 Little Eagle 1952
1952-4134 Fort Rice State Park
1952-4135 Bull Head, (Lt.)
1952-4136 Missouri River Bridge, Cheyenne River Reservation (SD) 1940
1952-4137 Cheyenne Agency Bridge 1940
1952-4138 Standing Rock Indian Reservation
1952-4139 Supt. Roberts speaking; Cheyenne Agency (SD)
1952-4140 – 4143 Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, Mandan (ND)
1952-4144 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4145 Government Hospital, Cheyenne Agency (SD)
1952-4146 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-4147 Wakpala (SD)
1952-4148 Standing Rock
1952-4149 Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, Mandan (ND)
1952-4150 John Grass
1952-4151 Stoneman Butte
1952-4152 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-4153 Bull Head (SD)
1952-4154 – 4158 Cannon Ball River 1950
1952-4159 Badlands
1952-4160 Theodore Roosevelt Nation Memorial Park
1952-4161 Area known as "Radio City", Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4162 Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
1952-4163 Rough Riders Hotel, Medora (ND)
1952-4164 Bull Head (SD)
1952-4164 Catholic Church, Bull Head (SD)
1952-4165 Street car, Bismarck (ND)
1952-4166 Johnny Stiles
1952-4167 Bismarck and Washburn Lumber Company, Bismarck (ND)
1952-4168 Northern Pacific Railroad Station, Bismarck (ND)
1952-4169 Original Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
1952-4170 Catholic Church 1918
1952-4171 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4173 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND) 1941
1952-4174 – 4178 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-4179 High School, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4180 Community church and high school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4181 Agency office, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-4182 School dormitories, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4183 Elementary school, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-4184 Hospital, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-4185 Superintendent's residence, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-4186 Standing Rock 1950
1952-4187 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND) June 1950
1952-4188 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND) 1942
1952-4189 Catholic Cemetery Memorial Day, Fort Yates (ND) 1910
1952-4190 Community Church Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4191 School dormitories Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4192 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND) 1942
1952-4193 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4194 – 4195 IGA store Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4196 School Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4197 – 4199 Catholic Church and priest's home, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4200 – 4201 Catholic Church and school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4202 Government Hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4203 Main Street, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4204 School, west dormitory, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4205 Catholic Church and school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4206 – 4207 View from the north, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4208 Catholic Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4209 High school, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4210 – 4211 Francis Zahn
1952-4212 Boarding school; girl students Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4213 Zahn Museum
1952-4214 – 4222 Black Hills
1952-4223 – 4226 Jack Carignan
1952-4227 Railroad south Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4229 Meadowlark
1952-4230 Herbert Keeps Eagle and Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-4231 Frank Jr. Wells
1952-4232 John Gates, Jr.
1952-4233 Lydia Lovejoy
1952-4234 Mr. and Mrs. Butch Luger
1952-4235 Josephine Wells
1952-4237 Mrs. Sam Gayton
1952-4238 Brave Buffalo
1952-4239 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poitra
1952-4240 – 4241 Rodeo
1952-4242 Rodeo, Beulah (ND) 1929
1952-4243 Rodeo 1927
1952-4244 – 4250 Rodeo
1952-4251 Rodeo, Beulah (ND)
1952-4252 Rodeo
1952-4253 Rodeo, Beulah (ND) 1929
1952-4254 – 4256 Rodeo
1952-4257 Rodeo, Beulah (ND)
1952-4258 – 4262 Rodeo
1952-4263 Rodeo, Bixby (SD) August 16, 1940
1952-4264 – 4271 Rodeo
1952-4272 Rodeo 1926
1952-4273 – 4274 Rodeo
1952-4275 Rodeo, Beulah (ND)
1952-4276 – 4281 Rodeo
1952-4282 Rodeo 1927
1952-4283 Rodeo 1926
1952-4284 – 4285 Rodeo
1952-4286 Rodeo 1928
1952-4287 – 4288 Rodeo
1952-4289 Rodeo 1927
1952-4290 Rodeo, Bixby (SD) August 16, 1940
1952-4291 Rodeo
1952-4292 Rodeo 1924
1952-4293 Rodeo August 16, 1940
1952-4294 Colt with legs
1952-4295 Branding a calf
1952-4296 Branding a "critter"
1952-4297 – 4298 Rodeo
1952-4299 – 4300 Nellie Bachmeier
1952-4301 William Pamplin
1952-4302 Percy Halsey
1952-4303 Charley Armstrong
1952-4304 A. C. Wells, Eva Marsh, and Clara Wells
1952-4306 Log Cabin
1952-4307 Ear marking a calf
1952-4308 Joe McMackin
1952-4309 Horseback rider
1952-4310 Margaret Primeau
1952-4311 Grass dance
1952-4312 Horse race
1952-4313 Black Hills Council, Fort Yates (ND) 1923
1952-4314 Frank Fiske, One Bull, and White Bull
1952-4315 Sioux child
1952-4317 Rifles
1952-4318 Revolver
1952-4319 Group
1952-4320 Indian
1952-4321 Fair crowd and tents ca. 1910-1920
1952-4322 Horseback rider
1952-4323 Indian, couple
1952-4324 Sioux scout
1952-4325 Phillip Earring,
1952-4326 Little Missouri River
1952-4327 Horseback riders
1952-4328 Little Missouri River
1952-4329 – 4330 Fort Abraham Lincoln, Mandan (ND)
1952-4331 Catholic Cemetery, graves of nuns, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4332 Indian
1952-4333 Indian family and wagon
1952-4334 Travois, horse, woman
1952-4335 Bernadine Agard
1952-4336 Mallard Walking
1952-4337 Mrs. Cold Hand
1952-4338 Woman
1952-4339 John Crowman
1952-4340 Mrs. Pleets
1952-4341 Wagons
1952-4342 Coyote
1952-4343 Missouri River
1952-4344 Indian Plowing
1952-4345 Coyote howling
1952-4346 Fort Manuel Lisa
1952-4347 Circling Hawk
1952-4348 – 4349 Indian dance
1952-4350 – 4353 Yellow Hawk
1952-4354 Oxen and wagon
1952-4355 Mrs. Crew Man
1952-4356 William Langer, and Jack Carignan, Jr.
1952-4358 Last of army transportation, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-4362 Dance
1952-4363 Dance
1952-4364 Shimmy game
1952-4611 Bill and Lawrence Luger
1952-4612 Benton
1952-5000 Joe Fly
1952-5001 Jerome Standing Soldier
1952-5002 Ben White
1952-5003 – 5004 Bear Face Woman
1952-5005 Charlie Halsey
1952-5006 Store, Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-5007 Mrs. Charlie Dunn
1952-5008 Henry Poitra
1952-5009 Low Dog
1952-5010 Gall
1952-5011 Bull Head
1952-5012 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-5013 Mad Bear
1952-5014 Gray Hawk
1952-5015 Mrs. Charles Red Fox
1952-5016 Brave Buffalo
1952-5017 Red Tomahawk
1952-5018 Brave Buffalo
1952-5019 John Grass
1952-5020 Crawler
1952-5021 Grant Marsh
1952-5022 – 5023 Shoots Holy
1952-5024 Loon
1952-5025 Wooley Coat
1952-5026 One Bull
1952-5027 Red Above, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5028 Red Fish
1952-5029 J. A. Stiles
1952-5030 Missouri River
1952-5031 Kicks the Iron
1952-5032 – 5033 Mr. and Mrs. Two Shields
1952-5034 Frank Gates
1952-5035 Blue Thunder
1952-5036 Charging Eagle
1952-5037 Brave Buffalo
1952-5038 Paul Brave
1952-5039 Tom Frosted
1952-5040 Josephine Gates Kelly, Fort Yates (ND). Tribal Council ca: 1948-1952; Granddaughter of Yanktonai Chief Two Bears; Born January 24, 1888; Died: 1976
1952-5041 E. C. Witzleben
1952-5042 White Bull
1952-5043 George Defender
1952-5044 Helen Blue Eyes
1952-5045 Joe Fly
1952-5046 Little Shield
1952-5047 Jerry Hart
1952-5048 Susan Brave
1952-5049 Tom Frosted
1952-5050 Captain John Belk
1952-5051 Red Hail
1952-5052 Alec Middle
1952-5053 Fast Dog
1952-5054 Josephine Halsey
1952-5055 Goose
1952-5056 Tom Frosted
1952-5057 Mrs. Henry Agard
1952-5060 Augustine (Mrs. Joe) Pleets
1952-5061 – 5062 Blue Thunder
1952-5063 Thelma Lawrence
1952-5064 Chat Agard
1952-5064 Missouri River
1952-5066 – 5067 John Crow Man
1952-5068 John Grass
1952-5069 Four Claws, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5070 Mrs. Joe Twin
1952-5073 – 5075 Shoots Holy
1952-5076 – 5077 Two Shields
1952-5078 Frances Striped Cloud
1952-5079 Pius His Chase
1952-5080 Fast Dog
1952-5081 J. M. Carignan
1952-5082 Grace Brown
1952-5083 Ed Newberry
1952-5084 – 5086 Mrs. Twin
1952-5087 Chasing Bear
1952-5088 Theresa Yellow Lodge
1952-5089 – 5091 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-5092 Chief Gall
1952-5093 Bull Head
1952-5094 Mrs. Yellow Eyes
1952-5095 Herbert Buffalo Boy
1952-5096 William Halsey
1952-5097 John Crow Man
1952-5098 Eddie Iron Eyes
1952-5099 Eddie Iron Eyes, Jr.
