SHSND Home Archives Genealogy Census Records Indian Census for ND Reservations
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Archives - Census Records - Indian Census for ND Reservations

Microfilmed copies are from the original census schedules, which are records of the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. Reservation censuses for enrollment purposes were taken yearly on most reservations and are divided into the principal tribal groups within each reservation. These censuses record persons enrolled on the Fort Berthold, Fort Totten, Standing Rock and Turtle Mountain Reservations. The Fort Totten and Turtle Mountain Reservation combined listings until 1905. Prior to 1912, the census provides the Indian name, English name (if given), enrollment number for every individual enrolled in the tribe, sex, age, and relationship to head of household. Records from 1913 to 1928 also show the date of birth by year. In 1929, the records were expanded to include allotment or annuity identification numbers, degree of blood, and marital condition. After 1930, respondents were required to give their tribal affiliation and residence if outside of enrollment jurisdiction. Search requests must provide the name of the individual, location by reservation at the time of the census, tribal affiliation, and year required for search.

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