1952-5100 Indian Turnips
1952-5101 Lone Elk
1952-5102 – 5103 Dakota Hills
1952-5104 Officer's row looking east, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5105 Crow King
1952-5106 Red Cloud
1952-5107 – 5110 Lucille Van Solen
1952-5111 Mrs. Nellie Gates
1952-5112 Philomena Badger
1952-5113 Lucy La Fromboise
1952-5114 Joe No Heart
1952-5115 Dr. Samuel S. Turner
1952-5116 Parade ground, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5117 Louise Blue Boys
1952-5118 Archambault
1952-5119 – 5121 Francis Zahn
1952-5122 Cottonwood
1952-5123 Frank Fiske
1952-5124 Mrs. Alma Parkin
1952-5125 Missouri River
1952-5126 Log Cabin
1952-5127 Shave Bear
1952-5128 Butte
1952-5129 – 5131 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-5132 Usher Lloyd Burdick
1952-5133 Big Shield, Pius
1952-5134 Cheyenne Agency (SD) 1928
1952-5135 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-5136 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-5137 D Z Round up August 1, 1914
1952-5139 Missouri River
1952-5140 Parade ground Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5141 Log Cabin
1952-5142 Cannon Ball Store
1952-5143 Manuel Rock
1952-5144 Scaffold burial
1952-5145 Indian Dancers
1952-5146 – 5147 Missouri River
1952-5148 – 5152 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-5153 – 5154 Dr. Charles Eastman
1952-5155 Benton
1952-5156 James Gayton
1952-5157 Catholic Church, Kenel (SD)
1952-5158 Boarding school classroom, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5159 Military cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5160 After a March storm, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5161 Father Martin Kenel June 26, 1910
1952-5162 John Grass
1952-5163 Memorial monument Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5164 Quartermaster corrals, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5165 – 5166 Heyoka
1952-5167 Francis Zahn
1952-5168 John Grass
1952-5169 Gall
1952-5170 Fort Berthold (ND)
1952-5171 Branding calves
1952-5172 Mae Archambault
1952-5173 Horse give away
1952-5174 Missouri River
1952-5175 Tipi
1952-5176 Sun Dance
1952-5177 Indian Dance
1952-5178 – 5179 Charles Thatcher
1952-5180 Sitting Bull's cabin
1952-5181 Sitting Bull's stable
1952-5182 Caption: "Where Sitting Bull hostiles crossed the Grand" Grand River (SD) Fiske photo
1952-5183 Sitting Bull's pony
1952-5184 Sitting Bull portrait with hair in braids with fur wrapped around their ends, embroidered sash across his chest
1952-5185 Sitting Bull 1883 Northwestern photo copied by Fiske
1952-5186 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-5187 Log cabin
1952-5188 Graves Indian police killed in Sitting Bull fight, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5189 Blue Thunder
1952-5190 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-5191 Catholic Church, Kenel (SD)
1952-5192 Cavalry Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5193 Mrs. James Gayton
1952-5194 Snow scene Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5195 James Gayton
1952-5196 Ida
1952-5197 Sitting Bull. Cross photo
1952-5198 L. Lippert, selected by Frank Fiske for Standing Rock book
1952-5199 Standing Rock, selected by Frank Fiske for Standing Rock book
1952-5200 Coal pile
1952-5201 Roy Torgerson
1952-5202 One of first automobiles used by Sioux, selected by Frank Fiske for Standing Rock book
1952-5203 Major James McLaughlin 1884
1952-5204 Cattle in pen
1952-5205 Two Shields Dance, selected by Frank Fiske for Standing Rock book
1952-5206 Standing Rock
1952-5207 Circle of tipis
1952-5208 Christine Dunn (Sioux) daughter of Charles Dunn, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5209 Weasel
1952-5210 William White
1952-5211 Winter in the river bottoms Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5212 Mrs. Cramsie and Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-5213 Paddy Finn
1952-5214 Catholic Mission, Kenel (SD)
1952-5215 Indian Police mounted
1952-5216 – 5218 Watermelons
1952-5219 Gros Ventre
1952-5220 State Capitol, Bismarck (ND)
1952-5221 Agency office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5222 Band Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5223 Northern Pacific bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-5224 Corral and Cattle
1952-5225 Fort Manuel Lisa
1952-5226 Mail from Winona
1952-5227 Breaking new land
1952-5228 Frank Bennett Fiske
1952-5229 IGA Store Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5230 Colonel Hammond
1952-5231 Early automobile on the reservation
1952-5232 One Bull 1931
1952-5233 Howard Wanna
1952-5234 Standing Rock fair
1952-5235 Standing Rock fair 1917
1952-5236 – 5238 Cattle Butchering
1952-5239 School, Fort Yates (ND) Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-5240 George Defender
1952-5241 His White Horse
1952-5242 First school Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5243 Sitting Bull's Battleground
1952-5244 Captain John Belk
1952-5245 Scarab
1952-5245 Expansion
1952-5246 Grace Brown
1952-5247 Sitting Bull's grave, Fort Yates (ND) 1951
1952-5248 Rodeo
1952-5261 Andrew Bear Ribs, Sr. Rodeo
1952-5271 Rodeo
1952-5272 Francis Zahn
1952-5284 Shoots Holy and wife, Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-5294 Mrs. William Gayton
1952-5297 Gayton Brothers
1952-5314 Mrs. Mary Bull Head
1952-5330 Stiles Cattle crossing
1952-5331 Catholic meeting house, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5332 Dunn Girls
1952-5333 Ida
1952-5334 Two Shields
1952-5335 Agency office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5336 School Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5337 Superintendent's home Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5338 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast
1952-5339 Town site Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5340 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast
1952-5341 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast 1943
1952-5342 Hospital Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5343 Priest's house and agency hospital, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5344 Fort Yates (ND) from golf course
1952-5345 Fort Yates (ND) 1945
1952-5346 Fiske Studio, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5347 Sioux County honor roll Fort Yates (ND) 1946
1952-5348 Fort Yates (ND) 1946
1952-5349 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5350 Fort Yates (ND) looking south
1952-5351 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5352 Mission School, St. Theresa's Hall Church, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5353 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5354 Winter scene Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5355 High water Fort Yates (ND) April 3, 1943
1952-5356 Halsey Hill, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5357 High water Fort Yates (ND) April 3, 1943
1952-5358 Fort Yates (ND) central portion
1952-5359 Agency Fort Yates (ND) 1916
1952-5360 Agency office Fort Yates (ND) 1946
1952-5361 Fort Yates (ND) west and south portion
1952-5362 – 5363 Hospital Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5364 Hospital area Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5365 – 5366 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast
1952-5367 Fort Yates (ND) looking south
1952-5368 Graves of Indian police killed, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5369 Porcupine Catholic Church
1952-5370 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-5371 – 5372 Badlands
1952-5373 Military post Fort Yates (ND) 1897
1952-5374 – 5375 Looking east Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5376 Fort Yates (ND) looking southeast 1945
1952-5377 Cyclone Fort Yates (ND) July 9, 1943
1952-5379 Indian Tipi below Proposal Hill back of Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1910-1920
1952-5380 Bishop Martin Marty
1952-5381 – 5392 Rodeo
1952-5393 – 5396 Cannon Ball River
1952-5405 – 5407 Badlands
1952-5408 Tipi with automobiles in background ca. 1910-1920
1952-5409 Tipi
1952-5410 Kenel (SD)
1952-5411 – 5415 Badlands
1952-5416 Missouri River
1952-5417 Camp, Bull Head
1952-5418 – 5419 Camp July 4, 1912
1952-5419 Bull Head sub-agency, Bull Head (SD)
1952-5420 Winter camp
1952-5421 Agency office Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5422 Agency office and the Standing Rock, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5423 Tipi
1952-5424 Badlands
1952-5432 – 5433 Medicine Rock
1952-5434 Missouri River
1952-5435 Baseball game
1952-5436 Missouri River
1952-5437 – 5439 Barren Butte
1952-5440 – 5441 Standing Rock
1952-5442 Baseball game
1952-5443 – 5444 Dog Travois
1952-5474 Missouri River
1952-5475 Catholic Cemetery, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5476 Camp, Bull Head
1952-5477 Ghost Hill
1952-5478 Moonlight
1952-5479 Missouri River Valley
1952-5480 – 5481 Gall
1952-5494 Thanksgiving day
1952-5495 Cheyenne River Rodeo
1952-5496 Fort Yates (ND) July 4 1943
1952-5497 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5498 Officers Row Fort Abraham Lincoln, Mandan (ND)
1952-5499 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5500 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5527 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-5528 White Bull
1952-5529 Loon
1952-5530 Tipi 1930
1952-5531 – 5532Tipi
1952-5533 Patesni
1952-5534 Dog Travois
1952-5535 Male Bear
1952-5536 John Grass
1952-5537 – 5539 Red Fish
1952-5542 Indian Dancers
1952-5543 Male Bear
1952-5544 Iron Dog girl
1952-5545 Dunn girl
1952-5546 – 5549 Spotted Bear
1952-5550 Mary Crawler
1952-5551 One Bull
1952-5552 No Heart
1952-5553 Circling Hawk
1952-5554 – 5556 Patesni
1952-5557 Bob Tail Bear
1952-5558 Male Bear
1952-5559 Sioux
1952-5560 Dog Travois
1952-5572 People on barge
1952-5586 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5587 Mrs. Yellow Bull Head
1952-5588 – 5589 Frank La Framboise
1952-5590 Fair
1952-5591 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5592 Fort Yates (ND) 1930
1952-5593 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5594 Indian Dancing Standing Rock Agency Fair ca. 1920-1930
1952-5595 – 5600 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5601 Indian ceremonial dance, Rosebud (SD) 1931
1952-5602 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5604 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5607 Mary Wounds
1952-5608 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-5609 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5610 McLaughlin, James (Major)
1952-5611 Buffalo Hunt (pictorial version of Fiske 06259) Indians in headdresses on horses chasing buffalo with hills and trees in background
1952-5612 US Department of Interior 1883
1952-5613 Sitting Bull's Battleground
1952-5614 Black Bear 1881
1952-5615 Black Bear
1952-5616 Sioux Maiden
1952-5617 Mrs. Maude Black-Mustache
1952-5618 Bear's Ghost Ride
1952-5619 Mary Black Tongue
1952-5620 – 5621 Blue Thunder
1952-5622 – 5623 Bobtail Bull
1952-5624 Joseph Armastis Archaumbault
1952-5625 Archaumbault
1952-5626 Lone Man
1952-5627 Gray Hawk
1952-5628 Gray Eagle
1952-5629 Patachui
1952-5630 Crazy Bear
1952-5631 – 5632 Circling Hawk
1952-5633 – 5634 Dave Bruguiere
1952-5635 Archaumbault
1952-5637 Mrs. Glafur
1952-5638 William Zahn
1952-5639 Mary Crawler
1952-5640 John Brown
1952-5641 Margaret One Bull
1952-5642 No Heart
1952-5643 Lean Warrior
1952-5644 Two Bears
1952-5645 White Bull
1952-5646 Jordan, (Old Lady)
1952-5647 Feather Earring
1952-5648 Grass, Albert
1952-5649 Red Fish
1952-5650 One Bull
1952-5651 Red Fish
1952-5652 Francis Zahn
1952-5652 Old Bull
1952-5653 Waiting for the Dance
1952-5654 Mrs. Pleets
1952-5655 General Hugh L. Scott
1952-5656 Old Bull
1952-5657 Survivors
1952-5658 River landing
1952-5659 Ranch Janisluti
1952-5662 – 5663 Francine Rosamund
1952-5664 – 5663 Billy Harmen
1952-5665 Billy Harmen
1952-5666 – 5669 Francis Red Tomahawk
1952-5670 Rosebud, Scout
1952-5671 Mrs. Pleets
1952-5672 Representative
1952-5673 Mr. and Mrs. White Bear
1952-5674 Sioux County
1952-5675 Selection of Standing Stills
1952-5676 G. V. Herreid
1952-5677 Bernadine Agard
1952-5680 Benton
1952-5683 – 5688 Horse Travois
1952-5690 Monument dedication to the Hunkpapa Chiefs 1938
1952-5707 Indian pow-wow
1952-5714 Oslalen Island
1952-5715 J. M. Belk
1952-5716 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-5717 Missouri River
1952-5719 Missouri River Bank
1952-5720 – 5721Missouri River
1952-5722 Indian
1952-5723 – 5725 Missouri River
1952-5726 Sioux Indian, Fort Yates (ND) 1943
1952-5727 Home Flooded April 3, 1943
1952-5728 – 5729 Missouri River, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-5730 Missouri River April 3, 1943
1952-5732 Missouri breakup, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-5733 Sioux Indian, Fort Yates (ND) 1947
1952-5734 Canoeing
1952-5735 The Gorge April 3, 1943
1952-5736 – 5741 Missouri River
1952-5742 Steamboat Benton, Bismarck (ND)
1952-5743 – 5746 Missouri River
1952-5751 Gus
1952-5752 Missouri River ice
1952-5753 Missouri River
1952-5754 Missouri River, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5755 – 5757 Missouri River
1952-5758 Missouri River April 2, 1943
1952-5759 – 5761 Missouri River
1952-5762 Missouri River 1943
1952-5763 – 5764 Missouri River
1952-5765 Prairie scene
1952-5766 – 5770 Missouri River
1952-5771 People on Barge
1952-5773 Cattle Leaving Barge
1952-5774 Unknown Bull
1952-5775 Unknown Cattle and bull
1952-5776 Cow
1952-5777 Cowboy and herd of cattle
1952-5778 Unknown
1952-5779 Cattle in corral at Walker
1952-5780 Cattle in Corral
1952-5781 Cattle in Field
1952-5782 Cowboys
1952-5783 Cowboys
1952-5784 Cattle on Range
1952-5785 Cattle on the Range
1952-5786 Stiles Cattle Co., Fort Yates (ND) February 20, 1916
1952-5787 Cowboy
1952-5788 Cattle by woods
1952-5789 Cowboys herding cattle
1952-5790 Cowboys
1952-5792 Unknown Indian woman ca. 1930
1952-5794 Kelley
1952-5796 Ed Afraid of Hawk
1952-5797 Dancing Sioux Indian, Rosebud (SD) 1931
1952-5799 Sioux Indians
1952-5800 Wakpala (SD)
1952-5801 Standing Rock July 4, 1911
1952-5802 – 5803 Indian pow-wow
1952-5804 Standing Rock
1952-5805 – 5807 Pow-wow
1952-5808 Indian Ceremony
1952-5809 Standing Rock 1912
1952-5810 Fort Yates (ND) 1924
1952-5811 Sun dance
1952-5812 – 5813 Sioux dance, Wakpala (SD)
1952-5814 Indian Gathering
1952-5815 Convocation of Episcopal Indians, Wakpala (SD) July 14-17, 1911
1952-5816 One Bull
1952-5818 Smell the Bear
1952-5820 White Bull
1952-5822 Site where Sitting Bull was killed
1952-5823 – 5824 Prairie
1952-5827 – 5828 Sitting Bull seated holding pipe on his lap with his signature at bottom. Damaged negative
1952-5829 Ghosts of Sioux Warriors
1952-5829 Sitting Bull Trail 1931
1952-5830 – 5831 Sitting Bulls Ghost Dance
1952-5832 – 5836 Sitting Bull's grave, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5837 E. W. Herbert at Sitting Bull's Grave
1952-5838 – 5840 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-5841 Dog Travois
1952-5842 Frank Zahn
1952-5842 Old Bull
1952-5843 Sioux
1952-5846 Orator
1952-5847 Indians & Tipi
1952-5847 Indians & Tipi
1952-5848 Sioux
1952-5849 Sioux on the warpath
1952-5850 Standing Rock Sioux
1952-5851 Sioux Dance 1931
1952-5852 Many Wounds
1952-5853 Many Deeds; Mary Reeds; Mrs. Benedicta Black Fox
1952-5854 Wicibdza
1952-5855 Mrs. Iron Shield
1952-5856 Sioux Standing Rock Reserve
1952-5857 Trickling Water
1952-5858 Sioux Winter Home
1952-5859 Sioux portrait
1952-5860 Sioux
1952-5861 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5862 Mrs. Bull Head
1952-5866 – 5867 Chase Alone, Kenel (SD) June 4, 1946
1952-5868 Mrs. Crowmen
1952-5869 John Leach ca. 1920
1952-5870 Little Soldier
1952-5871 Mrs. Bull Head
1952-5872 Two Bears
1952-5873 Lewis F. Crawford, Bear Soldier, Frank Zahn, Little Soldier, Usher L. Burdick and Black Bear in front of the Standing Rock circa 1925
1952-5875 Sun Dance
1952-5876 Fast Horse
1952-5877 – 5878 Standing Rock Band 1932
1952-5879 Standing Rock Agency School Band May 22, 1933
1952-5880 Pow-wow
1952-5881 Horse Dance
1952-5882 – 5883 Standing Rock
1952-5884 Sioux Dancers
1952-5885 Indian War Dance, Rosebud (SD) 1931
1952-5886 Travois
1952-5887 Carignan
1952-5888 McChesney
1952-5889 – 5890 William Wade
1952-5892 Group from Parkin Ranch
1952-5893 L. F. Crawford
1952-5894 Children
1952-5895 Susan Kelly
1952-5896 Johnny O'Flynn
1952-5897 J. B. Mulhern
1952-5898 – 5899 Father Bernard Strassmeier
1952-5900 Sioux maiden
1952-5901 Crazy Walking
1952-5902 – 5911 Pow-wow
1952-5912 Group
1952-5913 J. Cattle, Milling
1952-5914 On the Trail
1952-5915 Cattle Rustlers
1952-5916 Stiles Cattle Co., Fort Yates (ND) February 20, 1916
1952-5917 J. Stiles
1952-5918 – 5819 Refreshing drink
1952-5920 Running in Cattle
1952-5921 Cattle stampede
1952-5922 Cowboys
1952-5923 Shell Creek
1952-5924 Prairie sunset
1952-5925 Flowering cactus
1952-5926 Red Tomahawk
1952-5927 Gray Eagle
1952-5928 John Gates, Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-5929 Sioux
1952-5930 Shield (ND)
1952-5931 Bull Head (SD) 7/3/1935
1952-5932 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5933 Standing Rock
1952-5934 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5935 Standing Rock 1932
1952-5936 Nelel District, Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-5937 Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-5938 Prairie and Missouri River
1952-5940 – 5941 Bluff
1952-5942 – 5944 Missouri River
1952-5945 Missouri River, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5946 Mobridge (SD)
1952-5947 Missouri River 1910
1952-5948 Missouri River
1952-5949 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5950 Standing Rock Agency (ND)
1952-5951 Bluff
1952-5952 Creek
1952-5953 Steamboat Ida unloading cattle 1927
1952-5954 – 5956 Missouri River
1952-5957 Pollock ferry 1927
1952-5958 – 5966 Missouri River
1952-5968 One Bull
1952-5969 Baseball diamond
1952-5971 Mary Siaka
1952-5972 Blue Thunder
1952-5973 – 5976 Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-5980 Sitting Bull
1952-5982 Military target range
1952-5984 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-5985 Sioux
1952-5986 Sitting Bull. Cracked glass plate copy of Goff photo
1952-5987 Mary Black Tongue
1952-5988 Four Claws
1952-5989 Military Post, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-5990 Cozy
1952-5991 John Grass
1952-5992 – 5994 Washburn
1952-5998 Threshing
1952-5999 Herbert Buffalo Boy
1952-6000 Annie High Eagle May 22, 1909
1952-6001 Gray Whirlwind
1952-6002 Tom Frosted
1952-6005 Blue Thunder
1952-6012 Red Above
1952-6013 Tom Frosted and wife, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6014 Katitan
1952-6015 Sioux Maiden
1952-6016 – 6019 Wachrbedza
1952-6020 No Heart
1952-6021 No Medicine Man
1952-6022 Sioux woman
1952-6023 Jesse Pleet
1952-6026 Mrs. Lambert
1952-6028 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-6029 Brave Buffalo
1952-6030 John Grass
1952-6031 Mrs. White Face Bear
1952-6032 Standing Bear
1952-6033 Charles Hayes April 15, 1910
1952-6034 Blue Thunder
1952-6035 Jennie Brush Irons June 16, 1910
1952-6036 Brave Buffalo
1952-6037 Chase, Frank
1952-6038 No Heart
1952-6039 Little Bear 1902
1952-6040 Crazy Walking
1952-6041 Moccasin Necklace May 22, 1909
1952-6042 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-6043 Sitting Bull portrait. Northwestern copied by Fiske
1952-6044 Red Fish
1952-6045 Crawler
1952-6046 Crawler 1931
1952-6047 Fast Dog 1931
1952-6048 – 6050 Red Above
1952-6051 – 6052 Brave Buffalo
1952-6053 Charging Thunder
1952-6054 Archambault
1952-6055 Andy Marsh
1952-6057 Charles Hays, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6058 – 6059 James Bennett Gayton
1952-6061 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-6062 Augusta Little Shield
1952-6065 John Grass
1952-6066 Mrs. Antelope
1952-6068 – 6070 Mrs. Ashley
1952-6071 Mrs. Baptist Pierre
1952-6072 Mrs. Tom Frosted
1952-6073 Tipi
1952-6074 – 6075 Sioux Camp
1952-6076 Beef Issue
1952-6078 Boarding School room
1952-6079 Carpenter shop Boarding School
1952-6080 Laundry Boarding School
1952-6081 Francis Zahn
1952-6082 Fort Berthold (ND)
1952-6083 Surrey
1952-6084 Glass Plate Stereo of 7 Log Cabins
1952-6086 Gray Hawk
1952-6087 Benton
1952-6090 Crooked Creek, Killdeer Mountains
1952-6091 Unidentified
1952-6092 Mary Black Tongue
1952-6096 Graveyard
1952-6097 Prairie landscape scene near a cemetery
1952-6098 Tombstones
1952-6099 Men in field
1952-6100 Out in Field
1952-6101 Red Tomahawk
1952-6102 Bear Ghost
1952-6103 Sioux Agents
1952-6104 – 6105 Joe Keeps Eagle
1952-6106 Sr. Elizabeth's, Wakpala (SD)
1952-6107 – 6111 Lone Man
1952-6108 – 6111 Lone Man
1952-6112 – 6115 Crazy Bear
1952-6116 – 6119 Bar J
1952-6119 – 6120 Bears Ghost
1952-6121 White Bull
1952-6122 Lone Man
1952-6123 Chase Alone
1952-6123 Iron Eyes
1952-6124 – 6125 Blue Thunder
1952-6126 – 6130 Wichibdza
1952-6131 Patesni
1952-6132 Crazy Bear
1952-6133 Circling Hawk
1952-6134 Gray Hawk
1952-6135 Adolph Wisesjint
1952-6136 McLaughlin
1952-6136 Carignan
1952-6138 Survivors
1952-6139 Little Soldier
1952-6139 Black Bear
1952-6140 – 6141 Lucille Van Solen
1952-6142 Anna Pleets
1952-6143 Mrs. Oscar Good Boy
1952-6145 – 6147 Mrs. Good Cloud
1952-6148 Cow, Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-6149 State Fair and Rodeo
1952-6150 Bill Marshall, Bill Nesbit, Charles McLaughlin, John Anderson, McLaughlin Fair 1927
1952-6151 – 6155 Turkey Track Bill
1952-6156 – 6157 Catholic Congress
1952-6158 – 6160 Cowboy
1952-6161 Father Boniface
1952-6162 Cattle
1952-6163 Wild steers
1952-6164 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-6165 – 6166 Cattle
1952-6167 Two Gun Hart ready to smoke up, Fort Yates (ND) 1930
1952-6169 Red Bear
1952-6170 – 6171 One Bull
1952-6172 No Heart
1952-6173 Lean Warrior
1952-6174 Francis Red Tomahawk and Lean Warrior
1952-6175 Callous Leg
1952-6176 – 6177 White Bull
1952-6178 Mrs. Ais White Horse
1952-6179 Mrs. Cross Bear and Feather Earring
1952-6180 Lean Warrior
1952-6181 Tipi
1952-6182 Governor D. Herreid
1952-6183 Weasel Bear
1952-6184 John Anderson
1952-6185 Mandan Lodge
1952-6186 Mary Reeds; Many Deeds; Mrs. Benedicta Black Fox
1952-6187 Two Gun Hart and a Colt 45, Fort Yates (ND) 1930
1952-6188 Badlands Clouds
1952-6189 George Layton
1952-6190 Naughty Lands
1952-6191 – 6192 Badlands
1952-6193 – 6195 Summer 1906
1952-6196 Fort Yates (ND) 1906
1952-6199 Summer 1906
1952-6200 – 6201 Major James McLaughlin
1952-6202 Turkey Track Bill
1952-6203 Charles E. Urell
1952-6204 Bill Zahn
1952-6205 – 6206 Bears Ghost
1952-6207 Black Bear
1952-6208 Black Bear 1931
1952-6209 – 6211 Bobtail Bull
1952-6212 Bobtail Bear
1952-6213 Scar Leg
1952-6214 – 6220 Callous Leg
1952-6221 – 6222 Mrs. Cross Bear
1952-6223 – 6225 Feather Earring
1952-6226 – 6228 Eagle Nest
1952-6229 – 6231 Mrs. Good Cloud
1952-6232 Little Eagle
1952-6233 – 6234 Red Fish
1952-6235 Red Tomahawk
1952-6236 Mary Black Tomahawk
1952-6237 Maud Black
1952-6238 Old Bull
1952-6239 Margaret One Bull
1952-6240 Red Bear
1952-6241 Swift Bird
1952-6242 – 6243 Two Shields
1952-6244 Sioux
1952-6245 Weasel Bear
1952-6246 White Bird
1952-6247 Amos Wise Spirit
1952-6248 – 6252 Yellow Hawk
1952-6253 Lean Warrior
1952-6254 – 6256 Mrs. Yellow Horse
1952-6257 Bull Head (SD)
1952-6258 Indian Dance
1952-6259 Buffalo Hunt (Original version of 1952-5611)
1952-6260 Kenel Grotto
1952-6261 Kenel School 1886
1952-6262 Kenel (SD)
1952-6263 Indian School children Memorial Day parade, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6264 – 6265 Winter Home
1952-6266 Graves
1952-6267 Tipi
1952-6268 Sioux
1952-6269 – 6270 Sioux Camp
1952-6271 Travois 1932
1952-6272 – 6273 Shack
1952-6274 Missouri River
1952-6275 – 6276 Irrigated gardens
1952-6277 Boat
1952-6278 Steamboat
1952-6279 Harry L. Block
1952-6280 Scarab
1952-6281 Deapolis
1952-6282 – 6283 Ida
1952-6284 Steamboat
1952-6285 – 6286 Frayne
1952-6287 Expansion
1952-6288 Steamboat landing, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6289 Expansion
1952-6290 Benton
1952-6291 Gros Ventre
1952-6292 Deapolis
1952-6293 Steamer
1952-6294 Mobridge
1952-6295 Mobridge
1952-6296 Mrs. Ramsey
1952-6299 Hut
1952-6300 Missouri River
1952-6303 Woman holding bridle of dog with travois carrying pack
1952-6303 Train, Wagon, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6304 Prairie
1952-6305 Tipi
1952-6310 Bismarck & Washburn Lumber Co. March 14, 1905
1952-6311 Steamer
1952-6312 Eagles Nest
1952-6313 Rural Landscape
1952-6314 Steamboat Bismarck
1952-6315 Steamboat O.K. ca. 1920-1930
1952-6317 Empress of China
1952-6318 Man on horse back
1952-6320 Fiske Studio
1952-6321 Fording River on horseback
1952-6322 Prairie
1952-6323 Man on horse back
1952-6324 – 6325 Rural Landscape
1952-6330 Missouri
1952-6333 Horse drawn Carriage
1952-6335 Steamboat Bismarck
1952-6336 Rural Landscape
1952-6339 Rural Landscape
1952-6340 Horse and Buggy Crossing River
1952-6341 Man on horseback
1952-6342 – 6343 Rural Landscape
1952-6345 – 6347 Meadow Rural Landscape
1952-6352 Dance
1952-6353 Playing Softball
1952-6354 Braves
1952-6355 Indian on the trail
1952-6356 Ambush
1952-6358 Camp scene with tipi and tent
1952-6359 Playing Softball
1952-6360 Indian Dance
1952-6361 Camp scene with tipi and tent
1952-6362 Indian Dancers
1952-6369 Indian Dancers
1952-6372 Indian Dancers
1952-6374 Airmail commemorating airmail week May 15-21, 1938
1952-6375 Unidentified people by horse and sleigh
1952-6376 Germany
1952-6377 Girls having a sack race
1952-6382 Railroad train at Depot, Bismarck (ND)
1952-6383 Bismarck (ND)
1952-6387 Post Trade Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6388 Display of Indian Portraits
1952-6389 Flooded Missouri River
1952-6390 Rural Landscape
1952-6391 Fiske Studio
1952-6392 Planting Corn old and new way at fair
1952-6393 Indian Ceremony
1952-6394 Albert Grass receiving body at Cannon Ball (ND)
1952-6395 Unidentified Monument Dedication
1952-6396 Dedication of Indian Statue
1952-6399 World War I Military Unit
1952-6400 – 6401 Unidentified Monument Dedication
1952-6402 Floats in parade
1952-6403 Unidentified Historical Marker
1952-6404 All agency buildings in the background
1952-6405 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6406 Pow-wow
1952-6407 Working with cattle
1952-6408 Herds of cattle
1952-6409 Round up
1952-6411 Heds, Amps, Joe, Red and Butch Luger
1952-6413 Benton
1952-6414 Benton Packet Company
1952-6416 Steamer
1952-6417 Scarab
1952-6419 – 6420 Black Bear
1952-6421 One Bull
1952-6422 – 6423 Bears Ghost
1952-6424 Mary Crawler
1952-6425 – 6430 Circling Hawk
1952-6431 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-6432 Missouri River
1952-6433 – 6437 Sioux
1952-6439 Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6440 Birds Flying
1952-6442 Picnic
1952-6444 Standing Rock Agency taken from Golf course, Fort Yates (ND) 1924
1952-6445 Rodeo
1952-6446 lineup of autos carrying 18 selective men, Fort Yates (ND) March 26, 1918
1952-6447 Honorable J.M Carignan addressing selective men
1952-6450 Plow
1952-6451 Huts
1952-6452 Birds flying
1952-6454 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6456 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-461 Bluff
1952-6462 Wilderness
1952-6463 Fiske photo display
1952-6465 Water tanks, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-6466 Fiske Studio
1952-6468 Bismarck (ND)
1952-6472 Boating 1915
1952-6474 Medora (ND)
1952-6475 Crazy Walking
1952-6476 Fast Horse
1952-6477 Robert High Eagle
1952-6478 Gray Hawk
1952-6479 Blue Thunder
1952-6480 Catherine Little Killer
1952-6481 Frank Chase
1952-6482 Mandan boy with bow & arrow
1952-6483 Cattle
1952-7000 Nuns attending ill Indian in tent
1952-7001 Good Dog
1952-7002 Roosevelt Ranch
1952-7003 – 7004 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7005 Father Francis
1952-7007 Gunther
1952-7008 Balmer,
1952-7009 Reverend Aaron McGaffey Beede
1952-7010 Circling Hawk
1952-7011 Darlene Gayton
1952-7012 Grey Stone
1952-7013 Haurigan, Thunder Hawk (SD)
1952-7014 Kills Pretty Enemy, Little Eagle (SD)
1952-7015 Edward Newberry
1952-7016 R. S. McLaughlin
1952-7017 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-7018 John Smith, Cass Lake (MN)
1952-7019 Tipi
1952-7020 William Taylor
1952-7021 Leo Weasel Bear
1952-7022 Fannie B. Williams
1952-7023 Rose Ann Wilkie
1952-7024 Baldwin Witzleben
1952-7025 Indian
1952-7026 Indian Maidens
1952-7027 Indian Maiden
1952-7028 Log & tarpaper house
1952-7029 Snow covered house
1952-7031 Petrified trees
1952-7032 Road building
1952-7033 Large Rock
1952-7034 Moving threshing machine
1952-7035 Flood water
1952-7036 Archeological team
1952-7037 Cable crossing river
1952-7038 Road
1952-7039 Group
1952-7040 Flags
1952-7041 – 7042 Flag Group
1952-7043 Group
1952-7044 Group
1952-7045 Band
1952-7046 Church
1952-7047 Auto
1952-7048 Procession
1952-7049 Truck 1946
1952-7050 – 7051 Flood
1952-7052 Statue
1952-7053 Sakakawea statue, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7054 Log cabin
1952-7055 Masted ship
1952-7056 Caterpillar pulling road grading equipment
1952-7057 Tractor disking
1952-7058 Irrigation ditch before the water begins
1952-7059 Land Surveyor descending hill
1952-7060 Sioux County Honor Roll; plaque with a row of people
1952-7061 Boarding School, Kenel (SD)
1952-7062 Team Pulling wagon
1952-7063 Horse drawn sightseeing vehicle
1952-7064 Horse & wagon
1952-7065 Group
1952-7066 Group
1952-7067 Making crafts
1952-7068 Woman
1952-7069 Woman
1952-7070 – 7072 Sun Dance
1952-7073 Gathering Sticks with bundle on her back (Indian)
1952-7074 Indian home Standing Rock Reservation
1952-7075 People Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7076 Priest
1952-7077 Dancers
1952-7078 Lummi Reservation Puget Sound
1952-7079 Tipi
1952-7080 Underground Coal Mining
1952-7081 River & bank
1952-7082 ice breakup on River
1952-7083 trees in Flood
1952-7084 trees on Riverbank
1952-7085 – 7086 Missouri River
1952-7087 Irrigation
1952-7088 Light beam into sky
1952-7089 Lightning
1952-7090 Sunset
1952-7091 – 7094 Moon
1952-7095 Three men
1952-7096 3 men in front of house
1952-7097 Three men fence
1952-7098 Rock slide
1952-7099 Men wearing ladies hats
1952-7100 ranchers near Bull Head (SD)
1952-7101 Gathering
1952-7102 German Evangelical Church May 9, 1926
1952-7103 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-7104 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7105 – 7017 Monument
1952-7108 Wounded Knee
1952-7109 Funeral
1952-7110 Dr. Aaron McGaffey Beede, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7111 – 7112 Cemetery
1952-7113 Casket
1952-7114 Casket bearers
1952-7115 Flag bearer
1952-7116 Funeral procession
1952-7117 – 7118 Funeral
1952-7119 Van
1952-7120 Trio
1952-7121 Mystery Park
1952-7122 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7123 Lady
1952-7124 Louie Deer
1952-7125 – 7127 Couple
1952-7128 Stanley Field Hall, Field Museum, Chicago (IL)
1952-7129 Cowboys
1952-7130 McLaughlin Fair
1952-7131 Rodeo
1952-7132 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7133 Rodeo
1952-7134 One Calf Walking away
1952-7135 Disking
1952-7136 St. Francis (SD)
1952-7137 Army ambulance
1952-7138 Roosevelt's Cabin, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7139 Piasa
1952-7140 Scarab
1952-7141 Frayne
1952-7142 Costello Camp
1952-7143 Horse travois
1952-7144 Scaffold
1952-7145 Cemetery
1952-7146 – 7155 Milwaukee RR, Tatanka (SD) August 7, 1926
1952-7156 Antelope
1952-7157 Cattle
1952-7158 Dr. and Mrs. Zehner October 23, 1950
1952-7160 Home
1952-7161 Tipi 1903
1952-7163 Indian
1952-7163 Indian
1952-7164 Sun Dance
1952-7165 Riders
1952-7166 Sioux
1952-7167 White Crow
1952-7168 Sitting Bull and wife. Barry photo
1952-7169 Sitting Bull and his family. Barry photo
1952-7172 – 7173 Louise Valandra, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7174 Male wearing hat (copy of painting)
1952-7176 Dr. and Mrs. Fisher July 1946
1952-7177 Indians
1952-7178 Child
1952-7179 Bill Jordan
1952-7179 Jim Wells and Jake Jordan
1952-7180 Men
1952-7182 Woman
1952-7183 Man
1952-7184 Taohezigicha
1952-7185 Red Hand
1952-7185 Nape Lute
1952-7186 W. A. Turner 1894
1952-7187 Indian Police on parade, Fort Yates (ND) May 3, 1897
1952-7188 Couple
1952-7189 Side Saddle
1952-7190 Sack race
1952-7191 Group
1952-7192 Horseback
1952-7193 Camp
1952-7194 Tipi
1952-7195 Tipi Town
1952-7196 Tipi
1952-7197 – 7198 Native Americans
1952-7199 Men
1952-7200 Group
1952-7201 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7202 Gathered
1952-7203 – 7204 Native Americans
1952-7205 Pony
1952-7206 Standing Rock Agency (ND)
1952-7207 Little Eagle (SD)
1952-7208 John Little Crow and First to Fly
1952-7209 Dance, Cheyenne Agency (SD) 1950
1952-7210 Whites & Native Americans
1952-7211 Pow-wow
1952-7212 Dancers
1952-7213 Group
1952-7214 Laborers
1952-7215 – 7218 Building
1952-7219 Concrete foundation
1952-7220 – 7221 Root houses
1952-7222 Prairie
1952-7223 Old Ranch
1952-7224 Kids waiting to go home Boarding School
1952-7225 Little Missouri River
1952-7226 Sioux 1956
1952-7227 William Langer
1952-7228 Shields (ND)
1952-7229 Ford Tri-motor plane 1920
1952-7230 – 7231 Portraits
1952-7232 Y-1 Ranch
1952-7233 Prize Winners, McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7234 Pony
1952-7235 Promise (SD)
1952-7236 Iron Star
1952-7237 – 7238 Rodeo
1952-7239 Chick Hannon
1952-7240 Rodeo
1952-7241 Cowboys
1952-7242 – 7244 Rodeo
1952-7245 – 7246 Horseback rider
1952-7247 Cowboys
1952-7248 Horseback
1952-7249 Man
1952-7250 Native Americans
1952-7251 Cattle
1952-7252 Dakota Rose
1952-7253 – 7254 House
1952-7255 Farmstead
1952-7256 – 7258 House
1952-7259 Farmstead
1952-7260 – 7261 House
1952-7262 Farmstead
1952-7263 Home
1952-7264 Building
1952-7265 Farmstead
1952-7266 Barbeque and slaughtering ca. 1948-1952
1952-7267 Barbeque
1952-7268 Turkey shoot
1952-7269 Wooden bridge
1952-7270 Car approaching bridge
1952-7271 Flood waters
1952-7272 Flood
1952-7273 Spillway
1952-7274 Flood waters
1952-7275 Bridge
1952-7275 Bridge construction ca. 1930-1940
1952-7276 Bridge
1952-7276 – 7277 Bridge opening ceremonies 1920
1952-7278 Big Agency Barn July 12, 1943
1952-7279 Many Stone
1952-7280 Phillips Lord Thrill January 17, 1925
1952-7281 Spillway
1952-7282 Rodeo
1952-7283 Lariat
1952-7284 Pony 1926
1952-7285 Horse Relay
1952-7286 Chariot Race
1952-7287 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7288 Sioux County
1952-7289 Shocks
1952-7290 Hay Stacker
1952-7291 Binder
1952-7292 Mother & Child in Garden McIntosh (SD)
1952-7293 – 7298 Brush
1952-7299 Prairie
1952-7300 Leo Lean Dog and Red Fox, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7301 Group
1952-7302 House
1952-7303 Dr. and Mrs. Rose
1952-7304 Red Tomahawk
1952-7305 Sitting Bull and wife. Barry photo
1952-7306 Crow King
1952-7311 Rain-in-the-Face, Grand River (SD)
1952-7313 House
1952-7314 Tipi
1952-7315 – 7317 World's Fair, St. Louis
1952-7318 Mrs. Nulting
1952-7319 – 7323 World's Fair
1952-7324 Casino
1952-7325 Cheyenne Agency (SD)
1952-7326 Cattle
1952-7327 – 7328 Dipping Cattle
1952-7329 Buildings burned
1952-7330 – 7332 Tree
1952-7333 Prairie
1952-7334 Badlands
1952-7335 Trail
1952-7336 Bear Butte, Sturgis (SD)
1952-7337 Plow
1952-7338 – 7339 Rock
1952-7340 Dance Hall
1952-7341 – 7342 Scaffold
1952-7343 Joseph La Framboise
1952-7344 Jerry Hart, Winona (ND)
1952-7345 General E. S. Godfrey
1952-7346 "Spud" Murphy
1952-7347 Denny Moran, Fort Randall (SD) June 14, 1930
1952-7348 Mary Manning
1952-7349 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7350 – 7351 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7352 Bison
1952-7353 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-7354 Grave
1952-7355 Cemetery 1897
1952-7356 Major McLaughlin in group August 3, 1923
1952-7357 Tombstone
1952-7358 Nelda McLaughlin
1952-7359 Men
1952-7360 Frank Zahn in group
1952-7361 House
1952-7362 Evelyn, Elvina, and Bernice Agard
1952-7363 Mrs. Pamplin
1952-7364 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-7365 Alex Sage
1952-7366 John Grass
1952-7367 John W. Wellington 1882
1952-7368 Francis Zahn
1952-7369 Finney Drug and Capital Book Store, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7370 – 7372 Chateau de Mores, Medora (ND)
1952-7373 Horses
1952-7374 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Red Bull
1952-7375 American Horse
1952-7376 Woman's dress
1952-7377 Oglala Warriors
1952-7378 Greasy Hand
1952-7379 Sioux
1952-7380 – 7382 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7383 Novelty Race
1952-7385 Tribal Council, Fort Yates (ND) ca. 1948-1952
1952-7386 Soldiers
1952-7387 Usher Lloyd Burdick group
1952-7388 – 7389 Badlands
1952-7390 – 7391 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7391 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7392 Harold W. Case
1952-7393 Fort Yates (ND) 1930
1952-7394 Wakpala (SD)
1952-7395 Birds
1952-7396 River
1952-7397 Island
1952-7398 River
1952-7399 Home
1952-7400 – 7401 Flood
1952-7402 – 7404 River
1952-7405 Clouds
1952-7406 River
1952-7407 Rock
1952-7408 Snow
1952-7409 Cannon Ball River
1952-7410 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7411 Bridge over Cannon Ball River, Solen (ND) 1930
1952-7412 School
1952-7413 Group
1952-7414 Parade
1952-7415 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7416 Path Walkers
1952-7417 Group
1952-7418 Francis, (Father)
1952-7419 Parade
1952-7420 Church
1952-7421 Shrine to Mary
1952-7422 – 7423 Group
1952-7424 McLaughlin (SD) June 2, 1946
1952-7425 Silver Jubilee
1952-7426 Group
1952-7427 Father Bruno and Father Hildebrand
1952-7428 Cemetery
1952-7429 Church Service
1952-7430 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7431 Fort Yates (ND) February 22, 1944
1952-7432 Progress of Sioux, Fort Yates (ND) 1932
1952-7433 Memory of Hunkpapa Chiefs July 28, 1934
1952-7434 – 7437 Prairie Fire
1952-7438 – 7439 Bishop Marty
1952-7440 White Buffalo Man
1952-7441 Father Berthold
1952-7442 Abraham Lincoln oil painting by A. RoseTwing
1952-7443 Fort Yates (ND) September 8, 1923
1952-7444 Sitting Bull portrait 188? Barry photo
1952-7445 Sitting Bull portrait 1885. Barry photo
1952-7446 General George Armstrong Custer - Same as A5339
1952-7447 Curley
1952-7448 Fansler,
1952-7449 Fansler, S.T.
1952-7450 White Ghost
1952-7451 C. E. Faris, Little Soldier, John Gates, Frank Zahn, and Swift Hawk December 25, 1937
1952-7452 Frank Fiske
1952-7453 Frank Fiske 1949
1952-7454 Ralph Edwards 1888
1952-7455 Deadwood Dick 1928
1952-7456 Mae Archambault
1952-7457 Frank Zahn
1952-7458 Red Hair
1952-7459 One Bull
1952-7460 Goose's Camp
1952-7461 Galpin, (Major)
1952-7462 Fool Bear September 29, 1904
1952-7463 Irons Horns
1952-7464 Dancing (damaged photo)
1952-7465 Native Americans (damaged photo)
1952-7466 Crow Scout, Captain Belk, and I. P. Baker
1952-7468 F. Y. Batchelor
1952-7469 White Crow
1952-7470 Man
1952-7471 – 7473 Scaffold Burial
1952-7474 – 7475 Fiske Studio, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7476 Buffalo
1952-7477 Forest City (SD) and Cheyenne Agency Bridge 1950
1952-7478 Mankato (MN)
1952-7479 William Owen
1952-7480 Office Building; Cheyenne Agency (SD)
1952-7481 Group - Stereo
1952-7482 Fort Laramie - Stereo 1868
1952-7483 – 7484 Group - Stereo
1952-7485 Starting Homeward from Warm Springs Canon - Stereo
1952-7486 Harney Sanborn, Stereo
1952-7487 Buffalo
1952-7488 War Eagle
1952-7489 Deadwood (SD)
1952-7490 Black Hills
1952-7491 – 7492 Lead (SD)
1952-7493 Little Eagle (SD)
1952-7494 Rattle Snakes
1952-7495 Fiddler (Old)
1952-7496 I. P. Baker, General Hugh Scott, and Alexander McKenzie
1952-7497 Plowing
1952-7498 $75,000 fire, Linton (ND) August 14, 1917
1952-7499 Bicycles
1952-7500 White Eagle, Dick
1952-7501 Roasted meat
1952-7502 Airplane
1952-7503 Fort Yates (ND) February 7, 1910
1952-7504 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7505 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7506 Milwaukee RR Cars
1952-7506 Native Americans
1952-7508 Northern Pacific Bridge, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7509 Johnson Dauchy Carey Co.
1952-7510 Railroad Track
1952-7511 – 7512 Road
1952-7513 Cartoon
1952-7514 Wagon
1952-7515 Horse Buggy
1952-7516 Wagon
1952-7517 Father Bernard
1952-7518 Road equipment
1952-7519 – 7520 Wagon
1952-7521 Sleigh
1952-7522 Tractor
1952-7523 – 7526 Auto
1952-7527 Standing Rock Monument, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7528 Baseball
1952-7529 Baseball, Fort Yates (ND) 1917
1952-7530 Storm
1952-7531 Home
1952-7532 Standing Rock Monument, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7533 Laundromat
1952-7534 Hunting
1952-7535 Bobcat
1952-7536 Pheasants & hunters
1952-7537 Washburn Landing
1952-7538 – 7539 Steamboat
1952-7540 Washburn steamboat
1952-7541 Steamboat
1952-7542 Washburn
1952-7543 Washburn steamboat
1952-7543 Weston
1952-7543 Expansion
1952-7544 Steamer
1952-7545 Benton
1952-7545 Frayne
1952-7546 Steamer
1952-7547 Gros Ventre
1952-7548 Resort
1952-7549 Boat
1952-7550 Washburn steamboat
1952-7551 Steamer
1952-7552 Barge
1952-7553 Band, Linton (ND)
1952-7554 Custer Battlefield Cemetery
1952-7555 Band
1952-7556 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7557 Fort Meade
1952-7558 – 7561 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7562 Fort Rice (ND)
1952-7563 – 7564 World War I soldiers
1952-7564 Playing Shimmy
1952-7566 Horse
1952-7567 Wakpala (SD)
1952-7567 McLaughlin Store
1952-7569 Shield (ND)
1952-7569 Shields (ND)
1952-7570 – 7575 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7576 Fort Rice (old)
1952-7577 Wagon
1952-7578 Wagon
1952-7579 – 7582 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7586 – 7588 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7589 World War I soldiers
1952-7590 Porcupine sub Agency 1950
1952-7591 Forest City (SD) 1928
1952-7592 Chamberlain (SD)
1952-7593 Bull Head (SD)
1952-7594 Chamberlain (SD)
1952-7595 Chamberlain (SD)
1952-7596 Bull Head (SD) July 3, 1935
1952-7597 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7598 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7599 Fort Yates (ND) group: Mrs. Henry Gayton, Mrs. Ehnike, Mrs. Clifford, Mr. Morrison, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Alstrom, Miss Mortenson, Bill Lemmons, Mr. Walters
1952-7600 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7601 Country School
1952-7602 Fort Yates (ND) group: Ambrose Dog Eagle, Clementine Spotted Horse, Margaret Walker, Minnie Earth Eagle, Frank Shooter; Back: George Archambault, Marie Antelope, Jennie Four Swords, Ed Vermillion, Charles Snow 1930
1952-7603 Medora (ND)
1952-7604 First National Bank
1952-7605 Cream Station near depot, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7606 Roof tops
1952-7607 Standing Rock Hotel
1952-7608 World War I soldiers
1952-7609 Joseph Chapman
1952-7610 – 7611 Father De Smet
1952-7611 Father De Smet
1952-7612 Frank Waggoner
1952-7613 Frieda Otiker
1952-7615 Horses 1909
1952-7616 Men
1952-7616 Decorated Table
1952-7618 Street Scene
1952-7619 Rider
1952-7620 Unidentified
1952-7621 Horse
1952-7622 Women
1952-7623 Group
1952-7624 Joe Claymore
1952-7625 Frank Fiske
1952-7626 Major and Mrs. Carignan November 12, 1903
1952-7627 Tug of War
1952-7628 Cannon Ball
1952-7629 Men
1952-7631 Homesteaders shack
1952-7632 Parkin Ranch August 15, 1889
1952-7633 Standing Rock Band
1952-7634 Indian School girls knitting, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7635 Theodore Roosevelt, (MN) 1910
1952-7636 Theodore Roosevelt at Minnesota State Fair 1910
1952-7637 Baldwin, Richard
1952-7638 Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
1952-7639 Charles Roos
1952-7640 Charles McLaughlin
1952-7641 Jean Witzleben
1952-7642 Captain Belk
1952-7643 Henry Azure
1952-7644 I. Krois 1936
1952-7644 Aaron McGaffey Beede 1936
1952-7645 I. Krois
1952-7645 Aaron McGaffey Beede
1952-7646 US Army Portrait
1952-7647 Father Francis
1952-7648 Father Bernard
1952-7649 Outdoor Mass
1952-7650 Church Convention 1908
1952-7651 White Bull
1952-7652 Grass,
1952-7653 Red Tomahawk
1952-7653 Black Bull
1952-7653 Aaron Wells
1952-7654 Red Fish
1952-7654 Four Claws
1952-7654 Sharp Horn Bull
1952-7655 No Heart
1952-7656 Black Tongue, Rose
1952-7657 Fire Heart, Kenel (SD)
1952-7658 Mr. and Mrs. One Bull
1952-7658 Maude Carignan
1952-7659 White End of Horn
1952-7660 Mule Skinner
1952-7660 Weasel Bear
1952-7661 Red Tomahawk
1952-7662 Red Fox
1952-7663 One Bull
1952-7663 Harry Pougue
1952-7664 Mr. and Mrs. Grey Bull
1952-7665 Bloody Knife
1952-7666 Mrs. Joe Brought Plenty
1952-7667 Mrs. Sibley Fly
1952-7668 Kathleen R. Davies
1952-7669 Bull Head, Jim /M
1952-7674 Clara Archambault
1952-7675 Riders
1952-7676 Young Man Afraid of His Horses, William Garnett, Captain Sword, Standing Soldier, and Dr. McGillycuddy 1883
1952-7677 – 7679 Native American Chief
1952-7681 – 7683 Native American women
1952-7684 – 7686 Native American riders
1952-7687 Native American group
1952-7688 Pow-wow
1952-7689 Dancers
1952-7690 Native American
1952-7690 Native American Police
1952-7691 Standing Rock Agency
1952-7691 Joe Menz
1952-7691 Gayton,
1952-7691 Thomas Reedy
1952-7691 Ben White
1952-7692 Native American Convention September 5, 1891
1952-7693 Major James McLaughlin
1952-7694 Selfridge Bar 1949
1952-7695 Francine Lawrence, Fort Yates (ND) 1949
1952-7696 – 7697 Native American women
1952-7698 Native American
1952-7699 Baseball game
1952-7700 – 7704 Boarding School children
1952-7705 Children
1952-7706 Native American Police
1952-7707 Tipi Camp
1952-7708 Little Eagle Dam 1903
1952-7709 – 7711 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7712 – 7713 Soldier
1952-7714 Military reapers
1952-7715 – 7716 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7717 Sister Grace
1952-7718 Dr. Charles Ross Robertson
1952-7719 Boneyards
1952-7720 Native American
1952-7721 Sitting Bull's grave
1952-7722 Sitting Bull's battleground
1952-7724 Quilt Exhibit 1931
1952-7725 Celebration
1952-7726 Pollock Band July 4, 1911
1952-7727 Parade
1952-7728 Horse & Buggy
1952-7729 Wagon
1952-7730 Jack Carignan
1952-7730 Mrs. One Bull
1952-7731 Riders
1952-7732 Man
1952-7733 – 7734 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7735 – 7736 McLaughlin (SD)
1952-7737 Men
1952-7738 Train depot, Bismarck (ND)
1952-7739 Locomotive
1952-7740 Railroad passenger car
1952-7741 Fiske; canoe
1952-7742 Rowing
1952-7743 Steamer
1952-7744 Steamer F. Y. Batchelor 1902
1952-7745 Peerless
1952-7746 World's Fair
1952-7747 Silver Butler Set
1952-7748 Fansler/Fiske Studio
1952-7749 – 7751 Butler Studio
1952-7752 Garden Produce
1952-7753 Garden
1952-7754 Rock Wall
1952-7755 Sheep flock
1952-7756 Blowing Tree
1952-7757 Building
1952-7758 House
1952-7759 Rural Scene
1952-7760 Badlands
1952-7761 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7762 Steam Shovel Camp May 9, 1910
1952-7763 David F. Barry
1952-7763 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-7764 Kezewin 1906
1952-7765 John Grass
1952-7766 Rain-in-the-Face
1952-7767 No Heart
1952-7768 Rachel Standing Soldier
1952-7769 Throwing Stick. Barry photo
1952-7770 Sitting Bull capture and death 1890. Kurz & Allison painting
1952-7772 Agency School
1952-7773 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7774 Native American Camp
1952-7775 – 7776 Gathering 1911
1952-7777 Tipi 1911
1952-7778 Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7779 George Halsey
1952-7780 Fort Yates (ND) Nellie Schachhist, Bertha White Mountain, Erma Courzroyer, Ada Eudnes, Mary Smith, Isadore Little, Cecile Ame, Mary King, Sam King Katie Meriz, Benedicta Ramsey Black Fox, Sall Lapomboise, Emma Hourigan, Emma Murphy, Rose Murphy, Agnes Murphy-Flying Earth
1952-7781 Band, Carlisle (ND)
1952-7782 Standing Rock Reservation
1952-7783 Standing Rock Reservation Agency September 5, 1908
1952-7784 Ben White
1952-7785 Dr. Luther Zehner October 23, 1950
1952-7786 Dr. and Mrs. Luther Zehner
1952-7787 Men
1952-7788 – 7789 Carignan Store, Fort Yates (ND)
1952-7790 Man
1952-7791 Masquerade Party January 10, 1913
1952-7792 Group
1952-7793 Picnicking
1952-7794 James Harvard
1952-7795 Cannon Ball meeting
1952-7796 Judge Burke and group
1952-7797 Children
1952-7798 Laura Fiske and group
1952-7799 Teachers Institute September 1903
1952-7800 Fern Andree Fansler 1904
1952-7801 John Stiles
1952-7802 Ragtime Revival July 9, 1903
1952-7803 E. C. Witzleben
1952-7804 Ben White and Jack McLaughlin
1952-7805 Joe Primeau, Major James McLaughlin and group
1952-7806 Charles Primeau, James McLaughlin and group
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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